Fault lines in the earth's crust. Divergent or plate separation boundaries

To date, there are two most likely hypotheses of a tectonic fault that will lead to the end of our civilization. And the fact that the earth masses are moving, and the Earth is constantly changing - not a single reasonable person will deny. Although tectonic activity has been very low lately, it is likely that this will change soon.

Iceland. Giant rifts are breaks in the earth's crust that form at the border of slowly diverging tectonic plates - the North American and Eurasian. The plates are moving apart at a rate of about 7 mm per year, so that over the past 10 thousand years the valley has expanded by 70 meters and settled by 40.

Tectonic fault under the glaciers. This hypothesis belongs to Academician N. Zharvin. According to his assumptions, the cause of the tectonic fault will be the melting of ice under Antarctica. The relationship between the transformation of a chain of tectonic faults into a huge volcano and the melting of ice is explained by the fact that the earth's crust constantly sags under the weight of any massif. Accordingly, under the weight of the huge Greenland glacier, the deflection reaches significant values, about 1 kilometer. It is logical to assume that with the melting of ice, this value begins to decrease. At some point, this trend will lead to a significant increase in the fracture of the earth's crust.

The rupture of tectonic plates in a chain reaction will cover the entire planet. But this is not the worst. When the huge mass of ice stops pressing on the earth's crust, it will rise. Then masses of ocean water will rush underground. Since the matter underground is heated to about 1200 degrees Celsius, this will cause huge amounts of basalt dust and gas to be released into the Earth's atmosphere. This, in turn, will cause an unprecedented downpour. The horror of the all-sinking rain will be supplemented by the consequences of tectonic faults, namely volcanic eruptions throughout the rift system and huge tsunamis. In a matter of time, just everything will be washed off the face of the Earth.

Lithospheric catastrophe of our civilization. This version is offered by the Russian inventor E. Ubiyko. His hypothesis not only suggests the future, but also explains much of the past. He amazingly analyzes all the information about our past, finds the relationship between the cultural heritage of all ancient civilizations, and with the help of this explains all the changes that have already occurred and will continue to occur with the Earth.

Referring to the Mayan calendar, Yevgeny Ubiyko suggests that in the twilight of the last day of the era of the third Sun, the Earth looked completely different. Its radius was about 2.5 times less than the current one, and all the continents were connected together. The map did not include the Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic and Indian oceans. There was one world ocean and one continent with many seas, lakes and rivers. If you look closely at the globe, you will notice that it resembles a scan of a small ball stretched over a ball of larger diameter.

This structure of the Earth provides answers to many questions about the ancient civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis, and also explains the gigantic size of the dinosaurs. The fact is that the atmosphere of the Earth was denser, and the climate is much more comfortable. It was possible to breathe freely at an altitude of up to 25 km. The air temperature on the entire planet did not fall below 8 degrees Celsius. Naturally, in such conditions, people of very tall stature - Atlantes - could freely exist. In addition, if you glue all the continents together, then the location of the ancient temples and pyramids becomes more logical and explainable. So the Sphinx looked at the polar star, and the great white pyramid Kailash was strictly on the then North Pole of the Earth. Delving into research in more detail, you can find clues to the Veliks of the Chinese wall, Babylon, Rigveda and other legacies.

Of particular danger is the location of many cities in zones of potentially high planetary destruction and the failure to take into account the influence of geophysical anomalies during construction.

Among these cities is Moscow, located in the place:

- cruciform intersection of two powerful deep faults:

Indicative of the San Andreas fault, which is in motion. It is considered one of the most dangerous in the world. Seismologists have noticed that there are ups and downs.

What movements are characteristic of the San Andreas Fault? While these movements are small enough to not be noticed by most people living along the fault, the researchers note that they are consistent and constant. Every 200 kilometers of the fault shift by 2 mm per year. The movements are up or down. These changes were detected using GPS measurements.

These movements were undoubtedly caused by the chaotic, spasmodic movements of the Pacific and North American tectonic plates. Small surges of accumulated stress cause the ground around the fault to rise and fall. Therefore, the Los Angeles Basin is sinking while part of the San Bernardino is rising, and this is happening at the same rate.

Pressure release

These minor shifts pose no immediate danger to the population. But they do demonstrate how dynamic and active the fault has become. While the movement allows the release of pressure in San Andreas, it is not enough to reduce the next blow. Massive sections of the fault have moved little over the last 150 years, while other sections have been building up pressure for more than three centuries. After an earthquake occurs, all this energy is released. Understanding how the fault behaves each time it sinks and rises, releasing pressure, helps geologists assess what impact the next earthquake that could hit the area would have on the surrounding region.

