Virtual tour of the arctic shamrock. Virtual Arctic

The world of the newest information technologies occupies an increasing place in our lives. Therefore, in the educational process, computer technologies are actively used, which contribute both to improving the efficiency of education and to educating a socially active person.

A new form in information and communication technology is a virtual tour. A virtual tour is an organizational form of learning that differs from a real tour by a virtual display of real-life objects in order to create conditions for self-observation, collecting the necessary facts, etc.

A huge role in activating the activity of students during virtual excursions is played by the search method. Students not only get acquainted with the materials of the expositions, but also actively search for information. This is achieved by posing problematic questions before the tour or by receiving certain creative tasks.

The relevance of the methodological development "Virtual tour" The Fragile World of the Arctic "" is due to the fact that 2013 in Russia has been declared the year of environmental protection. Russia owns a huge sector of the Arctic. 2012 was declared the year of the Arctic. In connection with climate change, anthropogenic changes, the unique nature of the Arctic is in danger. The younger generation should know what environmental problems are facing the Arctic today, what are their consequences.



Fomina Snezhana Leonidovna, teacher of biology and geography, MBOU "Linguistic Gymnasium No. 27", Severodvinsk

Methodical development

extra-curricular activities on environmental topics:

Virtual tour "The Fragile World of the Arctic".


The world of the newest information technologies occupies an increasing place in our lives. Therefore, in the educational process, computer technologies are actively used, which contribute both to improving the efficiency of education and to educating a socially active person. It is impossible to teach a teenager if he is not interested, if he is not passionate about the process of cognition.

A new form in information and communication technology is a virtual tour.

A virtual tour is an organizational form of learning that differs from a real tour by a virtual display of real-life objects in order to create conditions for self-observation, collecting the necessary facts, etc.

The advantages are accessibility, the possibility of repeated viewing, visibility, the presence of interactive tasks and much more.

The teacher himself selects the material he needs, draws up the necessary route, changes the content according to the goals set. The components of this excursion can be video, sound files, animation, as well as reproductions of paintings, images of nature, portraits, photographs.

A huge role in activating the activity of students during virtual excursions is played by the search method. Students not only get acquainted with the materials of the expositions, but also actively search for information. This is achieved by posing problematic questions before the tour or by receiving certain creative tasks.

The relevance of the methodological development "Virtual tour" The Fragile World of the Arctic "" is due to the fact that 2013 in Russia has been declared the year of environmental protection. Russia owns a huge sector of the Arctic. 2012 was declared the year of the Arctic. In connection with climate change, anthropogenic changes, the unique nature of the Arctic is in danger. The younger generation should know what environmental problems are facing the Arctic today, what are their consequences.

Children's age: Grade 8-9 (14-16 years old)


  1. Aleksandrova E. V. Virtual tour as one of the effective forms of organizing the educational process in the literature lesson / E. V. Aleksandrova // Literature at school. - 2010. - No. 10. - p. 22–24
  2. Skaldina O.V. The Red Book of Russia. - M .: Eksmo, 2011.

Virtual tour "The Fragile World of the Arctic"

Purpose of the tour : Education of respect for the nature of the Arctic.

Tasks : To establish the features of adaptation of the animal world to the conditions of icy silence. Find out the influence of man on the nature of the Arctic.

Equipment: multimedia projector, document camera, handouts (photos, texts, descriptions of animals, texts of assignments, A4 sheets, felt-tip pens,), presentation, DVD-disk “Russia from edge to edge. Arctic" or Internet resource)

Room preparation:Before the start of the tour, tables and chairs in the hall are arranged so that the students are divided into 2 teams (8-10 people each)

Leading: Hello dear tourists!

(Annex 1, slides 1,2)

Today I invite you to make an unusual journey - virtual, to the Arctic. To get acquainted with the harsh nature of the Arctic, to establish the features of the adaptation of the animal world to the conditions of icy silence, to find out the influence of man on the nature of the Arctic. We will see the unique nature of the Arctic, its fragility and vulnerability, the need for protection.

When visiting any excursion, there are certain rules, let's remember them together!

