The scenario of Romeo and Juliet in a modern way. Extracurricular activity in literature

Author: Gordienko Elena Vladimirovna, teacher of the Russian language and literature, MBOU secondary school No. 7 in Salsk.
W. Shakespeare. The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. The conflict of living and feelings of family animosity.
Description of the material: This material will be of interest to teachers of the Russian language and literature working in high school. The use of the proposed scenario is possible in extracurricular activities. This event helps to understand the pathos of the play, glorifying the fidelity of love, the invincibility of sincere feelings, and high humanity. Allows you to form skills in the theory of literature and develop interest in the study of acting.

Target: reveal the pathos of the play.
Tasks: read W. Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet", understand the essence of the conflict, improve knowledge of lexical skills on the topic "Expressive means of language", form interest in unfading tragedy, develop students' creative abilities, imagination, memory, attention, develop speech activity.
Equipment: Illustrations by artist F. Shmarinov, handout.
Scenario of an extra-curricular event "And again, the mirrors reflect time to us"

W. Shakespeare. The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet.
The conflict of living and feelings of family animosity.

Target: reveal the pathos of the play, glorifying fidelity in love, invincibility of sincere feelings, high humanity.
Methodical methods: reading fragments of the tragedy with elements of conversation, independent work.
Theory: blank verse, iambic, metaphor.
Vocabulary work: conflict, tragic hero, hatred, enmity, love.
Equipment: Illustrations by the artist F. Shmarinov.
Teacher's word.
These unusual lines belong to the great English poet, renaissance playwright W. Shakespeare, who absorbed everything significant from the great era of mankind and managed to clothe the thoughts, beliefs, struggle of his time in images of unfading power, cast the life of society and a person into such artistically generalized types that his works continue to live and amaze us readers?
To understand the complex world of a writer, poet, playwright, one must turn to the era in which he lived and created.
Additional materials.
William Shakespeare is a great English poet and playwright of the Renaissance. The time in which Shakespeare lived and worked was a turning point in the history of Western Europe. Shakespeare was a contemporary of the great era called the Renaissance. The foundations of feudal society were crumbling, they were undermined by a new class - the bourgeoisie, many rooted ideas about life went into the past, old ideals collapsed and new ones arose. In England, more intensively than anywhere else in Europe, the capitalist mode of production took shape. It was a period of rapid growth in wealth and, at the same time, widespread poverty. People appeared in society who sought to comprehend life and the purpose of man in a new way. A new humanistic worldview arose, which affirmed the greatness, beauty and endless possibilities of man. Like other humanists, Shakespeare believed that the best beginnings in the world and man will ultimately triumph. Life, however, took a different path. The long three-century path of the Italian humanist in England fits into the framework of one 16th century. Having refreshed for a moment the greatness of the human spirit, the joys of discovery and knowledge of the world, the great Renaissance swept over the country, swept and went out. Thomas More opens the English Renaissance and Shakespeare closes.
Little information has been preserved about the life of the great playwright, since in the eyes of his contemporaries he was by no means such a great person as he was recognized by subsequent generations. His life and work are overgrown with legends. Many scientists have piece by piece collected data on Shakespeare, speculated, tested hypotheses and filled in the gaps in his biography. The documents that we managed to find relate mainly to the property affairs of the playwright, but more detailed information is available about theatrical activities.
Shakespeare was born in the small provincial town of Stratford, located on the River Avon. Shakespeare's father was a wealthy craftsman and merchant. Shakespeare spent his childhood among ordinary people, having deeply mastered the living folk language. The future playwright received his primary education at the Stratford Grammar School, where ancient languages ​​were the main subject of study. Here Shakespeare learned Latin and ancient Greek. On this, his official education ended, since from the age of fourteen he was forced to help his father in business. However, Shakespeare became a very educated person for his time, constantly engaged in self-education, replenishing the missing knowledge by reading books. At the age of eighteen, Shakespeare married, and after three or four years he went to London in search of work. His father by this time experienced serious everyday troubles, lost money and an honorary position, which he held for some time in Stratford.
In London, Shakespeare changed several professions and only in 1594 did he finally connect his fate with the theater. He entered the acting partnership of his famous fellow countryman, the talented actor Burbage. The troupe called themselves "Servants of the Lord Chamberlain". In 1599, Burbage opened the Globe Theatre, which became the best among the six London theaters. The success of the theater largely depended on its repertoire, which was created by Shakespeare, who had been fond of literary activity for several years. Shakespeare's early experiments were the alteration and "renovation" of existing plots, later he moved on to creating his own works. In the troupe, Shakespeare was more valued as a playwright than as an actor, although he remained on the stage until he was forty years old. In 1612, Shakespeare left the theater and returned to Stratford, where he lived until his death. The last plays written by Shakespeare for his troupe date from 1612-1613. After that, the playwright fell silent. Researchers suggest that the last four years of Shek- (the feast was sick. The great playwright died at the age of 52 and was buried under the altar of the church of St. Trinity in my hometown.
Shakespeare's legacy is 154 sonnets, several short poems, poetry cycles and 37 plays. His work is a clear example of the flourishing and crisis of humanistic ideology. The first decade of his work is imbued with optimistic faith in the solution of social contradictions; the next triod is filled with tragedy, since before Shakespeare's eyes the most important ideal collapsed - the conviction in the endless perfection of man; in the last period, the playwright tries to find a way out of the world of tragic contradictions in his own world of romantic dramas. The early period of Shakespeare's work (1590-1600) passed under the sign of hopes for renewal. It was the time of writing historical chronicles. (“Richard II”, “Richard III”, “Henry IV”, “Henry V”, “Henry VI”, etc.) and comedies (“The Taming of the Shrew”, “The Merchant of Venice”, “The Merry Wives of Windsor”, “ Twelfth Night ”, etc.) The bright, cheerful mood of comedies, faith in the triumph of the best principles in the state life of historical chronicles are combined in this period of creativity. The only tragedy of this period, Romeo and Juliet (1595), is imbued with the light of romantic love and deep lyricism. The death of the main characters does not make this tragedy hopeless.
Romeo and Juliet grew up and live in an environment of centuries of enmity between their families, any trifle is a cause for clashes. Despite this, the love of two beautiful young creatures was born and blossomed, who despise bloody feuds, who are not afraid of death, but life without a loved one is terrible. The heroes die, but over their bodies there is a reconciliation between the warring families of the Montagues and the Capulets. Love wins a moral victory over the world of evil.
In the second period of his work (1601-1608), which can be called "tragic", Shakespeare tries to resolve the issues of the contradictory nature of a person who can rise to the greatest spiritual heights and descend to crime. The source of the tragic is the sharp contradiction between humanistic ideals and the new reality with its cult of power and gold. During this period, the famous tragedies "Hamlet", "Othello", "Macbeth" and "King Lear" were created.
In the last years of creativity (1609-1613) Shakespeare's plays take on a different character. The playwright begins to look for a way out of the insoluble conflicts of time in a fairy tale, in a utopia. In the last plays of Shakespeare: "Pericles", "Cymbilin", "The Tempest", "The Winter's Tale" - the world is full of evil, but good miraculously always wins.
Shakespeare's plays, created about four centuries ago, still live, shaking the imagination of the audience. The best theaters in the world, outstanding actors consider it a great honor to stage and play Shakespeare's play.

5) The word of the teacher.
We will get acquainted with the genre of tragedy in the ninth grade. As we know, the tragedy as a rule ends with the death of the heroes. We will also try to figure out why Romeo and Juliet die. The death is due to two reasons. The first objective is the ancient enmity between the families of the Montagues and the Capulets. This strife is condemned by the inhabitants of Verona, no one even remembers why it started, but there are always evil people who take pleasure in rekindling quarrels. The second reason has to do with the nature of the lovers themselves. They are too young, both true Italians but in temperament: they are impulsive, impatient, hot, prone to hasty decisions and actions, especially Romeo. The action therefore develops rapidly: literally in five days the young heroes secretly get to know each other from their parents, secretly marry. Romeo is immediately forced to immediately flee from Verona, since he killed Juliet's relative Tybalt in a fight, killed, avenging the death of his friend Mercutio. The monk Lorenzo, helping the lovers, plunges Juliet into a temporary stupor, outwardly similar to death, in order to save her from a hated marriage with the nobleman Paris. Romeo, not knowing the truth, kills himself, and after him, Juliet, who wakes up in a crypt, also commits suicide. Over the graves of the lovers, the Montagues and the Capulets reconcile.
This is the short story of the tragedy.
But we must keep in mind that we are not dealing with a real story of two young people, but rather conditional poetic images of heroes, that is, as in any work of art, there is fiction. But the author created the work so skillfully that we perceive them as living real people.
Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy. The confrontation between the Montagues and the Capulets is not a conflict of tragedy, it is only an excuse, the basis of the conflict (a clash of opposition of parties, opinions, forces, serious disagreements, a sharp dispute). Warring houses on one side, lovers on the other.
In the lesson, we will also try to understand what happened to the heroes of the work.

Tragedy in five acts

Escalus, Duke of Verona.
Paris, a young patrician, his relative.
Montecchi) heads of two warring
Capulet) with each other's surnames.
Uncle Capulet.
Romeo, son of Montague.
Mercutio, relative of the duke, friend of Romeo.
Benvolio, Montague's nephew and Romeo's friend.
Tybaldo, nephew of the Capulet's wife.

Lorenzo |
) Franciscan friars.
Giovanni |

Balthasar, Romeo's servant.

Samson |
) servants of the Capulet.
Gregorio |

Pietro, Juliet's servant.
Abramo, servant of the Montagues.
Three musicians.
Mercutio's page.
Page of Paris.
Montague's wife.
Capulet's wife.
Juliet, daughter of the Capulets.
Juliet's Nurse.
Verona citizens, relatives and relatives of both warring
surnames, masks, guards and servants.

Location - Verona
one scene V of the action - Mantova.