Possibility of an earthquake

But, unfortunately, it is impossible to say for sure when the next time this will happen. One of the most powerful earthquakes in the 20th century occurred in 1906. Its strength reached 7.8, which killed 3 thousand people in San Francisco, when the northern part of the fault began to slide. However, now all attention is drawn to the southern section. The last time an earthquake occurred there in 1857, when a 360-kilometer stretch was destroyed by a magnitude of 7.9 points. Since then, huge pressure has accumulated along the southern section.

The general rule is that the more time passes between earthquakes, the more powerful and destructive the damage will be. While no one wants an earthquake along the San Andreas Fault, every year that goes by without one increases the likelihood of a bleak future for Southern California.

The comparison of the Middle East problem with such a phenomenon as a tectonic shift, made by the director of the Information and Press Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Maria Zakharova, puzzled and even frightened almost all foreign television channels. In her statement, they saw not only a challenge, but also a threat to NATO and the United States.

Apocalypse as such

For readers who have not watched the San Andreas movie, this article explains in detail what a tectonic shift is and how to apply this concept to the political landscape of today. How much this phenomenon threatens humanity, explains even the great interest that is observed in the world to the possibility of an imminent apocalypse.

Lightly dormant supervolcanoes, World War III followed by a nuclear winter, and, of course, a tectonic shift are considered to be the reasons for its onset. Mankind is so worried about its fate that even a simple comparison with this geological area from the lips of a politician received a huge response in the world media.

About vagabonds

Geologists easily read chronicles of centuries and even millennia. From them we know that the sandy soils of the deserts are stored in huge deposits in the south of England, the remains of ancient giant ferns have been found in Antarctica, and in Africa there are clear traces of glaciers that covered it. This suggests that geological epochs also changed the climate. The shift activated volcanic activity, ash blotted out the sun, rising into the upper atmosphere for years to come, and a long winter set in. Ice ages killed most of all life on Earth. For example, less than fifteen percent of bird species alone remained after the last glaciation, and it is difficult to imagine that their current diversity is the miserable remnants of their former splendor.

There are quite a few very different scientific explanations for the causes of global change. One of them, the most common and most evidence-based, says that the continents do not stand still. A small example clearly shows what a tectonic shift means. If you attach the east of South America to the west of Africa, they will be combined with almost no gaps. This means that they were not always separated by the Atlantic Ocean. There are many such examples. And the fact that America will face terrible tectonic shifts is not a threat from the lips of Maria Zakharova. This is what nature promises. And, since Hollywood has already flooded the cinema with many hundreds of films about the imminent end of the world, where it even goes into action, it means that Americans fully anticipate and understand the impending danger.

tectonic shift

The definition of this phenomenon was given a long time ago and accurately: it is a break in a single solid continental plate located under the earth's crust. What threatens humanity with faults in tectonic plates? The scenario is as follows: one, even a small fault will cover the planet in a chain reaction. The melted glaciers will release the plates from pressure with their huge mass, the earth's crust will rise, ocean water will pour into the depths of the faults. The magma under the crust is hot - about one thousand two hundred degrees Celsius. Steam with basalt dust and gas will be thrown out of the ground with great force and everywhere. Downpours will begin - unprecedented, akin to a flood. Volcanoes will wake up - all to one. After that, indescribable tsunamis will sweep away everything from the face of the planet. Enough time is given for the entire alignment from the beginning of the fault to volcanic eruptions, you can even run away if you find somewhere. After the start of the tsunami, the land will be empty in a matter of hours.

The continents inhabited by us were formed two hundred million years ago, when Pangea, a hypercontinent, broke apart. The fled vagrants "take root" at approximately equal distances from each other, but still they are drawn to each other. Scientists predict that in some fifty million years they will reunite again. In the 70s of the last century, a model of the alleged movement of the continents was created. It turns out that the Pacific platform is moving quite quickly towards the North American tectonic plate. The San Andreas tectonic shift threatens just at the junction of these two plates. There are frequent earthquakes of destructive force, which happened in San Francisco and Los Angeles just a hundred years ago. America is terrified of geological cataclysms, which is why the words of Maria Zakharova were perceived as if Russia was threatening the United States with tectonic shifts. What exactly did the director of the department mean?

To the history of the issue

Of course, this was a warning about a threat, but Russia did not promise "terrible tectonic shifts" (Zakharova's quote). They will happen if the United States insists on replacing the Syrian leader Assad, who is at war with the Islamic State. Then radical Islamists and terrorists, with whom America is already very familiar, will inevitably come to power. The events of Iraq in 2003 and Libya in 2011 (after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi) speak for themselves. The Islamic State will inevitably grow and become much stronger. This is what Russia's Foreign Ministry is constantly signaling about. Then rampant terrorism may well exceed the dangers that tectonic shifts bring with them. Zakharova was told exactly this, and the conclusions that followed were absolutely incorrect.

