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What does the spoken word mean to us? It would seem that this is just a sound that lives for a fraction of a second, and then disappears forever somewhere in the space of the Universe. But it turns out that any word leaves behind one or another trace ...
People have noticed a long time ago that “a kind word is pleasant even for a cat”, and an evil word “is more terrible than gunpowder”, it can kill. At different poles are constructive words and destructive words, words of prayer and words of abuse. The former heal and improve the essence of man, the latter cause disease and reduce us to the level of animals. By and large, any spoken word is capable of "hacking the program" of a person's life, changing his fate in one direction or another.

The word controls the mind

Such a twist of fate once happened to the soldier Georgy Sytin, who was seriously wounded during the Great Patriotic War. After regaining consciousness, the young fighter began to cling to life, despite heavy bleeding and pain. He understood that there was no one to rely on but himself. And from somewhere inside came the words: “George, hold on! Do not give up!" And at some point, the bleeding suddenly stopped.
After being discharged from the hospital, Sytin did not stop thinking about the effectiveness of volitional effort. Entered the medical institute, began to get acquainted with different scientific directions. In order to understand how the word affects the body, for many years he collected and studied ancient conspiracies and eventually developed his own theory of educative medicine, the so-called method of verbal-figurative, emotional-volitional control of a person's state (SOEVUS) . This method, now better known as healing infusions of Sytin , is aimed at mobilizing all the hidden reserves of a person, at healing from various diseases, rejuvenating the body and longevity.

Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin

Thoughts that create health

The human brain stores the entire process of his healthy and diseased development. The SOEVUS method uses precisely this phenomenon, and extraordinary psychosomatic changes in people are based mainly on it. To heal and improve the activity of any diseased or weakened organ, an appropriate attitude is used, which normalizes the control of the organ by the nervous system.
The SOEVUS method has a very large range of exposure. Healing moods are available for almost all organs and systems of the body. Over the years, about twenty thousand such texts have accumulated: for the health of the heart, liver and kidneys, good mood and good sleep, weight loss and getting rid of bad habits ... With the help of words, their repetition in a very specific rhythm is first created, and then a certain mood. And this mood affects the body in one way or another, after which the problem ... goes away!

How it works?

The easiest way to assimilate the healing moods of Sytin is to read them aloud or listen to them in sound recordings (but you must speak the text on the recorder for yourself). The tone of presentation should be business-like, firm, without any pathos, very convincing. Some people prefer to listen to the mood, others prefer to read. It doesn't matter which one you like best. You can listen to moods while doing some household chores or walking on the way to work. But still it is better if you do not get distracted and focus on the text, try to remember it. This increases attentiveness, brightness of perception, and thereby the efficiency of assimilation.
Regardless of whether a person knows the healing text by heart or not, the mood is assimilated only in the process of listening to it or pronouncing it. This will have to be continued until the state of the person comes into line with the content of the mood. The construction of moods is such that they form in a person vivid images of health, youth, strength, indefatigability and beauty, enhance positive feelings, such as the joy of life, and stimulate volitional efforts in order to manage the state.
Those fragments of the text that you like best and have a special meaning, it is useful to listen, read or pronounce from memory more times. It is especially useful when listening to the mood to repeat thought after thought out loud. You can make for yourself and individual mood. Choose the most suitable setting from the ones offered to you and include fragments from other settings that you need in it. Focus on what's most important. Adapt to your gender (male or female), you can add something from yourself. But the general rhythm and character of attitudes must be preserved.
Many people do not perceive Sytin's healing texts because of the frequent mention of "divine powers" in them. If for some reason you do not accept this, cross out the phrases that bother you from the moods. Make the content of the mood pleasant to you; all verbal formulations should be figurative, forming a vivid representation. Only such texts can really create health.

From the piggy bank of Georgy Sytin

You need to start classes (especially in the early days) with an introductory text: “The mood that I am now assimilating will have a strong influence on me due to the fact that the body will strengthen ten times, increase its influence a hundred times and mobilize all its reserves for a quick and complete fulfillment of what is said in the mood; I set myself up for a deep, lasting assimilation of the content of the necessary, useful attitude, I will try to assimilate it as deeply and firmly as possible.
In the future, from the many healing moods, you need to choose the one that suits you. Of course, it is impossible to present a complete collection of moods here. Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin has already published several dozen books with similar texts. For reference, we offer you abbreviated versions of some settings. The full texts can be read in the books of G.N. Sytin.