Chorus enters. (music is played by Prokofiev a "Morning")
Two equally respected families
In Verona, where events meet us,
Conduct internecine battles
And they don't want to stop the bloodshed.
The children of the leaders love each other,
But fate sets up intrigues for them,
And their death at the coffin doors
Puts an end to irreconcilable strife.


SCENE I Town square in Verona.
Servant (invites everyone to the ball)
“Find everyone who is recorded here!” Or maybe here
written: know your shoemaker arshin, and the tailor
his block, the fisherman his brush, and the painter his
seine. I am sent to find all those whose names
are written here. How can I figure out which names
are written here? We need to find some scholarly person.

Enter Benvolio and Romeo.

Hello sir. Can you please tell me how to read?

Yes, if I know the letters and the language.

Joking around? God with you!
(wants to leave)

"- Signor Martino with his wife and daughters; Count Anselmo and his beautiful sisters;
the widow of signora Vitruvio; Signor Placentio and his lovely nieces; Mercutio and
his brother Valentine; my uncle Capulet, his wife and daughters; my beautiful
Rosaline; Libya; Signor Valenzio and his cousin Tybaldo; Lucio and merry
(Gives a list)

Great society. Where is it invited?

For dinner, to our house.
Whose is it?
To my master's house.
I should have asked first of all who your master is.

I will answer you without question. My master is the noble and wealthy Capulet;
and if you do not belong to the family of Montagues, then you are welcome to us.
Happy to stay. (Exits.)
Scene 4 The outside.
Enter Romeo, Mercutio, Benvolio, and several
masks and servants with torches.
But it's time to wear a mask.
OK it's all over Now ,
And on the face of a mask.
Now let me
What they know they say:
I'm dressed up
Let the mask blush.

Should we say anything at the entrance,
Or just enter like that, without forewords?

No, nowadays
This is not an entrance.
To their tune
We won't dance
And we'll sleep under our own
And we'll leave.
Knock on the door
And as soon as we enter
Then immediately into a dance,
No talking.
Beat the drums!
And I
I'm afraid it's too soon; soul to me
Some premonition worries:
It seems to me that hangs over me
There's some kind of threat in the constellations
That this feast is just a bitter start
My destiny and it will end
An untimely, violent death.
But let him rule my boat
Who holds her rudder in his right hand.
Forward, gentlemen.
Capulet's father

Come in.
Come into my poor house.
Hello signore!
Have fun ladies!

(to Romeo and friends) Welcome!
ladies, there was a time
And I whispered confessions in my ear,
Hiding your face under a mask.
That time has passed, passed...
Welcome ladies and gentlemen!

(Sound of violin. Everyone dances 1 dance)
Meccano-Hijo dela
Romeo (seeing Juliet)
Her radiance of the torch eclipsed
She is like bright beryl
In the ears of arapka, too light
For the world of ugliness and evil.
Like a dove among a flock of crows
I immediately distinguish her in the crowd.
Have I ever loved them so far?
Oh no, those were false goddesses.
I did not know the true beauty until now.

I thought it sounded like a Montague.
Uncle, we have Montagues!
that breaks into us,
Looking at nothing
To shame us at the masquerade!
Capulet's father.
Are you talking about Romeo?
This rascal dared
Get to us under the mask.
In mockery
Over a family celebration!
Capulet's father.
He keeps as he should, and in Verona
Unanimously recognized, they say
An example of true nobility.
For all the riches of the world I will not give
Someone we have to offend him.
Leave him, that's my order to you.
Capulet's mother
(Moresca all dance the second dance with bells)
But, uncle, this is a shame!
Capulet's father.
Calm down!
He told me, look
Society will riot in my living room!
Who is the boss here?
I will not tolerate him here!
Capulet's father.
He will not tolerate him here!
No, you have to be patient!
Or blame yourself!
Capulet's mother.
Suddenly why did you raise a cry?
Scoundrel, behave yourself! Or else ...
(to father) What a shame! Come to your senses!
Leonardo, please, sing.
Youth will set us on fire
The fire in the blood will melt the ice.
This is how life goes...
Short-lived rose color -
He will fade
like young men
like girls flourish.
The day has come, the time has come
The light of a smile beckons us -
It's time for love...
Just dreaming about marriage
This is to tease and procrastinate.
All I can answer:
Cupid is leading us.
Jump, shawls
But sing me a song.
Death is coming
Bring us peace.
Sweeter than honey
Bitter like bile
Cupid's speech to us.
Short-lived rose color -
He will fade
Like young men
How girls flourish.
I touched your hands with a rough hand.
And to wash away blasphemy, I make a vow:
Like two meek pilgrims of the lips
With the kiss of sacrilege they will erase the trace.
Dear pilgrim, you are too strict with your hand.
Only piety in it.
The saints have their hands, right,
Touch the pilgrim with your hand.
Is the mouth given to saints and pilgrims?
Yes, for prayer, my good pilgrim!
Holy One, so let my lips cling to yours.
Don't be relentless!
Without moving, the saints listen to us.
Still, answer my pleas.
Goddess, your lips remove all sin from mine (kisses)
So did my lips accept your sin?
My sin? Ah, your reproach embarrasses me.
Give back my sin. (kisses again)
Your mother calls you in two words.
Faster, faster!
And who is her mother?
She, the head of the family, is the mistress of the house.
Worthy and wise lady
Remember: who will marry her,
He will take a good jackpot.
Is this the Capulet's daughter?
I'm in the hands of the enemy
And caught in the net!
Capulet's father. (He tells everyone)
Where are you, ladies?
Are you leaving?
Oh damn, it's true
Late hour!
You could say it's early.
Nurse, come here.
Who is this gentleman?
Count Paris.
No. The one by the wall?
Don't know.
Go find out.
Romeo of the Montecchi House.
His name is Romeo. He's a Montecchi
The son of our sworn enemy.
I am the embodiment of a hateful force
Inopportunely unknowingly fell in love!
What the times can promise me
When am I so passionate about the enemy?
Passion suddenly cooled,
And a new passion replaced it;
The one that took possession of Romeo's heart,
Lost power over this heart;
Her beauty has ceased to be beauty
In his eyes, and he fell in love again.
Juliet enchanted his eyes,
He himself is loved, a dangerous love!
As an enemy of Juliet's family, he dare not
Enter her house with recognition of your own;
And has no hope
She's up to meet him
But time sends them cases,
And the dust of love gives them courage
For meetings - and a moment of bliss consoles
And sweet joy pours in the heart.
Garden in the Capulet house.
But what kind of light
I see on the balcony?
Oh honey!
O my life! O joy!
Worth not knowing who she is.
She moves her lips, but no words are heard.
There is a speech speech!
Oh how stupid I am!
Others talk to her.
The two brightest stars, in a hurry
On business, leave the sky, they ask
Her eyes are sparkling.
She stands with her hand pressed to her cheek.
Oh, to be on her hand with a glove,
Glove on hand!
Romeo, oh why are you Romeo!
Leave your father and renounce forever
On behalf of the native, but do not want to -
So swear that you love me
And I will no longer be a Capulet.
listen further
Or answer?
Only this name wishes me evil.
You'd be yourself if you weren't a Montecchi.
What is a Montague?
Is that what it's called
face and shoulders
Legs, chest and arms?
Are there no other names?
A rose smells like a rose
Call her a rose, or not.
And you would be a Romeo by any name
That height of perfection
What he is.
Call me something else Romeo
And then take all of me in return!
Oh, hands!
Now I'm your chosen one!
I will receive a new baptism
Just to be called differently.
Who's that creeping in the dark
Into my cherished dreams?
I dare not call myself by my first name.
It is thanks to you that I hate it.
Whenever it came across to me in a letter,
I would take the paper from the mines to shreds.
And as already familiar
This is my voice!
Are you Romeo?
Are you a Montague?
Neither that nor that: names are forbidden.
How did you get in here? Why?
The fence is high and impregnable.
You are certain death here.
When my family would find you.
Love brought me here
In need, she decides on everything,
And because your relatives are mine!
They will see you and kill you.
The night will cover me with its cloak.
But if you don't love me, let them see me.
It's easier for me to end my life from their enmity,
How to delay death without your love
I swear to you by the holy moon
What silvers flowering trees ...
Oh don't swear by the fickle moon
The moon that changes its appearance so often.
So that your love does not change.
So what to swear?
Or if you want, swear by yourself
By myself, my soul's idol, -
And I will believe.
I swear my friend
Whenever this heart...
This kidney of happiness
Ready to color next time.
And let your dream be
Like a bright world that I am full of.
But how can I leave you so soon?
And what to add to our collusion?
I took an oath.
Now you swear.
I swore first and I'm sorry
That it's in the past, not in the future.
Would you like to take that vow back?
What for?
I'm coming, nurse!
I may be back again
Wait a minute.
Holy night, holy night!
What if this is all a dream?
Happiness is so exorbitant, everything is so fabulous and wonderful!
Two more words. If you are Romeo
He decided to marry me without joking,
Let me know tomorrow when and where the wedding is.
In the morning my man will come to you
Find out your opinion on this matter.
I will lay my life at your feet
And I will follow you everywhere.
I'm coming!
And if you have a deceit in your mind,
Leave me and don't go anymore.
I'll manage tomorrow.
I swear to salvation.
A hundred thousand goodbyes.
At what time
Send me tomorrow for an answer?
At nine.
Here you go…
I forgot what I wanted to say.
Remember, I'll be here for now.
Wait until I forget everything again
Just to hold you back.
Remember and forget as long as
Without remembering myself, I will stand.
Bye Bye
And there is no urine to disperse!
And so they would say for a century:
"Good night"
I wish you good night a hundred times (leaves.) /

Musical Romeo and Juliet: ACT 1


- Prince!
Nothing can surprise you
But you think so in vain
Welcome friends
Verona is glad to see you.

I'm the prince here and I don't know
Than the plebeians and the nobility live here.
It's just grace,
But this is just a hoax.
Alas, my city is a living hell.

And in the souls of malice there is a stench.

Verona is waiting
We are all happy for you
Kohl brought you to Verona:
Fate plays tricks sometimes.

