Army compass: the principle of operation. How to use a compass: basic tips and tricks Instructions for using a compass

The compass is an excellent tool for navigating the terrain, even in the most remote wilderness. With it, you can not be afraid to get lost or lost, but only if you use it correctly. It may seem to many that they know how to use a compass, and there is nothing complicated about it. But in fact, it is a whole science and there are a couple of tricks that can surprise even the most experienced tracker.

How to understand the compass readings?

Even understanding where the arrow is pointing, it is not always clear what the rest of the dashes and divisions on this navigation device mean. You can't learn how to use a compass without understanding how it works. All models may differ in design and size, but in general they consist of elements such as:

  • Main board(represents a plate to which an arrow is attached, most often a transparent or neutral shade).
  • Arrow indicating direction(most often two-tone, red on one side and blue on the other, for ease of orientation).
  • Ring(transparent device on which the magnetic needle is fixed).
  • Arc with divisions(the whole circle is divided evenly by dashes, which make up 360 degrees in total).
  • Magnetic needle(a rotating part that indicates the direction of the north).
  • Wind rose showing the location of the cardinal directions.

Even the location of the device is important, it must be placed correctly in the palm of your hand, raising it to chest level. In this case, the readings will be correct, and he will indicate the direction.

How to use a compass in the forest?

Once in the forest, it will be useful for a fisherman or hunter to be able to navigate correctly without a map. In this case, knowing how to use a compass in a forest or open area will help.

Use the navigation device as follows:

  • Before entering the forest, it is better to determine for yourself a landmark that may be useful in finding your way back. Experienced people call this "binding" to the terrain. Large power poles, or other objects that are visible from afar, are suitable for this.
  • Step back a little and look around. If objects of great height are noticeable, which will be visible from afar, then it is worth stopping at one, defining it as a guide. It is necessary to put a compass on an open hand and release the arrow. As soon as she comes to rest, you need to turn the body so that the arrow with a blue tip is directed towards the north.
  • Using the scale available on the device, you can calculate how many degrees to the landmark to the arrow, which is directed north. This indicator should be remembered in order to make it easy to go back later. After that, you can go deep into the forest without fear.
  • You can leave in any direction, but only at a right angle.
  • Each time, moving through the forest, you should specify your location in relation to the landmark.
  • Before going back, you should position it the way it was when it “looked” at the landmark. And go in this direction, then you can sooner or later stumble upon the chosen landmark.

So you can learn how to use the compass, going to the forest or fishing. Especially if the area is unfamiliar.

How to check the health of the device?

Before going out into nature and taking a compass with you as a navigation, you should be sure that it is not broken and that it indicates the direction correctly. You can do this at home. This requires:

  • Install the device on a smooth surface so that there is no tilt.
  • Release the arrow and after it has stopped, bring any metal object to it. As soon as she hesitated, remove it.
  • Carefully observe whether the arrow has returned to its original position. If this does not happen, then you do not need to use the compass.

If the device is not working, then it is better to purchase another one. There are quite a lot of them on the market, but for periodic trips to the forest, an ordinary tourist one is suitable.

There are a few tricks that can come in handy when using a compass.

  • If there is not a large enough landmark nearby, then you can choose temporary small objects. But in this case, the coordinates will need to be recorded. When moving backward, you should consistently move from one to another.
  • The most common beginner mistake is to rotate the compass case when you should turn yourself.
  • The arrow should rotate easily, no need to shake the device or try to tilt it. In this case, it may not lead at all to where it was planned.
  • You should be careful and remember that the arrow points to the magnetic pole of the Earth, and not to the geographic one, and therefore it is advisable to additionally check with the map of the area.
  • In areas where there are deposits of iron ore, the compass may behave strangely, for example, rotate randomly, showing north in a different direction. In this case, the main thing is not to panic and try to move a certain distance, repeating an attempt to determine the terrain.

These tips will help you use the compass correctly and avoid the most common mistakes.

What to do if the compass breaks in the forest?