For stress relief

All anxieties disappeared, absolutely calm, serenely calm, completely calm. All worries are gone, all anxieties have disappeared, I am filled with blissful peace - completely calm, absolutely calm, completely calm. The whole soul calmed down, the heart calmed down, the heart was filled with blissful peace. All worries are gone, all anxieties have disappeared for all time, forever absolutely calm. I am forever filled with heavenly bliss. Forever carefree: all anxieties disappeared for all time, absolutely calm blissful heart.<…>The whole soul was calm: serenely calm, completely calm. Eternally uniformly the same, very slowly, very smoothly, absolutely calmly, completely calmly, serenely serene. Absolutely calm, forever carefree, forever carefree, forever uniformly the same, forever absolutely carefree. All worries are gone for all time<…>

To relieve headache and heartache

A dazzlingly bright holy divine light pours into my head in a constant stream. I see brightly: a dazzlingly bright colossal power of life-giving holy Divine light pours into my head.<…>The whole head is always bright-bright-light. In the eyes is always bright, bright light. All blood vessels throughout the head are evenly dilated throughout their length.<…>Always-always sunny bright spring smile on my face. A serene cloudless happiness fills my soul.<…>The whole soul sings from happiness, from the eternally new Divine joy of life. Sunny bright spring smile on my face, my whole soul sings from happiness, from the eternally new Divine joy of life.<…>
An ever stronger, ever more powerful heart is being born. The reserve capacity of the heart is constantly increasing. The colossal Divine mighty power flows into my heart in a continuous stream.<…>Inside the heart is spacious and spacious. Inside the heart of the newborn, free blood circulation. The blood flows in a cheerful, joyful, cheerful, free, joyful stream.<…>The head is light-light, light weightless. The heart is so light, so free-light.<…>
Spring always blooms in my soul. A cheerful light always burns in my eyes. Sunny bright spring smile on my face. The whole soul sings from happiness, from the eternally new Divine joy of life. I live a cheerful joyful happy life through and through.<…>I'm getting better, I'm getting better, I'm getting better. I live more cheerfully, more cheerfully, more cheerfully. The whole soul sings from happiness, from the joy of life.

Set to lower blood pressure

I have completely calmed down, I am completely filled with blissful peace. The forehead smoothed out, all the muscles of the face deeply relaxed. In the whole head, through and through, the blood vessels expanded, evenly expanded along their entire length, I calmed down, all the blood vessels relaxed. The blood flows in a wider and freer stream, like a river in flood, the blood flows through all the blood vessels inside the brain. In the whole head through and through newborn full, newborn free blood circulation.<…>The face is blissful, contented, I am satisfied with everything, I am completely satisfied with life, I do not demand anything more from life. I am filled with blissful peace, serene peace. Serene peace fills the heart. I completely calmed down, all the muscles in my whole body deeply relaxed, lengthened, became soft, like jelly.<…>Inside the heart itself, all the blood vessels relaxed, expanded along their entire length. Inside the heart itself is a newborn full, newborn free blood circulation. The whole area of ​​the heart became light-light, light weightless.<…>The whole body is light, light, like a fluff. The head is light weightless, the eyes are light-light, the soul is light and good, the entire region of the heart is light, weightless, as if the entire region of the heart has disappeared into space. In the whole body of a newborn, free blood circulation, the head is light-light, in the eyes it is light-light, as on a bright sunny beautiful day.

Get healthy sleep

When I go to bed today, as soon as my head touches the pillow, I will immediately fall into a healthy, strong, deep sleep - all night, until morning. Now my body is getting ready for sleep. The entire nervous system is now preparing for a night's sleep. And when I go to bed today, as soon as my head touches the pillow, I will immediately fall into a serene, healthy, sound, deep sleep. During a night's sleep, all the billions of nerve cells restore their energy reserves. All internal organs are at rest. During a night's sleep, all muscles are deeply relaxed. Can't even move a finger. Healthy, sound, deep sleep. Throughout the night - until the very morning - I sleep equally sound, equally deep, Divinely healthy sleep, with complete relaxation of all muscles. And in the morning - an easy, quick, cheerful awakening. Cheerful, happy, cheerful beauty, I enter a new day of my Divinely beautiful life.

Set to heal sciatica

The Lord God Himself in a constant stream pours life-giving, Divine, healing, rejuvenating newborn life into my nervous system of colossal power. All internal organs with their own colossal internal stability work perfectly correctly.<…>Into all my nerves, from the top of my head to the tips of my fingers, the holy Divine Fortress flows in a constant stream. My whole nervous system sharply increases. All nerves in the lumbar region are born young at once. I try my best to feel with the brightness of lightning: a newborn young 17-year-old untouched lower back is born.<…>All blood vessels in the lumbar region are freely open along their entire length. In the lumbar region of the newborn, free blood circulation. All internal organs in the lumbar region live a full-blooded, healthy, joyful, cheerful life. I love my tireless strong lower back. I can bend over for hours without getting tired. I can work bent over, hunched over, for hours on end without ever getting tired. After such work in the lumbar region, it is easy-calm, easy-calm.<…>

In this article, you will learn about the unique method of verbal-volitional attitudes - SOEVUS, also known as Sytin's healing attitudes. This method was developed by a Russian scientist - Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin. His scientific method is aimed not only at combating specific diseases, but also at the general improvement of the body and has already established itself as an effective means of preventing and treating cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, nervous and many other diseases.

But, before we move on to considering the methods of healing G.N. Sytin, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with some of the facts of his biography, which led to the creation of healing moods. This is described in the article "".

The abbreviation SOEVUS stands for verbal-figurative emotional-volitional state control. It is based on the impact of speech on the mental and somatic state during the assimilation of special moods.

