Memorization of faces. If you want to be remembered

Having a hard time remembering someone's name? Do you want to remember the names of all your friends, employees? There is an exit! With the help of this article, after going through several stages, you will learn how to remember any name. Only five ways, and you will not get into an awkward situation.

Step 1: When you first learned the name of a new acquaintance, repeat his name three to four times: ", Igor, Igor, Igor." The whole trick is to repeat the name without noticing. First, try to chant spontaneously.

For example: "Nice to meet you, Igor. How are you?" Then repeat this twice during the conversation. "This is very interesting. Igor, what do you think of my proposal?", "So, Igor, what do you do on the weekend?". After that, insert the name of the interlocutor into the conversation from time to time to keep his name in your mind. But do not overdo it, otherwise you will seem very strange to the interlocutor.

Step 2: During the first conversation, you should carefully study the face and clothes of the interlocutor, paying special attention to any distinctive features. Make an association in your head with this person. For example, if the interlocutor is tall, then "tall Igor", or with a mole on his cheek, then "Igor with a mole." The next time you see, for example, a mole, you will remember this person.

Step 3: Also, try to make simple rhymes out of this person's name. It can be either a funny rhyme or some other, the main thing is that it is "imprinted" in your head. For example: "Vovan is a blockhead", "Pashok is a ruff". If you can associate a rhyme with a person's identity, then it will be doubly good. A bearded man, for example, can become "Mikhail needs a shave."

Step 4: If you can't remember the person's name, ask a mutual friend to remind you of the person's name sometimes. You don't have to be shy - it's much better than calling them "Hey you, how are you."

Step 5: If all else fails, simply ask the person's name again. You need to politely say: "I'm terribly sorry, i forgot your name".

Everyone forgets names from time to time, so feel free to ask for a name again. After this reminder, you are unlikely to forget a second time.

Find and remember the name in VKontakte

These 5 ways should help you remember the names of people in any situation. However, no one is perfect, and if you find yourself unable to remember the name, don't worry. Just look at his name on Twitter "e or VKontakte.

Do you also have a bad memory for names? In that case, these 5 techniques will come in handy, with the help of which you will get rid of your forgetfulness once and for all.

Probably, many of us are familiar with the unpleasant situation when we meet a familiar person, but we cannot remember his name. Or, even worse, we get to know someone and after 5 minutes we have no idea how to address him. This can happen anywhere, from a friend's party to a business lunch or a new work team.

How to learn to remember names? There are several proven ways to do this.

According to an article in Psychology Today, the ability to remember names also deteriorates with age. It turns out that about 85% of middle-aged and older people forget names. However, this does not mean at all that forgetfulness of names appears only with age, because many young people also notice such a shortcoming in themselves.

Why do we forget names

This phenomenon can be explained. When we meet someone for the first time, our attention is scattered on many factors - the face, the appearance of the person, his voice, the way he speaks, gestures and the environment around him. An overabundance of information and a defocusing of our attention often lead to the fact that we cannot remember the name of the person in front of us.

Remembering the name is important

If you want to get the attention of a person, the easiest way to do this is by calling him by name. Research shows that the pronunciation of our name activates our brain, even if we are in a noisy environment. That is why many influential leaders attach great importance to names and try to use them to the maximum. The effect of this is easy to verify: I suppose it is pleasant for everyone to realize that he is remembered when he hears his name. Conversely, the forgetfulness of others causes negative emotions.

How to remember names

If you, like many other people, constantly forget names, Christy Hedges, professional coach, speaker and author of The Power of Presence: Unlock Your Potential to Influence and Engage Others, offers some proven tips to help get rid of this shortcoming once and for all.

We met - repeat

When you hear someone's name, don't just nod back and continue the conversation, but repeat that name, including it in your conversation or asking a new acquaintance about something. For example, if your new acquaintance's name is Mark, you can say: "Hi Mark, nice to meet you," or you can ask him the question: "How long have you been working in IT, Mark?".

Use the name throughout the conversation, but don't overdo it and don't repeat it too often. Also include the name in the parting phrase and, while saying it, look into the face of the interlocutor in order to fix in memory his image and name together.

