Game of good and bad habits. Team game "Childhood without bad habits

Guys, before talking about good and bad habits, let's think about what are habits?

- In the "Explanatory Dictionary" by D. Ushakov, habit means "a mode of action, state, behavior, learned by someone over a certain period of life, which has become ordinary, constant for someone in life."

A habit is something that we do almost without thinking, acting as if automatically. For example, the habit of going to bed early, brushing your teeth, making your bed, and so on.

Habits are formed as a result of repeated repetitions. When a person performs the same actions, he gets used to repeating them without thinking.

Seeing how a habit is formed will help usHabit game.

Guys, let's all stand in a circle. If my command begins with the word “Please!”, Then you must all perform various movements: “Please raise your right hand!”, “Please lower your right hand!”, “Please sit down!” and so on. At a certain point, I will not say the word "Please!", and then you should not perform the movements. Are the rules of the game clear to everyone?

- Begin! “Please sit down!”, “Please stand up”, “Please look to the right!”, “Please raise your left hand!”, “Lower your left hand!”.

Guys, you broke the rule of the game: you didn’t have to lower your hand, because I didn’t say the word “Please!”.Having got used to executing commands, many of you could not immediately switch and executed the command when you should not have executed it. Habits are formed in us according to the same principle: one has only to repeatedly repeat this or that action, as it is fixed in the mind in the form of a habit.

Each person develops many habits during his life. Many habits can affect a person's health.

What are the health habits called?

What are habits that are harmful to human health called?

All right! Well done!

So guys, we have determined that habits are good (healthy) and bad (bad).

And now we have to build a "health wall"(exercise "Health Wall"). We have bricks on the table that contain many interesting and useful activities (i.e., good habits), but among them there are also bad habits. Each of you will choose a brick and, after reading, decide whether to attach it to the "wall of health" or throw it intobasket. Guys, having made a choice, you must say why you think that this habit is useful or, on the contrary, harmful. How do they affect our health, relationships? Begin?!


Maintain cleanliness and personal hygiene

biting nails

Putting things in place

Do morning exercises daily

To wash hands

To do homework

Miss lessons

Be late

To tell the truth

To confront

Chewing gum

To take drugs


Follow the daily routine

Lots of watching TV


attend circles

Interrupt the speaker


drink alcoholic beverages

Eat right (eat fruits, vegetables, drink juices).

Well done boys! You made the right choice, so we got a strong wall. As we have already seen, good (useful) habits have a positive effect on our health, these habits need to be developed. And you need to get rid of bad (bad) habits. They can be defeated. To do this, you need to have willpower (you need to try to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals).

Guys, what is a good habit that has developed as a habit, a tradition in our family, where do we start the day?

- Of course, this is morning exercises.

Let's get some rest now.

- We have already said that habitsare useful and harmful. I suggest watching a children's comic magazine"Yeralash"

"Serge, come out!".

What habits did you notice in the hero of this story?

Can these habits help in a person's life? Why?

- Guys, in order for health to be in order, relationships with friends and relatives do not deteriorate, you need to develop good habits in yourself, and you need to get rid of bad ones.

And now, boys and girls, we have to solve a small crossword puzzle. I will read the questions to you, and you will enter the answers. Begin!

1. Unconscious repetition of the same action

2. A bad habit that affects our respiratory system.

3. morning physical routine.

4. To save your time, you must follow ...

5. "Cigarette is not..."

6. "Good habits last..."

7. “He who smokes tobacco is the same ...”

8. A bad habit, the use of which primarily affects the cells of the brain and liver.

9. What changes in smokers.

10. What is the name of the force that helps fight bad habits.

Well done boys! Completed the task. Once again, we were convinced that good habits are important for our health, and good habits only cause harm.

"The lesson-game is aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle. Using the example of fairy-tale characters, it talks about the dangers of smoking and drinking alcohol, and also talks about the benefits and prospects of a healthy lifestyle. Conducting a lesson requires preparation: learning a fairy tale by roles by children. Direct participation in the action makes it possible to better assimilate and understand the proposed material.Also, the game of association is used in the development, which enhances the contrast effect between bad habits and good habits.

Topic: Bad habits. Occupation is a game.


  • Discuss the dangers of smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • Raise the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • Develop speech, auditory and visual perception.

Equipment: masks depicting fairy-tale characters, equipment for showing mm presentations.

"Course progress.
I. Organizational moment.
Let's talk today
About how we are without trouble,
live without small
A hundred years.

II. Main part.
1. Conversation.
What is a habit?
Children's answers.
A habit is something we do quite often and without thinking.
What are the habits?
Children's answers.
There are good habits. For example, wash your hands before eating.
List some good habits you know?
There are harmful ones. For example, biting your nails.
Name the habits you think are bad.
Children's answers.
And there are some very harmful ones. These are smoking and drinking alcohol.

2. Staging a fairy tale.
In our forest a long time ago
Morality strictly strictly
Smoking and drinking is prohibited.
But there are those who don't care
Neglecting advice
Sits and smokes under a bush,
Exhaling pungent smoke.
Who likes to drink alcohol
Then go fool.
So, one day
Wolf called a doctor to himself:

More like a doctor. I feel bad.
I cough. It hurts in the chest.
Shaking like I'm in a dream.
Wool in tufts. It's on fire inside!"

"In hospital! Urgently!"

"Heart problems,
Liver, kidneys - all this is nowhere!
And the lungs, I'll tell you honestly, like soot. Black!
And as my friend, you say
Have you brought your body to this?
Do you do sports?"

"Well no" -

“Maybe you are tempering?”

“Are you eating right?
Do you smoke, do you drink, maybe alcohol?”

“So, you, Wolf, doctors are now powerless to help.
You yourself, dear, ruined yourself.
You could live for many years
Now there is simply no chance.”

3. A conversation about a fairy tale.
What happened to Wolf?
Children's answers. (The wolf became seriously ill and called an ambulance. His heart ached, he had a fever, his hair fell out in clumps.)
Why is the wolf sick? (He did not lead a healthy lifestyle. He did not exercise, drank alcohol, smoked)
What kind of lifestyle should one lead to be healthy and avoid such problems?
Children's answers. (Go in for sports, observe the daily routine, eat right, do not smoke, do not drink alcohol)

4. Staging a fairy tale.
Today in the meadow
Forest - competition.
Who is taller, who is faster
And who is the strongest.
Athletes so much honors
Colors. And all attention!
The air is filled with joy
And loud laughter is heard.
And then the journalists
The hare is the winner
Rush to interview.

