Subjects of the Federation in the Southern Federal District. Southern Federal District (SFD)

Administrative-territorial composition of the Southern Federal District: republics of Adygea, Kalmykia. Krasnodar region. Astrakhan, Volgograd, Rostov regions. The administrative center is the city of Rostov-on-Don.

Administrative-territorial structure of the North Caucasian Federal District Republics: Karachay-Cherkess, Kabardino-Balkaria, North Ossetia-Mania, Ingushetia, Dagestan, Chechen. Stavropol region.

Territory- 589.2 thousand km 2

Population— 22.9 million people

Administrative center- Pyatigorsk.

The North Caucasian Federal District (NCFD) is a new district of the Russian Federation, created on January 19, 2010 by a special Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 82 dated January 19, 2010 “On Amendments to the List of Federal Districts approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 13, 2000 No. 849, and in the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 12, 2008 No. 724 “Issues of the system and structure of federal executive bodies”.

In fact, the North Caucasian was separated from the Southern Federal District. The creation of the North Caucasian Federal District should contribute to the accelerated development of the southern territories of Russia and the solution of economic and ethno-political problems.

It should be noted that when it was formed by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 849 of May 13, 2000, the district was named North Caucasian, but already on June 21 of the same year, by Decree No. 1149, it was renamed South. The motives for the renaming were geographical reasons: the Volgograd and Astrakhan regions and Kalmykia do not belong to the North Caucasus. The Rostov region belongs conditionally.

Currently, the Southern Federal District includes the subjects of the Federation belonging to the North Caucasian economic region, as well as the territory of the Lower Volga region (Republic of Kalmykia, Astrakhan and Volgograd regions), which, but the current zoning grid, belongs to the Volga economic region.

The territory of the North Caucasus Federal District is included in the grid of economic zoning in the North Caucasus economic region.

Let us characterize the features of the location and development of the productive forces of these districts in certain territories: the North Caucasian economic region and the Lower Volga region.

Southern Federal District

Southern Federal District (center — Rostov-on-Don) occupies the south of the East European Plain, Ciscaucasia and the northern slopes of the Greater Caucasus, accounting for approximately 3.5% of the country's territory. The landscapes of the territory are diverse - semi-desert and steppe plains, mountain ranges, stormy mountain (Terek) and calm lowland (Don, Kuban) rivers, subtropical oases, snow-capped peaks of the Caucasus Mountains.

The Southern Federal District is one of the most densely populated in Russia. It concentrates 15% of the country's population. The county is one of the most multinational. More than 40 peoples live here, belonging mainly to the Slavic, Nakh-Dagestan and Turkic groups. The clash of dissimilar cultures belonging to different civilizations, the implementation of the administrative-territorial division of the republics, deportation(forced resettlement) of many North Caucasian peoples, hostilities in the region for two centuries - all this, of course, influenced the severity of interethnic conflicts in the region.

According to natural features, the territory of the district can be divided into four parts: flat steppe, foothill, mountain and lower Volga.

flat steppe territory extends from the Don River to the valleys of the Kuban and Terek rivers. This is the main agricultural region, the main breadbasket of Russia. There are practically no natural landscapes preserved in this territory. Everywhere there are natural and anthropogenic agricultural landscapes, in which natural vegetation has largely been replaced by crops.

The plowed land of steppe landscapes reaches 90%. Mostly cereals and industrial crops are grown here.

Due to the fact that the forest cover of agricultural land is a little more than 3% instead of 5-6% according to the accepted norms, the agrolandscapes of the steppe zone of the district have become very unstable, i.e. subject to active erosion (destruction) of soils, silting of small rivers, pollution of water bodies.

The agro-industrial complex of the Southern District occupies a leading role in the country's economy; nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers and pesticides (Nevinnomyssk, Belorechensk).

food industry also developed everywhere and specializes in the processing of various agricultural raw materials, vegetables and fruits, the production of meat, butter, flour, cereals (Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Stavropol, Novocherkassk, etc.).

Shipbuilding development in the district is connected with the implementation of the program "Revival of the Russian Fleet", which provides for the construction of river-sea vessels, tankers, dry cargo ships (Astrakhan, Volgograd).

Fuel and energy complex specializes in the oil (Dagestan, Groznenskoye, Stavropol, Krasnodar deposits), gas (Kubano-Priazovskoye, Stavropol deposits, as well as deposits in the Volgograd and Astrakhan regions) and coal industry (the eastern ring of Donbass in the Rostov region) (see atlas map).

Oil refineries are located in Krasnodar, Maikop, Tuapse.

Transport engineering(Novocherkassk) specializes in the production of electric locomotives.

Despite the construction of powerful thermal power plants and the presence of hydroelectric power plants, the region is experiencing a constant shortage of electricity.

Recreational complex The North Caucasus uses the unique natural conditions and resources of the region.

On the Black Sea coast famous resorts are located: Anapa, Gelendzhik, Tuapse, Sochi. The subtropical climate, abundance of sun, sea bathing, mud and hydrotherapy, vegetation brought here from all over the world attract many tourists and vacationers.

