Themes of Pushkin's works. The main themes of Pushkin's lyrics

The lyrics of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin are not only poems about love. These are poems about friendship, about the purpose of the poet and poetry, as well as civil lyrics.
Examples of civil lyrics are the ode "Liberty", "Freedom the desert sower", "In the depths of Siberian ores".
The very first work on this topic is the ode "Liberty". I wrote it at the age of 18. The very first line tells us what these verses will be about:

I want to sing freedom to the world
On thrones to strike vice.

Already in his youth, Pushkin felt that his works would glorify freedom, the struggle for it, because he was brought up on the works of such free-thinking authors as Beaumarchais and Voltaire. N.M. Karamzin is the uncle of Alexander Sergeevich, teacher V.A. , G.R. Derzhavin. His youth is stormy: novels, duels, sharp poems, witticisms and epigrams are written. His friendship with Chaadaev, N.I. Turgenev, who is an opponent of serfdom, also influence the work of A.S. Pushkin. The influence of views is reflected in the poem "Village":

Here the nobility is wild, without feeling, without law,
Appropriated by a violent vine
And labor, and property, and the time of the farmer,
Leaning on an alien plow, submitting to whips,
Here, skinny slavery drags along the reins.

However, Pushkin believes that the desire to fight for freedom will certainly bear fruit:

Comrade, believe: she will rise,
Star of captivating happiness
Russia will wake up from sleep
And on the ruins of autocracy
Write our names!

A.S. Pushkin was always worried about the purpose of the poet and poetry. He always highly appreciated the role of the poet in society. Already his lyceum poems indicated that Pushkin was thinking about the role of the poet in contemporary society.
In one of the first verses "To a Poet Friend" there are such reflections:

Not so, dear friend, writers are rich,
Fate has not given them any marble chambers,
Chests full of pure gold,
Underground shack, high lofts.

Warning the “friend” about the difficult and unenviable fate of the poet, Pushkin, however, chooses the path of the poet himself:

And know that my lot has fallen, I choose the lyre.
Let the whole world judge me as it wants,
Get angry, shout, scold - but I'm still a poet.

He is not touched by the judgment of society about him, the poet must be free from this and go his own way, which Pushkin proves with his poems. In Pushkin's time, it was considered bad manners not to be able to write poetry. But not all those who wrote them reached such a level as Pushkin. He succeeded in all genres of poetry: ode, elegy, satire, epigram. His poems are far from classicism. Pushkin refuses to sing of the tsars, but sings of "freedom to the world" and with his poems "strikes the vices" of society, which he wrote about when he was very young. A.S. Pushkin designated not only freedom-loving poems, but also friendship with the Decembrists. “The eyes of Russia are fixed on you, they love you, they believe you, they imitate you. Be a poet and a citizen,” Ryleev wrote these lines to Pushkin.
It is absolutely impossible to imagine Pushkin's poetry without love poems. They reveal the talent to see and feel the beauty of human feelings. His poems prove that Pushkin valued feelings as highly as friendship and service to the fatherland.
All his poems about love create the feeling that this feeling is boundless and that "all ages are submissive to him." Love bewitches not only the young, but also the mature, wise by life experience. The poem "Desire", which was written in the lyceum years, conveys the longing of the first unhappy love, from which the hero does not want to get rid of, despite the fact that she brings pain with her:

I cherish the torment of my love -
Let me die, but let me die loving!

Over time, with sometimes growing up, the poet's perception of love changes. Love is no longer so painful, but on the contrary, the source of life. She works miracles with people, the soul awakens.

I remember a wonderful moment:
You appeared before me
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.

This poem is dedicated to A.P. Kern. Acquaintance with her made an unforgettable impression on the 20-year-old Pushkin, he dedicated 7 messages to her in French.
Many years later, captivated by the beauty of the sound of these lines, the composer M. Glinka wrote a romance. Anna Kern herself gave him poems written by Pushkin's hand, which she later regretted very much. Glinka lost his poetry. But the romance was nevertheless written in 1840 and dedicated to the daughter of A.P. Kern. M. Glinka was in love with her. So beautiful poems about the “genius of pure beauty” found their continuation in the feelings of a completely different person. But not only Kern Pushkin dedicated his poems. Many women: E.K. Vorontsova, E.P. Poltoratskaya, E.N. Ushakova, Princess Z.A. Volkonskaya - were awarded such an honor. Pushkin saw in them not only external beauty. He greatly appreciated the female mind.
You can not ignore his love for his wife Natalya Goncharova. Pushkin writes about the first meeting: "When I saw her for the first time, I fell in love with her, my head was spinning."
Having married Natalya Goncharova, Pushkin admired his wife throughout his short life with her. She was always a charm for him, a sweet, kind creature:

I'm in love, I'm enchanted
I'm completely dismayed.

