How to cure alcohol addiction at home with medication, folk remedies and coding. How to treat spice addiction

Below it will be stated in "human" (if possible) language how to treat addiction. That is, those things that I explain to patients in the rehabilitation department (narcology). Naturally, the material will be incomplete. Because the site is entertaining, and it’s unrealistic to fit everything even in 10 posts.

So you can't get rid of the addiction. At this stage of development of medicine. The changes take place in the brain. And our brain is a bad thing. It can be destroyed, but not restored. Compensation of functions is possible, so every addict has a chance to go into remission. But for this you need:

1. Realize that there is a disease. Well, that is, absolutely. And it's difficult. Highly.
One day a patient wrote a verse in which the phrase "I understood everything when the hangover came" was repeated. Yamko, do you agree? But a hangover is a thing that tends to come and go. Accordingly, all fears, anxieties, feelings of guilt, and somatic "sores" will pass and be forgotten. And now imagine a patient who came to be treated. Especially often they come in an acute state of "hangover, withdrawal", and the general withdrawal syndrome that most psychoactive substances (surfactants) have. And so we stopped his abstinence and he is like this:
- Am I sober? Sober. Drinking (smoking, injecting) does not pull? Doesn't pull. Yes, I will never use again!
And is discharged. And breaks down. Well, not right away, but over time. Or right away.

To understand the disease, you need to know the signs of this disease. Not only in exacerbation, but in general always.
Here they are briefly:
-increase in tolerance (amount taken)
- loss of protective reflexes (for example, nausea in intoxication)
- loss of quantitative control (drank the first glass and away we go)
- And situational (I have to go to work, but "I'll drink, perhaps")
-Change in the nature of intoxication. For example, he always drank and was the "soul of the company" and then aggression appeared. And the action of surfactants changes. Suppose the substance caused euphoria, but here it just relaxes.
- Amnesia intoxication. “I remember that I drank, but I don’t remember what happened after”

Now I will take out 2 signs separately.
- Irresistible need to take surfactants. A very complex concept. Here you need to understand. Alcohol and drugs give pleasure to the brain. Any human brain. And the only reason an addict uses is to get pleasure. The only one. CAUSE.
The reason can be any. And then someone in what they call "relax, get away from problems, Friday, slipped-fell-bumped-on-a-bottle." Now, if at this stage a person admits that he drinks on his own, that this is his decision, and not through the fault of circumstances, then we can already say the treatment process has begun.
-Personal changes. Here, as it were, both a sign of addiction and the consequences of use. And it's just a song. Yes, a person's circle of interests narrows, many views change. But each drug and alcohol has its own characteristics. Heroin monstrous intuitives, and they can't help but lie, they can't check you "where are his weak points." Speedsters become childish. For alcoholics, so to speak, "senile changes" are characteristic. And these changes are very difficult for a person to show. Firstly, someone sees their minuses, well, just like that, that's all? I doubt. Secondly, changes do not occur in one day, respectively, a person gets used to and "forgets" what he was before.

Subtotal. The patient must see the signs of the disease in himself and through them understand that "I do not just want to use, I want not to use", but I have a disease and "sooner or later I will break loose."
By the way. Miracles don't happen. Craving for surfactants will be exacerbated periodically. For a long time. For years. And this also needs to be clarified. And be ready for it. But as?

Part two "learning to live with this disease"
I don't like this phrase. For often it is pronounced formally, without understanding the meaning.
So. The patient "understood" that he was ill. So he needs "pills" and a regimen. And here is what we write:

Replacement. Replace the pleasure of taking drugs with other pleasures. Buy a Bentley, fly it to Thailand... No. Kidding. I will not paint what can be the pleasure of life. Simply because there are A LOT of them. We write in groups with more than 50 patients (available), then we just run out of space on the board. Let me just say that those patients who go into remission find pleasure in "everyday life": family, work. Yes, they are re-evaluating their lives. And they LIVE. And a lot of addicts who become quite successful people. About the replacement is not everything, but that's enough for now.

Anonymous alcoholics and drug addicts. Whether you like it or not, you won't be sober alone. Need support. Moreover, the family will not give, as a rule, what is needed (on the contrary, but more on that later). And who understands the addict (well, except for the narcologist))). Another addict! No matter how disgusting they show "anonymous" on TV, but the system is working. Not all patients can accept it and not immediately. But those who accept take a big step forward. I will not write about 12 steps, especially since we do not work 100% according to this program, we take only part of the elements.

