Profession programmer what subjects you need to take. Where is the best place to become a programmer? How much does it cost to study to be a programmer

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Profession Programmer in Moscow

promising Profession of the future

A programmer is a specialist who develops program algorithms. The basis for writing are mathematical calculations. Modern programming is a laborious process. Given the wide range of activities, the profession is divided into three main areas:

  • applied direction. These are specialists involved in the development and implementation of software necessary for the normal functioning of organizations. Usually they are narrow-profile, for example, 1C specialists. The range of their responsibilities includes updating, customizing and finalizing programs for the individual needs of employees, the specifics of the company.
  • system direction. These are specialists who develop operating systems, interfaces, distributing databases, and managing networks. This is the rarest type of programming and the most difficult. System specialists are always in demand.
  • Web. These are specialists working with global networks, for example, the Internet. Development of interfaces, dynamic sites, their element. This specialization is especially popular in recent times - the era of the development of the Internet.

Salaries: how much does a Programmer get

Beginning: 20000 ⃏ per month

Experienced: 40000 ⃏ per month

Professional: 90000 ⃏ per month

Demand for the profession

This profession is quite highly demanded, but the level of competition is also high. Several dozen people can apply for one position. Success depends on skills, knowledge, and the ability to interpret them.

Where to study as a programmer in Moscow

5 universities

Average USE score: 280

Who is the profession for?

Required qualities of a programmer:

  • Systems thinking.
  • Analytic mind.
  • Good memory.
  • Ability to present information in an understandable language.

Working conditions

Programmers spend their working day indoors. The work takes place mainly while sitting. During work, the programmer is often in front of the computer monitor, so the load on the eyes is high.


Career, like other workers, depends on skills and aspirations. In large companies, a specialist can become the head of the IT department, the lead project manager.

Many programmers open their own business in the field of software development.

It is very popular to work for yourself with an independent search for orders - freelance.

For career growth, it is important to constantly acquire new knowledge, keep up with the development of technology. Preference is given to those who understand the most modern programming trends.


Job responsibilities:

  • Based on the analysis of mathematical models and algorithms for solving economic and other problems, he develops programs that provide the possibility of executing the algorithm and, accordingly, the task set by means of computer technology, tests and debugs them.
  • Develops technology for solving problems at all stages of information processing.
  • It selects a programming language for describing algorithms and data structures.
  • Determines the information to be processed by means of computer technology, its volume, structure, layouts and schemes for input, processing, storage and output, methods for its control.
  • Performs work on preparing programs for debugging and debugging.
  • Carries out the launch of debugged programs and the input of initial data determined by the conditions of the tasks.
  • Adjusts the developed program based on the analysis of output data.
  • Develops instructions for working with programs, draws up the necessary technical documentation.
  • Determines the possibility of using ready-made software products.
  • Provides support for the implementation of programs and software tools.
  • It develops and implements systems for automatically checking the correctness of programs, typical and standard software tools, and composes information processing technology.
  • Performs work on the unification and typification of computing processes.

You can learn programming on your own, but only those who study according to proven programs have a career head start. Where and how to act in order to master the profession?

  • It is necessary to decide on the direction (a specialist can write programs or look for vulnerabilities in the software used, design and maintain internal corporate networks, be responsible for communications and communications, and build the business IT infrastructure).
  • Collect a package of documents.
  • Pass the entrance exam for a programmer.

How to become a programmer

The test format for admission to the Faculty of IP may differ depending on the choice of specialty, the level of professional training and the age of the applicant. What exams do you need to take to become a programmer? Difficulty level may also vary.

  • For talented enthusiastic young people who have already distinguished themselves in school or college, there is the possibility of admission after an interview.
  • Often candidates are internally tested.
  • School graduates need to score a passing score for the required exam as part of the USE program.
  • 9th graders entering college will get by with a good GPA or can “get” points in the OGE.

What items to take

What subjects are needed to enter the programmer are determined by a particular university. For admission to "Synergy" at the Faculty of Information Systems, an examination is provided in two mandatory and one core subject. Compulsory disciplines:

  • maths,
  • Russian language.

Which third exam you need to take depends on the specialty. To enroll in a bachelor's degree, a future IT specialist with a wide profile must pass computer science. A programmer in the field of software and systems administration, as well as a future expert in instrumentation and telecommunications, passes Russian, mathematics, physics.

What to take when going to college

Along with undergraduate and graduate programs, our university practices professional training of future programmers in the college. Graduates of 9th and 11th grades have access to the profile of an IT specialist-generalist. Young students with a predominantly mathematical approach to problem solving may be admitted without an examination.

