The face of a liar. How to recognize a lie? How to identify lies when communicating non-verbally

Lies have long been an integral part of every person's life. When telling a lie, people can be guided by different motives: deception can be purposeful, focused on humiliating a person, or it can be unintentional, to save relationships between people.

In this article, we will consider not so much the causes of lies as its signs. You will learn how to activate your inner "lie detector", which will help you to know by the facial expressions of a person and by his gestures he is lying or telling the truth.

The face is the mirror of the soul.
Mark Tullius Cicero

How to recognize a lie by facial expressions?

Of course, you can use such a device as a lie detector, but this is a very expensive device, which, moreover, is quite bulky. Researchers have identified other ways to determine lies.

According to psychologists, a person who wants to deceive tries his best to pass off a lie as the truth. At the same time, the lie is accompanied by certain gestures, body movements, specific intonation.

There are no absolutely identical people. Everyone has a different outlook, everyone feels differently. People lie differently too. However, there is a whole range of signs, according to which we can conclude that in front of you is a liar.

Symmetry and lies

A person tenses up when he lies. And, despite the fact that he is trying hard to hide it, it does not always work out. In addition, the deceiver loses self-control. The tension is noticeable, you only need to observe the left side of the person's body.

You ask - why behind the left?

  • The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for human emotions and imagination.
  • The left hemisphere is responsible for the mind and speech.
From this we conclude that the left side is controlled somewhat weaker. However, both hemispheres maintain close contact with each other. What we want to demonstrate to others will appear on the right side, our feelings will be clearly visible on the left side.

What do the emotions and facial expressions on the face of a liar say?

  1. When a person cheats, the sides of his body are not the same. For example, your opponent is actively gesturing with his left hand, but his right hand is not moving. This says one thing: the person is telling a lie. The brain thinks through lies while the body is out of sync.
  2. Perhaps even more information is displayed on our face that a person is lying. Asymmetry indicates a lie. Deceivers rub either their lower or upper lip, and may cough while covering their mouths with their hands.
  3. Lies tend to stress a person. When a person cheats, his complexion changes, his eyelids begin to twitch, and the frequency of blinking increases. The fact is that a person has a desire to close his eyes to everything that happens. By rubbing parts of the body, the brain wants to block the untruth. A slight squint indicates discontent.
  4. Most believe that shifty eyes speak of a person's deceit. But much more often it is the one who keeps looking into the eyes that turns out to be a deceiver.
  5. As a rule, rubbing gestures indicate dishonesty. Psychologists say that a deceiver who is worried pulls the collar of his clothes or simply rubs his neck.
  6. A person is given out by the position in which he sits or stands during a conversation. A self-possessed person can control himself, but he can give himself away by leaning back. The deceiver cannot find a comfortable position, this indicates that this situation is unpleasant for him.
  7. The liar is nervous and uncomfortable, which affects the speed of speech. Some deceivers speak more slowly than under normal circumstances, others pick up the pace.

Video: How to know if a person is telling the truth?

How to recognize lies by gestures?

Every average person in ordinary life is inclined to pretend, put on different masks, each time changing his role. Some of us are more sincere, and change only in a formal setting. And someone is already used to lying (and does it more regularly than he eats). However, do not think that no one will detect a lie. This fact is immediately visible in the non-verbal language of the human body.

There are people who intuitively feel that they are being deceived. But, not every one of us can easily catch the dissonance between words and gestures. How can you guess what a person is really thinking? And is it possible to detect a liar?

Of course you can. And you even need! It was reading the language of gestures and facial expressions that he devoted his famous book “Body Language. How to read the minds of others by their gestures "famous Australian writer. Being quite young, he has already managed to earn his first million. Including, and thanks to his ability to read non-verbal language.

What are the main gestures and body movements that indicate that the interlocutor is telling a lie?

Step back

If your colleague, during a conversation with you, leaned back with his whole body or only his head, or perhaps began to stagnate at the moment when you asked him a question, then this indicates that he does not want to answer at all. And if so, then he is quite capable of lying to you.

Touching the face

Gestures associated with touching one's face, as a rule, inform us that a person is telling a lie. This gesture is very typical for babies who, having uttered a lie, cover their mouths very quickly, sometimes crossing their fingers in their hands. Less noticeable gestures are also characteristic of adults who already have self-control, hands strongly betray a person.

However, not all gestures associated with touching the face speak of a person's deceit. After all, sneezing, yawning and coughing, we also touch the face. And this fact does not mean at all that a person is lying at this time.

If the gate presses

Observant people have long noticed that liars who are afraid that their lies will be discovered, and trembling at the possibility of exposure, begin to fiddle with the clasp of the collar, bulge the collar of the suit, or simply touch their neck in some way.

Such actions related to the neck, as well as periodic patting on it, may also indicate that the person forgot to fulfill what he promised you, and is now trying to find an excuse for himself.

exaggeration of emotions

During a conversation, the face of a mentally healthy person always expresses any emotions, feelings. A face that does not express anything at all is extremely rare. A person who tells a lie has a face that is too lively in showing his feelings.

The artificiality of emotions, among other things, is complemented by overly expressive gestures. The whole face is playing, but not really playing. And everyone can notice such unnaturalness of the interlocutor.

At a pace

Feeling "out of place" can have an impact on the speed of the speaker's speech. Only the rate of speech in some slows down, while in others it increases sharply. In addition, the intonation of the voice may change: for example, the deceiver may speak in a higher voice or, on the contrary, a slightly lower, coughing one.

It is also worth paying attention to the volume of the voice at the end of the spoken phrase. The liar begins to speak too loudly, or, conversely, too quietly.

How to bring a liar to clean water and avoid mistakes in your conclusions?

In order not to be mistaken, you need to study "body language" not only with respect to gestures that clearly say that a person is lying. In addition, you need to know what body movements are characteristic of a person experiencing fear, boredom, self-doubt, delight, etc.

It is not worth drawing rash conclusions based on any of the above gestures until you evaluate the behavior of a person as a whole.

It is important to note that being overly partial to a person we dislike is often overly subjective. Therefore, all his gestures can be interpreted in a negative direction towards him.

Important notes:

  • It is much easier to analyze a person's behavior if you have interacted with him repeatedly. If something has changed in his behavior, it will be immediately noticeable, although not always. It happens that at the first glance at a person, discrepancies in body movements and words are already noticeable.
  • In nature, sometimes there are such skillful liars with the highest self-control that it is almost impossible to figure them out.

