Education system in Canada. Secondary education in Canada Primary school in Canada from the middle of the year

  • How to get an education in Canada?
  • How to significantly reduce training costs?
  • Is it possible to study in Canada for free?
  • How is education structured and what is education like in this country?
  • How to enter an educational institution in Canada, what documents are needed, when and how to submit them, what exams should be taken upon admission, how much does it cost to study, how to get a student visa?
  • These are the most common questions that are of interest to future students of Canadian educational institutions and their parents. These questions are most often asked in December, January and February, when the deadline for accepting documents for the next academic year is approaching.

Below are the answers to these questions.

Education system in Canada began to develop actively around the middle of the 20th century, when the country became one of the leaders in economic growth in the world, which it is still part of today. Then the question arose of streamlining the process of training personnel for the needs of the country's industry. This was achieved with the adoption of the first important legal act in this area, namely the Law on Education in the 40s of the 20th century. From the very moment of its adoption, it proved its necessity and relevance and has been successfully applied to the present day.

The two fundamental features of this Law are:
1. Obtaining a secondary education is the duty of all citizens and permanent residents of the country between the ages of five and sixteen.
2. Canadians have the right to choose whether to study for free in public high schools (Public High Schools) or for a fee - in private schools.

According to their geographical location, Canadian high schools can be divided into two types:
– Open directly within the country;
– Open all over the world, where there is interest in Canada and its secondary education system, which has been developing for almost a century and is considered one of the best in the world, meeting the highest standards of education quality.

Since the end of 2009 - beginning of 2010, there has been a steady trend among students from Russia and the CIS countries - there are more and more people who want to go to study in Canada every year, and the reasons for such popularity are obvious - high quality teaching at relatively low prices for studying, low criminal level, friendly international environment and excellent ecology.

Approximately 14-15 percent every year increases the number of foreign students who come to study in Canada. From year to year, the country is among the ten most successful countries in the world with a highly developed economy and a first-class standard of living. Including, and because of this, among foreigners, educational institutions in Canada are considered authoritative and attractive. Many of them are listed in the top 100 educational institutions in the world. Becoming a student of such an educational institution for any young person is always prestigious and profitable.
One of the key benefits of studying in Canada is the relative ease of obtaining permanent residence status in Canada after graduation.

Graduates of Russian and CIS countries of schools and universities, with the intention to study in Canada immediately after graduation at home and with proper paperwork, relatively easily obtain a visa and study permit, but the difficulty of obtaining a student visa increases greatly if there is a break from the moment of graduation in their home country and the beginning of their studies in Canada. The longer the break, the more difficult it is to get a visa. I say this to those who decided to study in Canada, but for no reason "pulls" time. Don't do it. Don't make it harder for yourself to get a Canadian visa in the future. It is relatively easy to stay in Canada, but very difficult to obtain an entry visa. Please keep this in mind.

1. Reasons for the popularity of Canadian education

A feature of the Canadian educational system is the fact that, as a rule, all school programs for foreigners are paid, and studies after graduation from high school are paid, both for Canadians and permanent residents of the country, and for foreigners. Unlike Canadians, whose education is partially paid by the state, foreigners pay the full amount for their education. However, for excellent foreign students, many educational institutions offer scholarships, which allows them to reduce the cost of studying, and sometimes, if there is a scholarship that fully covers the cost of education, we can conditionally talk about the possibility of obtaining a free education. For promising students, private and public funds can provide a grant for study.

The procedure for obtaining a scholarship or grant in each educational institution is different.- some ask to apply for a scholarship after enrollment, some do not, for example, Thompson Rivers University, which is well-deservedly recognized by students and employers, does not require a special application for a scholarship, it is enough to apply for admission before May of this year, and you will be included in the scholarship application. If you meet the requirements, you will be awarded a scholarship.

1.2 Opportunity to significantly save on tuition fees

If you are convinced that you only need a higher education, and there is not enough money to pay for 4 years of study, you can do the following - after graduating from a 2-year Diploma or 3-year Advanced Diploma program, take a break, and then, after some that time, continue learning.

The point here is that Canadians pay much less for their studies, so this scenario is popular among foreign students: 2 or 3 years of study in a Diploma or Advanced Diploma program, then a legal job in Canada. After 1 or 2 years, obtaining the status of a permanent resident of Canada, then continuing his studies in a bachelor's program and receiving a bachelor's degree after 1 or 1.5 years. At the same time, you will need to pay much less for your studies, since you are already a permanent resident of the country.

Such a scheme is very popular among foreign students even if they want, for example, to become doctors. The medical profession in Canada is highly respected and highly paid. But studying in this profession costs a lot of money, and only those who already have a bachelor's degree are accepted into medical school. The competition is simply huge even among Canadians, and there are very few places for foreigners. Therefore, foreign students who dream of becoming doctors first receive a bachelor's degree from a college or university, then receive permanent resident status, and only then enter medical schools at universities to become doctors, but pay much less for their studies, at rates for local, and not foreigners, which allows them to save significant funds.
The same scheme is very popular and rational if you want to become a lawyer.