For admission, a good average attestation score is sufficient. For both 9th graders and 11th graders. We keep the doors to the future of technology open for the keen student.

Reasons why you should choose this field

The term of study ranges from 2 years 10 months (college) to 6.5 years (higher master's education). Why is this time worth investing in professional training to unlearn to be a programmer?

  • A programmer is the highest paid profession after lawyers (world statistics).
  • The deficit of competent IT-specialists in Russia alone is more than 1 million vacancies. Employment - quite frequent the question of university graduates is not relevant for this profile.
  • Programming is the profession of the future. Computers are confidently gaining ground in all areas; today, de facto, a serious business without an IT infrastructure cannot function successfully.

Among young engineers, technicians, extras, many are thinking about changing their qualifications to a programmer.

Is it hard to study

Programming is a complex industry, the amount of knowledge needed here is colossal. Therefore, it is difficult to talk about simple learning in its context.

Schoolchildren, it seems, have already passed the exam and are about to go to apply to universities. Programming and IT-technologies are in stable demand, approximately like legal and economic specialties 10 years ago.

In this article I will tell you how higher education for IT works, how to choose the right IT specialty.
The article will be useful not only for applicants-2015, but also for high school students who have already decided to connect their lives with IT.

Do I need to go to college to become a programmer?

There are many points of view on this issue and, I am sure, it will be raised more than once in the comments. In my humble opinion, higher education is not a prerequisite for becoming an IT specialist, just like a guarantee of this. But it can become a solid foundation for professional growth.

You can read books, participate in the OpenSource community, work part-time on oDesk, and in a few years you will be an experienced developer without a higher education. True, nothing prevents you from doing all this in parallel with your studies at the university, except for your own laziness.
You can enter, take tests and exams, get a diploma and not end up becoming a professional programmer - there are millions of such stories.

A good university provides, first of all, excellent conditions for gaining knowledge, experience, connections and growing as a person. And it depends only on you how you will use them (and whether you will at all).
Let's assume conditionally that you have already decided to get a higher education in the field of IT, and let's move on.

Bachelor, specialist and master

Since the Ministry of Education decided to integrate Russia into the Bologna system of higher education, years have passed and much has changed. Previously, all IT specialists could only receive a specialist diploma. This year the last graduates graduated (with the exception of specialties where the training period is more than 5 years).
Now you can become a bachelor, after that - a master, and then go to graduate school to compete for the Russian analogue of Ph.D.

What has really changed?
In the old curricula for "specialists" the number of hours was cut by one year, while the most difficult disciplines were either removed or reduced. Many academic topics from the field of algebra, probability theory, physics will remain uncovered by the teacher for the bachelor. In a number of specialties where programming is an auxiliary competence (for example, information security), various programming technologies have come under the knife - from web development to parallel programming.

Otherwise, neither the theoretical material nor the teaching methods have changed. The amount of material has been reduced. If in some university they used to give laboratory for Pascal, then they still give them.
At the same time, master's curricula can boast of novelty. This can be written separately if there is a demand.

It should be borne in mind that a bachelor is not a ready-made employee who can come to an employer with a red diploma and ask for an average salary in a hospital. A bachelor knows something, knows something from technology, but as a rule he does not know how to work in a team, a large team and completely independently solve specific practical problems. In the terminology of developers, this is a Junior, promising to become a Middle Developer in 2-4 years. In many companies, such graduates with no experience arrange internship programs with a mentor for 6-12 months.

Applied and Academic Baccalaureate

Of course, the fact that the specialty was simply reduced by 20% could not please the Ministry of Education. Few people can please the "underspecialist", who now knows even less. Therefore, from 2015 applied baccalaureate will be introduced everywhere as an alternative to incomplete academic education.

In short, the applied one differs from the academic one in a new curriculum, where all disciplines are focused on producing an employee who is as ready as possible for real work tasks. Without internships and other headaches for the employer. For example, a “mathematician-programmer” can come out of an academic bachelor’s degree, and “.Net developer”, “Relational database developer” or “C ++ programmer” from an applied one. The latter are more interesting to the labor market immediately after graduating from a university, the first ones after graduating from a bachelor's degree should enter the master's program and further develop their competencies in order to qualify for higher positions after graduation. Another useful thing is the participation of employers (as practice bases) and IT vendors in the applied bachelor's curriculum.