Pushkin is so fascinated by one of the beauties of St. Petersburg that, judging by the word "enchanted", the poet simply lost himself.
The poem "Madonna" is another proof that for A.S. Pushkina N.N. Goncharova is a perfect ideal. And in fact she was. The poet's wife, according to the memoirs of her contemporaries, was so beautiful that they began to take her out into the light from the age of 15. Therefore, it is not surprising that the poet wrote about her:

My wishes have been fulfilled.
The Creator sent you down to me, my Madonna,
The purest beauty, the purest example.

All poems by A.S. Pushkin, written about love, tell us that love is not a selfish feeling. Love is a feeling that elevates a person above the ordinary. A person in love becomes spiritually purer, the soul at this moment exudes benevolence and nobility. Love makes the world brighter and more beautiful. Beauty for Pushkin is sacred. It is impossible to write about such feelings without experiencing them yourself. Therefore, love poems by A.S. Pushkin are so beautiful - the poet felt and experienced all this himself.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin - the world-famous poet, prose writer, publicist, playwright and literary critic - went down in history not only as the author of unforgettable works, but also as the founder of a new literary Russian language. At the mere mention of Pushkin, the image of a primordially Russian national poet immediately arises. The poet Pushkin is an internationally recognized genius, the lexicon of his works is unique, the imagery of his lyrics is wide and absolutely unique, the depth of the sensual and philosophical component of his poems amazes and excites readers of all countries and all generations. But still, Pushkin's lyrics deserve special attention, the versatility and imagery of which has not yet been fully studied.

The color of Pushkin's lyrics

Pushkin's lyrics are his poetic biography and, at the same time, a creative chronicle of the everyday and spiritual life of those distant times. The war of 1812 and 1825, and dreams about “holy liberty”, loved ones, friends and enemies, “beautiful moments” of life and sadness and “sadness of past days” - all these moments were reflected in written Pushkin's poems, messages, elegies , poetic tales, songs, epigrams. And all these themes and motifs of Pushkin's lyrics are so harmoniously combined by the author that not the slightest tension or dissonance is felt during the reading of his works. This indescribable inner unity of Pushkin's lyrics was extremely aptly and precisely defined by V. Belinsky: "The whole color of Pushkin's lyrical and any other poetry is the inner human beauty and humanity that warms the soul."

Pushkin's love lyrics

Pushkin's love lyrics are rightly called "an encyclopedia of love experiences." It contains a wide palette of feelings: from the beautiful and bewitching moment of the first quivering date to the complete disappointment and loneliness of a soul devastated by passions. Love in Pushkin's lyrics is very different. This is an ideal feeling that elevates the soul of any person, and just an accidental hobby that suddenly arises, but just as quickly passes, and a burning passion, accompanied by outbreaks of jealousy and resentment. The main motives of Pushkin's love lyrics are light love, adult and meaningful feeling, passion, jealousy and pain, resentment and disappointment.

The poem "I remember a wonderful moment ..."

Pushkin's most famous poem "I remember a wonderful moment ..." the author wrote during his exile in Mikhailovsky. These words are addressed to Anna Petrovna Kern. Pushkin first saw her in St. Petersburg in 1819 and was carried away by her. Six years later, he met her again at the neighbors, the landowners of the village of Trigorskoye, where Anna came to visit her aunt. The feeling of love in the soul of the poet flared up with renewed vigor. Before Anna left Trigorskoye, Pushkin presented her with a piece of note paper folded in four. Unfolding it, Anna saw poetic lines that would later become a masterpiece of Russian lyrics and glorify her name forever.

The compositional structure of the poem

It reflects the main biographical milestones of the relationship between Pushkin and Kern, the main thing here is the motive of recollection in Pushkin's lyrics. Compositionally, the poem is divided into three separate semantic parts. Each of them, in turn, consists of two quatrains - the same size quatrains. In the first part, the lyrical hero recalls the "wonderful moment" when he saw the beauty and fell in love with her forever. The second describes the years of parting - a time "without a deity and without rage." In the third - a new meeting of lovers, a new flash of feelings, in which "both the deity, and inspiration, and life, and tears, and love." For the lyrical hero of the poem, love is like a true miracle, a divine revelation. This is exactly how the poet Pushkin himself felt at that time, it was exactly how he lived in him then, and he lived by them without looking back.

The poem "I loved you ..."

Another of his famous poems "I loved you..." Pushkin wrote in 1829 along with another of his masterpieces - "What's in my name for you?..". Initially, the work was included in the album of Karolina Sobańska, with whom the poet was hopelessly in love for a long time. A distinctive feature of the verse "I loved you ..." is that the lyrical feeling in it is transmitted extremely laconic, but surprisingly aphoristic and expressive. There are almost no metaphors, hidden images, polysyllabic epithets that cut the ear, with which the poets of those times usually depicted their feelings for their beloved, are almost absent in the poem. However, the image of love that arises before the reader from the lines of the poem is full of magical poetry and charm, unusual light sadness. The culmination of the work, reflecting the main motifs of Pushkin's lyrics in the love theme, are the two final lines. In them, the poet not only says that he “loved so sincerely, so tenderly,” but also wishes the object of his past adoration happiness with a new chosen one with the words “how God grant you be loved to be different.”

