How to be an excellent student without much effort. How to make an excellent student out of a child

Of course, everyone wants to study well and get A's, but many people think that studying well takes a lot of effort. Of course, this is the surest way to success, but there are also tricks that will help you get good grades with minimal effort.


Study strategy

    Develop a strategy. Take care of your studies now so you don't have to get out of trouble later. Try to show yourself well in all classes in the first week and do not devote too much time to one subject (fours in all will be enough). Then start working on those subjects in which you have the lowest grades, trying to bring your grades to 95%.

    • Participate in extracurricular activities whenever possible. This will add points to you at the end of the quarter.
  1. Find out what your school's grading system is. Find out if there are extra points for extracurricular activities and clubs. In a way, grading is a game, and the better you know the rules, the more likely you will be to succeed.

    Shine the first week. The first impression is very important, so try to make sure that teachers have a favorable opinion of you.

    • If at the beginning of the year the teacher decides that you are a polite, decent and hardworking person, he will be more supportive of you, and it will be easier for you to get good grades. It is much easier to create a good impression than to correct a bad one.
  2. Ask questions and try to answer the teacher's questions. You may need to master the art of being a smart and prepared student. It's always easier to appear smart and prepared than it is to be. Try to remember any information related to the topic of the lesson. Most likely, the teacher will praise you for knowing something, and then give you hints about the question that he wants to get an answer to.

    Don't be afraid to ask for help or seek clarification. Ask teachers, parents, and classmates to explain to you what you do not understand. It is easier to ask a question than to find the answer on your own.

    • Approach the teacher before or after class. If the teacher offers counseling outside of class, go for it. Even if you find it difficult to cope with the material, the teacher will appreciate your efforts and will be inclined to give you good grades.
  3. Learn to recognize flow proofing jobs. To understand how things work, you need to think like a teacher. Teachers are people too, and they're just as busy outside of school as you are, if not more so. Remember that each test paper needs to be evaluated, and since each teacher can have hundreds of students, this is a rather laborious process. It is impossible to check all such works thoroughly. If you follow the guidelines above, your teacher will most likely not read your work. Stream check work can be recognized by two signs:

    • This is a multiple choice test.
    • The teacher distributes the same options to everyone and spends less than a minute checking each work.
  4. Put things in order and start managing your time wisely. Get organized in your head and in your diary. Do not miss the deadlines for the submission of works, as this is fraught with a decrease in grade. It will be a shame to lose points due to the fact that you did not follow the deadlines.

    • Change the approach to streaming check jobs. It should take the same amount of time to complete the test as it takes the teacher to check! If you have an article with questions about the text, the answers can most often be found in the text in the same order in which the questions are located. Read the question and review the text. If you need to express your opinion, don't spend too much time on it. Write something that sounds smart. Many students are able to cope with such tasks, but for some it is new. By learning how to do this kind of work quickly, you can save a lot of time.
  5. Take notes actively. Think about what the teacher says and write down your thoughts in your own words. If possible, use mnemonic techniques for memorization.

    Do your homework. You will likely find it easiest to get good grades for this job. This does not mean that you need to sit over notebooks until night. Try to make use of the time at the end of the lessons.

    Prioritize according to how your teacher grades. First, work on what he will read carefully and try to do everything well to build the teacher's confidence. Then complete the assignments that the teacher will check less carefully, and don't worry about the quality of the work. It is important that the answer is on topic, seems long and detailed. If you don’t have much time left to complete not very important tasks, run through them and try to do everything. Teachers love it when students try hard, and doing homework is the easiest way to get A's and a good relationship with a teacher.

  6. Know how to do writing assignments and write essays. Highlight the main tasks. Read the text of the task. Read all the information you need. Sketch out a plan. Write a draft essay. Correct the mistakes, and then rewrite to the finish. If we are talking about an abstract that needs to be handed over in a printed version, everything is simpler here - just edit the text.

    • Don't spend too much time thinking about what you want to write. Just start writing. If you also need to answer some questions on the topic, do it after writing the work (essay or abstract) to save time. If the paper is long, the teacher will likely only read halfway through, so you have two options. You can write a short and very good written work, or a long one, but not of very high quality (the longer the work, the more errors are allowed). Having tried both options in practice, you will understand how it is more convenient for you to write certain works, and at the same time you will spend much less time.
    • Please note that it is not always possible to reduce the amount of written work, especially when it comes to an essay or abstract. Abstracts and essays, as a rule, are subject to certain requirements for the volume of pages. If you missed something when the teacher gave a written assignment, it's best to ask again.
    • In order not to repeat yourself, use a dictionary of synonyms and use various constructions in sentences.

