Outline of a lesson on the development of speech (senior, preparatory group) on the topic: The life and work of the children's writer Ya.L. Akima

Writer, classic of children's literature, member of the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation.

Born on December 15 in the city of Galich, Kostroma Region, in a large friendly family. In 1933 the family moved to Moscow, Yakov Akim studied and grew up in Moscow.

His father, Lazar Efraimovich Akim, the plant's chief engineer, played the violin well.

Mother, Faina Yakovlevna, worked as a librarian.

The younger brother - Efraim Lazarevich - is a scientist in the field of astronautics and planetology.

At school, he had to edit a wall newspaper, in which he placed his very first poem.
Then my father was transferred to work in the regional center, from there to the People's Commissariat of Agriculture in Moscow. The family moved there in 1933. In Moscow, Yakov Lazarevich continues his studies at school.
The Great Patriotic War began. In July, the forty-first year, the father of Yakov Lazarevich died while defending Moscow from an air raid. By right of elder, Ya.L.

Akim takes his mother and younger brother to Ulyanovsk, to be evacuated, and from there he goes to the front. He went through the whole war, fought on the Voronezh, Don, Stalingrad fronts. There was no time to write poetry then.
Only after the war, when Yakov Lazarevich began to study at a chemical university and attend the institute’s literary association, as he himself says, “an unusual desire to write appeared.

It was like letters to people dear to me, in particular, to my little daughter and son - my first poems for children. And Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak blessed him on this difficult path with the words: “write, my dear, so that they cannot fail to print you.”
Poems by Yakov Lazarevich began to be published willingly in children's magazines, in Pionerskaya Pravda, starting in 1950. Then books began to be published in Detgiz, Malysh and other publishing houses. In 1956, a selection of "adult" poems appeared in the collection "Literary Moscow", as well as in the "Day of Poetry".

Yakov Lazarevich is an excellent translator. Thanks to his translations, our reader got acquainted with the works of poets from many CIS countries. He brought many talented writers to the creative path, for which he was awarded Certificates of Honor from all the Union Republics of the former USSR.
Despite his age, Yakov Lazarevich continues to work successfully. In 1998, his collection "Winter Rain" was published, in 2002 - the collection "From silence, a cautious word." He is a member of the editorial board of the Murzilka magazine.
Yakov Lazarevich, a member of the Writers' Union, was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor. For the book of selected translations for children "I hurry to a friend" he was awarded the Andersen Honorary International Diploma. The publishing house "Children's Literature" in 1991 released the Golden Volume of Ya.L. Akim "The Girl and the Lion" in the "Golden Library of Children's Literature" series.
Yakov Lazarevich Akim does not forget his native Galich. He dedicated a number of his poems to him: "Motherland" (1970), "City of Galich" (1956), "It's strange to me that I'm still alive ..." (1958), "Rain on the Square" (1965), "Street", " On a skiff."
According to his works in the 50s of the last century, a play was staged in secondary school No. 1 and Akim came to his premiere. The last visit of Yakov Lazarevich to Galich took place in January 2000.

By the Decree of the Kostroma Regional Duma No. 1321 dated May 29, 2003, the Galich Children's Library was named after Ya.L. Akim.
At present Ya.L. Akim lives in Moscow.

Collections of poems: "Always ready!" (1954), "Colored Lights" (1963), "Spring, Spring, About Spring" (1965), "My Faithful Siskin" (1971), "My Brother Misha" (1986), "Song in the Forest" (1992) and others. Collection of stories "Dragonfly and Lemonade" (1962).

1. April
2. In the woods
3. In our class, a student
4. mushroom forest
5. Friend
6. Hedgehog
7. The tree is dressing up...
8. greedy
9. Turkey
10. Who will I be
11. Summer
12. Little T-shirt
13. boy and gardener
14. Mum
15. March
16. My faithful siskin
17. My horse
18. my relatives
19. Soap
20. our planet
21. Neumeyka
22. Clouds
23. Vegetable garden
24. October