There are times when a navigation device and even a compass, tested over the years, can fail right in the forest. In this case, you can use other guidelines. For example, help will come:

  • Polar Star. This is the only luminary that remains motionless in the sky. To find it, you need to find Ursa Minor among the cluster of stars, the extreme point in its bucket is a landmark that will indicate where the north is.
  • Church or mosque. If an Orthodox church is seen from a hillock, then the oblique crossbar on the cross will show the direction to the north pole as a raised part. If the mosque is visible, then the crescent at the top will face east.
  • Pillars. In some forests, structures with numbering are installed, they are also strictly oriented and the two smallest numbers will indicate the direction to the north.
  • River. If a stream flows in the forest, you can simply go down its course, as it will certainly lead to a large reservoir, and there are always people there.
  • Stones or trees. Large monumental oaks or cobblestones, which lie motionless for a long time, are always overgrown with a thick layer of moss on the north side.

All of these alternative methods can be used when other references are not available or in conjunction with a compass to make sure it works correctly. In any case, knowledge about these natural navigators will always be useful for both adults and children, and one day it may allow you not to get lost in the forest.

Traveling and hiking is a part of everyone's life. For some, a trip to a neighboring city is enough, others are planning to cross the mountains, and the third group is leaving for other countries. Some professions are related to orientation. These are pilots and sailors. In any case, everyone plans their trip in advance, draws up a route, determines the points of the pass.

It becomes very unpleasant when a trip to the forest for mushrooms or just for the sake of adventure is overshadowed by wandering and anxiety. In such a situation, a compass and maps save. Having them at hand, you will easily get out of the unknown surroundings to civilization. It is important to understand what it is, what it is for, and learn how to properly use a compass in the forest and without a map.

How the compass works

This is a small device, in the center of which an arrow is fixed on a thin needle. It performs rotational movements exactly parallel to the Earth's lines of force, which are surrounded by magnetic fields. The discovery is listed among the four most important and valuable achievements of Chinese scientists. Its value can be compared with the invention of gunpowder, paper and printing on textiles. Modern models have been improved and have some variations. However, the principle of how to use the compass remains the same.

Let's take a closer look at how the compass works:

  1. The classic version is round. Mostly metal and plastic models are sold. They are not made of iron. They are made of aluminum copper. Models with a reinforced body are also available.
  2. Under the glass cover you can see the dial. His second name limbo. The signs of the sides of the horizon are fixed on it. Also, in ascending order, the division on the compass is indicated - degrees. Zero value on the compass is north, 90 is east on the compass, 180 is south, 270 is west. The countdown is clockwise.
  3. The compass needle is also under the cover. It is placed on a thin hairpin so that the movement is as easy and accurate as possible. Often there is a two-color version, where the red arrow on the compass shows the north direction. However, compliance with such a rule falls only on the shoulders of the manufacturer.
  4. Arretir - a mechanical locking lever designed to hold the arrow in non-working moments. When it is lowered, the compass needle is immediately released and begins to look for the north.
  5. The classic version is complemented by an outer ring designed to establish a guide for movement. In modern models, the ring has been replaced by a human-operated arrow. Also available are devices with a ruler and a map. Sometimes they are supplemented with a magnifying glass.

When is a compass better than a navigator?

Every day, new gadgets are invented and released for sale. One of these fashionable devices have become. It contains a map and a route planning function. Communication with the satellite allows you to accurately determine the location of the traveler and accompanies him throughout the entire route.

The main disadvantage of this gadget is the battery. It can sit down or break unexpectedly. In this case, the tourist will not be able to receive any data about his whereabouts.

The gps navigator contains a map and a route planning function.

With a tourist compass and a geographical map, this is easier. They do not depend on the capacity of the battery, and the pointer readings are accurate in nature.

It is important not to forget to move the device away from electronics, magnets and metals. The only difficulty lies in knowing the rules for reading a map, the basics of route planning and the rules for using a compass.

How to navigate with a compass

Move away from electronics and metal buildup. To start orientation, you need to remove the arrow from the latch. She will perform a few rotational movements, stabilize and point north.

Once the direction is known, adjust your map to match the compass exactly. Select some objects and compare what you see with your map.

When you determine your position, you need to determine the destination and make a route. To do this, match the north of the map and your device, and designate the direction.

Designations on the compass of the cardinal points

In the notation system, the use of the first letters is accepted. For example, Russian manufacturers often use N - north, south - south, east - east, west - west.

The international system assumes the use of the Latin alphabet: North (N - north), South (S - south), East (E - east), West (W - west).

This is a simplified version. It is permissible to indicate intermediate values ​​on the dial.