The spoken word was, and yes, and no, but the written one lives forever

During various studies of non-verbal language of communication, scientists concluded that most often people lie to each other over the phone, followed by the statistics of evil eye to eye conversations. And least of all people lie to each other in writing. After all, what is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an ax.

SUMMARY: 30 main signs of a lie

We all want to be able to distinguish lies from the truth. After all, so often we become victims of deception when we did not expect it at all. It's so embarrassing! Do not fall for this hook again - liars can be recognized, they give themselves away! Your weapon is knowledge.

We have compiled for you in one list the 30 main signs of a lie. Be sure to read them and remember, everyone needs to know them.

Important clarification:
One of these signs is not enough to accuse a person of lying. Therefore, to be sure, you must detect at least a few signs at once.
And, if you see in a person 5 or more of the signs listed below, then this is already a serious signal that he is deceiving you.

  1. The easiest way to test a person for the truth is to ask him a question, for example: “Did you do this?” and if he clearly answers "no", then most likely he is telling the truth. And if he answers vaguely “How could you think that I did this”, “Do you think that I am capable of this?” - such answers are more likely to indicate a lie of the interlocutor.
  2. The next favorite technique of liars is to laugh off the question. You ask him an uncomfortable question that he doesn't want to answer, and so he gets off with a joke.
  3. Liars love to emphasize their exceptional honesty: they will constantly say the phrases “I swear to you”, “I give you a hand to cut off”, “But it's true, because I never deceived you!”, Etc.
  4. Eye contact. In normal communication, people, on average, maintain eye contact for 2/3 of the entire time of communication. But when a person is lying, then most likely, he will look at you much less often.
  5. The desire to inspire sympathy and sympathy. For example, he will say: “I have a wife and children”, “I have”, or “I am the same as you, I understand you too” ...
  6. Answering a question with a question. You ask him, but he does not want to answer specifically and asks counter questions. " You did it? - Why are you asking?".
  7. The next sign of a liar is that he may refuse to answer for no apparent reason. It would seem that the question is harmless, but he just "stops" and refuses to talk to you.
  8. "Slowed down" emotions. It is normal when a person is informed of some shocking news and he reacts to it with his emotions instantly. But if the liar knew about this in advance, then, of course, he will not succeed in playing emotions plausible. Therefore, pay attention to if his emotional reaction does not follow instantly, but with a delay of a few seconds.

    For example, he stole money from you and you suspect that it could be him. You say: “Imagine, my money was stolen!”. And only after 2-3 seconds he will portray an amazing grimace, because it just took time to figure out what to do. A normal person would react instantly.

  9. The next way to distinguish fake emotions is to draw attention to their delay. If the emotions are artificial and played, then they will very often last more than five seconds. The fact is that in real life human emotions are replaced very quickly, but if a person pretends and builds himself surprised, then this will last quite a long time.
  10. "Dry Sip". Liars have a very dry throat and take a very noticeable sip. You can even watch their Adam's apple move. Therefore, if a person during a conversation often swallows and coughs, then this means that he is very worried, that he will be cut off.
  11. Asymmetry of facial expressions. In a normal person in a calm state, facial expressions are always symmetrical. That is, if we smile, we smile the same way on both sides. But when you observe that in a person one of the parties acts more strongly than the other, then most likely this emotion is simulated.
  12. Frequent repetition of the question you asked. When a person is honest, he constantly uses different word forms. But when a person lies, he will most likely repeat your question and your phrases and words.
  13. Changing the rate of speech. For example, he spoke normally, and then abruptly slowed down. Also, a sign of a lie is the so-called hitch during a conversation.
  14. Hostile tone. The interlocutor answers very rudely and inadequately: “I don’t have to answer you!”, “I don’t want to talk to you!”, “I will not answer in this tone!” - this is all an attempt to get away from an uncomfortable question.
  15. The liar restrains himself with answers to questions: he is forced to control himself so as not to lift up the excess.
  16. If before the answer the opponent always waits a few seconds to think, then most likely he just thought about how to get out of this situation and lie believable.
  17. "Running" eyes- a classic sign of a lie. The person seems to explore the whole room around.
  18. You are often asked to "clarify" a question. This is nothing more than the same attempt to win time to think about further actions.
  19. Masking the essence of the answer with a mass of information not related to the question. Roughly speaking, asking about Foma, you get a detailed answer about the “Yerema”.
  20. As a rule, a liar cannot give a detailed explanation and avoids communication of details. And if you delve into the details, then he will generally begin to get confused in them.
  21. If at first the interlocutor answered questions, but suddenly he disappeared all desire to speak, it means that he was just tired of lying.
  22. One of the favorite attempts of liars is to move on to another topic.
  23. Another sign of lies is that the liar will counteract your attempt to get to the very essence of the problem. You will just feel that he does not want you to get to the bottom of the truth.
  24. How the person moves towards you. If a person is honest and does not hide anything, then on a subconscious level, he will move closer and closer to you. And if the opponent is lying, he understands this and is afraid to be disclosed, then on the contrary, he moves somewhat from you, thereby trying to get away from the problem situation as soon as possible.
  25. Attempts to inflict direct insult. This indicates a VERY nervous state.
  26. Stepping from foot to foot will also indicate a person's lies.
  27. Covers face, forehead or neck with palm.
  28. It scratches the nose or earlobe.
  29. The appearance of trembling in the voice. Perhaps even the appearance of stuttering, if it was not there before.
  30. If your interlocutor is lying, then often a slight smile appears on his face, and this smile has 2 reasons:
    A way to relieve stress.
    Masking true emotions.

Many people lie, keep silent, embellish reality and smooth out unpleasant moments with the help of not entirely truthful words. Such is psychology. For some, a lie is an unchanging and familiar companion of life, a convenient tool for manipulating people. Someone, having deceived, feels guilty and repents.

How to recognize a lie by the eyes, facial expressions, gestures and behavior of a person? In fact, it is not difficult if you are observant and learn to track the signs of behavior characteristic of liars.

