Sati Casanova: “I want to benefit as many people as possible. Get paid to be present at work

Sati Casanova: “I want to benefit as many people as possible”

- Sati, please tell us how you came to vegetarianism?

I gradually came to vegetarianism, starting immersion in a new culture for me with yoga classes. This was seven years ago. I had a little back pain and was advised yoga. I started with ashtanga yoga and practiced very actively - I'm a stubborn girl, if I need something, then ... Simultaneously with the practice, I read spiritual literature, and gradually an understanding of yoga came: yes, this is a whole path, philosophy! The first book for me was T. Desikachar's The Heart of Yoga. I learned about the main principle - ahimsa (non-violence). I learned what is yama, niyama, karma. I remember I had a wonderful yogini teacher, to whom I want to express my gratitude. Her name is Alena Naasan. She still teaches at many yoga centers. It's an angel! It was she who instilled in me a love for yoga. She explained everything with such trepidation, helped to navigate.

Then I still ate meat. You know, I was born and raised in the Caucasus. And there is a very beautiful culture of feasts with ancient traditions, which are still carefully observed. One of the traditions is to serve meat to the table. Meat is an obligatory dish of the Caucasian feast. And although in Moscow I could not eat meat for six months, returning to my homeland, I was somehow tempted, listening to my father's logical arguments: “How is it? You are going against nature. You were born in this region and cannot help eating the foods you were raised on. It is not right!" Then I could still be broken. I ate a piece of meat, but then suffered for three days, because the body had already lost the habit of meat.

Since then I have not eaten meat. My parents did not immediately understand me. They respect my choice, and I am very grateful to them for that. My mom cooks vegetarian meals for me. And if usually one type of cheese is served at the table, then by my arrival there are three or four of them, because cheese is my everything.

For a long time I could not stop eating fish. I thought: “I won’t have anything left that I could eat! What then is there? Maybe pasta, macaroni? But this is impossible, because I can’t get better in any way” (laughs). The answer came like this. I met the singer Marina Devyatova. She is a second generation vegetarian and does not know what animal food is. She and I got to the same feast, where she struck me with her meekness. When earlier I understood that I had nothing to eat, I was so angry! Thanks to her, I learned that at any feast you can not stay hungry. Potatoes, cheese, steamed vegetables - this is what you can find in any kitchen. You can always eat raw vegetables, although there are few of them in winter ... cold.

There was another test. At some point, I started having problems with my vocal cords, and for a singer, this is a disaster. At that moment, various people tried to convince me that the cause of the problem was my refusal to eat meat. They explained that due to the lack of meat in the diet, my hemoglobin level and general tone decreased. I talked to Tatyana Shamanina from the Guru Groove Foundation (Tatyana is a vegetarian) and she said that after giving up animal food, she began to sing much better and cleaner, the sound became flying, sparkling. And I realized that all health problems are pure psychosomatics. Subsequently, I revealed the nature of the disease of my vocal cords, vegetarianism has nothing to do with it. But that is another story.

- How do you feel after giving up animal food?

I had a period when I literally re-engaged in spiritual practices, I did not receive any grounding. It was like I was taken away. I reasoned like this: “People are rude creatures, they smoke, drink and swear. I'd rather stay upstairs…” I think a lot of people have gone through this. And suddenly I wanted coffee. Although it doesn’t suit me, it makes me feel bad physically, but energetically it’s another matter. At that time, a grounding element was needed. I am still a little attached to coffee, chocolate, Pu-erh tea. Of course, it is difficult to resist the old habits of the body, the influence of society. But I pray that I will handle this with dignity, treat people who still eat meat with the same respect, and not exalt myself as a good person. Everyone has their own choice. Never force or condemn anyone.

Now I am a vegetarian with all my heart, with all my being. I fully accept the principle of ahimsa. My vegetarianism today is more organic and harmonious than even a year ago.

- Vegetarianism has ceased to be militant?

Yes, it is not at all militant! Now I understand that everywhere: in any society, in any outback, I can find food for myself. And I'm calm. I understand that the cult of food that I had before is not entirely healthy. I understand that food is only a small part of life. An important part, but not worth much attention. Food should go from cult to culture.

- Sati, tell me, do you cook yourself?