The Middle East did not gain stability in 2016, negative developments continue there: bloodshed in Syria, lack of stabilization in Libya, riots of the Kurdish autonomy in Iraq, the Yemeni conflict worsened, the Saudi Arabian rebels deal more and more serious blows to the economy and financial situation of the country, for many years leading hostilities, got involved in Middle East conflicts It is from the Middle East that all tectonic shifts in politics are coming. The situation is in all respects a crisis, and this crisis is rapidly expanding, chaos is growing, waves of refugees have swept Europe, creating a security threat and huge problems there. The year ended, and he did not bring any decisions. If the last stronghold of the fight against terrorists, "dictator" Bashar al-Assad, lays down his arms, the "tectonic shifts" of 2016 will overwhelm the whole world.

Methods of warfare

Daesh continues to build up its military potential, and, despite the beginning of the liberation of the territories, the Iraqi army, with the United States and the coalition supporting it, did not have an easy walk around the suburbs of Mosul. The threat of terrorism has not only not been eliminated, it is growing, and therefore very special, truly serious efforts are required on a global scale by the forces united in this struggle for the complete victory of this evil. The level of US influence on the Middle East situation has decreased, and it has decreased quite significantly. The current administration is leaving, as if deliberately weakening the potential and capabilities of its own country in this region, it is no longer possible to recognize that the United States is a leading player in the Middle East. And the change of power there is taking place in such an environment that itself is capable of starting tectonic shifts in America (and this is not about geological faults).

But Russia distinguished itself in the Middle East in 2016, significantly expanding the circle of partners, including Egypt, Israel and Bahrain, created progress in cooperation with Qatar, agreed with OPEC to limit the level of oil produced (even managed to get along with Saudi Arabia), normalized relations with Turkey . A new team was formed to resolve the situation in Syria, pushing the United States out of the region. These are Iran, Turkey and Russia. The Russian Aerospace Forces are seriously helping the Syrian army to defeat the terrorists. Aleppo is liberated. All this is regarded by the world as purely Russian political victories. That is why Maria Zakharova spoke so brightly and colorfully about tectonic shifts. The loss of a partner like Bashar al-Assad will reduce these victories to zero. Moreover, until ISIS is completely drained of blood, our diplomats see the current situation as rather unsteady.

Crimea and the Middle East

To take a break from pressing political problems, let's return to the issue of geological faults and continental plates, since more and more information appears every day, and from time to time it looks like a curiosity, despite all the reliability. Scientists from different countries, studying geological stratifications in the depths of the earth's crust, have revealed a shift in tectonic plates, as a result of which tectonic activity is observed both in the Middle East and in neighboring regions.

Full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Ipatov announced the latest reliable results of research (including applied astronomy). Sensation: the Crimean peninsula is gradually moving closer to Russia. After all, the plate did not float to Turkey or Greece, the tectonic shift of the Crimea and is geologically directed home. The meeting of the peninsula with the mainland, however, will not happen so soon, several tens of millions of years will have to wait. But the republics met together since 2014.

World politics and tectonic shifts in it

The results of the past year can only be summed up in full measure when the upcoming policy of the new United States administration, both in the Middle East and in general, in the world, becomes clear. However, the contradictions between the Islamic world and Western countries are unlikely to be eliminated soon, and the growth of xenophobia will most likely continue, which, of course, can poison the entire system of relations in both the Islamic and non-Islamic worlds. Throughout the year, we have observed huge changes in world politics, which were quite akin to tectonic shifts in their significance.

First of all, it is necessary to mention the Brexit, which shook the world thoroughly, when the UK decided to leave the European Union. Then followed the unexpectedly convincing victory of Donald Trump in the US presidential election, which not only no one planned, but also did not allow the slightest thought of such a turn of events. If we add to this the significantly strengthened right wing in European countries (primarily in France and Germany), then the progress seems to be irreversible, in 2017 they are unlikely to stop developing.

Center of gravity

The value spectrum of the entire Western part of the world has shifted dramatically, as right-wing conservative, populist and nationalist waves have made the palette of moods of society much more diverse, adding completely unexpected new tones. Protest moods appear even where they have never been, in countries for which this is completely uncharacteristic. They write about the beginning in the United States, about the abrupt change of regime in the countries of Western Europe. gradually becomes unpredictable, filled with new events and phenomena that have not yet happened that need to be comprehended.

The center of gravity of the entire world political system is clearly shifting. The Asian countries are gaining strength, and the share of China and India has risen exceptionally high. Therefore, the main intrigues of this tectonic shift in politics will most likely unfold in relations between China and the United States. The economic crisis that has engulfed the world is also hard on the leading countries. The people of the United States are gripped by a general disillusionment with the policies of the ruling party. That is why the Republicans won such a landslide victory over the Democrats, won the majority of seats in the House of Representatives and increased their representation in the Senate.