(students name the rules of conduct on excursions. One student briefly (with one word or phrase) fixes them on the board.)

So, we remembered the rules. You can hit the road.

I suggest you plunge into the world of the Arctic. To do this, let's watch a short video clip that will help you in the subsequent assignment.

A video fragment about the nature of the Arctic from the film “Russia from edge to edge. Arctic". (10 minutes) link

Leading: I propose to each group to perform a small task “make, search, analyze, and select the necessary information on the topic “Animal adaptations to life in the Arctic”.

Group 1 - identify the animal from photographs and identify features of adaptability to the harsh conditions of the Arctic.

Group 2 - identify the animal according to the description and identify the features of adaptability to the harsh conditions of the Arctic.

After 4 minutes, the groups present the results of their work.

Each group is given the text of the task, photographs or descriptions of animals, sheets of paper, felt-tip pens.

1 group identifies the animal from the photo, writes out with a felt-tip pen on the sheet the fitness traits of animals that they were able to identify from the photo of this animal (3 photos)

Group 2 underlines with a felt-tip pen in the text the fitness traits of animals that they were able to identify from the description of this animal, determine the animal according to the description (descriptions of 3 animals)

Presenting the results of your work: (Annex 1, slides 3-5)

A representative of the 1st group shows a photograph of the animal (it is better to display it on the screen through a document camera), names it, talks about the features of adaptation to the harsh conditions of the Arctic, which they were able to identify from the photograph.

The representative of the 2nd group names the animal that they identified from the description (after that, the assistant presenter displays the image of this animal, prepared in advance, on the screen.) The representative of the 2nd group talks about the traits of adaptability to the harsh conditions of the Arctic, which they identified from the description.

Also, for 2 other animals, groups perform alternately. Because Thus, a complete picture of the adaptation of animals to harsh cold conditions is obtained.

Leading: Well done, you've done the job!

Now let's play a bluff game! Your task is to answer the question "yes" or "no" by holding up the appropriate sign.(on the tables there are signs with the words "yes", "no") (Appendix 1, slide 6)

Ready? Begin!(all questions and then answers are displayed on the screen through a multimedia projector, Appendix 1, slides 7-13)

  1. Do you believe thatIs Russia today the only country in the world where white seal fishing is allowed? (YES! Hunting for the polar seal is prohibited throughout the world. Except Russia!
  2. Do you believe thatin Russia, the St. (Not!St. John's wort earns as much in two or three weeks of fishing as a Pomor who goes out on the ice for two hours with tourists. Compare: two hours to communicate with people and animals or two weeks to kill animals, the price is the same.

The Arkhangelsk region has a huge potential for it is enough to bring 300,400 tourists per season - and you can block the profit from the fur fishery!

  1. Do you believe thathas the Arctic ice thickness halved over the past 30 years? (Yes! According to 2004 data, over the past 30 years, the thickness of the Arctic ice has decreased by half on average. Many experts suggest that in the 21st century, most of the Arctic waters will be completely ice-free in the summer, and this will open up new prospects for maritime transport of goods. And by 2070, the Earth may completely lose the northern ice cap).
  2. Do you believe thatArctic fox, musk ox, polar bear, seal, walrus, eider and many other animals of the Arctic are rare and endangered and listed in the Red Book of Russia and the world? (Yes!)

Leading: Now let's solve the problem:

Why are all these animals rare and endangered and listed in the Red Book not only of Russia, but of the whole world?(Conversation with the participants of the excursion)

(Appendix 1, slide 14)The ecosystem of the Arctic is fragile and vulnerable! Many animal species are rare and endangered because…

1. man exterminates arctic animals for profit;

2. human activity violates the natural habitat of these animals, which leads to a change in the population;

3. Climate warming leads to thinning of the ice cover - it will not be able to withstand such large animals.

Host :( Appendix 1, slide 15)This is where our tour comes to an end. We got acquainted with the harsh nature of the Arctic, established the features of the adaptation of the animal world to the conditions of icy silence, found out the influence of man on the nature of the Arctic. Do you agree that the nature of the Arctic is unique, fragile and vulnerable? She needs our protection!