Yes, I love to cook. True, I rarely do it. Now my culinary art is limited to steamed vegetables using a mixture of Indian spices and ghee. In a cafe, vegetarian dishes sometimes turn out to be somehow insipid. When I cook, I cook delicious!

- That is, the way you cook at home, they cannot cook vegetables in a cafe?

Can not. But the most important point is the energy of the cooked food. I feel more and more what energy the food is saturated with. It is known that when food is cooked on fire, it most strongly absorbs the thoughts of the one who cooks. Even the one who just submits affects the quality. Do you believe? In this regard, I have less and less desire to eat in public places. I usually go where I know the chef. I know that understanding people work in Jagannath. There is also a Moscow cafe "Ganga", there is prayed food. I would like to recommend the wonderful Gayane's Armenian restaurant in Moscow to vegetarians. Do you know how many vegetarian dishes there are in Armenian cuisine?

Lots of! For example, I love Karabakh unleavened dough cakes with cheese and herbs, cooked in a tandoor. How does spinach pie taste? For the owner of this restaurant, her work is her home, and I know how much warmth and love she brings there. The cook is also a very warm soulful woman, like all mothers in the Caucasus. Even if there is passion in such food, there will be a lot of love in it.

Sati, it seems interesting to me that your vegetarianism is not even a belief, but something deeper, something identical to your nature ...

Yes it is. Now it is. Especially after India. This country literally blew my mind. I was in Chennai, interacted with the locals and went diving. Several times met the dawn on the ocean. It was a real communication with nature, people and culture. I want to cry with joy that I have come to know India.

- Yes, truly holy places have this property.

Right. Somehow I accidentally got to serve in a small temple, which made a great impression. I usually go to all the temples - it doesn't matter to me what denomination it belongs to. The priest in that temple struck me with his simplicity, benevolence and the amazing atmosphere that he created. In Chennai, I managed to visit a few more temples. The most modest of them, the Sai Baba Temple, made the biggest impression on me.

And what amazing restaurants in India! You pick up the menu and see two pages of non-vegetarian options and twenty-two of vegetarian options. True, everything there is very spicy, but at the same time it is insanely tasty.

One of my acquaintances became a vegetarian just after he tasted delicious vegetarian food in India.

Understand! For me, it's not just about taste. If you listen to yourself, you will notice that after eating coarse animal food, even fish, completely different thoughts are born. Of course, this does not mean that vegetarianism can make a person holy or simply enlightened. Undoubtedly, spiritual work must go on as usual. But it is greatly facilitated if you exclude the factors that bend you to the ground. Vegetarianism is, first of all, helping yourself. If you want to go fast, why eat something that weighs you down? Sometimes on business you have to communicate with energetically heavy people. Then you need to use known means of grounding. Recently, I discovered that it is not at all necessary for this to use things that poison the body. For example, sports ground very well. Food helps, and the same vegetarian, for example, fried cheese. There is yoga, which also helps in this - Ashtanga yoga, yoga-23.

- Today yoga is your daily practice?

Yes, there is a set of exercises from the grounding group that I do regularly.

Sati, with such an intense schedule of life, how do you manage to find time for self-development and such a difficult balance between earth and sky?

It's really not easy. The way of thinking is very important - in every moment. The books you read are also important.

By the way, what are you reading right now?

Now I am reading the legendary book by R. Sharma “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari”. This is a great book! Although basically I don’t read it, but listen to it when I do my daily business.

- Is there anything you can advise women to maintain balance?

I really like yoga. I think it suits everyone. For example, ashtanga is also useful for fragile women - it helps to strengthen the body, make it stronger. I have been practicing it for three years. Our body is the same temple, our house. If he is excessively fragile, the person is very vulnerable in life. The body is like a child. For care and love, it always thanks. I just recently started to treat my body like this, and it makes me very happy. When you ignore the needs of the body for a long time, constantly forcing it to do what is unusual for it - you sleep little, eat little, drink coffee - then sooner or later it will rebel and demand all your attention.

If someone is not enough load from yoga, I highly recommend swimming. Again, it is very suitable for women. This is, firstly, a beneficial contact with water, and secondly, when swimming, all muscle groups are involved. I also run in the morning, although I agree that running is not for everyone. While running, I listen to music. When else will I be able to listen to music for 30-40 minutes in a row?!