Method G.N. Sytin is based on the teachings of Academician Pavlov, who considered human speech to be a powerful stimulus. Sytin tested the effect of the moods he created on himself after receiving a severe wound during the Great Patriotic War. He was recognized as disabled, but Georgy Nikolaevich proved by his own example that with a strong-willed attitude one can change any diagnosis and return to a full life. After checking in the Ministry of Health, the effectiveness of his attitudes was recognized, and they began to be widely used in psychiatry in the treatment of various diseases.

Moods is a text with a special structure and content, clear and figurative formulations that form a vivid presentation. You can listen to Sytin's healing moods in an audio recording or read them aloud, but listening to them is considered the most effective. At the same time, it is not forbidden to go about your business, but it is desirable that nothing distracts when listening to the moods, then the maximum effect is achieved.

It is recommended to listen to healing moods until the moment when there is no correspondence between the state of a person and the content of the listening mood. When listening, you need to be active, you can walk and memorize the text. In this case, the degree of perception increases and after it the degree of assimilation of the mood increases.

Clinical trials and testimonials

The SOEVUS method was first tested at the Anokhin Institute of Normal Physiology of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences on an academy employee who suffered from tachycardia for many years, the cause of which was not clear. After a session of verbal-figurative influences on the subject, her pulse returned to normal, and the return of tachycardia was no longer observed. With the help of the method of verbal imaginative influences, another doctor, an employee of the polyclinic of the USSR Academy of Sciences, got rid of extrasystole, which until that moment had not been amenable to drug treatment.

Feedback on the use of Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin's attitudes indicates a positive trend in patients. After listening to the settings:

  • blood supply to organs is normalized,
  • improves oxygen circulation in tissues,
  • there is a restructuring of their vital activity, which persists for a long time.
  • moods helped many to get rid of stuttering, nicotine addiction, excess weight, nervous tics,
  • in patients suffering from gastric ulcer, there was a recovery of the gastric mucosa without scarring.

The use of self-healing attunements does not require special training. People of any age can learn them, starting from the age of sixteen. Some recordings of settings are presented in two versions, and you can listen to them in any of them, having previously chosen the most suitable one for yourself. It is recommended to listen one to three times a day , and the duration of treatment varies from a week to one year.

Attitude “How to live up to 150 years young and healthy”, reads G.N. Sytin

Feedback from readers about listening to moods

Judging by reader reviews listening to Sytin's healing moods showed a positive result.

Larisa Usenkova:

“After listening to the tunes, it really gets easier and better. I will continue.”

Dmitry Fedotov:

“Thanks to Sytin for the mood. Thanks to them, he defeated a stomach ulcer and much more. A very good thing.”

Vanish Kuyantsev

“I want to tell you about an absolutely amazing case. My daughter's sole of the right foot very quickly became completely covered with warts. It’s not easy to remove one wart, but here a solid crust has formed! The surgeon did not have any instrument for the operation, and he ordered to come in a week. And for some reason we decided to start reading Sytin's moods, I had his book. We did not count on anything, we just read his mood for the general improvement of the body every day. People, we were shocked! A week later, the sole turned out to be clean, there was not a trace of warts left! Just a miracle! So I wholeheartedly recommend using his moods, they really help to recover!”

How to listen and where to download for free tune G.N. Sytin?

You can listen to the healing moods of Sytin regardless of the disease and at any time of the day, because they act on the vital systems of a person and normalize the general condition. When the functions of the body begin to work at a high level, local problems also disappear.

During listening sessions, medication is not excluded, since the effect on the body should be complex, only the dose of drugs is slightly reduced.

When listening, slight dizziness may appear, in some cases the temperature rises, but after three days these symptoms disappear. During this period, it is recommended to increase the number of auditions. A positive effect is often observed after the first use of the method, but to consolidate it is necessary to continue listening for at least a week.

ATTENTION: Now on the Internet you can find records of G.N. Sytin accompanied by music. Herself The author of the method warned in one of his books that it is better to listen to recordings of moods without music, since the rhythm of speech and melodies can differ and interfere with the perception of thoughts, as a result of which the effectiveness of the moods is reduced.

Especially for my readers, I have prepared audio recordings of healing moods without music. You can listen to the tunes in mp3 format or download them for free on the page

Clinical trials of G.N. Sytin showed their high efficiency for the treatment of many diseases. Read reader reviews about the Sytin Soevus method Related articles:

The method of verbal-figurative emotional-volitional control of the physical state was invented by a Russian scientist Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin. The method is intended not only for the treatment of diseases, but also for the healing of the entire human body. Its basis is the influence of speech on the somatic and psycho-emotional state while listening to special statements. Reviews of Sytin's moods will be considered in this article.

Methodology development

The SOEVUS method was based on the teachings of Pavlov, who called human speech the most powerful stimulus of consciousness. Sytin experimented with moods on himself after he was seriously wounded during the Great Patriotic War. Georgy Nikolaevich proved by his own example that any diagnosis can be changed and a full-fledged, healthy lifestyle can be restored. The effectiveness of the method he developed was recognized by the Ministry of Health, after which it began to gain popularity in psychiatry.