Despite the fact that the idea, in my opinion, is sound and its implementation was started 5 years ago in 44 pilot universities, I have not yet met either qualitatively new teaching materials or graduates ready for independent work. I assume that nothing will change in the next 2-3 years and there will be no significant difference in the preparation of academic and applied bachelor's programs. Nevertheless, if you have already decided to be a master - go to the academic one, if after 4 years of study you plan to go to work, and return to the master's program "someday" - then apply.

Teaching at the university

If they study at school, then they study at the university. And the difference is huge. Nobody will force you to study. If you want to get a diploma - sit, understand, ask classmates. A teacher is just a carrier of knowledge who knows how to explain this knowledge. His goal is to tell, yours is to understand. If you didn’t understand something, the teacher fulfilled his goal anyway. Even if in some cases this is not the case, it is better to think in such a paradigm, there will be less disappointment.

The quality of teaching lies precisely in how well the teacher conveys knowledge to you, what practical competence you gain. For example, you can convey the OOP principle in the Delphi programming language, or you can use C # or Java. You will understand OOP anyway if you try, but familiarity with C# or Java will be useful for you in the future, when preparing term papers, for a part-time job or further employment.

Teaching is an inert thing. The more the teacher reads the same course using the same technologies as an example, the better he is able to convey knowledge to students. But IT technologies are changing too fast, so two extremes are possible:

  1. the teacher reads you something that is morally outdated, but you understand everything perfectly
  2. the teacher talks about the latest technologies, but you still have big gaps in understanding something (if you don’t fill them yourself in books, on StackOverflow or MSDN, then it will remain so).
There are wonderful teachers who update 30% of their teaching materials every year, but not everyone is ready for such an effort.

In addition to splitting the bachelor's degree into academic and applied, education standards are also being updated from the second generation to 3 and 3+. With so many changes in teaching, there is a risk that the next 2-3 intakes of students will be worse prepared than the next. And that means more personal effort.

When choosing a university and specialty, it is desirable to know Who and What will tell you. Before making the final choice, ask current students, read student groups on VK.

Choice of specialty

So, you have decided to get higher education, to become a programmer. And not just a programmer, but, for example, a web developer specializing in frontend. It's cool that at the age of 18 you already have a goal in life, but I hasten to upset. In our country, there is such a thing as higher education standards, and they are much more abstract than you would like.

A complete list of higher education standards can be viewed here. Not everyone still has generation 3+ standards, but they will by the end of the year. I recommend reading these boring documents.

Mathematical support and administration of information systems (MOAIS).

A specialty that provides the best conditions for the development of developer competencies.

You will study: programming technologies in various languages ​​(usually in 4 years you will get acquainted with at least three programming languages ​​- for example: C ++, C #, Lisp, or C ++, Java, Python), development and basic administration of relational and object-oriented databases, network technologies , development of applications "client-server", "client - application server - database server", parallel programming.

Training gives an understanding of programming in principle, in a couple of months you are able to learn any programming language and develop in it; understanding how any program works, how to solve most computational problems. After receiving a diploma, you are a strong Junior, but as soon as you deal with specific tasks and tools in a particular company, the knowledge base will be enough to qualify for Middle.

After work experience and a good master's degree in this specialty, you will not only be able to create programs and information systems, but will get acquainted with the principles of developing high-load systems, managing a team, planning development, and will be able to apply for Senior and Team Lead.

Fundamental informatics and information technologies (FIIT).

The specialty is close to MOAIS, but focused on computational experiments and research tasks.
In other words, as a programmer you will be in top shape, but you will be almost useless for solving practical business problems. But you are a valuable asset to R&D departments, science labs and research teams. Studying in this specialty at a good university makes it possible to choose a place of work around the world, working in well-known companies. It is already initially assumed that a bachelor's degree will be only the first step in your education.

A very real story: having received a bachelor's degree at Moscow State University, enter the CalTech master's program. Of course, physics, algebra and mathematical analysis should be your passion.

Informatics and Computer Engineering (IWT)

The specialty is focused on the education of system programmers working with hardware. You will have the skills to program robots, real-time systems and work with a blowtorch. With such an education, you don’t want to develop boring accounting systems and web applications, but your further career can start as a video surveillance engineer in a small private security company, or in a robotics laboratory of a large brand (of course, after completing a master’s program).

In my opinion, everything is with purely programmer specialties. Below is a list of specialties where programming is also taught. But if the specialties from above have a curriculum designed so that a Programmer graduates, then the specialties below have a Specialist in something with programming skills.