Caucasian [Mineralnye Vody] region unites the balneological resorts of Essentuki, Kislovodsk, Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk and is famous for such sights as the "Castle of deceit and love", "Temple of the Air", "Blue Lakes", "Dombai", "Blue Stones", the State Museum-Reserve M. Yu. Lermontov.

Ecological problems of the lower Volga. The Volga is the longest river in Europe. Its length from the source to the Caspian Sea is 3530 km.

The modern Volga is actually a chain of huge reservoirs, passing one into another. It is regulated by cascades of eight HPPs. Only from Volgograd to the Caspian Sea, the Volga retained its natural course.

The construction of a hydroelectric power station and the creation of reservoirs made it difficult for the natural processes of self-purification of water in the river. It can detect oil products, lead salts, sulfur compounds. The way out of this situation - the limitation of industrial effluents, the installation of filters, the construction of treatment facilities - has not yet yielded the desired results. This problem is especially acute in the lower reaches of the Volga.

Ecological situation in Volga delta assessed by experts as catastrophic. In its lower reaches, harmful substances accumulate from the entire drainage basin of the river. 8-9 km 3 of untreated industrial and domestic wastewater is annually discharged into the Volga, which is almost equivalent to the volume of the Tsimlyansk reservoir.

Of all the HPPs, only Volgogradskaya and Saratovskaya have devices for passing fish. However, they are weak and require reconstruction. Cascades of hydroelectric power plants reduce the flow of water, which leads to the death of fish. In recent years, control over enterprises that discharge harmful substances into the river has become tougher. However, the content of heavy metals, oil products, pesticides, detergents in the Volga water still exceeds the maximum permissible concentration (MAC). This is especially alarming because the waters of the lower reaches of the Volga are rich in fish (sturgeon, perch, herring, smelt, carp, pike).

Caspian Sea- the largest lake in the world (368 thousand km 2). It received its modern name in honor of the ancient tribes of the Caspians (horse breeders), who lived in the 1st century BC. BC e. on its coast. The lowest level of the Caspian Sea (-29 m) was registered by scientists in 1997. Since 1998, the water level has begun to rise, at present it has reached -27 m.

Many scientists are engaged in the problem of water level fluctuations in the Caspian Sea. According to some experts, the main reason is climatic, and it is associated with a decrease in solar activity and, as a result, a decrease in water evaporation from the surface of the lake. The average salinity of the water in the lake is 11‰, i.e., each liter of water contains 11 g of salt (in the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov - 10-12 g, in the Black Sea - from 17 to 22 g).

The flora of the lake is represented by more than 700 species of algae, including green and blue-green. The wealth of the Caspian Sea is sturgeon and salmon species of fish.

To restore the stocks of especially valuable sturgeon fish in the lower reaches of the Volga, eight sturgeon hatcheries were built, where sturgeon fry are grown from eggs (Alexandrovsky, Volgogradsky, Lebyazhy).

North Caucasian economic region

Composition of the district(ten subjects of the federation) - the republics: Adygea, Karachay-Cherkess, Kabardino-Balkaria, North Ossetia - Alania, Ingushetia, Chechen, Dagestan; Krasnodar, Stavropol Territories; Rostov region.

The region stands out among others by the presence of the maximum number of republics in its composition (seven republics).

conditions for a developed economy. The main wealth of the region is its agro-climatic potential. Here there are optimal combinations of climatic and soil conditions for the cultivation of most cultivated plants of the temperate zone, as well as for the development of almost all branches of animal husbandry.

The region provides itself with coal at the expense of the deposits of the eastern wing of Donbass. There are reserves of good quality oil, gas, non-ferrous metal ores (lead, zinc, tungsten and molybdenum, copper, mercury). There are also significant resources of non-metallic raw materials (barite, rock salt, gypsum, marls, dolomites).

The combination of climatic resources with mountainous relief, warm sea creates conditions for the development of resorts and various types of tourism.

Population. This is the only region of the country where the population tends to stabilize. In many republics of the region, a rather high natural increase has been preserved, and the territories of the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, the Rostov Region are the main regions for receiving migrants not only from the national republics of the region, but from the entire post-Soviet space. The average population density is relatively high - 50 people / km 2.

The ethnic composition is very diverse, for example, it is believed that more than 130 nationalities live in Dagestan. Representatives of the North Caucasian language family stand out (Adygs, Circassians, Kabardians, Ingush, Chechens, Avars, Laks, Dargins, Lezgins, etc.). Representatives of the Turkic group of the Altaic language family (Karachays, Balkars, Nogais, Kumyks) also live in the republics. Ossetians belong to the Iranian group of the Indo-European language family. Russians prevail in the region as a whole (62%), but their share in the national republics decreases from the west (Adygea - 68%) to the east (Dagestan - 9%). Among the Slavic peoples, the percentage of Ukrainians is high.

The urban population is approaching 10 million people, or more than 55% of the total (the lowest in the Russian Federation). The largest cities: Rostov-on-Don (1 million people), Krasnodar (640 thousand people). Rural settlements are numerous. The flat territories are characterized by very large villages (more than 25-30 thousand people).

The North Caucasian region as a whole is provided with labor resources.

Economy. The role of the North Caucasian region in the economic complex of the country is determined by the agro-industrial complex and the recreational complex.