“You ran better than many
And jumped long.
What is your secret? Open up!"

“My secret is very simple.
I eat in moderation and only
Healthy foods.
I love all vegetables and fruits.
I do sports.
I don't drink or smoke.
I get up early
And I go to bed on time

5. A conversation about a fairy tale.
What is the secret of the Hare's success?
Children's answers. (The hare leads a healthy lifestyle. Follows the daily routine, eats healthy foods. Does not smoke, does not drink alcohol. Goes in for sports)
Which of the heroes of fairy tales did you want to be like: the Wolf, or the Hare?

6. Game of associations.
A person always has a choice what way of life he leads. But he must remember what this or that path will lead to.
What kind of person do you imagine when you see these pictures. What kind of life do you think he leads?
(Slide show depicting a shriveled and pouring apple, sunny and rainy weather, a withered and flowering tree, a calm sea and a sea during a storm, a dry and freshly cut rose).

A cycle of classes with children of senior preschool age

Rationale for conducting classes

The family as a social institution, for various reasons, began to change significantly. One of the unfavorable factors that destroy the mental balance of the child is drunkenness, and with it the immoral behavior of the parents. and drinking is associated with imitation of adults, movie heroes, idols ...

Someone may object: they say, it is too early to talk about this with preschoolers. But prevention should be carried out from childhood. Our observations show that most of the children of the older group have tried wine and beer, which they tell their peers about.

Since children live in an environment in which it is not uncommon to meet a drunk adult, they are very well versed in who is drunk and who is not, what alcoholic drinks exist. When in the classroom on the formation of a healthy lifestyle, the children were somehow asked about their attitude towards adult drunkenness, the children were more peacefully disposed towards dads, and they reacted negatively to mothers' drunkenness. What can be expected from children if, before they learn to read and write, they learn from adults to navigate what they can drink?

And then at the parent meeting, after conducting a raid check in the kindergarten, noting the state in which parents come to pick up their children, we proposed to conduct a series of conversations with children of older preschool age on the prevention of social hazards.

There were no objections from parents and teachers - after all, it is up to us, adults, to decide how to live, how to raise our children. We must not forget that already by our existence, by our behavior, we are an example to follow, and the upbringing of children must begin with ourselves.

The purpose of the lessons: to form in children of senior preschool age an idea of ​​human health as the most valuable and expensive; to form an idea of ​​the harmful effects of smoking, alcohol on the human body; educate the ability to resist the bad influence of others.

The conduct of such classes depends on the contingent of families (complete, dysfunctional, problematic, incomplete) and on the selection of children in the group. If children of senior preschool age have a well-developed ability to express their own thoughts (“I think ...”, “It seems to me ...”, “I noticed ...”), then our conversations are going well. They often need to ask the question: “What do you think?”

We must not forget that visual-figurative thinking is well developed in preschoolers, so we use drawings with the structure of the internal organs of a person through which the liquid moves. We show how the human body reacts to alcohol and juice, to the skin condition of a healthy person and a smoker.

It is good to end such conversations with reflection: “I liked (did not like) the lesson because ...”, when the children express their opinion, they say what else they would like to hear about. You can invite them to discuss the information received at home, find out the opinion of their relatives, and then simulate various situations at trainings. The most important thing is to understand the importance and relevance of this problem.

Target: to form in children of senior preschool age an idea of ​​human health and ways to preserve it.

Basic concepts: health, daily routine, personal hygiene, habits (harmful, useful).

Lesson progress

Educator (V.). Guys, today we will talk with you about our health. What kind of person can be called healthy? (Who feels well, does not get sick, is not nervous over trifles, does not starve, does not beg ...)

The teacher summarizes the answers of the children.

Human health depends on many factors:

  • diseases (some diseases are inherited, from mom and dad);
  • prevention, treatment (it is bad when treatment did not start on time, there is no doctor or medicine nearby);
  • environment (what kind of people live nearby, can they come to the rescue in difficult times);
  • lifestyle (how a person lives, what habits he has, character, daily routine, whether he is engaged in physical education, hardening, whether he drinks alcohol, smokes).

AT. Each person, depending on age, work and occupation, has his own daily routine. What is the daily routine? (This is what a person is constantly doing at certain times of the day.)

Game "When I do it."

AT. Is the daily routine of an adult different from the daily routine of a child? What are these differences? (Children play more, sleep more, get up less early, don't go to work.)

Human health also depends on food. How should you eat to be healthy? (Before eating, you need to wash your hands thoroughly, eat slowly, do not talk while eating.)

Correctly. You must always keep your body clean in order to look good, wash your face, brush your teeth, comb only with your comb, constantly change your underwear before going to bed.

A person lives among people, they are all very different. And what do they have different? (The color of eyes, hair, height, weight, everyone has their own thoughts, everyone thinks and acts differently.)

The game "We are so different."

AT. At the expense of 1, 2, 3 - everyone run to me! The teacher invites children with a certain color of hair, eyes, those who help their mother, never fight, do not say swear words ...

AT. We need, guys, to learn to live among people and be able to live without bad habits.

game situation.

AT. You are playing in the yard. An older boy comes up to you and offers to light a cigarette. How will you do it? What will you tell him? And if he insists and intimidates you? (Child answers.)

That's right, you should never do what is considered a bad habit - smoking, drinking alcohol, fighting, swearing with bad words. And if you are forced to do something that you do not want, then it is better to tell your mom or dad, older brother or sister about it.

Game training: "".

AT. Please answer what you need to do to be healthy, strong, hardy? (Exercise, brush your teeth, eat well, don't smoke...)

habits and health

Target: to form in children of senior preschool age an idea of ​​​​good and bad habits; educate the ability to resist the bad influence of others.

Basic concepts: habit (useful, harmful).

Lesson progress

Children enter the hall, the teacher watches the children who sit on the carpet in a semicircle.

AT. Why are you so perched on the carpet? I didn't tell you what to do? (Some of the children begin to get up, some remain seated, some begin to make excuses that we always sit like this, it’s so convenient for us.)

Yes, a person is accustomed to the way he usually sits at his workplace. It’s just that we get used to some constantly recurring actions or feelings, for example, someone goes to bed early, someone stays late, someone brushes their teeth before going to bed, and who doesn’t ... (Children name other habits.) Someone sometimes he constantly screams, fights, offends others, and someone won’t hurt a fly. People get used to their favorite clothes, place of residence, food ...

A habit is developed as a result of repeated repetitions, when a person does something many, many times, and then does not even think about how to do it differently, but simply performs the usual actions. (For example, a child eats carefully, is not late for kindergarten, helps his mother ...) Those habits that do not interfere with human health are called useful.

