Classification of sailing ships. Orazio Curti European shipbuilding in the 17th - early 18th centuries Mounting the ryu on ships of the 17th century

Source: Central Marine Club DOSAAF RSFSR. Publishing house DOSAAF. Moscow, 1987

§one. Spars.

Spars are all wooden, and on modern ships, metal parts that serve to carry sails, flags, raise signals, etc. The spars on a sailing ship include: masts, topmasts, yards, hafels, booms, bowsprits, utlegaris, fox spirits and shots.


Salings and ezelgofts, depending on their location, belonging to a particular mast, also have their own names: for-saling, for-bram-saling, mast ezelgoft. fore-sten-ezelgoft, kruys-sten-ezelgoft, bowsprit ezelgoft (connecting bowsprit with utlegar), etc.


A bowsprit is a horizontal or somewhat inclined beam (an inclined mast) protruding from the bow of a sailing vessel and serving to carry straight sails - blind and bom-blind. Until the end of the 18th century, the bowsprit consisted of only one tree with a blind topmast (), on which direct blind and bom blind sails were placed on the blind yard and bom blind yard.
Since the end of the 18th century, the bowsprit has been lengthened with the help of a jib, and then a bom-jib (), and blind and bom-blind sails are no longer placed on it. Here it serves already for the removal of the foremast stays and its topmast and for fastening the bow triangular sails - jibs and staysails, which improved the propulsion and agility of the ship. At one time, triangular sails were combined with straight ones.
The bowsprit itself was attached to the bow of the vessel with the help of a water-wooling made of a strong cable, and later (XIX century) and chains. For knitting the wooling, the main end of the cable was fastened to the bowsprit, then the cable was passed into the hole in the knyavdiged, around the bowsprit, etc. Usually they put 11 hoses, which were tightened in the middle with transverse hoses. From the sliding of hoses and stays along the bowsprit, several wooden fittings were made on it - bis ().
Boostrits with a jib and bom jib had a vertical marting boom and horizontal blind hafels for spacing the standing rigging of the jib and bom jib.


Ray is a round, spindle-shaped spar tree, tapering evenly to both ends, called nocks ().
Shoulders are made at both legs, close to which fires of perts, block slings, etc. are nailed. They serve as yards for attaching direct sails to them. The yards in their middle are attached to the masts and topmasts in such a way that they can be raised, lowered and rotated in a horizontal direction to set the sails in the most advantageous position relative to the wind.
At the end of the 18th century, additional sails appeared - foxes, which were placed on the sides of the main sails. They were attached to small yards - fox spirits, advanced to the sides of the ship along the main yard through the yoke ().
Rays also take names depending on their belonging to one or another mast, as well as their location on the mast. So, the names of the yards on various masts, counting them from the bottom up, are as follows: on the fore mast - foka-ray, for-marsa-ray, for-bram-ray, for-bom-bram-ray; on the main mast - main-roy, main-mars-ray, main-bram-ray, main-bom-bram-ray; on a mizzen mast - begin-ray, cruysel-ray, cruise-bram-ray, cruise-bom-bram-ray.

Gafels and booms.

A hafel is a special rail, fixed obliquely at the top of the mast (behind it) and lifted up the mast. On sailing ships, it served to fasten the upper edge (luff) of an oblique sail - trisel and oblique mizzen (). The heel (inner end) of the gaff has a wooden or metal mustache sheathed in leather, holding the gaff near the mast and covering it like a grip, both ends of which are interconnected by a bayfoot. The bayfoot can be made of a vegetable or steel cable, sheathed in leather or with balls put on it, the so-called rax-clots.

For setting and cleaning sails on ships with oblique rigging and an oblique mizzen sail, the hafel is raised and lowered with the help of two running rigging gear - a hafel-halyard that lifts the hafel by the heel, and a dirik-fal that raises the gaff by the knock - the outer thin end ().
On ships with direct armament, oblique sails - trisails are pulled up (when they are harvested) to the gaff with gits, but the gaff is not lowered.
The booms are used to stretch the luff of the slanting sails. The boom is movably fastened with a heel (the inner end with the mast using a swivel or mustache, like a hafel (). The outer end of the boom (knock) when the sail is set is supported by a pair of topenant, reinforced on one and the other sides of the boom.
Gafels and booms, armed with a slanting sail on a mizzen, began to be used in the Russian fleet from about the second half of the 18th century, and in the time of Peter the Great, a Latin ray (ryu) was hung obliquely on a mizzen to carry a Latin triangular sail. Such a rail was raised in an inclined position so that one knock (rear) was pulled up high, and the other was lowered almost to the very deck ()
Having familiarized ourselves with each spar tree separately, now we list all the spar trees according to their location on the sailing ship, with their full name ():
I - knyavdiged; II - latrine; III - krambol; IV - bulwark, on top of it - sailor bunks; V - foca-line and shrouds; VI - grotto-ruslen and shrouds; VII - mizzen-ruslen and vant-putences; VIII - right shell: IX - balconies; X - mine-wels-barhout; XI - chanel-wels-barhout: XII - shire-wels-barhout; XIII - shir-strek-velvet; XIV - rudder feather.