Who has not been to this place
Verona - revenge carnival.
Verona is waiting
And here in Verona
Among the beauties and beauties,
You might be lucky
If not, blame yourself.
Welcome friends.
Who hasn't been to this place?
Verona revenge carnival,

Verona is waiting.

Are you here for a day or two?
And swear - not a foot!
Verona is a wonderful city
Get in - God bless!

And we are to death in kind,
Here for trouble to meet trouble.
And curse your fate
Like sinners in hell
Alas, my city is a living hell
At first glance - a flowering garden,
In human hearts is not blood, but poison,
And in the souls of malice there is a stench.

Chorus and Prince, Capulets and Montagues
Verona is waiting
We are all happy for you
Kohl brought you to Verona,
Fate plays tricks sometimes.
Here two families rule the ball,
They do evil deeds old and small.
Here is the place of the bible dagger,
Verona - revenge carnival.
Verona is waiting
And here in Verona
Among the beauties and beauties,
You might be lucky
If not, blame yourself.
Welcome friends.
Here instead of the bible - a dagger,
Verona revenge carnival!

Choir, Capulets and Montecchi Prince We are glad, Benvolio, Mercutio - two friends.
We are all glad to see you. Mercutio is my distant relative.
Since you have been brought to Verona, Mercutio: My prince, although you are my relatives,
Fate sometimes jokes evil, But you can't tame me!
Here two families run the show, Prince: But Tybalt is the instigator of fights,
They do villainy old and small, Their natural enemy.
Here, instead of a bible, a dagger, Tybalt: I don't give a damn about your law,
Verona - revenge carnival, After all, I'm always armed!
Verona is waiting. Prince: Verona!
And here in Verona
Among beauties and beauties, I was kinder than my father,
You may be lucky, Patience has come to an end!

Choir and Prince
And you - blame yourself.
Welcome friends.
Here is the place of the bible dagger,
Verona - revenge carnival!

Verona, Verona!
Verona is waiting.


Mercutio! Stop!
Verona, I'm tired of your quarrels!
There was a conversation, but there will be a verdict!
To you, Capulet, and to you, Montague,

I order you to stop the war!
Do not disturb the peace of our streets!
If you fight - for the honor of the crown,
For the peace and prosperity of Verona!


Lady Capulet
God I pray
You see my house
In the flames of evil
Everything I love
hate in him
Burnt to ashes.

Enmity! Enmity!
You're like a whore insidious!
Enmity! Enmity!
You're trading in Fate!
Enmity! Enmity!
On the paths of blood
Enmity! Enmity!
Death follows you
Following in the wake of the Enmity!

Lady Montecchi
You are the fruit of sin
child of the snake,
Kara of heaven.
Trace of your century
Family Secrets
Hidden from eyes.

Enmity! Enmity!
Enmity yesterday and today!
Enmity! Enmity!
Hostility for no apparent reason.

Lady Capulet
sister of love,
Enmity is like a mean matchmaker.
Sister of Love
Brings men together with death.

Lady Montecchi Chorus
Burns souls Enmity, enmity
All this Hell
All this Hell
Where is the blood and the stench
He is between the legs of enmity, enmity
Slutty bitch
What gives death
What a gentle look.

Lady Capulet
All this Hell, enmity, enmity
Where is the blood and the stench
Enmity and Death
There is no love here, enmity, enmity
Enmity all around
Love's stray sister.

As there is no drug Enmity, enmity
From the plague
So divination
No enmity.
And do not leave us Enmity, enmity
from fate,
From enmity, from enmity!
enmity, enmity

Hostility, hostility, hostility, hostility
Hostility, hostility! Hostility, hostility!

Lady Montecchi
Benvolio! Benvolio!

Yes, aunt.

Lady Montecchi
Wait, I have something to ask you, nephew.

I'd rather run to you in the evening,
We'll have a nice chat over tea.

Lady Montecchi
Stop, I say, now I'm going down to you!

Oh, aunt, don't be angry, I'm trying
But the legs are not subject to the head,
She is one, and legs, excuse me, two.

Lady Montecchi
It seems to me that the reason is here, son,
Not in the head, but somewhere in between, at the feet.

When you found the reason
It is not for me, aunt, to object to you according to rank.

Lady Montecchi
Don't sharp! Where is my son? Did you see him today?

I don't know, probably in bed
Dreaming about love.

Lady Montecchi
Do you know who she is?

He himself does not know
In love with the very fact of being in love.

Lady Montecchi
It's better that way
Than the stupidity of your fights.
Find and bring him to me!

Find and bring!
Where can I look for it? Where is that bed
Who hides it today?
After all, I am his friend—not his mother.
I would like to understand the situation
All women and even some men
Looking for our Romeo
They want to ask him different questions.
Nobody needs Benvolio!
(calling Romeo)
Romeo! Romeo! Romeo!
(runs away)

Premonition of love

Premonition of love
You are made of dreams
Indistinct, vague words,
unspoken verses,
Where in the golden dust
Light and shadow play.
Premonition of love
That somewhere near the day
Our meeting -
Morning or evening
Moment or eternity -
The day we met

Premonition of love -
Some vague fear
And a new secret meaning
In ordinary words
And tears for no reason
And stupid dreams.
Premonition of love
That somewhere near you
My chosen one
Bright as a holiday
My sorrow and joy
You are my good angel.

Where are you?
From night to dawn
Waiting for an answer, where are you?

Where are you?
From night to dawn
Waiting for an answer, where are you?
Where are you?

Where are you,
My heavenly angel
Unknown angel.
Where are you?
Let tomorrow come
Tomorrow where we are together.
Where are you,
my heavenly angel
Angel unknown
Where are you? Waiting for an answer
From night to dawn
I believe there will be happiness
I know we'll be together

Where are you,
my heavenly angel
Angel unknown
Where are you? Waiting for an answer
From night to dawn
I believe there will be happiness
I know we'll be together

Where are you?

Where are you?
Romeo! Greetings on a wonderful morning!

There is no wonderful morning of sadness ...

You're talking in riddles. What are you? In love?

I drowned in love!

Come up!
Madame Montecchi, your mother,
She told me to bring you to her.

Oh no!

Musical "Romeo and Juliet" : Matchmaking

Countess! Graph!

Count Capulet
O! Mr Paris!

Here is a small bouquet for your daughter.

Lady Capulet
Original! How lovely!

Count Capulet
Thank you very much.
Nurse, take the flowers and take them to Juliet.

Count, I'm with you
Didn't come alone
Here I see the finger of fate.
I'm in Juliet
So in love
What a million
I bet.
I'm rich, I'm smart
And good-looking
I ask your daughter
Be my wife!
Doubts away,
Reason one -
Count, you have a daughter,
And here is your son.

Count Capulet
Oh, Paris
What a surprise.
I'm honored to listen to you
But Juliet
So young
She is a child
Not a wife.
Your choice flatters me
But my soul hurts.
Wait a year
Let him grow up!

Upcoming Event Details
I'm ready to discuss with you!
(Steps aside with Paris)

I agree sir, it's a good idea.
I like myself as a groom!

Lady Capulet
Juliet, I'm excited, Paris asked for your hand.
Do you want to get married?

I don't know mom, it's so sudden
I think it's probably too early for me.

Lady Capulet
Better sooner than the other way around
Well, I'm in a hurry, your dad is waiting for me.

Nurse, did you hear?

God bless. It is high time.
At your age, the countess, your mother,
And she was married and on demolitions,

Nurse, were you married?

Alas, not for long. He died suddenly.

And did you love him?

What's the number?
Love and marriage are different things.

But I want love.

We're talking about a wedding!
Love comes later...sometimes.

But I want now and forever!

Naive child! Oh, I wish I was her year!

Song (Where Are You)

Where are you,
From night to dawn
Waiting for an answer - where are you?
Where are you?
From night to dawn
Waiting for an answer - where are you?

Kings of night Verona

The world is divided between good and evil
It is very difficult to be a king in it!
And sometimes in this world,
Do not figure out who is the jester, who is the king!

Be king, live under lock and key
War in the morning, social reception in the afternoon
Powerful of the world away from earth
They don't understand that we are kings.

Together and Chorus
Kings of night Verona.
We don't have laws.
We are children of crazy luck
We live easily in the world.
Every now and then in our life
The body wins over the soul.
We were born for love And in it we are just kings.

Happiness is not eternal, glory is blind,
And the crowd chooses the kings.
We challenge fate to a duel.
We don't care who is the hunter, who is the target.

Games with fate are ridiculous and empty,
We burn bridges behind us

And invariably at all times -
Only love should rule the world!

Together and Chorus
Kings of night Verona.
We don't have laws.
And who is in castles under castles, they seem like jokes to us. Every now and then in our life
The body wins over the soul.
But the Lord is for everything for this
We will be forgiven by dawn

Hey, Benvolio, show me what I taught you!

Together and Chorus
Kings of night Verona.
We don't have laws.
We are children of crazy luck
We live easily in the world.
In our life every now and then, Romeo: We are the kings of night Verona!
The body wins over the soul.
But the Lord is for everything for this
We will be forgiven by dawn.

Benvolio, Mercutio, Romeo, Choir
Kings of night Verona. Benvolio: We are kings, we are kings, we live easily in the world.
We don't have laws.
And who is in castles under castles,

They look like jokes to us.
In our life every now and then, Romeo: We are kings
The body wins over the soul.
We were born for love

And in it we are just kings.

Kings of night Verona.
We don't have laws.
We are children of crazy luck
We live easily in the world.
Every now and then in our life
The soul conquers the body.
We were born for love

And in it we are just kings.
My friends! My friends!
Romeo the joker
And yet, my friends, there is amazing news for you.

Which? Mercutio, come on! Post it soon!

They're giving a ball at the Capulets today!

Are we invited?

Are we invited?

I'm personally invited!

And I don't care, I'll go without an invitation!

Not cleverly somehow Benvolio!

Make a decision!
After all, this is a class - to come to the enemies to the ball.