Training "My Good Habits"

AT. When I meet everyone, I always say hello, brush my teeth before going to bed ... (Each child completes the answer.)

Habits that are harmful to health are called harmful.

Invite the children to name them (there are a lot of sweets, sit in front of the TV for a long time, talk while eating, interrupt adults when talking ...)

AT. But there are very, very bad habits - smoking, drinking alcohol, taking drugs. And if a person does this (including a child), then his internal organs deteriorate - the heart, liver, stomach, kidneys, the person begins to get sick. But the worst thing is that he himself does not know about it, he thinks that he is healthy, but in fact he suffers from such diseases as alcoholism, drug addiction, and gets used to smoking.

Gradually, he begins to see and hear worse, his memory is lost, his behavior changes - he staggers (may even fall), he is angry (shouts at everyone). In this state, he is very dangerous.

The life of an alcoholic becomes uninteresting - he only does what he wakes up looking for alcohol. A person gets used to this bad habit very quickly, and then he himself cannot stop.

You had to meet such people on the street. They are very different from other people. What do they look like, remember? They are called homeless, drunkards, they always look unpleasant. But once they were normal, beautiful, neat people. That's what vodka does to a person. Now only treatment will help these people, but most often they refuse it.

Game “Imagine…”

Invite children to imagine what the son or daughter of an alcoholic feels, why are they ashamed? What should you do to avoid becoming like that? After all, many try vodka already in childhood.

AT. Some of you are not used to getting up early in the morning, and they start waking you up. How will you react to this? (We cry, we don’t want to get up, we ask to sleep a little, we are offended, and even when we get up, we can’t wake up right away, we walk sluggish, sleepy.) Or vice versa. They tell you to go to bed early, and you spin around, hide under the covers, act up ... But they ask you one day, the second, the third, you understand that you won’t change your mother, she will wake up early anyway. And you will get into the habit of getting up early, without crying, and enjoy the fact that you have time to do everything.

But it is difficult to get rid of such bad habits as alcohol, smoking, drugs on your own, without the help of relatives and doctors.

Alcohol, once in the blood, poisons it, weakens the body. A person lives like that - weak, sickly. And if the alcoholic does not drink, his “alcoholic cells” require reinforcement - “food” (alcohol). And so - every day. A person can no longer do without alcohol. It is especially difficult to get rid of this bad habit if it was formed in childhood. The child's body quickly gets used to alcohol, since it is still young, all organs are just beginning to form.

Let's think about what you learned today, and let's learn only good things.

"And imagine that..."

Target: to form in children of senior preschool age a negative attitude towards alcohol.

Material: paper, pencils, felt-tip pens, pictures for viewing and comparison.

Lesson progress

The session takes the form of a mini-talk.

AT. And imagine, children, that suddenly, as if by magic, bad habits, such as ... (children suggest), disappeared. Everyone stopped smoking, drinking alcohol, taking drugs. That was?

Children’s reasoning: “People would get sick less, only juices and ice cream would be sold in stores, adults would not swear in the family, would not yell at children, there would be no orphanages, there would be no abandoned children, money would be spent on good food, candy, clothes...

AT. What would life be like? Why do some adults not like it? Why are there so many drunkards?

Because already many adults suffer from such a disease as alcoholism. And if such a conversation had been conducted with them in childhood, perhaps many would not have become alcoholics. It all depends on the person. If he understands that it is impossible to do this, and does not harm himself, then he is not threatened with illness.

And now for a moment imagine that everyone suddenly began to drink alcohol, smoke - both men and women, and the elderly, and children ... What would happen?

The reasoning of the children: “All the beauty would be gone, no one would go to work, to kindergarten, the shops would not work, because the sellers would be drunk, there would be no buses or there would be accidents, there would be dirt all around” ...

AT. So you draw, dear guys, what kind of life did you like: without bad habits, when joyful mom and dad are relaxing with you in nature, do you all go to the circus together? Or maybe someone likes such a life when everyone only thinks about how to get alcohol, cigarettes and they don’t see anyone around?

Drawings of children. If desired, they talk about their drawing.

"Advertising and health"

Preliminary work: explain to children such concepts as "advertising", "product", "buyer", "advertiser".

Goods are items, clothing, food products that are made for sale.

The buyer is you and me, these are people who purchase goods in a store, on the market. Having bought this or that product, people draw their own conclusions about it. It's called customer reviews. This way others can read it and decide if they need it or not.

Lesson progress

The children settled down in the way that was convenient for them: some on a chair, some on the carpet. Music sounds, then suddenly ... an advertisement about "Alice - Chocolate Cream", then about chewing gum "Orbit" ...

AT. What does it sound like? How did you guess? Where did you hear it? How often? (Children's answers.)

The teacher offers to name some other advertisement. Children call "Doctor Diesel", "Red Bull", beer "Fat Man".

Children are given a beautiful bottle in the shape of a bunch of grapes, a golden sticker on it, an unusual cork, a pink color of the liquid in the bottle.

“A pink, transparent drink that you just want to drink completely from this bottle, reminiscent of a ripe bunch of grapes. Drink to your health! This is a delicious drink - it's true!

AT. So is advertising always true? Do they advertise alcohol? (Children call advertisements about beer.) Why, when they advertise alcohol, cigarettes, they only praise their appearance, and do not talk about how they adversely affect human health? (No one would buy.) What is the goal of advertisers of alcoholic beverages, cigarettes? (To sell a product for a lot of money, they are not interested in people's health and the fact that children also watch ads.) It's just that advertising has its own tricks. In order to be attractive to people, alcohol advertising producers resort to the following methods: they expose alcohol as a symbol of growing up (drank beer - and you feel like an adult), demonstrate that people who drink alcohol are interesting and unusual. They never mention health.

A well-known artist or actor states that she (he) constantly uses this product. And since they use it, people think that the product is of good quality. The advertisement also says that all people use this product and a person does not want to remain different from everyone else. "Advertising" heroes are always happy and cheerful. They always succeed, and it seems to us that we will achieve everything too.

There are also a lot of jokes and humor in advertising so that people quickly remember funny pictures and phrases. See how many different tricks you need to know to make an advertisement. And let's do it, come up with a truthful advertisement for beer, liquor.