Rice. 9. Rigging of a three-deck 126-gun battleship of the middle of the 19th century.
1 - bowsprit; 2 - jib; 3 - bom-fitler; 4 - martin boom; 5 - blind hafels; 6 - bowsprit ezelgoft; 7 - guis-rod; 8 - foremast; 9 - top foremast; 10 - for-trisel-mast; 11 - topmasts; 12 - mast ezelgoft; 13 - fore topmast; 14 - top fore-bram-masts; 15 - for-saling; 16 - ezelgoft fore topmast; 17 - fore-bram-topmast, made in one tree with fore-bom-bram-topmast; 18-19 - top for-bom-bram-masts; 20 - klotik; 21 - fore-ray; 22 - for-mars fox-alcohols; 23 - for-mars-ray; 24 - for-bram-lisel-alcohols; 25 - fore-bram-ray; 26 - for-bom-bram-ray; 27 -for-trisel-hafel; 28 - mainmast; 29 - top mainmast; 30 - main-trisel-mast; 31 - grotto-mars; 32 - mast ezelgoft; 33 - main topmast; 34 - top mainsail; 35 - grotto saling; 36 - ezelgoft mainmast; 37 - grotto-bram-topmast made in one tree with grotto-bom-bram-mastmast; 38-39 - top grotto-bom-bram-masts; 40 - klotik; 41 - grottorei; 42 - grotto-mars-lisel-alcohols; 43 - grotto-mars-ray; 44 - grotto-bram-lisel-alcohols; 45 - grotto-bram-ray; 46 - grotto-bom-bram-ray; 47 - mainsail-trisel-hafel; 48 - mizzen mast; 49 - top mizzen mast; 50 - mizzen-trisel-mast; 51 - cruise-mars; 52 - mast ezelgoft: 53 - cruise topmast; 54 - top cruiser topmast; 55 - cruise-saling; 56 - ezelgoft cruise topmast; 57 - cruise-bram-topmast, made in one tree with the cruise-bom-bram-mastmast; 58-59 - top cruiser-bom-bram-masts; 60 - klotik; 61 - begin-ray; 62 - cruys-mars-rey or cruysel-rey; 63 - cruise-bram-ray; 64 - cruise-bom-bram-ray; 65 - mizzen boom; 66 - mizzen hafel: 67 - aft flagpole.

§2. Basic proportions of spar trees of battleships.