Agro-industrial complex. The region occupies a leading position in the country as the largest producer of rice, sunflower, corn, grapes, tea, fruits and berries, and wool. It stands out for the production of grain crops (Krasnodar Territory provides more than 10% of Russian grain) and sugar beet (2nd place in the country), vegetables (4th place), milk (5th place), meat (4th place) . Almost all agricultural products are processed locally. In some cases, the capacity of enterprises Food Industry so large that they allow the use of not only local raw materials (for example, the sugar industry processes imported raw sugar).

Industry. In Soviet times, the district was one of the largest in the country in terms of agricultural engineering(Rostov, Taganrog, Krasnodar), but the economic crisis has sharply reduced the performance of this industry. Among other areas of mechanical engineering, one should single out the production of electric locomotives (Novocherkassk), nuclear reactors (Volgodonsk), and steam boilers (Taganrog). The equipment for the food and chemical industries is produced in small quantities.

Now the leading position is chemistry(fertilizers - Nevinnomyssk, Belorechensk, organic chemistry - Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Budennovsk, Volgodonsk).

The electric power industry is mainly represented by large thermal power plants. In connection with the commissioning of the Rostov NPP in 2001, the importance of nuclear power increased sharply.

Transport. The transit position of the region determines the development of almost all types of transport. The largest oil loading port in Russia, Novorossiysk, is located in the region. Automobile and railway routes pass through the region, connecting the country with the south of Ukraine, Georgia, through the ferry with Turkey.

Main problems and development prospects. An analysis of the current economic situation in Russia shows a clearly expressed trend towards a decrease in production volumes in most sectors of the economy. In the North Caucasus, this trend, common to all regions, is exacerbated by the difficult political situation and armed conflicts. The cessation of hostilities in the region, the establishment of peace and stability in the region is the main task of further economic and social development of the North Caucasian economic region.

The development prospects include the most effective use of favorable natural and climatic factors of the balneological resources of the region for the development of resort areas and their transformation into world-class resorts, zones of domestic and foreign tourism.

Lower Volga

This one is the northern part of the Southern Federal District, covering the territory of the Republic of Kalmykia, Astrakhan and Volgograd regions. The region has access to the Caspian Sea. The main branches of specialization are the oil and gas industry. In addition, the Volga region is the main region for catching valuable sturgeon fish, one of the most important regions for growing grain crops, sunflower, mustard, vegetables and melons, and a major supplier of wool, meat, and fish.

. The natural resource potential is diverse. A significant area is occupied by the Volga valley, which passes in the south into the Caspian lowland. A special place is occupied by the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain, composed of river sediments, favorable for agriculture.

The creation of a large-scale industry in the Volga basin that pollutes its waters, the intensive development of river transport, agriculture, which uses large amounts of mineral fertilizers, a significant part of which is washed into the Volga, the construction of hydroelectric power plants has a negative impact on the river and creates an ecological disaster zone in this area. The region's water resources are significant, but unevenly distributed. In this regard, there is a shortage of water resources in inland areas, especially in Kalmykia. On the territory of the region there are oil and gas resources in the Volgograd region - Zhirnovskoye, Korobkovskoye, the largest gas condensate field is located in the Astrakhan region, on the basis of which a gas industrial complex is being formed.

In the Caspian lowland, in the lakes Baskunchak and Elton, there are resources of table salt; these lakes are also rich in bromine, iodine, and magnesium salts.

Population. The population of the Volga region is distinguished by the diversity of the national composition. A significant share in the structure of the population in the Republic of Kalmykia is occupied by Kalmyks - 45.4%. In the Astrakhan and Volgograd regions, with the predominance of the Russian population, Kazakhs, Tatars, and Ukrainians live. The population of the Volga region is characterized by its high concentration in the regional centers and the capital of the republic. The population of Volgograd exceeds one million inhabitants. The lowest population density in Kalmykia, here is the smallest share of the urban population.

Economy of the region. The region produces oil and gas. The largest is the Astrakhan gas condensate field, where natural gas is extracted and processed.

Oil refineries and petrochemical plants are located in the Volgograd and Astrakhan regions. The largest enterprise is the Volgograd Oil Refinery. Significant prospects for the development of the petrochemical industry has the Astrakhan region based on the use of hydrocarbon fractions of the Astrakhan field.

The electric power industry of the region is represented by the Volgograd hydroelectric power station and thermal power plants.

The region has a developed machine-building complex: shipbuilding centers - Astrakhan, Volgograd; agricultural engineering is represented by a large tractor plant in Volgograd; chemical and oil engineering is developed in the Astrakhan region.

Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy is developed in Volgograd, the largest enterprises are OJSC Volzhsky Pipe Plant, an aluminum plant. The vast resources of the salt lakes have led to the development of the salt industry, which provides 25% of the country's need for food grade salt and other valuable chemical products.

The fishing industry is developed in the Lower Volga region, the main enterprise of the industry is the Kaspryba fishery concern, which includes a caviar and balyk association, a number of large fish processing plants, a marine fleet base, a fishing fleet (Kasprybholod-flot), leading expeditionary fishing in the Caspian Sea. The concern also includes a fish breeding plant for the production of sturgeon fry and a net knitting factory. In agricultural production, the branches of specialization are the cultivation of vegetable and gourd crops, sunflower; in animal husbandry - sheep breeding.