“Not all that glitters is gold,” says the old proverb. This is a clear, golden, light, frothy beer that both men and women drink with such pleasure today, both boys and girls, even boys and girls (and this is very bad), but the consequences of drinking are irreversible. (Children are shown drawings - a man with a big belly, a red nose, an untidy woman with a bag of bottles, children (teenagers) stand at the school and drink beer, being late for the lesson, and the kids, fearing the consequences, imagine themselves with "huge red ears, nose ".)

The teacher once again convinces his pupils of how important it is from childhood to accustom yourself to morning exercises, the correct daily routine, and a healthy lifestyle. He says that you should not smoke cigarettes, try wine. Then the whole life of a person will be full of bright joy, good health, happiness.


teacher of the highest qualification category.

Purpose of the lesson: the formation of a clear understanding among students of the consequences of the influence of habits on human health.


To develop pupils' knowledge about health and a healthy lifestyle;

To promote the desire to acquire good habits and get rid of bad ones;

Cultivate an active life position, a responsible attitude to one's health.

Conduct form: dialogue with game elements

Preliminary work: developing a scenario, making cards for the exercise, compiling and writing a list of habits, selecting fiction.

Equipment: exercise cards, list of habits, pencils.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time

Educator: Guys, there is a card on the table in front of you. What is written on the card? (Attachment 1)

Children's answers

Educator: Your task is to cross out the repeated letters. From the remaining letters, add and read the word.

Children do the task

Educator: What word did you get?

Children's answers

Topic message

Educator: How many of you guessed what our lesson will be devoted to today?

Children's answers

Educator: Today we will talk about habits, we will try to understand the habits that each of us have and their impact on our health.

caregiver Q: What does the word "habit" mean?

Children's answers

Educator: In the "Explanatory Dictionary" by D. Ushakov, habit means "a mode of action, a state, a behavior learned by someone over a certain period of life, which has become ordinary, constant for someone in life"

A habit is something that we do almost without thinking, acting as if automatically. For example, the habit of going to bed early, brushing your teeth, making your bed, and so on.

Habits are formed as a result of repeated repetitions. When a person performs the same actions, he gets used to repeating them without thinking.

Seeing how a habit is formed will help usHabit game.

Game description:

Children stand in a circle. If the leader’s command begins with the word “Please!”, Then everyone performs various movements: “Please sit down”, “Please turn around”, “Please raise your left hand”, and so on. There should be enough such commands so that the participants in the game get used to executing them. At a certain moment, the teacher does not say the word “Please” in front of the team, and then the children should not follow his instructions.

Game discussion:

Educator: Having got used to executing commands, many of you could not immediately switch and executed the command when you should not have executed it. Habits are formed in us according to the same principle: one has only to repeatedly repeat this or that action, as it is fixed in the mind in the form of a habit.

Each person develops many habits during his life. Many habits can affect a person's health.

What are the health habits called?

Children's answers

Educator: What are habits that are harmful to human health called?

Children's answers

Working with cards

Educator: I have a task card. It lists habits.

1. Read the list of habits together.

2. Choose from the list of useful habits and put in front of each "+"

3. Choose from the list of bad habits and put in front of each "-"

List of habits: (appendix 2)



wash your face

To confront

Brush your teeth

Maintain hygiene

biting nails

Follow the daily routine

Putting things in place

skip classes


Lots of watching TV

To do homework

Miss lessons


Do sport

attend circles

To tell the truth

be rude

be lazy

Don't respect elders


(After completing the task, a discussion is held)

Physical education minute

We are funny monkeys

We play too loud.

We all stomp our feet

We all clap our hands

We puff out cheeks

We jump on toes.

Together we jump to the ceiling,

Let's put a finger to the temple.

And even to each other

Let's show the tongues!

Let's open our mouth wide

We'll make all the grimaces.

When I say word three

All freeze with grimaces

One two Three!

Educator: We have already said that habits are useful and harmful. I propose to listenpoem "In the country of bad habits" by N.I. Salova (Appendix 3)

Poem discussion


Who do you think it will be more pleasant to communicate with: with a person who has bad habits or with a person who has good habits?

Children's answers

Educator: Of course, you are right, a person who has bad habits not only harms his health, he also spoils his relationships with people. On the contrary, a person who has good habits not only gets sick less often, it is more pleasant to communicate with him, since a smart look, accuracy and accuracy evoke positive feelings in others.

How should one act in order not to acquire bad habits?

Children's answers

Educator: What do you think you can advise someone who wants to get rid of a bad habit?

Children's answers.

Summary of the lesson

Educator: The lesson has come to an end. Let's summarize. What did they talk about today?

Children's answers

Educator: What habits are called useful?

Children's answers

Educator: Which are harmful?

Children's answers

Educator: What do bad habits lead to?

Children's answers

Educator: Can a person get rid of a bad habit on his own?

What needs to be done for this?

Children's answers

Educator: The following conclusions can be drawn:

There are different habits: good and bad.

Good habits can be developed

We must try to behave in such a way that we do not acquire bad habits.

Willpower helps not to have a bad habit.

Attachment 1

Annex 2



wash your face

To confront

Brush your teeth

Maintain hygiene

biting nails

Follow the daily routine

Putting things in place

skip classes


Lots of watching TV

To do homework

Miss lessons


Do sport

attend circles

To tell the truth

be rude

be lazy

Don't respect elders


Annex 3


Not in some ancient realm
In the modern state
Children attended school
Read smart books

Passionate about literature
Made friends with physical education,
In the section, circles went,
For others, they were an example.

All they had to do was
Only Vovka was tired.
Threw a bag and a diary
Our exemplary student.

Dropped out of school - music,
For sports hardening
He also waved his hand
In general, the guy became different.

With dad, mom he said goodbye,
Set off on the path
Look into the distant light
Whether they live there or not.

He walked through the forests, through the fields.
Behind two then hills
The city grew before him.
And everywhere you look - all the smoke

Vovka started coughing and sneezing.
What is the name of this city?
And everyone says in response:
"This is our TOBACO - hail »

Well, what's not here:
Various cigarette brands
And pipe tobacco is here
And smoking blend.

Whatever you want, take everything
On the health of the chicken.
I chose the mixture and inhaled.
He does not remember how he woke up.

He sees a dwarf-grandfather nearby
(So, smokes for many years).
With dim blinking eyes,
Flashing yellow teeth

He says: “Son, run!
There are no friends here, everyone is an enemy
I don't scare you, but be aware
You stop growing

Frequent cough and shortness of breath
They'll take you, boy..."
Vovka understood that tobacco
Health's worst enemy.

The fugitive got out.
I thought: “Everything, it seems, is the end!”
Well, how did you come to your senses?
Went around the world again.

