Physics test light quanta. "light quanta"

1 option
1st level
1. There are 13 electrons in an aluminum atom. Choose the correct statement.
A. The charge of the nucleus of an aluminum atom is less than 1.6  10–18 C.
B. The charge of the nucleus of an atom is negative.
B. An aluminum atom is electrically neutral.
D. The mass of electrons is more than half the mass of an atom.
2. The charge of the nucleus of the neon atom is 1.6  10–18 C. Choose the correct statement.
A. The radius of the nucleus of an atom is greater than half the radius of the atom.
B. The mass of the nucleus of an atom is less than the mass of electrons.
B. There are 10 electrons in a neon atom.
D. The neon atom has a positive charge.
3. The student observes the phenomenon of light diffraction, examining a light bulb through a nylon fabric. Choose the right one
A. The wave properties of light are observed only
with photoelectric effect.
B. A light bulb emits light in separate quanta.
B. The corpuscular properties of light appear only
during its distribution.
D. Corpuscular theory explains the diffraction of light.
2nd level
4. A negatively charged zinc plate loses its charge when illuminated by arc light. Note
which of the following four statements
A. If the charge on the plate were positive, the illumination would also reduce the charge.
B. Electrons fly out from the surface of the plate.
B. The greater the radiation intensity, the faster the plate is discharged.
D. If the plate is covered with an opaque screen, the charge on the plate will continue to decrease.
5. The photon energy is 4.5  10–19 J. Note which of the following four statements are correct and which are
A. The momentum of a photon is greater, the greater the energy of this photon.
B. The energy of a photon is inversely proportional to the wavelength of the radiation.
B. The wavelength of the radiation is less than 600 nm.
D. The radiation frequency is greater than 8  1014 Hz.
6. In the radiation of a rarefied monatomic gas at a high temperature, there is light with a length
waves 550 nm. Please indicate which of the following four
A. If the gas is cooled, it will transmit light with a wavelength of 550 nm well.
B. The gas absorption spectrum is lined.
C. The radiation spectrum of a monatomic gas is continuous.
D. If the gas condenses, the absorption spectrum will become continuous.
7. The wavelength of laser radiation is 410 nm, the radiation power is 2 mW. Please indicate which of the following four
3rd level
statements are correct and which are incorrect.
A. Every second, the laser emits more than 5  1015 photons.
B. The energy of each emitted photon is less than 6  10–19 J.
Q. This laser emits visible light.
D. The momentum of each emitted photon is greater than 2  10–27 kg  m/s.
8. Red border of the photoelectric effect for tungsten 275 nm. Please indicate which of the following four statements
correct and which are incorrect.
A. If the wavelength of the radiation incident on tungsten is 180 nm, the maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons

more than 3 eV.
B. The work function of electrons from tungsten is less than 5 eV.
B. The higher the radiation frequency, the lower the maximum speed of photoelectrons.
D. Under the action of radiation with a frequency of 1014 Hz, a photoelectric effect occurs in tungsten.
9. Light with a wavelength of 0.4 microns falls on the surface of a potassium plate. Work function of electrons from potassium
is equal to 2.2 eV. Please indicate which of the following
A. The photon energy of the incident light is less than 2.5 eV.
B. If you increase the intensity of light, the maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons will increase.
B. The maximum speed of photoelectrons is more than 700 km/s.
D. If the energy of the incident photons was 2 eV,
then there would be a photoelectric effect.
10. The figure shows the dependence of the retarding voltage on the frequency of the incident light for two
various vacuum photocells. Please indicate which of the following four statements are correct and which are not.
4th level
A. The photon energy of the incident radiation, corresponding to point C on the graph, is less than 7 eV.
B. Point C on the graph corresponds to a voltage less than 5 V.
C. The work function of electrons for cathode 1 is greater than for cathode 2.
D. The work function of electrons from cathode 1 is greater than 1.5 eV.
11. Energy of a hydrogen atom in an unexcited state
E0 = –13.55 eV. Note
A. The line spectrum is emitted by hydrogen molecules.
B. When moving from the fourth energy level to the third, a photon is emitted with an energy less than
1st option
2nd option
3rd option
4th option