Video "Arctic" about the melting of ice in the Arctic (5 min.)Internet resource link

We would like to end our tour with the words of a poet

Mikhail Dudin

Like an apple on a platter, we have one Earth.

Do not rush people to scoop everything to the bottom.

It's no wonder to get to the hidden caches,

To plunder all the riches of future ages.

We are a common grain of life, one destiny relatives.

It is shameful for us to fatten on account of the future day.

Understand this people as your own order.

And then there will be no Earth and each of us!

Handout "Describing Animals"

1. Pure seabird, perfectly adapted to the environment; flies into the interior of the mainland only by chance. Like all real seabirds, it is connected to solid ground only during the nesting period. The rest of the time he spends on the high seas and along the coasts, almost without going to land. She is not afraid of either strong surf or storms. The described species is widely known for its famous down.

Together with dense dense plumage and a significant layer of subcutaneous fat, this lush high fluff, especially densely covering the abdomen, is one of the bird's adaptations to life on the icy water of the northern seas, on cold rocks, on snow and frozen soil of the Arctic coasts. A caring mother wraps her eggs in warm and light fluff. This fluff - she plucks it from her chest and abdomen - is special: it does not fall into a ball, but lies in a nest with a high fluffy hat.

Down has exceptional lightness and low thermal conductivity, enjoys a well-deserved reputation as the best natural insulation in the world. This down has been used since time immemorial among the peoples of the north, and is used in the most critical cases at the present time. It is indispensable for tailoring polar pilots, climbers, etc., and this is its great practical importance. Fluff was one of the treasures of the North, and foreign merchants sailed for it, as for salmon and beaver skins. As a result of barbaric fishing (not only collecting fluff from nests, but also shooting adult birds all year round), the animals left the sea coasts and began to settle only on the islands. But even there the people did not leave them alone.

From the cold water of the polar sea, the bird is protected not only by subcutaneous fat and thick warm fluff, but also by a whole system of air sacs surrounding the whole body. These bags also play the role of an excellent hydrostatic apparatus, which makes it easier for the birds to dive into the water and rise to the surface.

2. Animals belong to the large pinnipeds. It is distributed throughout the shallow seas of the Arctic Ocean around the polar, but very unevenly.

On average, the body length is 3-4 m, and the weight is about 1.5 tons. The most characteristic feature of these animals is powerful tusks protruding 0.5 m or more above the gum. Unlike elephant tusks (overgrown incisors), their tusks are fangs (2-4 kg each). In females, they are shorter and thinner. The meaning of the tusks was initially unclear. Some scientists attributed to them the functions of protection from enemies, others saw them as supporting devices that they allegedly use when getting out of the water onto ice floes. Now it is known that, with fangs, animals loosen the bottom surface, looking for food for themselves - this is their main function.

They are clumsy in appearance, but they are capable of agile movements both in water and on land. Their thick skin (3-5 cm) is covered with sparse coarse reddish hair. Particularly striking are the rough, thick, dense vibrissae on the upper lip, arranged in several rows. They are very mobile and serve as organs of touch, with which walruses probe food at the bottom of the sea (at a depth of 40-50 m), catching various mollusks, worms, crustaceans and, much less often, small fish. There are no external auricles. The ear openings and nostrils close tightly when the head is immersed in water. The flippers on the inside of the hands and feet are devoid of hair. Moreover, the rear flippers can be tucked under the body and, when moving, help to push off the surface of ice and earth. In water, flippers serve as organs of swimming and diving.

Animals are not afraid of the cold; in ice water, they do not freeze, because their body protects a thick layer (5-10 cm) of subcutaneous fat from cooling. Can sleep not only on the shore, but also in the sea. During sleep, they do not sink in water, holding on to the surface with the help of a subcutaneous air sac connected to the pharynx. They lead a herd life, arranging rookeries on ice floes or on coastal fast ices.

3. The largest terrestrial representative of the predatory mammals. Its length reaches 3 m, weight up to 800 kg. Females are noticeably smaller (200-300 kg). The smallest are found in Svalbard, the largest - in the Bering Sea.