Landscape lyrics by Pushkin

Nature has always been inexhaustible for Pushkin. His poems reflect numerous images of pictures of nature and the elements, various seasons, of which the poet loved autumn most of all. Pushkin showed himself to be a real master of landscape detail, a singer of Russian landscapes, picturesque corners of the Crimea and the Caucasus. The main themes, motifs of Pushkin's lyrics are always, one way or another, "tied" with the surrounding nature. It is conceived by the poet as an independent aesthetic value that is admired, however, the vast majority of Pushkin's landscape poems are built in the form of a comparison of pictures of nature and situations of human life. Natural images often serve as a contrasting or, conversely, consonant accompaniment to the thoughts and actions of the lyrical hero. As if the pictures of nature in the poet's lyrics act as a living literary background. She acts as poetic symbols of his dreams, aspirations, spiritual values ​​defended by him.

Poem "To the Sea"

Pushkin began to write this poem in 1824 in Odessa, already aware of his new exile in Mikhailovskoye, where he subsequently completed work on the poem. The main motives of Pushkin's lyrics, which have a natural orientation, always run in parallel - natural phenomena and the feelings and experiences of the poet himself. In the poem "To the Sea", farewell to the sea distances becomes the basis for the poet's lyrical reflections on the tragedy of human fate, on the fatal force that historical circumstances have over it. The sea, its free element for the poet is a symbol of freedom, evokes associations with the figures of two personalities who were the rulers of thoughts and the personification of human power. This very power of the circumstances of daily life seems to be as strong and free as the element of the sea. These are Napoleon and Byron, with whom Pushkin compares himself. This motif of remembrance in Pushkin's lyrics, where he refers to departed geniuses, is inherent in many of his poems. Geniuses are no more, and the fate of the poet continues in all its tragedy.

Tyranny and education - a contradiction in the poem

In the poem, in addition to natural motives, the poet brings together two concepts: tyranny and education. Like other romantics of that time, Pushkin implies in his work that civilization, introducing a new education system, simultaneously spoils the naturalness and sincerity of simple human relations, controlled by the dictates of the heart. Saying goodbye to the free and powerful sea element, Pushkin, as it were, says goodbye to the romantic period of his work, which is being replaced by a realistic worldview. Freedom-loving motifs in Pushkin's lyrics increasingly flicker in his later works. And even if at first it seems that the central core of the poem is a landscape, a description of natural phenomena, one should look for a hidden meaning associated with the poet’s desire to release his craving for freedom, to spread the wings of his inspiration to the fullest, without fear and without looking back at the strict censorship of those rebellious times.

Philosophical lyrics of Pushkin

Pushkinskaya contains the poet's comprehension of the imperishable themes of human existence: the meaning of life, death and eternity, good and evil, nature and civilization, man and society, society and history. An important place in it belongs to the themes of friendship (especially in poems dedicated to lyceum comrades), devotion to the ideals of goodness and justice (in messages to former lyceum students and Decembrist friends), sincerity and purity of moral relations (in poems reflecting on the meaning of life, about relatives). and people close to the poet). Philosophical motifs accompany the poet's lyrics the more often the older he gets. The most profound in philosophical terms are Pushkin's last poems, written shortly before his death. It was as if the poet, anticipating his departure, was afraid of not telling, not thinking and not feeling, he wanted to pass on to his descendants all of himself without a trace.

Pushkin's civil lyrics

The civic theme in Pushkin's lyrics is revealed through the motives of love for the motherland, through a sense of national pride in its historical past, through a strong protest against autocracy and serfdom, which threatens the primordial freedom of a person as an individual. The main motives of Pushkin's lyrics of a civil orientation are the themes of freedom and inner human strength. Not only political freedom, which consists in serving high social ideals based on the principles of equality and justice, but also the inner freedom of every person, which no one can take away. The main component of civic poems is the condemnation of tyranny and any form of enslavement of a person, the glorification of inner, personal freedom, which manifests itself in a clear and principled moral position, self-esteem and a spotless conscience.

The theme of the poet and poetry

Along with civil, there are also religious motifs in Pushkin's lyrics. In moments of doubt and internal spiritual discord, the poet resorted to such images. It was the Christian component that seemed to bring him even closer to the worldview of the people. Poems dedicated to the theme of the poet and poetry are a kind of synthesis of the lyrics of philosophical and civil sound. What is the purpose of the poet and the meaning of the lyrics itself - these are the two main questions that initiate Pushkin's reflections on the problems of the place and role of the poet in society, the freedom of poetic creativity, his relationship with the authorities and his own conscience. The pinnacle of Pushkin's lyrics, dedicated to the theme of the poet and poetry, was the poem "I erected a monument to myself not made by hands ...". The work was written in 1836 and was not published during Pushkin's lifetime. The theme and individual plot motifs of Pushkin's poem originate from the famous ode of the ancient Roman poet Horace "To Melpomene". From there, Pushkin took the epigraph to his work: "Exegi monumentum" ("I erected a monument").