Option 2
1st level
1. There are three electrons in a lithium atom. Choose the correct statement.
A. The lithium atom has a negative charge.
B. The lithium atom has a positive charge.
B. The dimensions of the nucleus of an atom are comparable to the dimensions of an atom.
D. The charge of the nucleus of an atom is greater than 4  10–19 C.
2. Choose from the phenomena listed below the one in which the quantum properties of light are manifested.
A. Refraction of light.
B. Dispersion of light.
B. Photoelectric effect.
D. Interference of light.
3. The frequency of the light falling on the surface of the body is equal to . Choose the correct statement.
A. The energy of a photon is directly proportional to the wavelength of light.
B. The energy of an electron that has absorbed a photon increases by the value h.
B. The body can absorb energy 5.3h.
D. The body can absorb 1.5h energy.
2nd level
4. The wavelength of light is 600 nm. Please indicate which of the following four statements are correct and which are not.
A. The photon energy is less than 3  10–19 J.
B. The shorter the wavelength of light, the greater the energy of the photon.
B. The photon energy of infrared radiation is less than the photon energy of visible light.
D. The momentum of a photon is greater than 2  10–27 kg  m/s.
5. The momentum of a photon is 1.3  10–27 kg  m/s. Please indicate which of the following four statements are correct and which are not.
A. The energy of a photon is the greater, the greater its momentum.
B. The momentum of a photon is greater, the lower the frequency of radiation.
B. The radiation frequency is greater than 7  1014 Hz.
D. The wavelength of the radiation is less than 450 nm.
6. When the cathode of a vacuum photocell is illuminated with monochromatic light, photoelectrons fly out from the cathode.
The intensity of the light flux was increased by 2 times. Please indicate which of the following four statements
correct and which are incorrect.
A. The maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons has increased.
B. The maximum speed of photoelectrons has increased.
C. The maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons does not depend
on the frequency of the incident light.
D. The number of photoelectrons pulled out by light in 1 s,
hasn't changed.
3rd level
7. Ultraviolet radiation with a wavelength of 0.1 microns falls on a tungsten plate. Work function of electrons
from tungsten is 4.5 eV. Note which of the following four statements are correct and which are incorrect.
A. The maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons is greater than 5 eV.
B. If the radiation frequency were more than 1.5  1015 Hz,

it would cause a photoelectric effect in tungsten.
C. The photon energy of the incident radiation is greater than 10 eV.
D. If the radiation intensity is reduced, the maximum photoelectron energy will decrease.
8. The X-ray tube operates at a voltage of 40 kV at a current of 1 mA. Please indicate which of the following four
statements are correct and which are incorrect.
A. X-ray quanta are emitted when electrons hit the anode.
B. The frequency of the "hardest" radiation of the tube is more than 9  1018 Hz.
B. The frequency of the “hardest” radiation of the tube is less than 1.5  1019 Hz.
D. The tube emits more than 1016 photons of the "hardest" radiation every second.
9. The power of the light emitted by the lamp is 20 watts. Assuming that the wavelength of light is 600 nm, note which
of the following four statements are correct and which are incorrect.
A. The energy of emitted photons is less than the energy of infrared radiation photons.
B. The momentum of the emitted photons is greater than the momentum of ultraviolet radiation photons.
B. The energy of each emitted photon is less than 2 eV.
D. Every second the lamp emits more than 8  1019 photons.
4th level
10. A vertical light beam falls on a horizontal surface consisting of black and mirror areas.
The light pressure on the black areas is 2 µPa. Please indicate which of the following four statements are correct and
which ones are wrong.
A. The energy of light incident in 1 s per 1 cm2 of the surface is 60 mJ.
B. The pressure of light on the mirror areas is 4 µPa.
C. The pressure of light on the mirror areas is more than 2 μPa.
D. The greater the angle of incidence of light, the greater the pressure on the surface.
11. The figure shows two current-voltage characteristics of the same vacuum photocell. Curve 1
corresponds to irradiation of the cathode with light with a frequency of 5  1014 Hz. Please indicate which of the following four
statements are correct and which are incorrect.
A. The radiation intensity in case 2 can be changed so that
that curves 1 and 2 coincide.
B. This photocell can detect radiation
with a frequency of 2  1014 Hz.
B. The work function of electrons from the cathode is less than 0.8 eV.
D. Curve 2 corresponds to the frequency of the incident radiation,
less than 2  1014 Hz.
12. A vertical light beam falls on a horizontal black plate and presses on it with a force of 8 microns. Note
which of the following four statements are correct and which are incorrect.
A. The energy of light incident on the plate in 1 s is 2.4 kJ.
B. If half of the plate is pasted over with a mirror film, the light pressure force will increase by 1.5 times.
C. If half of the plate is pasted over with a white film, the light pressure force will increase by 2 times.
D. If the angle of incidence of light is increased, the light pressure will decrease.