Transport and economic relations. The Volga region exports crude oil and oil products, gas, tractors, fish, grain, vegetables and gourds, etc. It imports timber, mineral fertilizers, machinery and equipment, light industry products. The Volga region has a developed transport network, which provides high-capacity cargo flows.

River, railway and pipeline transport is developed in the region.

Intra-districtdifferences. The Lower Volga region includes the Astrakhan, Volgograd regions and Kalmykia. The Lower Volga region is a sub-region of developed industry - mechanical engineering, chemical, food. At the same time, this is the most important agricultural region with a developed grain economy, beef cattle breeding and sheep breeding, as well as the production of rice, vegetables and gourds and fisheries.

The main centers of the Lower Volga region are Volgograd (engineering, chemical industry are developed), Astrakhan (shipbuilding, the fishing industry, the production of packaging, a diverse food industry), Elista (building materials industry, mechanical engineering and metalworking).

The most industrially developed region is the Volgograd region, where machine building, ferrous metallurgy, chemical and petrochemical, food and light industries have the largest share in the diversified complex.

Main problems and development prospects. The degradation of natural fodder lands, especially in Kalmykia with its transhumant pasture system, is one of the main environmental problems in the region. Environmental damage is caused by industrial emissions and transport to the water and fish resources of the region. The solution to the problem is possible on the basis of the implementation of the targeted federal program "Caspian", the main task of which is to clean up the Volga-Caspian water basin and increase the number of valuable fish species.

One of the main tasks is to equalize the levels of socio-economic development of the most backward regions of the Volga region and, first of all, Kalmykia, which has been granted a number of benefits in taxation and financing. The prospects for the development of this republic are connected with the expansion of oil and gas production, in particular, on the shelf of the Caspian Sea. The Caspian Oil Company (CPC) has been set up to engage in exploration and development of oil fields in a number of promising areas of the sea shelf.


Structure and management of the Southern region of Russia

Production and transport infrastructure of the Southern region of Russia

The current state of the economy of the southern region of Russia

The main directions and prospects for the development of the southern region of Russia


List of used sources and literature


The Southern Region of Russia (Southern Federal District - SFD) is an administrative formation located in the south of the European part of the Russian Federation with an area of ​​416,840 km 2, which is 2.4% of the total area of ​​the Russian Federation. The Southern Federal District was formed in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 13, 2000. The Southern Federal District is a management unit within the administrative framework of the President of the Russian Federation and is headed by him in accordance with the concept of "vertical power". The Southern Federal District has land borders with Ukraine in the west, with the North Caucasian Federal District and Abkhazia in the south, with the Volga and Central Federal Districts in the north, and water borders with Kazakhstan in the east. The Southern Federal District has access to the seas - in the west its territory is limited to the Black and Azov Seas, in the east - to the Caspian Sea. In 2010, the North Caucasian Federal District was separated from the SFD. On the territory of the Southern Federal District there are 2 republics (Republic of Adygea and the Republic of Kalmykia), 3 regions (Volgograd, Astrakhan and Rostov regions), 1 territory (Krasnodar Territory), 79 cities. The center of the district is the city of Rostov-on-Don. As of June 1, 2013, 13,910,179 people live in the Southern region of Russia, which is 9.7% of the population of the Russian Federation. The population density is 33.04 people/km2 .

The Southern Federal District plays a significant role in the economic development of the country, which is largely determined by its geographical location. This determines its importance in the transport infrastructure and resource base of the Russian Federation and proves the relevance of the research topic.

The purpose of the work is to study the economic development of the Southern Federal District. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to implement the following tasks:

consider the infrastructure and specifics of the management of the Southern Federal District;

assess the current state and economic development of the Southern Federal District;

determine the main directions and prospects for the development of the Southern Federal District.

1. Structure and management of the Southern region of Russia

The Southern Federal District (SFD) is an administrative formation geographically located in the south of the European part of the Russian Federation. Until January 19, 2010, the Southern Federal District (SFD) included 13 subjects of the Russian Federation: the republics - Adygea, Dagestan, Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Kalmykia (Khalmg Tangch), Karachay-Cherkessia, North Ossetia - Alania, Chechnya; Stavropol and Krasnodar regions, Astrakhan, Volgograd and Rostov regions. On January 19, 2010, the North Caucasian Federal District was allocated as part of the Southern Federal District.

Currently, there are 2 republics (Republic of Adygea and the Republic of Kalmykia), 3 regions (Volgograd, Astrakhan and Rostov regions), 1 region (Krasnodar Territory), 79 cities on the territory of the Southern Federal District. The center of the district is the city of Rostov-on-Don. The major cities of the Southern Federal District are Rostov-on-Don, Volgograd, Krasnodar.

The Southern Federal District is a management unit within the administrative framework of the President of the Russian Federation and is headed by him in accordance with the concept of "vertical power". The plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District is Ustinov Vladimir Vasilevich.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 24, 2005 N 337 "On Councils under the Plenipotentiary Representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the Federal Districts", a Council under the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation was organized on the territory of the Southern Federal District. This institution is an advisory body that promotes the implementation of the powers of the head of state to ensure the coordinated functioning and interaction of federal state authorities and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The Council functions in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation.