Message to future generations

The main motives of Pushkin's lyrics of those times are a message to the representatives of future generations. In terms of its content, the poem “I erected a monument to myself not made by hands ...” is a kind of poetic testament that contains a self-assessment of the poet’s work, his merits to society and descendants. The significance that his poetry will have for future generations, Pushkin symbolically correlates with the monument that ascended above the “Pillar of Alexandria”. The Pillar of Alexandria is a monument to the ancient Roman commander Pompey in Egyptian Alexandria, but for the then reader it was previously associated with the monument to Emperor Alexander, erected in St. Petersburg in the form of a tall pillar.

Classification of the main motives of Pushkin's lyrics

The table below shows the main motives of Pushkin's lyrics very clearly:

Lyric genres



The motive of freedom - both internal and civil

human relationships

The motive of love and friendship, devotion and the strength of earthly human bonds

Attitude towards nature

The motive of closeness with nature, its comparison with man and his inner world

Religious motive, especially close to the reader of those times

The motive is deeply philosophical, giving an answer to the question of the place of the poet and poetry in the world of literature as a whole.

This is only a general description of the main themes of the works of the great poet. The table cannot contain every single motif of Pushkin's lyrics, the poetry of the genius is so multifaceted and comprehensive. Many literary critics admit that Pushkin is different for everyone, everyone discovers new and new facets of his work. The poet was counting on this, speaking in his notes about the desire to arouse a storm of emotions in the reader, to make him think, compare, experience and, most importantly, feel.

The masterpieces of Pushkin's lyrics are the most complex alloy in which everything is significant: every image, every artistic detail, rhythm, intonation, word. But why a thorough analysis of the text of works is the basis for a correct understanding of their meaning and artistic originality. It is impossible to be limited only by the thematic characteristics of poems - one should study their figurative structure, features of the genre and style. It is very important to master the figurative "dictionary" of Pushkin's lyrics. In most poems, we find keywords-images behind which there is a certain biographical, literary or psychological context. "Freedom" and "will", "autocracy", "fate", "friendship" and "love", "life" and "death", "sea" and "shore", "peace" and "storm", "winter ”, “spring” and “autumn”, “poet” and “crowd” - in each of these words, in their meaning and sound, Pushkin found many colors and shades. They are, as it were, a "long echo" of his ideas and moods.

In Pushkin's lyrics, a complex, multi-level system of lyrical "mirrors" has developed, reflecting the spiritual and creative image of the poet, the main features of his dynamic artistic system. The study of the leading themes and motifs of Pushkin's lyrics requires careful attention to both their stability, repetition, and variations, movement, and internal echoes.

Pushkin's ideas about the most significant values ​​in life were reflected in poems about freedom, love and friendship, about creativity. These lyrical themes represent different sides of an integral, harmonious personality. They interact, supporting, as if "flashing" each other, easily go beyond the limits of lyrical creativity, into the world of Pushkin's epic. This is a single circle of thoughts of the poet about what is especially dear to him.

Freedom Theme- one of the most important themes of Pushkin's lyrics. Freedom for Pushkin is the highest life value, without it he could not even imagine his existence in his youth. Freedom is the basis of friendship. Freedom is the condition of creativity. Life without freedom was painted in gloomy and ominous tones. Even fate, which the poet has always associated with the idea of ​​unfreedom, for a person, according to Pushkin, depends on its omnipotence, became “holy providence” when a ray of freedom glimmered through its clouds (see the poem “I.I. Pushchin”, 1826 ). Ideas about freedom have always been the basis of Pushkin's worldview.

The word "freedom" and the words "liberty", "freedom", "freedom", which are close in meaning, are the key words of Pushkin's dictionary. These are word-signals with a wide range of meanings, causing a variety of associations. In any poetic text, these are signs of the “presence” of the poet himself. In Pushkin's lyrical works, these words-signs express his thoughts about the direction of movement and the purpose of a person's life path, about the meaning of his existence.

Already in the poems of 1817-1819. freedom will be stopped either by the highest public good - the subject of a “laudatory word” (“I want to sing Freedom to the world”), then by the goal towards which the poet is striving together with like-minded friends (“star of captivating happiness”), then by a step from delusions and vain life to “ bliss” of truth and wisdom (“I am here, freed from vain fetters, / I am learning to find bliss in the Truth”), then the meaning of the poetic “sacrifice” (“Only learning to glorify freedom, / sacrificing only her with poems”) and the designation of the poet’s state of mind ( "secret freedom"). Freedom for the young Pushkin is not just a word from the dictionary of freethinkers. Freedom is his point of view on the world, on people and himself. It was freedom that became the main criterion for evaluating life, relations between people, society and history.

In the St. Petersburg period of creativity, freedom was revealed to Pushkin primarily as an absolute, universal value. Freedom is beyond time and space, it is the highest good and companion of Eternity. In it, the poet found a scale for assessing society and the prospect of overcoming its imperfections.