No one has done this number!

Musical "Romeo and Juliet": Ball

Me and you (L""amour heureux)

I'm at someone else's ball
Not looking for fun
But suddenly I saw you.
The noisy ball is silent,
Only we are alone in the middle of the hall

Alone in the crowd
Just me and you
Me and you in silence
Where words are not needed
It's you, the one you dreamed of

The two of us, just me and you.

The two of us, just me and you
We will not part with you.


The dream come true is you.

The two of us, just me and you
A dream come true -
That's what happiness means.

The two of us, just me and you
The meeting was sent to us by fate.

The two of us, just me and you
We will not part with you.

The perfection of beauty is you.

The dream come true is you.

The two of us, just me and you
It is not in your power to interfere with us.
A dream come true -
That's what happiness means.


Count Capulet
Montagues in my house?


Count Capulet
Go away!

I told you!



Host Tybalt

Believe me, I am a very hospitable host
Come to the ball - dance!
Where is the grace, Mercutio?

Marcella, come here!
- Roberta!
- Tybalt stop!

Nurse, who is this young man?

This is Romeo, the son of our enemy Montecchi!


I was a stranger to everyone
Always alone.
The family decided:
"Be proud, son!
You are a lone wolf
Among the sheep
You can't hear the scream
Other people's hearts"
Everyone around has friends
Shoulder to shoulder
Only me alone and me
I pay your bills!
I cry with my fate
And right on time
I live one war
Rock appointed!

Revenge is my right
Revenge is mine!

Mask of revenge, mask of revenge
I can't take it off my face
The sign of the executioner and scoundrel!
A matter of honor, a matter of honor.
You decided everything for me -
My destiny, my family.

revenge mask,
I'm just a sword in the hands of the family
matter of honor,
So they ordered me.
Oh damn you fate
Revenge of the slave!

Mask of revenge

revenge mask,
Know that your gaze inspires fear
matter of honor,
That life and death are in your hands
A sign of strength - decide everything with a sword!
Be the judge and the executioner!

I don't like crowds
What's the point of it?
The crowd is the union of the stupid,
I am a lone wolf!
It's so easy to think
Holy lies
But only in the throat lump,
And a knife in the heart.

In one heavenly book,
What the gods write in the stars
In the chapter "Love", probably,
A line about me and Romeo.

Is in that heavenly book
What the gods write in the stars
The price of separation and pain -
Payback for love
Connected the sky
Juliet and Romeo.
How sweet is the forbidden fruit
Romeo and Juliet.

In another heavenly book
Where are the intrigues, lies, intrigues,
In the chapter "Enmity", how strange,
Coats of arms of our two clans.

Ready to pray to the gods
Ready to fight the enemy
For us to connect
In the arms of love.

Let's turn the page
The one where enmity borders
And we will repeat
Chapter "Love" spelled out.

Indeed, in this main chapter

All about me and you!

Let in that heavenly book
What the gods write in the stars
Words will not sink into oblivion
Romeo plus Juliet.
Connected the sky
Juliet and Romeo.
There is no better storyline
Romeo plus Juliet.

Am I really in love
And this passion of mine is called Montecchi?

Let's forget our names
Let's stay alone with love!

My love Romeo is so strong
That alone with her I'll go crazy!
Do not leave me.

I myself want to stay.
Today, tomorrow... forever!
After all, this is proof of love!
Do you need other arguments?

Don't know…
Become my husband, call me wife.
Marriage is the ultimate evidence of love.

I agree!

No, wait, take this rose.
You will return when you set a date for the wedding.

I'll hurry!

I will wait, because the rose quickly withers!

Romeo, don't forget that roses wither quickly!

Do not be noisy!

Love you!

Oh brother Lorenzo, you are my confessor,
A faithful mediator between me and God.
I love!

Again love...

I love like never before!

Sin is not great

Her name is Juliet

Any Juliet is worthy of you.

No, there is one Juliet - Capulet.

Capulets?!.. Are you crazy.
Don't you understand, my son?
What forces of evil by this mere thought
Are you calling for revenge?
Such a union is worse than the plague!

Brother, I ask you to marry her and me

Love is like death

How to know
Maybe love has come to us
To prove that feuds torment our families in vain.

You are right Romeo!.. You are right...
Madness is sometimes stronger than reason.
And this sky sends a sign
So that your union ends the war at once.
I will marry you.

Thanks father!

No thanks, son.
Love Juliet and God bless you.

He will marry us, he will marry us!

beauties and freaks
O! Who do I see! Romeo!

Yes, I'm here, Benvolio.

They are looking for you all the time!

And even we closest friends

I'll explain soon
Not yet.

Oh yes yes yes
We'll be waiting and looking forward
A story about a new adventure.
I'm going crazy with envy. Discover the secret of success.
The story can't be a hindrance!
It is sometimes more interesting than love.

O! You look who came!
And what is the Capulet missing here?

I'm looking for Romeo.

Ha, ha, ha
Here's another one.
Its price is skyrocketing!

Ha ha ha, mother's sons!
Ha ha ha, you are still puppies!
And your cheeky look
Covers the shame
That the soul hurts without love.

Ha ha ha, this farce -
For a day or two to spin the novel,
Not knowing what to call
drag into bed
For empty pleasures
In front of everyone -
This is laughter and sin!

Ha ha ha, listen to this nonsense -
Ha ha ha, old whores advice
Those who knew everything
Yes, they forgot how
Im on market day
All the price is a penny.
Just laughter and sin!

Together and Chorus
Whether you are beautiful
If you're ugly
We want and prick.
You don't like us
We don't care
Freak or beauty
Freak or beauty.

Ha ha ha, you're handsome, but...
Your beauty is a Domino mask,
And under that mask
The freak is hiding
What spits in love
Spitting up high
Hohocha spits!

Ha ha ha, oh my god, how funny
Ha ha ha, we're freaks, but...
We all lie in love
Every day and hour
We fool the girls
The girls fool us
We are all freaks.

Together and Chorus
Whether you are beautiful
If you're ugly
We all sin and pray, Benvolio We all sin and pray!
We want and prick.
All jokes aside
Give everyone an equal share.
Freak or beauty.

Whether you're ugly or beautiful,
We all want love
All of us
We want

Whether you are beautiful
If you're ugly
We all sin and pray
We want and prick.
All jokes aside
Give everyone an equal share.
Love - it doesn't matter
Freak or beauty.

All jokes aside
Give everyone an equal share.
Love - it doesn't matter
Freak or beauty.

Freak or Beauty.



Well, where is your Romeo?
I need him.

Nurse, you are very late,
He grew up and does not like milk,
Though sometimes to a breast also falls.
So what happened so important
That the Capulet came to us,
Looking for our Romeo?!

I hasten to attract everyone's attention!
Romeo is here.

He finally found.

But first someone explain
Why Madame Nurse Romeo?

Benvolio, Mercutio, please
Leave us alone with the Nurse,
I'll tell you all about it later.

Romeo, Romeo, do you really love Juliet?

Yes, it's true, I love her.

What should we do? It doesn't get any easier from time to time.

All is decided!
Give Juliet this rose
Tell me I'll be waiting for her at the convent.
Lorenzo will marry us today.

But if Lorenzo helps you,
The Lord is on your side!

Benvolio, Mercutio!

Two wings of love
My girl
Let us be of different bloodlines
blood child
You can't love more.
Slept yesterday
You are on my chest
And now you've grown up
It's time for love
Oh Lord, have mercy!

Two wings of love
Give her the sky
Two wings of love
Forget about all the troubles
You were able to fly
Above trouble, above evil
And soar above the ground, soar,
Oh Lord, let her love!

Two wings of love
Give, Lord
Two wings of love!

I myself was
So naive like you
And I lied to myself
About love and dreams
But fate has a different calculation,
And she hits us hard.
But let from my insults
keeps you,
And the Lord will protect!

Two wings of love
Give her the sky
Two wings of love
Let all troubles go away
And fly above the ground
Over the insidious relatives,
Where the law "blood for blood" reigns,
Oh Lord, protect love!

Two wings of love
Give her the sky
Two wings of love
Let all troubles go away
Two white wings
So that you can soar
Soar and not know the pain,
Protect, O Lord, love!

Two wings of love
Give, Lord
Two wings of love...
Protect love!

Nurse, Nurse.



What's up

What did he say to you?

Who is he?


Ahh... What did Romeo say?
Let me remember. I'm old, I guess.
I lose my thoughts all the time.

Nanny, stop teasing me!
Does he love me or...



tili tili dough
Bride and groom.
Yes, he loves you.
How can you not love my lovely child
Lorenzo is going to marry you.

Thanks nanny.

Well, with God
At a good hour.

Love is hidden.
broken hearts,
Give us
In the name of all lovers
Your protection.

We are in your power.
Is it possible
Run from passion?
Give us
In the name of all lovers
A little bit of happiness.

What does the name mean
In that
Mad world?
We have sinned
If a
Did we love?

Love is hidden
broken hearts,
Give them
In the name of all lovers
Your protection.
We are in your power.
Is it possible
Run from passion?
Give them
In the name of all lovers
A little bit of happiness.
Extend the moment! Juliet: Extend the moment!

Salvation in love. Juliet: Salvation in love!

Give them
In the name of all lovers, Juliet: Give us
Extend the moment! Romeo: Extend the moment!

Salvation in love! Romeo: Salvation in love!

Together and Chorus
Give them
In the name of all lovers, Romeo: Give us

Musical "Romeo and Juliet": ACT 2

You betrayed us
Young woman
Augusto, have you heard the news?

1st citizen

Young woman
Romeo loved it!

Well, surprised!
He suffers from love every other day.

2nd citizen
This time it's Juliet Capulet.
They ran away from the ball. At dawn
I saw him leave her.

Young woman
Can't be!

Betray the family, forget the covenants of the clan!
If there is no deceit in your history,
I can't believe this news!

All this is very strange. Let's go to him
Let him tell you what he did.

People says,
The son of Montecchi betrayed the race,
And honor him back
Only death will return.