The structure of the management apparatus of the Southern Federal District is presented:


Structural subdivisions: Department for Organizational and Documentation Support; Department of Domestic Policy; Department of Economic and Social Policy; Department of Law Enforcement, Defense and Security; Department for Personnel Affairs, State Awards and Public Service; Department for Interaction with Federal Authorities; Control Department;

Chief Federal Inspectors.

2. Production and transport infrastructure of the Southern region of Russia

The economic and geographical position of the Southern Federal District determines its significance on a national scale. The specialization of the Southern region of Russia is also determined by its territorial position. The presence of water resources and the extent in the southern latitudes make this region favorable for the development of agriculture and recreation. The soils of the Southern Federal District are highly fertile, and chernozems and alluvial soils occupy more than half of the territory.

The Southern Federal District has access to the seas - in the west its territory is limited to the Black and Azov Seas, in the east - to the Caspian Sea. The Azov-Black Sea basin opens an outlet through the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles to the Mediterranean Sea and the World Ocean. The territory of the Southern Federal District occupies the lower reaches of such major rivers as the Don and Volga. This location makes it possible to carry out the largest sea transportation of goods and maintain regular economic relations, since these seas do not freeze.

The territory of the Southern region is rich in fuel and energy resources, represented by natural gas, oil and coal. Experts, evaluating the hydrocarbon reserves of the Caspian Basin, put it in third place in the world. The largest gas field is Astrakhanskoye, the smaller ones are Maikopskoye and Severo-Stavropolskoye. The largest oil reserves are concentrated in the Astrakhan and Volgograd regions, as well as in the Krasnodar Territory. Coal resources are located in the eastern wing of Donbass (Rostov region). Also on the territory of the Southern region of Russia, deposits of non-ferrous and rare metals, lead-zinc ores, mercury, copper and non-metallic minerals (sulfur, barite, rock salt) have been discovered. Stocks of raw materials for the production of building materials are concentrated in Novorossiysk (cement marls) and in the Teberda region (granite, chalk, clay).

Basic industries, in particular heavy industry, form the backbone of the region's economy. Also, equipment for oil producing enterprises and nuclear power plants, mainline electric locomotives, ships, car trailers, computer equipment, electrical measuring instruments, etc. are produced on the territory of the Southern Federal District. The largest industrial centers of the Southern Federal District are Krasnodar, Taganrog and Volgograd.

Branches of market specialization are formed in accordance with the needs of the agro-industrial, machine-building and resort and recreational complexes.

On the territory of the Southern Federal District, crops of grain, rice and corn are widespread, in connection with which this region is the largest supplier of wheat. The production of industrial crops (sugar beet, mustard, sunflower) and subtropical crops (persimmon, tea, citrus fruits, figs) is also developed. The territory of this region accounts for a third of the fruit and berry plantations in Russia. In addition, all the vineyards of Russia are located in the Southern region.

The food industry is also quite developed, in particular enterprises of the sugar, oil and fat, wine, meat, flour and cereals, fish and tobacco industries. The largest enterprises in this area are: the Kaspryba fishery concern and the Abrau-Dyurso champagne winery. Many regions of the country are supplied with the products of the Adyghe and Crimean fruit and vegetable canning plants, Kropotkinsky and Krasnodar oil and fat plants and many other enterprises.

In the production of non-food consumer goods, the leading place is occupied by industries focused on the processing of livestock raw materials: Vladikavkaz), the production of washed wool and woolen fabrics, and carpet weaving (Krasnodar, Makhachkala). One of the country's largest cotton fabric factories is located in Kamyshin.

Regarding the sphere of capital investments or attractive investment projects, it is necessary to single out the development of southern industrial centers. In particular, the Volgograd Tractor Plant produces from 2,000 to 3,000 pieces of equipment per year, with an existing production capacity of up to 50,000 tractors. With an increase in the harvest in the subjects of the district from 16.5 million to 30-35 million tons of grain, there will be a need for additional units of agricultural machinery, so it is necessary to develop the capacities of the enterprises producing it.

In the Southern region, as a unique territory in terms of bioresources and natural systems, tourism and sanitary resort bases are actively developing. Every year, the resorts of this region receive up to 25 million people. On the territory of the Stavropol Territory and the Black Sea coast, there are SEZs of a tourist and recreational type, designed to provide tourism and health services. SEZ participants receive some benefits - temporary exemption from property and land taxes, low rates for rent, transport and income tax. The priority areas of activity of tourist and recreational SEZs of the Southern region are: ecological tourism, historical and cultural tourism, medical and recreational, active tourism, extreme tourism, hotel business, excursion services, sports and recreational services.

3. Current state of the economy of the Southern region of Russia

The economic space of the Southern region of Russia is built on the principle of a center-peripheral organization, which is due to the heterogeneity of the subjects of the region in terms of socio-economic, political and functional features. The peripheral centers of the Southern Federal District lag behind the regional centers in terms of economic development, infrastructure and educational level.

