What units are included in the branch of the Navy. General assessment and development prospects of the Russian Navy

The Navy (Navy) includes the following types of forces:
- submarine forces;
- surface forces;
- naval aviation;
- coastal rocket and artillery troops;
- Marines;
- air defense forces;
- special troops;
- rear troops.

The Navy is a branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. It is intended for the armed protection of the interests of Russia, the conduct of hostilities in the sea and ocean theaters of war. The Navy is capable of inflicting nuclear strikes on enemy ground targets, destroying enemy fleet groups at sea and bases, disrupting enemy ocean and sea communications and protecting its maritime transportation, assisting ground forces in operations in continental theaters of military operations, landing amphibious assaults, participating in repelling landings enemy and perform other tasks.

The Navy is subdivided into strategic nuclear forces and general purpose forces. Strategic nuclear forces have great nuclear missile power, high mobility and the ability to operate for a long time in various regions of the oceans.

The Navy is a powerful factor in the country's defense capability. Organizationally, it includes the Northern, Pacific, Baltic and Black Sea fleets. the Caspian military flotilla and the Leningrad naval base.

The Navy consists of the following branches of forces: submarine, surface, naval aviation, marines and coastal defense troops. It also includes ships and vessels, special-purpose units, units and subunits of the rear.

Submarine forces are the strike force of the fleet, capable of controlling the expanses of the World Ocean, covertly and quickly deploying in the right directions and delivering unexpected powerful strikes from the depths of the ocean against sea and continental targets.

Depending on the main armament, submarines are divided into missile and torpedo, and according to the type of power plant, nuclear and diesel-electric.

The main striking force of the Navy is nuclear submarines armed with ballistic and cruise missiles with nuclear warheads. These ships are constantly in various areas of the World Ocean, ready for the immediate use of their strategic weapons.

Nuclear-powered submarines armed with ship-to-ship cruise missiles are mainly aimed at fighting large enemy surface ships.

Nuclear torpedo submarines are used to disrupt enemy submarine and surface communications and in the defense system against underwater threats, as well as to escort missile submarines and surface ships.

The use of diesel submarines (missile and torpedo) is associated mainly with the solution of typical tasks for them in limited areas of the sea.

Equipping submarines with nuclear power and nuclear missile weapons, powerful sonar systems and high-precision navigation weapons, along with comprehensive automation of control processes and the creation of optimal living conditions for the crew, has significantly expanded their tactical properties and forms of combat use.

Surface forces in modern conditions remain the most important part of the Navy. The creation of ships - carriers of aircraft and helicopters, as well as the transition of a number of classes of ships, like submarines, to nuclear energy have greatly increased their combat capabilities. Equipping ships with helicopters and aircraft significantly expands their capabilities to detect and destroy enemy submarines. Helicopters make it possible to successfully solve the problems of relaying and communications, target designation, transfer of cargo at sea, landing troops on the coast and rescuing personnel.

Surface ships are the main forces for ensuring the exit and deployment of submarines to combat areas and return to bases, transporting and covering landing forces. They are assigned the main role in laying minefields, in combating the mine danger and protecting their communications.

The traditional task of surface ships is to strike at enemy targets on its territory and to cover its coast from the sea from the enemy's naval forces.

Thus, a complex of responsible combat missions is assigned to surface ships. They solve these tasks in groups, formations, associations both independently and in cooperation with other branches of the fleet forces (submarines, aviation, marines).

Naval aviation is a branch of the Navy. It consists of strategic, tactical, deck and coastal.

Strategic and tactical aviation is designed to confront groups of surface ships in the ocean, submarines and transports, as well as to deliver bombing and missile strikes against enemy coastal targets.

Carrier-based aviation is the main striking force of the Navy's aircraft carrier formations. Its main combat missions in armed struggle at sea are the destruction of enemy aircraft in the air, the starting positions of anti-aircraft guided missiles and other means of enemy air defense, tactical reconnaissance, etc. When performing combat missions, carrier-based aviation actively interacts with tactical aviation.

