Peat is formed from the remains of what organisms. How and from what is peat formed? Where is it applied? There are three types of peat: high, transitional and lowland.

Vakhrushev 3rd grade part 1. Workbook

Read the text "How peat is formed" on page 52 of the textbook. Complete the tasks.

1. What is peat formed from? Choose only one answer and mark it.

From the dead remains of flowering plants.
From the dead remains of marsh animals.
From the dead remains of sphagnum moss.
From the dead remains of the destroyers.

2. Why is peat formed in swamps? Choose only one answer and mark it.

Because the swamps are very rich vegetation.
Because only in swamps do destroyers live in water.
Because only in swamps in the soil is the temperature lower than in the air.
Because in the wet swamp soil there is no oxygen and destroyers cannot live.

3. Why are there so few destroyers in the swamp? Choose only one answer and mark it.

There is too much oxygen under the moss layer.
Destroyers do not live in water.
The swamp is humid and therefore there is little oxygen.
Sphagnum kills germs.

4. How do people use peat? Choose only one answer and mark it.

as a building material.
For making fabrics.
as a fuel.
For livestock food.

5. Write, from the dead remains of which living organisms peat is formed.


6. Which sentence best helps to understand the main idea of ​​the text? Choose only one answer and mark it.

Therefore, the dead remains are not destroyed, but gradually become compacted and turn into peat.
Over time, the peat layer becomes thicker, and the swamp becomes drier.
Putting your hand under the moss, you will immediately feel cold even on a hot day.
Many years will pass, and meadow plants may appear here: buttercups, chamomiles, bluebells, sorrel.

7. What did the author mainly want to say? Choose only one answer and mark it.

On the features of peat formation.
On the conditions of life in the swamp.
About swamp destroyers.
On the causes of death of moss.

8. If there was another paragraph in the text, what would it be about?

9. Which of the headings more accurately reflects the content of the text? Choose only one answer and mark it

Use of fuel by people.
Where does sphagnum live?
Fuel from the swamp.
What is formed in the place of the swamp?

10. What did you find most interesting in this text? Why are you interested?

I was very interested to learn about peat: how it appears in the swamp and how people use it. And it’s also very cool that thanks to peat, the swamp can eventually turn into a flowering meadow.

Almost everyone knows that peat is a decomposed substance of the remains of animals and plants, which contains various minerals, but few people know how peat is formed. Let's try to understand this issue.

What is peat?

This element is a mineral that has combustible properties. It is formed as a result of the decomposition of animals and marsh plants (mainly) in conditions of lack of oxygen and high humidity. At the same time, certain biochemical processes also take place.

Considering how peat is formed, many scientists consider it to be a precursor to coal. Of course, there are specific differences between the two materials. In particular, peat in its original form has more than 50% organic compounds in relation to the dry mass. It differs from it by a higher content of moisture, plant residues, hemicelluloses, sugars and cellulose.

You can find this product on the surface of the earth or at a depth of 10 meters from the cover of mineral deposits. It is worth noting that many confuse it with soil, but these are completely different elements. Peat differs from soil in the content of organic matter. Therefore, it is a fairly useful mineral that can either be on the surface of the soil or lie at a depth. Yes, it is made up of plant remains and can be considered a precursor to coal.

What is peat made from?

It is known that this product consists of mineral and organic particles, as well as not completely decomposed herbaceous plants. It may contain branches of trees, roots of shrubs, moss, bark. All this serves as a "raw material" for the formation of peat.

The very process of its appearance is based on complex biochemical processes - the decomposition of plant remains. Microorganisms (fungi, bacteria) take part in their decomposition. Their activity during decomposition is very intensive, and it is thanks to them that the rapid decay of the structure of plants and the leaching of phytomass are possible. This is how the peat layer in the soil is formed.

It is known that the most active phase of decomposition of plant residues occurs in spring and summer, although the rate of decomposition also largely depends on the composition of the plants themselves and the acid-base environment in which this process occurs.

