Rise translation into Russian. English-Russian Dictionary V.K.


rise (raɪz)


1) rise, elevation, rise, rise; increase;

to be on the rise ( about prices etc. ); trans. go uphill;

the rise to power

2) hill, hill;

to look from the rise

3) increase ( to salary)

4) growth ( influence); weight gain ( in society); improvement ( provisions)

5) sunrise ( sun, moon)

6) movement

7) exit, rise to the surface

9) origin, beginning;

to take its rise in smth. take a start in smth.

10) source ( rivers)

11) horn. , geol. raise; uprising ( reservoir)"

12) those. , p. arrow ( arches, sag, rise); carry-out, sling ( wires)"

13) forest. escape ( trunks, logs)" to take( or to get) a rise out of smb. to annoy someone, to piss someone off from myself;"

to give rise to cause, have a result

2. v (rose; risen)

1) rise; get up

2) rise;

to rise above smth.

a) rise above smth.;

b) to be higher than smth.;

to rise above the prejudices

3) get up, go to (o)

the sun rises

4) close, stop work ( about the congress, session etc. );

Parliament will rise next week

5) rise ( about prices, level etc. ); increase"

6) increase, intensify;

the wind rises;

her color rose

7) advance ( up the social ladder); gain weight, influence ( in society)

8) rise to the surface

9) grow, rise ( about buildings etc. )

10) resurrect ( from the dead);

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

11) rise, approach ( about the test)

rise to rise to smth. to rise to the bait or to the fly) fall for the bait;

to rise to it to answer a defiant remark;

his gorge ( or stomach) rises he feels disgusted; disgusts him;

to rise in applause meet with a standing ovation;

to rise to the occasion

Translating to Russian language


1. (raız) n

1. 1) a small hill, a hill; climb ( terrain)

~ in a road - the rise of the road

the house stands on a ~ - the house stands on a hill / on a hill /

2) height, degree of rise

2. 1) increase, increase

the ~ and fall of the voice - rise and fall of the voice

~ of temperature (in blood pressure) - increase in temperature (blood pressure)

~ of prices (of wages) - price increase (salary)

to be on the ~ - a) rise; b) get better about business, etc.); be on the rise; ≅ go uphill

2) unfold increase ( to salary)

a ~ of a pound a week

to ask for a ~ - ask for a raise

3. promotion, gaining weight ( in society); improvement ( provisions)

the ~ and fall of ancient Rome - the rise and fall of Ancient Rome

4. sunrise ( sun, moon)

5. 1) exit ( fish) to the surface

to fish all day and not have a ~ - fish all day and not have a bite

6. occurrence, beginning; origin

to take its ~ - take a start, begin

at the ~ of industrialism - at the dawn of industrialization

to give ~ (to) - a) cause, cause, be a source; give a reason; result; the rumour gave ~ to a lot of unnecessary worry - these rumors caused a lot of unnecessary grief; b) give rise to ( river)

7. source of the river

the river takes /has/ its ~ in the mountains (among the hills) - the sources of this river are in the mountains (among the hills)

8. resurrection from the dead, return to life

9. step up ( stairs)

10. sea tide profit

the ~ and fall of the tide - ebb and flow

the ~ of the tide is 30 feet

11. 1) geol. uprising ( reservoir)

2) bugle raise

12. geol. exit to the surface

13. those. arrow ( arches); sag ( wires)

14. forest. escape ( wood)

15. backlash ( esp. for teasing)

to get /to have, to take/ a ~ out of smb. - to annoy someone; take somebody out from myself

2. (raız) v (rose; ~n)

1. ascend

what time does the sun ~? - What time does the sun rise?

the moon rose red - the red moon rose

2. 1) get up (on your feet); get up

to ~ from one "s knees - rise from your knees

to ~ in applause - standing ovation; give a standing ovation

to ~ from the table - get up from the table, finish the meal

too weak to ~ - too weak to stand up

all rose to receive him - everyone stood up to greet him

2) get up ( After sleep)

to ~ early - get up early

to ~ with the sun - get up with sunrise /≅ with roosters/

~ and shine! - joke. climb!