Naval aviation helicopters are an effective means of targeting a ship's missile weapons when destroying submarines and repelling attacks by enemy low-flying aircraft and anti-ship missiles. Carrying air-to-surface missiles and other weapons, they are a powerful means of fire support for marines and the destruction of enemy missile and artillery boats.

The Marine Corps is a branch of the Navy, designed to conduct combat operations as part of amphibious assault forces (independently or jointly with the Ground Forces), as well as to defend the coast (naval bases, ports).

The combat operations of the marines are carried out, as a rule, with the support of aviation and artillery fire from ships. In turn, the marines use in combat operations all types of weapons characteristic of motorized rifle troops, while using landing tactics specific to it.

Coastal defense troops, as a branch of the Navy, are designed to protect naval bases, ports, important sections of the coast, islands, straits and narrownesses from attack by enemy ships and amphibious assault forces. The basis of their armament is coastal missile systems and artillery, anti-aircraft missile systems, mine and torpedo weapons, as well as special coastal defense ships (protection of the water area). Coastal fortifications are being set up on the coast to ensure defense by troops.

Logistic units and subunits are intended for logistic support of the forces and military operations of the Navy. They ensure the satisfaction of the material, transport, household and other needs of formations and formations of the Navy in order to maintain them in combat readiness for the performance of assigned tasks.

Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. It will not be superfluous to represent what their purpose is. This is necessary at least in order not to get into trouble by incorrectly naming them in a conversation.

What is the division of the armed forces?

They were formed depending on where the fighting takes place: at sea or on land, in the sky or in space. In this regard, the types of troops of the Russian Federation are distinguished. Their list is as follows: land and air forces, and the navy. Each of them is a complex structure formed from special branches of the military, which have a different purpose. All these types of troops differ in the type of weapons. The training of military personnel in each of them has its own specifics.

First type: ground forces

It forms the base of the army and is the most numerous. Its purpose is to conduct combat operations on land, hence the name. No other types of troops of the Russian Federation can compare with this, since it is distinguished by its versatile composition. It is distinguished by the great power of the strike. Land - these are the types of troops of the Russian Federation (the photo is presented in the article), which have excellent maneuverability and independence. In addition, they can act both separately and together with others. Their purpose is to repel the enemy invasion, to gain a foothold in positions, to attack enemy formations.

To date, there are such types of ground forces of the Russian Federation:

  • mobile motorized rifle, tank and lightning missile troops, artillery and air defense, military command and control bodies;
  • special troops, such as intelligence and communications, technical support and engineering units, units for protection against radiation, chemical and biological attack, rear services.

What are motorized rifle and tank troops intended for?

These are the types of Russian troops that can perform various combat missions. From breaking through the enemy defenses and offensive to long-term and strong consolidation on the captured lines. A special place in these matters is allocated to tanks. Since their actions in the main areas of defense and offensive are characterized by maneuverability and speed in achieving the goal.

Motorized rifle units are distinguished by the fact that they can operate both independently and with the support of other RF Armed Forces. The types of troops that are now being considered are capable of withstanding weapons with any degree of damage, up to nuclear attacks.

But that's not all. The considered types and types of troops of the armed forces of the Russian Federation are equipped with weapons capable of inflicting significant damage to the enemy. For example, they have at their disposal automatic guns, artillery and anti-aircraft systems. They have combat vehicles and armored personnel carriers that allow them to move into the thick of the battle.

What are the missile and air defense forces intended for?

The former exist in order to carry out nuclear and fire strikes on enemy positions. With the help of missiles and artillery, you can hit the enemy in combined arms combat, as well as inflict damage in corps and front-line operations.

An important role in these matters is played by artillery, which is widely represented in anti-tank units using mortars, cannons and howitzers.