Write down

Dr. Gary Small, a psychiatrist and memory expert, suggests asking a person to write down their name, especially if it is unusual or rare. This technique will be effective if you have a well-developed visual memory. Alternatively, you can ask the person for a business card and read their name on it while you chat with them. This will create a connection between the person and the visualization of their name in your memory.

And immediately after the meeting, write down the name of the person and basic information about him in your contacts. So you save all the most important things and, on occasion, easily remember the interlocutor. You can record both personal information and features of his appearance or the topic of the last conversation.

Use Associations

Many experts advise that when you hear a new name, create a verbal connection or a picture for association in your imagination. This can be any fact that you know about a person - his hobbies, field of activity, place of residence, etc.

Who hasn't been in a situation where a name they heard flew in one ear and immediately flew out the other, without even leaving a trace in your memory? Remembering names is an important element in communicating with people. This article provides useful tips that will help you easily remember the names of the people around you.

You should remember that the proper name for a person is the most important word, it is closely related to the personality of this person. How you work with people's names can have a profound effect on their impression of you: think of times when your name was said with respect and made you feel good about it, or vice versa, when your name was called carelessly or misspelled, and you immediately began to feel negative towards this person.

Remember the name as soon as you hear it

Unfortunately, most of us completely forget the name of another person as soon as we hear it. To make it easier for you to remember the name of a new person, try to repeat it mentally several times as soon as you hear it when you meet. Also imagine yourself, while saying the name of the interlocutor aloud: "Very nice, Alexander! I'm Dmitry."

Put extra effort into learning foreign or non-traditional names

Most of the people you meet have standard names that you have long been accustomed to. But there are moments in life when you meet or just hear an unconventional name. These people are used to people forgetting their names, so you'll make a good impression on them if you can remember their names accurately.

To make it easier for you to remember a new name for you, you need to ask to repeat and explain exactly how his name is pronounced, for example, by saying: “Unfortunately, I didn’t hear your name well, could you repeat it?”. These people are used to repeating or clarifying their name, so they probably won't mind, especially when you meet for the first time. Focus your attention on dividing the name into parts that will be easier for you to remember. For example, the name Chakravarti can be remembered as "Chakra-varti".

Also, when remembering heavy names, you can use associations. If you can associate the heard name with some object or action (if it has a consonant pronunciation), then this will make the situation easier for you. When using associations, you need to represent them as clearly and vividly as possible (a given person and an object / action that is similar to his name).

Do not forget that people do not like it when their names are called in a distorted form (unless, of course, this is done by a person close to them). Therefore, if you are not sure about the correct sound of the name, then it is better not to call it out loud, but simply ask to repeat it again.

Use people's names from time to time in conversation, especially when greeting and saying goodbye

After you have met and introduced yourself, you should use the other person's name during the conversation, which will not only help you remember his name, but also improve relationships, since all people love to hear their name.

It is desirable to know the names of the close circle of the interlocutor

You can create a good impression on the interlocutor if you remember not only his name, but also the names of his close friends and relatives. So instead of saying "How's your wife?", you'll say "How's Elena?" which is much better.

Prepare before dating

Often before you meet a new person, you have some free time. Try to relax before meeting and set yourself the task that you definitely need to remember the name that you will now say. And in no case do not set yourself up for the fact that you can once again forget the name when meeting.

Be observant

Each person has special facial features and habits. Try to link the name of a person to some of his external data that distinguishes him from the rest.

By developing your powers of observation, you will take a giant step towards improving your memory. People do not remember the appearance of new acquaintances mainly because they simply look at the face of the interlocutor, when it is necessary to carefully consider and study it.

It is better to train observation skills on the street or in public places. Each time, give yourself the instruction to concentrate on one thing, for example, one day you look only at the noses, another day - only the eyebrows, the third day - the ears, then the general outlines of the faces of passers-by, etc. To your surprise, you will find how much the faces of different people are not similar. By learning to notice these differences, you will develop your memory and it will be easier for you to remember names.

Exchange business cards

Even if you forgot the name of a new acquaintance, you can easily remember it just by looking at the business card that you took when you met. So if possible, try to exchange business cards.

Have a little chat

When meeting new people, you may feel uncomfortable and want to end the dating process as soon as possible. But this should not be done if you want to better remember the name of the interlocutor. Try to extend the acquaintance a little, during which you can get to know the person better and repeat his name aloud.