The length of the mainmast is determined by the length of the ship at the gondeck, folded to its greatest beam and divided in half. The length of the foremast is 8/9, and the mizzen of the mast is 6/7 of the length of the mainmast. The length of the tops of the main and foremasts is 1/6, and the tops of the mizzen masts are 1/8-2/13 of their length. The largest diameter of the masts is located at the operdeck and is 1/36 for the fore and main masts, and 1/41 for the mizzen masts of their length. The smallest diameter is under the top and is 3/5-3/4, and the spur has 6/7 of the largest diameter.
The length of the mainmast is equal to 3/4 of the length of the mainmast. The length of the tops of the topmast is 1/9 of the entire length of the topmast. The largest diameter of the topmast falls on mast ezelgofts and is equal to 6/11 of the diameter of the mainmast for the mainsail and fore-topmast, and 5/8 of the diameter of the mizzen-mast for the cruise-topmast. The smallest diameter under the top is 4/5 of the largest.
The length of the bram-topmast, made in the same tree with bom-bram-topmasts and their flagpoles (or tops), is made up of: the length of the bram-topmast, equal to 1/2 of its topmast, bom-bram-topmast - 5/7 of its bram- topmast and a flagpole equal to 5/7 of its bom-bram-topmast. The largest diameter of the topmast at the wall-ezelgoft is 1/36 of its length, the bom-bram-topmast is 5/8 of the diameter of the topmast, and the smallest diameter of the flagpole is 7/12 of the diameter of the topmast.
The length of the bowsprit is 3/5 of the length of the main mast, the largest diameter (at the bulwark above the stem) is equal to the diameter of the main mast or 1/15-1/18 less than it. The lengths of the jib and bom jib are 5/7 of the length of the bowsprit, the largest diameter of the jib is 8/19, and the bom jib is 5/7 of the bowsprit diameter is 1/3 from their lower ends, and the smallest one is at the bows - 2/3 largest diameter.
The length of the main yard is equal to the width of the ship multiplied by 2 plus 1/10 of the width. The total length of both legs is 1/10, and the largest diameter is 1/54 of the length of the yard. The length of the main-mars-yard is 5/7 of the main-yard, the legs are 2/9, and the largest diameter is 1/57 of the length of the main-top-yard. The length of the grotto-bram-rai is 9/14 of the grotto of the mars-rai, the legs are 1/9 and the largest diameter is 1/60 of this rai. All sizes of fore-yard and fore-mars - yard are 7/8 of the size of the mainsail and mains-mars-yard. Begin-rei is equal to the main-mars-rei, but the length of its both legs is 1/10 of the length of the rai, the cruysel-rei is equal to the main-bram-rei, but the length of its both legs is 2/9 of the length of the rai, and the cruise-bram-rei equal to 2/3 of the main-bram-ray. All bom bram yards are equal to 2/3 of their bram yards. Blinda-ray is equal to for-marsa-ray. The largest diameter of the yards is in their middle. The yards from the middle to each end are divided into four parts: on the first part from the middle - 30/31, on the second - 7/8, on the third - 7/10 and at the end - 3/7 of the largest diameter. The mizzen-boom is equal to the length and thickness of the fore- or main-mars ray. Its largest diameter is above the tackboard. Mizzen hafel is 2/3 long and 6/7 boom thick, its largest diameter is at the heel. The length of the marting booms is 3/7, and the thickness is 2/3 of the jib (there were two of them until the second quarter of the 19th century).
The main-mars has a length of 1/4 of the length of the main-topmast, and a width of 1/2 of the width of the ship. Fore-mars is 8/9, and cruise-mars is 3/4 grotto-mars. The mainsaling has long salings 1/9 of the length of its topmast, and the spreaders are 9/16 of the width of the mars. Forsaling is 8/9 and cruisesaling is 3/4 of the mainsaling.

§3. Standing spar rigging.

The bowsprit, masts and topmasts on a sailing vessel are fixed in a certain position with the help of special gear called standing rigging. Standing rigging includes: shrouds, forduns, stays, backstays, perts, as well as jib and bom-jib of the lifeline.
Once wound up, standing rigging always remains stationary. Previously, it was made from a thick vegetable cable, and on modern sailing ships - from a steel cable and chains.
Standing rigging is called shrouds, with which masts, topmasts and bram-topmasts are strengthened from the sides and somewhat behind. Depending on which spar tree the shrouds are holding, they receive additional names: fore-shrouds, fore-sten-shrouds, fore-bram-sten-shrouds, etc. The shrouds also serve to lift personnel onto masts and topmasts when working with sails. For this purpose, hemp, wooden or metal veneers are strengthened across the shrouds at a certain distance from each other. Hemp bleeds were tied to the shrouds with a bleed knot () at a distance of 0.4 m from one another.

The lower shrouds (hemp) were made the thickest on sailing ships, their diameter on battleships reached up to 90-100 mm, the wall shrouds were made thinner, and the bram-shroud shrouds were even thinner. The faded ones were thinner than their shrouds.
The topmasts and bram-masts are additionally held from the sides and somewhat behind by forduns. Forduns are also named after the masts and topmasts on which they stand. For example, for-sten-forduny, for-bram-sten-forduny, etc.
The upper ends of the shrouds and forduns are attached to the mast or topmast with the help of ogons (loops) put on the tops of the masts, topmast and bram-topmast (). Guys, wall-shrouds and bram-wall-shrouds are made in pairs, i.e. from one piece of cable, which is then folded and fire is made according to the thickness of the top on which it is superimposed. If the number of shrouds from each side is odd, then the last shroud to the stern, including forduns, are made split (). The number of shrouds and forduns depends on the height of the mast and the carrying capacity of the vessel.
Guys and forduns were stuffed (fitted) with cable hoists on yufers - special blocks without pulleys with three holes for a cable lanyard, with the help of which the guys and forduns are stuffed (stretched) (). On modern sailing ships, the rigging is covered with metal screw lanyards.
In the old days, on all military sailing ships and large merchant ships, in order to increase the angle at which the lower shrouds and forduns go to the masts, powerful wooden platforms were strengthened from the outside of the side of the ship, at deck level ().

Rice. 11. Fitting shrouds with slings.