People says,
To return the honor of the family,
He must to this garden
Forget forever the way.

Benvolio and Mercutio
Don't tempt fate
You will run into a dagger.
Don't break the taboo
Otherwise you are lost!

You betrayed us! / No, I am your brother as before.
You betrayed us! / I'm not guilty of anything,
You betrayed us! / I pray to understand me,

You betrayed us! / Love has its rights.
You betrayed us! / But she is always right.
You betrayed us! / I beg you to understand me.
You betrayed us! / I did not betray, I love.

People says,
That you spilled revenge poison.
Path to this garden
Leads, Romeo, to hell.

People says,
Juliet's brother is beside himself
Swears by everyone
That he will kill you.

Benvolio and Mercutio
Don't tempt fate
You will run into a dagger.
Don't break the taboo
Otherwise you are lost!

(Benvolio, Mercutio and Chorus) / Romeo
You betrayed us! / What can I say in response?
You betrayed us! / We've been together for so many years.
You betrayed us! / I was free, like you.
You betrayed us! / I became a victim of rumors.

You betrayed us! / As before, we are friends.
You betrayed us! / The Lord alone is my judge.
You betrayed us! / I can not help, alas.
You betrayed us! / It's just a finger of fate.

Benvolio and Mercutio / Romeo
Find love among enemies / Now a gift of Fate, now a sign of the Gods
There are plenty of girls, but one life / But I need one.
Take any right now / No, no, no.

Benvolio and Mercutio
You betrayed us, you betrayed us!

I am a slave of love
I don't have a judge.
That is a gift of fate!

(Benvolio, Mercutio and Chorus) / Romeo
You betrayed us! / Look at you!
You betrayed us! / You are jealous, friends,
You betrayed us! / That I could know love.
You betrayed us! / Can one blame a friend?

You betrayed us! / We were almost children
You betrayed us! / We dreamed of love.
You betrayed us! / We prayed at night
You betrayed us! / So that she comes to us!

You betrayed us! / If she comes to you,
You betrayed us! / You will understand who was right.
You betrayed us! / There is love where there are no masters,
You betrayed us! / I am her obedient slave!

You betrayed us! / Not!
You betrayed us! / I am not guilty!
You betrayed us! / You can't judge for love.
You betrayed us! / Love, Love!

You betrayed us!
You betrayed us!
You betrayed us!

You betrayed us! / This is happiness!
You betrayed us!
You betrayed us!
You betrayed us!

You betrayed us!

The hour has struck
Sister and brother - forbidden fruit
He is so sweet that he is unattainable.
What passions whirlpool:
I burn with jealousy, but we love another!
Around full of girls and ladies,
What to get into bed ready for you.

But only the one that is my sister,
My dream is an incestuous passion.
Juliet, my God, why is your chosen one
The son of our enemy? Romeo, son of Montague.

Romeo, son of Montecchi,
Your time to sleep forever!
I am a prosecutor, my sentence: he is a vile thief.

Love is a prison, I'm a prisoner in it
Keep me a secret until my last days.
To confess my love, the law does not order me,
As the blood boils in me, today we will fight.

The hour has struck, the hour has struck, the hour has struck, the hour has struck!
Burns jealousy in the heart
My enemy deserves death!
I'm a prosecutor, my sentence: you'll die like a thief,
Only the death of a scoundrel will wash away the shame!

Jealousy burns! The hour has struck!
Everything is burning in the chest! The hour has struck!
There is no way back The hour has struck!
And there is no way ahead! The hour has struck!

Where are you, scoundrel Romeo,
I'm waiting for you, Romeo.
I'm waiting for you, Romeo. I'm waiting for you, Romeo. I'm waiting for you.
I'm waiting for you to avenge love!!!

Look who came to us!
Tybalt! Here is the meeting.
What a crazy wind
So your sails puffed out,
What's about to burst?

Dogs yelp insolently
When the owner is around.
Where is Romeo?
I'm looking for him

Romeo! Where is Romeo? Where is Romeo? Where is Romeo?
Well, here's another one:
Tybalt is a famous detective,
He is always looking for something gentlemen
Yesterday or last year's snow
And now - in the face in front of everyone!

Are you all joking, you bastard?
Tell Romeo, I need him!

Let me know - why?

Don't worry, I won't eat it.

You'll choke!

Shut up while you're alive!

Tybalt, Tybalt, I am your death.
I'm tired of looking at you
Voice, gait and outfit.
Today you will be killed.
Dude without convolutions with the soul of a cripple,
Your time has come to sleep forever.
Do you hear, Tybalt, I am your death!

Hey talker! You are already dead!
Let me be a dude, and you are just stupid.
How funny you are, the author of flat witticisms.
You mediocre poet, empty rhymer!

Poor clown, snotty puppy,
The last paragraph will add a blade.
Hear, boy, you're already dead!

Lord, Satan
Lost your mind!
Better peace than war
The Lord created us
For love!

Together and Chorus
Life! We must invest.
Life! Stop
Only the Lord has the right to it!
Life! Stop
Only the Lord has the right to it!

Enough, Tybalt,
We are at enmity.
Hide the dagger
Let's throw a ball!

We will continue the dispute with a feast,
Let's replace death with peace!

Together and Chorus
Death, is she Romeo: Death
A righteous judgment can administer?!
Death is so terrible, Romeo: Death, Death, Death
What can adopt everyone!

Chorus / Romeo and Benvolio
That's why death is terrible / Don't go crazy,
What can adopt everyone! / Death will come to you by itself.
Life / Life span is very short,
Life / The Lord created us.
Life / Gave mind and flesh
Life / For the happiness of the Lord.

Life, life / Life gave us for happiness,
Life, life / Life is only for love.

Chorus / Mercutio
Life, life / Romeo, believe me, he's just a beast!
Life, life / Only death will reconcile us.
Life, life / Only death will judge us.
Life, life / Immediately, here and now!

Life, life / Listen holy, cowardly hero.
Life, life / Do you have me to be the judge?
Life, life / Go to the monastery, put on your cassock,
Life, life / Preach peace there, but steel rules here!

Chorus / Together
Life, life / Live only for happiness,
Life, life / Live only for love.

Life, life, life…..

Tybalt (Mercutio)
Where are you going?
Where are you going? That is none of your business!
He hurts, he hurts!
Here is your hero!
Get up!
Get up, snotty girl!

Chorus / Romeo
Life! Gotta invest
Our blades are sheathed, not flesh!
Life! Stop / Live only for happiness!
Only the Lord has the right to it! / Live only for love!

Live, live, live.

Death of Mercutio
Mercutio, Mercutio!

Romeo, what's wrong with you?
What a ridiculous sight!

Are you injured?

No, I'm not wounded ... killed.

You are next!

If you didn’t get stuck between us awkwardly,
Then I would not have missed the treacherous dagger.


Already forgiven

Are you injured? Blood everywhere...

No, I'm just leaving...
And I look at your love from afar -
Take care of Juliet, keep her love.
I knew other women, but they love so much,
Believe me, they couldn't, Romeo

Farewell my faithful friend
Goodbye and sorry.
Death creeps around
Get out of her way...
You are not like everyone else
Lord save you
People don't like those
Who is better than them.

Because of the plague feud
Two damned families
We must die
We shed blood!
Let them have a plague
Empty houses...
Meet trouble with trouble -
Your unfortunate fate...

Mercutio! Mercutio! Do not die

You were like a brother to me
More than a brother
Mercutio! Benvolio: Get up!
Life is bitterer than poison, Tybalt: I didn't want to!
Deeper than hell!
Tybalt, Tybalt!

You were like a brother to me
More than a brother

Farewell my friend, farewell...

Who is guilty?

Lady Capulet
Tybalt! Tybalt! Tybalt! Not!
And you, my husband, where were you while they were growing up?
You frolicked, you lost your bet
Enjoyed the love of others
While Tybalt fought for the honor of the family!
Tybalt is dead! He was like a son to me.
Go and take revenge, if you're still a man!

Count Capulet
Shut up!
Who is guilty,
He will drink the cup of revenge to the bottom!
Who is guilty,
This death will pay in full!

Lady Montecchi
Who is guilty?
Your Tybalt killed himself,
Who is guilty,
What is now smitten on the spot?

Death on both sides
I am saddened by your grief,
But there is a law
The right of power!

Lady Montecchi
Rosaline, where is Romeo?

Tybalt is dead, the reason is -
Mercutio's blood on him.
Their lives can't be brought back
I'm guilty, not guilty!
We are guilty together
Hostages of revenge.

Lady Montecchi
Romeo! My son!

To please her father and mother
Romeo and Benvolio
We were trained to kill.

I'm not happy with this science
I'm guilty, not guilty!
I'm only guilty of one thing
That we are related by blood.

Lady Capulet
You are lying! You're lying puppy! You are lying!

Who is guilty,
He will drink the cup of revenge to the bottom!

Count Capulet
Who is guilty.

Who is guilty,
This death will pay in full!

Lady Montague, Lady Capulet, Nurse
Who is guilty.

Who is guilty,
He will drink the cup of revenge to the bottom!

I'm the law here!

Who is guilty
This death will pay in full!

I am the law here
I am saddened by your grief,
Death on both sides
Blood revenge choice!

Romeo, for an act of lawlessness
Will be expelled from Verona immediately!
And if he doesn't follow orders,
That will be put to death

Lady Montecchi

At the same time!
Who am I? Your prince?
Shepherd of the mad flock!
Crowds of stupid fools!
Let's all get out!

Lady Montecchi
Have mercy!

And remove the bodies!

Lady Montecchi
Oh god, I'm losing my son.
Romeo, my one and only, Romeo.

I am banished from Verona! I'm an outcast!
Juliet, my angel, I cannot live apart.

Lady Montecchi
For a sin, what a torment
You, the sky, doom mothers?
Life goes away with the loss of children!

Farewell, mother, I am out of order here.
In exile, I will die alone!

Lady Montecchi
Farewell, my son. I will die without you.

God why?