With practice, you'll find how much easier it becomes to remember a person's name when you meet them. As a rule, with the practical use of these tips, they become good habits and begin to be carried out automatically. So try every day to practice these tips on the names of the people you meet during the day, and soon your memory for names will be enviable!

Memory training
How to remember faces and names
Name memorization

Let's start by remembering the names. Names (and surnames), unlike faces, must not only be recognized, they must be remembered, that is, reproduced. And reproduction, as you know, requires much more effort than recognition. One way to remember names and surnames is to apply phonetic association method (see the chapter on memorizing foreign words).

This method is especially effective when memorizing foreign surnames and names, where, in general, there is almost nothing else left. For example, to the surname "Larsen" from the words of the Russian language, you can pick up two consonant words "casket" and "hay" and remember the surname, making up the plot: " LAR ets, full SEN a". After that, it is necessary to imagine the person who owns this last name and "weave" him in some way into this plot. (You will learn a little more about how this can be done in the section on remembering faces.)

If you just need to remember a list of surnames ( without remembering their belonging to one or another person), then a plot from phonetic associations is enough, which you can sequentially associate with the next plot, and so on. (The list of surnames and names can also be remembered using the method of related associations.) This method can be useful to you if, for example, you meet guests according to the list and do not want to confuse the invitees by looking into it every time.

Another example: for the surname "Bronston" we select consonant words "armor" and "groan". Now, in order to remember this surname, one can imagine Bronston himself, sewn into BRON yu and MOAN current. It can be imagined that from BRON car MOAN etc. Often the last name must be remembered along with the profession of a person, then something related to the profession must be included in the plot. And in general, any information about a person's life can help you remember his last name and / or his first name and patronymic, if you skillfully use it in the plot.

Russian names and surnames can also be memorized using sound associations. But in the case of surnames, it is more likely to be not sound, but semantic associations, more precisely, in most cases the words from which they are derived. In this case, some specific difficulties may arise. For example, the names "Voronov" and "Voronin".

Both surnames originated from the word "raven", that is, the association that is useful for drawing up the plot will be exactly this word. However, the suffixes of these surnames are different - "ov" and "in". There are a lot of such surnames that have a common basis, but different endings and suffixes in Russia. And the people who wear them are probably used to the fact that their surnames are often "a little mistaken." And yet you can learn to remember and not confuse even such similar names. How to do it?

First of all, you need to invent for yourself special designations that can be woven into the plot, as it were, and which will symbolize to you what kind of suffix the surname has. For example, in order to remember that the surname ends in "in", I use something in the plot " IN deyskoe" or " IN Indian". In the case of Voronin, I would mentally paint the crow used in the plot as an Indian, or put it on the head of an Indian doing yoga.

When I remember, when I see something Indian or Indian in my story, it serves as a signal to me that the surname ends in "in". To remember the ending "ov" I use some kind of OV osh or OV tsu, etc. Of course, these inserts must be full participants in the plot, otherwise they can be forgotten. In Russia, Ukrainian surnames ending in "ko" or "enko" are often found. To remember them, you can also come up with a special designation.

And it doesn't have to be a word that starts with "ko" (for example, "cat"), although, of course, this method is also effective in this situation. But besides this, you can use some national Ukrainian symbol, for example, bacon, a plate of borscht or an element of the national costume, in general, whatever your imagination tells you.

In addition to the common surname suffixes described above, there are others for which you also need to come up with special characters that, after some training, you will use in plots without hesitation. For example, in Russia there are many people who have surnames ending in "tsov", "tsev", "kin", "shtein", "vich", "sky", etc. You can come up with a symbol or symbols for each of these endings and use them when memorizing.

Some words have changed so much since ancient times or have gone out of use that it is easier to apply the method of phonetic associations to surnames formed from them (as to foreign words) than to look for the words from which they were formed. For example, the surname "Chumakov". Consonant words and a plot are born very easily: " BC brow among POPPY OV" or " CHUM among MAKOV". Surname "Cherkashin": " BLACK naya KASH a" or " BLACK titus KASH her", or "Left BLACK the one without porridge".

