Seas of the Russian Arctic. Russian Arctic (photos, maps, description)

1. How does the nature of the Arctic seas change from west to east?

The nature of the Arctic seas is harsh and inhospitable, most of the year they are covered with ice. From west to east, the seas are getting colder. If the influence of the Atlantic is still felt in the Barents Sea, then further to the east the thickness of the ice and the degree of ice coverage of the seas increase. The warming influence of the Pacific Ocean is manifested only in the part of the Chukchi Sea, directly adjoining the Bering Strait.

2. Why do the Arctic seas have a greater influence on the climate of the interior regions of Siberia in summer than in winter?

In winter, the Arctic seas, like the land, are covered with ice, and there are no differences in temperature or humidity. In summer, cold water masses contrast with relatively warm land.

3. On the map of the atlas, trace in which geographical names the memory of the explorers of the Arctic remained.

On the map, you can find many geographical objects named after Russian explorers: the Vilkitsky Strait, Capes Chelyuskin and Menshikov, Bolshoi Lyakhovsky, Wrangel, Vilkitsky, Sverdrup, Bolshoy Begichev, etc.

Note that there are many foreign names on the map of the Russian Arctic. For example, the Long Strait is named after the American whaler, captain of the ship T. Long; the Nordenskiöld archipelago (off the coast of the Taimyr Peninsula) bears the name of the Swedish explorer of the Arctic, a foreign corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1879) N. Nordenskiöld. In 1878-1879. Nordenskiöld on the Vega was the first to pass through the Northeast Passage from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific. Another island keeps the memory of the Norwegian polar explorer O. Sverdrup, a member of the expedition of F. Nansen, who in 1914-1915. actively searched for the missing expedition of G. Ya. Sedov, V. A. Rusanov and G. L. Brusilov.

4. What economic activity is associated with the Arctic seas? What environmental problems arise in connection with this? What are the possible solutions?

Fishing for marine animals has long been associated with the Arctic seas, which led to the extermination of a number of species and was banned.

5. The Arctic seas, despite the severity of their nature, attract tourists. Suggest tourist routes along them. What objects and natural phenomena, in your opinion, can attract tourists?

One of the most popular routes is a visit to the North Pole, and despite all the difficulties, many people strive to this "top" of the Earth. Such voyages are made on the Yamal icebreaker. Other tourist sites are "bird markets", rookeries of fur seals and walruses, which are observed along the coast and in reserves. Often found in the vast Arctic and polar bears.

6. Think with which countries of the world Russia could cooperate and is currently cooperating in solving the problems of the economic development of the Arctic. material from the site

At the beginning of the XXI century. in connection with the development of oil and gas fields on the Arctic shelf, they again started talking about the Northern Sea Route (NSR). The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation considers the concept of the development of the Northern Sea Route as a transport corridor that provides an alternative route for the delivery of petroleum products. It is assumed that about 10 million tons of cargo will pass through it, primarily from the northern oil producing enterprises. The main factor hindering the development of the NSR is the absence of icebreakers. In order for the Northern Sea Route to receive the planned volumes of cargo, it is required to build about 14 icebreakers. However, icebreakers are expensive products (at least $40 million). A new icebreaker has been under construction in our country for 15 years. South Korea, the largest shipbuilding power, is now showing great interest in the construction of icebreakers. This ice-free country already has several ice basins in its scientific institutions for testing promising designs.

2007 has been declared the International Year of the Arctic. All Arctic countries (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, USA, Canada, etc.) are planning large-scale joint research to study the seas and islands of the Arctic Ocean with a view to their possible economic development and solving environmental problems.

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On this page, material on the topics:

  • influence of the arctic seas on the nature of siberia
  • the name of the animals of the arctic seas
  • what effect do the arctic seas have on the nature of siberia
  • essay on arctic
  • description of the arctic sea

The Arctic seas are among the cleanest

The seas of the Arctic are among the cleanest on the planet, Dmitry Ishkulov, deputy director for science at the Murmansk Marine Biological Institute, told TASS following the results of an expedition conducted in 2017 by scientists from the institute.

"Despite the active development and use of the North, the seas here remain among the cleanest on the planet," he said.

During 2017, MMBI scientists conducted several large-scale expeditions to the Arctic. For the first time in many years and even decades, we are talking about fundamental scientific research, and not about applied problems. This became possible with the financial support of the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations (FANO).