Our prince banished you,
Saved your life, son.
Who is right and who is wrong
Only God will judge.
Where is the revenge of the inhabitants in the blood,
There is no place for love.

Lorenzo, Benvolio, Count Capulet
God why
War for men
Is love sweeter?
God why one
We are destined to endure
While others seek death?

One war, always war!

Well, Tybalt is killed,
Romeo killed yours.
Fate won't let you
Become husband and wife.
Sad is our lot on earth -
Bride to be a widow.

Nurse, Lady Capulet, Lady Montague
God why
War for men
Is love sweeter?
God why one
We are destined to endure
While others seek death?
God, why are you laughing at people?
Why do we need a life where there is no love,
One war, always war!

God why
War for men
Is love sweeter?
God why one
We are destined to endure
While others seek death?
God, why are you laughing at people
Why do we need a life where there is no love,
One war, always war!

God why Nurse: God why! War
War for men Benvolio: Why war!
Is love sweeter?
God, why one Nurse: Why one
We are destined to endure
While others seek death? Count Capulet: While others seek death!
God, why are you laughing at people
Why do we need a life where there is no love,
One war, always war!

Morning morning
I hear bird trills.
They sang the dawn.
The hour of parting has come.

hold me tighter
That nightingale, son of the night
Doesn't want to separate us from you
He is the guardian of my love.
Borrowed time
Taking from the dawn

Time for love.

What is power
Sweet poison.
Its intoxicating scent
Once you breathe
And there is no way back.

What is power?
What is power?
What is power?
Is it an honor or an attack?
Garden of Eden
Ile dark forest,
Sweet poison
Ile heavy cross,
living hell
Ile gift of heaven!

All the treasures of the earth
All declarations of love
The heat of the embrace of passionate wives,
The aroma of overseas wines -
You will give everything in a moment
Ascension to the throne
Where is the law in your hands?
The power of the feast is boundless,
Poison of power - you are the sweetest of all!

Power - to administer the supreme court.
Black - white to call.
Condemn morality as fornication,
Turn saints into Judas
Swap everything.
And punish innocent people
Give or punish
Or grant forgiveness!

Power - to be with eternity on "you",
Believe in your high gift.
And to the cheers of the crowd
Drink divine nectar
Undeserved love
Unworthy to become human.
Smerdov sent to death
Only the authorities can do it!

Power is a fakir, it creates
There are thousands of miracles with us.
Power will transform you.
Power - and the scoundrel became clean.
Power - the dunce became a sage.
Power - and a demon has taken possession of you.
You won’t be her forever, full,
Like a boa constrictor, she will eat you.

Let her bring trouble
to your relatives and friends,
And tormented century in hell
It's up to you.
And in feverish delirium
Don't volunteer
You are your royal crown.
There is no power - and you are a dead man.
What is power?

Juliet. Juliet, stop sleeping.
The whole house is already awake
And no matter how heaven turns into hell for you!

Let's melt the night in the last kiss
Mix with tears and drop by drop
I will drink the healing elixir
To ease separation. I'm leaving.

No, don't go, Romeo.
I am your wife forever.

And I'm your husband
I don't believe heaven has cursed our marriage.

Romeo, Juliet, the night has passed
They're already coming here
you in five minutes not me
Wake up mom
Can't escape then
Shame on you and shame!

Only one night will pass

Count Capulet
Let's play a wedding tomorrow morning
Let the daughter
Forget with you the bitterness of loss.
The memory of virgins is short,
Night of love is like a river

Wash away sadness and longing
It will pass for sure.

Count Capulet
Only one night will pass
And she is a wife.

Lady Capulet
Do not Cry,
Juliet, wipe the tears from your face.
Crying is ridiculous

Lady Capulet and Count Capulet
It's the will of the Father

Lady Capulet
You will go down the aisle
If my father said so
Here, only he decides
This is our law!

Only one night will pass
You are already a wife!

Count Capulet
Your marriage is the will of the father!

Lady Capulet
Your marriage is a woman's lot.

Lady Capulet and Count Capulet
Us from the crown to the end
Everyone is destined to live in captivity!
Only one night will pass
You are already a wife!

Juliet / All
Please / Destiny
Tell them, nanny, the truth, tell them / Fate is sealed
Then / Destiny
My Father Won't Ruin My Life / Resolved
It's easier to accept death, / Fate is decided
Than to become another's wife,
You know you are alone
Romeo I'm a wife!

Only one night will pass

You are my wife!

Not! Nurse, help!

You have killed love.
Tybalt, your brother, is in the grave.

Count Capulet
Don't argue with your father!

And tomorrow afternoon

Lady Capulet
Stand under the crown

Lady Capulet and the Nurse
With a new husband!

Only one night will pass
You are his wife!

Count Capulet and Lady Capulet
You should be his wife!
Destiny needs to be reconciled!

I can not,
Even if you die
Become a wife
Without love!

Count Capulet
All long ago
And still!


Together / Paris
Only one night will pass
You are his wife / You are my wife.

Until tomorrow, Count. Thank you.

Father and daughter

Count Capulet
Father and daughter.
Flower of Love!
That moment has come

As long as she
Another child
And she needs
Your love.

Father and daughter:
We are Yes and No.
Father and daughter:
Question answer.

How to save
save, help
My spirit and flesh -
Native daughter?
Native daughter.

And the day is coming, from my knees
She flutters, being captured
Insidious charms, strange men,
Where every thief and son of a bitch.
Nightmare, my worst nightmare!

My daughter is growing up, I am getting old.
And the night became paler than the day!
It's not for me to change the earthly law,
Where there is no me, there is only him,
She and he!

So maybe I'm wrong
It's time to humble your proud temper
And mournfully wait for your death hour.
A daughter will become a mother, and a part of us
It will sprout another flower -
We will complete the cycle.
But my angel, my love!

I can't humble myself!
Give your child to the enemy!

And be a hundred thousand times cursed
Who will pick my flower, jokingly.
I have only one passion:
My earthly paradise cannot be stolen,
Daughter is my angel; don't let it be stolen.

Father and daughter,
My love,
Daughter, my angel
You're a part of me!

owns me
Only one passion
My heaven on earth
Don't let them steal!
Father and daughter.
Father and daughter.

Angel in white
I remember that day and hour
Noon, where the two of us.
That afternoon it was
wedding in the church,
And an angel in white
hovered over us.
wedding oath
Latin language
And the voice of the padre
In the monastery of the saint
What to be from now on
husband and wife

Woe, you are my lot
City where I'm an outcast

Holy father!
Married by you will be remarried tomorrow!
It's a sin! It is tantamount to death!
What should we do? Better to accept death than marry someone else

Giving the staff in hand
Did you know
That life is apart
More terrible than punishment?
Look to me in the sky

With silent reproach.
There was an angel in white
Became a black raven.
You condemned me to life
But this life is worse than execution

She is like a cruel executioner
Executes every hour of separation
There are two of us.

Who am I - a wife or a widow?

give me strength

Am I alive or dead

Survive apart from her

Love beautiful words

Exile in white

I whisper to you beloved

I pray for a miracle

Separation is death for two

Let the angel in white

I'm in your arms again

will be with me

I want to wake up in the morning

Chained in melancholy
I believe God
Being in illegal

Love can't!
My angel, my life
Please wait for me!

Listen and remember.

I am listening to you

There is poison here. You, after drinking a couple of drops,
Fall into such a deep sleep
That the body will become cold, like a corpse.
Everyone will know that Juliet is dead.
But you wake up at night in the arms of Romeo.
I sent a letter to him from a reliable person.
Now go.

Thank you.

Hope the letter gets through

Following the beloved thoughts fly,
I'm leaving to go back.
God, I'm sorry
Let me go.

I drink the saving poison
To return at dawn
Baby, come
Wake me up.

What awaits me on the other side of sleep
A bowl of poison, will it save us?
And with the dawn
I will be with you again.

God, protect her from fear, Juliet: I drink for you.
God, don't let me get lost along the way.
God, I'm sorry...

Lady Capulet
Juliet! Juliet! Juliet, stop sleeping. Get up. Today is a wedding.

Lady Capulet
God is right. For help! She is dead.
Juliet is dead!

My girl, no!


How can I tell?

Loyalty to friendship is our law
Inseparable since childhood - me and him.
And as a friend, I have to say this.

Rock follows us
Who cursed us, God knows.
God, for whose sins, answer,
Death has settled in our house?

Dancing Death, narrowing the circle,

Bring this news to Romeo
I must.
Sad honor...

How can I tell him the words:
Silence and the choir fell silent,
It's a debt, my mournful debt
Death has closed the circle again
And I'm his last friend.
I will pronounce it as a sentence:
"She is dead..."

Oh, why do I have this honor:
Bring bad news?
In the old days, the troubles of the messenger were immediately executed.
Himself a hundred times a day
A hundred times ruthlessly execute.
How can you tell him
That it would be better not to know.

Dancing Death, narrowing the circle,
Died, whom my friend loved,
No Juliet, Death has taken revenge
Bring this news to Romeo
I must.
Sad honor...

How can I tell him the words:
"Your love is dead, is it dead"?
Silence and the choir fell silent.
It's a debt, my mournful debt
Death has closed the circle again
And I'm his last friend.
I will pronounce it as a sentence:
"She is dead..."

I can't say the words
"Your love is dead, it's dead"

Silence and the choir fell silent,
It's a debt, my mournful debt
Death has closed the circle again
I am his last friend.
I will pronounce it as a sentence:
"She is dead..."

She is dead...

Benvolio, my friend, wake up. What are you doing here?
The questions are endless. What's the news in Verona? How is Juliet?

Benvolio! Benvolio! Benvolio!

Juliet is dead.
Juliet is no more.


Death of Romeo

Even death is powerless before her,
Lips did not touch the ashes of the grave.
Right now in a dream
Smile at me.

Only the crypt dusk is sad
The prayer is answered with silence.
It's your fault!
So the war with the Montagues is over -
We are together in the arms of sleep forever.