Preparation for tests

  1. Go to the preparation for the test only after you do your homework. Even if you are very worried about the test, think about what is more important.

    • Prepare for the test with homework. As a rule, the key questions that will be tested on the test are included in the homework.
    • After checking the homework, the teacher puts the mark. If you do it, you will get a good score, if not, you will lose it. For the fact that you prepared, you will not be graded - only the result on the test is evaluated. If the test is difficult, you can get a bad grade, even if you study hard. In this case, the grades obtained from homework will help smooth out the poor result.

Achieving high results and corresponding grades at school and university is not so easy. Many strive to study better, diligently study, but still they are unable to cross the cherished line separating them from the “fives”. Some, on the contrary, are accustomed to thinking that they will definitely not be able to become excellent students, since a number of subjects are especially difficult for them. However, each student can solve all the problems on his own, get out of difficult situations, start learning effectively, spend time wisely, quickly master the necessary materials, and master the necessary skills. How to become an excellent student or an excellent student? The main thing is to act systematically, follow clear recommendations and work according to a certain algorithm. Then you will not only study for "five", but also easily begin to allocate time for rest.

How to become an excellent student or an excellent student and study effectively? Helpful Tips
To start studying really well, getting positive grades, you need to work regularly, apply really effective strategies, remember useful tips.
  1. First of all, identify for yourself your main motivation: why do you need “fives”? It is no secret that many students use cheat sheets, tips, someone is looking for all sorts of ways and options to get excellent grades, but not to learn subjects. Of course, all this takes a lot of effort, and no one guarantees the result. As a result, the student may be left without knowledge, but with good grades. It is important to remember that all the skills, abilities and knowledge acquired at school will definitely come in handy in later life. You will learn how to allocate time, memorize and understand materials, draw logical conclusions, look for the best solutions, plan classes. Study for yourself, not for grades - you will start getting "excellent". If you constantly try to complete each task as best as possible, to delve into the topic, this will certainly have a positive effect on the grades.
  2. If you have been behind for a long time in several subjects, some material was especially bad for you, you have already missed several topics, catch up gradually. Do not be upset when the first time the estimates remain the same. It is quite difficult to immediately switch to “excellent”: it is better to act in stages. Over time, the results will begin to please you, and you can become an excellent student in school.
  3. If you achieve success, but then again get bad grades, do not be discouraged. You should not be afraid of "triples" and "fours". The main thing is to learn all the materials, to know the subjects well. Random mistakes, shortcomings, periods in which something does not work out happen to everyone. It is enough to overcome them, correct them and continue to work on.
  4. An important point in any business: be able to work with information. Be sure to save all your notebooks, problem books, notes, tests and other materials. Even if you move to another class, to the next course, don't throw anything away. Usually everything is closely interconnected: you may find it useful in the 11th grade with a notebook left over from the time of studying in the 7th grade.
  5. Create your own blocks with the necessary information, rules, theorems, examples of successful and unsuccessful work. Draw charts, tables on your own, write down the most important things. Keep everything in order. Don't forget to check back from time to time.
  6. If you get sick, missed classes, be sure to read the textbook, try to complete assignments as much as possible. Of course, this does not mean that you need to exercise at the expense of health. However, as soon as you feel that you are able to perceive information, start studying, do it with those topics that you stopped at. In no case do not skip topics, paragraphs. Then it will be much more difficult for you to catch up, to understand new material, if you leave gaps. All topics are arranged sequentially, in a logical order: interrupting this chain, you will greatly complicate your task.
  7. Your daily routine is of great importance to you. Learn to spend time rationally, with maximum benefit. The class schedule should always hang above your desk or be in plain sight. Designate periods for reviewing materials, for example, in the morning and in the evening. Try to remember what you did during the day while you get back from school or do household chores. Make a homework schedule for yourself. In it, you need to allocate the maximum time that you may need to work. If you manage faster, finish earlier and go to rest.
  8. Do your homework on the day you receive it. It is much easier and faster to work this way: it is easier to control the volume of tasks, to remember the material. Exceptions are possible: for example, when too much is set on one day, but there is time in the coming days. Then do the task partially, but in all subjects. Finishing is always easier than doing the whole thing.
  9. If you feel that you have not understood a certain topic, have not delved into a number of questions, as a rule, try to figure it out on your own at home. Even without receiving a task, do it yourself: no one will determine better than you what exactly you need to memorize, read, repeat. Spend time on this right away so that later there are no problems.
  10. Please contact your teacher with questions. Feel free to clarify, ask to explain again. Such feedback is important for the teacher, it shows your sincere interest in learning the subject.
  11. A good way, which perfectly helps to study “excellently”, is to work ahead of the curve. You can start using it when you already feel that you have time to cope with the topics within the specified time, you have time left. Then start browsing, reading the following paragraphs. “Ahead” the class or group by about one or two topics. In this way, you will perform well in class, determine in advance the unclear places to ask the teacher about, and begin to feel more confident.
  12. Be positive about learning. Look for advantages in any subject, even the most difficult and unloved. Do not be afraid to speak in front of the class, stand at the blackboard. Rehearse at home, say the rules and answers to questions aloud. This will definitely help to become an excellent student or an excellent student at school, because often students respond worse due to stress, stiffness, and not due to lack of knowledge.
  13. Try not to memorize material mechanically. By allocating the right time, you can learn everything gradually, thoughtfully, in stages. Then he will be remembered for a long time.
  14. Do not refuse to help your friends: when you study better, you will definitely be asked to explain incomprehensible topics. By telling others, explaining and giving advice, you yourself will be able to learn and remember everything even better.
Let's start learning "excellent". Action algorithm
How to become an excellent student or an excellent student and start studying steadily without getting tired? You will need to remember the tips, follow them, work according to the algorithm.
  1. Make a clear detailed schedule for each day of the week and always stick to it.
  2. Alternate different types of activities - this is also a form of relaxation. For example, first solve problems in algebra, and then study literature, at the end of the work repeat physics.
  3. Try to work for the result, only then the "five" will begin to appear regularly and gradually crowd out other marks. Learn for the sake of knowledge, skills.
  4. Clarify all difficult questions, consult with the teacher.
  5. Don't leave your homework until the last minute - it's best to do it the same day.
  6. Study on your own, reread obscure places, delve into the topic. Never leave spaces, never skip paragraphs.
  7. Constantly supplement your materials: draw diagrams, write out rules on sheets. Keep all notes, notebooks.
  8. Reward yourself for success: play your favorite game, give yourself small gifts.
Work regularly, study on a schedule and carefully delve into all issues, then the results will not be long in coming.