During the year, work was carried out in the Barents, Norwegian and Greenland seas. The season ended with a 30-day voyage of the research vessel MMBI "Dalnie Zelentsy" to the Svalbard region: scientists worked in the territorial waters of the archipelago - in the Isfjord.

A number of results obtained during the expedition required lengthy laboratory studies and analytical work. Scientists have been doing this for several months. Samples of water, bottom sediments, plants, and animals were studied, which, in particular, made it possible to draw conclusions about the state of the environment.

buffer for ecology

Samples were tested for a variety of contaminants, from radiation to plastic. In particular, very detailed data have been obtained for the Barents Sea. "The Barents Sea is still quite clean, despite the fact that there are many industrial enterprises, military plants on the coast, the oil and gas industry is developing. And a similar situation persists in other seas where expeditions were carried out," Ishkulov said.

This applies to all types of pollution. So, scientists did not find microparticles of plastic, the danger of accumulation of which in water has long been talked about by ecologists.

According to Murmansk biologists, the Arctic is "saved" by the fact that the seas here are open. "Another reason is the powerful buffer processes in the Arctic seas, their ability to maintain balance, self-regulation," Ishkulov said.

Do not bring pollution to the Arctic and large currents that come here from the Atlantic.

Warmth for the North

Scientists are paying more and more attention to the Atlantic Gulf Stream. It is he who determines the climate of the western Arctic. Some ecologists believe that global warming may lead to a change in the current and irreversible consequences for the Arctic region.

However, MMBI scientists, comparing the results of their measurements with long-term data, came to the conclusion that the current is stable. "Its changes are only seasonal," Ishkulov said.

Marine biologists do not see any reason to talk about irreversible warming on the planet. “We are of the opinion that this is a cyclical process. In recent years, the temperature has indeed been rising, the ice has been moving away, but in the future the reverse process should occur, such cycles have already been observed,” the scientist said.

Animal behavior

During the expedition, the behavior of animals in the Arctic was also studied. In particular, an unexpected discovery was that birds can fly not only from north to south, but also across the meridians for thousands of kilometers.

This was revealed after scientists tagged kittiwakes, a species of gull. Previously, it was believed that in the western Arctic and the Far East there are two separate populations of these birds, but it turned out that their representatives fly "to each other." So far, only the question of what attracts birds to such long journeys has remained unexplained.

Another important result was data on the increase in the population of bowhead whales. Scientists are increasingly meeting these animals on their way. This is probably due to both warming and the ban on whaling.

Arctic maritime geopolitics is a multifaceted problem that affects Russia's interests in both political and economic aspects. There is an urgent need for real development of the mineral resource potential of the northern territories and water areas of our country - its future prosperity.

In the all-Russian balance of reserves and production, only the territory of the north of the European part of Russia (the most studied!) is occupied by:

1st place in reserves and production of quartz raw materials, kaolin, apatite, vermiculite, phlogopite, amber; 1st place in lithium reserves;

2nd place in explored reserves of coal and diamonds; on reserves and production of nickel, along with which cobalt, copper, platinoids, selenium, tellurium, gold and silver are extracted along with it;

Zirconium is mined only in the north-west of Russia.

Large balance reserves of rare metals are also concentrated here, a significant part of the extraction of nepheline and quartz-feldspar raw materials, ores of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, bauxites, gold, phosphates, mica-muscovite and refractory clays are mined. There are real prospects for discovering new deposits of titanium, chromites, diamonds, polymetallic ores, manganese, barite, platinum group metals, and gold in the northwestern Arctic region of Russia.

The future belongs to the eastern regions of Russia, the mineral and raw material potential of which is great!

Oil and gas are currently the most important resources that the Arctic has. The search, exploration and development of oil and gas deposits in the Arctic regions are associated with harsh natural and climatic conditions and the solution of complex technical and technological problems. The problem of setting up research work and the priority of their implementation will also depend on the geographical situation - Russia has the longest Arctic border (22600 km) among all the northern powers and therefore cannot but be the subject of circumpolar economic and legal processes (Fig. 19).

The legal status of the Arctic in terms of interstate agreements and international law is a much less definite and much more controversial issue.