Long wandered or not,
But he wandered into the New World.
Like a river full of wine
Alcohol is a country.

Noisy people live here.
Young and old drinks.
Drink here women, men,
Even if there is no reason

They don't care
Without housing and without work.
Guys you will not find there -
All for children at home.

They are dirty and sick.
Night, day - always intoxicated
Vovka is glad that he came.
Invite to sit at the table

Although the hero is very brave,
Scared, by the way.
Drilled in my head: "Yes,
I will never drink!”

Fortunately, he was an athlete -
Two jumps and soared like a bird
In his heart he keeps a covenant:
"There is no road to that country"

Only the tale is not over.
He matured, the young man grew up.
Does not give rest, sleep
This miracle side
The rains were crying at night:
"There, boy, don't go!"
The wind howled angrily into the chimney:
"Don't tempt fate!"

Only Vovka cannot be appeased,
He walked five blocks.
Finally, here she is
Drug addiction is a country

Syringe - the king sits on the throne,
With him a needle in a golden crown,
Nearby daughter - Nesmeyana
Their joy is marijuana.

There's a kid running around
Black Eyed Hashish.
Enters sedately, slowly,
Mother - old woman Anasha

Who is that strange gentleman?
- Their uncle Heroin
And at the door, a little to the side,
Place Poppy Straw

The youth here catches the buzz
Well, not life
A real drive
Everything I've heard is nonsense
Well, what's the problem here?

They don't drink, but everyone is intoxicated.
Eyes languid, crazy.
Speeches inappropriately
All movements are random.

And sometimes it breaks
The doctor suddenly fails...
Vovka yelled: “That’s the trouble!
I won't come back here!"

For a long time he wandered
I even met Lenya.
And also learned than AIDS
Toxic to health.

And then he yearned
School, loved ones remembered.
Friends began to dream
And he decided to return

Opens the doors of the house
How warm and cozy it is!
His family is waiting for a long time,
Classmates, friends.

He found the bags, the diary.
Vovka is a student again
Well, the sun is brighter than splashes!
After all, a healthy lifestyle

Every house must live
To be friends with him

Publication date: 03/12/16


name of the project



Benko Marina Alekseevna - educator of the highest qualification category

Address of the organization of the performer

MADOU Nizhnevartovsk DS No. 15 "Sun"

Address of the organization of the performer, telephone / fax

Russia, Khanty - Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, Nizhnevartovsk, st. Pobedy Avenue - 23A



MADOU Nizhnevartovsk DS No. 15 "Sun"

Target groups

Program type


Object of study

The process of forming healthy lifestyle habits in pupils.

Terms of the program implementation

Objective of the project

To form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers and families, to achieve a conscious implementation of the rules of health savings and a responsible attitude, both to their own health and the health of others.

Project focus



- a comprehensive system of education and rehabilitation of preschoolers. The main content of work with children under the program is built in several areas:

  • Cultural and hygienic skills
  • The structure of the body, the rules for caring for it; food culture
  • Fundamentals of motor culture

"Cleanliness is the key to health";

“I want to know everything about myself!”;

"Movement is life!"

Expected results of the project implementation

As a result of phased, systematic work with children, parents, teachers:

  • The number of children who independently use the existing ideas about a healthy lifestyle in everyday life will increase by 40%;
  • The number of parents who take an active part in DS activities on healthy lifestyles will increase by 40%;
  • The pedagogical competence of parents about the factors of a healthy lifestyle will increase up to 80%.

Legal support

  • Federal Law "On Education" dated May 12, 1995, Chapter 5, Article 51;
  • Federal Law "On Physical Culture and Sports of the Russian Federation", Art. 14. "Development of physical culture and sports in educational institutions";
  • “On Improving the Process of Physical Education in Educational Institutions of the Russian Federation” (Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia, the Ministry of Health of Russia, the Federation for Physical Culture and Sports, the Russian Academy of Education dated July 16, 2002 No. 2715/227/166/19;
  • Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN (Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of March 26, 2003 No. 24;
  • Priority national project "Education";
  • "The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010" (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2001 No. 1756-r).


The problem of the health of preschool children has always been in the focus of attention of teachers, interest in it has not weakened even today, since changes in social conditions have led not only to a revision, but also to a significant divergence of views of various social institutions on the goals and content of the physical and mental development of a preschooler. In particular, in the context of a systemic mismatch of human relations with the external natural environment, it is necessary to revise the pedagogical ways and conditions of the valeological education of children. Because of this, there is a need to create flexible social and pedagogical technologies for health-saving education and upbringing of a person in an educational institution. The use of technology by teachers will help form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, certain self-regulation skills that will prevent deviant (deviant) behavior.

In the formation of a healthy lifestyle, children are the most promising age category. It is at this age that the assimilation of the main volumes of information, the development of fundamental life stereotypes take place. There are exceptionally favorable conditions for this work in a preschool educational institution. The whole way of life of the child is built competently, taking into account the basic scientific principles, the sequence of regime processes, their duration, proper rational, balanced nutrition, compliance with the motor regime, water, air, solar hardening. Carrying out all these activities is educational in nature and is the basis of a healthy lifestyle.

However, it is necessary that the child turns from an object for health-improving activities into an active participant in this process, i.e. learned to understand the importance and necessity of these procedures for health, consciously and actively used them in everyday life, both in a preschool educational institution and at home.

The educational project “Useful habits are your true friends” will allow you to educate a child in the habit of cleanliness, neatness and order. It will contribute to mastering the basics of cultural and hygienic skills. To acquaint with the elements of self-control during a variety of motor activities. Learn to understand how exercise affects the human body, its well-being. To educate the ability to behave correctly in situations that threaten life and health, and sometimes prevent them.

Models of classes, didactic and finger games, physical culture breaks, consultations for parents on various topics have been selected to help implement the project: child health, sports, hardening, outdoor games. Fiction, riddles, proverbs and sayings will also be good helpers in organizing classes.

Rationale for the need for the project.

Raising a healthy child is a priority, the most important task of preschool pedagogy, especially in modern conditions. The problem of raising a happy person is directly related to the health of this person. The health of the Russian population is in danger. In recent years, negative processes have begun to threaten the existence of the nation. Almost all indicators of health and social well-being have undergone a sharp deterioration. Of particular concern is the physical development and health of the younger generation. Over 60% of children aged 2-7 years have health problems.

The lifestyle of people, on which half of their health depends, consists of healthy and unhealthy habits of behavior. But the habits of behavior, for the most part, are the result of upbringing. Therefore, the involvement of teachers in the improvement of children's health by educating them in healthy lifestyle habits (HLS) is a promising area of ​​work to improve health.