The shrouds were fastened with shrouds forged from iron strips. The lower end of the shrouds was attached to the side, and the lufers were attached to their upper ends so that the latter almost touched with their lower part with the channels.
The upper lufers are tied into shrouds and forduns with the help of fires and benzels (marks) (). The root end of the lanyard is attached to the hole of the shroud-yufers with the help of a lanyard knob, and the running end of the lanyard after tightening the guys, having made several slags around them, is attached to the shroud with the help of two or three benzels. Having founded the lanyards between all the yufers of the lower shrouds, they tied an iron rod to them over the yufers - vorst (), which did not allow the yufers to twist, keeping them at the same level. The shrouds of the topmast were equipped in the same way as the lower shrouds, but their yufers were somewhat smaller.
Standing rigging, supporting spars (masts and topmasts), in the diametrical plane in front, is called stays, which, like the lower shrouds, were made of a thick cable. Depending on which spar the stays belong to, they also have their own names: fore-stay, fore-sten-stay, fore-bram-stay, etc. The lights at the headquarters are made the same as those of the guys, but their sizes are larger (). They stuff the stays with lanyards on the stay blocks ().
Standing rigging also includes perts - plant cables on yards (see), on which sailors stand while working with sails on yards. Usually one end of the perts is attached to the butt of the yard, and the other in the middle. Perths are supported by props - pieces of cable attached to the yard.

Now let's see how the standing rigging will look completely on a sailing 90-gun two-deck ship of the line of the late 18th and early 19th centuries with its full name (): 1 - water stays; 2 - martin stay; 3 - martin stay from bom-utlegar (or lower backstay); 4 - fore-stay; 5 - for-moose-stay; 6 - fore-moose-stay-stay (serves as a lifeline for fore-topmast-staysail); 7 - fore-wall-stay; 8 - jib-leer; 9 - fore-bram-wall-stay; 10 - bom-jib-leer; 11 - fore-bom-bram-wall-stay; 12 - mainstay; 13 - mainsail-elk-stay; 14 - mainsail-moose-wall-stay; 15-gross-wall-stay; 18 - mizzen-stay; 19 - cruise-wall-stay; 20 - cruise-bram-wall-stay; 21 - cruise-bom-bram-wall-stay; 22-water tank stays; 23 - backstay jib; 24 - bom-utlegar-backstays; 25 - fore-shrouds; 26 - fore-wall-shrouds; 27-for-bram-wall-shrouds; 28 - for-sten-forduny; 29 - for-bram-sten-forduny; 30 - for-bom-bram-sten-forduny; 31 - main shrouds; 32 - mainsail-shroud; 33 - grotto-bram-wall-shrouds; 34 - grotto-wall-forduny; 35 - grotto-bram-sten-forduny; 36 - grotto-bom-bram-sten-forduny; 37 - mizzen guys; 38 - cruise-wall-shrouds; 39 - cruise-bram-wall-shrouds; 40 - cruise-wall-forduny; 41 - cruise-bram-sten-forduny; 42 - cruise-bom-bram-sten-forduns.

§4. The order of imposition, places of traction and the thickness of the hemp standing rigging.

Water stays with a thickness of 1/2 of the bowsprit are carried into a hole in the leading edge of the knyavdiged, fastened there and rise to the bowsprit, where they are pulled by cable lanyards based between the yufers. Water stays (one on each side) are hooked behind the butt, driven into the hull under the crumbles, and stretch at the bowsprit like water stays.
Then the shrouds are superimposed, which are made in pairs, 1/3 of their mast thick. Each end, assigned to a pair of shrouds, is folded in half and a bend is made at the fold with the help of a benzel. First, the front right light is put on the top of the mast, then the front left pair of shrouds, etc. If the number of guys is odd, then the latter is split, i.e. single. The shrouds are pulled by cable lanyards, based between the yufers tied into the lower ends of the shrouds, and the yufers fastened at the channels with shrouds. Fock and main stays are made 1/2 thick, mizzen stays - 2/5 of their masts, and elk stays - in 2/3 of their stays (hemp cables are measured around the circumference, and spar trees - along the largest diameter).
They are put on the tops of the masts so that they cover the longo-salings with lights. The fore-stay and fore-elk-stay are pulled by cable lanyards on the bowsprit, the mainstay and the mainstay-moose-stay are on the deck on the sides and in front of the foremast, and the mizzenstay branches into paws and is attached to the deck on the sides of the mainsail. mast or passes through the thimble on the main mast and stretches on deck.
Wall-shrouds with a thickness of 1/4 of their topmasts are stretched on the mars platform with lanyards based between the yufers tied into the wall-shrouds and the yufers fastened to the putens-shrouds. Sten-forduns with a thickness of 1/3 of their topmasts stretch on the channels like shrouds. The wall-stays are 1/3 thick, and the elk-wall-stays are 1/4 of their topmasts, the fore-wall-stay is carried into the pulley on the right side of the bowsprit, and the fore-elk-wall-stay is on the left. The mainstay and the mainstay and the mainstay are carried through the pulleys of the blocks on the fore mast and are pulled by the gins on the deck. The cruise-wall-stay passes through the block pulley on the main mast and stretches on the topside.
The standing rigging of the jib and bom-jib is made 1/4 thick of their spar trees. Each martin stay is carried out sequentially into the holes of its marting boom (there are two of them), where it is held by a knob, then into the pulley of the block on the leg of the jib, into the pulley on the marting boom and on the bowsprit and stretches on the forecastle. Utlegar-backstays (two on each side) are tied in the middle of the end for the nok of the utlegar, their ends are held in thimbles near the legs of the blind-yard and stretched on the forecastle. Also, bom-utlegar-backstay is superimposed and stretched. Martin-stay from bom-jib is fastened by the middle of the end behind the nok of bom-jib. and passing through the pulleys on the marting boom and bowsprit, stretches on the forecastle.
Bram shrouds and bram forduny are made 2/5 thick, and bram stays are 1/2 of their bram topmasts. Bram-shrouds are passed through the holes in the saling spreaders, pulled up to the topmast and descended along the shrouds to the top, where they are pulled by lanyards through the thimble at their ends. The fore-bram-stay leads into the pulley at the jib's bow and stretches on the forecastle, the main-bram-stay goes into the pulley on the fore-mast, and the cruise-bram-stay goes into the pulley on the top of the mainmast and both are pulled on the deck.
Bom brahm rigging is carried and pulled like brahm rigging.