Looks don't deceive

It is not for nothing that the eyes are called the mirror of the soul. According to them, you can determine the psychological mood of a person and understand whether he is telling the truth in this moment. When you doubt the information that your interlocutor gives out, follow his gaze. It is more likely that you are being lied to if the following occurs:

  • a person avoids direct eye contact, constantly looks away, pretends to be looking at interior items or “digging” in a mobile phone;
  • the interlocutor blinks frequently and quickly;
  • before answering, he raises his eyes and looks to the right (in psychology, this involuntary movement of the eyes is considered a clear sign of a lie).

Sometimes it is worth paying attention to the state of the pupils of the interlocutor at the time when he tells you about something, and you doubt his veracity. If they are slightly expanded, then the person is most likely telling the truth. He is relaxed, immersed in memories and passionate about his storytelling. Constricted pupils with "running" eyes indicate internal discomfort and fear of being caught in a lie.

Verified reception. Let the supposed liar start telling you a story, even if you don't believe it. Listen calmly, echo from time to time and maintain a slightly absent look. Let him feel that he has already tricked you and relax. As soon as this happens, quickly ask a question clarifying some detail, catch a glance and look closely into the eyes. If a person demonstrates all the signs listed above, then at least he is keeping something back!

An honest interlocutor will react something like this:

  • will answer the question, but will be slightly surprised that he was interrupted;
  • admits that he did not remember such details and smiles.

At the same time, his gaze will be calm and fixed on you.

Smile or disgust?

There are other ways to recognize a lie by facial expressions, because each emotion is accompanied by a certain facial expression. Even trying to hide true feelings, an ordinary person will not be able to fully control all reactions. In psychology, a method is widely used that prescribes paying attention to subtle changes in the face of the interlocutor before he answers the "dangerous" question.

  • The lips tighten for a moment, and the corners of the mouth drop. This facial expression is typical for a person who sees something disgusting in front of him or feels a bad smell. Lying is always unpleasant. The stress that precedes lying words affects facial expressions like an ugly sight. Even an avid liar will give himself away before he has time to put on a serene expression.
  • A person smiles with one corner of his mouth, while the other can be pulled down. Such a crooked smirk testifies to internal disharmony, to the inconsistency of the spoken words with reality. A sincere smile does not require effort, on the contrary - it is difficult to contain it!
  • The interlocutor smiled only with his lips. Psychologists say that you can really smile only “with your whole face”, while characteristic funny wrinkles appear near the eyes. This suggests that the emotion is not artificial, and those muscles of the face that naturally tighten when we are having fun are involved in a smile.

A strained smile, a simulated, deliberately loud laugh, a hard-to-disguise dislike for the topic of conversation or the interlocutor - all these are signs of shameless lies!

Gestures say more than words

How to recognize a lie if a smile in a conversation is simply inappropriate, and a person’s eyes are hidden behind glasses? When the conversation is about serious or even unpleasant things, then a displeased facial expression and irritation is a normal reaction, and it is unreasonable to suspect a friend, relative or colleague of lying because of it. It is strange if, informing you about something bad, the interlocutor looks relaxed and peaceful. Here suspicions are quite appropriate.

If the facial expressions correspond to the nature of the conversation, but you continue to be tormented by vague doubts, focus on the gestures of the interlocutor. You should be aware of the following:

  • a person unconsciously covers his mouth with his hand (this suggests that he may internally resist the need to lie);
  • Sitting opposite you (for example, on the other side of the table), puts objects between you, as if wanting to separate and protect yourself from your close attention;
  • The interlocutor fades the tip of the nose or grates his forehead, takes out the foot out of the eye (psychologists believe that in this way he seeks to close, remain impenetrable, he is already tormented by a feeling of guilt);
  • A person is constantly trying to divert your attention with his actions (endlessly wipes glasses for an infinitely for a long time, looks like invisible dust dust from clothes, winds his hair on a finger or straightens a tie);
  • Brown hands or legs also speak of the tension and desire of a person to cover himself.

In such cases, let him do everything that he considers necessary, do not interrupt and listen, looking into the eyes. If you are deceived, it will be clearly visible. The interlocutor will begin to get nervous more and more, perhaps he will want to drink water or begin to rummage in the drawers of the table.

Try to ask him a question on an extraneous topic. The liar will be happy to finish the unpleasant conversation and will begin to speak out with enthusiasm. A person who speaks the unpleasant truth will be angry or discouraged by the fact that he was interrupted, and will consider your question inappropriate and untimely. It is not easy for him to continue this conversation, but he would prefer to bring it to the end.

Speech, voice, intonation - indicators of truthfulness

Talking at ease and in a cramped, familiar circle, people do not think about how to say how their voice changes depending on emotions. They use the words and expressions they are used to. Therefore, when you have to lie, speech is changing, because now you need to take care that others do not suspect deception! The more naturally and naturally trying to say a liar, the brighter the opposite effect turns out:

  • illogical pauses appear between words (after all, they need to be selected!);
  • The voice increases markedly (excitement affects) or becomes insinuating (so liar with experience act);
  • The words are pouring too fast, the story abounds with unnecessary details (the sly tries to convince everyone of his truthfulness);

If all this is accompanied by nervous laughter or inept jokes, then all is not lost: your interlocutor has not yet learned to lie professionally. Tell him about it, smile, and he will most likely be embarrassed and blush. And to lie (at least to you) will no longer be.

Chapter 10

Watching human expressions is very, very difficult.

Charles Darwin

As part of our research in lie recognition, we focus on the verbal manifestations of lies, paying less attention to facial expressions. We believe that the face and facial expressions are a less informative tool than speech. However, to engage in instrumental lie detection and not pay attention to mimic expression is at least unprofessional, mostly criminal. The face, as a multi-signal system, contains a huge amount of information about a person, and the task of the verifier is to take it into account too.

P. Ekman devoted his entire scientific career to the study of the face and emotions. Together with his colleague Wallace Friesen, he created the FACS facial movement coding system and the EmFACS emotion coding and description system. They have devoted more than 20 years to this work. Now there is not a single community or association in the world that does not use these systems.

However, many practitioners, not only in lie detection, but also in psychotherapy and psychiatry, drew attention to the excessive complexity and detail when using these systems and poor applicability for real investigations and for work in the field. On the basis of the same systems, other methods and models began to appear, but already more adequate for real working conditions. In psychiatry, the SPAFF method appeared, and my colleagues and I developed MMPES (mimic-muscular profile of emotions and states) for the needs of lie detection.

