Hunger trip. Notes of a member of the Volga Famine Relief Detachment (1912) Life and work in the villages of the Buzuluk district of the Samara province

So, you have fixed the problem (missing an important educational document), and we have a solution for it. To buy a new certificate for grade 11, you must:

  • Provide your personal data and provide information to fill out the certificate. To transfer this information, you can use our e-mail address or fill out a form on the site. If you are not sure about the correctness of filling out the application, then contact the hotline operator for help. Our consultants will be happy to help you at any time.
  • Wait for confirmation of the application status. Make sure your 11th grade report contains exactly the information you need. Tell the operator the time at which it would be convenient for you to receive the order, and the address for courier delivery in Moscow.
  • Check the finished certificate for grade 11 (make sure the form, personal data, etc. are correct) and pay for the order.

The price of the document consists of the cost of preparatory work and the applied printing technologies. Delivery within the city is carried out free of charge by the company's courier. You do not need to make an advance payment: make sure that the passport suits you, and only then transfer the full amount to the courier.

Question id:422329


(B) They put a note on an EMPTY bottle, (ON) they closed the neck DEADLY and threw it into the sea.

(C) FOLLOWING his brother, Misha moved to live in the village and (NEVER) regretted it.

(NO) WHO did not recognize familiar places - the village has changed so much (B) AS A RESULT of the flood.

We (THAT) SAME went to the airport, TO (WOULD) meet the delegation.

(C) AT THE BEGINNING the tourists did not find the way, but later EVERYTHING (TAK) got their bearings.

Question id:422330

Subject/Scale: B13-Fusion, hyphenation, separate spelling of words, Training tasks

One of the tourists forgot a backpack with canned food at the base, and (FOR) THIS provisions remained (B) CUT-OFF.

From the outside, it was difficult to understand (WHY) WHY the huge stone split (INTO) TWO from a light blow.

(B) FOR SAFETY, each member of the delegation was led through the scanner frame, the luggage was put on the conveyor and THAT (SAME) was examined.

THAT (WOULD) not get lost, (ON) STRENGTH of the entire route arrows and signs were installed.

I had to abandon (FROM) WHAT was planned, (BY) HOW the plans changed.

Question id:422331

Subject/Scale: B13-Fusion, hyphenation, separate spelling of words, Training tasks

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

The human body is more than (FOR) HALF water, and (FOR) THAT we need to regularly replenish its reserves.

(B) AT THE BEGINNING of the film, the audience will have a dramatic story of a separated couple, but (FOR) THEN the heroes will be reunited again.

TO (WOULD) successfully cope with the task, it is necessary (ON) TO REAL to be well oriented in the material.

The writer traveled (FLOOR) ASIA for a year, without staying (ON) DUTY in any country.

Sometimes the doctor brought ANY (ANYTHING) book and read to us (IN) HEARING.

Question id:422332

Subject/Scale: B13-Fusion, hyphenation, separate spelling of words, Training tasks

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

Comparison of "Road Complaints" and Pushkin's elegy "Am I Wandering..." shows (FOR) HOW DIFFERENTLY a poet can interpret the same theme.

(B) DURING those two hours that the friends walked around the city, they (AT) MEETING did not come across any of its residents.

The destroyer "Buyny", firing at the enemy, went full speed (B) BEFORE, (B) CATCHING behind the enemy squadron.

He paid off (FROM) ME with francs, which (IN) AFTERNOON I handed over to the cashier.

(NOT) LOOKING at the bad weather, we ALL decided to go camping.

Question id:422333

Subject/Scale: B13-Fusion, hyphenation, separate spelling of words, Training tasks

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

WHAT (WOULD) kindle a fire, fuel was required, but around us, and (IN) DALI there was only a bare steppe.

On Friday, we processed (B) TWO more applications than usual, but some of the work still had to be taken (TO) HOME.

(B) DURING the day, the storm did not subside, (ON) THAT the boats were forbidden to leave the bay.

Keep in (IN) SIGHT that your prank is UNLIKELY (WILL) get away with it easily.

(ON) WHEN the morning was warm, we decided SO (SAME), as yesterday, to walk along the embankment.

Question id:422334

Subject/Scale: B13-Fusion, hyphenation, separate spelling of words, Training tasks

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

WHAT (WHATEVER) his ill-wishers say about Piast, he is a responsible and fair person, (FROM) THAT the general always relies on him.

(NOT) LOOKING at the blizzard and snow drifts, the trains EVERYTHING (SAME) ran on schedule.

I tried to walk (SO) AS fast as our guide did, but (IN) SO soon I realized that I was exhausted.

(B) CONSEQUENCE, the father was ashamed of his hunting trophies and always repeated that there was NOTHING (FOR) to kill defenseless animals.

Train (C) NOVA WHERE (TO) stopped.

Question id:422335

Subject/Scale: B13-Fusion, hyphenation, separate spelling of words, Training tasks

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(B) AFTERNOON, the doorway was bricked up and the windows (ON) were boarded up.

SO (SAME), like his father, Eugene was a professional violinist, AND (THAT) many believed that he was superior to his father in the art of playing.

Our water supplies were (AT) LOW, but the guide ON (CUT) refused to deviate from the route and reach the river.