§5. Running rigging spars.

The running rigging of the spar is called all movable gear, through which work is performed related to lifting, picking, pickling and turning spar trees - yards, gaffs, shots, etc.
The running rigging of the spars includes halyards, dryreps. halyards, braces, topenants, sheets, etc.
On ships with direct sailing weapons, halyards serve to raise and lower the lower yards with sails (see) or gaffs (his heels); dryreps for lifting the mars-rai, and halyards for lifting bram-rai and bom-bram-rai, as well as slanting sails - jibs and staysails.
The tackle with which the gaff head is raised and supported is called a dirik-fal, and the tackle that lifts the hafel by the heel along the mast is called the hafel-gardel.
Tackle, which serves to maintain and align the legs of the yards, is called topenants, and for turning the yards - brahms.
Now let's get acquainted with all the running rigging of the spars, with its full names, according to its location on the ship ():

Gear used to raise and lower the yards: 1 - halyard fore-yard; 2 - for-mars-drayrep; 3 - for-marsa-fall; 4 - for-bram-fal; 5 - for-bom-bram-fal; 6 - halyard main-yard; 7 - grotto-marsa-drayrep; 8 - main-mars-fall; 9 main-bram-halyard; 10 - grotto-bom-bram-fal; 11 - gardel-begin-ray; 12 - cruise-marsa-fall; 13 - cruise-marsa-drayrep; 14 - cruise-bram-fal; 15 - cruise-bom-bram-fal; 16 - hafel-gardel; 17 - dirik-fal.
Tackles that serve to maintain and align the legs of the yards: 18 - blind-topenants; 19 - foca-topenants; 20 - for-mars-topenants; 21 - for-bram-topenants; 22 - for-bom-brahm-topenants; 23 - grotto-topenants; 24 - grotto-mars-topenants; 25 - grotto-bram-topenants; 26 - grotto-bom-bram-topenants; 27 - beginant-topenants; 28 - cruise-mars-topenants; 29 - cruise-bram-topenants; 30-cruise-bom-bram-topenants; 31 - mizzen-geek-topenants; 31a - mizzen-geek-topenant pendant.
Tackles used for turning yards: 32 - blind-tris (bram-blind-ray); 33 - foca-braces; 34 - for-mars-bras; 35 - fore-bram-bras; 36 - for-bom-brahm-braces; 37 - grotto-contra-braces; 38 - grotto-braces; 39 - grotto-Mars-braces; 40 - grotto-brahm-braces; 41 - grotto-bom-brahm-braces; 42 - begin-braces; 43 - cruise-Mars-braces; 44 - cruise-brahm-braces; 45 - cruise-bom-bram-braces; 46 - erins backstays; 47 - blockage-waist; 48 - mizzen-boom-sheet.

§6. The wiring of the running rigging shown in.