3 option
1st level
1. Light falls on a thin film, the frequency of which is equal to . Choose the correct statement.
A. The film can absorb light energy equal to h/4.
B. All photons are reflected from the film.
B. The film can absorb light energy equal to 4h.
D. The corpuscular theory makes it possible to explain the interference of light in thin films.
2. The charge of the nucleus of a helium atom is 3.2  10–19 C. Choose the correct statement.
A. A helium atom has a positive charge.
B. Almost the entire mass of an atom is concentrated in the nucleus.
B. The mass of the nucleus of an atom is much less than the mass of an atom.
D. There are 4 electrons in a helium atom.
3. Among the given statements regarding the nature of light, choose the correct one.
A. The diffraction of light can be explained on the basis of corpuscular theory.
B. The polarization of light can be explained on the basis of wave theory.
Q. According to Bohr's theory, atoms emit light continuously.
D. The laws of the photoelectric effect can be explained on the basis of wave theory.
2nd level
4. When the plate is illuminated with green light, a photoelectric effect is observed. Please indicate which of the following four
statements are correct and which are incorrect.
A. If you illuminate the plate with violet light, the photoelectric effect
will not occur.
B. Ultraviolet irradiation of the plate will cause a photoelectric effect.
B. If the plate is illuminated with blue light, the maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons will increase.
D. If you increase the intensity of green light, the maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons will increase.
5. In modern technology, photocells are widely used. Please indicate which of the following four statements
correct and which are incorrect.
A. Photocells are part of the photorelay.
B. In a photocell, light energy is converted into electric current energy.
B. In a vacuum photocell, light pulls electrons from the anode.
D. Photovoltaic cells are used in solar panels.
6. When a negatively charged metal plate is illuminated with monochromatic light,
photoelectric effect. The wavelength of light was reduced by 1.5 times. Please indicate which of the following four statements
correct and which are incorrect.
A. The energy of the photons incident on the plate has decreased.
B. The maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons has decreased.
B. If the light source is moved further away from the plate, the maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons will decrease.
D. The maximum speed of photoelectrons decreased by 1.5 times.
3rd level

between levels; i is the frequency of the photon emitted or absorbed during the transition. Please indicate which of the following
four statements are correct and which are incorrect.
A. At transition 3, a photon is absorbed.

B. Frequency 3 is the largest of all frequencies i.
D. The relation 4 = 2 + 5 + 6 is fulfilled.
8. The X-ray tube operates under a voltage of 30 kV. Please indicate which of the following four statements
correct and which are incorrect.
A. If the radiation power of the tube is 50 W, less than 2  1016 photons of the “hardest” photon are emitted every second
B. The frequency of the "hardest" radiation of the tube is less than 6.5  1018 Hz.
C. X-ray quanta are produced when electrons are accelerated by an electric field.
D. The frequency of the "hardest" radiation of the tube is more than 6  1018 Hz.
9. Radiation with a frequency of 1015 Hz is incident on the surface of barium oxide. Work function of electrons from barium oxide
is equal to 1 eV. Note which of the following four statements are correct and which are incorrect.
A. The maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons is greater than 3 eV.
B. If the intensity of the incident radiation is increased, the maximum speed of the photoelectrons will also increase.
B. If the frequency of the incident radiation is reduced, the maximum speed of the photoelectrons will increase.
D. The red border of the photoelectric effect for barium oxide is less than 200 nm.
4th level
10. The figure shows a graph of the dependence of the maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons Ek on the frequency 
radiation incident on the metal surface. Please indicate which of the following four statements are correct and
which ones are wrong.
A. Point C on the graph corresponds to an energy less than 2 eV.
B. The photoelectric effect is possible at the frequency of the incident radiation 4  1014 Hz.
B. The red border of the photoelectric effect corresponds to the point of intersection of the graph with the x-axis.
D. The work function of electrons from a metal is greater than 1 eV.
11. Energy of the hydrogen atom in the unexcited state E0 = –13.55 eV. Please indicate which of the following four
statements are correct and which are incorrect.
A. Absorption of a photon with a frequency of 5  1015 Hz will lead to ionization of the atom.
B. To move from the first energy level to the second, an atom must absorb an energy less than 10 eV.
C. One of the spectral lines of hydrogen corresponds to a frequency of 4  1015 Hz.
D. During the transition from the fourth energy level to the second, a photon is emitted with an energy
3 E
12. A vertical light beam falls on a horizontal mirror surface and exerts
pressure 30 µPa. Note which of the following four statements are correct and which are incorrect.
A. If you cover the surface with white paint, the pressure of light on it will be more than 15 µPa.
B. If the light falls obliquely on the surface, its pressure will decrease.
B. The photon energy of the reflected light is less than the photon energy of the light incident on the surface.
D. If the surface is sooted, the light pressure will be less than 10 µP