Remove codependency. The topic is huge. Briefly: relatives with their overprotectiveness or hypercontrol contribute to further use. Until, let's say, the mother sends her little son (usually 30-40 years old) to free swimming, so that he provides for himself, works, yes, he would wash his own socks, he will thump. It is difficult to isolate oneself from a dependent relative, especially a child (“he will be lost without me!”), But it is necessary. Otherwise, no treatment, no psychological pieces-trousers will help. Co-dependent relationships can be not only between parents and children, but also other relatives.

Pharmacotherapy. There are a lot of medicines. I just don't know if it's okay to post them here. Therefore, general information:

Mood correctors: antidepressants and mood stabilizers. The first increase mood, the second do not "lower" irritability, malice. Partly (only partly) reduce cravings for surfactants. The price is quite affordable. You need to drink for a long time. Sometimes, for years.

Causing intolerance (usually only for alcohol). Many block alcohol dehydrogenase. As a result, alcohol intake causes intoxication with consequences (once the patient had pulmonary edema). The price is different (150-5000 r / month). Drink for a long time. For months

Opiate receptor blockers. (for alcohol, heroin). Yes, alcohol acts on opiate receptors by stimulating the production of internal "opiates" by the body (for more details, see any guide to narcology). These drugs block the "pleasure" of taking alcohol, opiates. They are expensive 5000-20000 r / month. Take at least 6 months. Assign together with psychotherapy, antidepressants (at least).

The night is in full swing, and I seem to have written a lot. Therefore, I bow out))). Thanks to those who read.

Any addiction is fatal, whether it is addiction to alcohol, sex, card games, drugs. Adolescents and young adults are especially susceptible to addiction. Not so long ago, a wave of poisoning with spices swept - narcotic smoking mixtures. Many young people said goodbye to life or developed serious illnesses. In this regard, the question arises: how to cure addiction to spices? First, let's figure out what these smoking blends are.


Drug traffickers lull the vigilance of teenagers, claiming that spices are a completely natural product, namely dried herbs. But this statement is far from true. When spice first appeared in 2008, this may have been the case. The spices included plants that have a psychotropic effect: Hawaiian rose, sage, skullcap, blue lotus, etc.

However, a little later, these mixtures became much more dangerous: after all, synthetically synthesized drugs began to be added to them. The drug was imported in the form of a powder, then dried herbs were dissolved and impregnated with it. Thus, spices became more addictive and more poisonous.

How to cure spice addiction

  • Of course, you need to resort to the help of a narcologist. First of all, you need to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins, because in fact there was a chemical intoxication of the body. Naturally, you need to completely stop taking spices. During detoxification, the patient must use special preparations - adsorbents, adhere to a diet, walk, drink plenty of water. With mild addiction, help is provided at home, if the case is serious, then in a hospital or dispensary.
  • The psychological support of the patient from relatives is important. It is necessary to protect the addict from the bad influence of other addicts. It is important that a person must consciously give up drugs and agree to treatment - this is the first and main step towards recovery. It is necessary that the patient understands: spices are not harmless herbal mixtures, but a dangerous and destructive drug.

You can learn how to get rid of other kinds of dependencies in the following articles.

Spice addiction has reached epidemic proportions in Russia. About 9,000 people die each year from this drug. The main danger is that young people consider Spice a soft drug. This is a mistake that can cost a life.

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What is Spice smoking mixture really

Spice is an herbal smoking mixture that is coated with a chemical substance - a synthetic cannabinoid. The effect of this compound on the body is similar to marijuana, but surpasses it at times.

Spice quickly became popular among young people thanks to competent marketing. It was positioned as a light drug that is not addictive. The composition declared a mixture of plants with a slight psychoactive effect.

Confirmation of the harmlessness of Spice served as an argument about his alleged legality. Indeed, the herbs themselves, which are part of smoking mixtures, do not belong to narcotic substances. However, the main components, synthetic cannabinoids, simply could not be identified for some time. These substances were not on the banned list. In addition, they are difficult to detect due to the presence of ballast components in the mixture and the constantly changing chemical formula of the drug. As soon as one synthetic substance was recognized as a narcotic, another appeared that had the same effect.

The imaginary legality of Spice contributed to its spread even among children. But people who are familiar with this drug from their own experience do not consider it harmless at all. Let's see how addiction to Spice is formed on the example of one of our patients, Sergey.

How Spice Addiction Develops

Meet Sergey, he is 28 years old. Sergey has been using drugs for over 15 years. I started with “grass”, later I tried pharmacy ones, and then switched to Salts and Spices.