That's it, goodbye
I'm leaving for you after happiness,
Where far from the earth did you stay,
Life is shorter than love
Life is shorter than love, life is shorter than love.

That's all, sorry!
I'm leaving and I'm not waiting for communion,
Beloved, with you
We'll find peace
Away from the bustle
Where it's just me and you.
To meet fate
Juliet to you
I'm leaving

That's it, goodbye
I will not say curse words to anyone,
On the other side of evil
Where mirrors don't lie.
To find peace
We are away from the earth
Life is shorter than love Life is shorter than love
I'm leaving.

Juliet's death

Romeo, get up. I'm already awake. Romeo, it's time for us, get up!
Romeo, what's wrong with you?

Answer, answer...

Romeo, honey, what's the matter with you?
Fear grips me.
And my hot kiss
Melted ice on the lips.

What sin have I committed?
Why, Lord, answer me
Who loved him the most
Death has become a rival?
Death for love
Death for love!

Romeo, Romeo
Shelter gives us the sky.
Dear Romeo,
On blood-stained ground

Romeo, beloved
We are inseparable.
Dear Romeo,
Once the thread of life has broken,

I don't want to be your widow
Better in a crypt than with people.
And in a world that lives in war
I'm dying of love.
Death for love
Death for love!

Romeo, Romeo
Shelter gives us the sky.
Dear Romeo,
On blood-stained ground
Where there is no you, there is no place for me.

Romeo, beloved
We are inseparable.
Dear Romeo,
Once the thread of life has broken,
Death must unite us!

Lord, forgive

Lord, forgive me!

He killed, but he could save.

blasphemous speech
Flew from my lips
The night is raging in my soul
Hiding a bright face
You, the one who led
me the path of love
Among the worst of evils
What is called "people".
I was your faithful son
exemplary student,
He wore the dignity of humility,
And now I'm a heretic.
Lord, forgive me.

Lord, forgive me!
See clearly, Lord, because You are blind!
You poured out your anger on the wrong ones,
He killed, but he could save.

I did one good thing
in your name,
I loved sinners
Let him not be loved
I did not know the female charms,
His, having humbled the flesh,
I sincerely forgave
As You taught, Lord!
Forgiving and knowing and mob
Load of gossip, mud of intrigue...
But the worm gnawed doubt
sheets of sacred books,
Worthless books!

But before
But before the blasphemy
spoke the mouth,
I sang your praise
But, my God, I'm tired.
Tired of calling you
After all, You do not hear our oaths.

Crosses are burning around
And the world is crucified on them!
The temple is now a prison for me,
Prayer is a death cry...
I'm losing my mind
Lord, I'm a heretic.
I have no forgiveness!

Oh no, no forgiveness!

Lord, see!
See the light, Lord, because you are blind!
You poured out your anger on the wrong ones,
He killed, but he could save.

Love you killed!
You are a stepfather, not a father!
Oh God, what's wrong with me?
Your temple has become my prison!
Oh my God!


Lady Montecchi
There is no sadder drama
The one here in Verona.
Two hostile houses
Made blood.
Children, be forever
A sign of true love!

Lady Capulet
How blind we were
We have no forgiveness
To see the light at the crypt.
Death is the price of insight.
Our children together
Symbol of eternal love!

Lady Montecchi
Weep for Romeo
Weep for Juliet.
Loyalty by example
Their names will be!

Lady Montague and Lady Capulet, Nurse
Cry for Juliet
Weep for Romeo.
Their love in the world
Live at all times!

Cry, cry
Romeo and Juliet are gone.

Weep, weep Nurse The children taught us
That they were not seen stronger by the light Count Capulet What is love

Weep, weep Benvolio A Tale of Two Lovers
What is the love of Romeo and Juliet Nurse taught us to love.

Cry, cry / A tale of two lovers,
That there is no Romeo and Juliet / That they put their lives on the altar of love.

Cry, cry / Children taught us
What is the love of Romeo and Juliet / There is nothing stronger than love.

Scene 1


Two equally respected families

Conduct internecine battles

And their death at the coffin doors

The peace of their parents on their grave

For two hours they will make up a creature

Played before you were.

The game will try to smooth them out.

Scene 2

"Verona" (song + dance)


Nothing can surprise you
But you think so in vain
Welcome friends
Verona is glad to see you.

It's just grace,
But this is just a hoax.
Alas, my city is a living hell.

And in the souls of malice there is a stench.

Choir and Prince:
Verona is waiting
We are all happy for you
Kohl brought you to Verona:
Fate plays tricks sometimes.

Who has not been to this place
Verona - revenge carnival.
Verona is waiting
And here in Verona
Among the beauties and beauties,
You might be lucky
If not, blame yourself.
Welcome friends.
Who hasn't been to this place?
Verona revenge carnival,

Verona is waiting.

And swear - not a foot!
Verona is a wonderful city
Get in - God bless!

And we are to death in kind,
And curse your fate
Like sinners in hell
Alas, my city is a living hell
At first glance - a flowering garden,
In human hearts is not blood, but poison,
And in the souls of malice there is a stench.

Horus and Prince:
Verona is waiting
We are all happy for you
Kohl brought you to Verona,
Fate plays tricks sometimes.
Here two families rule the ball,
They do evil deeds old and small.
Here is the place of the bible dagger,
Verona - revenge carnival.
Verona is waiting
And here in Verona
Among the beauties and beauties,
You might be lucky
If not, blame yourself.
Welcome friends.
Verona revenge carnival!


Kohl brought you to Verona, / Mercutio:
Tybalt: I don't care about your law
Verona is waiting. / Prince: Verona!
And here in Verona

Horus and Prince:
And you - blame yourself.
Welcome friends.
Here, instead of a bible, a dagger,
Verona - revenge carnival!

Verona, Verona!
Verona is waiting.

Montagues and Capulets fight.

Scene 3

"Kings of Night Verona" (song)


The world is divided between good and evil
It is very difficult to be a king in it,
And sometimes in this world,
Do not figure out who is the jester, who is the king.


Be a king, live under lock and key
War in the morning, social reception in the afternoon.
Powerful world away from the earth,
They don't understand that we are kings.

Kings of night Verona
We don't have laws
We are crazy luck children
We live easily in the world.
Every now and then in our life
The soul conquers the body
We were born for love
And in it we are just kings.


Happiness is not forever
Glory is blind
And the crowd chooses the kings.
We challenge fate to a duel
We don't care who is the hunter, who is the target.


Games with fate are ridiculous and empty,
We burn bridges behind us
And always at all times,
Only love should rule the world.


Kings of night Verona
We don't have laws
And who is in castles under castles,
They look like jokes to us.
Every now and then in our life
The soul conquers the body
But the Lord is for everything for this
We will be forgiven by dawn.

Kings of night Verona
We don't have laws
We are crazy luck children
We live easily in the world.
Every now and then in our life
The soul conquers the body
We were born for love
And in it we are just kings.

Kings of night Verona
We don't have laws
We are crazy luck children
We live easily in the world.
Every now and then in our life
The soul conquers the body
We were born for love
And in it we are just kings.


You heard? The Capulets are having a ball!


And what, are we invited?


We have masks!

(Puts on a mask)

Scene 4

Ball (dancing)

scene 5

On the balcony


Romeo, I'm sorry you're Romeo!

Reject your father and change your name

And if not, make me your wife,

I don't want to be a Capulet anymore.


Only this name wishes me evil.

You'd be yourself if you weren't a Montecchi.

What is a Montague? Is that what it's called

Face and shoulders, legs, chest and arms?

Are there no other names?

What does the name mean? A rose smells like a rose

Call her a rose, or not.

Romeo by any name would be

The height of perfection, what it is.

Call yourself something else, Romeo,

And then take all of me in return!


Oh, hands! Now I'm your chosen one!

I will receive a new baptism

Just to be called differently.

Scene 6

Romeo enters.

Ah, is that you? Are you completely healthy

What woke up before the roosters?


Now, father, you will know the main thing:

Yesterday I was wounded when I came to the ball,

And he answered the blow with a blow.

Bandage us both quickly.

That's why I'm in your holy chambers.

Juliet appears

"Happiness" (wedding) - song

Happiness - you are deeper than the sea,
Happiness - you are above the sky,
Happiness, it can be
People need more than bread.

Happiness - soar like a bird
Happiness - get burned by the sun
Happiness to merge with your loved one
Can only dream.

Happiness creates heroes
Happiness is stronger than death
Happiness is when there are two
Two with one heart.

Happiness creates heroes
Happiness is stronger than death
Happiness is when there are two
Two with one heart.

Happiness you are a gift from God
Happiness sharper than a dagger
Happiness is never enough for us
And there is not much

Happiness is a page of fate
Happiness is for me to be with you
Happiness may last forever
That which is called love.

Happiness is a page of fate
Happiness is for me to be with you
Happiness may last forever
That which is called love.

Scene 7

Romeo kills Tybalt

scene 8

(Count Capulet and Paris enter)

"Only one night will pass" (song)

Count Capulet:
Let's play a wedding tomorrow morning
Let the daughter
Forget with you the bitterness of loss.
The memory of virgins is short,
Night of love is like a river
Wash away sadness and longing
It will pass for sure.

Only one night will pass
And she is a wife.

"Father and Daughter" (song)

Count Capulet:

Father and daughter.
Flower of Love!
Lord, that moment

As long as she
Another child
And she needs
Your love.

Father and daughter:
We are Yes and No.
Father and daughter:
Question answer.

How to save
save, help
My spirit and flesh -
Native daughter?
Native daughter.

And the day is coming, from my knees
She flutters, being captured
Insidious charms of strange men,
Where every thief and son of a bitch.
Nightmare, my worst nightmare!

My daughter is growing up, I am getting old.
And the night became paler than the day!
It's not for me to change the earthly law,
Where there is no me, there is only him,
She and he!

So maybe I'm wrong
It's time to humble your proud temper
And mournfully wait for your death hour.
A daughter will become a mother, and a part of us
It will sprout another flower -
We will complete the cycle.
But my angel, my love!