Policy internal and external

Trump's victory is important not so much for domestic politics as for foreign. Israel is already clearly excited, China is preoccupied, the rest of Asia is upset, and Russia is guessing. A much tougher position towards China is quite possible - the weakening of the yuan to the point of impossibility to hold its own currency. Support for the Afghan war is very possible. Republicans are also concerned about the deployment of the country's missile defense.

Congress received a significant increase in pro-Israel forces: Senator from Illinois - Mark Kirk, leader of the majority of the lower house - Eric Kantor, now Tel Aviv can hope for a special political climate that allows the resumption of negotiations with the Palestinian autonomy. At the same time, pro-Israeli forces are feeling strong pressure from forces that are still unknown (however, everyone can guess which ones): on January 19, 2017, there were reports of mining 28 Jewish centers in 17 US states, which, fortunately, was imaginary. But this is not the first warning. And at some point, mining may not be false.

How will things end

It seems to many that America's stable position in the world has been shaken, and its world domination has practically been lost. Is it so? The President of Russia is also very cautious in his assessments. Indeed, consider 2010, when Wikileaks opened and made public many tens of thousands of documentary letters from the American diplomatic pouch. It seemed - well, everything, the end of the state. But nothing happened to America. Allies, even substituted in every possible way, were not lost. Enemies also remained in place, new ones did not increase. One thing is surprising: it never occurred to anyone to blame Moscow for these revelations, as happened after Donald Trump's election victory.

Yes, Trump is different. He is significantly different from the previous president. But what awaits Russia in connection with this choice, who knows? If you look from Moscow or some Skovorodin, the Republicans are seen as people more pragmatic and less dangerous for us than the defeated Democrats, who constantly did little and big dirty tricks to the Russians. How different is Trump's team from Hillary Clinton's team? After a thoughtful analysis, it becomes clear that the actions of both parties are unfolding on the same lithospheric platform. They are much more similar than seen from afar. Both the team and the other intimidate the people with an external threat and paint a picture of various foreign intrigues. Freedom and democracy are honored by some, prestige and economy by others, but both are threatened by external forces, in any case, the nation is in danger. Hillary disliked global populism and Russia, and Trump dislikes multinational corporations, Mexico, China, and developing countries. A tectonic shift in politics is inevitable. Perhaps that is why our diplomats are so cautious in their assessments and forecasts.

PLATE UNDER THE CITY: Moscow stands on a 40 km thick crystalline foundation. But in such a powerful "cushion" cracks and faults are inevitable. There are enough places of "increased fracturing" in Moscow. Many of them, docking with each other, add up to fairly large zones. In the diagram below, it is interesting to see how Moscow fell through in the 2000s, when there were no such grandiose road works, and, at times, it was possible to observe the natural movements of the soil.

HISTORIAN'S PREDICTION: The historian of the 19th century Ivan Zabelin was right when he wrote: “Such world-historical cities like Moscow are born in their place not at the whim of any kind and wise prince Yuri Vladimirovich, not at the whim of a happy capricious chance, but by force causes and circumstances of a higher or deeper order.

ANOMAL KOLOMENSKOE: The first settlers of those places where the city now stands, chose Kolomenskoye. This area, although considered one of the anomalous areas of the capital, can have a beneficial effect on people. “Our ancestors settled not on the faults themselves, but in their immediate vicinity,” says Olga Tkachenko, senior researcher at the Russian Physical Society. - Radon gas is released from tectonic faults and cracks. This radioactive element is harmful in large doses, but, like many poisons, beneficial in small doses. He is even able to strengthen the human skeleton, which is built in accordance with the parameters of the golden ratio.

THE FORTRESS WILL RESIST: But the Kremlin stands not at the intersection of faults, but next to them. The fault passes through Red and Manezhnaya Squares, and the fortress itself was built in a safe place, on Borovitsky Hill. In pagan times, by the way, there was a temple there.

CHURCHES ON CRIFICES: Moscow churches were also built on fault lines. Why is not entirely clear. Apparently, the architecture of the temple is capable of converting telluric (terrestrial) radiation, turning it into some kind of positive energy.”

TWO ZONES: The entire territory of Moscow is divided into two large geological zones. The north looks like a dome (it is located a little higher), the south looks like a bowl. The north is considered a more favorable territory for living, although if another earthquake occurs in the Southern Carpathians, it is these areas of the city that will first of all feel its consequences. The fact is that the northern part of Moscow lies in the zone of a global tectonic fault.