Sergey went through all 3 stages of spice addiction. He said that after the first use he felt euphoria and peace. He wanted to repeat this experience.

Sergei was at the first stage of addiction, when the drug is used for the sake of relaxation, psychological comfort.

After some time of use, the effect began to weaken, the pleasant sensations did not last long and episodically. But at this stage, Sergei could not stop using Spice, because for a couple of days without the drug he felt depressed, weak, and could not sleep normally. Now he started smoking Spice just to avoid the discomfort.

At this time, Serey was already in the second stage of addiction, and he had physical addiction.

Several years of Spice use led to the fact that Sergey could no longer control his drug intake, he needed to smoke more and more often. Despite the fact that Sergei wanted to quit, he could not. When his wife and daughter left him, he was able to abandon Spice, but after 3 months he broke again.

Sergey was in the third stage of addiction, in which it is impossible to cope with it on his own.

Video about the problem of "Drug Addiction" from Oleg Boldyrev

Spice addiction symptoms

Human behavior under the influence of Spice is similar to manifestations of alcohol intoxication. Observed:

  • violation of coordination of movements, orientation in space and time;
  • eye redness;
  • inhibition of reactions, confusion of consciousness;
  • talkativeness, uncontrolled gestures, laughter;
  • cognitive decline;
  • hallucinations, psychoses;
  • memory losses;
  • aggressive behavior.

In the first stage of addiction, a person becomes irritable if he cannot smoke Spice. Sleep and general condition worsens, efficiency and concentration of attention decrease.

At the second stage, a persistent physical dependence is formed. Characterized by muscle weakness, insomnia, sudden mood swings. The drug becomes vital, so when it is canceled, a severe withdrawal syndrome occurs.

At the third stage, serious violations of the functions of internal organs develop, as well as mental disorders. At this stage, withdrawal symptoms appear after 10-12 hours after smoking Spice. Frequent suicide attempts.

Consequences of addiction to Spice

Regular smoking Spice quickly leads to serious consequences:

  • damage to the liver and kidneys;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system and, as a result, heart failure;
  • brain dysfunction causing dementia and mental disorders;
  • loss of connection with reality, the result of which may be injuring oneself or others, suicide, killing even the closest person.

The main danger of Spice is its synthetic origin. Addicts who use natural substances such as heroin live for decades. Although the drug completely destroys their body, their mental faculties remain in relative order.

Modern designer drugs, which include Spice, have a particularly detrimental effect on the psyche. Even a few months of regular smoking of the mixture can cause psychosis, paranoia, schizophrenia and a rapid decline in intelligence.

Spice addicts often commit suicide or jump out of windows imagining they can fly, for example.

In addition, there is an increased risk of death from overdose, since the exact amount of the chemical in the smoking mixture is never known.

What does a Spice overdose look like? Note to Parents

With an overdose of Spice, the following symptoms are observed:

  • headache;
  • pain in the abdomen, in the region of the heart;
  • emotional arousal;
  • dilated pupils;
  • auditory and visual hallucinations;
  • panic;
  • convulsions;
  • high blood pressure;
  • redness of the face, eyes;
  • loss of consciousness.

Spice overdose is common in teenagers, especially when combined with alcohol. If there are signs of an overdose of synthetic drugs, call an ambulance immediately.

How to cure spice addiction at home

It is impossible to cure a spice addiction on your own. Drug addiction is a disease, and it should be treated by specialists, like any serious disease. It is unlikely that anyone believes that they can be cured of tuberculosis, diabetes or cancer at home.

If the addiction has already formed, it is urgent to consult a doctor. There are people who are initially predisposed to the development of various addictions. After 1-2 uses of Spice, they have a persistent craving for the drug.

Even if a person, thanks to an exceptional will, can quit, in a few weeks or months he will most likely return to his former way of life again. This confirms the example of Sergei, which we have already talked about. Unfortunately, 98% of drug addicts will relapse after self-treatment. It is better not to take risks, hoping that you belong to the remaining 2%, and contact a narcologist as soon as possible. It can save the life of you or your loved one.