Work on substantiation of the outer border of the continental shelf of Russia is being actively carried out after the ratification in 1997 by Russia of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. This is especially true in our 21st century, when the interests of various states extend to the Russian north, even those that do not have direct borders with the seas of the Arctic Ocean. The Strategy for the Development of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation until 2020 was approved by the President of Russia V.V. Putin on February 20, 2013. This document formulates priority areas for the development of the Arctic and ensuring national security. One of the priority areas for the development of the Russian north is the efficient use of the resource base. Having huge mineral resources, the Arctic and the eastern regions of Russia are characterized by a small population (12 million people) and an extremely weak social and industrial infrastructure.

Figure 19. Potential contenders for the Arctic shelf.

An analysis of the distribution structure of the initial total resources (ITR) of hydrocarbons (HC) in the Arctic waters shows that the largest share (85%) falls on the seas of the Western Arctic - the Barents, Pechora and Kara (Table 19).

Table 19. Structure of the NSR HC in the Arctic waters of Russia

Water areas (seas)

Indicators of NSR HC, mln tce

Number of deposits

Cumulative production




East Siberian



83702, 65


The geological and geophysical knowledge of the Arctic shelf remains relatively low and extremely uneven (Table 20).

Table 20. Geological and geophysical knowledge of the seas of Russia

Number of wells drilled

Seismic work density, km/km 2

East arctic


Total: 64

Average: 0.15

Total number of wells drilled: 197

Seas of Russia total:

Average density of seismic works: 0.24

North Sea (Norway)

The basis for the economic development of the Arctic region is the reproduction of the mineral resource base (MSB) and, first of all, the formation and growth of its fuel and energy component.

The presence and geological diversity of the largest oil and gas geological elements testifies to the great prospects of the Arctic territories and water areas for oil and gas.

Due to the low level of geological and geophysical knowledge of the continental shelf, a wide cycle of geological surveys and scientific generalizations is being carried out on the territories and water areas of the Arctic.

An analysis of the state of geological and geophysical studies of the Russian continental shelf indicates the presence of scientific, methodological and theoretical problems that need to be solved:

Development of the regulatory framework for the development of shelf resources;

    development of scientific ideas about the features of the deep structure, tectonics and geodynamics of the earth's crust and upper mantle of the Arctic shelf and adjacent parts of the land;

    development of a technique for three-dimensional modeling of the structures of the platform cover and consolidated crust based on a set of seismic, gravimetric, magnetometric, electrical survey data and drilling results.

The most important achievement of recent years has been the discovery of the global Arctic oil and gas belt. Here, the general geological structure of the studied shelf zones is disclosed, the main parameters of oil and gas potential are identified, structural elements and trends in the change in the thickness of the sedimentary cover are determined. It has been established that the average density of recoverable NSR hydrocarbons is 20-25 thousand t/km 2 . In the Western Arctic (Barents and Kara Seas), despite the modest amount of exploration work performed (seismic surveys are 5-6 times less, and drilling is 20-25 times less than in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea - Table 20), geological exploration mapped numerous local objects, 22 deposits were discovered. The Prirazlomnoye, Varandey-Sea, Medynskoye-Sea, Dolginskoye oil, Prirazlomnoye, Varandey-Sea, Medynskoye-Sea, Dolginskoye oil and gas condensate, Shtokman, Pomorskoye, Ice gas condensate and Severo-Kildinskoye, Murmanskoye, Ludlovskoye gas fields have been discovered on the shelf of the Barents (including the Pechora) Sea Place of Birth.

On the shelf of the Kara Sea, in the Taz and Ob bays, the Salekaptskoye was discovered. Yurkharovskoye oil and gas condensate, Leningradskoye, Rusanovskoye gas condensate and Antipayutinskoye, Semakovskoye, Tota-Yakhinskoye, Kamenomysskoye-Sea, Severo-Kamenomysskoye, Gugoryakhinskoye, Obskoye gas fields.

In a relatively short time in the Barents-Kara oil and gas province, it is possible to explore several super-giant gas fields in terms of reserves and prepare 20-25 trillion cubic meters for development. m 3 of gas with gas condensate, and together with the Rusanovsky and Leningrad fields - 30-35 trillion. m 3 , which will lead to the creation of a new, reliable, largest Russian gas supply base of planetary importance, capable of solving the problems of the country's energy policy, developing the production potential of its regions in the 21st century.

In connection with the prospect of developing oil and gas prospecting in other Arctic waters (the Laptev, East Siberian, and Chukchi Seas) and in order to turn the predicted oil and gas resources of the shelf into a real reserve of hydrocarbon raw materials, it is necessary to develop a State Program for geological exploration in the Arctic zone of Russia.