Remembering some surnames should be taken more carefully, for example, when remembering the surname "Polyakov", you can pick up the word "field" for it, and then accidentally confuse it with the surname "Polev", so it is better to use the word "Pole" or two words "gender (e )" and "yak". But confusion in such cases still occurs less frequently than in the case of "in" / "ov", since our memory in its natural way, directly, without any techniques, often remembers such things as the rhythm of a word, its size, etc.

In general, the more you train your memory, the faster she herself (as if in gratitude to you for caring for her, paying attention to her) will begin to track those moments when remembering to which you pay your attention , using various techniques, and will reveal its own resources, unknown to you, which is why you will increasingly be able to memorize as if without using special techniques, but with the same efficiency as if you were using them. In fact, these techniques will, as it were, collapse, moving to an unconscious level. In other words, you will teach your memory these techniques, and it will begin to apply them without you noticing.

Of course, in order to reach this level, you need to practice a lot, and the main thing is not only to train by doing the exercises from this book, but to practice in life, try to apply techniques familiar to you for all the information to be memorized that you encounter in life. Not all memory techniques can become ways that your memory will apply on its own. There are more "technical" (for example, pulp and paper mill) methods and more "figurative" ones (method of co-sensation, visualization). The greatest effect is achieved with their skillful combination.

So, in order for your memory itself to become your good assistant, you must strive to develop ease in using figurative methods of memorization, how to transfer responsibility for their use to memory. You will immediately feel when the transfer of this responsibility occurs. Then you will have the so-called imaginative thinking. Thus, on the one hand, you can further reduce the time required to remember information, and increase the strength of the memory traces, on the other hand.

*** Exercise 38.

In this exercise, try to memorize 14 names of people along with their professions so that when presented with a surname, you can name the corresponding profession and vice versa (for this you will need to make mini-plots from the surname and profession). You don't need to memorize the sequence of last names.

Test yourself. Opposite the professions, write down the names corresponding to them, and opposite the surnames - the professions.

Pay attention to your mistakes and create more specific images next time. For example, think about what associations you need to come up with in order not to confuse such close professions as a doctor, surgeon and therapist, or journalist and correspondent.

Surnames can also be close in meaning, for example, Medvedev and Potapov, so to remember them, you need to create clearer images. Try to check how well you remember the names plus professions in a few days.

*** Exercise 39.

Imagine that for some reason you need to remember a list of last names in a certain order. For example, the order in which visitors are received, the sequence in which you should seat guests at the reception, the sequence of phone calls, etc.

Here are the names that you need to remember in order. (To do this, connect the images that you will create for each of them into a plot or use the method of related associations or a verbal-numeric list.)

When remembering names, it is also convenient to use sound association method. To memorize well-known names (used in Russia), it is enough to choose only one association, even for long ones, since this association is needed only for reminder. And when memorizing complex foreign names, one association may not be enough, and you will have to select two (three), making up a mini-plot (phrase) from them.

The association invented for the name in the future should be used when drawing up a plot, which also includes other elements that correspond to the goals of memorization (surname, that is, of course, an association to it, patronymic, profession, etc.) See what associations can help you remember the names.

Some well-known names (not foreign ones) sometimes make sense to change somehow first, for example, use a diminutive name to invent an association or, conversely, a full name, depending on this you will have different associations, that is, their total number will increase: Natasha - Natalia - waist, talcum powder or Natasha - birdie.

In this case, as usual, it is better to use more descriptive words for the plot. For some names, it is possible to select not consonant words in the literal sense of the word, but words that rhyme with the name or, for some reason, are associated with it. For example, everyone knows the children's song: "Antoshka, Antoshka, let's go dig potatoes!" Therefore, to remember the name Anton, you can use the association "potato".

Nursery rhyme: "Our Tanya is crying loudly, she dropped a ball into the river ..." will help you to suggest an association for the name Tatiana. Many people associate the name Yuri with the first cosmonaut - Yuri Gagarin, so you can safely use any words related to space to remember him, most importantly, remember the path of your association so that Chekhov's "horse surname" does not turn out. In general, as usual, show more imagination.

*** Exercise 40.

In this exercise, try to memorize 10 combinations of surnames and names, combining them together into a plot. You don't have to memorize the sequence.

Test yourself by remembering the last name when presenting the first name and remembering the first name when presenting the last name.