About 30% of the initial mass of plants becomes pure peat, the rest is converted into minerals, they subsequently flow out with internal water flows or evaporate into the atmosphere. Now you know how peat is formed.

Peat bogs

Note that a large amount of this material is at the bottom of the swamps. The fact is that swamps can be covered with moss - sphagnum, which is one of the many elements of "raw materials". Peat is formed from sphagnum as a result of dying off and settling to the bottom of the latter. Also, the underwater parts of plants die off and also fall. As a result, a large amount of plant remains accumulate there. Given that there is very little oxygen in water, the decomposition process takes a long time. Within a thousand years, peat can form from the remains of dead plants at the bottom of the swamp.

Note that the swamp ecosystem is explained to children in the 3rd grade. How peat is formed is one of the topics of this section. It is not necessary to understand all the subtleties of the biochemical process of the formation of this material. It is enough to know that it is a product of decay of dead plants.

Application in agriculture

Previously, peat was used in thermal and power plants, but the discovery of large deposits of coal and gas overshadowed this material. Today it is actively used in agriculture for:

  1. Creation of effective fertilizers and growth stimulators.
  2. Making tablets for seedlings.
  3. Creation of fertile soils.
  4. Creation of covering material for the winter.

Considering what peat is made of, it is not surprising that its main use is to create fertilizers. And although it is possible to use it as a fuel in power plants, this has long been abandoned.

Other areas

Also, the material can be used as an adsorbent in case of water pollution. In medicine, it is used to create therapeutic mud baths and even to obtain medicines. Medical ethyl alcohol, furfural, oxalic acid and other substances are obtained with its help.

Fuel briquettes are also made from the material, which are used to heat the house. Its application is also possible in the field of construction, in particular in the construction of road embankments. When erecting buildings for special purposes, peat insulation boards and peat panels can be used.

This material can also be refined by dry distillation in special peat coking ovens. The distillation yields peat coke and by-products in the form of tars. They can serve as valuable raw materials for further processing. In particular, wax, phenols, paraffins and even acetic acid can be obtained.

Now you know how peat is formed and used, but these are far from all areas of its application. It can even be used as a packaging material. If processed to a powder state, then it will become an excellent "package" for storing and transporting vegetables.


Considering what peat is formed from, we can conclude that it is a renewable energy source and a valuable material for agriculture. Many countries extract and use it at an industrial level. They study it in detail and come up with new ways to use the material.

The annual growth of plants in swamps and their death leads to the accumulation and incomplete decay of all this phytomass, moreover, this whole process occurs with insufficient oxygen access and excessive moisture, in fact, this is all that what makes peat. Dead plants in the first stages undergo biochemical decomposition, that is, there is a significant loss in weight during the intensive work of microorganisms. This decomposition process ends at a depth of 20 to 90 centimeters - in the peat layer. The process of decomposition of plant residues under the influence of soil organisms and microorganisms, fungi and bacteria, as well as invertebrates, usually occurs in the warm season, at a low level of groundwater.

Of course, the degree and rate of biomass decomposition directly depends on the type of plants and their chemical composition, namely, the content of nitrogen, protein, calcium, water-soluble organic compounds, and easily hydrolysable carbohydrates. Moreover, the degree of biomass decomposition is affected by the acidity of the environment, climatic conditions, air saturation and water saturation of the peat layer, in addition, the composition of minerals is also a component of all the biomass from which it is formed. By the way, only from 8 to 33 percent of all this explosive mixture turns into peat. But the remaining 92-67 percent of the biomass decomposes to complete mineralization and is absorbed by growing plants and volatilizes into the atmosphere, or is washed out by a stream of water.

That small percentage of already formed peat is buried in the form of accumulating phytomass and is gradually removed from the peat layer, being isolated from the air. The decomposition of plant residues no longer occurs in it, and it retains its chemical and physical properties for thousands of years. Of course, it is difficult to assume the average rate of peat accumulation, because it depends on plant groups, climatic and geographical zonality. When the earth's crust sinks, peat is buried under new sediments, which leads to its compaction and change, that is, the formed peat turns into brown coal, and then into hard coal.