1.3 Higher education in Canada can be obtained not only at the university, but also at the college

Colleges are designed for 1, 2, 3 or 4 years of study. A feature of the study is to obtain, along with theoretical knowledge, deep practical skills. Studying is more economical, the cost of education in the vast majority of colleges is lower than at the university, recruitment is carried out 1-3 times a year, depending on the specialty. As a rule, colleges are enrolled without entrance exams. After their graduation, students receive a special certificate (1 year programs based on high school - Certificate programs), diploma (2-3 year programs based on high school - Diploma and Advanced Diploma programs), and after studying for 4 years, a college graduate, like a university graduate, receives higher education and bachelor's degree ( Bachelor's Degree programs).

Business specialties offered by colleges are well-deservedly popular among students from Russia and the CIS countries. This is primarily due to the fact that graduates who have received a bachelor's degree in applied business or graduated from professional business programs find work relatively easily and quickly. In addition, their average salaries are almost always higher than the average salaries of graduates in other specialties. This is due to the constantly high demand for business management professionals in the Canadian labor market.

At universities, teaching is carried out to very high standards, and the presence of scientists, often with world-famous names, creates a strong motivation to engage in research work, and for this there is everything you need - well-equipped laboratories, modern equipment, a rich scientific library. Canadian universities offer undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate programs. Both in colleges and universities, there is an opportunity to receive scholarships and grants, both state and from public organizations, for academic success and active participation in the social life of the educational institution, to enjoy the cultural and social life on campuses.

So where is it better and more profitable to get a higher education - at a university or college? A university bachelor's degree is usually considered more prestigious, but it costs less to study at a college, students devote a lot of time to practice, therefore, as a rule, they are better prepared for independent work immediately after graduation. But regardless of where the student received a bachelor's degree - at a university or college, when applying for a job, the employer will give preference to the candidate whose knowledge is stronger and whose practical experience is richer. Therefore, if there is no way to pay for the university or you don’t want to overpay for education, you can safely go to college. With conscientious study, the result will be at least as good, and often better, than that of a university graduate.
In addition, many colleges also offer 1-2 year post-graduate (postgraduate) programs where you can continue your studies. Students with higher education study here. Such programs are designed to improve skills or retrain for another profession.

1.4 The right to work legally while studying and the possibility to legally stay

Foreigners while studying in Canada have the right to work officially, but not more than 20 hours a week during the study period, and during the holidays you can work full time. A special work permit is not required as long as the student is studying and has a study permit.
Students who graduate from a university or college and have studied for at least 8 months have the right to remain legally working in Canada, and after 1 year of legal work, apply for permanent resident status in Canada. It does not matter whether the student studied for 4 years and received a bachelor's degree or completed only 1 year or 2-3 year programs. The rule applies to all foreigners who have completed the programs of accredited educational institutions.

1.5 Transparency of the procedure for admission to a Canadian university

The main requirements for international applicants wishing to study in Canada are as follows:

– The presence of a certificate (diploma) of secondary education or its equivalent;

– Knowledge of English, confirmed by IELTS, TOEFL certificates or other documents recognized by an educational institution.

Sometimes educational institutions put forward additional requirements - this may be a requirement to provide a motivation letter, in which it is necessary to state the motivation for admission and the purpose of study, letters of recommendation from teachers from a previous place of study, for creative professions, a portfolio may be required, etc.

Without fail, the future student must be 17 years old at the time of the start of studies, sometimes only those who will be 18 years old at the time of the start of studies are taken. In many majors, colleges and universities will give preference to applicants with higher marks on their previous education document. Practically in all higher educational institutions, education is conducted in English, but sometimes they also teach in the second state language - French, this especially applies to the province of Quebec, which is mostly populated by Francophones. With insufficient knowledge of the language in which teaching is conducted, there is always the opportunity to attend courses at a language school or study directly at the chosen educational institution in language training courses. It is best to plan language courses at least six months before the start of the main classes.
A detailed free consultation on getting an education in Canada can be obtained by leaving an on-line application

2. What kind of education can you get?

Getting a profession in 1-3 year college programs is a common thing for Canadians. Such training programs are very popular. Why shouldn't foreign applicants turn their attention to these programs?

Varieties of professional programs:

1-year programs based on high school will not be considered due to their low suitability for subsequent emigration and obtaining by a foreigner the status of a permanent resident of Canada.

2-3 - year level programs Diploma/Advanced Diploma and their benefits:

The cost of education per year for such programs is lower than for undergraduate programs;

  1. They provide deep theoretical and practical knowledge, which allows the graduate to easily find a job;
  2. The duration of the programs is 1-2 years less than the bachelor's, which means that you will have to pay less for your studies.

Diploma / Advanced programs in Canada are very popular, most Canadians believe that such an education will be enough for them to achieve their life goals. Salaries are so high that graduates of 2-3 year Diploma/Advanced Diploma programs often earn higher salaries than those who have studied 4 years and have a bachelor's degree.