The foca and the main-gardeli are based between two or three-sheave blocks, two are strengthened under the topsail and two are near the middle of the yard. Begin-gardel is based between one three-sheave block under the topsail and two one-sheave blocks on the rail. The running ends of the halyards are attached to the bollards.
The fore- and main-mars-drayreps are fastened by the middle of the end to the topmasts, their running ends are each drawn into their own blocks on the yardarm and under the saling, and blocks are splashed into their ends. Marsa-falls are built between these blocks and blocks on the channels. Their lopars are pulled through the side bollards. The kruysel-marsa-drayrep is taken with the root end in the middle of the yard, and the running one is drawn through the pulley in the topmast under the saling and a marsa-fal block is splashed into its end, which is based on the mantyl - the root end is attached to the left channel, and the waist is attached to the right.
Bram- and brom-bram-halyards are taken by the root end in the middle of their yard, and the running ones are carried into the pulley of their topmasts and pulled by gins: bram-halyards are on the deck, and bom-bram-halyards are on the top.
The hafel-gardel is based between the block on the heel of the gaff and the block under the cruise-mars. The dirik-fal is attached with the root end to the top of the topmast, and the running end is carried through the blocks on the gaff and the mast top. Their running ends are attached to the bollards.
Blinda-topenants are based between the blocks on both sides of the bowsprit eselgoft and on the buttocks of the blind-yard, and their falls are pulled on the forecastle. Foka and main top-topenants are based between three- or two-sheave blocks, and begin-topenants - between two- or one-sheave blocks on both sides of the mast ezelgoft and on both yard legs. Their running ends, drawn through the "dog holes" are attached to the bollards. Mars-topenants are attached to the top of the topmast by the middle of the end, and the running ends, taken with a half-bayonet by the front wall-shrouds, are drawn into blocks on the legs of the yard, into the lower pulleys of butt blocks. through the "dog holes" and are attached next to the lower tokenants. Bram- and brom-bram-topenants are put on with a point on the yard-knots and, passed through the blocks on their topmasts, stretch: bram-topenant on the deck, and bom-bram-topenants on the top. Boom-topenants are taken in the middle of the end by the foot of the boom, held on both sides of it, as shown in the figure, and pulled with grip-hoists at the heel of the boom.
The foca-braces are fastened at the middle of the end to the top of the mainmast, held, as can be seen in the figure, and stretched on the bollards of the mainmast. The main braces are based between the blocks at the side on the poop and on the legs of the main yard and stretch through the side bollards. The main-braces are based on the fore-braces between the blocks on the fore-mast and the legs of the yard and stretch at the foremast. Begin braces are taken with the root ends of the rear main shrouds, and the running ones are carried through the blocks on the legs of the yard and on the rear main shrouds and are attached to the tile-plank at the side. Mars braces are fastened at the middle of the end to the topmast, held in the shrouds, as shown in the figure, and stretched on the deck. The fore- and main-bram-braces are fastened by the middle of the end to the bram or bom-bram-mastmast and are held in blocks on the legs of the yards and in blocks near the root end and stretch along the deck. Cruising braces and all bom braces are put on the toes of their yards, held as shown, and pulled on deck.

Battleship(English) ship-of-the-line, fr. navire de ligne) - a class of sailing three-masted wooden warships. Sailing battleships were characterized by the following features: full displacement from 500 to 5500 tons, armament, including from 30-50 to 135 guns in side ports (in 2-4 decks), the crew size ranged from 300 to 800 people with full staffing. Battleships were built and used from the 17th century until the early 1860s for naval battles using linear tactics. Sailing battleships were not called battleships.

General information

In 1907, a new class of armored ships with a displacement of 20,000 to 64,000 tons was named battleships (abbreviated as battleships).

History of creation

"In times long past ... on the high seas, he was not afraid of anything as a battleship. There was not a shadow of a sense of defenselessness from possible attacks by destroyers, submarines or aircraft, nor quivering thoughts about enemy mines or air torpedoes, there was, in fact, nothing, with the possible exception of a fierce storm, a drift to a lee shore, or a concentrated attack by several equal opponents, which could shake the proud confidence of a sailing ship of the line in its own indestructibility, which it took upon itself with every right to do so. - Oscar Parks. Battleships of the British Empire.

Technological innovations

The emergence of battleships as the main force of the navies led to many interconnected technological advances.

The technology of building wooden ships, which is considered today as a classic - first the frame, then the sheathing - finally took shape in Byzantium at the turn of the 1st and 2nd millennia AD, and due to its advantages over time replaced the methods that existed before: the Roman one used in the Mediterranean, with sheathing smooth from boards, the ends of which were connected with spikes, and clinker, which existed from Russia to the Basque Country in Spain, with sheathing and transverse reinforcing ribs inserted into the finished body. In the south of Europe, this transition finally took place before the middle of the 14th century, in England - around 1500, and in Northern Europe merchant ships with clinker sheathing (holki) were built as early as the 16th century, possibly later. In most European languages, this method was denoted by derivatives of the word carvel; hence the caravel, that is, initially, a ship built starting from the frame and with a smooth sheathing.