Before we move on to describing how to use facial expressions in recognizing lies, it is necessary to remember that facial expressions and their manifestations are directly related to emotions. Every basic human emotion has an exact reflection of it on the face.

Emotions, like the autonomic nervous system, are an evolutionary mechanism formed by humanity over millions of years. Emotions, as well as the autonomic nervous system, a person cannot arbitrarily control.

The universality of the manifestation of emotions on all continents and among all peoples allows you to accurately read the inner experiences of a person at the current moment. Observing people in natural conditions, we see when a person is happy, sad, or experiencing a feeling of fear or anxiety.

The author of the psychoevolutionary theory of emotions, Robert Plutchik, understands emotions as “chains of events with stabilizing feedbacks that maintain behavioral homeostasis. The events taking place in the environment are subjected to cognitive evaluation, as a result of the evaluation experiences (emotions) arise, accompanied by physiological changes. In response, the organism performs a behavior designed to have an effect on the stimulus. This definition in terms of lie detection seems to me the most accurate.

If emotions are events with stabilizing feedbacks, then they must manifest themselves stably when a stimulus is presented, that is, by understanding the cause of emotions, we can decode a person’s internal representations and fix them.

With the realization that emotions are feedback loops, provocative questions have arisen in instrumental lie detection. But before talking about how to use them, let's look at the structure of basic emotions and their reflection on a person's face, and also understand what this or that emotion indicates.

Basic emotions- emotions that are equally manifested in representatives of various crops living on different continents.

Criteria for basic emotions:

Have distinct and specific neural substrates;

Show themselves with the help of an expressive and specific configuration of muscle movements (facial expressions);

Entail a distinct and specific experience that is recognized by a person;

Arose as a result of evolutionary biological processes;

They have an organizing and motivating effect on a person, serve to adapt it.

All basic emotions have a structure, criteria, and cause.

Let us now consider in more detail each of the basic emotions.

“The whole truth is written on your faces,” says the protagonist of the series “Deceiving Me”. It really is. If you look closely at the face, then it changes regularly, a person thus gives a huge amount of information, from true experiences to the desire to hide his emotional state. Emotions can change, their intensity may change, but first of all they appear on our face. I have met a small number of people who can control their emotional experiences.

Depending on the level of experience and speed of occurrence, emotion can be reflected completely, be lubricated or presented in a mixed form. Emotions are always translated in one way or another on one of the "floors" of the human face. The reflection of the emotion or its part on one of the "floors" of the face is called a sure sign of emotion. Microes of emotions were discovered not so long ago, but they can be signs of the speaker's lies.

And before we move on to developing the skills of decoding non-verbal signals, verifying lies, it is necessary to define some basic categories. Understand and accept the position that facial expressions in people of different social and cultural groups are the same.

Data on the same expressive behavior in different animal species are, according to Charles Darwin, one of the main confirmations of the theory of evolution. P. Ekman in his works also relies on this statement. It is quite obvious that the expression of emotions on the face of a person is the same, and these manifestations are the same for men and women, regardless of cross-cultural differences.

This is true for both humans and apes. Mark Knapp and Judith Hall, in their guide to non-verbal communication, detail the similarities and versatility of the manifestation of non-verbal behavior patterns.

Without going into details, I will say that in his works P. Ekman repeatedly says that facial muscles are very difficult to control. There are few people who can control facial plasticity, and therefore, with sufficient training, it is easy to see the true signs of emotions on a person’s face.

If you see that a person has knitted his eyebrows and pursed his lips and at the same time speaks of love for you, you should doubt the sincerity of the emotion shown.


Cause: irreparable loss of a significant criterion.

Analogues: sadness, melancholy, nostalgia, despondency, hopelessness, grief.

Effects: inhibition, reduced communication.

Signs of a fake: lack of true signs in the forehead area.

In sadness, suffering is experienced muffled, that is, more calmly. Anything can plunge into sadness, but most often people are sad about losses. It may be the loss of opportunities, benefits, unforeseen circumstances or the neglect of other people.

Sadness is rarely short-lived, usually lasting from a few minutes to days or even years.

Sadness is passive. Sad people do not want to act, remain motionless.


Cause: a threat to a significant criterion that can and should be eliminated.

Analogues: irritation, rage, fury, hatred.

Participation: active.

Time: past is present.

Effects: verbal and non-verbal aggression.

Signs of a fake: lack of movement of the wings of the nose and absence of horizontal wrinkles on the forehead.

Actions triggered by anger are more likely to be directed towards removing obstacles through physical and verbal aggression.

Comment: with the manifestation of anger, changes occur throughout the face. If this is not the case, then the expression remains unclear. Need more information.


Cause: facts that do not correspond to the model of the world.

Analogues: shock, interest, revival.

Time: the present.

Effects: confusion.

Signs of a fake: tension in the lips, the lips are closed or the corners are pulled back.

Surprise is the shortest lasting emotion. Surprise comes suddenly. If you have time to think about the event and consider whether it surprised you or not, then you were not surprised. Surprise disappears as quickly as it came.


Cause: factors that threaten the criterion, which cannot be influenced.

Analogues: anxiety, fear, alertness, uneasiness, fright, horror.

Time: the present.

Effects: confusion, stupor, interruption of communication.

Signs of a fake: absence of wrinkles in the forehead area.

People are afraid of causing any harm. Harm can be physical, moral, or both. Physical harm can range from minor to severe, life threatening. Moral - also varies from minor, like insults, to serious mental trauma.


Cause: violation of a significant associated criterion.

Analogues: disgust, disgust, dislike.

Time: the present.

Effects: reduction of communication, detuning, dissociation.

Signs of a fake: lower eyelids tense, no change in breathing.

Aversion usually implies a reaction of repulsion and avoidance, the purpose of which is to move the object away from the individual or to avoid the individual from contact with the object.

Disgust is often used to mask anger because in some societies there is a taboo against showing anger.


Cause: comparison of satisfaction and violation of the criterion.

Analogues: neglect, arrogance.

Time: past present Future.

Effects: role relationships.

Contempt is in many ways related to disgust, but it has its own differences. Contempt can only be experienced for people and their actions, but not for tastes, smells or touch. By showing an element of disdain in your dislike for people and their actions, you feel superior to them. Their behavior is disgusting, but you don't necessarily end your relationship with them because you feel contempt for them.


Cause: satisfying whatever a person wants.