(ON) AS the guests arrived, there was less and less space in the living room, (THAT) I went out onto the terrace.

Question id:422336

Subject/Scale: B13-Fusion, hyphenation, separate spelling of words, Training tasks

I don’t even know WHAT (WOULD) I could advise you (IN) ON THE ACCOUNT of choosing a profession.

The legionnaires moved closer to the fortress (B) DENSE and began the assault, but the defenders stood (ON) DEATH.

SO (SAME), like all the other workers of the shop, Vitaly was informed that the enterprise had temporary financial difficulties and (FROM) THEREFORE the payment of wages was delayed.

(B) FOR a month we did not receive any news from the city, (FOR) THEN, one after another, letters began to arrive.

The fog stretched (IN) THE FORM of a tablecloth, (IN) THE CONSEQUENCE of which we lost them.

Question id:422337

Subject/Scale: B13-Fusion, hyphenation, separate spelling of words, Training tasks

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

SOMEWHERE (THAT) above in the darkness there was a rustle of wind, (FROM) WHICH it became cool in the mine.

Investigation of evidence (IN) THE CONSEQUENCE is preceded by the announcement of the documents formulating the charge, and ALSO (SAME) by a discussion of the procedure for examining evidence.

My soul has always been drawn to art, so (C) BEGINNING I wrote poetry and drew, and AFTER (THAT) I seriously became interested in photography.

The employee was fined (FOR) THAT he (NOT) prepared ANYTHING for the upcoming presentation.

Question id:422338

Subject/Scale: B13-Fusion, hyphenation, separate spelling of words, Training tasks

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(BY) BECAUSE, how a person argues, one can determine his nature, as well as (SAME) his intentions.

I THAT (SAME) worked hard, BECAUSE (WHAT) I had a serious exam coming up.

TO (WOULD) shorten the path, we went through the park, WITH (WHAT) we got there before everyone else.

(B) DURING the whole of March it snowed, (AS) AS if spring was not going to come.

I had (IN) SIGHT THAT (SAME) as you.

Question id:422339

Subject/Scale: B13-Fusion, hyphenation, separate spelling of words, Training tasks

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

FROM (BEGINNING), grandfather said that he had come in for a minute, and then it turned out that he was in no hurry to ANYWHERE.

NOT DESPITE the technical glitch, I STILL managed to contact the station.

WHAT (WHAT) you desire, everything will NOT (SLOWLY) be fulfilled.

Scientist IN (COURSE) of the day observed the course of the experiment, WHAT (WOULD) then write a detailed report on the results of the study.

(AT) THE BEGINNING it seemed that he was dozing AS (SO) imperceptibly.

Question id:422340

Subject/Scale: B13-Fusion, hyphenation, separate spelling of words, Training tasks

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

A manager's salary (FROM) DIRECTLY depends (FROM) on how many deals he manages to conclude within a month.

FINALLY, he told a funny story, and the children FROM (SOUL) laughed.

DURING all his life he was an egoist, and FOR (THIS) his old age passes in loneliness.

TO (WOULD) not get into (PROSAK), you need to immediately look for a way out of this situation.

(AS) AS if these holidays did not exist - AS (THAT) they flew by quickly.

Question id:422341

Subject/Scale: B13-Fusion, hyphenation, separate spelling of words, Training tasks

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

Question id:422342

Subject/Scale: B13-Fusion, hyphenation, separate spelling of words, Training tasks

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

It is hard to imagine WHAT (WOULD) happen to us if it were not for the help of parents, but ALSO (SAME) for the support of friends.

(NOT) LOOKING at eternal employment, I went (TO) MEETING with school friends.

(B) IN THE SIGHT OF dense fog, all flights were canceled, and we had to (B) FOR two days to wait for flying weather

TO (WOULD) feel confident during a speech, you better learn your speech (FOR) BY LORD.

Question id:422343

Subject/Scale: B13-Fusion, hyphenation, separate spelling of words, Training tasks

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(NOT) LOOKING at the university and the theater, living in the city was SO boring.

(AT) THE BEGINNING you should not train (AT) FULL strength.

Sergey (FOR) knew the rules of the road by heart and passed the theoretical part of the exam (C) FLY.

Mukhtar (FOR) LONG lay motionless at the door, Marya tried more than once to distract him from heavy dog ​​thoughts with food, but everything was (IN) EMPTY.

(BY) BECAUSE of how a person is dressed, a conclusion is often made about his official status, profession, and ALSO (SAME) about his position in society.

Question id:422344

Subject/Scale: B13-Fusion, hyphenation, separate spelling of words, Training tasks

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

FROM WHERE (THAT) the wind came up, the waves rose, and WHAT (WHO) the boat would not be blown into the sea, the guys pulled it ashore.

We didn’t know exactly why Maxim, who was not afraid of anything, was so afraid of the sea.

(NOT) LOOKING at the powerful props, during the winter the old barn strongly squinted (ON) SIDE.

(B) CONTINUED conversation Ivan remained (SAME) as calm as his father.

BY (THIS) answer of the speaker, it became clear that he was HIGHLY (HARDLY) correctly understood the question.

Question id:422345

Subject/Scale: B13-Fusion, hyphenation, separate spelling of words, Training tasks

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(IN) OUR yard THAT (SAME) bustling ducks and important geese walked around.