PURSUIT OF HEALTH: Until now, many Muscovites come at their own risk to the Golosov ravine, located in Kolomenskoye, to collect “living” or “dead” water there. There are also various unverified rumors that there are areas where the statistics of oncological diseases are higher than in other parts of the capital, allegedly due to geology. “In Europe, the relationship between the occurrence of cancerous tumors and tectonic faults has long been recognized,” comments Yury Sukhanov, Doctor of Medical Sciences. - In such places, they even put up warning signs, realtors warn about the risk of diseases when buying a home. No one in Moscow seems to know about this! But "cancer houses" are even on Kutuzovsky Prospekt. Quite a lot of them on the right side of the Khoroshevsky highway. How can the connection between oncology and tectonics be explained? Yuri Sukhanov argues that in geopathogenic (more correctly, in geoactive) zones, the processes of oxidation and aging of the body are faster - due to the fault of the same radon. Immunity, protective functions weaken, the activity of the central nervous system is disrupted. Moreover, in the first years after settling in the geoactive zone, a person may complain of seemingly minor diseases - acute respiratory infections, allergies, headaches, joint pains. And more serious diseases will come later. By the way, as scientists have noticed, equipment often breaks down in geoactive places too.

WRONG MOSCOW: “In principle, almost the entire territory of Moscow is built up incorrectly,” Olga Tkachenko sums up. - If in the old days houses were built on the boundaries of faults, then in the 20th century they simply forgot about the need to observe this rule. The water park that collapsed in February, by the way, also stood in the zone of “increased fracturing”. Just like the numerous elite housing that has been built in Moscow in recent years.” On the map of Moscow at the beginning of the 21st century, a number of ring and linear tectonic structures stand out. The central structure falls on the territory between the Moscow and Yauza rivers, on which the city has developed since ancient times. One of the most powerful faults, passing from the southeast to the northwest, is located under the Khoroshevskoye highway. (The map in Fig. 1 was compiled by Irina Fedonkina, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, and published by AiF Moscow No. 49 (595) of December 8, 2004)

Hello dear reader. Never before had I thought that I would have to write these lines. For quite a long time I did not dare to write down everything that I was destined to discover, if it can even be called that. I still sometimes wonder if I'm crazy.

One evening my daughter came up to me with a request to show on the map where and what kind of ocean is on our planet, and since I don’t have a printed physical map of the world at home, I opened an electronic map on the computergoogle,I switched her to the satellite view mode and began to slowly explain everything to her. When I got from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean and brought it closer to show my daughter better, it was like an electric shock and I suddenly saw what any person on our planet sees, but with completely different eyes. Like everyone else, until that moment I didn’t understand what I saw on the map, but then my eyes seemed to open. But all these are emotions, and you can’t cook cabbage soup out of emotions. So let's try together to see what the map revealed to megoogle,and nothing more or less was revealed - a trace of the collision of our Mother Earth with an unknown celestial body, which led to what is commonly called the Great Then.

Look carefully at the lower left corner of the photo and think: does this remind you of anything? I don’t know about you, but it reminds me of a clear trace from the impact of some rounded celestial body on the surface of our planet. Moreover, the impact was in front of the mainland of South America and Antarctica, which are now slightly concave from the impact in the direction of the impact and are separated in this place by the strait, which bears the name of the Drake Strait, the pirate who allegedly discovered this strait in the past.

In fact, this strait is a pothole left at the moment of impact and ending in a rounded “contact spot” of a celestial body with the surface of our planet. Let's look at this "contact patch" closer and more closely.

Zooming in, we see a rounded spot that has a concave surface and ends on the right, that is, from the side in the direction of impact, with a characteristic hill with an almost sheer edge, which again has characteristic elevations that come out on the surface of the oceans in the form of islands. In order to better understand the nature of the formation of this “contact patch”, you can do the same experiment that I did. For the experiment, a wet sandy surface is required. The surface of the sand on the banks of a river or sea is perfect. During the experiment, it is necessary to make a smooth movement with your hand, during which you move your hand over the sand, then touch the sand with your finger and, without stopping the movement of your hand, put pressure on it, thereby raking up a certain amount of sand with your finger and then after a while tear off your finger from the surface of the sand. Have you done? Now look at the result of this simple experiment and you will see a picture completely similar to the one shown in the photo below.

There is another funny nuance. According to researchers, the north pole of our planet in the past has shifted by about two thousand kilometers. If we measure the length of the so-called rut at the bottom of the ocean in the Drake Passage and ending with a "contact spot", then it also approximately corresponds to two thousand kilometers. In the photo, I made a measurement using the programGoogle maps.Moreover, researchers cannot answer the question of what caused the pole shift. I do not undertake to assert with a probability of 100%, but still it is worth considering the question: was it not this catastrophe that caused the displacement of the poles of the planet Earth by these very two thousand kilometers?