Analogues: delight, jubilation, bliss, admiration.

Effects: relaxation, communication.

Signs of a fake: muscle tension around the eyes. Movement / tension of the eyebrows. Tension of the cheekbones and muscles of the lower jaw.

Joy is an emotion that most people want to experience. People like to be joyful because it is a positive emotion.

Let's now turn to the mechanism of using provocative test questions in instrumentless lie detection (Table 10.1).

Table 10.1. Emotional reactions of the respondent to the behavioral stimuli of the verifier

Consider the use of this algorithm in the lie detection procedure.

The interrogated person tells us some information. The verifier says he believes him. The reason for the appearance of the emotion of joy is the satisfaction of criteria. Observing joy on a person’s face, in this case we can justifiably speak of the person’s non-involvement in the event under investigation.

If a person is involved, we report that we believe him, naturally, another emotion arises - contempt or its analogues. The basis of the emotion of contempt is the mechanism of comparison of criteria. At an unconscious level, the participant, as it were, says to himself: "I'm cooler, I outplayed the verifier." In practice, when it is necessary to check the involvement or non-involvement in the commission of a crime, after testimony or a story, I present the following stimulus after a pause: “You know ... I believe you!” - And I follow the reaction. As a rule, the uninvolved shows a sincere smile of joy, even if it is barely noticeable. In a participant, even with a high level of self-control, the emotion of contempt, accompanied by bodily asymmetry, always manifests itself. In psychopathological personalities, contempt is accompanied by thinly disguised complacency. Sometimes the communicant may both verbally and non-verbally demonstrate a relief response: “Wow! It has passed…” is also an informative marker of lies.

With an unexpected statement to an uninvolved person that he is lying, as a rule, surprise first appears, which develops into indignation, anger. The emotion of surprise indicates that he did not realize and did not guess about the possibility of the upcoming charge of lying (crime), he did not have this in his picture of the world. The surprise emotion is the shortest, lasting about a second, after which it changes into another emotion. For a non-participant, this is anger towards the person who reported this information. In case of anxiety and anxiety, the non-participant denies his participation in the form of a non-verbal sign "disagreement". The chin is raised up, he looks at the verifier as if from above. Lots of posters showing denial.

If we declare to the person involved that we do not believe him, then, as a rule, we see for the most part fear, freezing in one position, neutralization of all non-verbal actions. There may be a manifestation of false surprise that lasts more than a second, occurs out of time and subsequently goes back into a state of anxiety and manifests itself in the form of fear on the face.

Understanding the reason for the emergence of emotions and their meaning, presenting the correct questions to the person being interviewed, we can also draw conclusions from his reactions about the truthfulness or falsity of his statements. However, it must be remembered that the face is a very deceptive channel of information, and when using it, everything must be carefully analyzed and double-checked many times. Even P. Ekman states that at least two specialists who have undergone special training should take part in decoding a face using the FACS method. It makes sense to listen to a respected professor.

Another important feature that the verifier needs to pay attention to is the manifestation false emotions, which are information about the presence of fraud.

When demonstrating false emotions, the liar may try to soften the outward expression of the emotion being experienced, modulate its expression, or falsify the emotion, which will also be reflected in the face.

Let's consider all these methods.


When softening facial expressions, the liar adds some additional signal-commentary to the already existing facial expression. Smiling is most commonly used to soften facial expressions; it is added as a disguise to any negative emotions, in the case of lie detection - to fear or contempt. Such a smile informs the verifier that the person being interviewed is in control and in control. In addition to a smile, some additional emotion may be mixed into the main facial expression.

If the interviewed person, in case of his involvement in the event under investigation, shows fear when asked by the verifier, then he can add an element of disgust or contempt to his facial expression in order to demonstrate to the verifier that he is disgusted or disgusted due to the fact that the interviewee is now experiencing embarrassment or fear. The emotion itself and its strength did not change in intensity, as in modulation, and was not hidden or replaced by the expression of an emotion not experienced by him, as in falsification.

Facial softening is the most moderate form of emotion falsification and control of one's state and face. The person involved distorts the facial expression very little, and the distortion of the transmitted message is minimal, and the evidence of softening is quite obvious to the verifier.


By modulating the facial expression, the liar adjusts its intensity. It simply increases or decreases the intensity of the message. There are three ways to modulate facial expression: the liar can change the number of areas of the face involved, the duration of the expression, or change the amplitude of facial muscle contractions. Usually liars use all three methods.


When faking facial expressions, the liar shows an emotion that he does not feel (simulation), or does not show anything when he actually feels some emotion (neutralization), or hides the emotion he is experiencing under the expression of another emotion that he does not really feel ( disguise).

In the case of simulation, the liar is trying to give the impression that he is actually experiencing some kind of emotion when, in fact, he is not experiencing any emotion. This behavior is characteristic of people of the hysteroid type. When they are involved, they show a large amount of emotions of distress and grief, although they are not actually experienced, testing the verifier for emotional involvement.

To simulate emotions, such people remember and reproduce the sensations of what an emotional facial expression looks like, remember pantomime and gestures, take information as if “from the inside” in order to consciously demonstrate the necessary emotional message to the verifier. This is what the simulation looks like.

Neutralization is the exact opposite of simulation. The interviewee is experiencing strong emotion, but is trying to appear as if he is feeling nothing but indifference. Neutralization is the ultimate form of control and suppression of emotion, in which the facial expression is modulated so that the intensity of the reflection of the experienced emotion is zero. Usually the person being interviewed shows a mask of indifference.

It is quite difficult to carry out neutralization, especially if some serious circumstance caused an emotional reaction. When using neutralization, the interviewee looks too stiff or tense, which is quite noticeable to a professional verifier. As a rule, emotives or epileptoids resort to this type of behavior.

In disguise, the interviewee feigns an emotion that he does not actually experience in order to mask or hide the true one he is currently experiencing. Liars use disguises because it's easier for them to hide one facial expression under another than to try not to express anything on their face and not be caught using a neutralization. As a rule, liars mask one negative emotion with another, such as fear with anger or disgust, and sometimes they mask a joyful expression with contempt, etc.

So, recognizing lies by facial expressions and emotions is quite difficult, so this approach should be treated with extreme caution. To recognize lies, it is best to use provocative questions and monitor the reaction of facial expressions to them. In this case, facial reactions can be as noticeable and meaningful as possible.