4 option
1st level
1. The frequency of the light emitted by the laser is . Choose the correct statement.
A. Some light quanta have energy h/2.
B. The corpuscular theory makes it possible to explain the polarization of light.
B. The energy of a quantum is directly proportional to the frequency of light.
D. The corpuscular theory makes it possible to explain the interference of light.
2. Choose from the listed phenomena the one that proves the wave nature of light.
A. Diffraction of light.
B. Photoelectric effect.
B. Reflection of light.
D. Rectilinear propagation of light in a homogeneous medium.
3. Light exhibits both wave and particle properties. Choose from the statements below
A. The dispersion of light indicates its corpuscular nature.
B. The existence of the red boundary of the photoelectric effect can be explained on the basis of the wave theory.
C. According to Bohr's theory, atoms emit light in separate quanta.
D. The interference of light testifies to its corpuscular nature.
2nd level
4. The frequency of the light wave is 6  1014 Hz. Please indicate which of the following four statements are correct and
which ones are wrong.
A. The photon energy is less than 5  10–19 J.
B. The momentum of X-ray photons is greater than the photon momentum of this radiation.
B. The greater the frequency of light, the greater the momentum of the photon.
D. The wavelength is greater than 0.7 microns.
5. Photocells are part of many devices. Please indicate which of the following four statements
correct and which are incorrect.
A. A photocell converts an electrical signal into a light signal.
B. The current strength in a vacuum photocell is the greater, the lower the illumination of the cathode.
B. The photocell reacts almost instantly to changes in illumination.
D. In vacuum photocells, electrons move from the cathode to the anode.
6. Spectral analysis is used to detect impurities in various materials. Please note which of
The following four statements are correct and which are incorrect.
A. To obtain a line spectrum, it is necessary to transfer the substance to the atomic state.
B. Spectral analysis is much more sensitive than chemical analysis.
B. Spectral analysis can be carried out on the absorption spectra.
D. Atoms of different elements can have the same line spectra.
3rd level
7. The figure shows the four lower energy levels of an atom. Arrows correspond to transitions

four statements are correct and which are incorrect.
A. At transition 2, a photon is emitted.
B. The relation 3 = 1 – 4 is fulfilled.
C. In transition 4, a photon is emitted.
D. Frequency 5 is the smallest of all frequencies i.
8. The figure shows the three lower energy levels of an atom. Arrows correspond to transitions
between levels; ni is the frequency of the photon emitted or absorbed during the transition. Please indicate which of the following
four statements are correct and which are incorrect.
A. The relation 4 = 3 – 2 is fulfilled.
B. At transition 1, a photon is absorbed.
B. The frequency 5 is greater than the frequencies corresponding to other transitions.
D. At transition 3, a photon is absorbed.
9. The figure shows the three lower energy levels of an atom. Arrows correspond to transitions
between levels. Note which of the following four statements are correct and which are incorrect.
A. At transition 2, a photon is absorbed.
B. An atom can stay at the lower energy level for an arbitrarily long time.
B. In transition 1, a photon is emitted.
D. The relation 5 = 3 – 4 is fulfilled.
4th level
10. A vertical light beam falls on a horizontal mirror surface. The radiation flux density is
3 kW/m2. Note which of the following four statements are correct and which are incorrect.
A. The pressure of light on the surface is 20 µPa.
B. If we replace the mirror surface with white, the light pressure will remain the same.
C. If we replace the mirror surface with black, the light pressure will decrease by 2 times.
D. When light interacts with matter, the law of conservation of momentum is fulfilled.
11. The figure shows the current-voltage characteristic of a vacuum photocell, on the cathode of which falls
radiation with a wavelength of 300 nm. Please indicate which of the following four statements are correct and which are not.

A. The red border of the photoelectric effect is less than 200 nm.
B. The maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons is greater than 1 eV.
C. Radiation with a frequency of 5  1014 Hz can pull electrons from the cathode surface of this photocell.
D. If the radiation intensity is reduced by 2 times, the saturation current will become less than 0.4 μA.
12. Energy of the hydrogen atom in the unexcited state E0 = –13.55 eV. Please indicate which of the following four
statements are correct and which are incorrect.
A. By absorbing a photon with energy
B. An atom in its ground state can emit a photon.
B. By absorbing a photon with energy
D. An atom located on the third energy level can absorb a radiation quantum with a frequency of 1.4  1014 Hz.
850 E an atom can move from the first energy level to the fourth.
960 E an atom can move from the first energy level to the fifth.

Option 1.