The new technology gave shipbuilders a number of advantages. The presence of a frame on a ship made it possible to accurately determine in advance its dimensions and the nature of the contours, which, with the previous technology, became fully evident only during the construction process; ships are now built according to a pre-approved plan. In addition, the new technology made it possible to significantly increase the size of the ships - both due to the greater strength of the hull, and due to the reduction in the requirements for the width of the boards going to the plating, which made it possible to use less quality timber for the construction of ships. Also, the requirements for the qualifications of the labor force involved in the construction were reduced, which made it possible to build ships faster and in much larger quantities than before.

In the XIV-XV centuries, gunpowder artillery began to be used on ships, but initially, due to the inertia of thinking, it was placed on superstructures intended for archers - forcastel and aftercastle, which limited the permissible mass of guns for reasons of stability. Later, artillery began to be installed along the side in the middle of the ship, which largely removed the restrictions on the mass of guns, however, aiming them at the target was very difficult, since the fire was fired through round slots made in the size of the gun barrel in the sides, which were plugged from the inside in the stowed position. Real cannon ports with covers appeared only towards the end of the 15th century, which opened the way for the creation of heavily armed artillery ships. During the 16th century, a complete change in the nature of naval battles took place: rowing galleys, which had been the main warships for thousands of years, gave way to sailboats armed with artillery, and boarding battles gave way to artillery.

The mass production of heavy artillery guns was very difficult for a long time, therefore, until the 19th century, the largest of those installed on ships remained 32 ... But working with them during loading and aiming was very complicated due to the lack of servos, which required a huge calculation for their maintenance: such guns weighed several tons each. Therefore, for centuries, ships tried to arm as many relatively small guns as possible, which were located along the side. At the same time, for reasons of strength, the length of a warship with a wooden hull is limited to about 70-80 meters, which also limited the length of the onboard battery: more than two or three dozen guns could only be placed in a few rows. This is how warships arose with several closed gun decks (decks), carrying from several dozen to hundreds or more guns of various calibers.

In the 16th century, cast iron cannons began to be used in England, which were a great technological innovation due to their lower cost relative to bronze and less laborious manufacturing compared to iron, and at the same time they had higher characteristics. Superiority in artillery manifested itself during the battles of the English fleet with the Invincible Armada (1588) and since then began to determine the strength of the fleet, making history of boarding battles - after that, boarding is used exclusively to capture an enemy ship already disabled by fire.

In the middle of the 17th century, methods for the mathematical calculation of ship hulls appeared. The method of determining the displacement and waterline level of a ship, introduced into practice around the 1660s by the English shipbuilder A. Dean, based on its total mass and the shape of the contours, made it possible to calculate in advance at what height from the sea surface the ports of the lower battery will be located, and to arrange the decks accordingly and the guns are still on the slipway - earlier for this it was required to lower the ship's hull into the water. This made it possible, even at the design stage, to determine the firepower of the future ship, as well as to avoid incidents like the one that happened with the Swedish Vasa due to too low ports. In addition, on ships with powerful artillery, part of the gun ports necessarily fell on the frames; only real frames were power, not cut by ports, and the rest were additional, therefore, the exact coordination of their relative position was important.

History of appearance

The immediate predecessors of the battleships were heavily armed galleons, carracks and the so-called "big ships" (Great Ships). The English karakka is sometimes considered the first purpose-built artillery ship. Mary Rose(1510), although the Portuguese attribute the honor of their invention to their king João II (1455-1495), who ordered several caravels to be armed with heavy guns.

The first battleships appeared in the fleets of European countries at the beginning of the 17th century, and the first three-deck battleship is considered HMS Prince Royal(1610) . They were lighter and shorter than the “ship-towers” ​​that existed at that time - galleons, which made it possible to quickly line up sideways to the enemy when the bow of the next ship looked at the stern of the previous one. Also, ships of the line differ from galleons by straight sails on the mizzen mast (the galleons had from three to five masts, of which usually one or two were “dry”, with oblique sailing weapons), the absence of a long horizontal latrine on the bow and a rectangular tower on the stern , and the maximum use of the surface area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sides for guns. A battleship is more maneuverable and stronger than a galleon in artillery combat, while a galleon is better suited for boarding combat. Unlike battleships, galleons were also used to transport troops and trade cargo.

The resulting multi-deck sailing ships of the line were the main means of warfare at sea for more than 250 years and allowed countries such as Holland, Great Britain and Spain to create huge trading empires.