Oksana -
Irina -
Denis -
Tyurin -
Neshumova -

Gregory -
Rozanov -
Tkachev -
Ivan -
Boris -

It is often the most difficult thing to remember a person's first and last name if the last name comes from the first name. That's when the confusion starts. But if you use associations to the names from which they originated to remember such surnames and strictly determine the order of words in the plot (for example, you will always start with a name), then you can avoid this confusion.

*** Exercise 41.

Remember the following names and surnames.

Now try, without peeping, to reproduce the names by surnames.

If you made a significant number of mistakes, repeat the exercise again. Only when checking, try, on the contrary, to reproduce surnames by names. In the application you, as usual, will find a lot of additional material for training.

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As statistics show, there are very few people in the world who have a photographic memory that allows them to remember every person in person. At the same time, this skill can be extremely useful in moving up the corporate ladder or establishing important business contacts.

All Courses Kom decided to take a closer look at the problem and help its readers learn to better remember people's faces.

Before treating any problem, you need to understand its causes. Why do many people complain about poor memory for faces? The reason may be an undeveloped visual memory, inability to recognize facial features, inattention to the person himself, poor eyesight, as well as deep immersion in oneself (this usually affects people in creative professions) and others. Here are some tricks you can use to solve this problem.

We observe intelligently

Trying to remember a person's face, use the concept of intelligent observation. How is the method different from the simple "I saw-remembered"? Usually a remembering person looks at the face of a new acquaintance as a whole and therefore, as a rule, does not remember anything. It is reasonable to focus your attention on the distinctive details: the shape of the nose, the shape of the eyes, the complexion and its shape, the features of the hairstyle.


If it is impossible to remember the whole person, psychologists advise the method of dividing the object into parts and then memorizing these parts separately, making mental notes. The bottom line is that by highlighting conspicuous parts, the object is easier to remember. You should first describe the common features, then the distinctive ones, and then add the details.

You should make a description of a new acquaintance from top to bottom, that is, from head to toe. Stopping at the face, you should describe in turn: hairstyle, forehead, eyebrows, ears, eyes, nose, lips, wrinkles (if any) and a feature of the chin.

All details should be described on a three-level scale: narrow, normal and wide. On some elements, you can make several characteristics, for example, at the nose, you can describe the hunchback, linearity, size of the wings, and so on.

The Tony Buzan Method

Which in certain circles is called the method of social etiquette, instructs people who want to learn how to remember faces to be polite and show genuine interest in a new interlocutor.

It will help to single out a new acquaintance if the one who remembers him respects him as a person and imagines that in each of him there is a universe of new qualities and colors. You should pay more attention to a person, keeping him in sight and observing his habits and habits. A new acquaintance, about whom more information is known, remains in memory for a longer period.

Self-discipline and self-discipline

A person can have an excellent memory, but if he is not confident in himself and constantly winds himself up, he will get confused and will not remember the simplest things. This is also the reason why a new face may simply not be imprinted in memory. The consciousness of almost every person is capable of assimilating, processing and remembering a huge amount of information. It is important to believe and convince yourself that a new face will definitely be remembered.

open your eyes

Everyone who is poorly sighted knows why such a person does not greet him first. He just can't see very well. Therefore, if your eyesight requires it, wear glasses or contact lenses.

It was found that in most cases, when a person complains of a poor memory for faces and has poor eyesight, it is almost certainly a problem that he does not wear or rarely uses glasses / lenses. A person with good eyesight focuses on details that will not allow him to confuse similar people. This is an important point and there may also be a problem.

Associate faces with character or appearance

Linking all the data about a person together will help create associations. If a person is not immediately imprinted in memory, an association will first pop up, or maybe a first and last name right away. By the way, All Courses Kom has already done a review for its readers,.

How to remember a face forever

To remember people you met during the day for a long time, remember them after 20-25 minutes, then after an hour, and for a stronger memory - in the evening before going to bed. Remember faces in detail, information about people that you learned additionally. Look through the accounts of new acquaintances in social networks, especially sections with photos. If you are meeting a group of people, it is convenient to ask for business cards. It remains only to reliably associate the owner of the business card with her - and the person will be firmly remembered. It is important not to confuse where whose business card is when getting acquainted, you should pay attention in a conversation with each person in turn and thereby gaining time for memorization. Take short pauses, looking at business cards and their owners, associating the design of cards with new acquaintances.