- Do you manage to follow the daily routine?

You have to - life forces you. But I feel good.

- It's nice to hear it! There are so few people with good health.

The way of thinking is very important. Recently, I realized that negative thoughts and words, complaints, dissatisfaction with health do not add in any way, but only the other way around. You also burden other people with your problems, and all because you yourself cannot cope with your thoughts. The “help yourself” principle is absolute. Usually, instead of helping yourself, you also strain your friends.

You know, I try to surround myself with people who think positively, just like me. And I really value and appreciate everyone. My dream is to create a team of people dedicated to their work, where everyone will be in their place and adore what they will do. There are a lot of unfortunate people around who are constantly forced to compromise with themselves, to betray themselves in some way, to step over themselves.

I believe that we should treat ourselves with care, as a mother treats her child. There are things that offend a person, offend this internally pure child. For example, promiscuity. Unfortunately, this aspect is not developed in our culture - there is no worthy culture of relations between a man and a woman, which would be inculcated from childhood. Sexual life outside of marriage, civil marriage so popular now - all this is very bad and harmful for a woman.

It seems that it is the moment of awareness that is important in this matter. It is one thing when such chaste behavior comes from prohibitions, and quite another when it comes from a wise and careful attitude towards oneself.

Yes, prohibitions are very strong in the Caucasus. And just there the sexual behavior of boys and girls, who outwardly look very decent, sometimes takes quite ugly forms. Moreover, this hypocrisy comes from a complete misunderstanding of oneself, one's nature.

Many, for example, believe that sex is necessary for health. Actually it is not. The body, both male and female, does not need it. Of course, this is a rather shaky position in the modern world, which offers so many temptations and temptations. But I perceive life as a school where you need to learn to pass each test with dignity.

- That is, for you, life is a test of something, learning something?

Yes, testing, learning, discovery, joy, surprise, pleasure, creation - all this can be placed in one universal concept - love. I'm in my place. There is such a thing as “the level of possession of space”. Here I have such a large possession of space that I do not know how much I will have enough. I generate such large-scale projects that sometimes it becomes scary. However, I understand that I would not want to do anything less. For example, now she is busy establishing a charitable foundation. It will be called the Fund for Social and Creative Initiatives. From the social sphere, I am especially attracted by the topic of ecology. Three years ago, I created the “No Garbage!” project. I created it easily, effortlessly, as, probably, such projects should be created. Several times we gathered, we ourselves cleaned up garbage in the parks. Artists have joined us. For example, last year there were Yana Rudkovskaya, Evgeni Plushenko, Dima Bilan. This year we plan to hold the action more widely and loudly so that many people have the opportunity to join.

How do you find time for everything?

Finding time for such projects is a matter of priorities. We can always be busy with something. You can spend your free time as usual, for example, with a girlfriend over a cup of chocolate. And you can do something really useful. It is important to think about the benefits of what you are doing: are you benefiting one person or a large number of people? Or maybe you benefit the entire planet, all of humanity? I prefer the latter. Now I'm worried about whether I will have to be torn between social activities and creativity.

- And why do you need it?

Yesterday I was at the performance of the legendary circus "Du Soleil". Presented a new show dedicated to Michael Jackson. He himself was not really there, but his presence was very tangible. In one evening, circus performers made seven thousand people happy. And they had seven such performances in Moscow. Total forty-nine thousand happy people per week! I think it's great! When I looked at them, I prayed that I would make something as beautiful that would reach the maximum number of people and fill them with a new understanding of themselves and the world.

- Sati, please tell us more about the fund.

The fund has several activities. One of them is the identification of talents among the younger generation and all possible support for gifted children. The Foundation has the resources to develop unique programs aimed at raising the awareness of children and youth in all areas of life. It's about the future. Talented children in the future can take the places of leaders, and what kind of old age awaits us will depend on them. That is why we plan to work primarily with children and youth.

Another direction is the popularization of national culture in the form in which it has been preserved. It is good if children are brought up in the spirit of the culture of their people, on the ethical code stored in the culture of each people. And if not? Culture, including ethnic culture, is what gives humanity today a chance for survival. One of the global tasks of the foundation is to educate the younger generation with a sense of national pride, love for their own culture and respect for other cultures.