2.2 Higher education in college

A lot of Canadians and students from other countries choose to study at the college. The cost of college education is very low for citizens and permanent residents of the country and is quite affordable for foreigners. At the university, education is usually much more expensive. Most young people start their higher education with a college, after its two-year program, transfer to a university and get a bachelor's degree is a common thing. As a result, the student receives a university education, the cost of which is ultimately lower. Much attention is paid to the acquisition of practical skills - this is another hallmark of college education. Much attention is paid to the study of theory in college, but no less time is devoted to practical skills, which allows graduates to become specialists - practitioners even immediately after graduation. For this they are valued by employers. Those who want to be as prepared as possible for competition in the Canadian labor market, who want to become a specialist practitioner, choose to study at a college.

Differences between Canadian colleges and colleges in Russia and universities in Canada

In a Canadian college, you can get a higher education and a bachelor's degree. In Russia, this is impossible, i.e., in Canada, a college is a higher educational institution, no worse than a university, while in Russia it is a secondary specialized educational institution that implements programs of secondary vocational education.
Unlike Canadian universities offering bachelor's degrees in areas such as the Bachelor of Science (Bachelor of Arts), Canadian colleges offer only applied programs - Bachelor of Applied Science, Bachelor of Applied Business ”(Bachelor of Applied Business) or “Bachelor of Computer Science” (Bachelor of Computer Science).
If you are not sure which is better to choose - studying at a college or university, then the following can serve as a guideline in choosing an educational institution: if the future profession involves research and a career in science or teaching, then choose a university. If you want to get an applied profession and are not going to connect life with science, but want to quickly start working and earning money, then choose college. Most of them offer a very wide range of specialties, such as business management, engineering, computer majors in various areas, pharmaceuticals, nursing, accounting, various design areas, hospitality management and tourism, journalism, marketing, advertising and many others.
In addition to the practical approach in the classroom, in the learning process, internships in companies are expected. And it is very valuable for the future graduate. After such an experience, it is much easier for them to find and get a job, as it gives them not only a positive line in their resume, but also recommendations, which in Canada are one of the most important factors when applying for a job.
One of the leaders among Canadian colleges are Humber, Seneca, Centennial colleges in Toronto, Douglas college in Vancouver. There are many other reputable colleges in different cities throughout Canada, whose graduates are highly rated by employers, so choosing them, the future specialist can be sure that after graduation he will easily find a job in his specialty.

Note: Also in Canada there is such a type of educational institution as a university college (University College). These institutions provide education usually practical orientation, but on a university basis.

How to get into college

High school graduates from Russia (and other CIS countries) can start their studies immediately after receiving a high school diploma if they successfully pass a language test, usually TOEFL or IELTS. For admission to professional 2- and 3-year programs, you need to get an average score for the IELTS test - 6.0, for TOEFL - 84, for bachelor's programs the requirements will be higher - you must pass the IELTS test for an average score of 6.5 or TOEFL - for 88. How as a rule, a high school diploma with decent grades and a successfully passed language test is enough to enter, and no entrance exams will be required anymore, but colleges may put forward additional requirements for some specialties, this may, for example, be a math test for technical specialties or portfolio - for creative ones.

Very important!

In order to start your studies from September next year, you must apply in advance, starting in November or even October of the current year, since most colleges stop accepting applications from applicants in February or March, i.e. 5-6 months before the date of the expected start of studies.

The cost of college education for international students is approximately 8,000 to 18,000 Canadian dollars per academic year.
The duration of study programs is 1, 2 or 3 years, and for bachelor's programs - 4 years.

There are more than 100 universities in the country, which trace their history back to 1663. The most famous and expensive of them are located in the provinces of Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia.

University education in Canada is similar to British in its systemic approach, but the educational process includes many American elements and approaches. Scientific degrees are awarded according to the classical three-stage gradation: Bachelor (4 years), Master (1 or 2 years) and Doctor of Science (1-3 years). Students draw up a curriculum on their own, having the opportunity to choose subjects and time of classes.
In contrast to the British, the Canadian government invests in percentage terms much more significant funds in the development of its educational institutions, which are 90% funded by the state, and a significant part of the taxes collected goes specifically to the development of education. Education of its citizens is one of the most important priorities for the government of the country. The result of such investments is obvious: most Canadian universities have top-class equipment, which allows for world-class research and development. Due to the fact that the leading universities occupy high positions in the world rankings precisely because of the quality of the research, the requirements for applicants and the competition are very high. The basic requirements for entering the university are high marks in the document on complete secondary education and passing an English language test with a high average score: TOEFL - for 95-100 or IELTS - for 6.5-7.5 points. In addition, you may need to fulfill a lot of additional requirements - from letters of recommendation and motivation letters to a portfolio and additional entrance exams. Similar requirements, with the exception of the language test, apply to applicants who choose to study in French.
The most prestigious Canadian universities are the University of Toronto and the University of British Columbia, but studying there is very expensive, so you can always find an excellent university where education will cost 2 times cheaper, and the quality of teaching will be at the same high level as the flagship universities.
One of these is Simon Fraser University in Vancouver. Included in the TOP-5 best universities in Canada over the past 5 years, but the price for studying there will be much more humane than at the University of Toronto or the University of British Columbia. A huge advantage of Simon Fraser University is the availability of the Foundation program. Studying under this program greatly facilitates the process of adaptation in a new language and educational environment for a foreign student, so the percentage of students expelled for poor progress from the university who have passed the Foundation is minimal.