How to cure spice addiction in 4 steps

In order to successfully cope with spice addiction, an integrated approach is needed. In the Decision center, the rehabilitation of addicts takes place in 4 stages, which affect all aspects of the patient's personality, completely changing his life:

  • Stage 1 - Detoxification. Therapy is aimed at cleansing the body of toxins, suppressing physical dependence with the help of drug treatment.
  • Stage 2 - Rehabilitation in a hospital. This is a difficult stage at which a drug addict overcomes psychological dependence with the help of professional psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, as well as like-minded people and counselors who have already undergone rehabilitation. The patient learns basic skills of self-regulation and interaction in society.
  • Stage 3 - Outpatient treatment. The addict learns to apply the acquired knowledge in real life, being under the supervision of specialists who, if necessary, will help prevent a breakdown.
  • Stage 4 - Social adaptation. There is a final integration into society. Healthy habits are fixed, professional skills are formed.

A versatile approach to the problem and a gradual movement towards the goal with the support of specialists and like-minded people ensure the effectiveness that we guarantee - in the event of a relapse, we will provide free treatment to all patients who have completed the full course of rehabilitation.

In their practice, our specialists use the best known methods, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by many years of experience. Among them:

  • 12 step program- gradual development of personality and progress towards a drug-free life.
  • Minnesota model- based on the 12 step program. The purpose of the method is to restore the personality of the addict, to realize his abilities under the condition of leading a sober life.
  • daytop— a model of rehabilitation in a hospital, aimed at the formation of a conscious attitude towards sobriety.
  • Therapeutic community- a method based on social education for a healthy lifestyle.
  • Makarenko method- is aimed at the formation of a responsible person who takes an active part in the life of the family and society.
  • Systemic family therapy- a technique that affects not an individual, but a family as a single system.

It is important to understand that addiction treatment is a long process. We cannot make a person stop smoking Spice in one day, a week or even a month. To really get rid of addiction, you need a deep personal restructuring, it will take a lot of time (from 6 months to a year).

If you are promised a quick recovery from addiction after detoxification, you should not trust such “specialists”. Detoxification is needed, but after it there must be a psychological, social, spiritual rehabilitation, otherwise a relapse cannot be avoided.

What to do if the addict does not want to be treated

Compulsory treatment of drug addiction is useless. The result can be achieved only with the consent of the patient himself. The problem is that drug addicts usually do not want to be treated and refuse to admit their problem. In such cases, the specialists of the RC "Resolution" use an effective method of persuasion - Psychological intervention.

The purpose of the technique is to make the addict aware of the extent of the damage done to himself and his loved ones. Intervention takes place in the form of a conversation in which a psychologist, the drug addict himself and his relatives participate.

Each family member talks about how the addict has harmed them and communicates their intention not to endure such a thing again in the future. He then offers his help and support to the addict during treatment.

The conversation should take place under the supervision of a specialist in order to avoid conflict situations. After the intervention, the drug addict understands the consequences of his illness and agrees to rehabilitation.

If your loved one is addicted to Spice, don't waste time and don't expect them to quit on their own. This is possible only in the first stage, which does not last long, and only in the absence of a predisposition to addiction. But in most cases, professional help is needed.

Even if an addict refuses treatment, our motivation specialists can help convince them. The death rate from Spice is very high compared to other drugs, as is the likelihood that the addict will cause irreparable harm to himself or others. Therefore, it is very important to start the treatment of a spice addict in a timely manner.

Spice, consequences of use. Documentary

How to cure a person of alcoholism - the question is often asked by relatives of alcoholics who have lost hope of overcoming the disease. There are many therapies with proven effectiveness and dubious reputation. To make the right choice, it is important to understand what each of them is.

Drug treatment of alcoholism in a hospital

Those who cannot get out of a binge or experience painful withdrawal symptoms are the first to turn to a narcologist in a hospital. How to cure a person from alcoholism with medication? Therapy is carried out in the narcological departments of psychiatric hospitals, specialized narcological institutions.

The result of medical intervention is the relief of the symptoms of a "hangover", an improvement in the general condition, and the normalization of the indicators of the cardiovascular system. When wondering how to cure an alcoholic with the help of droppers in a hospital?, keep in mind: the conditions of stay can be uncomfortable. Finding an alcoholic is accompanied by the negative influence of "regular patients" - unicamerals, calling for a violation of the regime.

Another minus: registration in the district drug dispensary. This is done automatically when you apply for a referral for treatment.

Paid inpatient treatment is possible without registration, but it should be understood that droppers, medicines are the first stage in overcoming the disease. To know how to cure a person of alcoholism, he must have his own desire to recover, otherwise there is a risk of wasting money.

Outpatient treatment (detoxification) using medications

Activities for outpatient therapy are similar to the previous method, only medication is taken at home. The patient has the opportunity to visit a psychologist, is not registered. The method works in the presence of the initial stage of alcoholism, it is effective only with a stable motivation for treatment. How to cure a person from alcoholism in the last stages? Choose another way - a hospital.