Our first specific task is to organize a festival of children's and youth creativity with an emphasis on ethnicity. We want the festival to become a demonstration of the beauty of ethnic culture, a unifying beginning, an impetus for the revival of folk culture and good relations between peoples. We are interested in any variants of the performance of original ethnic material in various types of art: music, vocals, choreography, fine and decorative arts, even in culinary arts. During the festival, we plan to organize charity auctions, fairs, where indigenous people will be able to present their handicrafts. After all, everything is so mechanized now. There is absolutely no life in modern products! The same handicrafts are so popular now because they have life, there is love. We plan that the festival will roam across Russia from region to region. Let's start with the most problematic area - the Caucasus. Right now is an amazing time. People become more sensitive - to energies, to thoughts. Spiritual practices have literally become fashionable. We just want to contribute to these common processes. And we can also help people in the regions make at least a little money. Although, first of all, such fairs are communication.

That is, on the one hand, this is the disclosure of the uniqueness of each culture, and on the other hand, it is unification into a single cultural family?

Yes exactly. For example, a festival in the Caucasus will contribute to the unification of the Caucasian peoples. Already in one of my native Kabardino-Balkaria there are about twenty nationalities! And so it is in every region. You come to such a recreated cultural world, to such a town and you think: “Wow! This is my country!”

- What else will the fund do?

The third direction of the fund's work is ecological. Environmental issues are more relevant now than ever. Humanity is causing irreparable harm to the planet. And something needs to be done about it. Each of us can change something simply by clearing the space around us. When it's clean around you, you yourself become more stable. Do you agree? What we can do in this physical universe, we will do.

Now we are gathering a solid team for the fund. They must be people who are ready to work. And work not for the sake of a fee. So we are waiting for like-minded people. Join now!

- Do you want to return to people what they have forgotten?

Now the study of Vedic culture - the Vedas, the Upanishads - is very popular. Recently, interest in the Slavic Vedas has awakened. This is because it is primordial knowledge that gives power. All cultural practices of antiquity - dancing, singing - had a deep meaning, healing power, helped people to feel the connection with the earth, with nature, with each other. Then we lost it, now it is very lacking. Now, discovering this ancient knowledge for ourselves, we are surprised to find that, for example, you can engage in self-healing. I am convinced that globalization and urbanization do not have anything good, as they destroy the connection of man with nature, with their origins. We can resist this only by restoring the foundation, that is, the traditions of the peoples, the folk culture. This does not mean that I am against the iPhone. I just want to use it while sitting in the lotus position on the edge of the forest. And it seems to me that now is such an amazing time when this is really possible.

I am 24 years old, and I no longer want to live and wake up in the morning, I have been in a deep depression for the past 5 years. There were suicide attempts, but I was always, one might say, stopped at the last moment: the fear of physical pain; the thought will suddenly fail and everything will become even worse; and also how my loved ones will survive my death. Now I just exist, feeling deep loneliness, and I know that the “cup” will soon overflow and I will no longer be in this world. To understand me, I'll start almost from the beginning. I was born normally, physically and psychologically healthy and had a very beautiful appearance, a lot of girls “ran” after me (here I don’t exaggerate, I even remember the nickname before the age of 19 - “handsome”), I grew up cheerful, purposeful, and of course made big plans for the future. Therefore, since childhood, he began to strive for a good future, namely, he graduated from school with honors, then with full honors from a technical school, and entered a prestigious university in absentia. And here came the turning point. After graduating from a technical school, I was invited to work in a very prestigious place, of course I agreed, because I thought that I was lucky, and besides, the salary was very high. When I started working, I realized that this was not MINE (they say that a person cannot live in this area - not CLIMATE , I have the same thing, only "psychological NOT CLIMATE"), they really pay me money for just being present at work, but I want to benefit society and bring joy to people (such is my character and brought up like that) How many times have I tried myself convince but it's useless. As a result, I began to feel depressed, I felt like day by day I was fading away. Against the backdrop of depression, I had some kind of malfunction with hormones, and now even writing is scary at 24, I have almost complete impotence. I don’t see anyone in the future, I can’t quit my job because they pay a lot and it’s hard to find a job in our small town. I see how happy my friends go and it becomes even more painful. My girlfriend knows she will leave me soon, only love keeps her. Lately I started to abuse alcohol, I was always very religious, now I don't believe in God. In general, a complete dead end in life, nothing bright in the future. Some will think this is nonsense, but I can't live with it. Analyzing my life, I understand that everything that I am most afraid of and do not want to receive falls out in fate. Some kind of ROCK on me ((((((
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Dmitry, age: 24 / 26.12.2010


