The secret wisdom of the human body Zalmanov read online. The secret wisdom of the human body

Who are they? These are organisms that feed on other organisms, use their prey as a habitat. The following symptoms indicate the presence of an invasion:

  • the appearance of nausea and vomiting;
  • malaise;
  • loss of appetite;
  • sudden weight loss or weight gain;
  • recurrent headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • pain in the epigastric region;
  • stool disorder;
  • skin diseases.

The appearance of constipation may also indicate the presence of worms in the body. And some species, due to their large size, block the work of organs and systems. So, for example, blockage of the bile ducts can lead to liver diseases, in particular hepatitis, and blockage of the intestines can lead to obstruction.

Just remember what places you visited today, how many times you paid for public transport, how many times you took hold of the handrails. You went to the store, took money from your wallet, and now you are sitting and eating a sandwich. This is how worm infestation occurs.

1. Take coriander seeds and put them in a pan, no need to pour oil. Burn them well. After that, carefully grind the seeds to a powder in a coffee grinder. Take this powder one gram three times a day. Also, the tool can be used as a preventive measure - a couple of times a year.

Take a couple of spoons of fresh mushrooms, chop and pour 100 g of vodka. Leave to infuse for two weeks in the refrigerator. Take a spoonful before going to bed.

3. Take one medium onion, grind it to a mushy state and pour a glass of boiled water. Let it brew for 10 hours. After that, strain. Drink onion tincture half a glass a day. The course of treatment is four days.

4. To prepare the next remedy, you need green pine cones. They must be thoroughly washed and filled with water, it is desirable that there be a large container. Place the pot over low heat and simmer the buds for six hours.

Do not forget to remove the foam, add water as it evaporates. After that, strain, discard the cones, and boil the liquid, adding the same amount of sugar to it. Boil for an hour. Take two tablespoons on an empty stomach. This recipe can be used as a preventive measure - once every three years.

5. Grind watermelon seeds with a coffee grinder and mix with milk, in a ratio of 1/10. Take a glass of drink twice a day.

6. To prepare the product, you will need: honey - one spoon and wood lime ash - half a spoon. Mix the ingredients well and consume after morning and evening meals. Drink milk with every meal. The duration of the course is a week.

7. Brew wild strawberries and drink half a cup three times a day instead of tea.

8. Take valerian roots, chop well and pour a glass of boiled cooled water. Leave to infuse for eight hours, then strain. Consume one scoop four times a day.

9. Mash pumpkin seeds, add honey and jam. The resulting mixture should be consumed in small portions within two hours. It is very important not to eat anything before and during the reception. Then take a laxative or an enema.

Sometimes surgery is needed to get rid of the worms.

Many plants have powerful anthelmintic properties. These include, walnut, onion, pomegranate, St. John's wort, ginger, thyme, cloves. They are detrimental to adult helminths and larvae.

Ginger helps in the treatment of worms

- 1 day drink 1 drop, diluted in 100 ml of water;

- 2 day - 2 drops in 100 ml of water;

- 3 day - 3 drops in 100 ml of water;

- 4 day - 4 drops in 100 ml of water;

- 5 day - 5 drops in 100 ml of water;

- 6 day - 2 teaspoons in 200 ml of water;

- 7-11 days - 2 teaspoons per 50 ml of water twice a day.

To complete the full course, you need to use 2 teaspoons of tincture diluted in 50 ml of water daily throughout the year. The remedy is drunk on an empty stomach and is washed down with nothing.

  • Wormwood powder - dried fruits or leaves of mature wormwood are ground into powder. It is taken 1 time per day before meals in the following quantity:

- 1 day - 1 pinch;

- 2 day - 1/4 teaspoon;

- 3 day - 1/3 teaspoon;

- Day 4 - 1/2 teaspoon.

Wormwood powder has a detrimental effect on worms

Mode of application

The dose is gradually increased until the 14th day of admission to 1/2 tablespoon of the powder. You need to drink 1/2 tablespoon of the powder daily for 6 days, and then use the same amount of powder 1 time per week. The drug should be taken with a sufficient amount of water.

  • Clove seeds, crushed to a powder consistency. Taken three times a day before meals in the following quantities:

- 1 day - 1/5 teaspoon;

- 2 day - 1/4 teaspoon;

- 3-10 days - 1/3 teaspoon.

- from 10 days - 1 teaspoon once a week.

