Last visit map of bishkek. Satellite map of Bishkek - Kyrgyzstan

On the page is an interactive map of Bishkek from a satellite, which will show all the buildings and structures of the region. You can and its sights. Below is a satellite map of the region from the Google Maps service.

Satellite map of Bishkek - Kyrgyzstan

Interesting places and sights - address

choose: Railway station Bus station Museum of Fine Arts Central Mosque Monument to Chingiz Aitmatov Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ Dostuk Hotel Richma Hotel

Earlier, we got to know the administrative districts of Bishkek and stopped at city sights. Now we can see the territory from a bird's eye view.

After the popular Yandex map, let's compare with the satellite map of Bishkek (Bishkek). It provides an opportunity to learn in detail the entire territory of the city. Take a closer look at streets and neighborhoods. Location of city attractions and popular places in the region. Residents of Kyrgyzstan will be happy to walk along the familiar streets.

The presented online satellite map of Bishkek will help you find the address of any house. Using the search from the Google Maps service, you will find the desired street. You just need to specify the exact address of the street to search. Also change the scheme scale +/- and move its center to the side.

Detailed satellite map of Bishkek provided by Google Maps

Coordinates - 42.8710,74.5945

Map of Bishkek with house numbers

Bishkek is the capital of Kyrgyzstan. Definitely the heart of the whole region. The city is home to 840 thousand inhabitants, which is not too much, however, for the country, the city seems to be a very impressive formation.

Map of Bishkek with streets and house numbers online

(Use the + and - icons to change the scale of the map, and the mouse to move the map in different directions)

The city is located in the upper reaches of the Tien Shan, and when the weather is good, you can see imposing snow-capped mountains in the distance. The city has stood on this site since the 7th century, in those days it was called the ancient settlement Jul, which means a blacksmith's fortress. In 1825, the Kokand people founded the Pishpek fortress here, which stood for 37 years, it was taken and destroyed by Russian troops. Soon, however, a Cossack post was set up at this place, during which a huge bazaar appeared and quickly grew. Soon Pishpek became rich and became the center of the county.

Bishkek on the map

Bishkek map sketchy

In 1926, the city was renamed Frunze, in honor of the Soviet commander Mikhail Frunze, who was born in this city. However, when Kyrgyzstan separated from the USSR in 1991, the city was renamed Bishkek. The legend says that it was renamed in honor of the legendary Bishkek Baatyr. However, people understand that Bishkek is actually a consonance with the old name of the city, which now means “churning stick”. Only the Chui Valley knows in what mysterious ways the thought of the creators of new legends wandered. However, the fact remains. This wonderful city is one of the significant centers of population attraction.


In Soviet times, Russians made up the majority of the population, they still occupy a considerable share now - about 23%, the population of the city has grown mainly due to the migration of Kyrgyz from the southern region of the country. The city is very multinational and the population gets along well, social automatic fire extinguishing works based on the centuries-old way of collective life of different peoples living in these places. And the stability of the region, based on the unpretentiousness of the local population, who were not instilled with high demands and who never had special material benefits.

Bishkek is the capital of Kyrgyzstan. Definitely the heart of the whole region. The city is home to 840 thousand inhabitants, which is not too much, however, for the country, the city seems to be a very impressive formation.

Map of Bishkek with streets and house numbers online

(Use the + and - icons to change the scale of the map, and the mouse to move the map in different directions)

The city is located in the upper reaches of the Tien Shan, and when the weather is good, you can see imposing snow-capped mountains in the distance. The city has stood on this site since the 7th century, in those days it was called the ancient settlement Jul, which means a blacksmith's fortress. In 1825, the Kokand people founded the Pishpek fortress here, which stood for 37 years, it was taken and destroyed by Russian troops. Soon, however, a Cossack post was set up at this place, during which a huge bazaar appeared and quickly grew. Soon Pishpek became rich and became the center of the county.

Bishkek map sketchy

In 1926, the city was renamed Frunze, in honor of the Soviet commander Mikhail Frunze, who was born in this city. However, when Kyrgyzstan separated from the USSR in 1991, the city was renamed Bishkek. The legend says that it was renamed in honor of the legendary Bishkek Baatyr. However, people understand that Bishkek is actually a consonance with the old name of the city, which now means “churning stick”. Only the Chui Valley knows in what mysterious ways the thought of the creators of new legends wandered. However, the fact remains. This wonderful city is one of the significant centers of population attraction.


In Soviet times, Russians made up the majority of the population, they still occupy a considerable share now - about 23%, the population of the city has grown mainly due to the migration of Kyrgyz from the southern region of the country. The city is very multinational and the population gets along well, social automatic fire extinguishing works based on the centuries-old way of collective life of different peoples living in these places. And the stability of the region, based on the unpretentiousness of the local population, who were not instilled with high demands and who never had special material benefits.