The types and types of troops of the Russian Federation associated with air defense bear the main burden in the matter of destroying the enemy in the air. The purpose of these units is to shoot down enemy planes and drones. Their structure includes parts that use anti-aircraft missiles and anti-aircraft artillery. Not the last place is occupied by the divisions of radio engineering, which provide proper communication. The air defense forces perform an important function of covering the ground forces from possible enemy air attacks. This is expressed in the fight against the enemy landing on its route and at the time of their landing. And before that, they are obliged to conduct reconnaissance by radar in order to timely notify of a possible attack.

The role of the Airborne Forces and engineering troops

A special place is given to them. They combine all the best that the previously mentioned types of the RF Armed Forces can give. The branches of the Airborne Forces are equipped with artillery and anti-aircraft missiles. They have airborne combat vehicles and armored personnel carriers at their disposal. Moreover, a special technique has been created that allows using parachutes to land various cargoes in any weather on an arbitrary terrain. In this case, the time of day and the altitude of the aircraft do not play a role.

The tasks of the Airborne Forces are most often actions behind enemy lines aimed at disturbing his balance. With their help, the destruction of the enemy's nuclear weapons, the capture of strategically important points and facilities, as well as government agencies. They perform tasks to introduce an imbalance in the work of the rear of the enemy.

Engineering - these are the types and types of troops of the Russian Federation that carry out reconnaissance of the area. Their tasks include the construction of barriers, and, if necessary, their destruction. They clear mine areas and prepare the terrain for maneuvers. Crossings are established, with the help of which water barriers are overcome. The forces of the engineering troops organize water supply points.

Second type: Navy

These types and types of troops of the armed forces of the Russian Federation are designed to conduct combat operations and protect the country's territorial interests on the water surface. also has the ability to deliver nuclear strikes against strategically important enemy targets. Its tasks also include the destruction of enemy forces on the high seas and at coastal bases. The Navy is designed to disrupt enemy communications in wartime and protect its own transportation. The fleet is able to provide serious support to ground forces during joint operations.

The Russian Navy today includes such Baltic, Black Sea, Pacific and Caspian. Each of them includes the following types of troops: submarine and surface forces, naval aviation and infantry, coastal missile and artillery units and service and material support units.

The purpose of each branch of the Navy

Those located on land are designed to defend the coast and objects located on the coast and of great importance. And without timely and full service, the naval bases will not be able to exist for a long time.

Surface forces are formed from ships and boats, which have a different focus from missile and anti-submarine to torpedo and landing. Their purpose is to search for and destroy enemy submarines and their ships. With their help, amphibious landings are carried out, as well as the detection and neutralization of sea mines.

Subdivisions with submarines, in addition to detecting enemy submarines, hit enemy ground targets. Moreover, they can act both independently and in combination with other troops of the Russian Federation.

The aviation of the navy consists of vehicles that can perform a missile-carrying or anti-submarine function. In addition, aviation performs reconnaissance missions. Aircraft of the naval forces serve to destroy the enemy surface fleet both in the open spaces of the ocean and at bases. It is also of considerable importance for covering the Russian fleet during combat operations.

Third type: Air Force

These are the most mobile and maneuverable types and types of troops of the armed forces of the Russian Federation. Their main task is to ensure the security and protection of the country's territorial interests in the air. In addition, they are called upon to protect the administrative, industrial and economic centers of Russia. Their purpose is to protect other troops and ensure the success of operations. With their help, aerial reconnaissance, landing and defeat of enemy positions are carried out.

The Air Force is armed with combat and combat training aircraft, helicopters, transport and special equipment. In addition, they have at their disposal anti-aircraft guns and military equipment for special purposes.

There are such types of aviation: long-range and versatile front-line, transport and army. In addition to them, there are two more types of anti-aircraft troops: anti-aircraft and radio engineering.

What is the purpose of each of the branches of the Air Force?

The purpose of military transport aviation is to deliver cargo and troops to the landing site. Moreover, food with medicines, and military equipment can act as cargo.