What it is?

"Sytin's moods", according to people's reviews, are a text of a certain content and structure with figurative, accessible wording that allows you to create vivid images. These settings can not only be listened to, but also read, however, the first method is recognized as more effective.

According to reviews, it is necessary to listen to Sytin's settings until a correspondence is established between the content of the audio file and the state of the person. While listening, you need to be active, you can walk and at the same time memorize the text.

Tests carried out

For the first time, the method of verbal-figurative emotional-volitional state control was tested at the Institute of Normal Physiology named after Academician Anokhin of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Soviet Union. The subject was an employee of the academy. She suffered from tachycardia of unknown etymology for several years. After listening to the audio recording, the subject's pulse returned to normal, and tachycardia no longer manifested itself. Another employee of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, after listening, was able to get rid of extrasystole, which was not amenable to conservative methods of treatment.


You can find a lot of positive feedback about Sytin's moods. After listening to audio recordings, patients note the following improvements in their health:

  1. Increasing oxygen circulation in tissues.
  2. Normalization of blood supply to internal organs.
  3. For many, the technique has helped to get rid of nicotine addiction, stuttering, nervous tics and excess weight.
  4. The restructuring of the way of life, which persists for a long period of time.
  5. Patients with gastric ulcer noted the regeneration of the mucous membrane without scarring.

Is preparation necessary?

Preparation in order to start using the technique is not required. The age limit applies to patients under 16 years of age. Who did Sytin help? According to reviews, the moods are presented in two versions, and for yourself you need to choose the most suitable one. Listening to audio is necessary up to three times a day, the duration of the course varies from a week to a year.

Many are interested in who helped Sytin's attitude. According to reviews, there are a large number of such people.

Where to find and how to listen?

Regardless of the nature of the disease, you can listen to moods at any time of the day, as they affect the systems of the body that are important for life, healing it and improving its general condition. The normalization of the functioning of the body causes local problems to come to naught. At the time of using the technique, taking medications is not excluded, since a complex effect on the problem is necessary. However, the dosage of drugs is reduced.

Adverse reactions

During a session of listening to Sytin's healing moods, according to reviews, you may experience slight dizziness, and sometimes even an increase in body temperature. However, these side effects go away on their own after three days. At such moments, the number of listening to moods must be increased. Positive dynamics may appear after the first session, however, weekly therapy with moods will help to consolidate the effect. You can listen to audio online by finding them on the Web or downloading them to your computer for later use.

The essence of the method and the power of the word

If we recall A. Kuprin's story "Olesya", when the main character made the blood from the wound stop with a word, then we can understand that this is a vivid example of treatment with a word without witchcraft and quackery. Sytin also believed in the healing power of the word, and on this basis he built his own methodology. He was not at all embarrassed by the possibility of the neighborhood of ancient conspiracies and scientific methods. However, in the modern world, few will dare to admit that the word can become a real panacea in the fight against serious diseases. Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor Sytin is an exception to this rule.

What heals?

For 40 years he has been conducting word therapy and successfully treating insomnia and neurosis, hypertension and ischemia, sciatica and peptic ulcer disease, as well as respiratory diseases. Many, of course, are skeptical of Sytin's method, considering it charlatanism. However, Georgy Nikolaevich claims that the technique is based solely on the teachings of I.P. Pavlov, the essence of which is the recognition of speech as a second signal system and its connection with the subconscious. Such a connection allows you to influence the psyche purposefully, thus restoring the functioning of internal organs and self-regulation of the body.

Many mistakenly believe that Sytin is conducting therapy with old conspiracies, but this is not so. He knows them well and understands them, since for many years he collected and studied this layer of folk wisdom, but this was necessary in order to be able to master the principles of creating and operating texts of conspiracies. Based on them, Sytin created author's texts specifically for the technique, which were aimed at influencing a specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body.

How it all began?

This method is relatively old and is closely connected with the fate of its author. This story began in 1943, when Sytin went on the attack with his platoon. As a result of a shrapnel wound, he was limited in mobility, lost his memory and became disabled. It was during this period of his life that he began to be interested in psychology. Since 1944, Sytin began to develop an author's method of influencing consciousness with a word. He was the first test subject. By 1957, he passed the medical board and was declared fit for military service.

The development of attitudes from Georgy Sytin, according to reviews, was not easy. It was necessary to understand the principles of the impact of words, and for this, thousands of attitudes were created. Each of them had an impact aimed at the physical and psycho-emotional state of a person. At first, Georgy Nikolaevich walked blindly.

Later, Sytin began to cooperate with the USSR Ministry of Instrument Engineering, which developed special devices that accelerate the selection of healing words. Sensors took readings of the reaction of different systems of the human body to certain words, fixing their intensity. After the accumulation of sufficient experience in the selection of the right words, a professional instinct appeared, which unmistakably prompted the necessary combinations.

To date, the card index of moods consists of more than 20 thousand examples, new medical texts continue to be created.

What about today?