I can't humble myself!
Give your child to the enemy!

And be a hundred thousand times cursed
Who will pick my flower, jokingly.
I have only one passion:
My earthly paradise cannot be stolen,
Daughter is my angel; don't let it be stolen.

Father and daughter,
My love,
Daughter, my angel
You're a part of me!

owns me
Only one passion
My heaven on earth
Don't let them steal!
Father and daughter.
Father and daughter.

Scene 9

Scene 10

(Juliet in the bedroom)


Stop, Tybalt! I'm going to you

And I drink to your health, Romeo!

(falls on the bed)

The Nurse and Lady Capulet appear:

Scene 11

Scene 12

Romeo at Juliet's Tomb

Oh Juliet!

I drink for you, love!

(Drinks poison.)

Juliet awakens

Where is my Romeo?

What is he holding in his hand? This is a vial.

Does that mean he got poisoned? Ah, villain

He drank everything himself, but he didn’t leave me!

It's time to finish. But here is the dagger, fortunately.

(grabs Romeo's dagger and stabs himself)

The script for the musical "Romeo and Juliet"

Scene 1


Two equally respected families

In Verona, where events meet us,

Conduct internecine battles

And they don't want to stop the bloodshed.

The children of the leaders love each other,

But fate sets up intrigues for them,

And their death at the coffin doors

Puts an end to irreconcilable strife.

Their life, love and death, and moreover,

The peace of their parents on their grave

For two hours they will make up a creature

Played before you were.

Have mercy on the weaknesses of the pen -

The game will try to smooth them out.

Scene 2

"Verona" (song + dance)


Nothing can surprise you
But you think so in vain
Welcome friends
Verona is glad to see you.

I'm the prince here and I don't know
Than the plebeians and the nobility live here.
It's just grace,
But this is just a hoax.
Alas, my city is a living hell.
At first glance - a flowering garden,
In human hearts is not blood, but poison,
And in the souls of malice there is a stench.

Choir and Prince:
Verona is waiting
We are all happy for you
Kohl brought you to Verona:
Fate plays tricks sometimes.
Here two families rule the ball,
They do evil deeds old and small.
Who has not been to this place
Verona - revenge carnival.
Verona is waiting
And here in Verona
Among the beauties and beauties,
You might be lucky
If not, blame yourself.
Welcome friends.
Who hasn't been to this place?
Verona revenge carnival,

Verona is waiting.

Are you here for a day or two?
And swear - not a foot!
Verona is a wonderful city
Get in - God bless!

And we are to death in kind,
Here for trouble to meet trouble.
And curse your fate
Like sinners in hell
Alas, my city is a living hell
At first glance - a flowering garden,
In human hearts is not blood, but poison,
And in the souls of malice there is a stench.

Horus and Prince:
Verona is waiting
We are all happy for you
Kohl brought you to Verona,
Fate plays tricks sometimes.
Here two families rule the ball,
They do evil deeds old and small.
Here is the place of the bible dagger,
Verona - revenge carnival.
Verona is waiting
And here in Verona
Among the beauties and beauties,
You might be lucky
If not, blame yourself.
Welcome friends.
Here instead of the bible - a dagger,
Verona revenge carnival!


We are glad, /Benvolio, Mercutio - two friends.
We are all glad to see you / Mercutio is my distant relative.
Kohl brought you to Verona, / Mercutio: My prince, although you are related to me,
Fate sometimes jokes evil, / But you can't tame me!
Here two families rule the ball, / Prince: But Tybalt - the instigator of fights,
They do villainy, old and small, / Their natural enemy.
Here, instead of a bible, a dagger, / Tybalt: I don't care about your law
Verona - revenge carnival / After all, I'm always armed!
Verona is waiting. / Prince: Verona!
And here in Verona
Among beauties and beauties, / I was kinder than my father,
You may be lucky, / Patience has come to an end!

Horus and Prince:
And you - blame yourself.
Welcome friends.
Here, instead of a bible, a dagger,
Verona - revenge carnival!

Verona, Verona!
Verona is waiting.

extracurricular activity

Excerpt from Romeo and Juliet

9-10 grade

Target: increasing the motivation of schoolchildren to learn foreign languages

Tasks :

Practical : to organize an oral training on operating with the material of the read text,

Educational : education of tolerance through acquaintance with the culture of foreign-speaking countries,

Educational : development of language and cognitive abilities,

Educational: expansion of students' erudition, their linguistic, philological and general outlook.

"Swing (balcony)"

Juliet comes out onto the balcony, Romeo down the stairs without seeing her.

Romeo . What lights through yonder window breaks?

It is the east and Juliet is the sun.

It is my lady, o, it is my love.

Juliet . O Romeo Romeo! Why are you Romeo?

Deny your father and refuse your name.

Romeo .Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?

Juliet . This but your name is my enemy;

What's Montague? It is nor hand, nor foot,

Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part

Belonging to a man. Oh, be some other name.

Romeo . I take you at your word.

Call me but love, and I'll be new baptized.

And since then I will never be Romeo.

Juliet . Do you love me? I know you'll say yes and I will take your word.

Oh! Swear not by the moon? the inconstant moon

That monthly changes in her circled orb.

Romeo . What shall I wear by?

Juliet . Do not wear at all.

Good night, good night, my Romeo!

Nurse (screaming off stage). Juliet!

Juliet . I hear some noise within. Dear love, good-bye!

Romeo . O, blessed, blessed night I am afraid

Being in the night all this is but dream.

Juliet . Three words, dear Romeo, and good night indeed.

If that your love be honorable

Your purpose marriage, send me word tomorrow.

Romeo . My dear!

Juliet . At what o'clock tomorrow shall I send to you?

Romeo . At the hour of nine.

Juliet . Good night, good night. Parting is such sweet sorrow

That I shall say good night till ot be morrow.

Romeo goes down.

Romeo . Sleep dwell upon your eyes, peace in your breast!

Would I were sleep and peace, so sweet to rest.

Romeo, leaving, throws a flower to Juliet.

All characters are dressed in modern clothes: jeans, trousers, skirts, blouses and T-shirts - everything corresponds to the 21st century. Montagues, Capulets and their wives - in strict office suits. The director is dressed in jeans and a wrinkled shirt, looking tired. Romeo and Mercutio - in jeans and T-shirts, Tybalt in a rapper costume. Juliet is wearing a dress. The crowd is dressed loosely.

The director comes out with papers in his hands. Taking them apart and muttering something under his breath, he gradually reaches the opposite edge of the stage and stops there.

Director (without noticing the audience)
Two equally respected families ... Yes, no, it won’t work, it’s too pretentious. And anyway, why do we need a choir? We can do without it! So, okay, what do we have next on the script?

The Montagues and Lady Montagues appear. The director does not see them. Montecchi coughs delicately, after which the Director finally pays attention to them and his wife.

Montecchi (politely)
Dear Director, when is our release?

Director (looks at script)
Yes, like now...
(notices audience)
Yoly-pals, right now! That's it, I'm running away, I'll send the Capulets to you right now!
(runs backstage, then Capulet and Lady Capulet come out)

Aha, so there you are, pathetic Montague!

Who else is pathetic here?!

The Montagues and Capulets come closer to each other and begin to make faces at each other, show their fists and assume threatening poses. Their spouses, meanwhile, become a little further away and look at their husbands with a slightly tired look.

LADY CAPULET (to Lady Montague, sighing)
And not once, not once could they meet calmly! This is terrible!

Lady Montecchi (to Lady Capulet)
No, it happened once. Do you remember, on that New Year's Eve, when they both got drunk and went in an embrace to launch fireworks. True, it ended in tears... but in general, the deplorable end was natural. You can't shoot fireworks right out of your hands!

The ladies sigh heavily in chorus and look at their spouses, who are about to fight. Director peeks out from behind the curtains.

Director (to the Montagues and the Capulets)
You can't fight right now. Not according to the script.

Montagues and Capulets (in chorus)
And when?

I don't remember... but definitely not now! Now you have to leave.

Montagues (to the Capulets, in a whisper)
You're lucky! If we were now fighting according to the script, wow, you would not be greeted!

CAPULET (to the Montagues, in a whisper)
That wouldn't hurt anyone else!

Exeunt Montagues, Capulets, and their spouses. Romeo and Mercutio come out instead.

Mercutio (vehemently)
... and she tells me like this: “No, I don’t love anyone but you, my dear! I'm only yours!" And I'm like that to her...

Romeo (tired)
Yes, you're all lying.

Oh god I'm not lying.

You're lying. Do I know you. Besides, no normal girl would talk so pathetically. Even with your loved one.

You will ruin everything.

I'm a realist, what can I do.

Capulet's servant enters

Will you be Romeo and Mercutio?

Romeo, Mercutio (in chorus)

Excellent. And then I got sick of it ... that is, ugh, I'm tired of looking for you. You two are invited to the Capulet's ball tonight. Yeah, yeah, both. And with what fright ... that is, why - I don’t know. They told me, I delivered. That's it, I'll go, otherwise I don't care ... that is, I need to find a lot of people.
(walks away, mumbling something under his breath)

I don't want to go to the ball.


Tired. Everywhere is the same. Boring things!

What if your Rosalina is there?

And I still won't go.

The Director's head pops out from behind the curtains.

Director (in a very loud whisper, so that you can hear it everywhere)

Romeo (unpleased)
What do you want?

What are you fixing? March to the ball!

Woman, don't you dare push me around! I don't want to, so I don't want to, and I won't go. I'm a man, I said so.

The director, unable to bear such impudence, goes on stage and grabs Romeo by the ear.

Director (terribly)
Will you go to the ball or won't you?

Romeo (stubbornly)
Will not go!

Oh so-so?

The director throws the kicking Romeo over his shoulder and carries him backstage. Behind her faithfully minced Mercutio.

Director (grouchily)
You won't go, will you? The legs don't work, do they? Well, nothing, nothing, you won’t go on your own - I’ll help you. I will inform!

They all hide behind the scenes.