Now let's ask ourselves a question: what happened after the celestial body hit the planet on a tangent and again went into the vastness of space? You ask: why on a tangent and why did it necessarily leave, and not break through the surface and plunge into the bowels of the planet? This is also very easy to explain. Do not forget about the direction of rotation of our planet. It was precisely the combination of circumstances that the celestial body gave during the rotation of our planet that saved it from destruction and allowed the celestial body to slip and go away, so to speak, and not burrow into the bowels of the planet. No less fortunate was that the blow fell into the ocean in front of the mainland, and not into the mainland itself, since the waters of the ocean somewhat dampened the blow and played the role of a kind of lubricant when the celestial bodies came into contact, but this fact also had the reverse side of the coin - the ocean waters played and its destructive role already after the separation of the body and its departure into space.

Now let's see what happened next. I think no one needs to prove that the impact that led to the formation of the Drake Strait resulted in the formation of a huge multi-kilometer wave, which rushed forward at great speed, sweeping away everything in its path. Let's trace the path of this wave.

The wave crossed the Atlantic Ocean and the southern tip of Africa became the first obstacle in its path, although it suffered relatively little, as the wave touched it with its edge and slightly turned to the south, where it flew into Australia. But Australia was much less fortunate. She took the hit of the wave and was practically washed away, which is very clearly visible on the map.

Then the wave crossed the Pacific Ocean and passed between the Americas, again hooking North America with its edge. We see the consequences of this both on the map and in the films of Sklyarov, who very picturesquely painted the consequences of the Great Flood in North America. If someone has not watched or has already forgotten, then they can review these films, since they have long been posted for free access on the Internet. These are very informative films, though not everything in them should be taken seriously.

Then the wave crossed the Atlantic Ocean for the second time and with all its mass at full speed hit the northern tip of Africa, sweeping away and washing away everything in its path. This is also perfectly visible on the map. From my point of view, we owe such a strange arrangement of deserts on the surface of our planet not at all to the vagaries of climate and not to reckless human activity, but to the destructive and merciless impact of the wave during the Great Flood, which not only swept away everything in its path, but literally this word washed away everything, including not only buildings and vegetation, but also the fertile layer of soil on the surface of the continents of our planet.

After Africa, the wave swept through Asia and again crossed the Pacific Ocean and, passing through the cut between our mainland and North America, went to the North Pole through Greenland. Having reached the north pole of our planet, the wave extinguished itself, because it also exhausted its power, sequentially slowing down on the continents that it flew into and finally caught up with itself at the north pole.

After that, the water of the already extinct wave began to roll back from the North Pole to the south. Part of the water passed through our mainland. It is this that can explain the hitherto flooded northern tip of our mainland and the Gulf of Finland, abandoned by land, and the cities of Western Europe, including our Petrograd and Moscow, buried under a multi-meter layer of earth that was brought back from the North Pole.

Map of tectonic plates and faults in the Earth's crust

If there was an impact of a celestial body, then it is quite reasonable to look for its consequences in the thickness of the Earth's crust. After all, a blow of such force simply could not leave any traces. Let's turn to the map of tectonic plates and faults in the Earth's crust.

What do we see on this map? The map clearly shows a tectonic fault at the site not only of the trace left by the celestial body, but also around the so-called "contact spot" at the place of separation of the celestial body from the Earth's surface. And these faults once again confirm the correctness of my conclusions about the impact of a certain celestial body. And the blow was of such force that not only demolished the isthmus between South America and Antarctica, but also led to the formation of a tectonic fault in the Earth's crust in this place.

Oddities in the trajectory of the wave on the surface of the planet

I think it’s worth talking about another aspect of the wave’s movement, namely, its non-straightness and unexpected deviations in one direction or the other. We were all taught from childhood to believe that we live on a planet that has the shape of a ball, which is slightly flattened from the poles.

I have been of the same opinion myself for quite some time. And what was my surprise when, in 2012, I came across the results of a study by the European Space Agency ESA using data obtained by the GOCE (Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer - a satellite for studying the gravitational field and constant ocean currents).

Below I give some photographs of the present form of our planet. Moreover, it is worth considering the fact that this is the shape of the planet itself, without taking into account the waters on its surface that form the world ocean. You can ask a completely legitimate question: what do these photos have to do with the topic discussed here? From my point of view, the most that neither is direct. After all, not only does the wave move along the surface of a celestial body that has an irregular shape, but its movement is affected by the impact of the wave front.

No matter how cyclopean the dimensions of the wave, but these factors cannot be discounted, because what we consider to be a straight line on the surface of a globe that has the shape of a regular ball, in fact, turns out to be far from a rectilinear trajectory and vice versa - what in reality is a rectilinear trajectory on irregularly shaped surfaces on the globe will turn into an intricate curve.

And we have not yet considered the fact that when moving along the surface of the planet, the wave repeatedly encountered various obstacles in the form of continents on its way. And if we return to the supposed trajectory of the wave on the surface of our planet, we can see that for the first time it touched Africa and Australia with its peripheral part, and not with the entire front. This could not but affect not only the trajectory of movement itself, but also the growth of the wave front, which, each time it met an obstacle, was partially cut off and the wave had to start growing again. And if we consider the moment of its passage between the two Americas, then one cannot help but notice the fact that at the same time the wave front was not only truncated once again, but part of the wave turned south due to reflection and washed away the coast of South America.