Lyrics 1817-1819 - an echo of Pushkin's ideas about freedom. The poetic images that reflect them in the poems “Liberty”, “The Village”, “To Chaadaev” are allegorical images: Freedom and “Holy Liberty” (ode “Liberty”), “the star of captivating happiness” (“To Chaadaev”), “Enlightened freedom ... the beautiful Dawn” (“Village”). These images are on a par with the “positive” allegorical images of the Law (“Liberty”), “the fragments of autocracy” (“To Chaadaev”), “the unoppressed people” ( "Village"). Allegories of freedom are opposed to "negative" allegories of "Tyrants of the world", "unrighteous Power", "crowned villain", "Slavery" ("Liberty" and "Village"), "Barstvo wild", "violent vine", "Relentless Owner", "Skinny Slavery" ("Village").

In the socio-philosophical ode "Liberty" (1817), the poet looks at the world as a biased, interested spectator. He mourns and is indignant, because this is a world where whips whistle, iron shackles rattle, where “unrighteous Power” sits on the throne. The whole world, and not only Russia, is deprived of freedom, liberties, and consequently, nowhere is there joy, happiness, beauty and goodness.

In the romantic lyrics of Pushkin 1820-1824. the theme of freedom was central. Whatever the romantic poet writes about - about the dagger, the “secret guardian of freedom”, the storm of intractable tyrants (“Dagger”), about the leader of the rebellious Serbs Georgy Cherny (“Daughters of Karageorgy”), about Byron or Napoleon (“Napoleon”, “ To the sea"), about his thoughts and daily activities in messages to friends - the motives of freedom permeated the poems, giving them a unique look. In a message to Delvig, the disgraced poet proclaimed: "Freedom alone is my idol."

The sea is a symbol of any natural and human element. In his waywardness, the indomitable will, power and unpredictability of the world elements surrounding a person are revealed. It evokes associations with the "elements" of public life: riots, revolutions, uprisings. Pushkin likens the sea to a living creature possessed by rebellious impulses of the spirit. This is a humanized "free element", close to the soul of the romantic poet and the "geniuses" revered by him. The poem includes original "epitaphs" to Napoleon and Byron. Remembering these "rushed" geniuses, Pushkin not only sees in them a vivid embodiment of the elemental principles of the human soul, but also deepens the symbolic meaning of the central image of the poem - the image of the sea.

The sea is also a symbol of human life, which can "carry" anywhere, to any "land". In order to emphasize the infinity of the sea-life, Pushkin calls it an "ocean", a huge water desert. The poet can be struck by only "one rock, the tomb of glory" - the island of St. Helena, where "Napoleon died out."

In the late 1820s - 1830s. Pushkin comes to understand freedom as personal independence, "personal dignity". If earlier the theme of personal freedom arose against the background of the theme of a prisoner, an exile, then in the work of recent years it has become independent, covering a much wider range of phenomena in public, private and creative life. In one of his notes, he emphasized: "There is a dignity higher than the nobility of the family, namely: personal dignity." Any violation of the rights of the individual, no matter what circumstances caused it, was regarded by the poet as suppression of a person, an attempt on his “independence”, an attempt to humiliate him, reduce him to the position of a slave.

Friendly and love lyrics - cherished area of ​​Pushkin's lyric poetry. In numerous poems dedicated to friends and lovers, his understanding of these highest life values ​​was revealed, vivid images of friends and beloved women were created. Friendship and love for Pushkin are companions of youth, they arise in the "whirlwind of young life" and accompany a person all his life. Pushkin's need for companionship, for the understanding and support of his friends, was as unchanging as the need to love and be loved.

Many poems, written, as a rule, in the genre of a friendly poetic message, are dedicated to the closest people in spirit: lyceum students (“first friend” I.I. Pushchin, “muses to the exalted prophet” and “Parnassian brother” A.A. Delvig, “ brother by muse, by fate "V.K.Kyukhelbeker), "unchanging friend" P.Ya.Chadaev, poets P.A.Vyazemsky, N.M.Yazykov, E.A.Baratynsky. But Pushkin understood friendship not only as a relationship that arises between two people. “Friendship” for him is a whole circle of people who are close “by fate”, this is “brotherhood”, “our union”, which has developed back in the lyceum. The Manifesto of Friendship is the seventh stanza of the poem "October 19".

The poet emphasizes the harmony, beauty, freedom, "carelessness" that underlie the friendly union, compares it with the soul, asserting the strength of ties between friends. The friendship of lyceum students does not depend on the whims of "fate" or on changeable happiness. The “homeland” of the lyceum brotherhood is Tsarskoye Selo, a place where “under the shadow of friendly muses” fate brought the lyceum students together (the poem created romantic portraits of N.A. Korsakov and F.F. Matyushkin, who died in Italy, it is said about I.I. Pushchin , A.M. Gorchakov and A.A. Delvig, with whom the poet met in the Mikhailovsky exile, about V.K. Kyuchelbeker).