Despite such size and seeming slowness, even on land they are fast and agile, and in water they swim easily and far. With amazing dexterity, they move on the heaviest ice, passing 30-40 km a day. At the same time, it easily overcomes ice hummocks of almost 2 meters in height. The enormous power of the pillar-shaped legs and the size of the foot allow the animal, if necessary, to move through deep snow faster than any other polar animal.

The animal is distinguished by a long neck and a flat head. His skin is black. The coat color varies from white to yellowish; in summer, the fur may turn yellow due to constant exposure to sunlight. Wool is devoid of pigmentation. The beast has an incomparable resistance to cold. Its thick long fur consists of hairs that are hollow in the middle and contain air. Many mammals have this protective hollow hair, an effective insulator, but those of the bear have their own characteristics. Fur retains heat so well that it cannot be detected by aerial infrared photography. Excellent thermal insulation is also provided by the subcutaneous layer of fat, which reaches 10 cm in thickness with the onset of winter. Without it, animals would hardly be able to swim 80 km in icy Arctic water.

They can be found on the Russian coast of the Arctic Ocean, in the north of Norway, in Greenland, in Canada, in Alaska. By the way, these are the only large predators on Earth that still live in their original territory, in natural conditions. Largely due to the fact that seals live on drifting ice in the Arctic, this is their favorite and main food.


1 group.

Task: identify the animal from photographs and identify features of adaptation to the harsh conditions of the Arctic.

2 group.

Task: identify the animal from the description and identify the features of adaptability to the harsh conditions of the Arctic (underline in the text).


Photo description

YES! Hunting for the polar seal is prohibited throughout the world. Except Russia!!!

In Russia, St. John's wort earns more than a Pomor who goes out on the ice with tourists to communicate with pups?

St. John's wort earns as much in two or three weeks of fishing as a Pomor who goes out on the ice for two hours with tourists. Compare: two hours to communicate with people and animals or two weeks to kill animals, the price is the same. The Arkhangelsk region has a huge potential for exotourism. It is enough to bring 300-400 tourists in a season, and you can block the profit from the whitefish fishing!

has the Arctic ice thickness halved over the past 30 years?

According to 2004 data, over the past 30 years, the thickness of the Arctic ice has decreased by half on average. Many experts suggest that in the 21st century, most of the Arctic waters will be completely ice-free in the summer, and this will open up new prospects for maritime transport of goods. And by 2070, the Earth may completely lose its northern ice cap.

Arctic fox, musk ox, polar bear, seal, walrus, eider and many other animals of the Arctic are rare and endangered and listed in the Red Book of Russia and the world?

1. man exterminates arctic animals for profit; 2. human activity disturbs the natural habitat of these animals; 3. Climate warming leads to thinning of the ice cover - it will not be able to withstand such large animals.

The simulator complex for mathematical modeling of operations for managing ice conditions makes it possible to simulate marine operations in ice conditions of any complexity. During the development and creation of the simulator, Russian-made components were used to the maximum. The complex includes two full-scale navigation bridges, control posts for crane operations, offshore operations for towing platforms, and offloading oil from a platform to a tanker. On the basis of full-scale and model tests, verified mathematical models of the movement of ships and marine objects, a realistic mathematical model of the ice situation were created, which makes it possible to model the behavior of ships in ice, overcoming hummocks and towing icebergs with the maximum degree of realism. Among the main features of the simulator: conducting research navigation simulation of the operation of ships in ports or at shipping terminals at sea; creation of effective ice management systems based on the data of a unique complex of physical modeling of marine operations in the ice experimental basin; development and implementation of training courses in cooperation with leading Russian educational centers and the expert community

Alexander Pronyashkin, head of the training complex:

To date, this is a unique simulator with an ice model, which is available only in our Krylov State Research Center. In the Arctic, when performing offshore operations or towing a platform (for example, the Prirazlomnaya platform), almost everything depends on the experience and skills of the navigator.

In order for Arctic projects to strike a balance between costs, efficiency and safety, it is necessary to work out actions on simulators at an early stage.