Table 21. Unique and large oil and gas fields accounted for by the State Balance

Place of Birth

oil and gas


Laptev Sea, East Siberian Sea, Chukchi Sea


Not open





Gas condensate, gas:

Not open







For drilling exploration wells on the continental shelf, as domestic experience shows, depending on the depth of the sea, the following technical means can be used: from 20 to 75 m - self-elevating rigs with retractable supports; from 50 to 200 m - semi-submersible installations with an anchor positioning system; from 50 to 300 m - drilling vessels with a dynamic positioning system.

A comparative analysis of the characteristics was carried out (type of sea, area, volume, depth / average, maximum /, temperature / air, water /, wind speed, water salinity, water density, water circulation, tides, sea level fluctuations, ice, content / oxygen, nutrient salts /, economic use) of the Chukchi and East Siberian seas, the Laptev, Kara and Barents seas. In the zone of transit shallow water, it is advisable to use self-elevating installations with retractable supports. In other parts of the seas, where the depths are increasing, difficult ice conditions develop (Fig. 20) and other climatic characteristics appear that increase the risk of drilling from offshore platforms.

Figure 20. Ice conditions in the Barents Sea

Proposed deep drilling from the islands. The Wrangel Islands (O.Gerald), Ayon, Medvezhiy, Bol can be the primary targets for setting up deep drilling. Lyakhovsky (Islands Mal. Lyakhovsky, Kotelny, New Siberia), the Lena Delta, Bol Islands. Begichev, Bolshevik (October Revolution Islands, Komsomolets), Cape Chelyuskin, Sverdrup Islands (Islands of the Arctic Institute, News of the Central Executive Committee, etc.), Gydan Peninsula, Vaigach Islands, Kolguev, Kanin Peninsula (Cape Kanin Nos). The drilling of deep wells in the Arctic zone should be assigned tasks inherent in the tasks of reference and parametric drilling.

Deep well drilling data will contribute to:

Improving the reliability of the interpretation of geophysical surveys;

Obtaining a reasonable quantitative assessment of the oil and gas potential;

Identification of areas of predominant oil or gas potential;

Forecast and definition of oil and gas bearing complexes, zones of oil and gas accumulation and types of traps;

Obtaining information on the oil and gas content of the continental slope and deep water area within the economic zone of Russia.

In addition, taking into account the average and maximum depths of the Arctic seas, climatic conditions (icebergs, drifting ice and ice fields, storms), it seems possible to use the submarine fleet for research and drilling. Submarines that have completed their regular life, but whose hulls and propulsion systems can still serve (!) Must be equipped with drilling rigs and special equipment for conducting hydrological and geophysical studies (layer-by-layer study of temperatures, salinity, density, gas hydrate content and other characteristics of the waters of sea basins ) and "spot" drilling from the sides of submarines to study the bottom sediments and the geological section of the cover in the stipulated points of promising lands.

A serious risk in setting up and conducting offshore drilling operations is gas hydrates, which are still poorly understood in our Arctic seas.

Gas hydrates are a combination of gas and water in which gas molecules (usually methane) are placed inside water molecules, acquiring the appearance of snow. In this case, the volume of methane in the gas hydrate decreases by almost 200 times. When the gas hydrate is destroyed, and this happens with a decrease in pressure or an increase in temperature, a large volume of gas is released.

Gas hydrate can form in bottom sediments at a pressure of 25 atm and a temperature of 0°C. If the temperature is higher, then an increase in pressure is necessary for the formation of gas hydrate.

In the seas, the water column creates high pressure on sedimentary rocks (for every 10 m of depth, the pressure increases by 1 atm, while the bottom water has a constantly low temperature of -2--3 ° C. In oceans and seas, gas hydrates are usually found at depths of 300 -400 m to 1000-1200 m and more They saturate the upper two hundred-meter layer of bottom sediments, are contained in the pore space in the form of layers, lenses, in a dispersed state and make up 10-20% of the total volume of sediments.

The role of gas hydrates is dual. On the one hand, gas hydrates are involved in the formation of oil and gas deposits, as they are a good cover for their preservation. On the other hand, when the fault zones are activated, intensive gas migration occurs from the gas hydrate deposits, from under the sole of the gas hydrate deposits, the destruction of oil and gas deposits and oil and gas bearing rocks to the day surface occurs.