How to calculate cardinal points

Examining and studying the map in detail, we know that the north is drawn on top, and the south is drawn below. In this case, the location of the cardinal points can only be approximately calculated. With a compass, things are a little different. The compass needle is not fixed, does not indicate the location of your position and other objects on the map. It is required to identify the cardinal points.

The magnetized part of the rotating needle always points north. The other half is south. In various scientific publications, there is often an indication that the northern part is blue. In other sources - red. In practice, it can even be multi-colored. To avoid errors, you must independently determine the magnetized half. So you additionally make sure that your compass is working.

To study, go outside at noon with your device. Until 12.00 the sun is located near the southern direction. The half that turns towards the sun is south.

How to use a compass to find the bearing

Azimuth is the angle between north and your destination, measured in degrees.

The procedure for determining the azimuth:

  1. Place the device horizontally.
  2. The arrow descends from the latch.
  3. When the arrow stabilizes and stops fluctuating, it is combined with the value of C (S) on the limb.
  4. Select your destination. Align with the degrees on the compass.
  5. Calculate the given angle and strictly follow it. Try not to deviate.

Following the data received, the tourist will accurately reach the goal. To return, the reverse azimuth is taken - you have to go in the opposite direction.

Determination of position by compass without a map

The compass also makes it possible not to get lost in an unfamiliar forest without a map. Choose an object that will become a guide for you. It is better that it be an extended object - a road or a river.

Then you need to move into the forest perpendicular to the selected object. However, it must be visible to the traveler.

Inveterate tourists often purchase transparent compasses. They are much more convenient when working with maps, and the applied lines and contours greatly simplify compass orientation on the ground.

Next, work with the compass begins. It is placed on a flat surface and the arrow is activated. As soon as the arrow stabilizes, it is compared with the north. Draw a mental line to the object. The fixed value is the back azimuth for the return.

Note! When moving in a wooded area, it is important to control deviations from the chosen course and try to avoid them.

To return, you need to take the compass so that the front sight points exactly ahead.

Compass and map orientation

If a long trip is planned, and the destination is located far from the city or village, then it will not be superfluous to stock up on a map, compass, ruler and pencil, to study how the compass works. Many travelers study the area in advance.


  1. Position the map strictly horizontally and mark all the places you plan to visit.
  2. Next, lay the device on the map and put the arrow in action.
  3. Align the northern half of the arrow with the same value on the map.
  4. Use a ruler to draw a line between the first stop on the itinerary and the middle of the limb. Calculate the direction bearing to the first selected point. It is recommended to immediately record the back azimuth in the records.
  5. Next, mark all the selected points in this way.
  6. As you travel, keep your eyes on the data.

When planning stops at several points, all measurements are made in advance, as this will take up valuable time on the way.

Having made preliminary calculations, you can not be afraid to get lost even in an unfamiliar or wooded area.

The specifics of using compasses

The principle of operation with some devices may be a little specific. First of all, it is necessary to single out from the total mass those devices in which the arrow is glued to the dial. This greatly simplifies the task, because now you do not have to combine the arrow and the north. Many tourists note the convenience of such a device. However, it is slightly slower than its simplified predecessor.

Another option is complemented by a small mirror. It is designed to control the measurements of the magnetic needle relative to the scale.

Inveterate tourists often purchase transparent ones. They are much more convenient when working with maps, and the applied lines and contours greatly simplify compass orientation on the ground. Using it, you can make the calculation of the true azimuth. In this case, the work will not depend on nearby magnets, cars or electrical appliances.

Also in goods for tourists you can find options with liquid in the flask. There are no differences in the functioning of devices with air.

Military, army or artillery models are distinguished as a separate category. They differ significantly from the amateur device. The military compass is made of shock-resistant material, and the needle stabilizes much clearer and faster. These two seemingly insignificant differences greatly simplify the work.

Compass error, magnetic declination

Geographic poles do not always coincide with magnetic ones. This phenomenon is connected with the laws of terrestrial magnetism and was discovered in the 19th century. This fact has already been taken into account in electronic devices and on maps.

The north magnetic pole is located 700 miles from the geographic one, at the same time, a deviation of 1500 miles is recorded in the southern hemisphere. The difference, namely the angle formed between the indicators, is called the magnetic declination.

The anomaly is registered in every part of our planet. For the most part, the discrepancies are minor and do not require adjustment. In some areas, the error can reach 25 degrees. To calculate the direction in this case, you must rely on information from the map.