At the moment, the author of the methodology is looking for settings for the treatment of schizophrenia. The results obtained so far are encouraging. The high degree of effectiveness of the technique in the field of treatment of neurosomatic diseases has been proven for a long time.

According to reviews, Sytin's settings were even used in the treatment of radiation sickness in patients who eliminated the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The settings helped to increase the immunity and defenses of the body. In addition, the technique allows you to suppress radiophobia and enhances self-control and strong-willed qualities of a person. If we talk specifically about the nuclear power industry, then SEVUS helps to increase the concentration of attention and performance, as well as stress resistance, which will allow you to adequately perceive a critical situation and make sober decisions.

In medicine, Sytin's moods help in cases where medical treatment is impossible. This method eliminates side effects. This is the most gentle therapy regimen for difficult patients.

About words

It is equally important to take into account the high degree of humanity of Sytin's method. You can verify this by listening to or reading the moods, paying attention to the vocabulary of the texts. Words clearly reflect the inner state of a person and his attitude. If you use uncertain and dull words in the lexicon, then you will create the impression of a person who is joyless and without a core. Lively and bright words fill life with joy and prosperity. According to reviews, Sytin's mood for weight loss is filled with such a lexicon - encouraging, cheerful, happy, awakening forces for self-regulation and regeneration of the body. They relieve complexes and stress, fatigue and self-doubt.

The words that fill Sytin's moods are maximalistic. With unimaginable perseverance, they displace everything unnecessary and hinder the disclosure of personality and consciousness, fill it with brightness, make it more contrasting. There should not be any halftones, according to Sytin. Only indestructible health, inextinguishable fire, unshakable confidence and cloudless joy.

The repetition of words, which seems deliberate to many, is part of the developed method. Thus, the mood from the text and the level of impact on a person are pumped up and intensified. Sytin's moods for women, according to reviews, can be a real panacea.

The main thing is to believe

Thousands of people were healed thanks to the technique of Georgy Nikolaevich. The greatest effect in therapy is achieved by those who trust the method and are ready for the changes that it brings. However, there were cases in Sytin's memory when the method turned out to be effective in relation to those who were skeptical, the treatment turned out to be a mental confrontation. Such patients refused to listen to the tunes, laughed at the method and tore off the headphones. However, even the most obstinate skeptics found a positive effect after a while.

The significance of the method lies in the fact that it not only treats, but also is the prevention of diseases, as it keeps the body in good shape. The settings can be listened to without waiting for the deterioration. You can repeat the therapy everywhere - on the way to work, while cooking, washing dishes. This is confirmed by the opinions of doctors about Sytin's moods.

Institute of Biophysics of the Academy of Medical Sciences, Ministry of Health of the USSR, Research Institute of Forensic Psychiatry. V.P. Serbsky repeatedly tested the methodology developed by G.N. Sytin. All these instances recognized the attitudes as effective and well-founded. However, the conservatism of our medicine does not allow the method to develop properly. So far, only some medical institutions use it. A few publishing houses publish Sytin's books, which describe the essence of the technique and contain the moods themselves. To believe or not to believe in the power of the word is everyone's business, however, it is not at all difficult to try out the technique, and besides, unlike taking medicines, it is absolutely safe.

We reviewed reviews of the healing moods of Georgy Sytin.

To understand the essence of the frequent mention of the word “Lord” in Sytin’s moods, I recommend reading “”. If this word does not bother you, you can immediately move on to mastering this mood for healing and rejuvenating the body.

Therapeutic mood for rapid continuous recovery - rejuvenation of the body:

The Lord God in a continuous - continuous stream pours into me a colossal holy Divine power. I have divine power. I try to comprehend this as deeply as possible: I have Divine power, I must believe in myself as in God. I have to believe in myself as in God. Everything that I say about myself, everything inevitably materializes. I have the Divine power of materialization.

My body mobilizes all its limitless possibilities for the exact execution of everything that I say about myself. And therefore everything will necessarily inevitably be exactly as I say. Each time I am more and more energetically - more and more energetically assimilating the mood for fast continuous.

The Lord God moves time from the date of my birth from the past to the future through me continuously - continuously. Around the clock with great speed, the Lord God moves time from the past to the future through me. Continuously - continuously - around the clock with great speed, my past life is shortened, my future life is lengthened. I continuously - continuously - around the clock with great speed return to the past stages of development. I try to comprehend this as deeply as possible, to understand as deeply as possible: there is a fast - fast continuous return to the past stages of development, there is a fast - fast continuous - round-the-clock rejuvenation.

I am continuously - continuously with great speed returning to the past stages of development, becoming younger, getting healthier - getting stronger, getting healthier - getting stronger. My body continuously - continuously with great speed returns to the past stages of development, restores the newborn wholeness. My entire body, all internal organs are continuously - continuously at great speed restoring the Divinely correct - newborn-young internal structure. Continuously - continuously - around the clock with great speed they are getting healthy - nerves are getting stronger, everything is getting stronger.