Akim Yakov Lazarevich (1923-2013) - children's Russian Soviet poet, translator. From the poet's autobiography:
Born on December 15, 1923 in the city of Galich, Kostroma Region. Childhood spent in this quiet town helped me later write many poems. And also parents: in the evenings, music often sounded at home. Father, a mechanic, decently played the violin (taught himself), mother, a librarian, loved to sing, accompanying herself and my brother and me on the guitar or on the mandolin. Then my father was transferred to work in the regional center, from there - to the People's Commissariat of Agriculture in Moscow, where we lived since 1933. Here I studied at school, edited a wall newspaper, was fond of the drama club ...
The war with German fascism began. In July 1941, my father died while defending Moscow from an air raid. I took my mother with my younger brother to Ulyanovsk, for evacuation. From there he joined the army, fought on the Voronezh and Don/Stalingrad fronts. He did not write poetry at that time, except for the long-forgotten, somehow rhymed lines in the Battle Sheets. Only after the war, when he studied at a chemical university and attended an institute literary association, did an unusual desire manifest itself, an “obscure rumble” of writing. It was like letters to people dear to me, in particular, to my little daughter and son - my first poems for children. To my surprise, these poems were readily published in children's magazines, Pionerskaya Pravda, starting in 1950. Then books began to be published in Detgiz, Malysh, and other children's publishing houses. In 1956, a selection of "adult" poems appeared in the collection "Literary Moscow", as well as in the "Day of Poetry". In the same year I was admitted to the Writers' Union. In addition to poems and fairy tales for children, which were often reprinted, he began to write - more for himself and friends - lyrics addressed to maturing and very adult readers. With pleasure I translated the poems of poets close to me in spirit, I became close and long-term friends with many of them. For the book of selected translations for children "I hurry to a friend" he was awarded the Andersen Honorary International Diploma.

AKIM Yakov Lazarevich (b. 1923)

Writer, classic of children's literature, member of the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation.

Born on December 15 in the city of Galich, Kostroma Region, in a large friendly family. In 1933 the family moved to Moscow, Yakov Akim studied and grew up in Moscow. His father, Lazar Efraimovich Akim, the plant's chief engineer, played the violin well. Mother, Faina Yakovlevna, worked as a librarian. The younger brother - Efraim Lazarevich - is a scientist in the field of astronautics and planetology.

At school, he had to edit a wall newspaper, in which he placed his very first poem.
Then my father was transferred to work in the regional center, from there to the People's Commissariat of Agriculture in Moscow. The family moved there in 1933. In Moscow, Yakov Lazarevich continues his studies at school.
The Great Patriotic War began. In July, the forty-first year, the father of Yakov Lazarevich died while defending Moscow from an air raid. By right of elder, Ya.L. Akim takes his mother and younger brother to Ulyanovsk, to be evacuated, and from there he goes to the front. He went through the whole war, fought on the Voronezh, Don, Stalingrad fronts. There was no time to write poetry then.
Only after the war, when Yakov Lazarevich began to study at a chemical university and attend the institute’s literary association, as he himself says, “an unusual desire to write appeared. It was like letters to people dear to me, in particular, to my little daughter and son - my first poems for children. And Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak blessed him on this difficult path with the words: “write, my dear, so that they cannot fail to print you.”
Poems by Yakov Lazarevich began to be published willingly in children's magazines, in Pionerskaya Pravda, starting in 1950. Then books began to be published in Detgiz, Malysh and other publishing houses. In 1956, a selection of "adult" poems appeared in the collection "Literary Moscow", as well as in the "Day of Poetry".

Yakov Lazarevich is an excellent translator. Thanks to his translations, our reader got acquainted with the works of poets from many CIS countries. He brought many talented writers to the creative path, for which he was awarded Certificates of Honor from all the Union Republics of the former USSR.
Despite his age, Yakov Lazarevich continues to work successfully. In 1998, his collection "Winter Rain" was published, in 2002 - the collection "From silence, a cautious word." He is a member of the editorial board of the Murzilka magazine.
Yakov Lazarevich, a member of the Writers' Union, was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor. For the book of selected translations for children "I hurry to a friend" he was awarded the Andersen Honorary International Diploma. The publishing house "Children's Literature" in 1991 released the Golden Volume of Ya.L. Akim "The Girl and the Lion" in the "Golden Library of Children's Literature" series.
Yakov Lazarevich Akim does not forget his native Galich. He dedicated a number of his poems to him: "Motherland" (1970), "City of Galich" (1956), "It's strange to me that I'm still alive ..." (1958), "Rain on the Square" (1965), "Street", " On a skiff."
According to his works in the 50s of the last century, a play was staged in secondary school No. 1 and Akim came to his premiere. The last visit of Yakov Lazarevich to Galich took place in January 2000.

By the Decree of the Kostroma Regional Duma No. 1321 dated May 29, 2003, the Galich Children's Library was named after Ya.L. Akim.
At present Ya.L. Akim lives in Moscow.

Collections of poems: "Always ready!" (1954), "Colored Lights" (1963), "Spring, Spring, About Spring" (1965), "My Faithful Siskin" (1971), "My Brother Misha" (1986), "Song in the Forest" (1992) and others. Collection of stories "Dragonfly and Lemonade" (1962).