Not only a programmer

Software engineering

A relatively new specialty, essentially training software product managers. This specialist looks over development tasks, manages requirements, functionality, versions, development teams. In the first courses, you will learn programming technologies and, perhaps, a couple of languages, but later in the curriculum there will be more and more about software development management. You can start your career as a Junior Developer, but instead of further upgrading to Middle, you will become a project manager.

Applied Informatics

It produces system analysts with a broad outlook in IT and business. They also know how to code, but they are really good at writing technical specifications, formalizing business processes and communicating effectively with developers who hover in high abstractions. You can become a project manager or even a director of your company if you have such ambitions.

Business Informatics

It is very close to applied informatics, but the graduate's managerial competencies are much stronger. You can be an IT application consultant or manage the IT policy of a small holding. After receiving a diploma, start working at least in support, but the career goal of "IT Director" can be achieved in a matter of years.

Information systems and technologies

Focus on the administration of information technology and the right choice of software and hardware for the tasks of a corporate local area network. Programming will be, but at a procedural level, closer to scripts and configuration files.

Mathematics and Computer Science

A large portion of fundamental knowledge will allow you to work both as a computer science teacher at school and as an analyst in a large company. In a good university, this specialty gravitates towards scientific research and can also be a start in R&D for those who prefer mathematical sciences to physics.

Information Security

The first course is often similar to specialties like MOAIS, where they program a lot and in different languages, but then it stops. You don't have to write code, you have to understand how any code can be attacked. Networks and operating systems will be familiar to anyone else, you can call yourself a hacker, but you will have to work in the field of security, with regulatory documents, and not just with firewalls and sniffer.

It is important to understand that everything depends on the particular educational institution. It's like the HTML standard and its implementation on the site of a provincial beauty salon. There are universities where students of all specialties go to the same lectures. There are universities where MOAIS studies Visual Basic and Pascal, writes macros in Excel, and studies databases using the example of Access. If there is such a university in your hometown, then it's time to buy train tickets.

The choice of a specialty upon admission is extremely important, as it determines a further career and, perhaps, a lifetime. This is essentially the first independent choice in life and the error will be measured in years. Therefore, it’s too early to “breathe” after the exam, it’s time to learn as much as possible about the nearest university, its students and teachers. Good luck.

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More and more often, schoolchildren who are fond of computers are thinking that this profession is considered one of the most paid around the world, not only in Russia. Becoming a programmer, you can achieve certain heights in your career. More often than not, being a programmer is a calling. So, success is sure to await the graduate. But what will applicants have to endure? What exams to take? How is the learning process going? Where to go to study? Understanding all this is not as difficult as it seems. After all, today's students are given a lot of opportunities. And programming can be done in a variety of ways.

Programmer: perspectives

To begin with, it is worth understanding how much programming is in demand in the modern world. A programmer is a person who is not only well versed in computers, but also creates new programs, as well as websites. In fact, this is an IT employee.

Programming is a promising direction. Having received a diploma in the relevant specialty, you can build a good career. The average salary of a programmer is 100-150 thousand rubles. That is why many think about admission. But what does it take to be a programmer? Where and how much to study? What is the student to study?

About training

Before entering programming, it is necessary to understand not only the prospects of the chosen profession, but also how the training will take place. Quite often, most applicants change programming to another specialty in the first 2 years of study. Because they simply can't handle the load.

Programming will have to study information technology, as well as a variety of programming languages. Usually students are taught to work with:

  • JAVA;
  • basic;
  • Visual Basic;
  • Visual C++.

In some cases, they also study C, Delphi, HTML programming. All this is not as easy as it seems. You will also have to be well versed in computer science, logic and mathematics. After all, the direction is mainly mathematical. Not suitable for people with humanitarian talents.

Accordingly, you will have to think a lot, make mistakes, program, invent and learn. It is because of C ++ that some students refuse to specialize. Learning this language is not as easy as it seems.

If you are interested in what exams you need to take for a programmer, it is worth considering that in the learning process you will have to learn how to compose and write programs. This is a very long occupation that requires perseverance.

No uniqueness

What do you need to take to become a programmer? We will have to learn one important fact - there is no unequivocal answer to this question. The fact is that a lot depends on which direction of programming is chosen. Also, educational institutions independently establish a list of exams that an applicant must pass.

That is why you first have to figure out where to go to study. Depending on this, one or another USE list will be offered after grade 11. Under certain circumstances, you can not take any exams at all, but at the same time successfully unlearn to be a programmer. This is a rather rare case, it will be discussed a little later. So where to study in the chosen direction?