"Troechnik" - a stamp, a diagnosis or a vocation? Today, more and more often they say that many millionaires simply hated school and studied poorly, but they made a fortune. But no one knows exactly how many of these same losers have not achieved anything in life and generally ended badly. And therefore, be that as it may, good school knowledge and perseverance will not interfere with anyone, and in addition to an expensive tutor in mathematics in Moscow, the parents of the “lazy person” can also contribute to this.

Step 1. Complete breakfast

If in the morning turmoil the child does not have time to have breakfast (or no one offered him this breakfast) - it's bad. After all, the brain, like muscles, needs its own nutrients, vitamins and amino acids. And if you do such a morning diet for him, then you should not expect either memory, or quick wits, or attention from a student. The result is low academic performance, although the potential is clearly there and even teachers see it. Therefore, make the morning breakfast a good family tradition with a wish for good luck for the coming day.

Step 2. Calm microclimate in the family

The family is all the strength of the child. If he goes home after school and knows that mom is waiting at home, a delicious lunch, favorite toys and dad, with whom it is fun to solve math problems, there will be both fives and diligence. But when at home there is no sensible dinner, no order, and only quarreling parents, the teenager will have neither joy nor desire to do anything at all. Rather, he will come and just bury himself in his computer until the evening - in his little virtual world.

Step 3. Order and help

Any disorder and chaos always take away energy and vitality - namely, their lack is the main cause of laziness. And therefore, if your own child is not even able to fold his clothes, do it yourself. Help your child get ready for school in the evening and put all things in their places after school. The result will pleasantly surprise you.

Step 4. A good relationship with the teacher

Make friends with the teacher - in fact, these often nervy workers actively desire to maintain a good relationship with their students' parents. Follow all their recommendations, never criticize the teacher in front of the child and create the same positive image with the subject.

Step 6. Educational leisure - with the whole family

Any school subject is life itself. Do you want to make an excellent student out of a child? You will have to work hard yourself. Before each now-obligatory nature outing, learn something interesting about the forest, plants, or geography—and show your child by example. The more such knowledge in practice, the better. Watch interesting educational programs together and attach importance to everything new that the child has discovered in the lesson. And if he has a desire to know even more and develop comprehensively in the humanitarian field, which you can neither touch nor memorize, hire a good tutor of Russian language and literature for him - in love with his subject and a professional in his field.

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Secret information from a teacher with 20 years of experience

I never thought that I would give any advice, especially unsolicited. But, dear parents, I just can't watch any more of you ruining the lives of your kids.

Moreover, you yourself do not realize this report. I want to open your eyes to what is happening in our schools.

I myself am an honored teacher with twenty years of experience, I have already raised hundreds of children, many of them have achieved great success in life, they have become scientists, doctors, even deputies! I am a teacher of the old Soviet school, when everyone knew that education in our country was the best in the world. Therefore, I can’t calmly look at what is happening in schools now.