Life dates: December 15, 1923 - October 21, 2013
Place of Birth: Galich, Kostroma province, Russia
Soviet children's poet.
Notable works: Poems - "Numeyka", "Song in the Forest", "The Adventures of Gvozdichkin", "My Faithful Siskin", "Colorful Houses". "Teacher So-Tak and his colorful school": Tale-tale.

Yakov Lazarevich was born in the Kostroma region in the town of Galich (now the Kostroma region) on December 15, 1923 in a Jewish family. His grandfather and grandmother, Efraim Naftalievich and Rakhil Lazarevna Akim, ran a brewery. His father, Lazar Efraimovich Akim (1900-1941), worked as a mechanic at the MTS in Galich
The future writer spent his childhood in this calm, small and cozy town, which later significantly influenced and contributed to the writing of many of his poems. In the house, relatives were fond of music, Yakov's father knew how to play the violin, and his mother knew how to sing, so that music often sounded in the Akimov family. When the child was 10 years old, his parents moved to Moscow, where he began his studies. He studied well at school, participated in the editorial office of the wall newspaper.
In 1941, the war began, my father died during an air raid, defending Moscow. Mom and younger brother moved to Ulyanovsk during the evacuation, and young Yakov went to the front. After the war, he entered a chemical university and, as he himself wrote: “This is how one of my first poems for children turned out. I was walking down the street, carrying milk to my daughter. It was at the beginning of winter, snow was falling, slow, fluffy. First snow! And as soon as I thought this, when suddenly, out of nowhere, around me, together with snowflakes, danced, a song began to spin:

morning cat
Brought on paws
First snow!
First snow!

Surprised, I even stopped. After all, I had never heard such a song before. It turns out he wrote it himself? It would be nice if these words did not slip away, it is necessary to repeat them to the daughter. Or not, let her read it herself when she learns to read and write. Many years have passed since then, my daughter is already an adult, she herself has a daughter - my granddaughter, but even now I am just as happy to compose poems for people I love, with whom I am friends. I am a happy person: I have friends. Many friends. That's what I think about when I write. And I think about my mother - she worked all her life in the children's library - I am the first to give her a new book. And about my father, although he died at the very beginning of the war, I still think about my father as if he were nearby. I also think about my countrymen - they live in the small town of Galich, Kostroma region. Once I was born in this city and as a child I played with my friends in my grandmother's yard. I remember well when I was little, and I will never forget it. Because if I forget, I won’t be able to write anything else for you.”
And since 1950, his works began to be published in children's magazines, and later books began to be published, and six years later they were admitted to the Writers' Union.
In addition to poems and fairy tales for children, which were often reprinted, he began to write - more for himself and friends - lyrics addressed to maturing and very adult readers.
Yakov Lazarevich was an excellent translator. Thanks to his translations, our reader got acquainted with the works of poets from many CIS countries. He brought many talented writers to the creative path, for which he was awarded Certificates of Honor from all the Union Republics of the former USSR.
For the book of selected translations for children "I hurry to a friend" he was awarded the Andersen Honorary International Diploma. The publishing house "Children's Literature" in 1991 released the Golden Volume of Ya.L. Akim "The Girl and the Lion" in the "Golden Library of Children's Literature" series.
On October 21, 2013, Yakov Lazarevich died, he was buried in Moscow at the Troekurovsky cemetery.

1923 - 2013

How are poems born? Differently. For Yakov Lazarevich Akim, it was like this: “I was walking down the street, carrying milk to my daughter ... Winter began, snow was falling, slow, fluffy. The first snow! the snowflakes danced, the song began to spin: “In the morning the cat brought the first snow on its paws! The first snow!" I even stopped in surprise ... It turns out that he composed it himself?
Many years have passed since then, but these poems still delight readers with freshness, quiet joy and special sincerity.

Yakov Akim is a tall, handsome, gray-haired man with a quiet voice and a unique, delicate manner of communication. He, the famous poet, translator, prose writer, always behaves very modestly. He has such a character. They say about such people: a real intellectual. And the verses are the same: as if a wise, very observant and sensitive person is having a quiet confidential conversation with you, offering to share his feelings, thoughts about life.
Yakov Akim comes from the ancient Russian city of Galich-Kostroma. "He rose above the sleepy lake, like a tower of fabulous times ...", the poet will write about the city of his childhood. A year after graduation, in 1942, he went to the front. After the war, he worked as an assistant director at the Mosfilm film studio, then studied at the Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology. He wrote poetry from a young age. Akim noted: "Gradually, poems not only replaced the diary. Now they were like letters to people dear to me, children, friends."
One of the post-war poems, "Friend", is addressed to Timur Gaidar. These poems, written for an adult, soon found their way into Akim's children's books. Many of his poems are about true friendship - for example, "I am writing you a letter":

And the sheet in the envelope is clean,
There are no letters or lines on it.
Smells like an autumn leaf -
A fallen leaf from a tree.
Only your address and name
I'll write on the envelope
I'll find the blue box
I'll drop my sheet.
You will receive my letter
And suddenly you will be delighted:
Living in the world is much better
If a friend remembered a friend.
Send me an answer right now!
And the ink is running out
Just put a feather
What the tit dropped.