Hello Dima!
I perfectly understand your condition. It's terrible when a person is out of place. I went through it myself. I sympathize with you very much. We need to find the strength to change that. It’s good that you understood this now, and not at the age of 40, when it would be more difficult to change something than at 20.
Something needs to be changed. Either your attitude to work, or the work itself. Otherwise, it really will not lead to good. Let the salary be small, but believe me, psychological comfort is more important when you feel needed and in demand. When the heart is calm. And you bring joy to yourself and people. You yourself understand this.
This is not a reason to drink and bring yourself to depression. And the girl won't leave you. If he loves, he won't leave.
You will definitely make it!
You know, life always gives us some lessons that we need to adequately cope with. Kill yourself over a job you hate? What could be more stupid? So leave all these thoughts behind. Your life is more precious than any even the most prestigious work.
Strength of spirit to you and patience.

Passerby, age: 27 / 26.12.2010

Dima, try to go to the children's oncology center .. against the backdrop of SUCH grief, your trouble will recede for a while .. YOU WRITE that you want to be useful to people, that you are adequately paid ... so help those who yearn to live as much as possible .. who prays for help.. look into their eyes, full of fear of death and hope that you can help... And maybe they will help you...

ANNA, age: 34 / 26.12.2010

Pts commendable thing to want to benefit society and the joy of people!
here's an honest word!
1. I have never heard of a job where they pay "for nothing", I think you seriously DO NOT underestimate yourself. oneself personally and one's work in particular
2. What prevents you from bringing benefits to society and joy to people OUTSIDE of work? let's say you wrote that you were religious, now many churches are being built, what prevents you from putting your hands, in the literal physical sense of the word, into the construction of one of them? there are never enough hands. or help lonely old people? Or children in an orphanage? at the oncology center? In fact, there are a lot of places where a person's HELP is desperately needed. well, it’s just VERY needed .. and you’re here because you can’t be useful and have come up with the joy of committing suicide! and this is at a time when you are just VERY ... well, really needed!
this is some kind of simply insane waste ... devoid of logic and meaning! I beg you, please stay! help those in need.
3. about your impotence and the fact that the girl ONLY loves you .. you just blew me away.
first impotence to be treated ...
secondly .. if a woman loves, such assumptions in her relationship are simply offensive. the only thing is, if you sit and do nothing further, don’t get treated, don’t help people, delve into yourself, in your depression, it’s quite possible that she will leave you ... but not because she doesn’t love you, she just decides that she is for you not needed ... since you are not fighting for life at all.

And no need to drag in any ROCK here ...
get together - and go to the people, if that's what you really want.
and that, you need for confession, for communion ...
and take care of health - both physical and spiritual
take care of yourself Dmitry

Ryzh, age: 31 / 26.12.2010

What can I tell you, Dmitry?
I don't want to pity you. Even to have fun with something, there is no desire ...
I am not a psychologist, but I understand that at the root of your depression is banal envy. Envy. Unwillingness to fight. Look at yourself - you are successful. There is a girl (who BTW loves!). But there is no brain.
Sit down and think - is it really as bad as you describe or are you just exaggerating?
After all, all the problems that you described are not even called problems =)
Well, it doesn't work for you. Do you want to benefit people? GREENPEACE to help you! If you want to bring something new, create!
Find another job (who is looking will always find). In no case do not offend the girl! In general, it's stupid - to say "My girlfriend knows she will soon leave me, only love holds her." If she loves, she won't leave until you force her to.
Look at yourself from the side. Do you see the egoist? Weak and feeble egoist? If you see it, fix it. It is not fear or pain that gnaws at you, but envy and lack of purpose.