The cost of studying at a university for foreigners will range from about 15,000 to 40,000 Canadian dollars per academic year (for some specialties, the cost of education may reach up to 60,000 Canadian dollars for a year of study)

2.4 Postgraduate education

Postgraduate study programs ( Postgraduate program) in colleges and universities are among the most popular among international students. The programs allow both to continue education in the main specialty, and to radically change the profession and legally stay to live and work in Canada, subsequently obtaining the status of a permanent resident. For enrollment, it is necessary to have a higher education or work experience in the specialty, without this they will not be accepted.

For those who have already received a bachelor's degree, there are two main options for continuing their studies - a master's degree or a Postgraduate program. Master's programs involve writing scientific papers and conducting research, while postgraduate education provides practical knowledge and skills for direct application in work. In addition, the master's program does not provide for a change of specialty, and postgraduate programs provide such an opportunity, therefore, it is believed that postgraduate Postgraduate programs, due to their greater availability, are ideal for subsequent emigration and obtaining permanent residence in Canada.

Even if you do not want to change your specialty by going to a postgraduate program, but continue your previously received education, the acquired knowledge and practical skills will help you learn the specifics of the Canadian labor market and deepen your existing knowledge. Studying in Postgraduate specialties has a rather narrow specialization and is very intensive.

The cost of studying for postgraduate programs on average for international students is 13,000-15,000 Canadian dollars per academic year.
The duration of training is from 1 to 2 years.

The Canadian education system is considered one of the most efficient in the world. It has several logical steps, thanks to which Canadians can receive high-quality knowledge and master the chosen profession at a high level. The prestige of the Canadian educational system annually attracts a huge number of foreigners to the universities and colleges of this country. How to get an education in Canada without citizenship of this state?

Canada: secondary educational stage

For Canadians, all public schools are absolutely free. Children enter them at the age of 5-6, and continue their education until the age of 15-16. If you wish, you can study there longer. Some graduates take extra classes to prepare for university entrance exams.

If a foreigner's child is studying in a Canadian school, then parents will have to pay from 30 to 60 thousand dollars for his education. This amount is relevant for public institutions, in private schools, studies will cost much more.

« Private boarding houses regularly implement a program for their wardsInternational Baccalaureate, which helps them enter the best institutions in the state».

In Canada, the following private schools stand out among others:

  • Apple College. Located in the province of Ontario, you can study there for 60 thousand Canadian dollars a year;
  • Bodwell High School. Located in Vancouver, daytime tuition at this boarding house is $18,000, full board will cost $35,000.

To enter a public or private school, you must submit your report cards for the past years of study, as well as successfully pass the SSAT, CAT, TOEFL or IELTS tests of your choice.

Even a school for admission requires a certain package of documents in English, in some private schools, children undergo an oral interview.

When the parents are stateless, the student will need local guardians for full-time education. The child must be guaranteed a place to live, all conditions for learning must be created.

Canada is a bilingual country. Therefore, schools in the South may teach in French, while in all other parts of the country they may teach in English. There is no single approach to the presentation of material in Canadian schools. The program may include blocks of information about the province where the child is studying, about its cultural heritage and features.

Every little foreigner in the school is entitled to an escort who will speed up the integration of the student into the educational environment. Children learn a new language very quickly if they regularly hear Canadian speech.

« Teachers for Canadian schools are prepared very carefully. For them, there are a huge number of exams, as well as aptitude tests in the course of direct work in the institution.».

A foreigner cannot study for free at a school in Canada. The fact of education does not guarantee citizenship if the child does not later enter a university or college.

Canada: higher education

British education researchers have found that Canada is in the top 5 best countries in terms of the level of education in universities and colleges.

The researchers measured the effectiveness and accessibility of education, the financing of institutions, the presence of world-famous institutions.

A huge plus of studying in Canada, in addition to the above, can be considered the study of two local languages ​​​​at once, as well as the two-vector system. Indeed, in Canada it is equally prestigious to receive a profession in a college and an intermediate level university.

Canadian colleges

College in this state really gives "applied" knowledge. Engineering, arts, tourism, health and management are the areas where they teach the best.

In college, students study from 1 to 4 years. There are few academic disciplines, but there are almost constant internships that consolidate the acquired skills.

The cost of one year of study varies from 11 to 15 thousand dollars. The most famous and popular colleges are located in Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, Ottawa and Kitchener.

In order for a foreign student to be able to study there, the following will be required:

  • Pay the registration fee on the college website;
  • Complete and submit the application form;
  • Send to the college a certificate of graduation translated into English and certified by a notary;
  • Provide the college with the results of the required language proficiency test;
  • For some professions, you will have to send a letter, portfolio or an interview to the commission.

Passing the language proficiency test will cost the prospective student about 500 Canadian dollars.

« Canada recognizes and accepts Russian high school diplomas».

Only at first glance, the algorithm for entering a Canadian college may seem complicated. If you just go through stage after stage and do not delay the deadlines, the academic world of Canada will certainly open its doors to a new student.