Long-range aviation is the main strike force of the Air Force. Because it is capable of hitting any target with great efficiency.

Frontal aviation is divided into bomber and attack, reconnaissance and fighter. The first two provide air support to ground forces during any combat operations - from defense to attack. The third type of aviation carries out reconnaissance that meets the interests of Russia. The latter exists to destroy enemy aircraft in the air.

Fourth Type: Strategic Rocket Forces

Formed specifically to conduct operations in a nuclear war. They have automated missile systems at their disposal, which have high accuracy. And this is despite the huge flight range possible between the two continents. Today, the types and types of troops of the Russian Federation are very mobile and complementary. And some of them are changing. For example, the rocket and space forces were formed from the rocket troops. They became the basis for a new type of troops - space.

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Tasks of the Navy

The Navy performs the following tasks:

Ø fight against the naval forces of the enemy;

Ø violation of enemy sea communications;

Ø protection of their sea lanes;

Ш defense of its coast from the sea direction;

Ø striking and ensuring the invasion of enemy territory from the sea.

Underwater strength

Submarine forces of the fleet, submarines, the main branch of the Navy.

The main properties of submarines as a kind of force are greater secrecy of operations compared to surface ships and aircraft, which ensures the surprise of strikes, great strike power, high maneuverability, and a large spatial scope of operations. The main tasks of the fleet's submarine forces are the destruction of important ground targets of the enemy with nuclear missile weapons, the destruction of surface ships and ships with missile and torpedo weapons, submarines with anti-submarine weapons, reconnaissance, including the landing of reconnaissance and sabotage groups on the enemy coast; transportation of valuable and important cargoes, etc. Submarines carry out the tasks assigned to them independently as single ships, groups, or formations, or jointly with other branches of the Navy and branches of the armed forces. In most fleets of the capitalist states, the main operational unit is a squadron (8-12 submarines), the main operational unit is a submarine flotilla (4-6 squadrons). In some fleets, squadrons are divided into divisions consisting of 4-6 submarines. In the US Navy, the Fleet Submarine Force is led by a Commander and the appropriate Headquarters.

Fleet surface forces

Surface ships, branch of the navy. In organizational and staffing terms, they are part of associations and formations of ships (flotilla, squadron, division, brigade, etc.). In the navies of states, the main classes of surface forces of the fleet are: aircraft carriers, cruisers, destroyers, frigates, landing ships, minelayers, minesweepers, etc. In the Soviet Navy, surface warships are divided into the following classes: missile ships (missile cruiser, missile boat, etc.), anti-submarine ships (anti-submarine cruiser, patrol ship, etc.), artillery and torpedo ships (cruiser, destroyer, artillery boat, etc.), anti-mine ships (sea minesweeper, etc.), landing ships, etc. . N. s. f. in accordance with their purpose, they are armed with rocket, artillery, torpedo and mine weapons, equipped with hydroacoustic means and various electronic equipment. Most surface ships have conventional engines, some have nuclear power plants, which provides them with a significant cruising range at high speeds. The main properties of surface ships as a kind of force are great striking power, high maneuverability, and a wide spatial scope of operations. The versatility of the armament of surface ships allows them to perform a variety of combat missions: to search for and destroy submarines, to strike at N. with. f., to land amphibious assaults and repel enemy amphibious landings, to lay minefields and destroy enemy mines, to support ground forces in the conduct of hostilities in approximate directions, to guard transports and landing ships at sea crossings. They perform combat missions independently or in cooperation with other branches of the fleet forces.

Coastal Rocket and Artillery Troops

Coastal Troops of the Navy (until 1989 - Coastal Rocket and Artillery Troops) - a branch of the Russian Navy, designed to cover the forces of the fleets, troops, population and objects on the sea coast from the effects of enemy surface ships; defense of naval bases and other important objects of the fleets from land, including from sea and air assault forces; landings and actions in sea, air and sea landings; assistance to ground forces in antiamphibious defense of amphibious areas of the sea coast; destruction of surface ships, boats and landing vehicles in the range of weapons. The main weapons of the Coastal Troops of the Russian Navy are coastal anti-ship missile and artillery systems.