It is desirable to use all components of the triad at the same time. This way you will be able to achieve maximum results.

Natural anthelmintic agents are taken without a prescription, but the dosage and duration of the course of treatment must be observed.

Powder can be made from clove seeds

Pharmacy funds

Decaris actively fights stritis, hookworm, intestinal acne

Contraindications: renal and hepatic insufficiency, agranulocytosis, pregnancy, lactation. Not intended for children under 3 years of age.

Side effects: allergic reactions, diarrhea, nausea, headaches, insomnia, fever, uterine bleeding.

How to use: Adults need to drink 1 tablet (150 mg) once after meals at bedtime. Dose for children 3-6 years old - 0.5 or 1 tablet (50 mg), children 6-10 years old - 1 or 1.5 tablets (50 mg), children 10-14 years old - 1.5-2 tablets (50 mg ).

Repeat the course after 2 weeks.

This is an inexpensive tool. Price - from 90 rubles.

Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Side effects: allergic reactions are possible.

How to use: Three times a day, drink 2 capsules 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment lasts 6-8 weeks. A second course is recommended after 6 months.

Contraindications for admission: individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects when taking the drug have not been identified, but allergic reactions are possible.

Price - from 990 rubles. for 20 capsules.

In the package of Vermox - 6 tablets of 100 mg

Contraindications: peptic ulcers, liver failure, hypersensitivity, pregnancy, lactation, Crohn's disease.

Possible side effects: allergies, nausea, headache.

Mode of application:

  • for the treatment of enterobiasis, 1 tablet (100 mg) is taken once;
  • for the treatment of ascariasis, teniasis, trichuriasis, mixed helminthiasis, 2 tablets of 100 mg per day (morning and evening) are taken for 3 days;
  • 2-4 tablets are drunk three times a day for 3 days, and from 4 to 10 days of treatment - 4-5 tablets 3 times a day.
  • Cost - from 100 rubles. per package containing 6 tablets.
  1. anthelmintic chewable tablet with active ingredient. The tool demonstrates high efficiency in the treatment of ascariasis, enterobiasis, necatoriasis, ankylostomiasis, giardiasis, mixed helminthic invasion.

Contraindications: the time of preparation for pregnancy, the period of pregnancy, lactation, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Not intended for children under 2 years of age.

Method of application: the tablet is chewed, it is necessary to use during meals. Recommended dosage:

  • with ascariasis, hookworm, necatorosis, enterobiasis - 1 tablet (400 mg) once a day, drink for 3-7 days;
  • with strongyloidiasis, teniasis, hymenolepiosis - 1 tablet (400 mg) once a day, drink for 3 days;
  • with mixed invasion, clonorchosis - twice a day 1 tablet (400 mg), drink for 3 days.

Price - from 200 rubles. per package containing 3 tablets.

  1. analogue of the drug Vormil. The active ingredient is Albendazole. It is prescribed for the treatment of ascariasis, trichinosis, enterobiasis, hookworm, strongyloidiasis, echinococcosis, skin syndrome (“migratory larvae”).

Nemozol is an effective analogue of Vormil

Contraindications: diseases of the eyes, liver, low white blood cell count, individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy and the period before conception.

Side effects: nausea, stomatitis, stool disorder, confusion, sleep problems, headaches, blurred vision, kidney failure.

The method of application depends on the type of drug. It is available in suspension and tablet form:

The price of tablets is from 170 rubles. for a package containing 1 tablet, the cost of the suspension is from 200 rubles. for 20 ml.

  • The suspension is taken 1 time per day with meals. The dose for children under 2 years old is 10 ml, for children over 2 years old, as well as adults - 20 ml. The duration of treatment is 3 days.
  • Tablets are taken with meals 1 time per day without chewing. The duration of treatment can be 1-10 days, depending on the specific disease.

The price of tablets is from 170 rubles. for a package in which 1 tablet, the cost of the suspension is from 200 rubles. for 20 ml.

Contraindications: pregnancy, individual intolerance to the components of the drug, myasthenia gravis.

While taking the drug, side effects are rare. Possible manifestation of dermatitis, nausea, dizziness.