Night Light- , age: 18 / 26.12.2010

Hello Dmitry!
And you never thought that the Lord blessed you with finances for something, for some good deed, because nothing just happens in our life. You don’t like work, but you can’t run away from yourself, and who will give you a guarantee, that the same depression will not cover you at your next job? Do good in the place where you are, find a site where they ask for financial help for children and pay someone for an operation, and your life will absolutely change, because the spiritual law of prosperity: let's give it to you...
Go to God, He exists and He is real and He will definitely help you. And suicide is not an option, because further is HELL and it will be forever. Not scary? Think about it. God gave you talents, blessed you, and you want to throw it all in the trash? Do not anger God and appreciate what is given to you, be grateful to God for everything.
May God bless you!

Aleana, age: 40 / 12/26/2010

How she felt she left me!(!(!(

Dmitry, age: 24 / 27.12.2010

Hello Dima.
Reading your story is like reading about myself. Everything was fine with me until recently, by the way, I didn’t even know about this site. Also a prominent guy, an officer. There were big plans for the future. I hoped, I believed. I thought I would meet a girl, start a family. Three months ago, he contracted an incurable vein disease. At first, the head refused to accept that this happened to me. And you know what's interesting. It was in this situation that life manifested itself differently for me. What is important and what is secondary. I again remembered God, whom I somehow forgot about. Looked differently at those who stumbled. And now I have a choice. Either get lost mentally, or fight. During this most difficult period, my parents, the closest ones, helped me and help me. Faith helps me, because only this remains. It’s easier for me because I try to encourage other people with a word, and I myself believe that God will not leave me. What helps me is praying for others and helping them. Dima, look how many people are lost and downtrodden. Shall we add to their list! Over time, we will all die, so come on, brother, at least we will try to live life in such a way that when we have to stand before the Lord, we will stand calmly and with dignity. If we give up, who will help the weak? Are you okay. It is clear that well-being affects potency. Don't worry about the girl, that's the kind of girl. In spite of fate endure and live. There is no only black, life is also different. Help someone. These trials harden you. Dima, I wish you to find peace, joy, good spirits in your soul. Happiness to you and your loved ones. Invite to the wedding!

Sergey, age: 27/28.12.2010

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Often people get stuck in one esoteric idea. It consists in the fact that you should benefit the world. Constantly you need to ask yourself what you have done useful. Just not sure what exactly needs to be done.

How can we benefit the world?

Join Greenpeace, collect plastic, don't throw batteries in the trash. What to do? What specific actions should be on my part?
For example, there is a boiler room opposite my house. That's where the emissions come from. Should I try to close this boiler room or offer people other ways to heat?
Perhaps some of you are already stuck in this idea that you need to be very useful to the world, and then the world will thank you. It doesn't seem like a bad idea. But benefit in general is a relative concept.
Let's think about the future. Imagine yourself in 3 years. At that time, you took care of the world as much as possible, did not litter, were a positive example for people, and so on. Think about how much you want to move into such a future, rate it on a ten-point scale.
And imagine another option - for the next three years you take care of your loved ones. Maybe not even about everyone, because there is not enough strength for everyone. And now, after 3 years, something has really changed, firstly, in your life and in the lives of people close to you.
In what future will there be more energy - where you were useful to the world or where you were useful to the three people closest to you? Where will there be more power? I think the answer is obvious.

We often try to benefit the world, some unfamiliar strangers. But at the same time, we forget about the most important people on whom we can rely on in a difficult moment and with whom we want to share happy moments.

Where does the idea of ​​usefulness to the world come from?

Everyone wants to feel their need, to contribute to some important cause. Sometimes people even choose a profession out of a desire to be useful to society (doctors, teachers, policemen, etc.). But not everyone has an idea of ​​their capabilities.
Everyone has a period of loss when you don’t know what you want to do. In those moments, you just have to start doing what you can. You can help your loved ones - help, you can be useful to yourself - relax, meet friends, take care of your health.
There is also one extreme thought about the benefits of the world. Some believe that people are just carriers of genes, that is, simply biological material. That is, in fact, your benefit to the world will be in preserving the biomaterial in a healthy form suitable for reproduction and continuation.

Whatever idea you consider, it is better to start with yourself. Make your life useful at least for yourself and people close to you. That is, do something that will result in a physical or moral transformation for the better.

You can often hear such words: "He is of no use to anyone." And really, what does it mean to be useful in the modern sense? Show up at work? Looking after your family? Help friends and family? Perhaps this is the end of the list.

But there is also the environment. She invisibly helps people. And it is worth talking about its benefits for humans, as well as human benefits for the environment and neighbors separately.