Marines (MP)

The branch of forces (troops) of the Navy of the armed forces of states, intended to participate in maritime operations and be used as strike detachments in other types of hostilities, whose tasks include capturing the coastline, port infrastructure, islands and peninsulas, ships and vessels, enemy naval bases , from the air (parachute landing) and water. The marines are also used for individual operations (units and units of special purpose (SpN)), as well as for the protection of coastal and other objects. It is part of the navy (forces) (Navy). The main tasks of the Marine Corps: "In an offensive from the sea, they must conquer coastal bridgeheads and hold until the main forces approach, and in defense they must protect the bases of warships from land directions."

Historically, Marines have served on warships, supported a ship's crew in combat, carried out small raids on the coastline, guarded ship officers from potential crew mutinies, and guarded ports and naval bases.

Naval aviation

Naval aviation, the air force of the Navy or the air force of the Navy, is part of the navy of the armed forces of the state.


Designed to destroy ships, groupings of forces, convoys, enemy landings at sea and in bases, search for and destroy its submarines, disrupt the surveillance and control system of its theater of operations, cover groupings of its ships, conduct reconnaissance, issue target designation in the interests of using weapons by naval forces and solving other problems. navy infantry aviation

The structure of naval aviation includes: naval missile-carrying, anti-submarine, reconnaissance, ship-based and ground-based attack aircraft, as well as units and parts of transport aircraft and units for other purposes. Organizationally, it consists of the Air Force of the Fleets, includes coastal and ship-based units and subunits, as well as units, subunits and support services. The Air Forces of the Fleets are in a special respect subordinate to the Chief of Aviation of the Navy. Parts of the central subordination are directly closed on it. In the armed forces of some countries it is called naval aviation (fleet aviation). It includes basic patrol aircraft, as well as attack, fighter, reconnaissance and special-purpose aircraft (long-range radar detection, electronic warfare, and others). In the US Armed Forces, in addition, there is aviation of the Marine Corps.

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The Russian Navy (USSR), as an independent branch of the Armed Forces, took shape in the period from the end of the 17th to the beginning of the 20th century.

The creation of a regular navy in Russia is a historical pattern. It was due to the urgent need of the country to overcome the territorial, political and cultural isolation, which became at the turn of the 17th-18th centuries. the main obstacle to the economic and social development of the Russian state.

The first permanent grouping of forces - the Azov Fleet - was formed from ships and vessels built in the winter of 1695-1696. and was intended to assist the army in the campaign to capture the Turkish fortress of Azov. On October 30, 1696, the Boyar Duma, on the proposal of Tsar Peter I, adopted a resolution "Sea courts to be ...", which became the first law on the fleet and recognition as the official date of its foundation.

During the Northern War of 1700-1721. the main tasks of the fleet were determined, the list of which remains practically unchanged to this day, namely: the fight against the enemy’s naval forces, the fight on sea lanes, the defense of its coast from the sea direction, the assistance of the army in coastal directions, strikes and ensure the invasion of the territory enemy from the sea. The proportion of these tasks changed as material means and the nature of armed struggle at sea changed. Accordingly, the role and place of the individual branches of forces that were part of the fleet changed.

So, before the First World War, the main tasks were solved by surface ships, and they were the main arm of the fleet. During World War II, this role was for some time transferred to naval aviation, and in the post-war period, with the advent of nuclear missile weapons and ships with nuclear power plants, submarines established themselves as the main type of force.

Prior to the First World War, the fleet was homogeneous. Coastal troops (marine infantry and coastal artillery) have existed since the beginning of the 18th century, however, organizationally they were not part of the fleet. On March 19, 1906, submarine forces were born and began to develop as a new branch of the Navy.