Note! Due to the constant movement of the Earth and the displacement of the layers, the values ​​​​change. Therefore, it is recommended to update maps periodically.

What to do if the compass is still broken

The first thing a tourist needs to do is calm down. Breakdown even in unfamiliar surroundings is not a problem and not a sentence. This device can be easily built independently from improvised materials that an experienced tourist always has:

  1. sewing needle;
  2. the bottom of a plastic bottle;
  3. a piece of tree bark or cork (approximately 3x3 cm in size);
  4. battery or magnet.

In a wooden cork or bark, it is necessary to make a groove, where the needle will later stand. The needle must be magnetized. This is done in one of 2 ways:

  1. One end is applied to a magnet, and the other end is brought to a lit match. This is necessary to demagnetize the second half.
  2. Take a needle with insulated wire and attach different ends to different poles of the battery. That edge that touched the negative value will point north.

Types of compasses

When choosing a compass for yourself, you need to rely on your needs, goals and some fundamental points of their use.


This is the simplest and longest known device. Its second name is Adrianov, in honor of the name of the Russian engineer-inventor. It is made of metal or plastic case. Inside this case there is a dial indicating the cardinal points and degrees. The magnetized arrow determines the cardinal directions. It interacts with the earth's magnetic field.

Inside the case can be ordinary air or water. Some models are supplemented with a latch that delays the arrow while the compass is not in use. Magnetic - the most widely used device among experienced hikers and amateurs.


Electromagnetic is used in cars, airplanes and ships. The action is carried out due to magnetic induction.

Operation does not depend on nearby electrical appliances, metals or magnets. This feature allows you to calculate the route with the least error.


Electronic is the achievement of modern technological progress. The principle of operation is similar to the navigator. The device is powered by a battery, and the signal itself catches from the satellite. The technique takes into account all errors and magnetic declinations. That is, they are the most accurate.

The only negative is the possibility of battery discharge, which does not allow use on a long hike, where there is no way to charge the gadget.


The operation of the device is provided by a gyroscope. This is a device that responds to a change in orientation angle. Most often, such models are found in shipping and rocket technology.

How to use a military compass

Military models are among the most accurate measuring instruments. The body of the compass is made of metal, which ensures shock resistance and reliability when performing responsible military assignments.

Another plus is the tightness of the case and water resistance. Some will not lose their qualities even at depth. However, leaky ones can also be found on sale - the choice depends on the conditions in which you will use the selected device. After all, even an experienced tourist may be interested in buying a military device. For a novice traveler, the difference will not be noticeable.

The principle of operation does not differ from the work of a conventional tourist, but however, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the instructions in advance.

As an additional element, they have a built-in ruler to simplify the work with maps. To perform accurate measurements, some models are equipped with a magnifying loupe and a sight. Such an apparatus will help to make accurate calculations and set the right course for further movement.

Long life, impact resistance, affordability, ease of use and the ability to use in a wide range of weather conditions makes the military a popular choice among terrain products.

compass app for android and iphone

A smartphone is a new and improved phone model that offers its owner various functions. Now it is almost impossible to imagine your life without it. They have become indispensable companions for travelers due to the availability of maps and a navigator.

All these applications make it easy to navigate the terrain. The determination of the cardinal points is due to the connection with the satellite. Having such an application on your gadget, you can not worry that you will get lost.

The phones have a SOS call function. The main disadvantage of the application is the need for a minimum charge. As soon as the battery on the phone runs out, the application will stop working.

The option is convenient for tourists planning trips abroad or to neighboring cities. It is important for tourists, military, sailors to learn the basics of working with maps, magnetic and electromagnetic compasses.

The basics of how to navigate with a compass in unfamiliar terrain, reading maps has long been out of the compulsory school curriculum. It has to do with advancing technology. Every tourist, pathfinder needs to know how to use a compass. Knowing the basics of working with maps and a compass, you can find a way out of even the most difficult situation.

It is easy to get lost in the forest or in unfamiliar places. In fact, sometimes it happens even in the city. The compass will help you find a way out without a map if a person gets lost. But not everyone knows how to learn how to properly use this device on the ground, because brief instructions for use do not always come with a compass.

In order to have basic survival and orientation skills, it is worth learning the rules for using a compass at home, in an apartment, and only after that go to the forests and test your strength in real conditions.