Morphostructures of disturbed bottom sediments are formed in the area of ​​methane bubble outlets. Both at the depth of the sea and on the shelf, these structures resemble mud volcanoes.

In the deep water zone, for example, the Barents Sea, where the unique Shtokman gas condensate field was discovered, the natural conditions are also favorable for the formation and stable existence of methane hydrate: the sea depth is over 240 m, the temperature of the bottom water is -1°С, the geothermal gradient is 20-40 degrees /km, sufficient concentration of dissolved gas. High gas content translates fine and fine-grained sands into a floating state. Gas bubbles contained in the surface sediments of the Pechora Sea , reduce the water and gas permeability of the soil, transfer it to the state of "heavy liquid". The strength of such liquid-like systems tends to zero, the immersion of the cone in them under a given load, slowing down somewhat, can continue to the bottom of the sequence. Sandy and sandy loamy gas-saturated strata of the Pechora Sea (and other similar water areas) cannot be considered as a reliable basis for any engineering structures.

Serious problems for the design and construction of drilling platforms and other underwater structures on the seabed under a water column of more than 240-300 m creates the possibility of the presence of natural gas hydrates in the soil. In any case, taking into account the instability of hydrate-bearing permafrost soils with underground ice, contacts of underwater structures with them should be avoided.

The study of hydrate formation processes, the forecast of gas hydrate formation zones, the influence of the latest tectogenesis on the relief-transforming role of gas hydrates and the assessment of risks in the development of oil and gas fields in the hydrate formation zones of the Barents Sea are very relevant.

Investing in the State Program of integrated oil and gas prospecting in the Arctic zone of Russia should be largely carried out by the largest oil and gas companies that are vitally interested in sustainability and replenishment of their capital associated with the development of new oil and gas promising territories and water areas.

Navigation along the Northern Sea Route (SMI) is closely connected with the development of the productive forces of the Far North, with the use of the natural resources of this region for the needs of the national economy of Russia and for delivery to world markets.

The navy is faced with the task of further developing navigation along the NSR, strengthening and improving its material and technical base, developing end-to-end navigation, and improving the economic performance of the icebreaker and transport fleet.

The priority tasks are to increase the time of Arctic navigation, to ensure the pilotage of ships on schedule and under any ice conditions; growth of through transportation of goods along the NSR from Europe to the Far East and back; improving the interaction of sea, river, rail and air transport for the rational and efficient provision of the needs of the developing industry of the north-east of Russia with the maximum use of the NSR and the network of navigable rivers of Siberia, the development of Arctic ports.

Physical-geographical and navigational characteristics of the Arctic seas

The North Pole is located in the center of the waters surrounded by three continents: North America, Europe and Asia.

The depths of the Arctic Ocean are significant (2000-5000 m), and its central part is covered with ice throughout the year (more or less spiked). The ice cover is torn apart by winds from time to time, and then again knocked together into ice massifs drifting in different directions.

The seas washing the southern shores of the Arctic Ocean (Greenland, Barents, Kara, Laptev, East Siberian, Chukchi, Beaufort) are covered with ice most of the year, and two to three months a year are suitable for navigation.

The Northeast Passage is often called the Northern Sea Route (SMI) - it is a route that runs from the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific along the northern coasts of Europe and Asia through the Barents, Kara, Laptev, East Siberian, Chukchi, Bering Seas to the strait of the same name. Its length from Arkhangelsk to the Bering Strait is 3,500 miles. (For the first time, this route was covered with wintering in the ice in 1878-1879 by Nordenskiöld on the Vega schooner. In one season, the NSR was traversed by an expedition led by O. Yu. Schmidt only in 1932 on the Sibiryakov icebreaker).

Despite the general warming of the climate in the Arctic, navigation conditions on the NSR remain extremely difficult, since it passes through the narrow and rapidly freezing straits of the Kara * Gate and Yugorsky Shar (between Novaya Zemlya and the mainland) and the Vilkitsky Strait (between Severnaya Zemlya and the Taimyr Peninsula). ).

The Arctic sea basin covers an area of ​​3051 thousand km2.

The shores from the Yugorsky Shar Strait to the Bering Strait are low, in some places elevated and indented.