3) parl. stand up ( about a speaker asking for the floor); take the word tzh. to ~ to speak)

I ~ (to speak) in opposition to the amendment - I (want to speak out) against this amendment

3. 1) resurrect, come to life; revive

to ~ like a phoenix from its ashes - rise like a phoenix from the ashes

many famous cities rose from the ashes of war - many famous cities were restored, incinerated by the war

2) rel. resurrect from the dead

Christ is ~n! - Christ is risen!

4. 1) go up

the plane rose in the air - the plane took off

the horse rose on its hind legs - the horse reared up

his hand rose in salute - he raised his hand in salute

the river /the flood/ had ~n two feet - the river rose two feet

the mercury is rising - the barometer is rising

the mist is rising - fog rises / dissipates /

the hair rose on his head - his hair stood on end

2) rise ( about the area, etc.)

the road began rising gradually - the road began to rise gradually

3) approach, rise ( about the test)

5. increase, increase, intensify

prices (demands) ~ - prices (demands) are rising

sugar has ~n a penny a pound - sugar has risen in price by a penny per pound

interest ~s with each act of the play - with each act, interest in the play increases

the wind ~s - the wind intensifies / grows stronger /

his spirits rose - his mood has risen / improved /

her color rose - she blushed

6. rise; be taller ( something)

to ~ above smth. - a) rise above smth.; b) be taller than smth.

to ~ above prejudices (petty jealousies) - to be above prejudices (petty jealousies)

the tree ~s 20 feet - the tree reaches a height of 20 feet

a building rose before them - a building towered in front of them

a hill ~s behind the house - a hill rises behind the house

7. rise ( to the surface)

bubbles rose from the bottom of the lake - bubbles rose from the bottom of the lake

unpleasant aspects of this case are now rising to the surface - the unsightly aspects of this case are already beginning to emerge

8. move up ( up the social ladder); gain weight, influence

to ~ in the world - succeed

to ~ to greatness - become a great person / celebrity /

to ~ in smb."s estimation /opinion/ - grow in someone's eyes

he rose to international fame almost overnight - he suddenly gained world fame

a man likely to ~ - a person with a future; a man who will go far

to ~ from the ranks - get out of the ranks ( about the officer); go from private to officer

9. be able to handle ( with smth.)

to ~ to the occasion - to be at the height of the situation

to ~ to an emergency - to cope with the difficulty, to be at the height of the situation

to ~ to a challenge - accept a challenge

10. rebel

to ~ in arms - rebel with arms

to ~ against oppression - rebel against oppression

my whole soul ~s against it - my whole being rebels against it

11. 1) originate, begin, occur

the river ~s from a spring - the river originates from a spring

the quarrel rose from a mere trifle - a quarrel started over a trifle

the difficulty ~s from misapprehension - difficulty arises from misunderstanding

2) appear, appear

a picture ~s before the mind - a picture appears in the imagination

12. stop working, close ( about a session of parliament, about a congress, a conference)

13. lure

he did not ~ a fish all day - for the whole day, not a single fish pecked at him

14. poet. arise, be born

a feud rose - enmity broke out

a rumour rose - a rumor was born

15. unfold raise, cultivate, educate

16. react ( remark, situation); succumb ( to provocation, etc.)

to ~ to the bait /to the fly/ - a) fall for the bait, peck at smth.; b) respond to a challenge / remark /

to ~ to it - succumb to a provocation

his gorge / stomach / is rising - he feels disgust, disgusts him ( smth.)

Translation of words containing RISE, from English into Russian

A new large English-Russian dictionary under the general supervision of Acad. Yu.D. Apresyan

English-Russian Dictionary V.K. Muller

Translation RISE from English into different languages

English-Ukrainian Law Dictionary


1) growth; cob, viniknennya; appearance; arrival, skhodzhennya (before vlady); prosuvannya on service; rebellion

2) deafen the break, finish the work ( about the court, the session of the parliament); grow up, rise up; go to work; stand up


with. elevation, hill, rise, rise; increase, increase, growth; promotion, movement; sunrise; exit to the surface; nibble; origin, beginning, source; insurrection; arrow, sling
G. ascend, ascend, ascend, get up, get up; ascend, resurrect; rise; suit; perk up; increase, intensify; rise; rise to the surface; advance, acquire weight, advance, advance, acquire influence; rebel

to rise to the emergency — to be at the height of the situation
to rise in smb."s esteem — to rise in someone's eyes
to give rise to fluctuations
to rise in the hierarchy — get promoted
meteoric rise to fame — a dizzying leap to fame
prices go up / rise / shoot up / skyrocket — prices rise sharply
an increase / a rise in profits
to rise in revolt — to rise in revolt
to rise above the prejudices
to rise in smb."s opinion / estimation — to rise in someone's eyes

A wind rose.