Pushkin also understood friendship as a "sweet union" that binds poets together. In the message "To Yazykov" (1824) the basis of this union is indicated - creativity, inspiration.

"The Sun of Russian Poetry..."

V.F. Odoevsky


The childhood of the poet


Boldin autumn


last years of life

Arina Rodionovna Yakovleva (Matveeva)

Maria Alekseevna Gannibal

Naumov. "Pushkin's duel with Dantes."

Adrian Volkov. "Pushkin's last shot"

political lyrics

Patriotic motives:

A) love for the native nature; b) pride in the heroic past of their people; c) a sense of national pride

Volunteer motives:

d) protest against autocracy and serfdom; e) the desire for "holy liberty"; f) chanting love of freedom, independence of a person


Ode "Liberty", "Licinius", "To Chaadaev", "Village", "To Siberia", "Arion", "Anchar", "Prisoner", "Bird", "Freedom sower of the desert..." (1823) , "To the sea" (1824).

landscape lyrics

Poems: “Autumn”, “Winter Evening”, “Winter Road”, “Winter Morning”, “Cloud”, “To the Sea”, “I visited again ...”, “Village”, “The flying ridge is thinning clouds ...” (1820), "Caucasus" (1829), "Winter. What should we do in the village? I meet ..." (1829), "Autumn" (1833), "... Again I visited ..." (1835 )

Philosophical lyrics

The poet's reflections on the meaning of life, on the purpose of man, on the immortality of the soul, on the eternity of being.

Poems: “Again I visited ...”, “Do I wander along the noisy streets ...”, “Feasting students”, “Elegy”, “I outlived my desires ...” (1821), “It happened in sweet blindness ...” ( 1823), "A vain gift, an accidental gift ..." (1828), "Anchar" (1828), "Demons" (1830), etc.

The theme of the poet and poetry:

a) the relationship between the poet and the authorities; b) the appointment of the artist in society; c) the poet and the people; the poet and the crowd; d) assessment of one's own creativity.

Poems: "Prophet", "Monument",

“The Poet and the Crowd”, “Echo”, “Mobile”, “To N. Ya. Pluskova”, “Poet”

Friendship Theme:

a) friendship as a fraternal union of lyceum students; b) friendship as a unity of like-mindedness

Poems:"Memories in Tsarskoye Selo", "Pushchin", "Friends", "Delvig",

Love lyrics:

a) love as an ideal, high feeling of a person; b) unrequited love

Poems:"I loved you",

“I remember a wonderful moment ...”, “Her eyes”, “Loquatic language of love”, “Desire of fame”,

"Madonna", "Burnt letter", "Night darkness lies on the hills of Georgia..." and others.

One of the distinguishing features of the work of A. S. Pushkin is the extraordinary versatility of his creative talent. The deeply sincere realistic lyrics of the poet are an incredibly important part of the poet's work, full of ingenious lightness and depth. The lyrical gift gives the poet the opportunity to express his feelings and moods sharply and quickly respond to changes in socio-political and literary life.

Pushkin is above all a spokesman for the progressive views of his age, a singer of political freedom. His views were most clearly reflected in the ode "Liberty" written by him in 1817. The work reflects the diverse feelings of the author: a fiery desire for freedom, indignation against tyrants. The final lines of the second stanza sounded revolutionary for readers:

Tyrants of the world! tremble!

And you take courage and heed

Arise fallen slaves!

The same theme, the theme of liberty and the struggle against autocracy, is also heard in the poem “To Chaadaev”. Pushkin calls on the motherland to dedicate "souls to wonderful impulses" to fight for her freedom. Love for the motherland for him is inseparable from the struggle and he believes in the inevitability of the fall of the autocracy and in the liberation of the Russian people: "She will rise as a star of captivating happiness!"

A striking example of the political lyrics of A. S. Pushkin is the poem "The Village" in which, thanks to the method of opposition, the injustice and cruelty of serfdom is clearly and sharply emphasized. Calling himself a "friend of mankind", Pushkin speaks of a "wild nobility" which "appropriated the work and property and time of the farmer." The merciless exploitation of the peasantry and the well-being of the ruling class revolt the poet to the depths of his soul, and bitter words break out of him: “Oh, if only my voice could disturb hearts!” His ardent desire is to see the "unoppressed people" and the "beautiful dawn of enlightened freedom" rising over the country. The theme of freedom of struggle for the happiness of the people runs through all the work of the poet. Here and his "Tales" of the poem "To Siberia", "Arion" and others. Pushkin devoted many beautiful poems to the most wonderful feeling - friendship. By nature, Pushkin was very sociable and had many friends. This is primarily his lyceum friends to whom he annually dedicated his poems. Friendship was for him the force that unites people in a strong alliance for life, infuses courage in the struggle of life. He always preferred a close circle of friends to a soulless secular society:

And I confess to me a hundred times dearer

Young rake happy family

Where the mind boils where I am free in my thoughts.