Baydaratskaya, Obskaya, Kolyuchinskaya and Chaunskaya bays, Yenisei, Khatanga, Oleneksky, Yansky and other bays deeply cut into the land.

The shores of the islands are mostly elevated.

The Arctic seas lie within the most extensive continental shelf in the World Ocean. The depths along the mainland are small, a fifty-meter isobath runs tens of miles from the coast. To the north, the depths increase.

The large navigable rivers Ob, Yenisei, Lena, Khatanga, Yana, Indigirka, Kolyma flow into the Arctic seas, which, with their warm waters, accelerate the opening of coastal areas from ice.

The climate along the NSR is characterized by low average annual temperatures, severe and long winters, short summers, and difficult ice conditions. The average January temperature is from -20 to -30°С; the average summer temperature in coastal areas does not rise above +13°C, and in the sea from 0 to +2°C.

The waters of the seas are very cold. Their temperature in summer at the mouth of the rivers reaches +6°C, and in the open sea - about zero; in winter under ice from -1.5 to -1.8°С.

In the East Siberian and Chukchi Seas, a constant counterclockwise current is observed.

In summer, northern winds prevail over the seas of the Arctic.

In winter, the seas are covered with solid ice with thick fast ice. In May-June, fast ice begins to collapse, and in the second half of July, the coastal zone up to several hundred kilometers wide is cleared of ice and becomes available for navigation (but not everywhere).

Navigation lasts no more than 3-4 months. In the second half of October, ice formation begins, and in November the seas freeze; the ice thickness reaches more than 2.5 m and navigation stops. In some years, in some areas (the Vilkitsky Strait), floating ice remains even in summer.

The most difficult ice conditions are in the Laptev, East Siberian and Chukchi seas, where the Taimyr, Ayon, Wrangel and Kolyuchinsky ice massifs that do not melt all year round are located.

Tidal fluctuations in the water level are insignificant; they reach the greatest value in the Chukotka region - 1.5 m, in the Western part of the Kara Sea - 1.2 m, and in other areas they do not exceed 0.3 m.

Precipitation falls from 100 to 200 mm per year, mainly in the form of snow. far eastern navigation arctic ice

The location of the seas beyond the Arctic Circle distinguishes them from other basins by a sharp change in visibility. In winter there are polar nights, and in summer - polar days.

The average number of clear days here does not exceed 2-3 per month. Fog is frequent at the beginning of summer.

In Arkhangelsk, the opening of Arctic navigation usually occurs in mid-May (closing on October 15), in Mezen navigation continues from mid-May to November 10, in Naryan-Mar from June 1 to October 25, and in the Yenisei Bay from July 15 to September 15.

the lesson allows you to show the need for the Northern Sea Route for Russia, gives students a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe conditions of the North, allows students to cultivate respect for the work of the people, for working people who create wealth on earth and in the state.

Chudina Elena Anatolievna, 14.05.2017

1078 152

Development content

Task 1. Find a couple

    The most resort area of ​​Russia

Answer options:

M. - Central

O - North Caucasian

C - Northern

I - West Siberian

A - Volga-Vyatsky

R - Ural

U - Volga

I am Central Black Earth

Answer: ________________________

Task 2. List the seas washing the territory of Russia:

Guess the riddles, what unites them?

. ___________________

This is a beautiful, fast, graceful animal, dressed in a warm short coat, and even having branched horns on its head. He lives in the cold tundra, feeds on reindeer moss, which is also called reindeer moss, and feels quite comfortable in the Arctic region. Inhabits many islands of a huge cold reservoir. This animal has a weight of about two hundred kilograms, and the height at the withers does not exceed one and a half meters. He has very wide hooves. Thanks to them, he easily breaks the snow in winter and gets to the withered vegetation hiding under a snow coat. _____________________

This is a predatory animal. She is the most ferocious and large among birds. Feeds on rodents. It is a ruthless predator with yellow eyes and white plumage. It attacks both birds and rodents. It can also eat a cub of a larger animal - for example, a polar fox. ______________________

Task 3. The topic of our lesson is still hidden from us under the numbers. Each number is a letter, in order in the topic name, to open them you need to find the smallest number. Arrange them in ascending order of numbers and read the words.

_____________________ ________________ ___________

Task 4. Fill in the table "History of the development of the Northern Sea Route"

Task 5.

Task 6. Compare the seas of the Arctic Ocean using Appendix 6 tables and atlas maps.