1. Planck suggested that the atoms of any body emit energy ...

A. continuously; B. in separate portions;

C. in the ways indicated in A and B, depending on the conditions;

G. atoms do not emit energy at all, they only absorb it.

2. Why does the external photoelectric effect phenomenon have a red border?

A. if the frequency is low, then the quantum energy may be insufficient to detach an electron from an atom;

B. if the frequency is high, then the quantum energy may be insufficient to detach an electron from an atom;

B. if the wavelength is small, then the energy of the quantum may be insufficient to separate the electron from the atom;

G. the photoelectric effect can only occur under the influence of red light.

3. Excited atoms of highly rarefied gases and unsaturated vapors that do not interact with each other emit spectra:

4. What type of radiation (thermal or luminescent) do glows belong to:

1. red-hot metal casting; 2. fluorescent lamps;

3. stars; 4. some deep sea fish.

A. 1, 3 - thermal, 2, 4 - luminescent; B. 1, 2, 3, 4 - only thermal;

B. 1, 2, 3, 4 and thermal and fluorescent; G. 1, 4 - thermal, 2, 3 - luminescent.

5. Why do people sunbathe especially quickly high in the mountains?

A. the ultraviolet ray is less absorbed by the atmosphere;

B. the ultraviolet ray is more absorbed by the atmosphere;

V. the infrared ray is less absorbed by the atmosphere;

G. the infrared ray is more absorbed by the atmosphere.

6. Photon is...

A. an elementary particle, devoid of rest mass and possessing a charge, energy and momentum;

B. an elementary particle that has a rest mass, an electric charge, but does not have energy and momentum;

V. an elementary particle, devoid of rest mass and electric charge, but possessing energy and momentum.

7. What is the name of the phenomenon of emission of electrons by a substance under the action of electromagnetic radiation?

A. electrolysis; B. photosynthesis; B. electrification; G. photoelectric effect.

8. Which of the following scientists is the creator of the special theory of relativity (SRT)?
A. Arno Penzias B. Albert Michelson
W. Albert Einstein G. James Maxwell

9. In a spaceship moving at a speed close to the speed of light, time...
A. goes faster B. goes slower
V. on the Earth and the spacecraft time goes by the same way.

10. What is the mass of a body moving at a speed of 0.8 s. The mass of the resting body is 6 kg.
A. 10 kg B. 6 kg C. 4.8 kg D. 3.6 kg

11. Determine the mass of a photon of yellow light (λ w = 600 nm).

A. 119 ∙ 10 -35 kg; B. 3.7 ∙ 10 -35 kg; B. 0.37 ∙ 10 -35 kg.

12. Determine the wavelength of rays whose photons have the same energy as an electron accelerated by a voltage of 4 V.

A. 31 nm; B. 3.1 nm; W. 310 nm.

13. The largest wavelength of light at which the photoelectric effect is observed for potassium is 6.2 ∙ 10 -5 cm. Find the work function of electrons from potassium. Planck's constant 6.63 ∙ 10 -34 J ∙ s.

A. 3.2 ∙ 10 -9 J; B. 3.2 ∙ 10 -19 eV; V. 5.14. 10 -49 J; G. 3.2 ∙ 10 -19 J.

14. Find the work function of an electron from the surface of some material if, when this material is irradiated with yellow light, the speed of the ejected electrons is 0.26 ∙ 10 6 m/s. The wavelength of yellow light is 590 nm. The mass of an electron is 9.1 ∙ 10 -31 kg. Planck's constant 6.63 ∙ 10 -34 J ∙ s.

A. 3.73 ∙ 10 -19 J; B. 37.3 ∙ 10 -19 J; B. 3.06 ∙ 10 -19 J; G. 30.6 ∙ 10 -19 J.

15. With the photoelectric effect from the silver surface, the retarding potential turned out to be 1.2 V. Calculate the frequency of the incident light if the work function of the electrons from the silver surface is 4.3 eV.

A. 0.8 ∙ 10 34 Hz; B. 1.33 ∙ 10 15 Hz; V. 133 ∙ 10 15 Hz.

Option 2.

1. The maximum speed of photoelectrons depends on...

A. on the frequency of light and its intensity; B. on the frequency of light; V. from intensity.

2. The number of electrons ejected from the cathode in 1 s (saturation photocurrent) ...

A. does not depend on the intensity of light;

B. is directly proportional to the intensity of light;

V. is inversely proportional to the intensity of light.

3. Bodies consisting of excited molecules that do not interact with each other emit spectra:

A. striped; B. solid; B. ruled.

4. What property of infrared rays is used when drying wood, hay, vegetables?

A. chemical; B. thermal;

B. luminescent; G. great penetrating power.

5. Why is ordinary glass placed in greenhouses, and flasks of mercury medical lamps are made of quartz glass?

A. The bulb of medical lamps should not transmit ultraviolet rays;

B. the bulb of medical lamps must pass ultraviolet rays;

V. for economic reasons, the flasks of medical lamps are made of quartz glass;

G. glass in greenhouses transmits ultraviolet rays, but quartz does not.

6. Which of the statements about the properties of a photon is correct?

1. A photon is a particle of an electromagnetic field;

2. A photon moves in matter at a speed less than the speed of light;

3. A photon exists only in motion.

A. only 1.3; B. 1, 2, 3; V. only 1, 2; G. only 2, 3.

7. What is the name of the coefficient of proportionality between the energy of a quantum and the frequency of radiation?