(B) FOLLOWING the bad weather came the cold, and (FOR) THEN the first frosts.

The road went (TO) THE MOUNTAIN, and, having risen (TO) TOP, we saw the sea.

(B) DURING THE MONTH (FROM) UNDER the gate came a bursting bark.

(B) CONTINUATION of a long winter with coal, which (PO) TWO winterers carried on dogs, heated living quarters on the shore of Lake Taimyr.

Question id:422346

Subject/Scale: B13-Fusion, hyphenation, separate spelling of words, Training tasks

Question id:422347

Subject/Scale: B13-Fusion, hyphenation, separate spelling of words, Training tasks

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

SO (SAME) like her husband, she almost (NOT) EVER stayed at home.

Kum, (NOT) LOOKING at his usual composure, did not like to yield to his wife and (FROM) THEM almost always left the house with lanterns under both eyes.

WHAT (WOULD) no one guessed the purpose of his visit, Ivan for the whole evening (NEVER) looked in the direction of Anastasia Ivanovna.

(IN) CONSEQUENCE, our critics moderated their ardor, and on some issues even went (ON) BACK.

I THAT (SAME) remembered the expression on his face, which for a moment AS (AS IF) lit up with joy.

Question id:422348

Subject/Scale: B13-Fusion, hyphenation, separate spelling of words, Training tasks

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

All the laity noticed that the holiday - AS if (WOULD) and not a holiday, that everything is missing SOMETHING (THAT).

Now, if something soft comes across, then I will chew HOW (ANYTHING), and hard - I will NOT bite off (FOR) ANYTHING.

He saw her (B) SLIDE one more time, and after that the governor of the Kovno soon left, and instead of a beautiful black-eyed Polish woman, SOME (THAT) fat face looked out of the windows.

Epigrams rained down (AT) ON THE ACCOUNT of her husband, who alone in all of Paris (ANYTHING) did not know and did not suspect.

(FROM) WHAT arguments the lawyer will present at the hearing depends on the decision of the court (IN) THIS case.

Question id:422349

Subject/Scale: B13-Fusion, hyphenation, separate spelling of words, Training tasks

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

It often happened all over the world that the earth shook from one end to the other: that (FROM) THAT is done, literate people interpret that there is a mountain WHERE (THAT) near the sea, from which a flame is snatched out and burning rivers flow.

My soul was drawn to art, so (C) THE BEGINNING of our stay in Crimea, I wrote poetry and drew, and AFTER (THAT) I became seriously interested in photography.

Our goods, (NOT) DESPITE the considerable price, (IN) DURING the fair were sold out completely.

When, after walking ten steps, Romashov suddenly turned back, TO (WOULD) once again meet the gaze of a beautiful lady, he saw that both she and her companion were laughing with enthusiasm, looking at him (B) FLOW.

(NOT) LOOKING at eternal employment, I went (TO) MEETING with school friends.

Question id:422350

Subject/Scale: B13-Fusion, hyphenation, separate spelling of words, Training tasks

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

It would seem that everything in the room (FOR) STILL, UNLESS (B) a strange mess on the desk.

All the people that you see have come (FOR) THAT (WOULD) see how the criminals will be punished.

It seemed to Romashov that he didn’t sleep at all, didn’t even doze off for a moment, but just (B) FOR one second lay without thoughts, closing his eyes.

Everything seems to have died; only SOMEWHERE (THAT) (IN) TOP, in the depths of heaven, a lark trembles, and silver songs fly along the air steps to the land in love.

IF I knew the tour was going to be this tiring, I would come up with ANY excuse not to go on it.

Question id:422351

Subject/Scale: B13-Fusion, hyphenation, separate spelling of words, Training tasks

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(C) DUE TO the delay of the train, the parking lot was reduced, (FOR) THAT we had to hurry.

The forest AS (IF) was silent, FOR (THAT) in the field there was a loud croaking of crows.

(B) DURING the day, the weather changed several times and BEHIND (BEHIND) the gray clouds showed a bright sun.

(TO) MEET us (AT) ALONG the railway track was a motley gang of tourists.

Vitya received an A in literature FOR (TO) that he learned (FOR) by heart Zhukovsky's poem.

Question id:422352

Subject/Scale: B13-Fusion, hyphenation, separate spelling of words, Training tasks

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

C) AFTER the cold autumn rains, frosts came, (FROM) WHAT it became cold and uncomfortable in the village.

It is hard to imagine WHAT (WOULD) happen to us if it were not for the help of parents, but ALSO (SAME) for the support of friends.

(NOT) LOOKING at eternal employment, I went (TO) MEETING with school friends.

(B) IN THE SIGHT OF dense fog, all flights were canceled, and we had to (B) FOR two days to wait for flying weather

Question id:422353

Subject/Scale: B13-Fusion, hyphenation, separate spelling of words, Training tasks

In which sentence are both underlined words spelled together?

?) (NOT) DESPITE the fact that they forgot to notify the employees (IN) Rush about the changes that had taken place, everything went well.

?) WHAT (WHAT) happens, parents will always come to his aid - Maxim was sure of this, (FROM) THAT easily took the risk.