There is a quick - quick recovery of the newborn - young - Divinely beautiful physique. A newborn is born - a young - Divinely beautiful physique, a newborn is born - a young light - fast slender figure. Quickly - continuously - around the clock, day and night, a newborn is born - a young, light, flexible, slender figure - a sharply sunken, skinny young belly is born - a Divinely beautiful thin waist is born.

I feel more and more vividly - more and more vividly I feel my newborn young, light, slender, flexible figure. I feel more and more vividly - more and more vividly - every day more and more vividly I feel a newborn - young - Divinely beautiful physique.

The Lord God moves time from the date of my birth from the past to the future continuously - around the clock with great speed. All body systems - all internal organs continuously - continuously - around the clock with great speed return to the past stages of development, become younger, continuously - continuously day and night - around the clock the Divinely correct newborn - young internal structure of all internal organs is restored. All internal organs continuously - continuously - around the clock with great speed return to the past stages of development, day and night all internal organs continuously become younger, the Divinely correct internal structure, the internal structure of all internal organs is continuously restored.

I feel more and more vividly - more and more vividly I feel the process of growth - the process of rejuvenation - the process of improvement - the process of development. The process of development - improvement goes on continuously day and night, and now at the moment and will continue in a year, and in 10 years, and in 100 years, and in 1000 years, a continuous process will continue, a continuous process of development - improvement of all body systems - all internal organs - all my abilities. I see more and more clearly - more and more clearly the great prospect of continuous rapid recovery - rejuvenation in a year, and in ten years, and in 100 years, and in 1000 years and beyond.

I am more and more deeply - more and more deeply comprehend: there is a continuous - round-the-clock - rapid recovery, rapid rejuvenation. I feel more and more vividly - more and more vividly I feel the process of continuous - continuous fast - round-the-clock rejuvenation - recovery. Day by day, day by day I'm getting younger. For every day I live, I become 50 days old, with every day I live, I feel more and more vividly - more and more vividly I feel the process of rapid continuous rejuvenation, a continuous return to the past stages of development.

Divinely bypassing all the passed intermediate stages of development, I quickly - quickly return to the young age of 17-20 years. The body is continuously - continuously around the clock approaching the age of 17-20. I continuously - continuously - around the clock with great speed return to the past stages of development, I am born newborn - young - Divinely healthy. The whole body continuously restores the wholeness of the newborn around the clock.

More and more new hairs are born on the head. The hair on the head becomes more and more, and this process continues continuously - around the clock until the colossal newborn number of hairs on the head is restored.

In the bones of the jaws, new unusually strong snow-white ones are born. This process will continue continuously forever, instead of lost teeth, new unusually strong snow-white teeth will always grow. My entire nervous system is continuously - continuously - around the clock becoming younger, getting healthier - getting stronger.

There is a fast - fast continuous recovery - rejuvenation - strengthening of the entire nervous system. Continuously - around the clock they are getting healthier - nerves are getting stronger, every day, every hour more and more healthy are born - more and more young - more and more healthy nerves. Every day more and more young - more and more young - more and more strong - more and more stable nervous system is born. I feel more and more clearly - more and more vividly I feel: an ever younger - more and more young - more and more strong - more and more strong - more and more healthy nervous system is being born.

There is a continuous - continuous around the clock recovery. And now, at this moment, and in an hour, and in a day, and in a week, and in a month, and in a year, and in 10 years and beyond, and in a hundred years and beyond, continuous, continuous rapid improvement, rapid development will continue. I try to feel as vividly as possible: there is continuous - around the clock rapid rejuvenation, rapid recovery, rapid development.

The Lord God in a continuous - continuous - round-the-clock stream pours into me a colossal holy Divine power. The Lord God in a continuous - continuous - round-the-clock stream pours into me the colossal inexhaustible energy of youth. I continuously - continuously - around the clock feel the addition of all new - all new energy - all new - all new Divine forces.

Day after day, day after day, I feel more and more energetic - more and more energetic - more and more quick - more and more tireless - more and more efficient. Continuously - continuously from day to day my growth increases, my overall performance increases, my mental performance increases.

I can work on myself, rejuvenate myself for hours on end with fresh forces with great energy. I try to comprehend this as deeply as possible: every day my mental performance increases. From day to day my ability to work on myself increases, my efficiency to work on myself increases. The ability to work on oneself is rapidly developing. Every day I can more and more stubbornly - more and more successfully assimilate the mood for continuous - continuous rapid rejuvenation.

I can every day more energetically - more energetically - more and more successfully assimilate the mood for continuous - rapid rejuvenation. I can work on myself for hours on end with fresh strength, with fresh strength, with great energy, without knowing fatigue. During the very work on myself, my mental working capacity is continuously - continuously restored, my overall working capacity increases.

From day to day I feel like a person more and more energetic - more and more fast. Every day I feel the addition of more and more - more and more strength, every day I continuously feel like a person physically stronger - more and more strong - more and more strong.

There is a fast - fast - continuous return to the past stages of development, there is a fast - continuous - round-the-clock improvement of all internal organs, all body systems, there is a continuous development. I try to comprehend myself as deeply as possible as a person who is constantly improving, constantly developing, whose capabilities are constantly increasing, continuously increasing.