Now it is not necessary to buy a large tourist compass. It is enough to download it to your mobile phone, and the operating system does not matter - it can be Android or iOS. If we talk about the iPhone 5s, 6s and other versions, then the standard Compass application is already built into it. After starting the program, it is necessary to calibrate it by turning or rotating. When the process is complete, an arrow will indicate the direction of magnetic north.

A detailed guide in this case is equal to a short one. In the beginning, everyone will see four directions - north, south, east and west. The white arrow indicates where you are looking right now. To find north, you need to stand so that the white arrow and the red one near the north are connected.

If you need to go in one direction, put it on your smartphone and fix it on the screen, then the compass will indicate the slightest deviations from the course. By synchronizing with maps it is easy to determine your exact location at. To do this, just click on the bottom of the screen, but before that turn on the Internet and geolocation. A telephone compass, like any digital one (for example, on a smart watch), works with an error.

Xiaomi, Honor 9 or Samsung phones have a separate built-in GPS navigation function. It works simply: by activating it, you can see which way the phone is turned at the moment. Information is displayed on the map, and it helps to navigate the area.

You can download additional compass applications from the Play Market that will indicate the cardinal direction and coordinates, for example, Compass 360, Smart Compass or Accurate Compass.

An army or artillery compass is the most reliable. There are two types of it: with a lens and a string or on a board. The first option gives more accurate data, but both types are the same in use. The main thing is to hold the compass correctly. To do this, there are two techniques - the central grip or "to the cheek."

With the central grip of the compass, you need:

  • open the lid, which should create a straight line;
  • move the rear sight to free the dial;
  • spread your elbows in different directions, place the device at chest level;
  • aim at the object and see the azimuth readings under the fixed black line.

In the second option, it is necessary to open the cover vertically, move the rear sight forward, align the front sight through the aiming slot, set the azimuth value through the peephole. After that, note the readings of the degrees, then turn the device until the line coincides with the north. Just in case, double-check your readings.

The operation of the compass is affected by nearby metal objects and damage.

In general, there are a huge number of compasses - liquid, engineering, tablet, solar, geological, for children and with a clinometer, but they work on the same principle and the data show approximately the same.

The main division is by type: mechanical and electronic. The mechanical ones have a magnetized arrow pointing north, and the electronic device consists of several components, so not only the cardinal direction is indicated, but also other information.

Electronic includes several more types - with an indication of radio devices, with a description of additional information (degrees, exact coordinates, nearest objects), with a connection to satellites, which allows you to receive the most accurate information. Sometimes compasses develop into large systems, such as, for example, one of the most professional of this kind - "Electrician". It is used for designing and issuing documents.

By type of application, the following compasses are distinguished:

  • tourist ("Tourist 2", "Gk2"), where there is a magnetized arrow, sometimes with liquid filling ("Pathfinder");
  • military - very similar to tourist, but it still has a ruler, a sight, a magnifying lens, it can be used even under water;
  • geological, where the division goes counterclockwise, there is a clinometer;
  • astronomical - helps you navigate by the stars at night time;
  • engineering - used when creating projects for buildings, premises (engineer directional compass);
  • gyroscopic - directs to a real pole, used in air or in water;
  • compass - used by surveyors, and sometimes for directing artillery fire.

It is noteworthy that many followers of Feng Shui practice use a compass at home to determine the cardinal points and the correct placement of furniture. It can be an ordinary tourist compass, American, with a mirror, but a special one is better - burst.

For orientation in the city, a mobile application will be enough, but when hiking in the forest or camping, a military or tourist compass will do.

A device that will help you navigate the terrain, find the right path on the map and get out of the forest if you get lost. Compass. Of course, its practical use is directly proportional to the ability to use this device. Let's talk about how to use the compass correctly so that this device is not just a key fob in your pocket.

Compass Highlights

  1. With the help of a compass, the parts of the world are determined: north, south, west, east.
  2. The compass needle always points north. If there are two arrows, then more often the "northern" arrow is indicated in blue, or it is shorter, or it is a part with an arrow-shaped end.
  3. The compass has a so-called "brake" - a lever that prevents the arrow from moving.
  4. When using the compass, place it in the palm of your hand and hold it horizontally so that the arrow does not touch the glass or base of the compass and does not go astray.
  5. The compass may give incorrect information about the location of parts of the world if you are near power lines.
  6. Periodically check the correct operation of the compass (as indicated below).
  7. After each use of the compass, put it on the "brake".