?) Alexei often remembered the house in the same (SAME) way, and in these memories of his he (REALLY) REALLY rested his soul.

?) They went on (IN) TWO, and the Skinhead, looking around, saw everything (IN) GAVE a bluish fire.

Question id:422354

Subject/Scale: B13-Fusion, hyphenation, separate spelling of words, Training tasks

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(FOR) FOR many years, he worked tirelessly, (FOR) THEN he could rest as much as he liked.

Nina, LIKE I, sighed and lowered her eyes to the ground to hide her tears.

(B) AFTER, we recalled with a smile the difficulties we faced (B) AT THE BEGINNING of the year.

I did not want to waste time (IN) EMPTY, so I immediately started talking about the case, as soon as we were (IN) TWO.

She was hurt (FROM) THAT she did not find understanding (FROM) THAT person whom she loved very much.

Question id:422355

Subject/Scale: B13-Fusion, hyphenation, separate spelling of words, Training tasks

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(B) BECAUSE of the size of the parts, the manufacture of each of them requires a long painstaking work, so that one collectible car can be assembled (B) WITHIN half a year.

I was very tired (DURING) DURING our hike, (FOR) THIS, immediately after dinner, like the rest of the guys, I went to bed.

The door to the room was (ON) DEADLY closed, THAT (WOULD) no one heard this conversation.

Vasily everywhere expressed his opinion (IN) OPENLY, and (FOR) THEN he was respected in the team.

By all means, do the SAME thing, believe me, this time it will work!

Question id:422356

Subject/Scale: B13-Fusion, hyphenation, separate spelling of words, Training tasks

In which sentence are both underlined words spelled together?

?) The brother listened attentively and at the SAME time did not understand at all, (FROM) WHAT the father is so harsh with him.

?) (Q) CONTINUED for several days I was thinking WHAT (WOULD) give my best friend for his birthday.

?) (FROM) FOR the injury Ibrahim (B) THE PLACE of the wig wore a bandage.

?) We had to (IN) UNWITNESS linger in the village for another day, (BECAUSE) BECAUSE the road skidded.

Question id:422357

Subject/Scale: B13-Fusion, hyphenation, separate spelling of words, Training tasks

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are written together. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

I sat down by the fire and SO (SAME), like my father, listened to the morning voices of the birds and (WHERE) THEREFORE I did not hear the steps of the hunters.

Observant people noticed a strange girl who walked the streets AS if she was looking for SOMEONE.

The cat's troubles began (B) AT THE END of summer, when the bow-legged dachshund Funtik and the little fluffy puppy Bim appeared in the old village house (B) DURING the day.

There were so many berries that they all the time strove to pour out of the basket, (NOT) DESPITE the fact that the basket was closed (C) TOP with a wicker lid.

(B) IN VIEW of the icing of the track, all flights were canceled, and we (B) CONTINUED a day had to wait out the bad weather.

Question id:422358

Subject/Scale: B13-Fusion, hyphenation, separate spelling of words, Training tasks

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are written together. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(NOT) DESPITE the fact that the poem "Svetlana" by V.A. Zhukovsky is translated, in it we see EVERYTHING (TAKI) a beautiful image of a Russian girl.

(C) DUE TO the delay of the train, the parking lot was reduced, (FOR) THIS passenger was not able to walk around the city.

(AT) THE END the famous lecturer thanked the audience, and the rest of the speakers did the same (SAME).

(AT) MEETING us (AT) ALONG the road wandered, tucking the floors of wet raincoats, mushroom pickers.

WHAT (WHAT) they say about me and my brother, we are always (FOR) ONE with him.

Question id:422359

Subject/Scale: B13-Fusion, hyphenation, separate spelling of words, Training tasks

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(AT) THE END the case was transferred to the district court, after which our opponents went (AT) BACK.

(B) DURING the year, the output at the enterprise increased (B) TWO.

If you are (IN) THE TRUTH living a dream, it is important to continue to believe in it, WHATEVER (WHAT) others tell you.

(ON) THIS bridge, which was two stretched ropes with bamboo crossbars, it was dangerous to go (IN) TWO.

(ON) AT THE BEGINNING, Gosh THAT (SAME) was afraid of the stern huntsman, but was soon completely captivated by his ability to handle horses and dogs.

Question id:422360

Subject/Scale: B13-Fusion, hyphenation, separate spelling of words, Training tasks

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

While the road was near the swamps, (B) IN SIGHT of a pine forest, deviating all the time (B) BOK, we kept frightening whole broods of ducks sheltering here.

(B) DURING the whole day, our detachment hardly walked forward, moving (TO) FEEL.

In the forest (IN) AUTUMN, it smelled of dampness, it was cold and dank, and we lit a fire in order to (WOULD) warm ourselves.

(ON) IN THE MIDDLE of the room there was a huge oak table, as well as (SAME) strong, to match the table, heavy chairs.

Marusya for a long time could not understand (WHY) WHY no one so directly, (C) MOVE can not give an answer to the question that tormented her.

Question id:422361

Subject/Scale: B13-Fusion, hyphenation, separate spelling of words, Training tasks

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

From the point of view of the "young symbolists", the purpose of the symbol is SO (SAME) to express the realities of a higher order.