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When a person lies, his eyes most often give him out. You can learn to control movements, you can learn to come up with plausible lies. Но контролировать движение глаз очень и очень сложно. At the moment of lying, a person feels uncomfortable, so he looks away from the eyes of the interlocutor. According to e, where the gaze of the interlocutor is directed, if he stubbornly does not look into your eyes - this is the first sign of a lie.

Люди, которые знают этот признак, иногда делают противоположное действие. То есть смотрят человеку в глаза. И второй признак лжи – прямой немигающий взгляд прямо в глаза. As a rule, people at this moment are trying to whitewash themselves, so their look is too honest.

Из-за неприятной ситуации глаза лгущего человека меняются. И это контролировать вообще невозможно. Зрачок резко уменьшается в размерах. Look your interlocutor in the eye. If the pupil is narrowed, it is likely that he is lying.

When a person lies, the blood rushes a little more to the face. Microscopic red spots appear around the eyes. Sometimes it can be seen with the naked eye. Look closely at the skin around your opponent's eyes. If you saw small spots that appeared, then most likely the person is telling a lie.

See which way the person is looking when they speak. If he looks to the right, he is lying. If a person looks to the right and up, at that moment they come up with an image, a picture. If he looks to the right and straight ahead, then he scrolls sounds in his head, picks up phrases. If he looks to the right and down, then this means that he has finished thinking about the situation and is ready to tell it.

Apply these rules if you are sure that the person is right-handed. If he is left-handed, then he will look to the left when he speaks a lie. Keep this in mind when declassifying a person.

Sometimes a lie can be defined in another way. Watch your opponent's eyes. If his gaze began to move quickly from one object to another, he, too, can be suspected of lying.

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Do not rush to accuse a person of lying. If during a conversation he does not look into your eyes, but looks somewhere into the distance, then this may also mean that there is a TV behind your back, which broadcasts football.

Useful advice

There is not a single action that would indicate that a person is lying, 100%. Based on these signs, one can only assume that a person at this moment is not entirely frank.

The well-known folk saying “the eyes are the mirror of the soul” has a deep meaning. By eyes you can learn a lot about a person. The movement of the eyelids, eyeballs, eyebrows, head tilt speak about the interlocutor and his emotions more than words.


Knowing some secrets eyes you can determine whether a person is sincere with you or not. It has long been noticed: if a person feels guilty, then he lowers them down (sometimes down and to the side). To find out exactly what your interlocutor is experiencing, it is enough to compare such an eye movement with the context of the conversation.

Psychologists believe that "fixed eyes" can be a sign of a lie. If you asked the interlocutor to remember something, and he, without looking away, continues to look directly into your eyes or at you, then this is one of the signs of a person’s insincerity. If at the same time, without hesitation, he answers the question asked, there are suspicions of his hypocrisy.

This sign concerns mainly answers to unexpected questions or a request to recall old events. If a person talks about what happened to him ten or fifteen minutes ago, or provides important information for him (his phone number, residential address), then the “fixed eyes” sign does not work here.

Another sign of a possible lie is "quick aversion of eyes." If your interlocutor looks at you during a story or answering a question and suddenly quickly looks away, and then just as quickly returns to you, it is likely that he is trying to hide something.

When, during the conversation, the interlocutor directly and openly looked at you and, when touching on a particular topic, began to avoid looking - this can also speak of a lie and an attempt to hide something. But we must not forget that some insecure people often feel awkward during a conversation and avoid looking at this, which does not at all indicate their insincerity. It is also quite possible that your interlocutor is simply unpleasant about the topic.

Pay attention to the pupils of the interlocutor. A person cannot control his pupils. If, when answering a question, you notice that the interlocutor's pupils narrowed or expanded, this should lead to suspicion that they are not completely sincere with you.


Do not jump to conclusions at the sight of one of the signs. Be sure to match the context of the conversation and the situation with the signs listed. If you focus only on them, you can make a mistake and accuse an honest person of lying.

Useful advice

If a person looks down and to the right, this is one of the signs of a lie, but if he looks down and to the left, he can simply choose the right words.


  • Psychology. How to recognize a lie
  • lies in your eyes

Psychologists say that in most cases lies can be identified. No matter how hard a lying person tries, his body, at a subconscious level, will send certain “beacons” that he is trying to deceive. And you can find out that you are being told a lie by simply observing the face of the interlocutor.


Children cover their mouths when they tell lies. At a later age, the person retains this habit. When he tries to cheat, his hands subconsciously reach for his mouth. But the mind of a person understands that it is impossible to do so. And so he tries to change the movement. That is, if your interlocutor constantly touches his face with his hand during a conversation, this is one of the first signs that you are being lied to. But a single case does not mean anything, a person can really itch his nose. Therefore, observe carefully so as not to jump to conclusions.

If during the entire conversation a person supports his chin with his hand, this may also indicate that he is trying to deceive you. Usually this posture looks like this: the thumb rests on the cheek, the palm covers part of the lips.

Watch the facial expression of your interlocutor. If a person speaks the truth, his words correspond to facial expressions. For example, he says that he is glad and smiles. If a person is lying, his speech does not correspond to facial expressions or emotions appear out of sync. For example, he says that he is very pleased, but a smile appears on his face a few seconds before or after (which happens more often) these words.

Observe the gaze of the interlocutor. If he is lying, he will most likely avoid looking you in the face. Men who tell a lie most often look at the floor, and women - at the ceiling. If your interlocutor is familiar with non-verbal psychology, then he, on the contrary, can constantly look you in the eye, proving that he is truthful.

Examine the emotions of the interlocutor. If he lies, then they will change dramatically. For example, he just sat with a frown on his face, and a second later he is already smiling, but the smile also disappears suddenly. A person who has been told something pleasant or funny begins to show emotions gradually. First, an expression of joy appears in the eyes, then small mimic wrinkles appear, and only then a sincere and open smile appears on the face. It also comes off gradually. A person who tries to deceive, emotions change dramatically.

The smile of a lying person, only the lips are involved, the eyes remain cold. Or it can be asymmetrical, where you smile with only one half of your mouth. This applies to the manifestation of almost all emotions. An asymmetrical facial expression most often indicates that a person is trying to lie. The right and left sides of the face are under the influence of different hemispheres of the brain. The left hemisphere controls the thoughts and speech of a person, while the right hemisphere is responsible for emotions. The work of the right hemisphere is reflected in the left half of the face. Therefore, if you want to understand whether they are lying to you or not, pay more attention to this particular part.