Where to apply

There is no single answer here. Many schoolchildren think that they need to pass in order to enter the programmer. As already mentioned, you first need to understand where exactly to submit documents. And in the selected institution to clarify this issue.

But where to study as a programmer in Russia? Can:

  1. Enter the university in the Faculty of Mathematics. For example, at Moscow State University. Each technical university has a specified direction. You can't learn to be a programmer in liberal arts universities.
  2. Seek help from technical schools and colleges. As a rule, they enter either after the 9th or after the 11th grade. It is in this situation that you can sometimes not take any exams at all.
  3. Complete specialized courses in the direction of "Programming". Good way to educate yourself. It does not require any examinations at all for enrollment. You will have to apply to private training centers. They are in every city.

Accordingly, the question of what to take as a programmer most often arises among university and college applicants. What are they preparing for? What items should you pay attention to first?

Required subjects

Want to learn to be a programmer? What exams are needed? You will have to hand over a lot of different items. Start with the essentials. That is, from those that are the same in all educational institutions.

The list of such entrance examinations includes only 2 subjects. Namely:

  • Russian language;
  • maths.

The second exam is taken at the profile level. Russian is not needed directly for admission. It is simply included in the list of compulsory subjects that are required from students to graduate and receive a certificate of secondary full education.


  • physics;
  • Informatics;
  • foreign language.

The most common combination of exams is mathematics + physics + computer science. But it may also be that you have to write the exam in specific subjects. Namely:

  • social science;
  • foreign;
  • biology (very rare).

In any case, you will have to pay attention to the exact sciences. Humanitarian areas and programming do not go together in principle. Therefore, as already mentioned, it is better for people with a non-mathematical mindset to refrain from entering.

Now it’s clear how to learn to be a programmer. What exams are needed? An applicant to a university must:

  • Russian;
  • mathematics;
  • informatics;
  • physics.

More precisely, as already mentioned, in universities this scenario is most common. And what about colleges?

In colleges

The answer to this question is not as difficult as it seems. Interested in the direction of "Programmer"? What do you need to pass after the 9th grade in order to enter a particular technical school? As in the case of universities, you will have to clarify the information in a particular educational institution. But most often, the presence of a GIA is sufficient for:

  • Russian language;
  • informatics;
  • mathematics.

Physics and other subjects in college, especially after grade 9, are rarely required. From now on, it is clear what needs to be taken as a programmer. In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems. Becoming a programmer is easier than graduating.

Before being puzzled by the issue of passing the entrance exams, it is worth deciding which educational institution to enter. Much will depend on this. Currently, almost every university has such a specialty as programming. Under certain circumstances, entrance examinations may not be required at all. So, getting a specialty is quite realistic:

  1. To enroll in a higher educational institution (as a rule, the specialty of a programmer is obtained at mathematical or information departments).
  2. Get into college. This can be done after 9th or 11th grade. Some schools do not require entrance examinations for enrollment.
  3. Retraining courses do not require an examination.

Which method to resort to, each person chooses for himself. However, if we are talking about young people who have graduated from school, then most often they choose universities and colleges.

Compulsory Exams

If young people decide on their future profession even before graduation, they know exactly what core subjects they will need to take, so they begin to prepare for the EGE in advance.

Usually, three compulsory profile subjects are required for admission to any university. One of them is the Russian language, which is most often taken at school, and the other two depend on the educational institution. The most common exams to take are:

  • Informatics;
  • physics mathematics.

As a rule, these subjects are taken by applicants in educational institutions, however, the requirements of universities may change. Some items that are not related to the activities of programmers may also be required. These include the following items:

  • English language;
  • story.

These subjects can be taken at school after grade 11 and provide the test results to the selection committee.

What subjects are needed for admission, we considered. Passing the exams for a programmer is only half the battle, this specialty requires not only desire, but also great effort, determination and perseverance.

This profession includes a huge number of different specialties. Each provides its own specifics. However, each requires certain knowledge and skills.

Who can be a programmer

The main feature that separates a good programmer from a slacker is the desire to improve and develop. Technological progress is constantly developing and moving forward, so if the skills of a specialist will consist only in writing programs, the demand for such an employee will quickly come to naught. An employee who does not like to learn and develop will quickly fall behind progress and new technologies and will simply become unnecessary for employers.

Another quality that a good programmer must have is perseverance. The specialist must be very attentive and patient in order to complete the work begun. Very often, novice workers have to look for mistakes and shortcomings for a long time. However, they learn from mistakes, so the lack of attentiveness and patience will not allow you to achieve success in the computer field.