Mikhail was told (THAT) THE SAME as everyone else: the factory building was dilapidated, the conveyors were outdated, and (FOR) THAT the enterprise would be closed and the workers fired.

In Russia, (IN) FORCE known historical circumstances, Napoleon (C) AT THE BEGINNING was presented as a great personality, and then the era of debunking the idol began.

Traveling (IN) ALONE across native expanses is a good opportunity to comprehend the life lived, (FOR) AS WELL, one thoughts after another easily and calmly run on the road.

(B) AFTER it turned out that my fears about Alexei were not in vain, although (C) TO THE LOOK, he seemed to be “my boyfriend”.

Question id:422362

Subject/Scale: B13-Fusion, hyphenation, separate spelling of words, Training tasks

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

At the heart of symbolism is a sign, insight, (FOR) THIS, not rational, but intuitive thinking prevails in the poetry of the Symbolists: poems are like music, their content is vague, (FOR) THEN their very form carries a special “message”.

(NOT) VIEWING that the mushroom season was over, the forest (STILL) STILL smelled of mushroom dampness.

The name of Fedor Ushakov is a symbol of the Russian ability to win (PO)SUVOROVSKI, a symbol of fearlessness, as well as reasonable audacity and courage.

(C) CONCLUSION The old people asked that (WOULD) Mironych not be touched.

I wanted to win, but the game ended (IN) A DRAW, SO (WHAT) my soul was sad.

Question id:422363


Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(FOR) FREQUENTLY we don’t even imagine (FOR) HOW MUCH it is important for a person to understand what is the main thing for him in life.

The city of Kalinov does not need lightning rods or a perpetual motion machine, BECAUSE (THAT) all this (FOR) SIMPLY has no place in the patriarchal world.

You can (IN) DIFFERENTLY explain the scene of a verbal duel between Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich, and (IN) THE BEGINNING it may seem that the nihilist is right.

TO (WOULD) return Radishchev to the modern reader, it is necessary to try to impartially evaluate his philosophical views, AS WELL (SAME) as literary work.

“HOW (WOULD) solve this problem,” he thought persistently (IN) DURING this week.

Question id:422364

Subject/Scale: B13-Union, hyphen, separate spelling of words, Exam tasks

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

Question id:422365

Subject/Scale: B13-Union, hyphen, separate spelling of words, Exam tasks

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(B) FOR several years M.V. Lomonosov was engaged in the study of Russian history, as well as (SAME) exact sciences.

The meaning of a polysemantic word is concretized in the text, (WHERE) some words only in this text can denote the same (SAME) concept.

Attraction between a pair of electrons can occur (NOT) DESPITE the fact that they are far from each other, (THE) THAT the movement of electrons in a pair becomes coordinated.

For a composer who is able to hear the world AS (SAME) as an artist - to see it in color and forms, music is precisely the sound, (THAT) IS a process that takes place in time.

(B) DURING the week, no letters came from my brother, (AT) THE END a short telegram arrived.

Question id:422366

Subject/Scale: B13-Union, hyphen, separate spelling of words, Exam tasks

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

The branches of the tree were so beautiful, SOMEONE BUD(TO) deliberately bent them and did not let them grow straight.

Question id:422367

Subject/Scale: B13-Union, hyphen, separate spelling of words, Exam tasks

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

Proceeding from predestination, it is possible (ON) FRONT to justify any act of a person, HOWEVER (WHETHER) repulsive or criminal it may seem to us.

The poet longs for harmony, AS (AS) it is inaccessible to him, and precisely (FOR) BECAUSE in his soul pride struggles with the desire for reconciliation.

And HOW (WHILE) evil is masked, a kind, pure-hearted person is able to feel it, recognize it, and ALSO (SAME) stop it.

(B) FOR twenty years I have traveled to Russia in all directions, but EVERYTHING (SAME) I have not found a better place than my father's land.

And (THAT) HOUR it rained, but such a torrential rain, which (FOR) FREQUENTLY happens only in tropical forests.

Question id:422368

Subject/Scale: B13-Union, hyphen, separate spelling of words, Exam tasks

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(FOR) IN THE BEGINNING it seemed that Kirill's words at the meeting did not make any impression, but (IN) SOON it turned out that the whole department was discussing his speech.

(AT) THE BEGINNING of the young writer's novel it was difficult to judge the author's talent, but (AT) AFTER the readers appreciated his work.

Pavel Petrovich (NOT) ONCE helped his brother when he was tormented, thinking of HOW (WOULD) dodge and find the missing amount.

The thought of (ABROAD) BORDER, of the need to buy suitcases, tickets, choose a route, leads Oblomov, (B) UNLIKE his friend Andrei Stolz, into a state close to panic.

We (Little by little) moved forward and just as (SAME), as before, did not get tired of being surprised by the beauty of nature.

Question id:422369

Subject/Scale: B13-Union, hyphen, separate spelling of words, Exam tasks

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

It was quiet and unbearably hot; only (FROM) DAL, (FROM) THERE, where the river warmed itself like a silvery snake in the sun, screams flew.

The thought of (ABROAD) BORDER, of the need to buy suitcases, tickets, choose a route leads Oblomov, (B) UNLIKE his friend Stolz, into a state close to panic.