The Southern Federal District is characterized by a local monopoly, which is due to the low concentration of regional markets. Insufficient market concentration leads to the fact that some firms spontaneously find themselves in a monopoly position. Considering the market for international and long-distance telecommunication services, it can be established that Rostelecom (founded in 1993), which has a market share of about 68%, has monopoly power. Russian Railways JSC accounts for more than 90% of all cargo transportation in Russia. A number of enterprises can be identified that form the so-called national monopolies. These include the oil companies Lukoil and Transneft. In the banking sector, the national monopoly is OAO Sberbank. Its share in the market of private investors is more than 65%. In the market of postal services, the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Post of Russia" has monopoly power. FSUE Russian Post is the operator of the Russian state postal network

Positive phenomena in the agrarian sector of the southern region of Russia are associated with the implementation of the National Project "Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex" and other programs for the development of the agro-industrial complex of federal significance. It should be noted that the small-scale commodity sector, which currently produces the bulk of meat, milk, vegetables and potatoes, needs significant state support. This sector is a real solution to the problems of employment and income growth. An important role in improving the conditions for the activities of small-scale producers in the countryside can be played by production and consumer, marketing and credit cooperation, the search for effective forms of interaction between enterprises of various sizes.

The development of economic communications is becoming the most important direction for reducing the transformation and transaction costs of production and distribution, the development of inter-farm cooperation and agro-industrial integration on the principles of a regulated market in the regions of the South. The economic phenomenon of the rural periphery is its pumping with financial resources from the federal budget, as well as intra-family transfers. At the same time, it is on the rural periphery that the risks of a rapid deterioration in the general economic situation are especially significant for various reasons:

resource and environmental;

market and marketing;

administrative and political.

The quality and standard of living, economic activity of the population of the rural periphery of the Southern Federal District are limited by the transport and communication accessibility of the main socio-economic centers.

Let's consider the main indicators of the economic development of the Southern region of Russia. According to the results of the first half of 2013, the total turnover of organizations in the Southern Federal District for all types of activities amounted to 3.2 trillion rubles, which is 8.2% more than in the corresponding period of the previous year. During 2013, 12,859 organizations were registered on the territory of the Southern Federal District, which is 5.74% of all organizations registered in this period on the territory of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the largest number of organizations, 42.65% or 5438, was registered on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory.

According to the results of the 1st quarter of 2013 in the Southern Federal District, profitable organizations account for 64.1% (in Russia as a whole - 63.5%), respectively, the share of unprofitable organizations is 35.9%. Most of the profitable organizations are located on the territory of the Rostov region. Most of the unprofitable organizations are located in the Astrakhan region and the Republic of Adygea.

The accounts payable of organizations in the Southern region of Russia amount to 1,252,599 million rubles. or 5.1% of the total debt in Russia, with 57885 million rubles. is in arrears. The largest accounts payable in the debt structure of the Southern Federal District are organizations of the Krasnodar Territory - 555674 million rubles, and the largest overdue accounts payable are accounted for by organizations of the Volgograd Region - 21364 million rubles. Accounts receivable to enterprises of the Southern Federal District is 1179556 million rubles. or 5% of the total debt in Russia.

As of April 1, 2013, the number of small businesses in the Southern region amounted to 17.5 thousand units. , which is 7.4% of the total number of small businesses in Russia. The number of replaced jobs amounted to 514.7 thousand or 7.7%.

According to data as of April 1, 2013, investments in fixed assets of organizations in the Southern Federal District accounted for 11.5% of the total amount of investments in fixed assets in Russia. At the same time, a large share of 61.9% or 5069.3 million rubles. fell on the organizations of the Krasnodar Territory. Foreign investments amounted to 890490 thousand dollars. (1.5% of the amount of foreign investment in Russia as a whole), of which 523,212 thousand dollars fell on the Rostov region. Structurally, foreign investments of the Southern Federal District consist of direct investments (28.8%), portfolio investments (0.2%) and other investments (71.1%).

Index of industrial production by types of economic activity "Mining", "Manufacturing", "Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water" in comparison with the first half of 2012. amounted to 106.8%.

In the first half of 2013, the Southern Federal District had the following shares by type of economic activity from the total results for Russia (Appendix 2): mining - 1.8%; manufacturing industries - 16.7%; production and distribution of electricity, gas and water - 12.5%; agricultural production - 15.2%.

The foreign trade turnover of the Southern Federal District in the first half of 2013 amounted to 3.5% of the foreign trade turnover of Russia, the retail trade turnover - 8.6%, the structure of the balanced financial result of the activities of organizations - 2.6%.

As of the end of June 2013, the number of unemployed citizens amounted to 454.3 thousand people, which corresponds to 11.2% of the total number of citizens registered as unemployed. The largest number of unemployed - 152.8 thousand people. registered in the Krasnodar Territory, the smallest number - 16.1 thousand people. - in the Republic of Adygea.

Average per capita cash income in the Southern Federal District in the first half of 2013 amounted to 18,336.9 rubles. per month, which is 4738.3 rubles. or 20.5% less than in Russia as a whole. The smallest monetary incomes on average per capita per month - 10021.3 rubles. fall on the Republic of Kalmykia, the largest - 19821.1 rubles. - to the Krasnodar Territory. Monthly consumer spending per capita in the Southern Federal District is 15,262.3 rubles, which is 782.6 or 12.7% less than in Russia as a whole.