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  • how to recognize a lie

In life, situations sometimes arise when it is very important to understand whether a person is lying or not. You can recognize a liar without using a lie detector. Sometimes all it takes is looking him in the eye.


See where the interlocutor's gaze is directed during the conversation. If up and to the right - a person remembers real events, up and to the left - he tells you about invented facts. A look directed to the left indicates that it is difficult for the interlocutor to find words, and if he looks to the right, it means that he remembers what he heard earlier. Down and to the left during a conversation, people look, immersed in their feelings and experiences, down and to the right - leading an internal dialogue with themselves (for left-handers, the right side and the left side change places).

Pay attention to whether the interlocutor looks into the eyes. Inexperienced liars often look away, or cover their eyes with their hands. Experienced - they know how to look the victim intently into the eyes, but they can be given out by frequent blinking.

Assess the size of the pupils of the interlocutor. Expanded - a reaction to truthful words, narrowed - to a lie. This is due to the fact that the body of the liar begins to produce special chemical compounds that affect the size of the pupils. Because of this, by the way, a liar's nose or ear may still itch.

Observe how the interlocutor's gaze correlates with his words. If a person sincerely rejoices, worries, is surprised, etc., then these emotions will be very clearly reflected in his eyes. In a liar, the gaze either does not express any emotions, or these manifestations are significantly delayed.

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Useful advice

There are other ways to spot a liar. One of the signs that they lie to you is a frequent drink during a conversation - a person seems to dry out in a throat. Listen to the interlocutor's voice: monotonous speech often gives out one who carefully considers his remarks. Gesticulation in a person who speaks a lie is often unnatural and constrained, he, as it were, seeks to contract and occupy as little space as possible. When analyzing a person’s behavior, try to pay attention to various combinations of signs - this is the only way you can determine exactly if you are lying.

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There is a simple technique that allows you to determine the leading hand in a person. The leading hand is associated with the dominant hemisphere of the brain: in the left -handed person - right, right -handed - left.

Tasks for drawing and manipulating objects

Draw a circle on paper, ending it with an arrow. What matters is which direction your arrow will point. If counterclockwise, this indicates the predominance of the left hemisphere and right -handedness. If clockwise, the right hemisphere dominates and you are left-handed.

Draw a triangle and a square for each of the hands in turn. Rate the drawings. Which hand turned out faster and more evenly, that hand is the leading one. Возьмите большую коробку или других предметов, которые можно поставить на поверхности вертикально. Both in turn put an arbitrary number of these items. Если большее количество было поставлено вашей левой рукой, у вас доминирует правое полушарие и вы левша. If right, your left hemisphere leads and you are right-handed.

Пятое задание заключается в том, что вы должны провести прямую вертикальную линию и разделить тем самым лист бумаги на две половины. Your line will inevitably shift, no matter how straight you aim. Если линия расположилась ближе к правому краю, у вас доминирует левое полушарие, вы – левша. If to the left side, your left hemisphere dominates, you are right-handed.

И еще задание – возьмите в руку карандаш, так чтобы он смотрел вертикально вверх. Stretch out your hand and look at him without looking away. Keep your eyes on the pencil, in turn close each eye with the palm of your hand. If the pencil visually shifted when you closed your right eye, the leading hemisphere is the left one, you are right-handed. If he did this while closing the left, the leading hemisphere is the right, you are left-handed.

Body position tasks

The first task is to interlace the fingers of the right and left hands. See which finger involuntarily ended up on top. If it is the thumb of the left hand, the right hemisphere of the brain dominates. Accordingly, you are left-handed. And vice versa, the thumb of the right hand turned out to be on top - you are right-handed, and your left hemisphere leads.

Cross your legs in a sitting position. If the right leg is on top, the leading hemisphere is left, you are right-handed. If it is the left foot on top, you are left-handed and lead your right hemisphere. Spin in place, if you do it counterclockwise, you are left-brain dominant and right-handed. If you circle clockwise, the right hemisphere dominates and you are left-handed.

In the next task, you need to depict applause. In this case, one of the hands will also involuntarily appear on top. If left, your right hemisphere leads, you are left-handed. If right, your left hemisphere leads, you are left-handed.

The fourth task is to reproduce the pose of Napoleon. To do this, you need to put the brush of one hand on the forearm of the opposite. If you involuntarily chose your left hand for this, placing it on your right forearm, your right hemisphere dominates, you are left-handed. If, on the contrary, you put your right hand on your left forearm, your left hemisphere dominates, you are right-handed.

The behavior of a lying person is always different from the behavior of a sincere one. A small detail, sometimes noticeable only to an experienced psychologist, will still betray the deceiver, no matter how he disguises himself: it can be facial expressions, pantomime, posture. The look of the interlocutor can also tell if he is telling the truth.


The first lie is an averted look. But this is not an absolute figure. Some people, even in ordinary, sincere speech, do not look at the interlocutor, but turn to the side, so it is easier for them to find words. Such people, deceiving, on the contrary, can look into your eyes and look even with some challenge.

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Eyes are not the only indicator of lies. When analyzing behavior, look at the whole picture: gestures, facial expressions, posture. Analyze all the information you know about the person: do the words match what you know and what you see?

It is always unpleasant to realize that your interlocutor is telling a lie, but it is even more unpleasant to believe in a deliberate lie and feel like a fool. How to determine if the interlocutor is deceiving you?

Often, during a conversation with an interlocutor, you cannot understand whether he is telling the truth or not. After all, you don’t want to be deceived and offended. Are there effective methods and ways to recognize a lie, to distinguish it from the truth? Of course they are. And you do not need to be a true psychologist to understand whether a person is telling the truth. The main thing is to observe the behavior and words of the opponent. During a disagreement between the words and gestures of your interlocutor, trust your sight more than your hearing.

How to recognize a lie by external signs

It is much easier to hide the true truth thanks to words, voice and facial expressions, but gestures, movements and postures are unlikely to be able to hide lies or deceit. Excessive honesty of a person helps to reveal a lie.

Every time he repeats that he speaks only the truth. For example, when the interlocutor each time uses such expressions as “I swear by everything you want”, “I swear”, “I give my head to cut off”.