A. Boltzmann's constant; B. Avogadro's constant;

V. Planck's constant; G. Faraday's constant.

8. What year was the special theory of relativity created?
A. 1875 B. 1905 C. 1955 D. 1975

9. A body or particle moves at a speed close to the speed of light. At the same time, its mass relative to a stationary observer ...
A. increases B. decreases C. does not change

10. The length of the resting rod is 10 m. What will be its length when moving at a speed of 0.6 s?
A. 6 m B. 8 m C. 10 m D. 16 m

11. Determine the mass of a photon of violet light (λf = 400 nm).

A. 80 ∙ 10 -35 kg; B. 5.5 ∙ 10 -35 kg; B. 0.55 ∙ 10 -35 kg.

12. Determine the maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons emitted from potassium when it is illuminated by rays with a wavelength of 345 nm. The work function of electrons from potassium is 2.26 eV, Planck's constant is 4.136 ∙ 10 -15 eV ∙ s.

A. 4 ∙ 10 -19 J; B. 2.1 ∙ 10 -19 J; B. 1.2 ∙ 10 -19 J.

13. The long-wavelength limit of the photoelectric effect for copper is 282 nm. Find the work function of copper electrons in eV. Planck's constant 4.136 ∙ 10 -15 eV ∙ s.

A. 2.2 eV; B.8.8 eV; B. 4.4 eV; D. 6.6 eV.

14. What wavelength of light must be directed to the surface of cesium for the maximum speed of photoelectrons to be 2 Mm/s? The work function of the electrons from the surface of cesium is 3.15 ∙ 10 -19 J. The mass of the electron is 9.1 ∙ 10 -31 kg. Planck's constant 6.63 ∙ 10 -34 J ∙ s.

A. 93 nm; B. 93 µm; H. 930 µm; D. 93 microns.

15. What blocking voltage must be applied so that electrons ejected by ultraviolet light with a wavelength of 100 nm from a tungsten cathode cannot create a current in the circuit? The work function of electrons from tungsten is 4.5 eV.

A. 7.9 V; B. 1.76 V; V. 0.2 V; G. 20 V.

Light quanta.

1 option.

BUT. ; B.; AT. ; G. .

BUT. ; B.; AT. .

3. Determine the mass of a yellow light photon (λ w = 600 nm).

A. 119 ∙ 10 -35 kg; B. 3.7 ∙ 10 -35 kg; B. 0.37 ∙ 10 -35 kg.

4. Determine the maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons emitted from potassium when it is illuminated by rays with a wavelength of 345 nm. Work function of electrons from potassium 3.616∙ 10-19 J.

A. 4 ∙ 10 -19 J; B. 2.1 ∙ 10 -19 J; B. 1.2 ∙ 10 -19 J.

5. The work function of electrons from a metal is 6.63. 10 -19 J. The “red border” of the photoelectric effect (in nm) is ......

Light quanta.

Option 2.

1. What is the momentum of a photon with frequency?

BUT. ; B.; AT. ; G. .

2. Which of the following equations most fully explains the main laws of the photoelectric effect.

BUT. ; B.; AT. ; G. .

3. Find the energy of a photon with an oscillation frequency of 1.1 ∙ 10 15 Hz.

A.. 7.3 ∙ 10 -19 J; B. 4.56 ∙ 10 -19 J; B. 11.68 ∙ 10 -38 J.

4. Find the largest kinetic energy of electrons. if the work function of electrons from the surface of tungsten is 7.2 ∙ 10-19 J, and the wavelength of light that illuminates tungsten is 0.18 microns.

A. 3.8 ∙ 10 -19 J; B. 3.8 ∙ 10 -20 J; W. 38 ∙ 10 -19 J.

5. The “red border” of the photoelectric effect for metal is 620 nm. The work function of the electrons is ......

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TS-6. Light quanta. 1 option..