There are only three such simulators in the world - we have one of them, developed by Transas, one - by the companyAker Arcticin Finland, and one from the companyKongsbergin Norway. The ice model that is used in the simulator is unique in terms of the setup and behavior of the model. This allows navigation modeling and training of specialists in accordance with the requirements of the new IMO Polar Code. We, together with the Maritime Academy. adm. Makarov, we will hold ice courses to train specialists with the participation of invited experts. The experience of experts is combined with our technological base, which can be configured and simulated - as a result, a unique course is obtained, which has already been completed by more than 150 experienced navigators from Atomflot, Gazflot,Mitsuiand many others. Also, on the basis of our simulator, the Makarov Academy has deployed a site for certification in accordance with IMO requirements.

The simulator is a single software package with six captain's bridges. The simulator uses a virtual model of the interaction of three-dimensional objects in real time, which can break, float, hit the body, and so on.

You can set a navigation task for the ship - the simulator will plot a route, look at the forecast, see everything on the radar and AIS. You can also simulate marine operations - mooring, oil loading, etc.

Operations with the Prirazlomnaya platform and the Varandey terminal are modeled entirely on a separate post.

Simulators allow you to completely reload and simulate the situation, change ship models, time of day, location. Simulate ice passages, oil transshipment, hummocks, wind, current.

In the process of simulating movement by the simulator, all operations are recorded by an electronic system. Target parameters are also set - speeding - cornering speed, acceleration. You can set an emergency situation, an overload of the engine - you need the user to react in time in an appropriate way. All design parameters of the ship and the parameters of the impact on the ship are recorded in time in the form of a database.

All sessions that took place on our simulators are stored in a single information database. Together with the Kronstadt company, we are currently developing an ice management system, and we are developing the models ourselves. Here, it is very important for trainees to acquire the skill of team interaction during operations, including offshore ones, and to work out the assigned tasks.

At the moment, we are negotiating with companies such as Gazflot, Gazprom, Sovcomflot, with a view to further fruitful cooperation.

Ice test. New ice pool

The new ice pool was created in order to increase the research capabilities of the laboratory while maintaining all the previously accumulated experience in the field of modeling studies conducted on the basis of the previous experimental facility. Unlike the ice basins currently existing in the world, it provides for the possibility of creating two fundamentally different types of simulated ice, which allow the most accurate reproduction of operational ice conditions for various marine equipment. Particular attention in the design of the ice basin was given to the possibility of maximum visualization of the processes of interaction between ice and engineering objects. To do this, large observation windows are mounted in the bottom and left side of the pool, which allow observing the experiment from under water, from below and from the side.

Aleksey Dobrodeev, Head of Ice Technology Testing Sector:

The new ice basin of the Krylov State Research Center is one of the largest structures of this type in the world and is designed to study the shape of the hulls of promising ice-going ships, their propulsion systems, to work out various tactics of movement in ice, as well as to study the interaction of ice formations with the support bases of gravity and floating platforms for oil and gas production. The list of capabilities of the new laboratory is not limited to those studies of marine equipment objects that were discussed above.

The level of specialists allows performing theoretical calculations of ice loads and creating or modifying new hull shapes at the early stages of design, as well as exploring complex non-standard objects, such as bridge supports, berthing structures and special-purpose technical devices.

The size of the ice field intended for model testing is 80 by 10 meters. The time for creating such a field is 2 days. On the first day, the so-called sowing of the future ice cover is carried out, its preparation with the required characteristics in terms of ice thickness and strength, and on the second day, the tests themselves. The thickness range of the ice cover modeled in the basin is from 15 to 100 mm. The maximum length of a large-tonnage vessel model is about 10 meters, and the width is within 1 meter. Basically, the depth of the basin does not exceed 2 meters, however, there is also a deep-water part, which is 20% of the length - it is 4-5 m, and is necessary for the study of floating offshore structures. In this case, we model the anchor connections of future structures and study the ice load on these objects. When studying gravity structures that should be installed on the bottom of water areas, we use an artificial bottom model, which allows us to investigate not only the load on these structures, but also the nature of the occurrence of ice piles near the supporting bases

I would like to pay special attention in the pool to the presence of underwater portholes that allow observing the experiment from under the pool. Thanks to them, we obtain important information for designing about the nature of the flow of ice fragments around the ship's hull and their interaction with propellers.

