What attempts are made by those who want to achieve the impossible, according to Einstein? Anatomy of fitness and strength training for women. Mark Vella

Success comes only to those who are not afraid to face difficulties and sacrifice their blessings.

This is the secret of true success - learn in practice to master your own capabilities and direct them all at once to the right front of work at the right time.

Whoever wants to achieve the small must sacrifice the small. He who wants to achieve a lot must sacrifice a lot. Those who want to reach the highest heights must make great sacrifices.

A person is able to rise, win and achieve a high goal only by raising his thoughts. And by refusing this, he dooms himself to a despicable and miserable existence.

If I cherish in my heart the dream of great accomplishments and remain true to this dream under any circumstances, then the day will come when this dream will come true.

Dreamers are the true saviors of the world.

You will be as small as the petty passions that drive you, or as big as your big dream.

Dreams are the seeds of future reality.

Nurture high, noble dreams - after all, as you see yourself in your dreams, so you will become. Your lofty dream is the promise of who you will one day be; your ideal is a prediction of how you should appear to the world in the true light.

If I have succeeded in conquering fears and doubts, I have actually conquered failure.

Your success depends on what you managed to do before 8 o'clock in the morning.

The ability to isolate what is not vital is a very important part of the path to great achievements.

The path to real wealth is the enrichment of the soul with the help of virtue.

An inventive mind is like a river that never dries up and provides people with refreshing coolness and a surge of energy during periods of heat and drought. Such people are always full of new ideas, and those who have new ideas in store always thrive where others perish.

Man makes or, conversely, destroys himself. In the arsenal of his own thoughts, he takes the weapon with which he subsequently destroys himself. There he sharpens the tools with which he builds for himself heavenly abodes of joy, strength, and peace.

My mind is somewhat like a garden. If you do not take care of him, then he will overgrow with weeds, and the trees will cease to bear valuable fruits.

Suffering is always the result of wrong thoughts. It testifies that I am in disharmony with myself, with my “I”. The exclusive and supreme purpose of suffering is the cleansing of all that is useless and impure. Suffering bypasses me when my thoughts are pure and correct.

Thoughts that inspire fear, doubt and indecision give rise to failures, unhappiness and slavish dependence on circumstances and other, stronger personalities. Thoughts that give us courage and self-confidence lead us to success and prosperity.

To overcome aimlessness and weakness in oneself, to start thinking objectively means to enter the category of strong people who evaluate the next failure as an opportunity to move forward, subjugate circumstances, are determined and are not afraid to make another attempt, masterfully overcoming many obstacles.

Our life is the result of our thinking about it, and our character is formed solely under the influence of what thoughts roam in our head.

High moral principles are the basis and necessary condition for sustainable prosperity. Only they can stand the test of time, and hence all human activity built on their basis.

For prosperity to be stable and enduring, it must rest on a solid foundation of moral principles and be supported by the indestructible pillars of human character. If you try to start a business without moral principles, failures and disasters are inevitable.

The moral level of a business person determines the boundaries of his success.

Happiness is in your soul. It rests there and waits for the hour when you wake it up.

Victory over petty desires and aspirations, attacks of anger, suspicion, jealousy, and over other changing moods to which you are helplessly subject to some degree, is the task that must be completed and through which you will weave the golden threads of happiness and prosperity into the network of life.

A man's worldly success will be determined by the extent to which he sacrifices his confused animal thoughts, fixes his mind on the development of his own noble plans and strengthens his determination and self-confidence. And the higher he raises his thoughts, the more truthful and righteous he becomes, the greater will be his success, and the more blessed and lasting will be his achievements.

At first, many things seem impossible to us. However, if you approach the matter correctly, you can achieve big goals over and over again. Greg White in the book "Challenge Yourself" tells how to achieve over-ambitious goals in personal life and work. Lifehacker has selected 7 useful tips that you can start following right now.

1. Draw your wheel of success

Different goals often have similar success factors. To achieve success at work and, say, in sports, you need the same thing - willpower. But everything else cannot be ignored, so at the beginning of the project, analyze the elements of success and build your own wheel of success. How it's done? As easy as pie.

Write down 5-7 components of success. Let's take cycling as an example. To win, you need the following: equipment, route, physical preparation, psychological preparation, proper nutrition, team, money, PR and so on.

Draw a wheel, write down each component and rate it on a scale from 0 to 4, where 0 is terrible and 4 is excellent. Ready. Now you have your own wheel of success that clearly shows what your strengths and weaknesses are.

Your task is to make sure that in all points you have a score of 4 - excellent. In this case, the guarantee of success will be equal to 99%. And in any endeavor.