Canadian universities

Studying at a Canadian university differs from studying at a college in a large number of academic hours. The higher education system here consists of three levels:

  • 3 years - bachelor;
  • Plus another 2-3 years - master;
  • Plus 4 years - Dr.

According to British research, universities such as McGill University, University of Toronto, University of British Columbia are considered the best universities in Canada. Universities in Montreal and Alberta have a good rating.

To enter such a university, you must go through the same procedure as for admission to a college. Only the average score of the certificate should be quite high.

How much does it cost to study at a Canadian university? To the delight of Canadian students, studying here is much cheaper than in the United States. So one academic year can cost up to 30 thousand dollars. The most expensive education in the medical field. For example, studying to be a dentist will cost 75 thousand a year.

« If a student studies well, then they can reduce tuition fees, sometimes the discount reaches 70%».

Education in Canada differs from Russian higher education in that after receiving a bachelor's degree, you cannot go to study for a master's degree in another specialty.

The list of professions in demand in this state today includes medical workers, logging managers, urban planners, pharmacists and pilots.

Since the competition for professions in demand is very high, it is necessary to apply to the university no later than six months before the start of enrollment.

Canadian MBAs

Studying at a business school in Canada is considered prestigious. It takes place on the basis of existing universities, it is possible to enter there only after receiving higher education in any other specialty.

They study at business schools for 1-2 years. The educational process involves active internships in real companies. After mastering the standard set of disciplines, the student has the opportunity to choose subjects on their own.

A foreigner, in order to get into this school, needs to go through difficult stages and comply with all the conditions for enrollment. You will need to confirm your higher education. Pass a series of tests on knowledge of the language and their subjects. Write an introductory essay.

Some business schools may require a recommendation from the employer, ask if the prospective student has work experience in a managerial position.

Is it possible to speed up admission to a Canadian university or college?

Unfortunately, there are no direct ways to speed up enrollment. To avoid lengthy correspondence with an educational institution, it is worth studying reviews about it. Before transferring money for tuition, you need to make sure that you have opened a visa. Only after that you can open your educational deposit in the institution.

Admission to a Canadian university or college is a long and difficult process. This is especially true for foreign students. It is worth studying in detail the information about the institution, thinking through to the smallest detail all the details related to accommodation, meals and part-time work. By the way, students in Canada buy many textbooks at their own expense, which ultimately results in a large amount. Therefore, the student will need money not only for study and life, but also for various little things related to the educational process.

The North American kingdom is one of the leaders in terms of funding for schools and universities. Education in Canada is carried out according to advanced programs by the best specialists with the involvement of all the necessary technical equipment. That is why in the country you can count on receiving quality education at any level.

Benefits of studying in Canada

Diplomas from local universities and secondary specialized educational institutions are in demand all over the world. The schools of the kingdom provide excellent basic knowledge, teach them to be independent and purposeful. For foreign migrants, education in Canada is beneficial because it is 30-40% cheaper than in Europe. And living in the kingdom will require a quarter less than in the United States.

Moreover, local universities are focused on practical training. Paid internships are constantly offered to students, which makes it possible to offset their expenses, gain experience and establish connections with a future employer. Local laws allow students to earn extra money. Graduates are given the right to work in Canada with the subsequent registration of a residence permit. Training is conducted in the most common languages ​​in the world - English or French.

The structure of the Canadian education system

The system adopted in the kingdom differs little from the Russian one. There is preschool education. The school is divided into junior and secondary. In addition to colleges or universities, there are secondary specialized institutions. Postgraduate studies are the highest level. The current education system differs only in details, which depends on the characteristics of the region where the institution is located.

Early childhood education

Admission to kindergartens is carried out no earlier than from the age of 4 (only in Ontario - from 3). The state provides an opportunity for any parents to send their child to such an institution. There is no charge for this. However, you can use the services offered by a private kindergarten. The cost of a month of staying in it will be from 350 to 700 C$.


Standard school education in Canada involves an 8-year course of study. In Quebec, it is done in French. There are 6 primary classes. In any case, studies begin at the age of 6 and are free of charge, with the exception of non-state institutions.

School types

The country has a wide variety of institutions for general education. In addition to the public school, Canada has:

  • national;
  • catholic;
  • private;
  • home schooling institutions.

All of them, except for private ones, are free. National institutions emphasize the study of the language and culture of the ethnic minority or migrant community living in Canada. Uniforms are required in Catholic schools and there is little emphasis on religious education. Private primary education is considered elite and expensive.

Are there specialized schools

All conditions for education in standard institutions are created for children with disabilities. In Canada, it is not customary to isolate them in specialized boarding schools. The same standard programs are offered to gifted students. In Canada, they can receive special education only in some private schools. Those who do not aspire to have a university degree and want to get a working specialty are encouraged to go to college.

The average

The programs operating in different regions involve training from 12 (14) to 17 (18) years. Respectively in 7-11 or 8-12 classes. Due to vocational training, the term can be extended for another 2-3 years.

Secondary education is available for children of foreigners. Stateless persons are charged a tuition fee of up to C$15,000. In private institutions, the cost increases by 3-4 times. As an additional service, it is possible to take language courses.