A person may tell lies when he avoids discussing certain topics or issues. He may say that he does not intend to discuss this situation or that he cannot remember this incident.

The liar may raise his tone, become unreasonably dismissive and defiant, or his speech may take on a hostile tone. Speaking a lie, he can provoke you to be rude. For example, "I do not intend to answer these questions" or "I have no idea what this is about." If a person is honest and sincere with you, then he tries to speak more and defends his sincerity in expressing doubts about it.

Often you have to lie to save yourself. For example, you tell your dad that you have learned all the lessons or that the diploma is almost completed.

People involved in psychology recommend observing the eyes, facial expressions and gestures of the interlocutor to recognize lies. Body movements and gestures of a person are eloquent. If a person who wants to hide something is trying to close during the conversation.

For example, he constantly rubs his nose, crosses his arms over his chest. Eyes can tell a lot about a person. If a person is lying, then he will constantly take his eyes to the side or his eyes will run. A liar can carry everything.

If, on a sudden question, he begins to get rid of and stutter, then he certainly lies. Emotions can tell lies. If a person avoids your gaze, is excessively active or passive, then he certainly does not agree on something and lies.

How to recognize a lie in the eyes

When talking to a person, look in which direction he is looking. This is the best way to recognize lies in the eyes. If a person begins to look initially to the left, and then down, then this means that the person is trying to find words. It may also mean that his words are not sincere at the moment of communication. But one should not conclude that the person is lying. Just keep watching for other signs.

If, during a conversation, a person’s eyes are directed upwards, then this means that at that moment visual memory or information predominates in him. If a person looks to the side, then his auditory memory works.

If a person looks down, then at this moment he remembers his feelings or controls his words. Remembering some information, a person can visualize it and at the same time he usually looks up to the left. If a person invents information, then he looks up to the right.

The most important is the first reaction to the question asked or the information being voiced. So watch this reaction carefully.

For example, if after a voiced question or information a person looked up to the right and then down to the left, then you can be almost sure that the person was lying, since he first constructed a certain image that he had never seen in his life, and then began to select words.

The science of how to recognize lies in the eyes is both easy and difficult at the same time. In this case, it is worth considering that some people are used to preparing their lies in advance and presenting the desired picture.

At the same time, he will remember his lies in the form of some visual images and the eyes of this person will be directed upwards to the left. Judging by this, do not rush to believe this man.

If you have already caught your interlocutor in a lie, then it is better to remember his strategy. Remember what phrases he says, where he looks and how he behaves in order to determine the lie in his eyes. Knowing the interlocutor's lie strategy will protect you from false information.

Lies in conversation

Probably everyone knows how to cheat. First, in childhood, children tell their fantasies, then in adulthood it turns into deception of others. I would like to understand how not to fall for his bait before they began to deceive you. Everyone can cheat. For example, men of women in order to achieve location, children of their parents, parents of their children.

How to recognize a lie and distinguish a person who speaks the truth from a deceiver? Let's try to understand in more detail what a lie is, when we are told a lie and when a lie can turn into a pathology. A lie is not true information told to the interlocutor during the dialogue.

3 types of people who try to cheat

People who in any situation always and everywhere try to seem smarter than others, and take part in conversations on various topics. Sometimes, not knowing thoroughly the topic of discussion. You can easily recognize their lies.

It is necessary during the conversation to ask leading questions that more detail the topic under discussion. You will see that the deceiver is trying to get out of the situation with general phrases without specifics.

Cheating for profit. As a rule, it consists in the fact that a liar endlessly tells you all kinds of compliments. By this, he is trying to lull your vigilance and achieve his goal. This is a dangerous category of liars. In deciding how to recognize a lie from this category, only your powers of observation and intellect can help you.

People endowed with the gift to deceive by nature. Such liars are able to play a whole performance in front of you, in which they themselves believe at the same time. Thanks to the sincerity and sophistication of their craftsmanship, you easily fall for the bait. It is very difficult and practically impossible to recognize such a lie, to immediately determine that they are lying to you. This can be done later by analyzing the conversation in a calm atmosphere.

Pathological deceivers. These people always lie and believe what they say. They need a lie in order to appear higher in the eyes of the interlocutor, to have attractiveness and respect. Often they like to tell that they have a noble origin or a high position at work. Recognizing their lies is very easy. You just need to ask for some proof. You will see that in this case, the person begins to evade direct answers, referring to the loss of data.

Unfortunately, very often we cannot understand whether a person is telling the truth or lying. There are a number of methods by which you can recognize a lie. The main thing is to keep a close eye on the person.

Method. Lie in response to a question

You ask your opponent a question, to which he reacts like this:

  • frequently and accurately uses a phrase from your question, or repeats the entire question before answering;
  • thinks for a few minutes;

Both of these options indicate that the person is not sincere with you, because basically people behave this way because they do not have time to come up with an answer, therefore, they delay the moment of answers in order to construct a plausible version.

Method. Lies by no answer

It is not difficult to recognize a lie in this case. Instead of answering you, they tell a joke or laugh it off. After a person receives a "funny" or witty answer, he usually laughs and decides not to return to this question, since he does not want to look like a bore and bother a funny interlocutor.

Method. Lies by behavior

Instead of answering, your interlocutor begins to cough, as if trying to clear his throat, in addition, he may abruptly change speech from normal to faster, this indicates that he is lying, or nervous, as he will have to lie. In other words, an unconditioned change in the tone of the speaker, his voice requires you to be careful with him, as the person is trying to get out of the situation, possibly using a lie.

Sometimes during the storytelling process, a person can go back and add something to his story: clarify, say that he forgot to mention something, add some details, all this indicates that the person is sincere with you. Because a story invented on the go is not stored in a person’s memory, so the narrator is unlikely to be able to return to the middle of his story, and then continue to think it out, as a rule, he can get confused or go astray.

Method. Lies by gesture

Sometimes people during a conversation can scratch their heads, touch their noses, all these gestures will help you recognize a lie. They say that a person is trying to put a barrier between you, this is all done on a subconscious level.

In addition, shifting from foot to foot or trying to take a small step back indicates that your interlocutor wants to leave, move away from you, as he is afraid to give out something. Also, an attempt to hide from you can be called pulling back or lowering your head down. Remember all these methods, because learning to recognize a lie is a very difficult task that requires effort and a psychological approach.