Alcoholism can be cured!

We know how to do it! Sign up for a consultation:

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The advantages of outpatient treatment are that there is no need to stay in a hospital, drug registration is not necessary. The disadvantages include a high risk of relapse.

Will coding cure a person of alcoholism?

To understand how to cure alcohol addiction, you need to consider the causes of the formation of the disease. Coding is a method that is widely used in many countries of the world, but it does not allow the patient to fully participate in recovery.

The most common is Dovzhenko's coding - anti-alcohol suggestion. The main condition for its effectiveness is the addict's belief in the efficiency and effectiveness of the sessions. The patient must be suggestible. This parameter is evaluated by the doctor at the preliminary consultation.

If the patient does not have a sufficient degree of suggestibility, the specialist refuses to conduct a session.

The procedure is relatively safe, harmless, despite the interference in the psyche. It consists of one or more sessions of hypnosis, the result of which is the conviction that alcohol is no longer needed for a happy life. Coding does not help everyone, and with apparent effectiveness, a breakdown may occur at the end of the suggestion.

"Sewing in" as a method of treating alcoholism

Drug treatment may consist of the introduction of special drugs into the body of an addict - sewn under the skin or by injection. There is no guarantee that the patient will recover from alcoholism - being driven by the fear of complications, he temporarily refuses alcohol. Each drug has an expiration date, after which a breakdown may occur.

Fear is enhanced by the doctor's explanation of the possible fatal consequences of drinking any dose of alcohol. If the patient violates the regimen and drinks, this leads to serious side effects - nausea, vomiting, increased heart rate, panic attacks, severe deterioration. This method, like most others, is based not on working out the causes of alcoholism, but on intimidation, external influence. How to cure an alcoholic with this method? A certain psychological barrier is formed, because of which the patient does not allow himself to drink, but the effect is temporary.

Sensitizing therapy is a radical way to treat alcoholism

The essence of the method is the same as with stitching, only the ways in which sensitizing agents enter the body are different - in this case, the patient drinks the prescribed medications in a course. Depending on the mechanism of action, it can be short or long.

How to cure a person of alcoholism using drugs? Taking medication causes alcohol intolerance. Alcohol is not absorbed by the body, there are no decomposition reactions, poisoning of the body and intoxication occurs, which provokes vomiting, deterioration of health, headache, pressure surges. Fear of side effects forces the alcoholic to give up even small doses of alcohol. But at the end of treatment, the addict returns to his former way of life, nothing is holding him back.

Common drugs:

  • Disulfiram (Antabuse, Teturam, etc.) - blocks the enzymes responsible for the breakdown of alcohol. Alcohol becomes a toxic compound, provokes negative reactions - vomiting, nausea, impaired performance of the cardiovascular system. The principle of treatment for alcoholism is simple - he physically cannot drink alcohol;
  • Esperal is a medicine whose action is similar to the above, only French-made;
  • Lidevin - a similar action, but supplemented with vitamins. How to cure a person from alcoholism with his help? Additional components reduce the effects of poisoning on the nervous system, improve tolerance;
  • Colme - the active substance cyanamide causes alcohol intolerance, reactions are pronounced, provokes a persistent aversion to alcoholic beverages. The course of treatment is up to 6 months.

When wondering how to recover from alcoholism on your own, you should remember: such drugs are dispensed without a doctor's prescription, but it is absolutely impossible to engage in self-medication. The body of an addict sufferer undergoes tremendous stress, additional receipt of serious drugs can worsen the condition. Only a doctor prescribes one or another type of remedy.

Acupuncture: how effective is this treatment for alcoholism?

Acupuncture allows you to influence biologically active points with the help of mechanical action - special needles. The result is the activation of metabolic processes, the normalization of the flow of energy through the channels of the human body, and the improvement of well-being. Some masters claim that in this way it is possible to achieve such an effect as curing a person from alcoholism - blocking cravings for alcohol. But the statement is controversial, acupuncture cannot be an independent method of treatment, it is intended only to improve the health of the patient. There are certain contraindications to acupuncture, and the body of an alcoholic often undergoes irreversible changes. The presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system, tumors, endocrine and other disorders is a direct contraindication to performing acupuncture sessions.

Folk methods: herbal treatment at home

This group of methods of treatment is the most extensive. It is worth remembering that the patient will not be cured of alcoholism with the help of herbs alone, but as an auxiliary way, they can support the condition.