Preschool age is the most favorable for promoting health and cultivating healthy lifestyle habits. Children of this age develop intensively physically and mentally, they are constantly under the supervision and care of their parents. All this makes it possible to solve the problems of health improvement not only in educational institutions, but also at home at the same time with the participation of parents.

Based on the study of the results of the survey, the analysis of the awareness of teachers and parents in matters of health protection and culture, the social portrait of the families of pupils, we can conclude that that the following factors influence the state of health of a child in the conditions of Nizhnevartovsk:

  • Climatogeographic: low air temperatures, lack of sun, biomagnetic storms, lack of physical activity;
  • Technogenic: unfavorable ecological situation;
  • Biological: deterioration of women's health, malnutrition;
  • Social: falling living standards, stress, insufficient training of educators in matters of health protection and physical fitness, low level of literacy of parents in matters of maintaining children's health, lack of medical supervision in kindergartens.

In the conditions of the harsh climate of our region and environmental problems, the most important task is to form the motives of the child's behavior, the need to learn to be healthy, the formation of behavioral skills for a healthy lifestyle, the ability to use the health-improving power of nature in one's region to improve health.

Taking into account the social and educational order, the policy pursued in the field of education in the preservation and promotion of the health of children, in 2015 I developed the project “Good habits are your friends”.

Its main tasks:

1. To create conditions for the correct, unmistakable choice in any situation of only the useful, promoting health and the rejection of everything harmful through the introduction of elements of problem-based learning into the educational process.

2. Raise the level of parental health culture through non-traditional forms and methods.

3. Implement a comprehensive-targeted approach when planning educational activities aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of children and the formation of a conscious attitude towards their health in preschool children.

These tasks predetermine the creative search for more effective ways to organize the educational and health-improving process in the family and preschool educational institution, which should be designed to instill healthy lifestyle habits in children.

Goals and objectives of the project

Target : Formin preschoolers the basics of a healthy lifestyle, to achieve a conscious implementation of the rules of health savings and a responsible attitude, both to their own health and the health of others.

Object of study- the process of forming healthy lifestyle habits in pupils.

Subject of study- project activity as a means of forming healthy lifestyle habits.


1. To study and implement modern technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle in the practice of DS in order to preserve and improve the health of children.

2. Help the child to accumulate the necessary experience and knowledge for conscious inclusion in the work to strengthen psychophysical health.

3. To form the skills of self-regulation of the child's behavior, aimed at the conscious preservation and strengthening of their health.

4. Automate the implementation of sanitary and hygienic norms and rules (personal hygiene, environmental hygiene).

5. Continue to form the habit of a healthy lifestyle; to consolidate ideas about ways to preserve and promote health in the region.

6. To activate the pedagogical potential of the family in the formation of health values ​​through the development and use of innovative forms of work with parents to promote a healthy lifestyle.

A set of conditions that ensure the implementation of a pedagogical project:

  • logistics;
  • acquisition of the Bank methodological materials;
  • preparation of regulatory documents - work programs, scheduling with the inclusion of modern technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle
  • studying the contingent of pupils;
  • systematic work with children;
  • work with parents on interaction within the framework of the project;
  • organizing and conducting integrated classes;
  • organization and conduct of entertainment and leisure activities;
  • organizing and conducting open classes for colleagues from the DC, the city;
  • organization and holding of seminars, master classes on generalization and dissemination of experience;
  • preparing students for competitions, competitions;
  • organization of monitoring studies and processing of the obtained data;
  • determination of the effectiveness and further prospects for the development of the project.

The main content of the project

Key concepts and terms:

Health- complete physical, mental and social well-being, as a harmonious state of the body, which allows a person to be active in his life, to achieve success in various activities. There are several components of health:

Health-saving technology - this is a system of measures that includes the relationship and interaction of all factors of the educational environment aimed at maintaining the health of the child at all stages of his education and development. The concept of preschool education provides not only for the preservation, but also for the active formation of a healthy lifestyle and the health of pupils.

Healthy lifestyle is a dynamic system of human behavior based on deep knowledge of the causes of health or ill health, on the choice of a line of behavior that will maximize the preservation and strengthening of health. This is a constant adjustment of their behavior, taking into account the experience gained.

Culture of health- the general ability and readiness of the child's personality for activities to protect and promote health, based on the knowledge and experience that are acquired in the educational process of the DS and the family.

Skills and habits having common features, differ significantly from each other. A skill is a learned way of acting, it is the ability to perform an action well and quickly, and a habit is also a need, a desire to perform this action.

The system of preschool education is of great importance in creating favorable conditions for the formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers. Since the concern for strengthening the health of the child, as noted by a number of authors (A.F. Amend, S.F. Vasiliev, M.L. Lazarev, O.V. Morozova, T.V. Poshtareva, O.Yu. Tolstova, Z. I. Tyumaseva and others). The problem is not only medical, but also pedagogical, since properly organized upbringing and educational work with children often, to a greater extent than all medical and hygienic measures, ensures the formation of health and a healthy lifestyle. Education, as a social way to ensure the inheritance of culture, socialization and development of the individual, is the hope of the state policy for the formation of an individual culture of a healthy lifestyle of the younger generation, as one of the main components of the national culture of a healthy lifestyle.

Teachers and scientists (J. Locke, K. D. Ushinsky, A. S. Makarenko, etc.) have long been engaged in the search for the necessary methods of educating habits. Meanwhile, the analysis of scientific and psychological and pedagogical literature showed that many scientists (V.G. Alyamovskaya, G.P. Zarudyan, L.M. Studenikin, etc.) are working on the problems of improving the health of children, but fundamental works there is no formation of healthy lifestyle habits for older preschoolers yet.

We can single out the main principles on which the system of “health education” is built:

scientific- the proposed content corresponds to the modern idea of ​​the anatomical and physiological structure of the human body;

realism and accessibility - the proposed volume of representations is adapted to the perception of it by children of senior preschool age and corresponds to their age-related abilities for acquiring knowledge; there should not be excessive simplification or complexity;

value attitude to life and health - all material should bring to the consciousness of children that life and health are great values ​​​​and they must be treated with intelligence, respect and awe, that the whole life of a person depends on the state of health, that a healthy lifestyle is a necessary condition for human existence;

businesslike and entertaining the proposed material should have an entertaining beginning, be playful or with elements of a game, a surprise; carry business information, cause the need for practical activities;

personality-oriented orientation - the main attention is paid to the personal development of the pupil, the upbringing of a focus on maintaining a long, healthy, fulfilling life, and not on illness and pessimism;

developmental education- to develop the personality of the creator of one's own life;

research knowledge - placing the child in the active position of the researcher.