Approximate time of the disaster

Now let's try to find out when this catastrophe happened. To do this, it would be possible to equip an expedition to the crash site, examine it in detail, take all kinds of soil and rock samples and try to study them in laboratories, then follow the route of the Great Flood and do the same work again. But all this would have cost a lot of money, would have dragged on for many, many years, and it is not at all necessary that my whole life would be enough to carry out these works.

But is all this really necessary and is it possible to do without such expensive and resource-intensive measures at least for the time being, at first? I believe that at this stage, in order to establish the approximate time of the catastrophe, we will be able to make do with information obtained earlier and now in open sources, as we have already done when considering the planetary catastrophe that led to the Great Flood.

To do this, we should turn to the physical maps of the world of various centuries and establish when the Drake Strait appeared on them. After all, earlier we established that it was the Drake Passage that was formed as a result and at the site of this planetary catastrophe.

Below are the physical maps that I was able to find in the public domain and the authenticity of which does not cause much distrust.

Here is a map of the World dated 1570 AD

As we can see, there is no Drake Passage on this map and South America is still connected to Antarctica. And this means that in the sixteenth century there was no catastrophe yet.

Let's take a map from the early seventeenth century and see if the Drake Passage and the peculiar outlines of South America and Antarctica appeared on the map in the seventeenth century. After all, sailors could not fail to notice such a change in the landscape of the planet.

Here is a map dating from the early seventeenth century. Unfortunately, I do not have a more accurate dating, as in the case of the first map. On the resource where I found this map, there was just such a dating "beginning of the seventeenth century." But in this case it is not of a fundamental nature.

The fact is that on this map both South America and Antarctica and the jumper between them are in their place, and therefore either the catastrophe has not happened yet, or the cartographer did not know about what happened, although it is hard to believe, knowing the scale of the catastrophe and that’s it. the consequences to which it has led.

Here is another card. This time, the dating of the map is more accurate. It also dates from the seventeenth century - this is 1630 from the birth of Christ.

And what do we see on this map? Although the outlines of the continents are drawn on it and not as well as in the previous one, it is clearly visible that the strait in its modern form is not on the map.

Well, apparently, in this case, the picture described when considering the previous card is repeated. We continue to move along the timeline towards our days and once again take a map that is more recent than the previous one.

This time I did not find a physical map of the world. I found a map of North and South America, in addition, Antarctica is not displayed on it at all. But it's not that important. After all, we remember the outlines of the southern tip of South America from previous maps, and we can notice any changes in them even without Antarctica. But with the dating of the map this time, there is complete order - it is dated to the very end of the seventeenth century, namely 1686 from the birth of Christ.

Let's look at South America and compare its outlines with what we saw on the previous map.

On this map, we finally see the antediluvian outlines of South America and the isthmus connecting South America with Antarctica at the site of the modern and familiar Drake Strait, and the most familiar modern South America with a curved towards the "contact spot" southern end.

What conclusions can be drawn from all of the above? There are two fairly simple and obvious conclusions:

    1. Assuming that the cartographers really made maps at the time that the maps are dated, then the catastrophe occurred in the fifty-year interval between 1630 and 1686.

    1. If we assume that cartographers used ancient maps to compile their maps and only copied them and passed them off as their own, then we can only assert that the catastrophe occurred earlier than 1570 from the birth of Christ, and in the seventeenth century, during the re-population of the Earth, inaccuracies of the existing maps were established. maps and clarifications were made to bring them into line with the real landscape of the planet.

Which of these conclusions is correct and which is false, to my great regret, I cannot judge, because the available information is clearly not enough for this.

Disaster confirmation

Where can one find confirmation of the fact of the catastrophe, except for the physical maps that we talked about above. I'm afraid to seem unoriginal, but the answer will be quite prorst: firstly, under our feet, and secondly, in works of art, namely in the paintings of artists. I doubt that any of the eyewitnesses could capture the wave itself, but the consequences of this tragedy were quite captured. There were a fairly large number of artists who painted pictures that reflected a picture of terrible devastation that reigned in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in the place of Egypt, modern Western Europe and Mother Russia. But it was prudently announced to us that these artists did not paint from nature, but displayed on their canvases the so-called imaginary world they had. I will cite the work of only a few fairly prominent representatives of this genre:

This is what the familiar antiquities of Egypt, which have already become familiar to us, looked like before they were dug out from under a thick layer of sand in the literal sense of the word.

But what was in Europe at that time? Giovanni Battista Piranesi, Hubert Robert and Charles-Louis Clerisseau will help us understand.