His message to lyceum friends from the exile "October 19, 1827" can be called a hymn of friendship. The poem is warmed by a great and genuine tenderness, a deeply sincere feeling of love for friends.

Among Pushkin's poems, a prominent place belongs to those in which the poet draws pictures of his native nature with exceptional poetic power and love. Love for native nature found its artistic expression in the poems and poems of the novel "Eugene Onegin". At first, his poems are romantic in nature, for example, the poem "To the Sea." It sounds like a speech full of exclamations, rhetorical questions, epithets and metaphors. The poetic image of the sea is combined in the poem with the poet's reflections on his fate, the fate of the exile and the fate of peoples. The sea appears to him as a living embodiment of a rebellious and free element of powerful and proud beauty. In his realistic landscape lyrics, Pushkin draws the outwardly modest but dear to his heart beauty of his native nature. How wonderful are his pictures of autumn winter in "Eugene Onegin" of the description of the wonderful Crimean nature in the "Fountain of Bakhchisarai"! Everyone knows his poems “Winter Evening”, “Winter Morning”, “Cloud”, “I Visited Again” and others.

Pushkin compared the poet to an echo that responds to every calling sound of life. The poet's lyrics acquaint us with his thoughts about the meaning of life, about the happiness of a person with his moral ideal, especially embodied in poems about love. The ideal of the beloved is presented to the poet as "the genius of pure beauty" as "the purest beauty of the purest example." Tragic is also inherent in love - jealousy, separation, death. Pushkin, his lyrical hero, always wishes the happiness of the one he loves so hopelessly:

I loved you so sincerely so tenderly

How God forbid you loved to be different.

Often the theme of love merges in Pushkin's poem with a lyrical landscape that is so in harmony with the feeling that the poet owns. This is especially evident in the poems: "Who knows the land where the sky shines" "On the hills of Georgia lies the darkness of the night." These main themes of the poet's lyrics are also distinct in his romantic poems, a cycle of works about Peter I in his poem "Poltava" and Belkin's stories, the novel "Eugene Onegin" and the tragedy "Boris Godunov".

But I would especially like to dwell on one more topic - these are reflections on the fate of the poet and his appointment in the conditions of the cruel Nikolaev reaction. He creates the poem "Prophet" written directly under the impression of the massacre of the Decembrists. A poet-citizen acts as a prophet, carrying his fiery free word to the people. Only that poet, according to Pushkin, who is always with his people in soul and thoughts. Only he can justify his purpose: to awaken high feelings in humanity with a truthful poetic word. He calls on the poet to "burn the hearts of people with the verb."

Summing up his work, A. S. Pushkin in the poem “I erected a monument to myself ...” claims that he has earned the right to recognition and love of the people by the fact that:

... good feelings I awakened with lyre

That in my cruel age I glorified Freedom

and mercy to the fallen called.

Indifferently accepting the praise and slander of "offense without fear, without demanding a crown," Pushkin followed his vocation. Pushkin's lyrics, being a living response of the poet to his contemporary life, at the same time outgrow his time and do not lose their significance in our days. We appreciate Pushkin's full perception of life, cheerfulness, love of freedom, high humanity, call to serve the Motherland. I think that Pushkin's poems are eternal, that they are interesting to people of different generations "of all times and peoples."

Other works on the topic:

Pushkin understood friendship not only as a relationship that arises between two people. "Friendship" for him is a whole circle of people who are close "by fate", this is "brotherhood", "our union", which was formed back in the lyceum. Manifesto of friendship - a stanza from "October 19" 1825 Mikhailovskoye:

There are many themes in the lyrics of A. S. Pushkin, but three main themes can be distinguished - love and friendship - the purpose of the poet and poetry and freedom-loving lyrics. Freedom-loving lyrics include such works as an ode.

Abstract (Latin reffere - report, report) - a summary of any issue, the content of a book, article, research, as well as a report with such a presentation. (From the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" by S. I. Ozhegov)

"The theme of the "Monument" and the immortality of the poet in Russian literature", written by Grydina Anna Olegovna, a student of the 10th grade

Old Church Slavonicisms - the oldest borrowings from a closely related language

Pushkin's freedom-loving lyrics The era in which A. S. Pushkin lived and worked was a time of suppression of any living thought, progressive idea. The avant-garde part of the Russian nobility, dissatisfied with the policies of the tsar, united in secret societies to fight the autocracy and serfdom. Young Pushkin wholeheartedly supported progressive ideas.

The first significant milestone in the biography of A. S. Pushkin was the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. Finishing work on "Eugene Onegin", he opens the penultimate - eighth - chapter with an introduction: reflections on how and when this path began, the path of a poet who comprehends the fate of his generation from both historical and philosophical positions.

Landscape lyrics are the main wealth of A.A. Feta. Fet knows how to see and hear an extraordinary amount in nature, depict her innermost world, convey his romantic admiration for meeting nature, philosophical reflections born while contemplating her appearance. Fet is characterized by the amazing subtlety of the painter, the variety of experiences born from communication with nature.