When does the school year start

Classes usually start in September and end in June. The duration of the academic year is 190 days, excluding weekends. Classes are held within the framework of a five-day working week and take no more than 6 hours a day. Some regions and individual private educational institutions have their own unique features.

Features of higher education

In Canada, the Western system has been adopted, which includes 3 steps:

  • bachelor's degree (3-4 years);
  • magistracy (2-3 years);
  • doctoral studies (similar to postgraduate studies), totaling 4 years.

The first two steps can be obtained at the college. The main feature of the system adopted here is as follows. Higher education in Canada involves a large number of practices. They do not even begin with a master's degree, but with 2-3 years of undergraduate studies.

The mode of the academic year as a whole corresponds to the norms of Russian education. However, the winter holidays fall on the last 2 weeks of December, ending after the Catholic Christmas and New Year. Colleges and universities in Canada allow distance learning. For this, all technical conditions are met. Many receive a second higher education.

For Russians, an important feature of Canadian universities is that they recognize domestic school certificates. Therefore, those who want to move to Canada after grade 11 will only have to obtain a TOEFL or DALF language certificate. This will be enough for admission to the entrance exams.

Popular educational institutions in Canada

If we take the official ranking of 2017 (QS), then the first place in it will be occupied by universities in Toronto, which are formally different institutions, but united in a common structure of 10 city blocks. If we consider the list of universities popular among migrants, then it will be crowned by McGill University. It is one of the oldest in the country, since it was opened in 1821.

The mentioned Canadian universities are regularly included in the top lists of international rankings of educational institutions. A good position is occupied by the University of British Columbia. Its structure includes 12 faculties. Students are given the opportunity of distance learning. The best professors of Canada will give their lectures here via Skype. A good education is provided by a medical college located in Alberta.

The best universities in Canada are represented in major cities. All of them annually accept a huge number of foreign students, so the mechanisms for organizing the residence of student youth on campuses and providing them with everything necessary are well-established here.

Cost of education

Tuition fees for obtaining Canadian diplomas are largely determined by regional specifics. Let's consider what will be the cost of studying for Russian students who have successfully enrolled in a university and received a visa. Prices shown are in Canadian dollars.

To significantly reduce the cost of education, you can take part in a grant program. The state and many Canadian foundations, as well as employers, sponsor the education of the most talented young people. Some programs may provide completely free higher education. In addition, a number of offers are valid not only for the local population, but also for immigrants.

How can a foreigner apply to a Canadian university?

To enroll in one of the universities, a resident of another state will need to submit a package of documents, pass entrance tests and obtain a visa. Before you enroll in a Canadian university, you need to decide on funding. If the applicant fails to prove at the embassy that they are able to pay the costs, their trip to the maple leaf country may not take place.

Stated Requirements

Education in Canada for Russians is possible under the following conditions:

  • age from 17 years;
  • from 80 points in TOEFL or 6.0 in IELTS;
  • the presence of a certificate or diploma of the university;
  • copies of passports (national and foreign);
  • available recommendations and motivation letters;
  • photo for a visa;
  • the presence of a questionnaire for admission to the university (filled out on the website of the institution);
  • confirmation of sufficient funds to pay for tuition and living in Canada;
  • summary.

Those wishing to study in Quebec will need a CAQ certificate.

Visa application

Under no circumstances will you be able to enter Canada without an entry permit. To leave for the country, study and work in it legally, you need a visa. It can be obtained at the consulate or specialized center. For this, a questionnaire is filled out and a package of documents is submitted. Often the applicant is invited for an interview at the embassy.

You can also order registration through an intermediary. In this case, representatives of such a company will perform most of the procedure and save the client's time. In general, it will cost about 5500 rubles. This is the amount of the consular fee.

Scholarships and grants for international students

The number of programs in which immigrants can participate is limited. Most often, grants for studying in Canada are issued only to the most gifted and / or well-known persons abroad, for example, winners of international olympiads. There are also 3 government programs in the country:

  • Government of Canada Award;
  • faculty research;
  • Faculty Enrichment.

There are several ways to get a grant. You can contact the fund directly and read the terms of participation. Documents for government programs are usually submitted to the embassy from September until the beginning of the Christmas holidays. It is better for the applicant to hurry, because the number of participants is limited by quotas.


Students in Canada are offered several options for arranging their lives.

  1. Campuses. It provides all the conditions for a full-fledged residence of students. Tariffs are formed by the administration of the university, but usually this option is cheaper than renting an apartment.
  2. Renting a house costs an average of 1000 C$ per month.
  3. Those who cannot afford these rates are encouraged to participate in the Canadian Homestay Program. Applicants are offered different conditions. Most often, students have to help with housework or look after children, pay part of the bills. For this, the foreigner receives a roof over his head and food.

Each of the options has its pros and cons. However, all of them are quite popular among foreigners and it is not possible to single out the best one.

Prospects for further employment

The focus of the Canadian education system on practical training makes diplomas from local universities quite popular among employers. Graduates are willingly accepted within the country, in the USA and Europe. Often, lucrative offers are already received during practices. Thus, it provides excellent opportunities to improve their theoretical knowledge through high-quality practical training.


