How to learn to read a person's mind from a distance. Technique for reading thoughts from a distance

What do you think: why do some people have a very developed intuition and are able to read other people's minds almost infallibly?

They feel the phone ring a few seconds before it rings, they guess exactly who is calling, they win the lottery more often than others, etc.

One of the reasons for such high insight may be Delta waves (more about them in the article "")

L Any person experiences the power of their influence, plunging into deep sleep (it is at night, with the participation of Delta waves, that the most powerful processes of self-healing of the body and activation of the production of growth hormones and the hormone of youth occur).

But in some, Delta waves remain highly active during wakefulness.

How can you characterize such people?

These people are "Feelers". When they "fall into the field" of another person, they can perceive his emotions and mood on an unconscious level.

It is about such that they say: "They feel someone else's pain as their own."

Many owners of Delta brain wave activity do not realize the value of their Gift, and treat it like a curse.

Plunging into the general field of the Unconscious, they often experience a feeling of overflowing with both their own and other people's emotions. Their vulnerability and emotionality looks strange in the eyes of others. Yes, and they themselves experience discomfort, not being able to cope with it.

And at the same time, it is not in vain that they were given an Amazing Gift - to feel people subtly and be able to read their thoughts!

They make wonderful psychologists, doctors, psychotherapists, priests. In one-on-one work that requires openness and trust, they show their talent in the best possible way.

Any contacts with people that require understanding, acceptance, care, treatment, healing can become a point of application of their forces.

Their abilities will be remarkably manifested in activities that require good intuition.

True, due to their increased sensitivity, the energy of the crowd and places with a large crowd of people are contraindicated for them. In this huge Emotional Field, they may experience discomfort.

Getting into too busy places, such people can mentally imagine themselves surrounded by a white, strong cocoon through which no other people's energies and emotions penetrate. Similar protection can be created when dealing with unpleasant people.

Feelers (or empaths) are capable of very deep relationships.

They have the Gift of Unconditional Love. And if they find a suitable partner for themselves (and more often opposites are attracted), they can make him very happy.

"The Sixth Sense" is a faithful assistant to such people. They have "their own radar" with which they accurately tune in to the wave of other people, and their intuition leads them in the right direction.

Many psychics have high delta brain activity.

The ability to read other people's thoughts is useful, but sometimes it works to the detriment.

He enters into the position of other people, tries to understand and justify their actions or requests. And almost always forgets about their own interests. The more often he does this, the more they begin to "ride" him.

Sooner or later, this leads to a sincere misunderstanding: " Why am I being used all the time?"

It is useless to become a Victim and complain about life!

The people they meet are their teachers! And they will receive these "Lessons" exactly until they learn healthy egoism - for their own good!

Any quality has two sides!

Compassion for people can develop into Hatred towards them and Self-pity if a person does not learn to respect his own interests and adhere to the "golden mean". If you do not love and do not value yourself, then you are not able to help anyone!

And if a person does not realize this, he is "treated"! Sometimes it hurts!

Everything in the world strives for balance.

Excessive stuck in the habitual position of thinking makes a person inflexible, frozen. And then his life comes situations that will make him experience another experience.

People with a high manifestation of Delta wave activity It is very important to learn dissociate from their own and other people's emotions (more on this). And do it with any feeling of discomfort.

Their valuable Gift was given to them for the Good! To help those who really need Understanding, Acceptance and Compassion.

When they learn to dissociate, and not confuse their own and other people's desires, their wonderful intuition will lead to the right people and the right places.

Long and sound sleep, meditation, yoga, self-hypnosis help to increase the activity of Delta waves. The main thing, as always, do not forget: each of us has a unique nature of brain activity!

"What is good for a Russian is death for a German!" So everything needs a measure! And your body feels it best! So listen to him!

Constant and prolonged dominance of Delta wave activity leads to drowsiness, low concentration and inability to concentrate.

Long monotonous work that does not require mental stress contributes to the extinction of Beta waves and a similar state.

A strong imbalance causes even more serious consequences!