The first collection of Akim's poems with the loud title "Always ready!" appeared in 1954, more than half a century ago! And then a book came out, which for many became the visiting card of the poet - "Neumeyka". This fun game was very fond of the children, they were not offended by such criticism.
But Akim's main poems are about something else. About what happens in the human soul, about feelings and experiences caused by a variety of reasons. It can be admiration for nature: "Do you want to see the summer? They let you into the forest without a ticket." Or maybe a complete merger with it:

The wind blows outside the window
tree without leaves,
Sparrow sits on it
I cleaned the feathers.
I look at the sparrow -
Fun swinging!
He and I understand
That winter is ending.

Akim's hero is a child, all his words are sincere, and if he loves someone, then this love is huge:

Mum! I love you so much,
I don't know right!
I am a big ship
Give the name "MAMA".

Each time, revealing the magical secrets of simple things, he rises high above the world - as they said before, he soars, and from this flight life becomes better, more beautiful. It becomes, and does not seem, because each of our good feelings and kind words changes us and the world around for the better. But it's not immediately visible to everyone.
The heroes of Akim's fairy tale "Tak-Tak and his colorful school" master the most important science in life - "to be a man". And this means being attentive to others, remembering them, thinking about them, knowing that people are different, so it is sometimes difficult for them to understand each other. An extraordinary teacher teaches the heroes of the fairy tale kindness and mercy. Opening your heart, taking a step towards another person is not always easy. But without this skill, life's road will turn into a swamp. "So-so" - this was father Akim's favorite sentence. The tale of a magical school grew out of memories of a father who died at the front, out of an incredibly strong love for him.
All Akim's work is filled with strong feelings, which, of course, are transmitted to readers. This is his main science - to share the soul.

Korf, O.B. Children about writers. XX century. From A to Z / O.B. Korf.- M.: Sagittarius, 2006.- S.2-3., ill.

Yakov Lazarevich Akim was born on December 15, 1923 in the city of Galich (now the Kostroma region), where his grandparents, Efraim Naftalievich and Rakhil Lazarevna Akim, ran a brewery. His father, Lazar Efraimovich Akim (1900-1941), worked as a mechanic at the MTS in Galich, and in 1933 he was sent with his family to build machine and tractor stations in Ivanovo, then transferred to Moscow through the people's commissariat of agriculture; played the violin well. At the beginning of the war, he was mobilized into the Red Army, served in the air defense of Moscow and died in 1941 during an air raid. Mother, Faina Yakovlevna, worked as a librarian. The younger brother - Efraim Lazarevich Akim - is a scientist in the field of astronautics and planetology.

Akim fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, the commander of the mortar division, participated in the Battle of Stalingrad. He completed three courses at the Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology by 1950, then switched to literary work. Member of the SP of the USSR since 1956. Worked at Mosfilm.

He was buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery.


Uncle - Lev Efraimovich Akim (1893-1970), head of the Department of Chemistry of Pulp and Wood at the Leningrad Technological Institute of the Pulp and Paper Industry. His sons (Y.L. Akim's cousins) are Doctors of Technical Sciences, Professor Garry Lvovich Akim (1930–2007), the inventor of oxygen pulp bleaching and the founder of a scientific school in this area, and Eduard Lvovich Akim (born 1936), head of the department technologies of cellulose and composite materials of SPbSPU.
Daughter - Irina Yakovlevna Medvedeva, writer and teacher.


  • Prize of the Lenin Komsomol of the Turkmen SSR (1983)
  • Andersen International Honorary Diploma


  • Always ready: Poems. M., 1954
  • Clueless. M., 1955
  • Song in the forest. M., 1956
  • What the doors say: Poems. M., 1958
  • The Adventures of Gvozdichkin: Merry Poems. M., 1961
  • Spring, spring, about spring: Poems. M., 1965
  • Friends and Clouds: Poems. M., 1966
  • Ivan and the drum. M., 1968
  • Teacher So-Tak and his colorful school: Tale-tale. M., 1968
  • My faithful siskin: Poems and fairy tales. M., 1971
  • Your city. M., 1973
  • Song from the window: Poems. M., 1978
  • I am writing you a letter: Fav. works. M., 1983
  • Morning and evening: Poems. M., 1983
  • Multi-colored houses: Poems. - M., 1989