Compass: check

Before using the compass, you should check its performance, otherwise you risk not only losing your way, but also not finding your way back.

  • To check, put the compass on a horizontal surface, wait until the arrow stops moving.
  • Bring a metal object to the compass and wait for the arrow to begin to change position.
  • After that, sharply remove the object and follow the arrow if it returns to its original position - the compass works well and can be used for orientation.

Compass on a hike: rules of use

Let's move on to talking about how to use a compass in the forest.

  • To begin with, we determine the landmark, the place to which we will return. As such a landmark, it is better to choose a road, a clearing, railway tracks, a river, that is, something long enough so as not to miss and go to a familiar place.
  • It is better to leave at a right angle from the landmark, that is, perpendicular to it.
  • Let's say our landmark is a road. We move a little in the direction we need and turn to face the road.
  • We remove the compass from the "brake" and, holding it exactly horizontally, rotate the compass until the arrow coincides with the north-south line (S-N, do not confuse: N - north - north; S - south - south).
  • We draw a mental line (you can attach a ruler, a straight twig) of our path. We look at the numbers along the edges of the flask - these are degrees. We calculate the degree from zero (north) clockwise. This is the return point (azimuth).
  • Next, we look at the figure from the opposite side - this is the direction of our movement.
  • Remember both numbers! I'm going to the forest.

Let's go back:

  • We take the compass on the palm of our hand, so that the return line mentally passes through the center and the number - the azimuth point (see above), the line should be directed forward.
  • Then begin to rotate around its axis, achieving the position of the arrow at the north mark.
  • After we go to the side where the gaze is directed.

If you are still a beginner and do not know how to use a compass, video clips on the Internet will provide visual information. The main thing is practice. But it is better to practice with knowledgeable people nearby.

Although it is possible to survive without a compass in the wilderness, it is very, very difficult without it. However, in order to never get lost or lost, a reliable compass and an accurate topographic map alone are not enough, you also need to be able to use them. Nevertheless, learning to navigate with a compass is not so difficult, as this article will prove to you.


Part 1


    Understand the compass marks. Of course, each model of the compass has its own look and design, but they are designed according to a similar principle. So, in particular, in each compass there is a magnetic needle pointing to the magnetic poles of the planet. Next, we will tell you about what a typical typical compass consists of:

    • Main board- This is a transparent plastic plate on which the compass is fixed.
    • Direction arrow is the arrow on the compass that indicates the direction.
    • compass ring- a transparent ring in which the compass is fixed, more precisely - a magnetic needle.
    • Division scale- a rotating arc around the compass, divided into 360 degrees.
    • Magnetic needle- an arrow rotating inside the compass.
    • direction arrow- non-magnetized needle inside the compass.
    • Reference lines- lines on the compass panel, laid parallel to the direction arrow.
  1. Learn to hold the compass correctly. Put the compass on your palm and bring your palm to your chest - this will be the correct position of the compass when you travel. If you just refer to the map, then put the map on a flat and even surface, and the compass, respectively, on the map in order to more accurately navigate the terrain.

    Determine which way you are looking. In fact, this is a simple and quick way to navigate the terrain and understand which way you are looking and heading. So, take a look at the magnetic needle. Unless, of course, you are only going north, it should deviate one way or another.

    • Rotate the division scale. This must be done until the direction arrow coincides with the magnetic arrow, that is, until both arrows point north. Then determine in which direction you are moving by looking at where the direction arrow is pointing. If it points to the area between the marks "North" and "East", then you are moving to the northeast.
    • Determine where the direction of the movement arrow will intersect with the division scale. To determine your direction more precisely, take a closer look at the division scale. If the intersection occurs opposite the number 23, then you are moving 23 degrees to the northeast.
  2. Remember the difference between the geographic and magnetic North Poles. Despite the fact that both of them are “northern”, you will remember the difference between them pretty quickly, and this difference, by the way, is very important for the correct operation of the compass.