Trance music in nightclubs can provoke an artificial epileptic seizure. Monotonous sound stimuli correspond to the frequency of the Delta wave rhythm.

If you stay in such conditions often and for a long time, the synchronous activity of a large number of nerve cells vibrating at this frequency begins to appear in the brain. Such prolonged pressure leaves its mark in the form of a "frozen type of thinking", obsessive thoughts, detachment from reality and more serious consequences.

I would like to end this article on a positive note, with the words of Anna Weiss, who has devoted much of her time to brain wave research:

When a person simultaneously produces Alpha, Beta, Theta and Delta waves in the right proportions, he has the heightened perception provided by Delta waves, the creative inspiration that is the product of Theta waves, and is also in a state of mild relaxation (Alpha waves) and readiness for conscious thinking (Beta waves). Do not forget that all of the above happens simultaneously!

I wish you such States!



If you learn to read a person's thoughts, then you can ... oh, you can do anything. In any case, those who dream of being able to read the minds of other people think so. But if you think about it, how much will we really get together with reading a person’s thoughts? The ability to manipulate people, the ability to find an approach to them, to be able to communicate with them correctly? Hardly. For one simple reason - we often do not understand ourselves and our thoughts, let alone the fact that someone could extract at least something worthwhile from them, on which one could play. Our thoughts are often a chaotic set of rationalizations and excuses, and even indictments for those who are unpleasant to us. And this, in fact, is all.

Why does a person want to learn to read other people's minds?
What do people generally think about? What do these thoughts represent?
Why, even if it were possible to acquire the ability to read other people's minds, it would not bring the desired effect?
Is it possible to learn to understand a person, what drives him, his desires and his preferences in life, his psychotype?

The desire to read the thoughts of other people slips at some point in life for many. No, probably in the world of a child who would not want to eavesdrop on the thoughts of a teacher at school or parents. This interest is especially evident when we first realize that what we say does not always coincide with what we really think. Sometimes we lie, sometimes we don’t say anything, we hide something, we embellish reality. And naturally we guess that this is exactly what all other people do: but we would so like to know the truth.

In fact, the desire to eavesdrop on the thoughts of other people is built on a simple misunderstanding of the formation of thought itself. After all, it is in our thoughts that we form a deception in order to lie later. Similarly, with all other thoughts - they are always the result of our desires, and not vice versa.

They say "what a sober man has on his mind, a drunk man has on his tongue." This phenomenon is connected with the fact that alcohol disinhibits a person's psyche, removes cultural restrictions from him, and he can say or do something that he would never say when sober. As a rule, his drunken words will come as a surprise to himself, because while he was sober, all this did not occur to him - his psyche was hidden for himself. At least he didn't admit it to himself.

And yet, the longed-for dream of eavesdropping on other people's thoughts has been living among people for centuries. Naively, it seems to us that if we could read the minds of other people, then everything would change. We could do what we want and not do what we don't want. There are even many attempts to implement such a scenario in books and cinema.

How to learn to read other people's minds? What an absurdity!

Today, humanity suffers from a strange disease: we really want something, the meaning of which we understand little or do not know at all. As a result, we begin to dream about something that actually carries absolutely nothing in itself, like a soap bubble.

For example, we would like to travel to other planets to find other life there. And the desire to know and read the thoughts of other people is akin to this. We dream about what we know nothing about. Moreover, if we thought about the meaning and meanings of what we want, we would easily understand that all these are empty thoughts, thoughts that in 99% of cases are very mundane and relate to the pressing problems of a person, the desire to eat, drink, breathe, sleep .

In essence, if you know and understand the human psyche, you can understand his inner component from a single word, movement, posture, facial expressions and without eavesdropping on his thoughts. But this is studied not from the outside, but from the inside - through subconscious meanings. Understanding a person, his condition and his mood, we can unravel him and even ... predict actions and train of thought. And in this case, not only the rationalizations and justifications with which his head is filled, but also those that guide him, his actions, which make him make purchases, make this or that choice.