The consumer price index in the first half of 2013 as a percentage by the end of 2012 amounted to 104.1%, which is 0.6% more than in Russia as a whole. The highest value of the consumer price index (106.6%) was recorded in the Republic of Kalmykia, the lowest (103.4%) - in the Volgograd region. The producer price index for industrial goods amounted to 99.8%. The index of agricultural production amounted to 95.6%.

The average monthly salary of employees of organizations of the Southern Federal District in the first half of 2013 amounted to 21,226.5 rubles, which is 13.4% more than in the first half of 2012. However, the average monthly salary in the Southern Federal District is 7561.1 rubles. or 26.3% less than in Russia as a whole.

4. The main directions and prospects for the development of the southern region of Russia

The development strategy of the Southern Federal District is focused on achieving the main strategic goal, which is to significantly and permanently improve the level and quality of life of the population, primarily through the effective use of natural resource, transport, geographic and socio-demographic potential through the implementation of a sustainable innovative development scenario.

The strategic goal of the development of the energy complex of the district for the period up to 2020 will be to overcome the shortage of electricity through further development, ensuring the reliability and sustainability of the functioning of the regional energy complex. The formation of a rational structure of generating capacities in the Southern Federal District is supposed to be ensured through the expansion, modernization and new construction of 32 facilities. The strategic goals of the development of the grid sector are: modernization of the power grid complex based on new technologies, increasing the efficiency and investment attractiveness of energy companies, implementing a full range of production and technological operations for the transmission of electricity through distribution networks in the required volume with high reliability and quality.

The strategic goal is to turn the Southern Federal District in the medium term into one of the Russian leaders in innovative development, into a region of stability and constructive Russian influence in the Black Sea and Caspian basins, which makes it necessary to create the country's leading food base based on the formation of a national megacluster of the agro-industrial complex; implementation of the Okrug's transit potential through the development of international transport corridors; innovative modernization.


Thus, the Southern Federal District has an outstanding transport and geographical position on the scale of Eurasia, due to the presence of the Volga-Caspian and Trans-Siberian-Black Sea routes. The existing transport and transit potential of the Southern Federal District should become the most important factor in the development of this macroregion. The Southern Federal District has a sufficiently powerful industrial and production potential, which occupies significant positions at the national level in some sectors of the agro-industrial complex, agricultural engineering, metallurgy, chemistry and petrochemistry, and the food industry. This fact activates the positive vector of structural development of the economy. In particular, in terms of the turnover of small enterprises of commodity-producing industries per capita, the Southern Federal District ranks third.

On the territory of the Southern Federal District, a sports and recreational and transport and infrastructure Sochi Olympic complex is being formed. This formation became a catalyst for the socio-economic development of the Krasnodar Territory. After completion of work at the Olympic venues, its main production units, represented by labor, construction, technical and technological units, should form an economic base for the development of the infrastructure of international transport corridors throughout the Southern region.

The most significant sectors of the economy of the Southern Federal District, which have an all-Russian and interregional significance, are agro-industrial, tourist-recreational and transport complexes, as well as trade.

The potential of many regions of the Southern Federal District is not used effectively enough, which is caused by the lack of modern innovative technologies, insufficient concentration of capital, a significant degree of monopolization and a high level of transaction costs in circulation.

List of used sources and literature

southern federal economy trade

1.Kail Ya.Ya. The quality of life of the population in the subjects of the Southern Federal District: a comparative analysis / Kail Ya.Ya., Elipin V.S.//Regional economy, 2013. No. 8, P. 24-31

Materials on the Subprogram "Problems of socio-economic and ethno-political development of the southern macro-region" of the Program of Fundamental Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences N24 / [Electronic resource] - Access mode:

Website of the Federal State Statistics Service / [Electronic resource] - Access mode: (population)

Website of the Federal State Statistics Service / [Electronic resource] - Access mode: (socio-economic status of federal districts ).

Website of the Russian Agency for International Information "RIA-Novosti" / [Electronic resource] - Access mode:

Website of the Southern Federal District / [Electronic resource] - Access mode:

Strategy for the socio-economic development of the Southern Federal District for the period up to 2020 dated September 5, 2011 /[Electronic resource] - Access mode:

Turkina O.A. Prospects for the socio-economic development of the Southern Federal District / Turkina O.A. / / Society: politics, economics, law, 2012. No. 9, pp. 33-39


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- formed by Decree of the President of Russia V.V. Putin dated May 13, 2000 No. 849, the composition of the Southern Federal District was changed on January 19, 2010 in accordance with Decree of the President of Russia D.A. Medvedev No. 82 "On Amending the List of Federal Districts, approved Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 13, 2000 No. 849, and Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 12, 2008 No. 724 "Issues of the system and structure of federal executive bodies."
From the moment of formation on May 13, 2000, the district was called "North Caucasian", by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1149 of June 21, 2000 - it was renamed into "Southern".

The Southern Federal District is located in the southern part of the European part of Russia, in the lower reaches of the Volga River. The center of the Southern Federal District is the city of Rostov-on-Don.