2. Use an If-Then Plan

The “If, then” plan is very effective in practice. And it's easy to create. You need a plan that takes into account the components of success (you already did this by drawing the wheel of success), the obstacles and how to overcome them. By making a plan, you will create a space for yourself where there are no problems, but only solutions.

This is done simply: in one column with the name "If" you enter the risk, and in the other - "Then ..." - the solution. “If I run out of money, I will take a loan from the bank”, “If I get tired, I will take a vacation for three days”, “If my bike breaks during the race, I will call the support team to bring me a spare”. Just having such a plan creates a positive attitude. Not to mention that you will protect yourself from risks.

When you know what to do in a difficult situation even before the start, this will ensure continuous movement forward. And do not forget that even the most ideal plan needs to be changed, because everything depends on the circumstances. Flexibility is everything.

3. Avoid obstacles

How often do we hear: “Overcome obstacles! Don't give up and keep moving forward." In fact, this is not always necessary. It happens that some barriers are too difficult to take. They just don't suit you. But this is no reason to despair.

The most reasonable solution is to find an alternative. No wonder the saying says that the smart one will not go uphill, the smart one will bypass the mountain. Don't forget about her.

Here is an example from sports. Sometimes bike races last several days. This requires serious preparation, endurance and, which may seem unexpected, competent navigation. This is an important success factor. After all, if you get lost at a distance of 200 kilometers, it will not matter how fast you pedal, because you are not going there at all.

What could be the solution here? Do not spend weeks studying navigation systems, but ask advice from a person who is well versed in this, or buy a navigator. That's all. The issue is resolved, time is saved, and you are halfway to success. You don't always have to go for a boarding. It is worth thinking about a quiet assault.

4. Work Hard

We are blinded by stories of how people who have been plagued by failure all their lives suddenly become rich and lucky. Today you're a cleaner, tomorrow you're a movie star. In fact, behind 95% of these stories is a lot of work. Happiness rarely falls from the sky, it must be earned.

There is a direct correlation between effort and reward: the harder you work towards your goal, the more you will achieve. So don't let fear stop you from taking the first step and meeting the challenges. Yes, you will have to sweat. But isn't the dream worth it?

5. Don't Forget the Law of Diminishing Returns

Decided on the impossible? Fine. Then you must know what barriers you will encounter along the way. One of them, which is often unsettling (if you've ever been on a diet, remember how easy it is at first and hard afterwards) is the law of diminishing returns. The point is simple: the further you advance, the harder it is for you to get better.

If suddenly it becomes harder for you than before, then you are on the right track and much closer to the goal than before. Just don't give up.

6. Measure progress

From time to time, take your wheel of success and apply a new graph to it, reflecting the assessments in all respects: something got worse, something better. Monitor regularly. You will clearly see where progress has been made and changes have occurred compared to what was at the very beginning. You will also see areas without progress and take action in time.

7. Don't give up at the top

There is such a thing as a mountain road to success. Imagine that your goal is a high mountain. To climb to the top, you first walk across the plain (which is not so hard) and see the mountain approaching.

When you come to the foot, it will not be so easy to continue the path - you will need maximum effort. The route will get more and more complicated. As you get closer to the mountain, you will try harder, and the top will seem to move away. Don't worry, it's quite normal.

In this situation, you need to remain calm. When you approached the mountain along a lowland and it seemed that it was within easy reach, you did not take into account the serpentine road. At the foot, the peak seems very close, but in fact, you still have to spend a lot of effort to conquer it. After all, your speed has become less, and the wind is stronger.

So it is with goals in life. Many underestimate the size of the final steps and lose. Be aware of sharp turns and uphills. Then you will not be tempted to abandon the goal at a difficult moment.

1. draw your wheel of success.

Different goals often have similar success factors. To achieve success at work and, say, in sports, you need the same thing - willpower. But everything else cannot be ignored, so at the beginning of the project, analyze the elements of success and build your own wheel of success. How it's done? As easy as pie.

Write down 5-7 components of success. Let's take cycling as an example. To win, you need the following: equipment, route, physical preparation, psychological preparation, proper nutrition, team, money, PR and so on.

Draw a wheel, write down each component and rate it on a scale from 0 to 4, where 0 is terrible and 4 is excellent. Ready. Now you have your own wheel of success that clearly shows what your strengths and weaknesses are.

Your task is to make sure that in all points you have a score of 4 - excellent. In this case, the guarantee of success will be equal to 99%. And in any endeavor.

2. use an "if-then" plan.

The "If, then" plan is very effective in practice. And it's easy to create. You need a plan that takes into account the components of success (you already did this by drawing the wheel of success), the obstacles and how to overcome them. By making a plan, you will create a space for yourself where there are no problems, but only solutions.