Eavesdropping on the thoughts of another person in this regard is quite simple. Touching the thoughts of another, we can become not only incomprehensible, but also unpleasant. We don't understand them. But what you can get real pleasure from is the ability to understand the human soul.

How to learn to understand another person, and not read his thoughts?

The desire to read the thoughts of another person is usually built on the desire to manipulate the other person, to get some kind of benefit for himself. And to a lesser extent, it is an interest in arranging someone else's soul. In principle, there is nothing wrong with this - we want to get the most out of life.

Today there is already real knowledge about the human psyche, which makes it possible for a person not to manipulate others, but to feel happiness and joy because of the opportunity to understand people, to know much more about them than they themselves know. It's about about the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan. In the training, a person's desires are revealed in opposites, which makes them very easy to understand for any person.

With knowledge of system-vector psychology, there is no need to try to eavesdrop on the thoughts of another person. Such interest disappears literally after the first training sessions, because it becomes obvious that a person's thoughts are just the surface of an iceberg. And those depths that his soul keeps, where no one has ever looked, are much more interesting. Moreover, understanding other people, we begin to understand ourselves and our own thoughts, distinguish their meanings and understand how to achieve exactly what we ourselves want. And this is worth a lot!

It is not necessary to possess abilities or have a gift in order to read the thoughts of your interlocutor. Few people can boast that they can see what people think. But it's quite easy. Naturally, it’s impossible to take and read a person’s thoughts right away, because before that people prepare themselves for a long time. Certain exercises and recommendations can help with this, listening to which you can understand how to learn to read other people's thoughts at home.

First of all, you need to learn to relax and abstract from all problems and annoying factors. To do this, you can and even need to meditate. At first, it will be quite difficult for unprepared people to do this lesson, but the effect is worth it.

First you need to move into a position that promotes maximum relaxation and try not to think about anything for at least a few minutes. Gradually, the meditation time increases. If you learn to turn off your thoughts and abstract from everything around you, you will quickly learn to see what other people are thinking at a distance.

Special exercises

  • One of the simplest exercises that can prepare you for reading people's minds in the future is to read information from an object that was recently owned or owned by a particular person. Any object can be used for the exercise. A prerequisite is the complete shutdown of your thoughts.

    In contact with the subject, it is necessary to catch the thoughts that arise. These thoughts should not be confused with personal associations. If this kind of training is regular, then in the near future it will be possible to read a person’s thoughts at a distance.

  • For greater effectiveness of the exercises performed, you can also involve the person whose thoughts you want to read. To do this, the person must be in front of you and, at your request, think about something. Your task is to concentrate on his thoughts and read them. You can read thoughts by putting together the cardboard boxes or images that pop up in your head.
  • A fairly effective exercise that allows you to train the ability to read a person’s thoughts at a distance is to use an ordinary watch with an arrow. In order to get the most out of the exercise, you can retire with this device in a dark place in which there are no irritating factors.

    The training consists in listening to the ticking of the clock, which will gradually have to be brought closer and further away from the ear and at the same time not think about anything. This is a kind of meditation that will allow you to relax at the right time.

  • Telepath training. Everything is quite simple and affordable. No accessory paraphernalia is required for this exercise. It is enough to go outside, to a public place and start training, which consists in concentrating on the energy of the person whose thought you want to read. For example, you see a couple walking. Try to predict what she will do in 1 minute, in which direction she will continue to move, and so on.

    Or concentrate on the person sitting on the next bench. What will be his next steps? Regular exercises of this nature contribute to the training of telepathy, which is not the last place in predicting what a person is thinking.

We learn information from the eyes of the interlocutor

It turns out that looking into the eyes of a person, you can find out what he is thinking. This lesson is quite simple and every person can learn how to read thoughts through the eyes, provided that at this moment he will be especially observant.

The thing is that when thinking about something, dreaming, a person does not suspect that his eyes, namely the pupils, betray him. And if the interlocutor is observant enough, then he can easily scan the course of his thoughts, just looking into his eyes.