Southern Federal District (SFD), consisting of 13 subjects of the Federation, has a number of striking distinctive features. The regions of the Southern Federal District are included in the North Caucasian and Volga economic regions. It is located between three seas - Black, Azov and Caspian, has favorable natural and climatic conditions. Its natural zones - steppe (plain), foothill and mountain, picturesque relief contribute to the development of resort and recreational business, large agro-industrial and industrial complexes. The Southern Federal District has a multinational composition. The district is located in the southern part of the country and occupies the smallest area among the federal districts of Russia.

The climate of the Southern Federal District is diverse. The Black Sea has a great influence on the temperature regime, especially in the areas adjacent to it. Most of the territory of the Southern Federal District is occupied by the steppe zone, located from its northern borders. The climate of the dry steppe and more humid foothill zones is favorable for the population and agriculture due to the long growing season, which lasts here for 170-190 days. In the steppe and foothill zones, chernozem and chestnut soils predominate, which, despite the susceptibility to wind and water erosion, have retained an exceptional fertility potential.
The natural resource potential predetermined the main macroeconomic functions universal for all subjects of the Southern Federal District: the production and processing of agricultural products.
The Southern Federal District ranks first in Russia in the extraction of mineral waters, the second in the extraction of tungsten raw materials, the third in the extraction of cement raw materials, and raw materials for building materials and underground drinking water.
There are a lot of various minerals in the bowels of the district. Fuel and energy resources are represented by oil, natural gas, coal. The resources of ores of non-ferrous and rare metals are significant. Within the district there are unique deposits of tungsten-molybdenum ores.
The Southern Federal District is one of the regions of the Russian Federation that are the least provided with forest resources. But here all the beech forests of Russia are concentrated, as well as a significant part of such valuable tree species as oak, hornbeam, ash.
The specificity of natural and historical conditions determines the established distinctive features of the economy of the Southern Federal District. In it, the branches of market specialization are in industry - fuel (coal, gas), non-ferrous metallurgy, engineering, food industry and petrochemistry, in agriculture - the cultivation of grain, sugar beet, sunflower, vegetable growing, meat and dairy cattle breeding, sheep breeding. The Okrug has a unique resort and recreational complex. The metallurgical complex of the Southern Federal District includes enterprises of both ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy. In terms of coal production (Donbass), the district is in third place after the Siberian and Far Eastern regions. But the main prospects for the economic development of the region are connected precisely with the extraction and production of "black gold".
The economic situation in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that are part of the Southern Federal District is generally worse than the average Russian level. The main industrial potential of the Southern Federal District is concentrated in the Rostov and Volgograd regions and in the Krasnodar Territory.
The electric power industry of the region is represented by three types of power plants - thermal, hydraulic and nuclear.
Among the branches of the non-productive sphere, the resort industry is of all-Russian significance in the Southern Federal District.

Southern Federal District. The district includes 8 subjects of the Russian Federation: the Republic of Adygea, Kalmykia; Crimea, Krasnodar Territory; Astrakhan, Volgograd, Rostov regions, Sevastopol. The Southern Federal District includes 3 republics, 3 regions, 1 territory and 1 city of federal significance. Its area is 447,821 sq. km.
There are 21 cities with a population of more than 100 thousand people in the Southern Federal District. List of the ten largest cities: Rostov-on-Don, Volgograd, Krasnodar, Astrakhan, Sevastopol, Sochi, Simferopol, Volzhsky, Novorossiysk, Taganrog.
The administrative center of the Southern Federal District - Rostov-on-Don

Republic of ADYGEA - The administrative center of Maykop
Republic of Kalmykia - The administrative center of the city of Elista
KRASNODAR Territory - The administrative center of the city of Krasnodar
ASTRAKHAN Oblast - The administrative center of the city of Astrakhan
VOLGOGRAD Oblast - The administrative center of the city of Volgograd
ROSTOV Oblast - The administrative center of the city of Rostov-on-Don
Republic of Crimea - The administrative center of Simferopol

Notes: By decree of the President of Russia V.V. Putin dated July 28, 2016 No. 375, the Crimean Federal District was abolished, and its constituent entities - the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol - were included in the Southern Federal District.

Cities of the Southern Federal District.

Cities in the Republic of Adygea: Maykop, Adygeysk. The administrative center of the federal district is the city Maykop.

Cities in the Republic of Kalmykia: Gorodovikovsk, Lagan. The administrative center of the federal district is the city Elista.

Cities in the Krasnodar Territory: Abinsk, Anapa, Apsheronsk, Armavir, Belorechensk, Gelendzhik, Goryachiy Klyuch, Gulkevichi, Yeisk, Korenovsk, Kropotkin, Krymsk, Kurganinsk, Labinsk, Novokubansk, Novorossiysk, Primorsko-Akhtarsk, Slavyansk-on-Kuban, Sochi, Temryuk, Timashevsk, Tikhoretsk , Tuapse, Ust-Labinsk, Khadyzhensk.

Cities in the Astrakhan region: Akhtubinsk, Znamensk, Kamyzyak, Narimanov, Kharabali. The administrative center of the federal district is the city Astrakhan.

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