This is done simply: in one column with the name "If" you enter the risk, and in the other - "then ..." - the solution. "If I run out of money, I'll take a loan from the Bank", "if I'm tired, I'll take a vacation for three days", "if the bike breaks during the race, I'll call the support team to bring me a spare". The mere presence of such a plan creates a positive attitude. Not to mention that you will protect yourself from risks.

When you know what to do in a difficult situation even before the start, this will ensure continuous movement forward. And do not forget that even the most ideal plan needs to be changed, because everything depends on the circumstances. Flexibility is everything.

3. avoid obstacles.

How often do we hear: "overcome obstacles! Do not give up and go forward." In fact, this is not always necessary. It happens that some barriers are too difficult to take. They just don't suit you. But this is no reason to despair.

The most reasonable solution is to find an alternative. No wonder the saying says that the smart one will not go uphill, the smart one will bypass the mountain. Don't forget about her.

Here is an example from sports. Sometimes bike races last several days. This requires serious preparation, endurance and, which may seem unexpected, competent navigation. This is an important success factor. After all, if you get lost at a distance of 200 kilometers, it will not matter how fast you pedal, because you are not going there at all.

What could be the solution here? Do not spend weeks studying navigation systems, but ask advice from a person who is well versed in this, or buy a navigator. That's all. The issue is resolved, time is saved, and you are halfway to success. You don't always have to go for a boarding. It is worth thinking about a quiet assault.

4. work hard.

We are blinded by stories of how people who have been plagued by failure all their lives suddenly become rich and lucky. Today you're a cleaner, tomorrow you're a movie star. In fact, behind 95% of these stories is a lot of work. Happiness rarely falls from the sky, it must be earned.

There is a direct correlation between effort and reward: the harder you work towards your goal, the more you will achieve. So don't let fear stop you from taking the first step and meeting the challenges. Yes, you will have to sweat. But isn't the dream worth it?

5. Don't forget about the law of diminishing returns.

Decided on the impossible? Fine. Then you must know what barriers you will encounter along the way. One of them, which is often unsettling (if you've ever been on a diet, remember how easy it is at first and hard afterwards) is the law of diminishing returns. The point is simple: the further you advance, the harder it is for you to get better.

Only in the event that it suddenly becomes harder for you than before, then you are on the right track and much closer to the goal than before. Just don't give up.

6. measure progress.

From time to time, take your wheel of success and apply a new graph to it, reflecting the assessments in all respects: something got worse, something better. Monitor regularly. You will clearly see where progress has been made and changes have occurred compared to what was at the very beginning. You will also see areas without progress and take action in time.

7. don't give up at the top.

There is such a thing as a mountain road to success. Imagine that your goal is a high mountain. To climb to the top, you first walk across the plain (which is not so hard) and see the mountain approaching.

When you come to the foot, it will not be so easy to continue the path - you will need maximum effort. The route is getting more and more difficult. As you get closer to the mountain, you will try harder, and the top will seem to move away. Don't worry, it's quite normal.

In this situation, you need to remain calm. When you approached the mountain along a lowland and it seemed that it was within easy reach, you did not take into account the serpentine road. At the foot, the peak seems very close, but in fact, you still have to spend a lot of effort to conquer it. After all, your speed has become less, and the wind is stronger.

So it is with goals in life. Many underestimate the size of the final steps and lose. Take into account sharp turns and uphill climbs. Then you will not be tempted to abandon the goal at a difficult moment.

Michael Bloomberg is on the 8th place in the list of the richest people in the world according to Forbes magazine. His fortune is estimated at $40 billion. In 2013, he left the post of mayor of New York, and in 2015 he returned to business as CEO of Bloomberg LP, a financial information agency he founded.

Our Library has a brief overview of the book. In it, he describes his biography and philosophy of success. Here are 10 tips that Michael Bloomberg gives in his book to those who want to achieve career success:

  1. I sincerely feel sorry for those people who do not like what they do for a living. They suffer at work, becoming miserable, not to mention becoming successful.
  2. To succeed, you need to develop steadily, and not count on a lucky lottery ticket. You should tirelessly develop your abilities and learn to think through actions a few steps ahead, adjusting plans from time to time.
  3. The employee's potential is fully revealed when exhausting work is minimized, and his creative abilities are maximized.
  4. Someone once said, "Be good to those you meet on your way up, because on your way back you will meet them again." I think this also applies to co-workers: I often had to go up and down, and my experience tells me that different people meet in this inevitable life cycle.
  5. A person should do what he is competent in, and not what he got into his head, because he is in charge here.
  6. There are many different patterns in business. And one of them is this: if you check the readiness of your weapons every day, aimed at an unsuspecting victim, expect an attack on yourself. And you can try all you want to stop this arms race by diplomatic means, but the fact remains that your business will only be safe when you have strong protection.
  7. The only way to provide the very best customer service is to provide the same standards to the employees themselves.
  8. Never let clients leave you for another company - they can be offered the same thing there, and then they will never return to you. Make sales today. And think about how you can make them more efficient tomorrow.
  9. The winner is the one who can see the need and quickly respond to it!