In the package of Pirantel ─ 3 tablets of 250 mg

Method of application: the drug is taken during or after meals 1 time per day. Available in the form of tablets that need to be chewed and washed down or in the form of a suspension. Recommended dosage depending on age:

  • children 6 months - 2 years - 2.5 ml suspension or 125 ml tablets;
  • children 2-6 years old - 5 ml suspension or 250 mg tablets;
  • children 6–12 years old - 10 ml suspension or 500 mg tablets;
  • children over 12 years old, adults - 15 ml suspension or 750 mg tablets.

The cost of the suspension is from 60 rubles. for 15 ml, tablets - from 29 rubles. per package containing 3 capsules.

The first 3 types of helminths are effectively treated with medicines. It is enough to drink the appropriate drugs. Trichinosis is treated in stages: only adult worms are destroyed with drugs; larvae that are localized in the muscles cannot be killed.

  1. Tapeworms (cestodes)- they have a flat body, divided into segments. They have suction cups, with the help of which they are fixed to the intestinal mucosa. Can reach 18 m in length. One stage of life must pass in the body of the intermediate host. The most common types of helminths in this group:

  • intestinal - develop and live exclusively in the intestine;
  • extraintestinal - through the blood vessels spread to various organs: from the eyes and brain to the liver.

Intestinal worms can only live in the intestines

The most common types of helminths that are found on the territory of Russia are roundworms, pinworms, wide tapeworm, trichinella, pygmy tapeworm, pork tapeworm, liver fluke.

A sharp change in weight (in any direction) may indicate the appearance of worms

To cleanse the body of worms, you need to carry out treatment in several stages:

When should you clean?

Infection with helminths may be indicated by such symptoms:

  • frequent headaches and dizziness;
  • constant weakness, fatigue;
  • sudden bouts of nausea;
  • increased salivation;
  • frequent feeling of hunger;
  • loss of appetite leading to weight loss;
  • muscle pain;
  • allergic skin rash, dermatitis;
  • grinding teeth and snoring in a dream;
  • depression, psychological disorders;
  • decreased immunity, anemia;
  • the formation of papillomas, age spots;
  • cracks in the feet.

You can also determine the presence of helminths in the body by external signs. The skin of an infected person becomes oily over time, with pimples, blackheads, wrinkles appear early, and the complexion becomes dull. In women, the monthly cycle may be disturbed, benign neoplasms may appear in the chest and uterus.

Note! An important issue in preparing for cleansing is moisturizing the body. Ideally, if a person consumes 2 liters per day. water and in addition, drinks herbal teas.

  • For constipation, before cleaning, this problem should be solved - you can take a mild laxative for a week, and if it is ineffective, make several enemas.

body cleansing methods

According to Malakhov

Note! To cleanse from the simplest microorganisms, which lead to disruption of metabolic processes, inflammation of the digestive tract, changes in the liver, G. Malakhov advises the use of bitter plants: wormwood, ginger, cloves, black walnut, tansy.

These herbs are recommended to be made into a tea or powder, which should then be rolled into bread balls and swallowed. Tea is very easy to prepare: pour 0.5 teaspoon of herbs into 200 ml of boiling water, leave for no more than 10 minutes, wait until it becomes warm and drink on an empty stomach.

The second cleansing method more radical, but, according to the author, more effective. These are five-day fasts or the use of urine (own), which you can drink or do enemas. Such procedures are recommended to be repeated 4 times a year.

According to Semenova

It's important to know! It is recommended to use water for enemas at room temperature, preferably purified, but not boiled.

You can acidify the water with lemon juice, sea buckthorn, lingonberries, but best of all cranberries - it affects not only worms, but also the simplest microorganisms.

If earlier the treatment of helminths was carried out mainly with herbal preparations, now the market offers a fairly wide range of preparations of synthetic origin, safer and more effective.

Most popular anthelmintic drugs:

  • Nemozol

A universal remedy for many types of helminths, including mixed infections. It is taken with food, the dosage depends on the weight of the patient. There are few side effects, contraindications - liver and kidney disease, pregnancy, hypertension, age up to 2 years.

  • Decaris
  • Vermox

Broad spectrum tablets based on mebendazole powder. Destroy almost all types of worms, effective for mixed invasions. They are used once, in some cases up to 3 days. Side effects are identical with the symptoms of helminthiasis, contraindications - liver disease, lactation, pregnancy, age up to 2 years.

  • Helmintox

The active substance of the drug is pyrantel. The remedy is effective against hookworm, ascaris, trichuriasis, pinworms. It is used once, in some cases up to three days. The safest for children - in the form of a suspension can be used from 6 months of age.