From day to day, my opportunities are increasing in all areas of activity. The inclinations of all my abilities are rapidly developing, my possibilities are rapidly increasing. All body systems continuously - continuously - improve around the clock, get healthier, more and more young are born - more and more young - more and more young - more and more energetic.

From day to day, continuously - continuously increases my stability in life, increases the stability of my nervous system, increases the stability of the Divinely correct work of all body systems, all internal organs. From day to day, from day to day with tremendous speed, the stability of the Divinely correct work of the heart is continuously increasing. Continuously - continuously from day to day, from day to day, the inner stability of the Divinely correct work of the heart increases.

The stability of healthy normal blood is constantly increasing: 120 to 80 - 120 to 80. Continuously - around the clock - the stability of the Divinely correct work of the heart is increasing. More and more stable - more and more stable is the Divinely correct rhythmic work of the heart. All the time intervals between pulse beats are the same - all beats are of the same normal force of the Divinely healthy heart.

The heart quickly - continuously day and night - gets healthier around the clock - grows stronger, is born more and more young - more and more young - more and more young. Continuously every day, every day the strength of the heart increases. Continuously - continuously - around the clock, more and more new forces are born in the heart, an all-new - all-new heroic force is born in the heart.

The reserve capacity of the heart is constantly increasing. Continuously, day and night, every day, every day increases - the reserve capacity of the heart increases. Every day a younger, younger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger heart is born.

Into all my nerves continuously - around the clock from day to day - around the clock pours the Divine steel fortress. Continuously every day, every day they get healthier - they get stronger, they get healthier - their nerves get stronger. More and more young people are being born - more and more young - more and more healthy - more and more strong nerves.

I am born a man with ever stronger - ever stronger - ever healthier nerves. Continuously - continuously - around the clock, the indestructible Divine steel fortress flows into the nerves of the shoulders - arms. Continuously every day in my shoulders - in my hands they are getting healthier - the nerves are getting stronger.

Continuously - continuously every day in the lumbar region are getting healthier - the nerves are getting stronger. Continuously - continuously every day my legs are getting healthier - the nerves are getting stronger. From the crown of the head to the fingertips of both hands - both legs, all the nerves are continuously - getting healthier around the clock - getting stronger, getting healthier - getting stronger, more and more young are born - more and more young - more and more healthy - more and more strong nerves. Continuously - continuously, day and night, an ever younger - more and more young - more and more healthy - more and more strong - more and more strong - more and more stable nervous system is being born.

I feel more and more vividly - more and more vividly I feel: my stability in life is increasing. The stability of the divinely correct work of all body systems - all internal organs - increases. Continuously - continuously getting healthy - the nerves in all internal organs are getting stronger. Continuously - around the clock in all muscles get healthy - nerves get stronger. My entire nervous system is continuously - around the clock getting healthier - getting stronger: now, and at the moment, and in a day, and in a year, and in 100 years, and in 1000 years. I more and more clearly - more and more clearly I see in the future continuous - continuous - around the clock recovery - rejuvenation.

The Lord God with great speed continuously - around the clock moves time from the past to the future through me with great speed: 50 times faster than real current time. My past life is shortening with great speed, my future life is lengthening. With great speed, I am returning to the past stages of development, becoming younger, getting healthier - getting stronger. My whole body with great speed continuously restores the wholeness of the newborn around the clock. A colossal newborn number of hairs is restored on the head. In the bones of the jaws, new unusually strong teeth are born to replace the lost ones.

All internal organs continuously - around the clock restore their Divinely correct - newborn-young internal structure. There is continuous - continuous - round-the-clock improvement, round-the-clock development of all body systems - all internal organs - all my abilities. I am more and more vividly - more and more vividly I feel myself more and more young - more and more young, a rapidly developing, rapidly improving person. I see myself more and more vividly - more and more vividly - more and more clearly in the future as a newborn-young - newborn-young - Divinely healthy - Divinely beautiful person - talented genius, continuously - continuously improving, continuously developing person.

The Lord God took me to his group. I feel more and more vividly - more and more vividly I feel infinity - the infinity of my improvement, my development through the ages. I see myself more and more clearly - more and more clearly with my inner vision in the future and in 100 years, and in 1000 years and further, as a continuously improving, continuously developing person.

The Lord God in a continuous - continuous - round-the-clock stream pours into me the colossal holy Divine power of life, pours into me the colossal inexhaustible energy of youth. From day to day I continuously feel the addition of all new - all new energy - all new - all new Divine forces. Every day I feel stronger - more energetic - more energetic - more and more tireless. More and more faster - more and more light - more and more fast gait is born. An increasingly lighter and faster gait is born.

The Lord God pours into all my joints in a continuous - continuous - round-the-clock stream the holy colossal Divine healing - healing energy, healing power. Continuously, day and night, all my joints become younger, restore their newborn-young - Divinely correct internal structure: I try to comprehend this as deeply as possible.

The Lord God in a continuous - continuous - round-the-clock stream pours into all my joints the colossal Divine holy healing - rejuvenating power, healing - healing energy. Continuously - continuously - around the clock all my joints quickly return to the past stages of development, all my joints continuously - around the clock are born ever younger - ever younger - ever younger.