Given the visual-effective nature of the thinking of preschoolers, the main material is given with the help of visual and practical methods :

Examination of illustrations, plot, subject pictures, posters;


Games (didactic, role-playing);

Game training situations with game motivation;

Experiences and experiments;


Training games;

Fun games;

Outdoor games;


Finger and breathing exercises;

Self-massage, etc.

Forms of work:

Specially organized classes (various types and types);

Games (plot-role-playing, didactic, mobile);

Unregulated activities (cognitive minutes, conversations, reading fiction)

Entertainment and leisure.


The implementation of the project does not impose special requirements for personnel, methodological and technical support. To implement the project, a system of interaction between educators, parents, and medical personnel has been developed, which allows organizing work more efficiently.

  • Information resources are software and methodological support for the formation of a caring, careful attitude to oneself and one's health, information resources of the Internet.
  • Human (personnel) - educators of the correctional group, speech therapist, music director, physical education teacher, medical worker.
  • Logistics - TCO, group rooms, music hall, sports hall, mini-stadium, group playgrounds, sports equipment, teaching aids, non-standard equipment for hardening, massagers, models, didactic games,



Relationship subject

Educator - project leader

Development, implementation, project management


Master the program


A modern educational institution is unthinkable without a systematic, meaningful interaction with the family. The family is not only and not so much one of the customers of the educational institution and the consumer of its educational services, first of all, the family is the basis for educating the personality of the child, it is no coincidence that the family is an institution for the primary socialization of a growing person.

Implementation of the system of continuity of education, training and upbringing of children

The target audience

The main subjects of the implementation of the pedagogical project are children from the younger group to the preparatory group, parents and educators.

Project Implementation Plan

teacher The academic project “Good habits are your friends” is implemented through the interaction of the teacher, children and parents in stages.

Stages of project implementation

Implementation forms

Preparatory phase (May 2015)

* Study the psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on this topic;

* To study the social order of parents;

* Select diagnostic tools, develop monitoring;

* Develop a system of work with children, parents, teachers, aimed at the formation of healthy lifestyle habits in preschool children through project activities;

* Pick up practical material for working with parents and children;

* Hold the first parent meeting on the topic: "Project activity - as a means of forming healthy lifestyle habits in preschool children"

Psychological-pedagogical, methodical literature;

Perspective plan for working with children;

Long-term plan for working with parents;

A long-term plan for working with teachers;

Diagnostic tools;

Health saving technologies;



A complex of directly educational activities with children;

Parent meeting.

Diagnostic stage

(September 2015)

1. Reveal the level of representation of children about parts of the body and human organs and their functions.

2. To identify the level of formation of ideas about ways to preserve and promote health

3. Reveal in children the level of formation of ideas about the factors affecting human health.

4. To identify the level of formation of ideas about diseases, their causes and preventive measures

5. Reveal the idea of ​​a person as a living organism.

Child supervision

Monitoring to identify the level of formation of ideas in children about a person and his health.

Organize and hold events, competitions, leisure activities, classes in accordance with the long-term plan of work with parents and children;

* Hold conversations, consultations, issue memos for parents and children;

* Organize joint exhibitions;

* Educate parents on health-saving technologies

(respiratory gymnastics according to Strelnikova, gymnastics for the eyes, acupressure, "Gymnastics of little wizards", music therapy).

* Teach parents to work with practical material on the formation of healthy lifestyle habits in children (games and exercises);

* To acquaint parents with the system of work on the formation of healthy lifestyle habits.


Conversations: “Our true friends”, “Useful and bad habits”, “Whoever is friends with hardening never grieve”, “We are not afraid of rains and gloomy autumn days”,

"Get on the charger"

“Cleanliness is a guarantee of health”, “Winter games and fun”, “Where diseases come from”;

Classes: “Where health is hidden”, “From morning to evening”, “Long live fragrant soap”, “How the human body works”, “Let's be slim and beautiful”, “Vitamins and my health”, “Microbes and viruses”, “ So that you can keep your own teeth longer!

Cognitive minutes;

Teaching children health-saving technologies;

Puppet show "Magic Country";

Lesson-game with parents “Drink milk for children, you will be healthy!”;

Entertainment "Eyes, ears and noses should be healthy!";

Lesson-training "Hiking in the country of health."

Final stage (May 2016)

* Reveal the levels of ideas about a person and his health in preschool children through a diagnostic examination, after conducting various forms and methods of work;

* To identify the effectiveness of project activities for the formation of healthy lifestyle habits among preschoolers;

* Determine the prospects for further development of the project.

Monitoring to identify the level of formation of ideas in children about a person and his health,

after carrying out various forms and methods of work within the project;

Issue of the wall newspaper "Take care of your health from a young age";

To hold a holiday "Journey to the country of dispute and health";

Project presentation.

Project implementation mechanism.

A healthy lifestyle is a dynamic system of human behavior based on deep knowledge of the causes of health or ill health, on the choice of a line of behavior that will maximize the preservation and strengthening of health. This is a constant adjustment of their behavior, taking into account the experience gained.

The main tasks for this section:

Second junior group:

Formation of cultural and hygienic skills

Formation of ideas that the cause of the occurrence of diseases can be a violation of behavior

Formation of ideas about the structure of the human body.

Middle group:

Continue to form ideas about the importance of personal hygiene for human health

To form children's ideas about human organs and their functions (eyes, ears, mouth, nose, heart, stomach)

To form an understanding of microbes and viruses. To give basic information about the most common diseases in our region, their signs, causes, and the simplest ways to prevent diseases

Continue to acquaint with the rules of a healthy lifestyle. To form the need for movement, hardening, personal hygiene.

Give the first idea that a person is a living organism.

Senior group:

Encourage yourself to comply with basic sanitary and hygienic norms and rules; continue to form the concept that human health is associated with behavior and personal hygiene

Continue to introduce the internal organs (brain, nerves, intestines, lungs, etc.)

Learn to differentiate the concepts of "health", "illness"; continue to form ideas about diseases, their signs, causes and prevention measures

To give an idea that health impairment can occur due to environmental degradation

Continue to form a healthy lifestyle habit

Clarify ideas about the needs of a person as a living being.

Preparatory group:

Automate the implementation of sanitary and hygienic norms and rules (personal hygiene, environmental hygiene)

To form an idea of ​​the main systems of the human body and the organs that form these systems (nervous, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, etc.)