There are two trolleys in the ice pool - towing and technological. The towing station is designed to conduct an experiment with a model of the structure under study, and the technological one is used to prepare the ice cover, create various ice formations, such as broken ice, hummocks, ice slush, as well as measure the physical and mechanical properties of ice. The way to test ship models is to tow their hull with running propellers at a given speed in the ice. For offshore structures, the principle of inverted motion is implemented, when the model of the future platform is towed through ice formations with a simulated ice drift speed. In real conditions, their interaction occurs in a different way - the ice is moving towards the structure. There are a number of other methods that make it possible to simplify the preparation of the experiment, as well as to increase the efficiency of using the prepared ice field. One of them is to test ship models in parallel channels. Thus, the ice field is conditionally divided in half along the width of the basin, and each of these halves is used for an experiment to study, for example, the ice propulsion and maneuverability of the vessel. This is possible due to the use of the so-called ice clips, which, after the passage of the vessel, make it possible to restore the integrity of the ice cover and thereby restore the conditions of a continuous ice cover for the next series of tests.

There are not so many analogues of the ice pool located in St. Petersburg. One of them is in Helsinki and the other in Hamburg. There are several other ice basins located in different parts of the northern hemisphere of the Earth, but the experience and capabilities that are on a par with ours are inherent only in these two research laboratories.

Work under pressure. Complex of ground hydrobaric stands

The complex is designed to simulate the immersion of strong hulls of underwater equipment and outboard equipment (for example, deep-sea submersibles for underwater oil production) in order to study their strength and reliability. The complex allows you to simulate diving to the extreme depths of the oceans. During the period of operation of the stands, 1531 tests were carried out, during which about 10,000 standard products were tested, 13 inhabited deep-sea vehicles, including Paisis, Rift, Mir, Consul, Rus and Bester

Gleb Tumashik, Head of the Laboratory for the Strength of Structures of Subsea Equipment:

Our Center has several large hydrobaric chambers, where we can raise the pressure to test structures or underwater outboard equipment for various types of loads. DK-1000 and DK-600 are our two largest cameras. The main part of the chambers is located underground, the chamber goes underground for 30 meters. DK-1000 with a diameter of 1.8 meters and 5.5 meters deep, in it we can simulate the immersion of objects at 15 km during a single dive (higher than the depth of the world's oceans) and multiple dives up to 10 km. The DK-600 chamber has large dimensions, a working diameter of 3.2 m and a depth of 9 m, but lower pressure parameters, it is possible to simulate dives of 10 km single and 6 km multiple, when the object stays in the chamber for several days or even weeks, and during cyclic tests when you need to dial a certain cycle of dives.

When testing, the object is placed in the working area, the working area is closed with a lid, then the process of pressure rise begins.

Here we tested the submersibles "Mir", "Rus Consul" and various Chinese submersibles. Also here we test outboard equipment, models that are necessary for the development of new design solutions, elements of underwater pipeline systems, and test new materials.

All materials that are currently used in submarine shipbuilding were tested in the experimental compartments that were tested in these chambers.

Now Gazprom and I are working on testing elements of underwater production complexes. In this case, there are issues related to internal pressure, with casing pipes. Tests of small-sized underwater vehicles less than 2 m, except for our cameras, there is nowhere else to conduct.

We are approached from different countries. Also here, if necessary, it will be possible to test models of underwater production complexes. We can check for operability - whether this or that mechanism will work under pressure.

site - Siberian scientists have created a virtual map of the Arctic, which allows simulating natural processes.

Systems for modeling various natural processes occurring in the Arctic have been developed by scientists from the Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics (ICM&MG) of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The data obtained, according to experts, will not only be used in the study of these phenomena, but will also help to assess the climatic and environmental risks associated with anthropogenic impact on the Arctic.

"The virtual map is based on the ITRIS geographic information system, which allows you to create a Russian analogue of Google Maps, but unlike the latter, it has the ability to connect dynamic software modules and use them to model and visualize events taking place on certain parts of the Earth," writes " Science in Siberia".