Continuously - continuously - around the clock, all my joints restore their Divinely correct internal structure with great speed. In all joints, newborn-free, absolutely free, soundless, inaudible mobility is born.

All ligaments in the joints quickly become younger. All ligaments of the spine quickly become younger. Continuously - continuously - around the clock every day, every day it improves - my flexibility improves, my flexibility increases, a newborn is born - a young flexible, light - light slender figure.

The whole body quickly returns to the newborn - young age. I continuously - continuously - around the clock with great speed return to the newborn - a young age. I feel more and more vividly - more and more vividly: I continuously - continuously - around the clock with great speed return to the young 17-20-year-old age and more and more vividly - more and more vividly I feel like a newborn - young 17-20 years old healthy - strong, continuously improving, continuously developing talented brilliant person. I see more and more vividly - more and more clearly the great prospect of developing all my abilities. I see more and more clearly in the future the great prospect of the continuous development of all my spiritual, mental and physical powers. It fills me with a triumphant joy of life.

The Lord God pours into me, brighter than the sun, the holy silvery Divine light in a continuous - round-the-clock stream. I am continuously - continuously - around the clock constantly - constantly filled with Divine light. The head is always bright through and through. In always bright - bright light. The whole body is always filled with healing - rejuvenating Divine light.

I feel more and more vividly - more and more vividly I feel like a holy immortal. I see myself more and more clearly - more and more clearly with my inner vision, and in 100 years and beyond as a newborn - young - Divinely beautiful. With my inner vision, I see myself more and more clearly - more and more clearly, and in a thousand years and beyond as a newborn - young - Divinely healthy - forever improving - eternally developing - Divinely beautiful - newborn - young man. I see myself more and more clearly - more and more clearly in the distant future - Divinely healthy - Divinely healthy - newborn - young (young) - Divinely beautiful person.

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From G. N. Sytin's attitudes to health and longevity

Russian scientist, four times doctor of sciences (medical, pedagogical, philosophical and psychological) Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin - the creator of about twenty thousand verbal attitudes. He has written many books, has a huge number of Russian and foreign awards, is recognized all over the world, but his contribution to medical science and practice cannot be measured by any awards and titles. During the war, Sytin received 9 wounds, became an invalid of the first group, but managed to fully restore his health. He is not only a theorist, but also a practitioner - he healed tens of thousands of people from a wide variety of ailments, and all thanks to the ESEVS method (Sytin's verbal-figurative emotional-volitional self-persuasion or, more simply, thanks to Sytin's Attunements).

Option 1

I am a young, healthy, energetic person, I continue to get healthier, younger and stronger through all the difficulties of life. All my hereditary mechanisms have completely turned into the hereditary mechanisms of a young, healthy person, who is inherited constant, continuous rejuvenation, constant, continuous full compliance with the young 17-20 years of age. And all my hereditary mechanisms continuously rejuvenate me and bring me into full compliance with the young 17-20 years of age.

Option 2

By virtue of its nature, the body strives for life, for health. And therefore my work on myself completely coincides with the desire of the organism, with the natural desire of the organism for life, for health. And therefore the whole organism will constantly mobilize all its forces, all its limitless reserves for the quick and precise fulfillment of all that I will say about myself. And therefore, everything that I will say about myself will necessarily, inevitably, be realized in life with an iron necessity. Everything will turn into reality, as in the fairy tale "At the command of the pike".

Option 3

The whole body seems light, weightless, the gait is light, fast. I walk like I fly on wings, not feeling the weight of my body. I am filled with more and more young vitality, more and more young vitality. All nerve cells of the brain-spinal cord are increasing their energy resources faster and faster, the stability of the entire nervous system is constantly increasing. The brain-spinal cord more and more energetically controls the life of a young-healthy body. The brain-spinal cord accumulates young vital energy. All my hereditary mechanisms continuously rejuvenate and bring me into full compliance with the young 17-20 years of age. The constantly rejuvenating brain has a powerful rejuvenating effect on the whole body. The brain-spinal cord becomes younger faster than all other systems of the body and has a powerful rejuvenating effect on the whole body, on all internal organs.

Option 4

I feel like I am getting stronger and healthier, and this fills my whole being with the joy of life. I have a long joyful young life ahead of me, and this fills me with the triumphant strength of youth. An inextinguishable cheerful light always burns in my eyes, the sunny joy of life shines in my eyes. Huge energy is in full swing throughout the whole body, all internal organs work energetically and cheerfully, all internal organs work with gallant prowess. My gait is merry, merry-quick, I’m walking - I’m flying like a bird on wings, I clearly feel my gallant prowess.

Despite all the difficulties, I unshakably maintain excellent health and a cheerful cheerful mood. Every day I become more cheerful, more cheerful, more cheerful. There is always a cheerful smile on my face, spring always blooms in me, spring blooms and the sunny joy of life fills both soul and body. An unquenchable cheerful light always burns in my eyes. Irresistible will of steel glows in my eyes.

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