Some recipes are designed to cause a persistent aversion to alcohol. Getting rid of cravings, avoiding alcohol can be provided in the early stages of the disease.

  1. Thyme. 20 gr. dried herbs insist, pouring boiling water, 20 minutes. Reception mode: 1 tbsp. How to cure alcohol addiction with thyme? If the addict takes alcohol, vomiting, gastrointestinal disorders may occur.
  2. Thyme, wormwood, centaury. 4 tbsp. l. thyme and 1 tbsp. l. the rest of the dried herbs are poured with boiling water, insisted for 30 minutes. Take 1 tbsp. l. before eating.
  3. Lovage root. Chopped root and a few bay leaves are poured with vodka. Insist 2 weeks. How to cure a person of alcoholism with the help of lovage? After filtering, offer the patient when he is about to drink.
  4. Baranets. Juice is squeezed out of the leaves of the plant, diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 20. This is a prerequisite, the sheep is poisonous. You need to use 50-70 gr. mixture obtained per day. 15 minutes after use, give the patient a sniff of a cotton swab moistened with vodka. Nausea, vomiting and alcohol withdrawal occur. You need to be treated 5-10 days before recovery - a persistent refusal from alcohol.

Cons of home treatment:

  • the likelihood of intolerance to some plant components;
  • unpredictable reactions to receiving funds;
  • high risk of relapse due to the lack of direct participation of the addict in the recovery process.

How to clear alcoholism from alcohol,

Why are folk methods in high demand? For privacy reasons. This type of therapy does not require registration, referral to a specialist, stay in a hospital. How to cure a person from alcoholism only with herbs? It is important to remember that it is impossible to overcome psychological dependence at home, especially when the patient does not exert willpower.

The use of dietary supplements for alcoholism

Dietary supplements are not medicines and cannot cope with withdrawal symptoms or psychological cravings for alcohol. Their use is due to the need to maintain the general condition of the addict, improve well-being, and compensate for the deficiency of vitamins and important substances. How to cure a person from alcoholism with vitamins? No way.

Read more about the symptoms of alcoholism,

Basically, dietary supplements are prescribed by a doctor in cases where, as a result of chronic alcoholism, a person has acquired diseases of the internal organs, nervous, endocrine systems. However, they are only part of a comprehensive treatment, and the main course is prescribed by the therapist. In order to know how to cure an alcoholic, it is not enough to choose dietary supplements correctly - it is important to work out the causes of the disease.

Is it possible to cure an alcoholic without his knowledge? Narcologist comments.

How to cure alcohol addiction if a person does not want to lead a sober life? No way. The first and main condition for the effectiveness of any therapeutic measures is the sincere desire of the patient to become healthy.

This is possible due to the awareness of one's illness and the unwillingness to continue life in the same vein.

An alcoholic who has made the decision to recover may find himself in a dead end: willpower alone is not enough to forever give up addiction. Specialists are called to help with this - a narcologist, a psychologist, a psychotherapist, an addiction consultant.

Any measures that do not imply the direct participation of the addict in their own recovery run the risk of being ineffective.

The second condition, thanks to which the patient is almost guaranteed to recover from alcoholism, is attention to the root cause of the disease.

Independent measures to remove a loved one from addiction do not give the desired result, but this does not mean that you no longer need to take part in the life of a loved one. How to cure a person from alcoholism?

Gently direct the addict, convince him of the need for treatment, provide moral support - on his own or with the involvement of specialists from the motivational team working in the rehabilitation center. Only this approach allows you to "include" the psychological aspects of recovery in the work.

Getting rid of psychological addiction to alcohol

Psychological assistance is a tool for a complete restructuring of a person's way of thinking. You can start a lot of work even at home - in order to know how to cure an alcoholic, relatives need to follow several recommendations in order to motivate a loved one to receive outside help:

  • try not to provoke the addict into a conflict;
  • do not blackmail, do not threaten;
  • do not "nag", give up long lectures, lectures about harm;
  • not to save the patient from the consequences of his illness - this contributes to the rapid awareness of the disease;
  • talk about what you have learned about new ways to cure a person of alcoholism;
  • gently but confidently stand your ground - the need to get help.

A change in attitude to the disease acts as a kind of shake-up for an alcoholic. He thinks about his lifestyle. It is necessary to act gently, making it clear that they do not refuse him - they want to help him. How to cure a person of alcoholism when he prefers to remain addicted? Contact the motivational team of the rehabilitation center. After the realization has come, the understanding of the need for outside help, the refusal to drink alcohol, it is advisable to continue treatment - rehabilitation and adaptation.

