The impact of the technical process on global warming. Global warming

MBOU Nizhnemaktaminsky secondary school №2

Educational project

(research work)

about the work done

Completed the work: Islamov Damir

MOU Nizhnemaktaminsky secondary school №2

Almetevsky district

Republic of Tatarstan

Head: geography teacher

"Global warming. Ecological catastrophy"

MOU Nizhnemaktaminskaya secondary school No. 2,

Almetevsky district.

Supervisor: .

I. Introduction.

The theme of my project is "Global Warming". The chosen topic interested me for several reasons. Firstly, this is a very relevant topic of today's modern world, secondly, this is a very serious problem, because our future life and the lives of other people depend on it, and thirdly, this problem, I think, can be solved by us, people and so I want to consider this topic, this will be my research.

Targets and goals:

2) Find out: Is global warming really happening on Earth?

3) Determine: what impact this problem has on people's lives;

4) Find out: what has been achieved over the years in the study of global warming?

Stages of work:

1. Examine the causes contributing to the emergence of "global warming"

2. Conduct a survey among students

3. What is "Global Warming?" - find reference material

4. Consider issues of influence global warming on the lives of people, cities, entire states.


To strengthen their position in the world, people diligently pretend that it has already been strengthened - said the famous French moralist, philosopher La Rochefoucauld Francois de.

And in fact, in the 20th century, many mistakes were made in the field of economics and nature conservation. People wanted to show that they can do everything and can be responsible for others. This ruined the man, his self-confidence led to the fact that we found ourselves in such a situation. And we, the people of the 21st century, must now correct the mistakes of our ancestors, and prevent our planet from dying.

I. 1.1 Start of global warming.

Having studied the materials of the media, the Internet, I studied the materials about what causes global warming. There are several versions of the beginning of global warming, I tend to one.

For the first reason global warming began in the 1950s. So-called carbon dioxide accumulated in the atmosphere, today its concentration is 385 ppm, and before the 1950s the concentration was 267 ppm. To solve this problem, it is necessary to reduce carbon dioxide to 350 ppm.

For the second reason, the movement of lithospheric plates has influenced the climate of the Earth in recent years. After all, lithospheric plates move the continents north, south, thereby changing their location. It is they who destroy plateaus, mountains, plateaus, etc.

For a third reason a strong emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere of the planet: water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane and ozone. After the industrial revolution in the 17th century, the level of greenhouse gases began to increase.

About half of all greenhouse gases emitted by mankind remain in the atmosphere. Anthropogenic greenhouse gases have an even greater impact on the Earth's climate, their concentration is very high. Anthropogenic gases appeared as a result of the use of oil, coal, natural gas, and various ores. In particular, the impact of the greenhouse effect since 1750, according to the IPCC, is 8 times higher than the impact of changes in solar activity.

In my opinion, the third reason was the beginning of this global warming. Glaciers on the mountains are disappearing, which leads to an imbalance of water vapor in the Earth's atmosphere, in Greenland and Antarctica, 315 cubic kilometers of ice has melted into the sea, the level of the Pacific Ocean has risen several meters in 3 years.

What do my classmates think? What reason will they choose as the main one. Basic? I did the GLOBAL WARMING ENVIRONMENTAL DISASTER survey at my school and got these results:

11% of respondents believe that warming began in the 1950s.

Due to the accumulation of so-called carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Even fewer people, this is 5% of the respondents chose the second reason - the movement of lithospheric plates. And 86% of the students of our school agree with my opinion that the greenhouse effect has become such a "destroyer" of our temperature balance on Earth.

And so, 11% of students voted for Carbon Dioxide, 5% for the movement of lithospheric plates. These indicators tell us how the media influences our minds. After all, we receive initial information from news, radio, Internet news. And I think that this problem should be considered more deeply.

I. 1.2 What is Global Warming

(the note)

Global warming is the process of increasing the average annual temperature of the Earth and the oceans. Global warming entails not only an increase in the level of the waters of the World Ocean, but also the expansion of deserts, the disappearance of glaciers, the appearance of frequent droughts or vice versa rainy days, the acceleration of the power of hurricanes, tornadoes, whirlwinds, it will also bring us a reduced level of crops, which can cause famine and crisis in the country, the world. It also turns out that LCD monitors can significantly affect global warming. They are produced using nitrogen trifluoride, which is 17 times more hazardous to the atmosphere than carbon dioxide. Already, this gas in the atmosphere is 4 times more than expected.

I. 1.3. How Global warming affects the lives of people, the life of states and their economies.

There are various incidents occurring in the world due to Global Warming, here are a few of them:

A white bear among the bare snowless land is no longer nonsense. Polar bears come to the water of Hudson Bay in October-November, waiting for the water to freeze to start hunting. Now, due to global warming, the ice melts earlier and forms later. That is why bears are often left without food - they simply do not have time to work up a mass due to a short hunting period.

The Swiss Parliament approved preliminary measures to move the border with Italy near the Matterhorn, caused by melting glaciers. The border between Switzerland and Italy was established in 1861, when Italy was still a monarchy. Along with the ice sheet of the Alps, the border also disappears. According to the Zurich World Glacier Monitoring Service, the Alps suffer more than the other half of the glacial topography in this region. Almost 90% of the Alpine glaciers are currently less than 1 square kilometer in area. As the ice melted due to the rise in temperature, it "moved out" for a fairly significant distance. The difference between the old and new borders will range from a few meters to 100 meters. According to the UN, the global average temperature in this region has increased by 0.76 degrees Celsius (1.37 Fahrenheit) since the pre-industrial era, when people began to use more polluting fossils as fuel for energy and machine power.