But these are far from all the facts that can be cited in support of the catastrophe and which I have yet to systematize and describe. There are also cities covered with earth for several meters in Mother Russia, there is the Gulf of Finland, which is also covered with earth and became truly navigable only at the end of the nineteenth century, when the world's first sea channel was dug along its bottom. There are salty sands of the Moskva River, sea shells and damn fingers, which I dug out in the forest sands in the Bryansk region as a kid. Yes, and Bryansk itself, which, according to the official historical legend, got its name from the wilds, supposedly in the place of which it stands, though it does not smell like wilds in the Bryansk region, but this is the subject of a separate discussion and God willing, in the future I will publish my thoughts on this topic. There are deposits of bones and carcasses of mammoths, the meat of which was fed to dogs in Siberia at the end of the twentieth century. All this I will consider in more detail in the next part of this article.

In the meantime, I appeal to all readers who have spent their time and effort and read the article to the end. Do not be reluctant - express any critical remarks, point out inaccuracies and errors in my reasoning. Feel free to ask any questions - I will definitely answer them!

geological fault, or gap- discontinuity of rocks, without displacement (crack) or with displacement of rocks along the fracture surface. Faults prove the relative movement of earth masses. Large faults in the earth's crust are the result of a shift of tectonic plates at their junctions. Active fault zones often experience earthquakes as a result of the release of energy during rapid sliding along a fault line. Since most often faults do not consist of a single crack or rupture, but of a structural zone of the same type of tectonic deformations that are associated with a fault plane, such zones are called fault zones.

The two sides of a non-vertical fault are called hanging side and sole(or lying side) - by definition, the first occurs above and the second below the fault line. This terminology comes from the mining industry.

Fault types

Geological faults are divided into three main groups depending on the direction of movement. A fault in which the main direction of movement occurs in a vertical plane is called dip fault; if in a horizontal plane shift. If the displacement occurs in both planes, then such a displacement is called fault-shift. In any case, the name is applied to the direction of the fault movement, and not to the current orientation, which may have been altered by local or regional folds or dips.

dip fault

Dip-displaced faults are divided into discharges, reverse faults and thrusts. Faults occur when the earth's crust is stretched, when one block of the earth's crust (the hanging side) descends relative to the other (the sole). The section of the earth's crust, lowered relative to the surrounding fault areas and located between them, is called graben. If the site, on the contrary, is raised, then such a site is called horst. Resets of regional significance with a small angle are called breakdown, or flaking. Faults occur in the opposite direction - in them, the hanging side moves upward relative to the base, while the fracture inclination angle exceeds 45°. During uplifts, the earth's crust is compressed. Another type of fault with a dip displacement is thrust, in it the movement occurs similarly to a reverse fault, but the fracture inclination angle does not exceed 45°. Thrusts usually form slopes, rifts and folds. As a result, tectonic covers and clips are formed. The fault plane is the plane along which the fracture occurs.


Fault rocks

All faults have a measurable thickness, which is calculated from the size of the deformed rocks, which determine the layer of the earth's crust where the break occurred, the type of rocks that have undergone deformation and the presence of mineralization fluids in nature. A fault passing through different layers of the lithosphere will have different types of rock on the fault line. Long-term dip displacement leads to overlapping of rocks with characteristics of different levels of the earth's crust. This is especially noticeable in cases of slips or large thrusts.

The main types of rocks in faults are the following:

  • Cataclasite is a rock whose texture is due to the structureless fine-grained material of the rock.
  • Mylonite is a shale metamorphic rock formed during the movement of masses of rocks along the surfaces of tectonic ruptures, during crushing, grinding and squeezing minerals of the original rocks.
  • Tectonic breccia - a rock consisting of acute-angled, unrounded rock fragments and cement connecting them. It is formed as a result of crushing and mechanical abrasion of rocks in fault zones.
  • Waste mud - loose, clay-rich soft rock, in addition to ultrafine-grained catalytic material, which may have a flat structural pattern and contain< 30 % видимых фрагментов.
  • Pseudotachylite is an ultrafine-grained, vitreous rock, usually black in color.

Faults are often geochemical barriers - therefore, accumulations of solid minerals are confined to them. Also, they are often insurmountable (due to the displacement of rocks) for brines, oil and gas, which contributes to the formation of their traps - deposits.

Indication of deep faults

The location of deep faults is determined and mapped (mapped) on the Earth's surface using the interpretation of satellite images, geophysical research methods - various types of seismic sounding of the earth's crust, magnetic survey, gravimetric survey. Geochemical methods are also often used - in particular, radon and helium surveys. Helium, as a product of the decay of radioactive elements that saturate the upper layer of the earth's crust, seeps through cracks, rises into the atmosphere, and then into outer space. Such cracks, and especially their intersections, have high concentrations of helium. This phenomenon was first established by a Russian geophysicist