  • Pay attention to how the person behaves during the conversation. More precisely, whether he looks into the eyes. If his eyes are wide open and during the conversation he looks into the eyes of the interlocutor, then he is interesting to him, as well as the essence of what is being said. Otherwise, when a person avoids looking directly into the eyes of the interlocutor, this indicates that he is not interested in the topic of what is being presented, his interlocutor, and at that moment he thinks about how to say goodbye to him as soon as possible.
  • Take a closer look at how long a person looks into your eyes. If he rarely raises his eyes, or abruptly looks away, then most likely he is worried about this conversation, he is afraid of something and wants to quickly move the topic in a different direction.
  • Determine direction of sight. You have probably noticed that in a conversation with a person who causes contempt in you, whose actions and actions cause irritation, you roll your eyes and look up. Therefore, if your interlocutor also looks up, then this may indicate that his thoughts are far from positive.

    If a person fixes his eyes on the floor, then this means that he is thinking about how to quickly end the dialogue with you, because he is embarrassed and feels insecure in your society.

  • Look in which direction the gaze of the interlocutor is directed. If the eyes look to the right, then his thoughts are occupied with your person, he is concerned about your attitude towards him. Otherwise, when the interlocutor looks to the left, then one thing can mean this - he is not thinking about a dialogue with you, and not even about you. His thoughts at this moment are occupied with someone or something that he likes to think about.
  • Study the look. If in this situation the interlocutor looks down on you, then he thinks badly of you, considers you worse than himself, unworthy of his attention.

Now it has become clear that it is not so difficult to find out what a person thinks about and it is not necessary to be a clairvoyant or a particularly gifted person. You can learn this and what is most interesting, it is not difficult to do it. There is no need to study mountains of literature, looking for answers to questions, attend specialized courses, and so on.

It is enough to learn to relax, let go of your thoughts and concentrate on the thoughts of another person. It is to concentrate, and not to try to guess them. Knowledge will not come immediately, and exercises will be needed to help train this skill. But, having overcome all the difficulties, you will be able to read the thoughts of people at a distance, or simply by looking into their eyes.

Gradually, you will learn to see what other people are thinking, and this will allow you to always be one step ahead. With this skill, you have certain advantages. For example, knowing what your soulmate is thinking about, you can conquer her and do what she did not have time to say.

Also, this skill helps in communicating with people and shows that what is said is not always true. After all, now you know what your interlocutor is thinking.

In fact, to see what people think is great, because this skill will certainly come in handy in life, help to avoid unwanted situations.

Hello dear readers! Recently, we are constantly told about the superpowers of people. Someone moves objects, others communicate with the dead, others read the thoughts of other people. What is it: a sick fantasy or quite real possibilities? Perhaps each person is able to develop these skills?

Today we will talk about how to learn to read other people's minds quickly. Naturally, as always, I will not describe spells to you and find mystical confirmations. We will consider this phenomenon from the point of view of psychology.

Does telepathy exist

On the TV screen, we are often shown how Edward Cullen from Twilight, Professor Xavier from X-Men or various psychics from the TNT channel read other people's thoughts in 1 minute. Is this true or fiction? I will not undertake to assert with certainty whether mysticism exists or not. Everyone finds an answer for himself and I have no goal to impose my opinion.

Even in real life, we find people with whom it is easy and simple to communicate. It's called "being on the same wavelength." They start and we finish the sentence. They do not need long, we already understood everything from the first words and even agreed.

In addition, there is such a concept in psychology as empathy, sympathy, mutual understanding. Some people, when they hear about someone else's problem, seem to feel it themselves. They just understand a person, put themselves in his place. One gets the feeling that they themselves have experienced it all.

In a conversation, this is very quickly determined. Empaths have quite a lot of friends, they are lighter than the rest, with them. People are always drawn to those who understand them, and empaths succeed by five points.

Telepathy, in my opinion, is an exaggerated empathy. Everyone decides for himself: in the fantasy of writers or using the internal qualities of a human telepath. This answer determines whether you believe in mysticism or not.