In recent years, both positive and negative comments about studying in Canada have appeared on immigrant forums. Not everyone managed to integrate into the environment of Western society. Many failed to complete their studies due to poor academic performance. In general, immigration is a complex process that requires more effort from a person than in their homeland. However, the prospects for a good degree should spur the will to succeed.

There is no other country in the world where the education of the population is given such great importance as in Canada. The entire system of education, and especially school education, is aimed at the formation of a highly intellectual and developed personality in all respects. The free choice of a training program for children allows you to choose the best steps to achieve the desired results. Government spending on school education in Canada is huge. According to this indicator, the country has long and confidently ranked first. There are many reasons why you should send your child to study there.

Features of the organization of Canadian education in schools

Canada is second only to Russia in area. At the same time, its territory is divided into only 10 provinces. All of them have their own territorial features in the organization of school education. The central government, represented by the Ministry of Education, has limited powers in this area. For this reason, the duration of secondary education in Canada varies from 10 to 12 years. It depends on the laws of the province where the school is located.

Primary level of education in Canada

The entire educational system of this country consists of 3 levels: primary, secondary and higher. Primary school in Canada in most provinces consists of 6 levels. Education in it lasts from 6 to 12 years. However, in some provinces, 8 years of education is considered primary. A distinctive feature at this stage is the relaxed rhythm of classes with children. Pupils, especially the first 2 years, do not so much master subjects as they learn to communicate in a team, learn about the world around them, and form their creative abilities. This circumstance allows sparing the child's psyche, protecting it from excessive loads and does not contribute to the formation of a negative attitude towards learning. Elementary School leaves children a lot of free time for sports and creativity. Thanks to this, getting a primary education in Canada is a simple matter for any student.

Average level of education in Canada

The duration of secondary education can be 4 years and even 6 years. It depends on the region. Approaches to learning are fundamentally different from Russian ones. The student is free to choose subjects for study in any order. For the development of each course points (credits) are awarded. In order to receive a high school diploma in Canada, you need to earn a certain number of these credits. In case of a shortage, the student can continue studying for another year.

Such a system is very convenient, as it allows you to fully study those subjects that will be necessary for successful admission to a university. In addition, students can adjust the direction of their knowledge depending on the change in career guidance aspirations throughout the course of study.

Education of foreigners in Canadian schools

Public and private schools in Canada provide an opportunity to get an education not only for citizens of this country, but for foreigners. Education of Canadian citizens in public educational institutions is free. Foreigners are not eligible for this exemption. Private schools are day and full board. Children of wealthy citizens study there. The quality of training in them is not better than in the state ones. The advantage is the possibility of round-the-clock stay for those who need it. It is this opportunity that those who wish to send their child to study in this country use.

The advantages of obtaining a secondary education in this country are due to the following:

There are also difficulties associated with getting an education in this country. Canada has two official state languages ​​- English and French. They are the only ones taught in schools. You need to know that the largest province of the country - Quebec is inhabited by French-speaking citizens, and the rest of the provinces are predominantly English-speaking. This circumstance is best taken into account when choosing a school. In order to learn, you need to master the language. Otherwise, they will not be admitted to the school. Numerous language and preparatory courses come to the rescue here.

Features of admission and education of foreigners

Foreign citizens can study at any school they like, both public and prestigious private, subject to language proficiency. The cost of education in most private schools with round-the-clock accommodation is about $ 22,000 per academic year. There are prestigious old schools with a century of history, for which you will have to pay $ 45,000 per year for education. Public educational institutions offer their services for $12,000 with residential care for $8,000. Free education for foreigners is not provided, although there is a very small chance of getting into a charitable project or program.

To enter a public or private school in Canada, you must go through several procedures and meet certain conditions.

What needs to be decided. What needs to be done. What documents are provided.
with the language of instruction. Pass a standard language test (IELTS or TOEFL). Certificate of passing the language proficiency test.
With the amount of funds that are willing to give for education and living. Find out the cost of studying at a particular school, living in a family. Calculate ticket costs.
With the type of school and the bias of teaching, living conditions (boarding house or foster family). A questionnaire is filled out on the school website ($200) in the language of instruction. They are available at all popular schools in the country. The electronic form is sent to the school. In case of refusal to study, the money for the questionnaire will not be returned.
Pass testing in general education subjects according to approved tests. Test forms are transferred or sent to the agent administering the testing.
Make final report cards for the last 2 years in your school. Translate them into the appropriate language. Submit the sheets to the school. Please provide originals upon arrival.
With the rules and regulations of the school. They are very strict, and may include exceptions for gross infractions such as drinking alcohol. Go to the school website and check it out.
With the conditions for the return of funds in a given situation. This clause is included in the educational contract.
With the conditions for issuing medical insurance and its cost. If the school does not provide such a service at the expense of tuition funds, then you need to take care of it yourself. The cost is from $65 to $600 per academic year.
Contact a Canadian embassy or consulate for a visa and study permit. Temporary visa, study permit, which is issued for up to 3 years.

The process of entering the Canadian school is quite troublesome and costly, but all this pays off with more than the capital of the knowledge and opportunities that will be provided to the graduate.