The princess led a strange way of life: she suddenly left (FOR) BORDER, SO (SAME) suddenly returned to Russia.

(DURING) THROUGHOUT the entire novel, L. Tolstoy does not confine himself to analyzing the mental life of his characters, he treats the description of their appearance with great attention.

(NOT) ANYONE could repeat the record of track and field athlete Robert Beamon (B) FOR many years.

Question id:422370

Subject/Scale: B13-Union, hyphen, separate spelling of words, Exam tasks

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(B) IN THE BEGINNING of August, the heat is unbearable - even the most determined person is not able to hunt, the most devoted dog, exaggeratedly sticking out his tongue, humbly wags his tail, but (B) does not go BEFORE.

IF (IF) nature could feel gratitude to a person (FOR) THAT he penetrated into her life, exalted and glorified her, this gratitude would fall to the lot of Prishvin.

The sun quietly set behind the mountains, threw (TO) TOP a farewell green beam, and Baikal (THOT) HOUR reflected delicate greenery in itself.

Andrei Rublev was (TRULY) an outstanding master of ancient Russian painting, but little is known about him: (FROM) THAT distant time, only a miniature depicting the artist has been preserved.

NOT FOR ANYTHING in the world did Marusya agree to part with (FROM) ME.

Question id:422371

Subject/Scale: B13-Union, hyphen, separate spelling of words, Exam tasks

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

The Ant got out from under the foot of the Giant Camel and thought: WHAT (WOULD) be done, WHAT (WOULD) take revenge on the arrogant offender?

Task 9 Unified State Examination in Russian, theory.

To successfully complete task 9, you need to know the list of rules:

  • Spelling prefixes
  • Spelling at the junction of morphemes (prefix and root, two prefixes)
  • Spelling of compound nouns with roots FLOOR- and SEMI-

Execution algorithm:

2) Select prefixes

3) Remember the rules and apply them (it is better to work on the principle of “from simple to complex rules”).

  • Prefixes ending in -з, -с;
  • Y, I, b at the junction of morphemes;
  • Half-, half-;
  • Unchangeable prefixes;
  • PRE, PRI

Thus, what you can check with the rules is best done first. And the prefixes PRE and PRI are best left for "dessert".


Download rules

All prefixes are divided into:


(need to remember)

Changeable (prefixes on -з, -с, depend on the deafness / voicedness of the subsequent consonant


(spelling depends on meaning)

O-: called out, stop
U-: ran away, left

BEFORE-: get,
believe, courtyard, cut

PRO-: boil, space, trick
In a special sense: great-grandmother, proto-language
ON THE-: attack
PER-: wonder
bite, crack
thaw, thaw
OT- (OTO-): give away, rest, put aside
OB-(OBO-): cut off, grind off, rub off
B- (VO-): relish, sew, grab
YOU -: pace
PRE- (PRE-): chairman
TRANS-: humus
C- (CO-):

POSE-: before last

If the prefix is ​​followed by a voiced consonant, then the prefix ends with z, if it is deaf, then with





One-(rose-) / race-(rose-)

Through-(through-) / through

Remember: no prefix s

(not With talkative)


At- matters:

1. joining, approaching, adding (sew, come, multiply)

2. incomplete action (slightly open, sit down)

3. spatial proximity (seaside, school)

4. Bringing the action to a close (invent, accustom)

5. Performing an action in someone's interests (hide, save)

Pre- matters:

1. The highest degree of manifestation of any quality, action (=very)

Pretty, amusing

2. Same as prefix re

to block (to block, to transform (to remake)


1) The combination HE + C should be distinguished from the variable prefix NIZ (NIS). The prefix C does not alternate!!!

You need to remember the words:here, the building, health, not a single thing is visible (in these words, z- is part of the root).

2) Pay attention to the words:

Ra With even, ra With legibility (before the root -even- we write C)

Exception: countless

3) Remember: open, gape, ruin, ruin

4) The prefixes TIME (races) and ROS (ros) depend on the stress. We write A without stress, O with stress.

Exception: search, search.

5) It is important to determine not only the prefix, but also the root. Sometimes the root starts with z or s, then double consonants will be formed with prefixes on -z, -s.

For example: mindless, carefree, etc.

Exception: To quarrel - we write two with, because three identical consonants in Russian are not written in a row.

6) There is a group of homonyms in which the spelling depends on the lexical meaning




etc and visit

etc e visit


take care

etc and to mature
wireless and zornik

etc e mature



etc and create

etc e create

to embody


etc and tend

etc e tend,
(etc e clone



etc and to give

etc e to give
etc e give in



etc and walking

etc e walking


get used to

etc and endure

etc e tolerate



etc and emnik

etc e emnik



etc and put

etc e put



etc and gatekeeper

etc e volatility


back to back

etc and lay down

nepr e false


in the church

etc and cases

etc e cases

the border

!!! Downplay (very) importance - downplay (a little) importance

Multiply and exaggerate has no pair according to modern standards.

7) The meaning of some prefixes is obscured, or the prefix has grown together with the root, or the prefix does not exist in Russian (foreign words).