Michael Bloomberg is also one of the most generous US philanthropists. He has donated more than $3.8 billion to charitable causes. Read a book review in our Library

At first, many things seem impossible to us. However, if you approach the matter correctly, you can achieve big goals over and over again. Greg White in his book "Challenge Yourself" tells how to achieve overambitious goals in personal life and work.

7 helpful tips you can start following right now.

1. Draw your wheel of success

Different goals often have similar success factors. To achieve success at work and, say, in sports, you need the same thing - willpower. But everything else cannot be ignored, so at the beginning of the project, analyze the elements of success and build your own wheel of success. How it's done? As easy as pie.

Write down 5-7 components of success. Let's take cycling as an example. To win, you need the following: equipment, route, physical preparation, psychological preparation, proper nutrition, team, money, PR and so on.

Draw a wheel, write down each component and rate it on a scale from 0 to 4, where 0 is terrible and 4 is excellent. Ready. Now you have your own wheel of success that clearly shows what your strengths and weaknesses are.

Your task is to make sure that in all points you have a score of 4 - excellent. In this case, the guarantee of success will be equal to 99%. And in any endeavor.

2. Use an If-Then Plan

The “If, then” plan is very effective in practice. And it's easy to create. You need a plan that takes into account the components of success (you already did this by drawing the wheel of success), the obstacles and how to overcome them. By making a plan, you will create a space for yourself where there are no problems, but only solutions.

This is done simply: in one column with the name "If" you enter the risk, and in the other - "Then ..." - the solution. “If I run out of money, I will take a loan from the bank”, “If I get tired, I will take a vacation for three days”, “If my bike breaks during the race, I will call the support team to bring me a spare”. Just having such a plan creates a positive attitude. Not to mention that you will protect yourself from risks.

When you know what to do in a difficult situation even before the start, this will ensure continuous movement forward. And do not forget that even the most ideal plan needs to be changed, because everything depends on the circumstances. Flexibility is everything.

3. Avoid obstacles

How often do we hear: “Overcome obstacles! Don't give up and keep moving forward." In fact, this is not always necessary. It happens that some barriers are too difficult to take. They just don't suit you. But this is no reason to despair.

The most reasonable solution is to find an alternative. No wonder the saying says that the smart one will not go uphill, the smart one will bypass the mountain. Don't forget about her.

Here is an example from sports. Sometimes bike races last several days. This requires serious preparation, endurance and, which may seem unexpected, competent navigation. This is an important success factor. After all, if you get lost at a distance of 200 kilometers, it will not matter how fast you pedal, because you are not going there at all.

What could be the solution here? Do not spend weeks studying navigation systems, but ask advice from a person who is well versed in this, or buy a navigator. That's all. The issue is resolved, time is saved, and you are halfway to success. You don't always have to go for a boarding. It is worth thinking about a quiet assault.

4. Work Hard

We are blinded by stories of how people who have been plagued by failure all their lives suddenly become rich and lucky. Today you're a cleaner, tomorrow you're a movie star. In fact, behind 95% of these stories is a lot of work. Happiness rarely falls from the sky, it must be earned.

There is a direct correlation between effort and reward: the harder you work towards your goal, the more you will achieve. So don't let fear stop you from taking the first step and meeting the challenges. Yes, you will have to sweat. But isn't the dream worth it?

5. Don't Forget the Law of Diminishing Returns

Decided on the impossible? Fine. Then you must know what barriers you will encounter along the way. One of them, which is often unsettling (if you've ever been on a diet, remember how easy it is at first and hard afterwards) is the law of diminishing returns. The point is simple: the further you advance, the harder it is for you to get better.

If suddenly it becomes harder for you than before, then you are on the right track and much closer to the goal than before. Just don't give up.

6. Measure progress

From time to time, take your wheel of success and apply a new graph to it, reflecting the assessments in all respects: something got worse, something better. Monitor regularly. You will clearly see where progress has been made and changes have occurred compared to what was at the very beginning. You will also see areas without progress and take action in time.

7. Don't give up at the top

There is such a thing as a mountain road to success. Imagine that your goal is a high mountain. To climb to the top, you first walk across the plain (which is not so hard) and see the mountain approaching.