In some large cities, Russian communities have private schools where the Russian language and Russian literature are studied, and teaching is carried out in Russian. An example is the Pushkin School and the Russian School of Physics and Mathematics in Vancouver. Russian schools in Canada are in demand in emigre circles so that children do not lose their cultural connection with their historical homeland.

What do Russian students say about studying in Canada?

Getting a secondary education abroad is very attractive, but not available to everyone because of its cost. Despite this, a large number of our compatriots study in foreign schools in order to be able to enter any university in the world. Russian children speak differently about Canadian schools.

Valentin, 17 years old from Moscow, said that this year he graduated from the 11th grade of a school in Toronto. There is still a year left to study. He chooses subjects from the physico-mathematical and natural science cycle. After receiving a diploma, he is going to enter one of the American universities. Studying is easy, as he studies only what he likes. There were difficulties with the language upon admission, but at the school I took preparatory language courses, which made further education hassle-free.

Alena from Nizhny Novgorod studied for only a year in Vancouver. She says that she was greatly struck by the similarity of Canadian nature with ours. The same pines and birches, familiar landscapes. She adapted very quickly, as she spoke English perfectly even before entering. “I am fond of drawing,” says Alena. “At our school, art is given great importance. This is strongly encouraged. I study humanities because I want to become an art historian and visit all the famous museums in the world.”

Ravil from Kazan is just about to enter a private school in Canada: “I have already passed all the necessary tests. I ordered a study permit via the Internet and received it already. Now I'm waiting for a visa. The embassy assured that they would consider the documents quickly.”

The schools of this country are invariably among the TOP-5 best in the world in terms of computerization and technology, as well as in terms of the level of training of students. attractive not only by the high level of knowledge that children receive, but also by the favorable atmosphere, safety, comfortable conditions, as well as low cost compared to the USA, Great Britain, etc.

The Canadian education system is unique in that it does not have a centralized government: each province independently determines the rules and conditions of education. Depending on the location of the school, children can take 11 or 12 years of education. The child must complete 3 stages at school:
- elementary - primary from grades 1 to 6;
- middle - 7th and 8th grade;
- high - from 9th to 12th grade.

The academic year includes 2 semesters and takes a total of 10 months. The program includes several compulsory subjects, as well as the rest of the electives. If a student applies for a higher level, he can be trained under the Advanced Placement Program, which includes about 35 subjects. This gives excellent chances for admission to a university of any level.

Also, the International Baccalaureate program is taught in schools, after which the student receives an international diploma. High grades will make it possible to enter even the most prestigious universities without exams. In addition, individual schools create their own training programs that give students an advantage in further admission.

In high school, each student must volunteer for a minimum of 40 hours. This is unusual for foreigners, but it provides an excellent opportunity to gain work experience, meet new people, and decide on an occupation.

Types of schools in Canada

There are three types of schools in Canada:

1. State. Education for Canadians is provided free of charge. This sector makes up more than 90% of all schools in the country. They provide a fairly high level of education and are equipped with everything necessary for high-quality education of children.
2. Catholic. Also free for Canadians. They differ from public schools only in the presence of several religious subjects and stricter discipline, which has a good effect on student performance.
3. Private. Education is paid for both Canadians and foreign students. They are distinguished by a higher level of preparation of schoolchildren: the latest teaching methods are implemented here, there is profiling in certain subjects and the equipment is much better. Teaching takes place in small classes. Private schools pay great attention to the creative and sports development of students. Excellent conditions have been created for this: special studios, swimming pools, courts, gyms, etc. However, it is more difficult to enter such a school, since the requirements for students are very high.

They differ by gender: there are separate educational institutions for boys or girls, as well as joint ones.

Any school in the maple leaf country is available for foreigners to study in it. Regardless of the type of school, education will be paid (in the state, it is almost twice as cheap as in the private one).

Admission conditions

Almost all schools in Canada accept foreign students from the age of 13, although some can enroll earlier.

Foreign students can take vacation programs in Canadian schools, designed for several weeks, or unlearn several full years. A popular option is to enroll in the 12th grade in a Canadian school, after finishing 11th grade in your home country.

The last year will help you adapt and get the necessary preparation for entering the university.

To enroll in a Canadian school, a student must provide:
- a certificate or an extract with grades for the last 3-4 years;
- certificate of knowledge of English (or French);
- birth certificate and passport.

Awards, diplomas, certificates and other distinctions will give an additional advantage in admission.
If a student completes 3-4 years in a Canadian school, he is not required to take an English language proficiency test.


If a foreign student enters a public school in Canada, he will live in a host family, who are selected according to a special program. He will be provided with comfortable conditions, food and the opportunity to quickly adapt to life in the country. All host families are checked for well-being (no criminal record, dangerous diseases, the ability to provide good conditions), as well as the desire to host a child.

Private schools are known for excellent living conditions. The student is provided with a full board: modern campuses are located in a closed area, which guarantees security around the clock. There are also private schools where you can study while living with a host family.

Perspectives for international students

State or - this is an excellent start for admission to a higher educational institution in Canada, the USA or another country. Many educational institutions cooperate with colleges and universities, offering students training programs and additional opportunities for admission. With successful studies, some students are enrolled in a university even before graduation.