Priority, privilege joke, fastidious, comely, device, decency, decent, pall, order, adventure, take a nap, oath, oppress, reason, whim, claim, nature, example, hairstyle, regrettable, freedom, sight, omen, adherent, diligent , personal belongings, pleasant, private, principle, primacy, primitive, suitable, dream, adventure, award, vocation, look after, adapt

Prerogative, preamble obstacles, obstacles, prairie, present, obstacle, advantage, hell, sins, neglect, rebuke, bicker, throne, perverse, punctuation mark, notorious, seduce, prone, repose, persecute, teacher, present, limit, transmit, reverend, stumbling block, grovel, dissect, prelude, premiere, prestige, president, claim, presumption, preventive, prelate, prevail, presidium, pretender, preference, precedent, preparation, overcome

Question: 1. Determine the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words out with the missing letter. counter..punch, trans..european; pr..neglect, pr..mournful; n .. thrown, pr .. homeland;, over..initiative; not .. combustible, ra .. talking. 2. Write down the word in which the letter E is written at the place of the gap. illegible. .my dismissed ..nary look are broken ..washing 4. Define a sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word. Griboyedov also introduces realistic techniques into comedy: the main character is far from (NOT) IDEAL and chooses the worst from rivals in love. I am convinced of one thing: inspiration is (NOT) BORN by itself, but comes during labor. Masha looked at me, as a daydreaming person looks at a distant object: it is (NOT) POSSIBLE to tear yourself away from it. The public baths in Rome soon turned into magnificent buildings containing (NOT) ONLY swimming pools and gymnastics halls, but also libraries. Our house has been (NOT) RENOVATED: the glass has faded, the walls looked dull and not pleasing to the eye. 5. Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words. We had to (IN) UNWITNESS linger in the village for another day, (BY) BECAUSE the road skidded. (FROM) FOR the injury, Ibrahim (B) THE PLACE of the wig wore a bandage. The brother listened attentively and at the SAME time did not understand at all (FROM) WHY his father was so harsh with him. (B) CONTINUED for several days I thought of WHAT (WOULD) give my best friend for his birthday. (B) the malfunctions were subsequently corrected, but such actions should be avoided at all costs.

1. Determine the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words out with the missing letter. counter..punch, trans..european; pr..neglect, pr..mournful; n .. thrown, pr .. homeland;, over..initiative; not .. combustible, ra .. talking. 2. Write down the word in which the letter E is written at the place of the gap. illegible. .my dismissed ..nary look are broken ..washing 4. Define a sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word. Griboyedov also introduces realistic techniques into comedy: the main character is far from (NOT) IDEAL and chooses the worst from rivals in love. I am convinced of one thing: inspiration is (NOT) BORN by itself, but comes during labor. Masha looked at me, as a daydreaming person looks at a distant object: it is (NOT) POSSIBLE to tear yourself away from it. The public baths in Rome soon turned into magnificent buildings containing (NOT) ONLY swimming pools and gymnastics halls, but also libraries. Our house has been (NOT) RENOVATED: the glass has faded, the walls looked dull and not pleasing to the eye. 5. Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words. We had to (IN) UNWITNESS linger in the village for another day, (BY) BECAUSE the road skidded. (FROM) FOR the injury, Ibrahim (B) THE PLACE of the wig wore a bandage. The brother listened attentively and at the SAME time did not understand at all (FROM) WHY his father was so harsh with him. (B) CONTINUED for several days I thought of WHAT (WOULD) give my best friend for his birthday. (B) the malfunctions were subsequently corrected, but such actions should be avoided at all costs.


1. Thrown over, ancestral home. 2. Capture. 3. Take a look. 4. Impossible. 5. Reluctantly, because.

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Since dawn, one by one and as part of a pair, we have been chasing Heinkels and Junkers, repelling their attacks. Fascist bombers most often used the tactics of sudden strike, unexpectedly appearing from behind the clouds, so they could only be intercepted, and even more so destroyed by accident. Even when I once managed to profitably attack a "Junkers" and fire a long aimed machine-gun burst at him, the results were not what I expected: the enemy only dropped bombs prematurely, but did not receive serious damage.

Our fighters expended superhuman efforts defending Rostov and Bataysk from the enemy, but still, individual enemy bombers, breaking through our patrols, bombed airfields, railway stations, industrial buildings and residential buildings.

One day, taxiing the planes to the parking lot, we decided to have breakfast. Barely. I managed to take off my parachute, as I noticed the Heinkel-111, already on the combat course, rapidly approaching. The bomber had to open the hatches any second. What to do? Standing at the plane, mentally determine the point of throwing bombs. At that moment, the bombs separated and flew to where I was. I quickly, almost automatically, solve the problem: from a height of 1000 meters, a bomb flies for about 20 seconds, in sportswear I run 100 meters in 12 seconds, which means that I can run 50-60 meters in boots, but this is already enough to leave the affected area splinters. I quickly rushed to the side, and when the bombs whistled with an unpleasant, unforgettable whistle similar to the cry of a pig, I was already clinging to the grass.

Bombs one after another raised fountains of earth, and one of them blew my "hawk" to pieces with a direct hit.

What to do without a plane? I was very afraid to be "horseless", as they called then the pilots who lost the car. “Here, Senya, now you are your own chief of staff and commander, and I’m in the infantry,” I said to Filatov. You can't get a plane, brother, now. There is nowhere to make them, you see - factories on wheels.