If you, after reading the top three paragraphs, still do not understand, what is formed from peat, then read the experts' data: peat is a special species that is formed from the remains of marsh plants in conditions of high humidity and lack of oxygen. Peat is a special type of fossil fuel that is formed naturally, namely, by nature itself, and it differs from ordinary soil in a large number of organic compounds.

There are several different types of peat, each type differs in the composition and type of plants from which it is formed, as well as in the conditions of their decomposition. For example, lowland and transitional peat is formed from rotted woody and herbaceous plants, such as alder, sedge, green moss and other plants growing in a swampy place. You can’t even imagine what high-moor peat is made of! It contains in its composition the remains of a fragrant marshy flower of wild rosemary, cotton grass and sphagnum mosses, as well as a little.

High peat has high acidity and low ash content, while lowland and transitional peat have the opposite, high ash content and slightly acid reaction of the medium. The degree of decomposition of peat is determined by the amount of decomposition products. Specialists distinguish between highly decomposed, where 35 percent are in the period of decay, medium decomposed from 20 percent and slightly decomposed about 20. Thus, what makes peat You know, now it will not be superfluous to find out where it is applied.

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Peat has long been used by people as a combustible material and as a fertilizer. It forms in places with stagnant water or where there is a weak current. For many years, the remains of dead plants and animals, as a result of humification and mineralization, are layered in layers, forming a layer of biomass in wetlands. The surface aerated bog layer is called the peat horizon; the process of peat formation continuously takes place in it.

Stages of decomposition of plant organisms

The process of growth and death of vegetation occurs regularly, according to the periodicity of the season. At the first stage, dead vegetation is significantly reduced in mass. In the future, with the active activity of soil organisms, invertebrates, microorganisms, fungi and bacteria, it undergoes intensive decomposition. The rate and degree of decomposition of organisms into elements depends on climatic conditions, the acidity of the environment of the peat horizon, the access of air, moisture, the type of vegetation and its chemical composition, that is, on the quantitative content of calcium, nitrogen, proteins, carbohydrates and other water-soluble organic compounds in it. The process of humification and mineralization mainly occurs at positive climatic temperatures. The vast majority of the biomass is completely mineralized and serves as a nutrient material for new plants. Part of the minerals dissolves in water and air, only a small percentage from 10 to 30% is converted into peat. A new layer of plant and animal sediments covers the previous layer, isolating it from external influences. Air access stops, the decomposition process stops, and the resulting layer of peat retains all chemical and physical properties for centuries. Under the pressure of perennial growing layers, peat gradually turns into brown coal, and as a result - into stone.

Peat is a special type of fossil formed by nature itself in places with a high percentage of moisture and a lack of oxygen. It differs from ordinary soil in its fibrous structure and a high percentage of organic compounds.

Do not confuse peat with black soil and soil. The soil is an artificially composed mixture of various substrates. Chernozem is a natural product with a high content of potassium and other components of non-marsh origin. Peat is obtained from marsh vegetation, incompletely decomposed. It is acidic, this must be taken into account when preparing the soil for growing garden products. Peat in the form of fertilizer, suitable for indoor plants in closed ground, but only after three years of weathering.

There are three types of peat: high, transitional and lowland.

Horse is a layer of peat with components that have not yet decomposed. Transitional layer - intermediate between the upper and lowland layers, where the remains of organisms are found. The lowland layer is a completely decomposed homogeneous mass. The first two layers are highly acidic. It is not recommended to use them in their pure form for fertilizer.

As a fertilizer, only the transitional and low-lying layers of peat are used. Horse is used for mulching plants as a shelter for the winter. When working with peat, it is necessary to take into account the structure of the soil of the site. Peat should not be applied to heavy acidic soils. Good yield results are obtained by combining peat with other fertilizers.