How to develop your abilities

Each person has experience, innate attitudes, commitment to certain things, so the first thing you need to learn to do is clear your mind, at least from your thoughts.

For example, you think that there are no excuses for cheating, but they will not agree with you. As long as you think in terms of your own judgment, you will not be able to read the minds and understand others.

There are a lot of tricks to help you get away. In hypnosis, the patient is forced to look at the clock, in religious practices they concentrate on sound, for some it helps to look at the flame, but for someone it becomes not a problem to step back under any conditions. This takes practice or talent.

After you get rid of your own attitudes, you need to imagine yourself as a different person, as an actor preparing for a role. The more and longer you know the interlocutor, the better you will succeed.

Some people can complete the image based on some small details that they notice in a person: in the eyes, clothes, and so on. The deductive method of Sherlock Holmes, if you will.

Of course, to see the past and the present is not enough. The most important thing is to use this knowledge to read minds: how upbringing affected his attitudes, what incidents at school could affect during his growing up period, what he faced in his youth and what conclusions he came to.


Books can help with this. If you want to develop empathy in yourself using the techniques used in psychology, then I can advise you Alan Siegel Brief. It's clear. Just". In this publication, you will find a lot of information about the role of empathy and ways to better understand other people.

The ability to read a person's mind would be very useful in the business sphere - to know what a business partner or boss at work is thinking about. It is believed that reading thoughts at a distance is a section of extrasensory perception, an ability from the realm of the supernatural. But there is also an opinion according to which telepathy is an information exchange of energy, therefore, with a certain training, this ability can be developed in oneself.

1. Energy storage

To learn telepathy, you must first feel the internal forces of your body, accumulating energy. To do this, perform the following breathing exercises:

  • Relax completely in a comfortable position.
  • Fold your hands on your stomach to feel the place of the pulse.
  • Take a deep breath for 4 heart beats, hold your breath for 2 beats, exhale for the next 4 beats, then pause for 2 beats.
  • At the same time, you need to concentrate and imagine the flow of energy. Try to mentally see how a stream of sunlight rushes from space and is absorbed by your body, and then spreads over it.
  • If you do the exercise correctly, you will soon feel warmth or a slight tremor spreading from the abdomen and lower back throughout the body.

2. Mental breathing training

This concentration technique is aimed at sharpening perception and developing sensitivity.

  • Take a deep breath and mentally imagine how oxygen penetrates into the smallest pores of the skin, dragging the hairs on the body with it and forcing them to cling to the skin.
  • As you exhale, imagine how the air in the reverse movement slightly lifts the hair.

By training your perception, you will notice how you learn to see the world around you in a new way and respond to the slightest changes in the mood and thoughts of the interlocutor, as well as tune in to the flows of information coming from people.

3. Switching consciousness

The next step is to practice managing your own emotions. For the development of telepathic abilities, complete internal self-control is necessary, otherwise the acquired energy can break out of control under the influence of emotions and will have a destructive force.

  • Concentrate your thoughts on a neutral object or phenomenon that does not cause any emotions - the weather outside the window, a flower in a vase, philosophical reflections.
  • Then switch your thoughts to something that pushes you to violent emotional reactions - problems at work, a quarrel with a loved one, losing your favorite team, a noisy neighbor.
  • After a few minutes, try to suppress your emotions and think again about the neutral subject.

By doing this exercise, you will learn complete control over your emotions, which is useful in any life situation.

4. First Mind Reading Experience

  • Choose from your environment the person closest to you spiritually.
  • Imagine that you want to help him and mentally ask him what he needs now.
  • Visualize in your mind the image of your friend as accurately as possible, imagine as if you are calling him, and he is listening. Once you feel an established connection, you can reach out to your interlocutors and get answers.

5. Develop yourself

The possibilities of the human brain are limitless. Information can be received not only from other people, but also from the accumulated energy-information field of the earth. Develop meditation techniques and different ways of concentration. By freeing the stream of consciousness, you will have access to information from the outside world.