Practical work

sea ​​name

Features of climate and nature

Economic activity



East Siberian



* "5" - everything is correct, "4" - one mistake; "3" - two errors (points)

Development content

Arctic seas. Northern sea route, its significance.

The purpose of the lesson: to form an idea of ​​​​the northern seas of Russia, to reveal the significance of the Northern Sea Route for the national economy of the country.

Lesson objectives: to show the need for the Northern Sea Route; to give students a general idea of ​​the conditions of the North; continue to work on the development of skills to characterize natural conditions; improve the ability to work with different types of geographical maps; to instill in students respect for the labor of the people, for the people of labor who create wealth on earth and in the state.

Basic knowledge of the 8th grade: the formation of the territory; Ice (Arctic) zone, the complexity of its development; wildlife protection; nature reserve on Wrangel Island; Northern Sea Route.

Basic knowledge: 1930 - the first icebreaker "Sibiryakov" traveled from Murmansk to Eilin, since 1960 - nuclear-powered icebreakers have been sailing along the Northern Sea Route.

Basic terms and concepts: navigation, ports of Dixon, Pevek, Tiksi, Murmansk, Vladivostok.

Equipment and materials: maps: "Natural zones of Russia", "Physical map of the Russian Federation", contour maps.

During the classes

    Org. moment

    Knowledge Test: Find a Pair

    The region with the most population in Russia.

    The most resort area of ​​Russia

    The area is the birthplace of the Kalashnikov assault rifle

    The area, which is famous for its black soil

  1. Answer options:

    M. - Central

    O - North Caucasian

    C - Northern

    I - West Siberian

    A - Volga-Vyatsky

    R - Ural

    U - Volga

    I am Central Black Earth

    Answer: 1M; 2 - O; 3 - P; 4 - I. (SEA)

    Read the word, what did you get?

    List the seas washing the territory of Russia:

    The territory of Russia is washed by the waters of thirteen seas that belong to the basins of the Arctic Ocean (Barents, White, Kara, Laptev, East Siberian, Chukchi, Bering, Okhotsk, Japan), the Atlantic Ocean (Baltic, Azov, Black), to the basin of internal flow (Caspian).

    Write them down in your notebook.

    Here are riddles, read them and guess:

    This is the largest land predator. The length of his body reaches 2.5 meters, weight half a ton. He attacks seals, seals, walruses. Its strong teeth are familiar to polar dolphins, and the arctic fox always feeds near this mighty beast, getting leftovers from the master's table. Swims, dives, runs fast . (Polar bear).

    This is a beautiful, fast, graceful animal, dressed in a warm short coat, and even having branched horns on its head. He lives in the cold tundra, feeds on reindeer moss, which is also called reindeer moss, and feels quite comfortable in the Arctic region. Inhabits many islands of a huge cold reservoir. This animal has a weight of about two hundred kilograms, and the height at the withers does not exceed one and a half meters. He has very wide hooves. Thanks to them, he easily breaks the snow in winter and gets to the withered vegetation hiding under a snow coat. ( Reindeer)

    This is a predatory animal. She is the most ferocious and large among birds. Feeds on rodents. It is a ruthless predator with yellow eyes and white plumage. It attacks both birds and rodents. It can also eat a cub of a larger animal - for example, a polar fox. ( polar owl)

    What unites these animals? They live in the North of Russia - in Arctic.

    What do you know about Arctic.

    View video. What will be the topic of our lesson?

    But the topic of our lesson is still hidden from us under the numbers. Each number is a letter, in order in the topic name, to open them you need to find the smallest number. Arrange them in ascending order of numbers and read the words. (Letters are cut)

  1. Learning new material:

    Students complete the task in their notebooks and write down the date and topic of the lesson.

    Try to formulate the objectives of our lesson, what should we learn?

    What is the Northern Sea Route?

    Where does it go and what connects?

    What is its role?

    What is the nature of the seas of the Arctic Ocean?

    Harsh northern region. Hundreds of kilometers of snow, ice. It is a snowy, silent desert where you rarely see a living being.

    Fill in the table using the textbook material and additional material History of the development of the Northern Sea Route.

    1. Russian coast-dwellers sailed the Barents and Kara Seas

      By decree of Peter 1, maps of the sea coast were drawn up and a description of the northern seas was made

      The Northern Sea Route was covered in one navigation by the Soviet expedition of O.Yu. Schmidt on the ship "Sibiryakov"

    We check.