Schematically, further work with an alcoholic in a rehabilitation center can be represented as follows:

  • awareness of values, acquisition of new goals, aspirations;
  • understanding the principles of how to cure alcohol dependence;
  • gaining a sober view of things;
  • understanding of opportunities for a new “start”;
  • participation in group work;
  • physical activities - the formation of a new regimen, exercises, sports events;
  • the emergence of hope for a future without alcohol;
  • the basis of understanding how to cure a person from alcoholism is the acceptance of the root causes of the disease and the realization that alcohol is not the way to solve them;
  • formation of hobbies, interests;
  • formation of needs for self-realization (in professional terms);
  • stability, return to normal life - to the family.

After the patient is cured of alcoholism, he can at any time receive psychological help from specialists being in familiar conditions. Psychological support is an excellent prevention of a breakdown. It relieves tension, allows you to solve emerging issues, not to go astray.

The effectiveness of deep psychological work depends on the timeliness of its beginning, so you should not delay contacting specialists. If you or your loved one is faced with the problem of alcoholism, ask questions of interest to the specialists of the rehabilitation center "Generation" and get qualified help. We know how to cure a person from alcohol addiction.

Alcoholism... Perhaps, so many different problems are not associated with a single word, but with this one. And rarely around any disease there are as many myths, stereotypes, rumors as around addiction to alcohol. What is the nature of alcohol addiction, how does a person get into these networks, can he get out on his own and how can he be helped? Is it possible to recover from alcoholism? We talk about this and more with the general director of the AlkoMed clinic, narcologist Maxim Aleksandrovich Borovkov.

What is the biggest misconception about alcoholism?

Most likely, the attitude towards him as a kind of social promiscuity and permissiveness. A large part of the population imagines alcoholism simply as loose behavior and a person's gradual slide down the social ladder. Few people understand that alcoholism is a real disease, which is characterized by a change in the body's metabolism, due to which a person is unable to stop himself even after the first glass.

- What's going on? Why does alcohol become a vital human need?

Dependence is formed gradually. At first, a person simply enjoys drinking alcohol, then a stable association is formed in the brain: alcohol = pleasure. This is how psychological dependence is formed. If time does not stop, the disease progresses. Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) burns easily not only in air. Under the conditions of our body, alcohol “ignites” very quickly - it breaks down with the release of a large amount of energy. In the human body, energy is extracted from proteins, fats and carbohydrates, alcohol is not only easily integrated into the metabolism, but also, being a psychoactive substance, contributes to addiction. Constantly receiving a large amount of alcohol, the body rebuilds its metabolism for it. That is, alcohol gets the highest priority. This transformation is irreversible. As soon as the “supply” of alcohol stops, the metabolism gradually returns to normal. But very slowly and very painfully - with pronounced mental and physical suffering, which few people are able to endure. It is much easier to give the body another dose of "fuel".

- It seems that you are describing the withdrawal of a drug addict ...

And it is, it is the same abstinence. The mechanism of occurrence of alcohol and drug addiction is exactly the same. And the clinical manifestations - intoxication, craving for the next dose, withdrawal symptoms - too.

Let's get back to alcoholism. Is this disease curable?

No, we can't cure it. Like drug addiction, alcoholism is a lifelong diagnosis. Another thing is that a person can stop drinking alcohol on his own or with the help of doctors and not drink for the rest of his life. But even in this case, we are talking about a long-term remission, but not about a cure. The fact is that the very first glass of alcohol triggers the “sleeping” mechanisms of an already formed disease with all the ensuing consequences. And this disruption can happen at any moment.

- What is a binge and what is its danger?

First of all, it should be said that binges occur in a person suffering from the second stage of alcoholism. Drinking alcohol for several days in an ordinary person does not have a binge, although such abuse brings serious harm to the body. In a patient with alcoholism, a binge begins with one or two glasses taken, after which the body switches to the already familiar alcohol metabolism - and if alcohol is not taken, abstinence occurs. A person cannot stop, because - as we have already said - the refusal of alcohol causes pronounced physical suffering.

A binge of metabolic disorders is dangerous. People on a binge either don't eat anything or eat very little. They have enough energy from alcohol. But proteins, fats, vitamins, microelements do not enter the body, and the longer the binge, the more severe the violations of all organs and systems.

- Can a person get out of a binge on their own?