The countries of Europe and Central Asia are facing serious consequences of climate change. Rising water levels in the Black Sea have already threatened numerous ports and cities along the coasts of Russia, Ukraine and Georgia. Many countries in the region are unable to painlessly adapt to new climate challenges.

This is warned by the World Bank in the report "Adaptation to climate change in Europe and Central Asia". It emphasizes that “historical poor environmental protection and unreasonably large scale infrastructure in countries outside the EU are fraught with dangerous consequences. These countries are becoming painfully vulnerable to even minor climate change impacts.” The report presented at the climate conference in Bonn says that, contrary to popular belief, the region is already facing the effects of climate change. Since the beginning of the 20th century, in the Europe and Central Asia region, average temperatures have already increased by 0.5ºC in the south and 1.6ºC in the north (Siberia), and by the middle of the 21st century, temperatures are expected to rise by 1.6 - 2.6ºC. The change in temperature in the north is expected to be more pronounced during the winter months. In the next 20-40 years, the number of frosty days there will be reduced by 14-30. In the south of this region, climate change will be most pronounced during the summer months, and the number of hot days will increase over the same period. at 22-37.

Global warming will inflict enormous costs on the economies of states. After all, a law came into force that until 2030, each state is obliged to pay 75 million dollars every year. But this is very necessary, because if the average annual temperature rises by two degrees,

The consequences of melting glaciers will be catastrophic for many countries of the world. And this will have an even stronger impact on the infrastructure of countries and its reserves.

In people's lives, global warming is probably not a significant role, but although hurricanes and earthquakes, which have become more frequent, cause very great harm to the homes of people living in seismic zones. What if we take as an example a powerful 10 magnitude earthquake in Haiti. 170,000 people died, several hundred thousand people were injured. The UN is actively working to prevent the aftermath of the earthquake, but this is very difficult.

We also need to think about why global warming happened, maybe we are the culprits of all this. And all that we have done, by common efforts, can be corrected. This, of course, will take many decades, but we must now, right now, take some action. For example, go out to clean up forests, parks, streets from garbage. Do not use tobacco products that emit toxic substances that also damage the atmosphere. I believe that if all layers of the Earth's population unite, then the restoration of the atmosphere of our planet will go even faster.

I.1.5 Technologies of the future.

Wasteless technology - a technology that implies the most rational use of natural resources and energy in production, ensuring the protection of the environment.

It seems to me that we should switch to a more waste-free production, because we modern people are developing and becoming intellectually smarter than our predecessors. I heard that technologies are already being developed in the developed countries of the world: Russia, USA, Canada, South Africa, etc.

Waste-free technology in the energy sector.

Solid and liquid fuels are not fully used during combustion, and they also form harmful products. There is a technique for burning fuel in a fluidized bed, which is more efficient and environmentally friendly. Gas emissions must be purified from sulfur and nitrogen oxides, and the ash resulting from filtration should be used in the production of building materials.

Waste-free technology in metallurgy.

It is necessary to widely use solid, liquid and gaseous wastes from ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, along with a simultaneous reduction in emissions and discharges of harmful substances. In non-ferrous metallurgy, it is promising to use the method of melting in a liquid bath, which requires less energy and causes less emissions. The resulting sulfur-containing gases can be used in the production of sulfuric acid and elemental sulfur. .

Wasteless technology in transport.

At the latest car show in Detroit, the most interesting models are shown running on an electronic battery instead of gasoline. As the creators of cars say, in the near future it will be the most demanded energy for cars. It will cost much less and last longer than gasoline or gas.

I. 1.6 (additional block) Is global warming an exaggeration or not?

The famous British naturalist and TV presenter David Bellamy believes that the main reason for the increase in the Earth's temperature is that in South America, Africa, Asia, Australia, the amount of

tropical forests, where 2/3 of the planet's animals and plants live. And the Global Warming belief is greatly exaggerated.

A Russian theoretical physicist came to a similar conclusion, he claims that there is a weak moisture transfer of plants on the planet, because their natural habitats - forests - are being destroyed. “But the greenhouse effect has nothing to do with it,” the scientist said.

Weather Channel founder and journalist John Coleman believes that global warming is a scam. He believes that some scientists want to cash in on this, and politicians want to increase their popularity rating.

Anatoly Wasserman believes that the greenhouse effect is not as dangerous as they write about it in the media.

Hacker boom!!!

Below I give materials that I managed to find using the Internet on this issue.

In November 2009, some hacker programmers uploaded archival folders of scientists' conversations to the Internet: here are their most common articles:

On November 16, 1999, Phil Jones wrote: "I just used Mike's trick from Nature and added actual temperatures to each row of values... to hide the decline." Critics contend that the letter is a confession of deceit on the part of Jones. Jones claims that this montage of two dissimilar graphs was described by him in the literature, and he used the word "trick" (eng. trick) not in the sense of "trick" or "deception", but as a description of a complex operation accessible only to professionals.

On March 11, 2003, Jones wrote, "I'll write to the magazine and tell them that until they get rid of this troublesome editor, I won't do business with them." Critics argue that Jones is demonstrating his willingness to go to any lengths to prevent articles by critical authors from appearing in respected journals. Jones claims,

that the editor allowed the publication of "garbage" and he was simply trying to improve the quality of the Climate Research journal.

On June 4, 2003, Michael Mann wrote: "it would be good to try to limit the imaginary medieval warm period, although we do not yet have a temperature reconstruction for the hemispheres for that time")