As if to confirm what was said, an echelon of the evacuated aircraft factory passed by rail. Fuselages, wings, stabilizers lay on the platforms.

But, apparently, fate took pity on me. Soon an emka drove up to us. A young adjutant of the school jumped out of it and, making sure that he had found the right person, turned immediately to me and to Filatov: - The chief of staff is calling you.

We got into the car. The headquarters was in turmoil. Packed materials to be evacuated, destroyed documents that could not be taken out.

When the wind blew through the windows, the papers flew around. Covering them, the clerks fell on paper mountains. The chief of staff looked up from his work for a minute.

Fly to the school evacuation site,” he said. - Airfields, gas stations and final destination will be indicated on the flight sheet. It's clear?

Not really, I said. “My plane was bombed a few minutes ago.

I know. Get another. It is under renovation, but the work will be finished soon. Contact an engineer.

The chief of staff leaned over the papers, signaling that the conversation was over. We turned and left.

In the office, we were handed flight sheets certified with a state seal, where the flight route from Bataysk to Baku was indicated.

Everything is in order, - said Filatov, - it remains only to get maps and find your plane. What condition is he in?

Let the worst. It is important that I am not a "horseless".

With the help of an engineer, we found the aircraft assigned to me. It was a school, rather old I-16 fighter. At one time, he also suffered from the bombing. Repairs were supposed to be finished by morning.

Filatov could not wait for me. He joined one of the evacuated squadrons leaving two hours later, and I was left alone.


The plane is ready. Together with junior lieutenant Sokolov, we flew to Grozny via Armavir. By evening we reached the airfield in Makhachkala.

The weather deteriorated during the night. A cold wind blew from the sea. Wet snowflakes fell on the streets of the city covered with autumn mud. Unfortunately, we had to stop.

We spent the day at the hostel, and in the evening we went to a restaurant. Pilots, tankers, infantrymen were sitting in the restaurant - all random guests of the city. It was pretty lively. There was talk of air battles, ground skirmishes, dead comrades.

We found a free table and ordered dinner.

While waiting, somehow imperceptibly for themselves, they began to discuss the route of the further flight, despite the fact that the place for this was the most inappropriate. But the flight worried us so much that we could not stop talking about it. It was necessary to fly in the mountains, but neither I nor Sokolov had experience in this.

Soon, after apologizing, a young man sat down next to us. He introduced himself as a pilot shot down by the Germans during an attack. The long figure of the stranger was dressed in a leather coat, under which a fur jacket was visible.

What plane are you flying on? I asked. You look a little like a pilot.

He pretended to be offended, but quickly replied:

On a new type, Iel-two. Do you know this one?

The word "new" was emphasized by the stranger.

His unusual manners of dealing with the waiter and the suspicious pronunciation of Iel were alarming: none of our pilots called the plane Il-2 Iel.

Sokolov and I exchanged significant glances: we keep our ears sharp.

The neighbor, meanwhile, started talking about our route. As if casually, he asked if we knew where the assault regiments were. At first, we were expectantly silent, then we sharply declared that this was not the place to talk about this.

Why are you guys so hyper-vigilant? Here, after all, all their warriors. Not a single civilian. Say what you want. I need to find my regiment. He poured wine into glasses. - Let's drink to friendship and invite you to my apartment. My friends and I stopped here in one warm place. And he winked cheekily.

Suddenly Sokolov jumped up from his chair and grabbed the stranger by the chest.

The documents! he said authoritatively.

Just in case, I hurriedly unbuckled my holster and took out my pistol. The pretense disappeared from the face of the "pilot":

What are you guys? Don't you believe yours? Let it be infantry, otherwise aviation! Among themselves - and such things. I'm a stormtrooper. Look here. And he took out a whole sheaf of papers from his pocket.

A man quickly approached us. He was forty or forty-five years old. He smiled at our "stormtrooper".

Petya! he exclaimed, spreading his arms. - Are you here! Here is happiness! Here is happiness, - and, turning to us, he said: - Comrades, this is my son. You think! How long were you away from home before the war? And the war has been going on for four months. Do not make excuses, do not make excuses: "no time, we retreat." Do you know how mom is worried? ..

But all this tirade of the father, who unexpectedly met his son, made a completely different impression on us, which the father obviously counted on. This man passed by our table about five times. It was impossible not to notice him: a gray plaid jacket, riding breeches and military-style chrome boots.

I said as bluntly as possible:

Pretty play!

Sokolov also took out a pistol.

Well, in the name of father and son, - he said angrily ... - What intelligence service do you serve?

We were surrounded on all sides. Someone suggested to search "relatives". Brand new "Walters", knives and, of course, forged documents were extracted from their pockets.

We will finish the reptiles, - said Sokolov.

With difficulty, they dissuaded him not to engage in arbitrariness, but to take the detainees to the NKVD.

The night passed under the impression of this restaurant case. "We must look and look, so as not to get into trouble," we said to each other.

The next morning the weather improved. The air was clean and clear, not a cloud in the sky. Having received permission to take off, we went to the NKVD before going to the airfield. Sokolov did not want to fly away without knowing who the types we detained were. He calmed down only after he made sure that both the "father" and the "son" were none other than spies.