    • north geographic pole- this is the point where the lines of longitude drawn on the maps converge. All cards have this point the same - at the top of the card. Alas, the Earth's magnetic field is not uniform, and therefore your compass will point not to the geographic, but to the magnetic North Pole.
    • north magnetic pole, respectively, is associated with the Earth's magnetosphere, more precisely, with its inclination, which is about 11 degrees from the inclination of the earth's axis. That is why the difference between the geographic and magnetic north poles is up to 20 degrees in some places. Accordingly, in order to accurately determine the direction and your location, you will also need to take into account the magnetic declination (and it is different everywhere).
    • It may seem that the difference is insignificant, but an error of just one degree will lead to the fact that, figuratively speaking, each kilometer of the path will take you away from the target by 100 meters. Now imagine what will happen if you need to walk 10 kilometers, 20 or 100. Accordingly, it is simply necessary to take into account the magnetic declination.
  3. How to learn to take into account magnetic declination? Good question. Actually, what is "magnetic declination"? This is the difference between magnetic and geographic north pole. To make it easier for you to work with the compass, you can add or subtract the magnetic declination in degrees from your heading, but this depends on whether you are using a map or compass, and whether you are in an area with an easterly or western declination.

    • Let's take the USA as an example. The zero declination line runs through Alabama, Illinois, and Wisconsin (albeit slightly diagonally). To the east of this line there will be areas with western declination, that is, in these areas, the north magnetic pole will be several degrees west of the north geographic pole. Accordingly, in all areas to the west of this line, the opposite will be true. Find out in advance the value of the magnetic declination in the area where you will travel - it will come in handy.
    • Let's say you're using a compass in an area with a westerly declination. Accordingly, having laid a course on the map, it is necessary to correct it by subtracting the appropriate number of degrees from it. If you are in an area with an easterly declination, then the course must be corrected by adding the value of the magnetic declination to it.

    Part 2

    Using the compass

    Calculate your direction. If you are walking through a forest or open area, it will not hurt you to determine your direction from time to time. To do this, rotate the compass until the direction arrow aligns with the direction you have been going and will be going. The magnetic needle will only align with this direction if you are heading north.

    • Rotate the arc of marks until you set the arc so that the magnetic needle points to the north mark. As soon as you do this, you will immediately see what degree the direction arrow shows.
    • Minimize the effect of magnetic terrain variations by rotating the left-right division arc by the appropriate number of degrees (depending on magnetic declination). Look at which mark on the division scale the direction arrow points to.
  4. Keep moving in the given direction. To do this, simply hold the compass correctly, turn with the compass so that the magnetic needle once again points north on the division bar. Start moving in the direction indicated by the direction arrow. Use the compass as much as you need to, but be careful not to accidentally move the tick bar.

    Focus on landmarks in the distance. To follow a given direction, look at the direction the arrow is pointing at and identify a landmark in that direction (a tree, a telephone pole, and so on). Do not focus on anything too far away (mountain), as large objects do not allow you to navigate the terrain with high accuracy. Once you reach the landmark, use the compass to determine the next landmark.

    • If visibility is limited and you cannot see distant objects, use fellow travelers as a guide (if, of course, you have them). Stand still, and ask them to walk in the direction indicated by the compass. Correct fellow travelers if they stray off course. When they are out of sight, call out to them to stop and wait for you. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
  5. Transfer the course to your tourist map. Place the map on a horizontal surface, place the compass on top so that the direction line points to north on the map. Then position the compass so that its edge passes through your current position (but the direction arrow still points north).

    • Draw a line along the edge of the compass and through your current location on the map. If you follow this direction, your path will follow the line drawn on the map.
  6. Learn to chart a course. To do this, place the map on a horizontal surface, put the compass on top. Using the edge of the compass as a ruler, connect the current position point to the point you are heading to.

    • Rotate the division scale until the direction arrow points to true north on the map. It will also help calibrate the compass reference lines to the north-south lines. Once the division scale is set, you can remove the card.
    • This will correct magnetic declination by adding the appropriate number of degrees to west declining areas and subtracting from east declining areas. This is diametrically opposed to what you were doing when plotting a course with a compass for the first time, so don't get confused.
  7. Use new coordinates. Hold the compass in front of you in a horizontal position with the direction arrow pointing away from you. As a result, you use the direction arrow as a guide to your destination. Turn yourself until the magnetic arrow aligns with the direction arrow. You are now facing the destination marked on the map.

    Part 3

    Calculate your location by getting lost

    Choose three objects that are marked on your map. They should be as far away from each other as possible, but remain in sight. One of the most important and at the same time difficult tasks for which the compass is designed is orientation in the area in case you get lost. If you find on the map characteristic sights or other objects that you see with your own eyes, and those objects are quite far from each other, then congratulate yourself - you have already "found".