Currently, the system mainly contains programs that allow to demonstrate real and alleged tsunamis, river floods, as well as the spread of flood zones during floods. On the map, all these phenomena are represented as special points. By clicking on one of them, you can get additional information on each specific event. However, as scientists assure, any other useful information can be easily "uploaded" into the system.

"Visualization makes it possible to analyze huge flows of information. Just graphs and diagrams often do not give an idea of ​​the complex processes that are taking place," Sergey Kabanikhin, Acting Director of ICM&MG, believes.

In general, according to him, the project being created will allow developing existing methods for modeling physical processes in the Arctic, technologies for solving large problems on supercomputers, as well as methods for diagnosing and interpreting results.

"It is assumed that this model of the climate system of the Arctic, as part of the Earth's system, will be comparable with foreign counterparts, however, significant attention will be paid to the processes taking place in the northern regions of Russia in its development," the scientific publication explains.

The obtained data, according to experts, can be useful for both short-term and long-term economic planning, including the development of priority areas of agriculture, the development of natural resources and the construction of transport infrastructure in the coldest areas. However, in order to make such comprehensive forecasts, according to scientists, it will be necessary to create a special situational center for modeling the Arctic.

"To solve problems, it is also planned to involve specialists from other Siberian institutions - first of all, the A.A. Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, as well as regional branches of the Russian Academy of Sciences," the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences added.

In addition, Roskosmos plans to create a hydrometeorological system for monitoring the Arctic in the near future.

"To observe the Arctic, two Arktika-M satellites will be launched into a highly elliptical Earth orbit," the space agency said.

These spacecraft will provide Roshydromet with data for weather forecasting, will control emergencies, and also carry out environmental monitoring of the environment. In addition, the system will make it possible to predict the conditions for aviation flights, the state of the ionosphere and the Earth's magnetic field.

In addition, in the spring of 2015, the Russian drifting polar station "North Pole-41" will join the work on the study of the Arctic.

"We are planning next spring, most likely in March, to land polar explorers on the ice floe. It will be SP-41. We are resuming expeditions and will try not to interrupt them in the future," he said at the international forum "The Arctic: Present and Future" Head of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation Sergey Donskoy.

The official clarified that 300 million rubles have already been allocated in the country's budget for the restoration and operation of the station.

"Researchers are tasked with conducting hydrographic and meteorological studies, as well as the entire volume of scientific research that is required to ensure monitoring," Donskoy specified.

Meanwhile, information about everything that happens in the Arctic zone will now be studied with special attention by Rosstat. The corresponding decree was signed on December 10 by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

"In accordance with the instructions of the president, the Arctic zone of Russia should be singled out as an independent object of federal statistical monitoring," the press service of the Russian government specified.

In particular, when assessing the level of socio-economic development of the Arctic, information on demography, gross regional product, mineral reserves, renewable sources of resource base reproduction, expeditions of marine scientific research, weapons, military and special equipment, populations of rare and endangered animal species, listed in the Red Book of Russia, as well as indicators of cargo turnover along the routes of the Northern Sea Route. The main array of such information, according to the order, will be formed on nine land territories, starting from 2015.

Also next year, the military will continue to develop the Arctic. In particular, according to the Russian Defense Ministry, in 2015 it is planned to significantly strengthen the grouping of the surface forces of the Northern Sea Fleet.

"In the short term, the Navy expects to receive more than 15 Project 22350 frigates and their modifications - Project 22350M. These ships will form the basis of the Navy's ship groups in the Arctic zone, the Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea," the ministry said in a statement.

The Navy will use these ships in all latitudes of the sea and ocean zones. Thanks to the universal technical equipment, they will be able to solve a wide range of tasks in the fight against ships, submarines and aircraft.

"The crews for Project 22350 frigates are already being trained according to the updated programs at the joint training center of the Navy. It includes working out real tasks on new training and simulator complexes that are supplied to the Navy, and takes into account the important circumstance that many processes on frigates Project 22350 frigates are currently being automated at Severnaya Verf, the construction of a series of project 22350 frigates "Admiral Golovko" and "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Isakov" is underway.

Reviewer Natalia Ponomareva

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