For the targeted destruction of worms, garlic enemas prepared in water or milk are used:

  • to prepare garlic water, you need to knead the head of garlic, pour it with unboiled water, insist a little, then strain:
  • in the second option, it is necessary to boil several garlic cloves in a glass of milk until soft, cool, then filter - such enemas can be given to children: 100 ml of decoction is enough for a child, 200 ml for an adult.

Cleansing with enemas should be carried out at night, for one week.


Cleansing with soda is carried out in three stages and involves enemas: two cleansing and one with a soda solution. At the first stage, the intestines are washed with an enema with salted water: in 2 liters of boiled and then cooled to 20 degrees water, dissolve 2 tablespoons of salt.

The next step is an enema with soda. To prepare it, you need to dissolve a spoonful of soda in 800 ml of warm water (40 degrees).

In conclusion, a cleansing enema is made, similar to the first. For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to add fresh lemon juice to the water.

Procedures are carried out every other day. The cleansing course consists of 8 procedures and lasts 16 days. One three-stage cleaning takes about an hour and a half.

Cognac and castor oil

For cleaning, high-quality cognac and castor oil are used (sold in every pharmacy). On an empty stomach, you need to drink 50 g of cognac and oil, and then drink sweet warm tea - it will make the helminths crawl out of secluded corners. After a few minutes, under the influence of castor oil, a natural bowel cleansing will occur.


  • Decoction. Pour a spoonful of dry grass with boiling water (200 ml), insist a little or hold for half an hour in a water bath. Cool and drink in several doses.
  • Powder . You can use a ready-made pharmacy product or prepared it yourself - dried plants, along with flowers, leaves, roots, you just need to grind in a coffee grinder. Take the powder twice a day for half an hour before meals. It can be washed down with water or added to tea, juice. The duration of treatment is a month.
  • Tincture . Dry chopped grass is poured with alcohol: 5 tablespoons of grass per half liter of alcohol. Insist 10 days away from sunlight, then filter. Take twice a day for a tablespoon. Not recommended for heart disease and stomach problems.

Contraindications and side effects

Good health is a prerequisite for fast and effective reading. Cleaning procedures should not be carried out in such cases:

  • with an exacerbation of any chronic disease - the body is weakened during this period;
  • with any bleeding, injury, including menstruation in women;
  • during the period of respiratory, viral diseases, accompanied by fever;
  • with renal, hepatic, heart failure;
  • with gastritis and peptic ulcer;
  • with oncological diseases;
  • during pregnancy and lactation.

When using folk remedies, you need to be prepared for side effects:

  • nausea;
  • diarrhea
  • pain and cramps in the abdomen;
  • dizziness and headache;
  • decrease or increase in blood pressure.

Before using anthelmintic drugs, you should carefully read the instructions for possible side effects.

Weakens the immune strength of a person and taking antibiotics that destroy the beneficial microflora that guards health.

What medicinal plants have the most effective effect, and how to properly cleanse the organs of the body using folk methods?

For each type of "resident" - a certain folk remedy

Not a single organ of the human body is immune from the invasion of pathogenic microflora:

Be sure to indicate the recipe, the acceptable dosage of the remedy, taking into account the age of the person and his painful condition.

So that the benefits of such measures do not turn into harm ...

This is due to the high content in plants of bioactive bitterness, glycosides, alkaloids, saponins, mineral poisons, which, if the dose is exceeded, can cause intoxication of the body in children and adults.

What can be used?

Before using any herbal remedy, it is necessary to do a test for individual sensitivity: lubricate with a medicinal decoction, tincture a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe delicate skin of the inside of the elbow bend.

Allergy in the form of rhinitis or rash may appear in the time interval of 2 - 13 hours. It is possible to be treated with folk medicines when there is no reaction.

Cleansing from pathogenic microorganisms will become effective if, during treatment, meat, dairy, and fish products are excluded from the daily menu. Do not eat anything sweet, as well as fried and fatty. You can't eat eggs.

Removal of pinworms, ascaris at home

Helminths do not like products of high acidity, so traditional traditional medicine recommends cleansing the body with sour juices, sauerkraut, sorrel, kvass, home-made apple cider vinegar.

Getting rid of opisthorchis, feline fluke, or Siberian

How to get rid of Giardia

Alternative treatment of toxoplasmosis