Help your neighbor

Where does the concept of "benefit" come from? With help. And this is not only helping colleagues, neighbors and friends. This is to help society as a whole. Someone will be surprised: “What kind of nonsense?” How can one person contribute to society? It's unrealistic.

Not at all. We extended a helping hand to a stranger. He, in turn, helped another person. And that one is next. And so the "lump" of human mutual assistance grows. But this is so, if we speak very exaggeratedly.

We do not pollute nature

How to benefit society? Respect for the environment. We all love to get out into nature. Sit in the forest, eat barbecue and chat with friends. However, not everyone then cleans up the garbage left in this forest. And other people go and see a garbage dump. Meanwhile, some wastes take a long time to decompose. So, for example, a glass bottle decomposes for about 1000 years. And plastic - from 500 to 1000 years. The plastic bag familiar to all of us has terms of "self-disposal" from 500 to 1000 years.

The fastest decomposing waste is food waste. In second place is paper, in third place are cigarette butts.

Therefore, before leaving your waste on earth after a feast, it is worth considering that more than one generation will see them.

Let's save the forest

Now there is an active deforestation in connection with the huge volumes of construction of residential buildings. It seems that people began to forget what benefits the forest brings to humanity. Coniferous forests have been proven to be excellent air purifiers. Why do people who have the opportunity to purchase a cottage in a coniferous forest sell it with pleasure? Because the air in it contains only 300 bacteria. Unlike the city, which exceeds all permissible norms.

In general, the benefits of green plants are the greatest. They are responsible for our oxygen, without which people simply cannot live. It is worth thinking about the fact that the more green spaces and forests are destroyed, the less a person has "respiratory apparatus" assistants.

Birds are marvelous

What are the benefits of birds? We often think that they are the only harm. Look, pigeons spread diseases, for example. In fact, both forest and domestic birds are part of the ecological system, without which it will not be able to function in full.

Forest birds cleanse their habitat by destroying pests. This is especially evident at the time of the appearance of the chicks, when caring parents feed their babies with caterpillars and worms.

The woodpecker is the doctor of the forest. True, this doctor exterminates conifers in considerable quantities. More precisely, the seeds of conifers.

Jays, nutcrackers and thrushes, on the contrary, spread seeds. They can be called foresters, because thanks to these birds the forest continues to grow.

And the decoration of the forest is a nightingale? That's who creates a beautiful environment in the forest lands with his wonderful singing.

As for poultry, they can be beneficial to humans. And they do their job. From them people get eggs, meat and fluff.

forest animals

How do animals benefit plants and people? Let's take a look at the food chain.

It is known that there are several links in the food chain. The very first - producers, or autotrophs. They create organic matter. These include grass, plants and fungi.

The second link is herbivorous animals. They are called primary consumers. They feed on autotrophs.

The third link in the food chain is secondary consumers, or predators. For example, snakes.

The fourth link is secondary predators, or tertiary consumers. A living example is the owl, which is able to eat a hare.

And the fifth link is the top predators. Large birds and animals that may eat primary, secondary and tertiary consumers.

When the death of any animal occurs, its body turns into soil for the growth of plants and grass. Thus, everything is natural.


How can pets be useful? First of all, they serve as a source of food for humans. We eat meat that we get from pigs, cows, sheep, etc. People consume milk that comes from a cow or a goat.

The second point is clothing. The fur and skin of animals are used to make clothes that people wear.

And the third stage is positive emotions. A cat or dog in an urban environment can give a lot of positive emotions. In the conditions of rural life, a cat helps to get rid of mice and rats, a dog can be useful in hunting, for example.

Nature is the home of man. People consider themselves the masters of all living things, but this is far from being the case. The environment gives us air, food and positive emotions.


What are the main aspects of the article?

  1. The forest is the source of oxygen on earth.
  2. Birds help in the fight against forest pests. Poultry is a source of food for humans.
  3. Each forest animal is a link in the food chain. One link will fall out and the chain will fall apart.
  4. Domestic animals feed and clothe people. In addition, they have a positive effect in the psychological aspect.

There is such a wonderful phrase: “Man, do not spit in nature. You live in it." It is worth listening to these words before it is too late, and treat the environment around us more carefully.