In 1914, the first units of Naval Aviation were formed, which in 1916 also acquired signs of an independent branch of force. Navy Aviation Day is celebrated on July 17 in honor of the first victory of Russian naval pilots in an air battle over the Baltic Sea in 1916. The Navy was finally formed as a diverse strategic association by the mid-1930s, when naval aviation, coastal defense and military units were organizationally part of the Navy. air defense.

The modern system of command and control of the Navy finally took shape on the eve of the Great Patriotic War. On January 15, 1938, by the Decree of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars, the People's Commissariat of the Navy was created, within which the Main Naval Headquarters was formed. During the formation of the Russian regular fleet, its organizational structure and functions were unclear. On December 22, 1717, by decree of Peter the Great, the Admiralty Board was formed for the daily management of the fleet. On September 20, 1802, the Ministry of Naval Forces was formed, later renamed the Naval Ministry and existed until 1917. Bodies of combat (operational) control of the forces of the Navy appeared after the Russo-Japanese War with the creation on April 7, 1906 of the Naval General Staff. At the head of the Russian fleet were such famous naval commanders as Peter 1, P.V. Chichagov, I.K. Grigorovich, N.G. Kuznetsov, S.G. Gorshkov.

Permanent groupings of forces in the maritime theaters took shape as the Russian state solved the historical tasks associated with acquiring outlets to the World Ocean, including the country in the world economy and politics. In the Baltic, the fleet has constantly existed since May 18, 1703, the Caspian flotilla since November 15, 1722, and the fleet on the Black Sea since May 13, 1783. In the North and the Pacific Ocean, fleet force groups were created, as a rule, on a temporary basis or, not having received significant development, they were periodically abolished. The current Pacific and Northern Fleets have existed as permanent groupings since April 21, 1932 and June 1, 1933, respectively.

The fleet received the greatest development by the mid-80s. At that time, it included 4 fleets and the Caspian flotilla, which included more than 100 divisions and brigades of surface ships, submarines, naval aviation and coastal defense.

Throughout their glorious history, Russian and Soviet warships could be seen at all latitudes of the seas and oceans, not only with military purposes, but also discovering new lands, penetrating the polar ice for scientific research. The study and description by military sailors of the northern shores of Siberia, Kamchatka, Alaska, the Aleutian and Kuril Islands, Sakhalin, the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, round-the-world voyages, the discovery of Antarctica were of world importance. Russia was glorified by such famous navigators as M.P. Lazarev, F.F. Bellingshausen, G.I. Nevelskoy and others.

The role of the fleet in the history of Russia has always gone beyond the performance of purely military tasks. The presence of the fleet contributed to our country's active foreign policy. It has repeatedly become a deterrent for the enemy of our state in the event of a threat of war.

Great was the role of the fleet in the formation of national identity. The victories at Gangut, Grengam, Ezel, Chesme Fidonisi, Kaliakria, Navarino, Sinop became a matter of national pride. Our people sacredly honor the memory of the outstanding naval commanders F.F. Ushakov, D.N. Senyavin, M.P. Lazarev, V.N. Kornilova, P.S. Nakhimova, N.G. Kuznetsova.

Russia, by its geographical position, the totality of economic, political and military interests in the World Ocean, is a great maritime power. This is an objective reality that Russians and the world community will have to reckon with in the next century.

Navy structure

The Navy is a powerful factor in the country's defense capability. It is subdivided into strategic nuclear forces and general purpose forces. Strategic nuclear forces have great nuclear missile power, high mobility and the ability to operate for a long time in various regions of the oceans.

The Navy consists of the following branches of forces: submarine, surface, naval aviation, marines and coastal defense troops. It also includes ships and vessels, special-purpose units, units and subunits of the rear.