Theoretically it can. But in practice this is very, very rare. Self-exit from binge is associated with severe physical suffering, increased blood pressure, stress on the heart and a high risk of complications such as myocardial infarction, cerebral stroke, gastric bleeding, epileptic seizures and delirium tremens.

How can a doctor help in such a situation?

The doctor, with the help of various drugs that are administered, including intravenous drip, helps the patient survive the period of withdrawal from binge with virtually no risk of complications. The so-called “shaking” is removed, blood pressure decreases, sleep is restored, the body is nourished, electrolyte balance is restored and, as a result, on the second or third day, the patient’s well-being returns to normal without alcohol in the blood.

- Is there a difference - to interrupt the binge at home or in the hospital?

The peculiarity of home treatment consists of several points. First of all, the patient is in a familiar environment under the supervision of relatives and friends. This is very important, since getting out of binge is often associated with various depressive disorders. And no, even very highly qualified paramedical personnel, will pay as much attention to the patient as his relatives. In addition, after stopping the acute manifestations of a hangover, our patients can return to work and participate in social life in 2-3 days. Treatment in a hospital usually takes much longer.

Treatment at home requires high professionalism, experience and composure from the doctor. In a fairly short period of time, without having the results of tests and instrumental studies on hand, he needs to assess the patient's condition, determine which drugs and in what doses to administer, predict the development of the situation and leave clear instructions to relatives and friends: how to act, what medicines to give. For 1-1.5 hours, the doctor must restore the functions of the body, which for days, and sometimes for weeks, was subjected to the destructive effects of alcohol.

However, there are a number of situations in which hospitalization becomes an absolute necessity, and attempting home treatment in these cases can only worsen the patient's condition. First of all, this is a long binge, which led to a pronounced weakening of the body, as well as all cases where there is a high risk of developing delirium tremens. Unconditional hospitalization also requires exacerbation of various chronic diseases, such as peptic ulcer, as well as acute emergencies, such as acute pancreatitis, against the background of hard drinking.

- How long after the interruption does a person live without binges?

But this already depends on him. In this case, we act as an ambulance, eliminating life-threatening consequences. But the reason itself remains. And nothing prevents the patient from 2-3 days after the “cleaning” from going all out again.

- And what to do in such cases?

Block addiction to alcohol, or, as they often say, “code”. There are two methods - psychotherapeutic and medication. Psychotherapy is aimed at creating in a person a clear attitude towards a sober lifestyle, as well as the formation of a negative image of alcohol and everything connected with it. However, there are a number of limitations. First of all, not all people are suggestible, besides, in our country it is somehow not customary to talk to a psychologist or psychotherapist and pour out your soul to him. Secondly, it is very difficult to break the value system that has been established as a result of many years of alcohol intake. It takes hard and long work.

The drug way of blocking alcohol dependence is the introduction to a person of one of the modern drugs that significantly reduce cravings for alcohol. At the same time, this drug is incompatible with alcohol (torpedo effect). However, the psychotherapeutic component of this method is also very important. The doctor does not just silently inject the drug, he must explain to the person what is happening, why the medicine is being administered (this is, as it were, a kind of insurance that keeps a person from drinking).

Does a sober lifestyle mean that a person should give up any kind of alcohol? Or you can drink, observing some norm?

If a person is diagnosed with alcoholism, then it is necessary to refuse any alcohol. Even from non-alcoholic beer - because the smell, taste of the drink, the look of the bottle cause an exciting effect, a person feels a slight intoxication, which the brain “remembers”, and a breakdown occurs.

- Is it possible to treat alcoholism without the knowledge of the person himself?

No. Compulsory treatment by law is provided only in cases where a person becomes socially dangerous. In the meantime, a person is sane, no violence against a person is permissible. And all the "miraculous" and "magic" remedies in the form of drops, infusions, powders and other things that are proposed to be quietly mixed into the food of a drinking person are nothing more than speculation on the problem and deception of consumers. In the treatment of alcoholism, as a very serious disease, the motivation of the patient himself, his internal attitude towards a cure and a favorable outcome are extremely important. If there is no motivation, there will be no effect, no matter how hard the relatives and relatives of the drinker try.

Alcoholism is a serious disease in the development of which numerous biological and social factors play a role. For example, if a person has a genetic predisposition to the development of alcohol dependence - when a lack of an alcohol-decomposing enzyme is expressed in his body - then, having started drinking, he can earn stage 2 alcoholism in 2-3 months. Therefore, professionals - narcologists - should deal with this problem. Our knowledge and experience, an arsenal of medicines and treatment methods allow us to help people who are even in the most difficult situation.