To form ideas about diseases associated with environmental pollution, as well as some common diseases in our region, their causes and methods of treatment

Learn to link environmental protection with human health

Continue to form the habit of a healthy lifestyle; consolidate ideas about ways to preserve and promote health in the region

To consolidate knowledge about man as a biosocial being.

Pedagogical conditions that contribute to the solution of the above tasks, the formation of preschoolers' ideas about a person and his health:

  • Creation of a developing environment in DC.
  • Competence of teachers.
  • System of work with children. Work on the formation of a caring, caring attitude towards oneself and one's health should begin from the early preschool age, when information is assimilated in the most economical way - by imprinting. In the future, this will become the foundation of future concepts, ideas that will be supplemented, complicated and developed.
  • Cooperation with parents. Parents should be well aware of the content of working with children in each age group. The skills developed in the garden and the formed concepts are fixed in the family. Parents should serve as a role model, set a personal example of caring for their health.

Diagnostic materials allow you to diagnose the level:

The formation of children's ideas about a person and his health;

Competencies of teachers in this area

Parents' awareness of the content of work on the formation of preschoolers' ideas about a person and his health.

Based on this, I believe that it is necessary for a preschooler to form healthy lifestyle skills through the formation of elementary knowledge about his body and the factors that affect it. The sooner the child gets an idea about the structure of his body, learns about the importance of hardening, movement, proper nutrition, sleep, the sooner he will be introduced to a healthy lifestyle.

Stage 1 - preparatory (May 2015)

At the first stage of my work, I studied the psychological, pedagogical, methodological literature on this topic. Having found out that there are problems in the formation of healthy lifestyle habits for preschoolers, I conducted a survey of parents and found that the parent community is also interested in solving this problem. Next, I systematized the diagnostic tools: monitoring to identify the level of formation of ideas in children about a person and his health, a healthy lifestyle. She made a long-term plan of work with parents, children, teachers aimed at forming healthy lifestyle habits in children of senior preschool age.

Then she made a selection of practical material for working with parents and children: consultations, didactic games and exercises, memos, conversations, scenarios (holidays, leisure, theatrical activities, KVN, quizzes).

I held the first parent meeting on the topic of my work, where I introduced parents to the existing problem: children do not have ideas about human health, ways to preserve and strengthen it; children have a negative attitude towards hardening and morning exercises, do not monitor the cleanliness of their body and things. Showed how this problem can be solved through project activities.

Parents were actively involved in the work, and in the future it was decided to work in this area in conjunction with all the specialists of the preschool educational institution, providing support and assistance in the formation of healthy lifestyle habits in children. At the meeting, I demonstrated all the material prepared for the upcoming work, methods of working with games, fiction and methodological literature; memos on hardening, gymnastics for the eyes, and acupressure were offered.

Stage 2 - diagnostic (September 2015)

After conducting a diagnostic examination, I concluded that in most children, the ideas about the role of the body in general correspond to reality. The reasoning of older preschoolers is based on practical experience and physiological sensations. Children understand the meaning and role of the organism in human life very one-sidedly. They underestimate the importance of the daily routine, exercise, hardening, rational nutrition, and personal hygiene.

Creating a complex of directly educational activities, I relied on the following provisions:

1. Carrying out a socially organized, continuous and purposeful work of a preschool institution and a family.

2. Logical and consistent use of all the main proven ways in practice to form the habits of a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers. These include daily routine, exercise, hardening, rational nutrition, personal hygiene.

3. Improving the formation of healthy lifestyle habits in older preschoolers through thematic planning. Thematic planning reflects a view of the education process as a complex system that includes development tasks, forms of organization of the educational process and a developing subject environment.

4. The use of various forms of organizing work with children: frontal - team, subgroup - team, individual - paired.

I built a work system in the following areas:

In the system of working with children on teaching a healthy lifestyle, two stages can be distinguished:

  • Informative - the child is given basic ideas about the structure of his body, about health, relationships with the environment, the rules for maintaining and strengthening his health, the rules for a healthy lifestyle.
  • Active - the acquisition of experience in leading a healthy lifestyle in a harsh climate and environmental problems, the ability to use the health-improving power of the nature of the native land to strengthen one's health, health-saving technologies.

Learning goes through all the activities of the child during his stay in preschool and is supported by parents at home. Forms of organization of education: classes (health lessons), games, game situations, conversations, actions, theatrical performances, reading fiction, drawing.

When organizing directly educational activities at these stages, I used various methods and techniques.

Artistic word, children's book - an important means of influencing children. The choice of works was determined by their content. For example, reading S. Cherny "About Katyusha" - brings up the habit of keeping clothes clean. V. Suteeva: “Who said meow?” - Forms ideas about the organs of hearing and vision. T. Voronkova "Masha is confused." V. Bianchi "Bathing the cubs" - forms the habit of a healthy lifestyle and KHN, neatness, cleanliness, accuracy. Fairy tales "How Andreika defeated caries", "The adventure of a microbe" - form an idea about microbes and CGN. K. Chukovsky "Aibolit" - forms ideas and respect for the people of the medical profession.

It is effective to use the method of resolving problem situations in the work. For example, the teacher tells the children a short story with a simple plot, where the characters face simple difficulties (get caught in the rain, get cold, etc.). Children are invited to resolve these difficulties and help the heroes get out of a difficult situation. But the educator does not just tell the story, but at the same time draws (simplified) what is happening with a pencil or chalk. The answers proposed by the children are also completed either by the teacher or by the children. Thus the problem is resolved.

In my work, I took into account that the game is the leading activity in the life of preschool children, in addition, the game is an emotional activity: a playing child is in a good mood, active, friendly. When forming ideas about a person, his body and a healthy lifestyle, I used didactic, mobile and role-playing games with a definitely didactic purpose - game learning situations (ITS).

When using the IOS method, I used the technique of game motivation. This allows from early childhood to form a humane attitude towards the environment, to develop an active position in relation to others (to help, protect, take care, etc.). For example: wash clothes, give tea, cure, help get dressed. From IOS and personal experience, children transfer the plot and role-playing game, reinforcing a positive attitude towards each other, the profession of a doctor, and the habit of a healthy lifestyle.

Using didactic games, she systematized and consolidated the knowledge gained by children: D / and “Collect correctly”, “What organs a person has lost” - reinforce children's ideas about human organs, D / and “Yes and no” - consolidate skills in caring for teeth, D / and "Health from the basket" - formir