A strong wind blew.

My stomach rises.

I'm sick.

The sun also rises

And the sun comes up

The Rhine rises in Switzerland.

The Rhine (river) originates in Switzerland.

This will arrest the rise in prices.

This will stop the rise in prices.

They rose in rebellion against the king.

They rebelled against the king.

On the third day Jesus rose from the dead.

On the third day, Jesus rose from the dead.

transcription, transcription: [raɪz]

a) rise, elevation, rise

a rise in the road - a section of the rise on the road

b) hill

c) top (mountains, hills, etc.)

a) ascending

a steep rise - a steep climb

b) rise, rise (of the sun, moon)

the rise hour - the hour of sunrise

to the theatre. curtain up

a) transfer. uplift; increase, growth, gain; the acquisition of a better position (public); promotion)

We have seen the beginning of this fortunate man's rise. (Justamond) - We saw the beginning of this lucky man's career takeoff.

b) Brit. increase (to salary, salary), increase in wages

the rise or fall that may happen in his constant revenue - an increase or decrease that may happen to his constant income

4) outburst of anger

He got a rise out of her. He provoked her anger.

I told him for his good; he needn "t get in such a rise about it." - I said this out of good intentions, he should not have lost his temper like that.

a) beginning, outcome, origin

b) source (of some kind of reservoir)

The river had its rise in the mountains. — The river originated in the mountains.

beginning, origin

not a sign of a rise - no hint of a bite

a) mountain ; geol. raise; uprising (layer)

b) high ground, upland, hill

8) those. ; p. boom (arches, sag, lifting); takeaway, sag (wires)

9) forest. escape (trunk, logs)

10) flight of stairs

11) the height of the waist at the trousers

to take / get a rise out of smb. - to annoy someone; take somebody out from myself

2. Ch. ; past temp. - rose; incl. past temp. - risen

a) go up get up on your feet

b) trans. wake up, get out of bed

rise and shine

c) rear up (about animals)

d) stand on end (about wool, hair)

2) actions associated with lifting from a place in the literal or figurative sense

a) revolt, revolt; take up arms

to rise in rebellion - revolt, rebellion

b) give a warm welcome, approve (smth.)

the audience rose a new performance - the audience enthusiastically accepted the new play

c) Brit. close, stop work (about a congress, session, etc.)

d) military break camp, siege

a) resurrect, revive; resurrect, come back to life

b) rel. resurrect (from the dead)

a) rise morally (over someone / something); be taller (sth.)

The children have been taught to rise above selfish considerations. “Children have been taught to be above selfish motives.

Rise above smth.

b) acquire weight, influence

to rise in smb."s opinion / estimation - grow in someone's eyes

to rise in the world - to succeed

a) to (o) descend, get up, rise, climb (in particular, about celestial bodies)

Smoke could be seen rising from the chimney. You could see smoke rising from the fireplace.

b) trans. increase in size, increase

A wind rose. — A strong wind blew.

Fear rose up in their hearts as the enemy came near. Their hearts sank in fear as the enemy approached.

c) special rise, approach (about the test)

d) grow (about trees)

e) overflow the banks (about the seas, rivers, etc.)

e) feel sick

My stomach rises. - I'm sick.

g) play a higher note

a) to happen

Then rose a little feud between the two. “Then there was a bit of a feud between them.

b) originate, begin (in, from)

The greatest leader of the nation rose from humble origins. “The greatest leader of the nation came from the bottom of society.

originate , result , issue

c) to have as a result (sth.), to receive as a result (sth.)

7) be able to cope; mobilize forces, efforts (for smth.)

The company has risen above its early problems, and is now doing well. — The company coped with its problems and is now flourishing.

his gorge / stomach rises - he feels disgusted; he hates

Rise in applause

Rise to the bait

Rise to fly

English-Russian dictionary of general lexicon. English-Russian dictionary of general vocabulary. 2005

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