    Using the maps of the atlas, plot the Northern Sea Route on the contour map: the ports through which it passes.

    What difficulties do you think the sailors could experience when moving along the Northern Sea Route?

    To do this, we will compare the seas of the Arctic Ocean with you using Appendix 6 Tables and atlas maps.

    Practical work

    Give a description of the Arctic seas of Russia, enter the data in the table.

    1. sea ​​name

      Features of climate and nature

      Economic activity



      East Siberian


    1. Consolidation of knowledge: Name:

      the coldest of the seas ... East Siberian (in summer the water temperature is + 1 ° C);

      a sea that is not covered with ice in winter ... the deepest sea in Russia is the Bering Sea (the greatest depth is 5500 m);

      The shallowest sea...

      The largest in terms of area ... Beringovo;

      the cleanest - Chukotka;

      What is the significance of the Northern Sea Route for our country? Is it beneficial to Russia? Is it worth investing in it?

      Watching video…

      Passes through the seas of the Arctic Ocean (Kara, Laptev, East Siberian, Chukchi) and partly of the Pacific Ocean (Bering). Administratively, the Northern Sea Route is limited by the western entrances to the Novaya Zemlya straits and the meridian running north from Cape Zhelaniya and to the east in the Bering Strait with a parallel of 66 ° N. sh. and meridian 168º W. e. The length of the Northern Sea Route from the Kara Gate to Providence Bay is about 5600 km. The distance from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok along the Northern Sea Route is over 14,000 km (over 23,000 km via the Suez Canal).

      The Northern Sea Route serves the ports of the Arctic and large rivers of Siberia (import of fuel, equipment, food; export of timber, natural resources).

      An alternative to the Northern Sea Route is transport arteries passing through the Suez or Panama Canals. If the distance traveled by ships from the port of Murmansk to the port of Yokohama (Japan) through the Suez Canal is 12,840 nautical miles, then by the Northern Sea Route it is only 5,770 nautical miles.


    Development content

    Find a couple

    • The region with the most population in Russia.
    • The most resort area of ​​Russia
    • The area is the birthplace of the Kalashnikov assault rifle
    • The area, which is famous for its black soil

    Answer options:

    M. - Central

    O - North Caucasian

    C - Northern

    I - West Siberian

    A - Volga-Vyatsky

    R - Ural

    U - Volga

    I am Central Black Earth

    2 - O

    3 - R

    4 - I


    Lesson topic?

    Russian coast-dwellers sailed the Barents and Kara Seas

    the date


    11th-13th centuries

    Russian coast-dwellers sailed the Barents and Kara Seas

    By decree of Peter 1, maps of the sea coast were drawn up and a description of the northern seas was made

    The Northern Sea Route was covered in one navigation by the Soviet expedition of O.Yu. Schmidt on the ship "Sibiryakov"

    Describe the Arctic seas

    Russia, enter the data in the table.

    sea ​​name

    Features of climate and nature


    Economic activity



    East Siberian


    Barents Sea

    Barents Sea- marginal sea of ​​the Arctic Ocean. It washes the shores of Russia and Norway. The southwestern part of the sea does not freeze in winter due to the influence of the North Atlantic Current.

    Kara Sea

    Kara Sea- part of the Arctic Ocean. This is one of the coldest seas in Russia, only near the mouths of the rivers the water temperature in summer is above 0°C. Frequent fogs and storms. Most of the year the sea is covered with ice.

    Laptev sea

    Laptev sea- marginal sea of ​​the Arctic Ocean.

    Most of the year it is covered with ice.

    The sea is named after the brothers Dmitry and Khariton Laptev, Russian polar explorers.

    East-Siberian Sea

    East-Siberian Sea- marginal sea of ​​the Arctic Ocean. This is the coldest sea.

    Most of the year the sea is covered with ice.

    Walrus, seal hunting, fishing.

    Chukchi Sea

    Chukchi Sea- marginal sea of ​​the Arctic Ocean, located between Chukotka and Alaska. The water temperature in summer is from 4 to 12 °C, in winter from -1.6 to -1.8 °C.

    From October - November to May - June the sea is covered with ice.

    • item 45,
    • make a portrait of one of the seas of the Arctic Ocean,
    • Russian explorers on the map of the Arctic.

    Thank you for your work!

    Until new travels!