1 . A single portion of electromagnetic energy emitted by an atom is called:

A. Joule G. Quantum

B. Electron volt D. Watt

V. Electron

2 . The quantum energy is proportional to:

A. Quantum speed D. Oscillation frequency

B. Radiation time E. Radiation power

B. Wavelength

3 . The photoelectric effect is understood as the phenomenon of the interaction of light with matter, in which:

A. Extraction of atoms D. Absorption of electrons

B. Absorption of atoms E. Heating of matter

B. Pulling out electrons

4 . The maximum kinetic energy of electrons emitted when the metal surface is illuminated depends on:

A. Light intensity D. Work function and light frequency

B. Work function of an electron E. Power of light radiation

B. Frequencies of light

5 . The photon energy is determined by the formula:

A B C D E. hc

6 . With an increase in the wavelength of light by 3 times, the photon momentum:

A. Will increase by 3 times D. Will decrease by 9 times

B. Will increase by 9 times E. Will not change

B. Decrease by 3 times

7. When the intensity of light is increased by 4 times, the number of electrons pulled out by light in 1 second:

A. Will not change D. Will increase by 2 times

B. Decrease by 2 times E. Decrease by 4 times

B. Will increase by 4 times

8. The work function of electrons from the cathode of a vacuum photocell is equal to

2 eV. In this case, the plot of the dependence of the maximum energy photoelectrons from the energy of photons incident on the cathode has the form:

9 . The work function of electrons for sodium is 2.27 eV. Find the red edge of the photoelectric effect for sodium.

A. 2.5∙10 -7 m B. 4.5∙10 -6 m C. 5.5∙10 -7 m D. 5.4∙10 -8 m E. 8.7∙10 -7 m

10 . Mass of a photon with a wavelength of 0.7∙10 -6 m is equal to:

A. 2.3∙10 -30 kg B. 3.2∙10 -36 kg C. 2.5∙10 -33 kg D. 5.2∙10 -39 kg E. 4.2∙10 -28 kg

11 . When illuminating tungsten with work function 7.2∙10 -19 J light with a wavelength of 200 nm, the maximum speed of the emitted electrons is:

A. 7.7∙10 5 m/s B. 6∙10 6 m/s C. 3.3∙10 7 m/s D. 4.4∙10 4 m/s E. 5.5∙10 3 m/s

12. How many times the energy of an X-ray photon with a wavelength of 10∙10 -10 m more energy photon of visible light with a wavelength of 0.4 microns?

A. 4 times B. 80 times C. 400 times D. C 4∙10 3 times E. C 8∙10 3 times

13 . If the work function of the electrons from the photocathode is 3 eV and the photocathode is illuminated by light, the photon energy of which is 6 eV, then the value of the retarding potential at which the photocurrent stops is equal to:

A. 3 C B. 9 C C. 1.5 C D. 4.5 C E. 12 C

14 . The frequency of the radiation incident on the photocell is halved. By how many times should the delay voltage be changed if the work function can be neglected?

A. Increase by 2 times D. Reduce by times

B. Reduce by 2 times E. Leave unchanged

B. Zoom in times

15 . Assuming that a 25-watt light bulb emits electromagnetic waves with a wavelength of 1100 nm, calculate how many photons the light bulb emits in 10 seconds of normal operation.

A. 7∙10 20 B. 10∙10 20 C. 14∙10 20 D. 28∙10 20 D. 25∙10 20

16 . In one of the experiments on the photoelectric effect, a metal plate was illuminated with light with a wavelength of 420 nm. The work function of an electron from the plate surface is 2 eV. At what delaying potential difference will the photocurrent stop?

17 . Determine the wavelength of light that illuminates the surface of the metal if the photoelectrons have a kinetic energy of 4.5∙10 -20 J, and the work function of an electron from the metal is 4.7 eV.

TS-6. Light quanta. Option 2

1. A separate portion of electromagnetic energy absorbed by an atom is called:

A. Joule G. Quantum

B. Electron volt D. Watt

V. Electron

2 . The hypothesis that atoms emit electromagnetic energy in separate portions was put forward by:

A. M. Faraday B. D. Joule W. M. Planck

G. A. Stoletov D. A. Einstein

3 . The phenomenon of pulling electrons out of a substance under the action of light is called:

A. Photosynthesis D. Electrification

B. Impact ionization D. Quantization

B. Photoelectric effect

4 . Einstein's equation for the photoelectric effect is:

5. The momentum of a photon is determined by the formula:

A B C D E. hc

6. Energy of photons with a decrease in the wavelength of light by 2 times:

A. Decrease by 2 times D. Increase by 4 times

B. Will increase by 2 times E. Will not change

B. Decrease by 4 times

7. With a decrease in light intensity by 9 times, the number of electrons pulled out by light in 1 second:

A. Will not change D. Will increase by 9 times

B. Decrease by 9 times E. Decrease by 3 times

B. Will increase by 3 times

8. The work function of electrons from the cathode of a vacuum photocell is 1 eV. In this case, the graph of the dependence of the maximum energy of photoelectrons on the energy of incident on photon cathode has the form:

9. Determine the red limit of the photoelectric effect for potassium if the work function is 2.15 eV.

A. 2.3∙10 -7 m B. 5.8∙10 -7 m C. 4.6∙10 -6 m D. 8.5∙10 -8 m E. 9.2∙10 -7 m

10 . When the oscillation frequency in the light wave is 8.2∙10 14 Hz photon mass is equal to:

A. 2∙10 -30 kg B. 3∙10 -33 kg C. 6∙10 -36 kg D. 4∙10 -39 kg E. 9∙10 -28 kg

11. When illuminating Zinc with work function 6.72∙10 -19 J light with a wavelength of 200 nm, the maximum speed of the emitted electron is:

A. 8.3∙10 5 m/s B. 6.2∙10 6 m/s C. 6.9∙10 6 m/s D. 3.1∙10 4 m/s E. 2.3∙ 10 3 m/s

12. If the energy of the first photon is 4 times the energy of the second, then the ratio of the momentum of the first photon to the momentum of the second photon is:

A. 8 B. C. 4 D. D. 2

13. If the wavelength of the radiation incident on the cathode and causing the photoelectric effect is halved, then the value of the retarding potential difference (the work function is small)

A. Increases by 2 times D. Decreases by times

B. Increases by a factor D. Decreases by a factor of 2

B. Will not change

14 . The potential to which a metal plate can be charged, the work function of electrons from which is 1.6 eV, when illuminated for a long time by a stream of photons with an energy of 4 eV, is equal to:

A. 5.6 C B. 3.6 C C. 2.8 C D. 4.8 C E. 2.4 C

15 . The human eye perceives light with a wavelength of 0.5 microns, if the light rays entering the eye carry an energy of at least 17.874∙10 -18 j per second. How many photons of light hit the retina of the eye every second?

A. 18 B. 27 C. 36 D. 45 E. 54

16 . What is the smallest voltage that completely traps electrons ejected by ultraviolet rays with a wavelength of 300 nm from a tungsten plate if the work function is 4.5 eV

17 . An electron flies out of cesium with a kinetic energy of 0.32∙10 -18 J. Determine the wavelength of light that causes a photoelectric effect if the work function of an electron from cesium is 1.9 eV.

Physics. Grade 11. KIMs.

2nd ed., revised. - M.: 2014. - 112 p.

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From compiler 3
Test 1. Repetition of what was studied in grade 10: kinematics, dynamics, statics 6
Test 2
Test 3
Test 4. Fundamentals of electrodynamics. Magnetic field 18
Test 5. Electromagnetic induction 22
Test 6. Generalization of the topic "Fundamentals of Electrodynamics" 26
Test 7. Oscillations and waves. Mechanical vibrations 30
Test 8. Electromagnetic oscillations 32
Test 9. Production, transmission and use of electrical energy 34
Test 10
Test 11. Mechanical waves 42
Test 12
Test 13
Test 14
Test 15
Test 16
Test 17
Test 18
Test 19
Test 20. Atomic physics 72
Test 21. Physics of the atomic nucleus. Elementary particles 74
Test 22
Test 23. Repetition: magnetic field, electromagnetic induction, electric current in various environments, electromagnetic oscillations and waves 80
Test 24. Repetition: geometric optics, light waves 84
Test 25. Repetition: geometric optics, light waves 88
Test 26
Test 27
Keys to tests 106

From the compiler
The purpose of this manual is to conduct a comprehensive, differentiated assessment of students' achievements, to help the teacher prepare students for the exam. Control and measuring materials allow you to determine the level of assimilation by students of the federal component of the State Educational Standard. When developing the content of control and measuring materials, the need to verify the assimilation of the elements of knowledge presented in the codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of training of graduates of educational institutions for the Unified State Examination in Physics was taken into account. Control and measuring materials include tasks that check the following sections (topics) of the physics course:
Magnetic field, electromagnetic induction, mechanical and electromagnetic oscillations.
Electrodynamics and fundamentals of SRT (electric field, direct current, magnetic field, fundamentals of SRT).
The quantum physics.
Physics and methods of scientific knowledge.
With the help of the materials of the manual, it is possible to carry out systematic individual and group control when checking homework and consolidating the knowledge gained in the classroom, they will be useful when compiling assignments for olympiads and competitions in physics.
At the end of the book are answers to all tests and assignments.