I notice that young teachers do not care about what will happen to their students, they sat out the lesson and went home. There is only one thought in my head: how to get married successfully ...

What will they teach your children? That's right, no good. Therefore, I strongly advise you not to rely on the school, but to take the education of your children into your own hands. Fortunately, now it's very easy to do, now I'll tell you how.

A couple of years ago I was invited to a scientific conference, one of the best teachers in the country spoke there, a woman with many years of experience in pedagogy and psychology. She told us about her author's methodology, developed specifically for our children, which takes into account all the features of our education and upbringing at home.

I was so interested in this class program that I decided to experiment with it in my class. The bottom line is this: I divided my class into 2 parts, some children studied according to the "Azbukogramma" at home, others did not.

The results just shocked me! Of course, I understood that the children who studied with "Azbukogramma" would have better results, but I did not even suspect how much!

For one quarter ahead of their peers! Moreover, even students who were lagging behind caught up with their classmates, and then completely became straight A students!

Can you imagine? From a bad student to an excellent student in a month !!!

And most importantly, that the methodology is compiled so competently and interestingly that the child does not need to be forced to study it, he wants to learn on his own! Parents only need 10 minutes to check assignments. And this is very important when mom and dad are working)))

In general, I advised this technique to all the parents in the class and those who agreed were delighted! Their children became excellent students, many called me and thanked me for the advice!

I myself follow the life of my students, so I know that most of them became medalists and entered prestigious universities))))

And all thanks to "Azbukogramma". I’ve been studying with my grandson for the second month, although little time has passed, but all the teachers celebrate his success at school!

He is now the best student in the class!

Do you want to be successful in your studies? Easily!

There are several secrets for this. Compliance with even one of these rules will bring success in your studies. I myself was a C student, and got into excellent students, so these secrets have been through suffering and tested.

Secret 1. How to get rid of triplets? To get rid of triples, you need to make a daily routine from getting up to bedtime, and strictly follow this routine. There should be a mandatory rule: do not walk until you do your homework and learn your lessons.

Of course, when the triplets disappear, strictly following the daily routine is not necessary, even, in my opinion, harmful. But until the triples disappear, you must follow this rule.

Secret 2. How to fill your diary with fives? Surely you have a favorite toy (computer, bicycle, motorcycle, doll, etc.). Make a rule for yourself: play this toy only on the day on which you received at least one five, and at the same time not a single triple, and even more so, a deuce; if you didn't get five on Saturday, then you don't have the right to play this toy on Sunday. Follow this rule strictly. Want to play your favorite toy - get five daily!

Secret 3. How to become an excellent student in a particular subject? The rule is very simple and easy to implement - do your homework in this subject on the same day when it is asked, do not put it off until later. Do your homework not before the lesson, when you are asked, but immediately after it is asked. This method has a lot of advantages: it doesn’t take more time, but rather less, because immediately after the lesson there is less to remember; psychologically comfortable - done, and free; and, finally, if the task is very difficult and cannot be solved right away, there is time to think about it the next day.

Do you want to become an excellent student in all subjects? Do your homework on the same day as it was assigned in all subjects.

Secret 4.How to master the material? How long does it take to get home from school, from institute to hostel? As you go home, try to remember what happened in every class today, in every lecture, in as much detail as possible. Of course, not everything can be remembered. Then, when you come home, open your notes and repeat what you could not remember. The advantages of this method are that it takes very little time, personal time and study time are not wasted, the material is best remembered.

Secret 5. How to pass an exam or a test for five? When preparing for the exam, review all the material. What is a review? A block diagram is drawn on a large sheet, which reflects the main definitions, concepts, theorems, lemmas, formulas, relationships, facts, events, etc., and also draws all the logical connections between these elements. Then all the connections and consequences of the course, the essence of the course, are very clearly visible. Before the exam, as a review, you should make such a review from memory, without using notes, and also do such a review in your head. This secret was revealed to us, to our students, by our university lecturer Pestov German Gavrilovich.

Secret 6. The exam starts with a consultation. To pass the exam successfully, you need to impress the teacher at the consultation by asking at least three SMART questions. Moreover, they should be asked approximately in this order: first a question from the end of the course, then from the beginning of the course, then from the middle of the course. Then the teacher will get the impression that you are well oriented in the course, and half of the exam is passed.

Secret 7. Get yourself cheated. Then the cheaters will have to explain how it happened. When you explain, but you are not understood right away, this is very good, because then you look for another way to explain, and then a miracle happens: you discover the issue under discussion from an unexpected side for yourself.

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