Name A.A. Akhmatova is on a par with such poets as M. Kuzmin, O. Mandelstam, N. Gumilyov when it comes to acmeism. To begin with, it is worth understanding what acmeism is. This term is called the current in Russian poetry of the 1910s. whose followers moved away from the symbolist aspirations for the ideal, from fluid and polysemantic images and turned to the material, objective world, naturalness and the exact meaning of the word.

The main motives of Pushkin's lyrics The genius of Pushkin was far ahead of his time. The poet's lyrical works reflect the most significant problems of his contemporary life, outline topics that will find continuation in the literature of his followers. Pushkin's poetry is a whole world in which every reader can find something that concerns him personally.

The love lyrics of A. S. Pushkin is a significant part of the entire poetic heritage of the poet. There are stanzas-revelations in it, stanzas - Pushkin's declarations of love, and tender messages, and quatrains in the album, and fleeting sketches of a flared feeling, and truly magical sonnets in the depiction of the subject of the poet's ardent passion.

When talking about the literature of the first half of the 19th century, the names of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin and Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov usually come to mind first. These are not just outstanding poets of their time - we can say that each of them is his time. The themes of the lyrics of both poets are diverse - freedom, Motherland, love and friendship, the poet and his purpose.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was born in Moscow on June 6, 1799, on the day of the holy feast of the Ascension of the Lord. He was born in a wonderful spring month - and he showed himself a bright, wondrous spring of wonderful Russian literature. Pushkin was born in the last year of the 18th century, the brilliant age of classicism, - and took from him the most valuable thing: the ability to cool passions in artistic creativity with the mind ... Pushkin was born on Ascension Day - and his entire life and creative path represents an ascent to the ideal of Perfection, unattainable on earth , which in his understanding was a triple image of Truth, Goodness and Beauty.

For Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, the love theme is one of the main ones in his lyrics. All poets in one way or another refer to the theme of love. Ancient poets considered the feeling of love to be the most important: they drew inspiration from it, love enriched them spiritually. Such a literary movement as sentimentalism is completely based on the sacred feelings of love and friendship.

Analysis of A. S. Pushkin's poem "The Burnt Letter" Author: Pushkin A.S. The poem "The Burnt Letter" was written in 1825, during Pushkin's exile in the village of Mikhailovskoye.

Author: Pushkin A.S. A. S. Pushkin belonged to the generation brought up by the war of 1812. The war of liberation contributed to a social upsurge: the people of the 1810s and 1820s felt themselves to be participants and figures in History (with a capital letter), they lived for future glory. At the same time, special hopes were pinned on Pushkin as the most talented poet of the generation, destined to become a "mouthpiece", "herald" of freedom-loving ideas.

Analysis of the poem by A.S. Pushkin "I erected a monument to myself not made by hands."

Analysis of the poem by A. S. Pushkin "". To Chaadaev. This poem belongs to 1818, and was published in 1829 without the knowledge of Pushkin, although before that it had become famous in handwritten copies. Dedicated to Pyotr Yakovlevich Chaadaev, one of Pushkin's friends.

An important role in the poet's work is occupied by the theme of love and friendship.

In numerous poems dedicated to friends and lovers, vivid images of friends and beloved women are created.

Tatyana and Olga Larina (based on the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin") Author: Pushkin A.S. The work of A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" tells about two completely different maidens, Tatyana and Olga.

Analysis of the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov "The Death of a Poet" Author: Lermontov M.Yu. M.Yu. Lermontov's poem "The Death of a Poet" was written in 1837. It is associated with the death of Pushkin. The main theme of the poem is the conflict between the poet and the crowd.

Analysis of the poem by Pushkin A.S. "Arion" Author: Pushkin A.S. Analysis of the poem by A.S. Pushkin "Arion". There were many of us on the boat; Others strained the sail,

Love lyrics by A.S. Pushkin Author: Pushkin A.S. A. S. Pushkin is an unsurpassed master of lyrical works that he wrote throughout his short life. The motives of the poet's lyrics, the depth of thoughts and feelings in each poem are varied. These are patriotic freedom-loving lyrics, lyrics of friendship and, finally, lyrics of love.

3Composition N 1 The theme of love and friendship in Pushkin's lyrics. The world of Pushkin's lyrics is rich and diverse. An important role in his work is occupied by the theme of love and friendship. Pushkin's poems are vividly

A poem by A.S. Pushkin's "Burned Letter" is a real masterpiece of Russian love lyrics: filled with great feelings, but at the same time unusually concise, where every image, every detail is a device for expressing all the richness of feelings.

A.S. Pushkin is "the sun of Russian poetry", its great beginning and perfect expression. Philosophical understanding of the leading and universally significant problems for all mankind in the lyrics of the twenties and in Pushkin's poems of a later period, analysis of works.

The State Historical and Literary State Museum-Reserve of A. S. Pushkin is a museum of the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region. Description