Submarine forces are the strike force of the fleet, capable of controlling the expanses of the World Ocean, covertly and quickly deploying in the right directions and delivering unexpected powerful strikes from the depths of the ocean against sea and continental targets. Depending on the main armament, submarines are divided into missile and torpedo, and according to the type of power plant, nuclear and diesel-electric.

The main striking force of the Navy is nuclear submarines armed with ballistic and cruise missiles with nuclear warheads. These ships are constantly in various areas of the World Ocean, ready for the immediate use of their strategic weapons.

Nuclear-powered submarines armed with ship-to-ship cruise missiles are mainly aimed at fighting large enemy surface ships.

Nuclear torpedo submarines are used to disrupt enemy submarine and surface communications and in the defense system against underwater threats, as well as to escort missile submarines and surface ships.

The use of diesel submarines (missile and torpedo) is associated mainly with the solution of typical tasks for them in limited areas of the sea.

Equipping submarines with atomic energy and nuclear missile weapons, powerful sonar systems and high-precision navigational weapons, along with the comprehensive automation of control processes and the creation of optimal conditions for the life of the crew, has significantly expanded their tactical properties and forms of combat use. Surface forces in modern conditions remain the most important part of the Navy. The creation of ships - carriers of aircraft and helicopters, as well as the transition of a number of classes of ships, like submarines, to nuclear energy have greatly increased their combat capabilities. Equipping ships with helicopters and aircraft significantly expands their capabilities to detect and destroy enemy submarines. Helicopters make it possible to successfully solve the problems of relaying and communications, target designation, transfer of cargo at sea, landing troops on the coast and rescuing personnel.

Surface ships are the main forces for ensuring the exit and deployment of submarines to combat areas and return to bases, transporting and covering landing forces. They are assigned the main role in laying minefields, in combating the mine danger and protecting their communications.

The traditional task of surface ships is to strike at enemy targets on its territory and to cover its coast from the sea from the enemy's naval forces.

Thus, a complex of responsible combat missions is assigned to surface ships. They solve these tasks in groups, formations, associations both independently and in cooperation with other branches of the fleet forces (submarines, aviation, marines).

Naval aviation is a branch of the Navy. It consists of strategic, tactical, deck and coastal.

Strategic and tactical aviation is designed to confront groups of surface ships in the ocean, submarines and transports, as well as to deliver bombing and missile strikes against enemy coastal targets.

Carrier-based aviation is the main striking force of the Navy's aircraft carrier formations. Its main combat missions in armed struggle at sea are the destruction of enemy aircraft in the air, the starting positions of anti-aircraft guided missiles and other means of enemy air defense, tactical reconnaissance, etc. When performing combat missions, carrier-based aviation actively interacts with tactical aviation.

Naval aviation helicopters are an effective means of targeting a ship's missile weapons when destroying submarines and repelling attacks by enemy low-flying aircraft and anti-ship missiles. Carrying air-to-surface missiles and other weapons, they are a powerful means of fire support for marines and the destruction of enemy missile and artillery boats.

The Marine Corps is a branch of the Navy, designed to conduct combat operations as part of amphibious assault forces (independently or jointly with the Ground Forces), as well as to defend the coast (naval bases, ports).

The combat operations of the marines are carried out, as a rule, with the support of aviation and artillery fire from ships. In turn, the marines use in combat operations all types of weapons characteristic of motorized rifle troops, while using landing tactics specific to it.

Coastal defense troops, as a branch of the Navy, are designed to protect naval bases, ports, important sections of the coast, islands, straits and narrownesses from attack by enemy ships and amphibious assault forces. The basis of their armament is coastal missile systems and artillery, anti-aircraft missile systems, mine and torpedo weapons, as well as special coastal defense ships (protection of the water area). Coastal fortifications are being set up on the coast to ensure defense by troops.

Logistic units and subunits are intended for logistic support of the forces and military operations of the Navy. They ensure the satisfaction of the material, transport, household and other needs of formations and formations of the Navy in order to maintain them in combat readiness for the performance of assigned tasks.