By the middle of the 17th century, a clear division of ships of the line into classes arose: the old two-decker (that is, in which two closed decks one above the other were filled with cannons firing through ports - slots in the sides) ships with 50 guns were not strong enough for a line battle and were used in mainly for escorting convoys. Double-deck ships of the line, carrying from 64 to 90 guns, made up the bulk of the navy, while three- or even four-deck ships (98-144 guns) served as flagships. A fleet of 10-25 such ships made it possible to control sea trade lines and, in case of war, block them for the enemy.

Battleships should be distinguished from frigates. The frigates had either only one closed battery, or one closed and one open on the upper deck. Sailing equipment for battleships and frigates was the same (three masts, each with direct sails). The battleships outnumbered the frigates in the number of guns (several times) and the height of the sides, but were inferior in speed and could not operate in shallow water.

battleship tactics

With the increase in the strength of the warship and with the improvement of its seaworthiness and fighting qualities, an equal success in the art of using them appeared ... As the evolutions of the sea become more skillful, their importance grows day by day. These evolutions needed a base, a point from which they could start and to which they could return. The fleet of warships must always be ready to meet the enemy, so it is logical that such a base for naval evolution should be a battle formation. Further, with the abolition of the galleys, almost all the artillery moved to the sides of the ship, which is why it became necessary to keep the ship always in such a position that the enemy was abeam. On the other hand, it is necessary that not a single ship of its own fleet could interfere with firing at enemy ships. Only one system allows you to fully satisfy these requirements, this is the wake system. The latter, therefore, was chosen as the only battle formation, and consequently also as the basis for all fleet tactics. At the same time, they realized that in order for the battle formation, this long thin line of guns, not to be damaged or broken at its weakest point, it is necessary to bring into it only ships, if not of equal strength, then at least with equally strong sides. It follows logically that at the same time as the wake column becomes the final battle formation, a distinction is established between battleships, which alone are intended for it, and smaller ships for other purposes.

Mahan, Alfred Thayer

The term "battleship" itself arose due to the fact that in battle, multi-deck ships began to line up one after another - so that during their volley they were turned to the enemy by the side, because the volley from all onboard guns caused the greatest damage to the target. This tactic was called linear. Building in a line during a naval battle was first used by the fleets of England and Spain at the beginning of the 17th century and was considered the main one until the middle of the 19th. Linear tactics also protected the leading squadron well from attacks by firewalls.

It is worth noting that in a number of cases, fleets consisting of ships of the line could vary tactics, often deviating from the canons of the classic skirmish between two wake columns going in parallel courses. So, at Camperdown, the British, not having time to line up in the correct wake column, attacked the Dutch battle line in formation close to the front line, followed by a disorderly dump, and at Trafalgar they attacked the French line with two intersecting columns, competently using the advantages of longitudinal fire, inflicting undivided transverse bulkheads to wooden ships suffered terrible damage (at Trafalgar, Admiral Nelson used the tactics developed by Admiral Ushakov). Although these were out of the ordinary cases, nevertheless, even within the framework of the general paradigm of linear tactics, the squadron commander often had enough room for bold maneuver, and the captains for showing their own initiative.

Design features and fighting qualities

The wood for the construction of battleships (usually oak, less often teak or mahogany) was selected most carefully, soaked and dried for a number of years, after which it was carefully laid in several layers. The side plating was double - inside and outside of the frames; the thickness of one outer skin on some battleships reached 60 cm at the gondek (in the Spanish Santisima Trinidad), and the total internal and external - up to 37 inches, that is, about 95 cm. The British built ships with relatively thin skin, but often located frames, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich the total thickness of the side of the gondek reached 70-90 cm of solid wood; between the frames, the total thickness of the side, formed by only two layers of skin, was less and reached 2 feet (60 cm). For greater speed, French battleships were built with sparser frames, but thicker plating - up to 70 cm in total between the frames.

To protect the underwater part from rot and fouling, it was covered with outer skin made of thin planks of soft wood, which was regularly changed during the timbering process in the dock. Subsequently, at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, copper sheathing began to be used for the same purpose.

  • List of men-of-war 1650-1700. Part II. French ships 1648-1700.
  • Histoire de la Marine Francaise. French naval history.
  • Les Vaisseaux du roi Soleil. Contain for instance list of ships 1661 to 1715 (1-3 rates). Author: J.C. Lemineur: 1996 ISBN 2906381225


For early ships “This name of a warship is a complex abbreviated word that arose in the 20s of the 20th century. based on the phrase battleship. Krylov's etymological dictionary

  • List of galleons of the Spanish Navy
  • Bombardier ship

    Sailing 2-, 3-masted ship of the late 17th - early 19th centuries. with increased hull strength, armed with smoothbore guns. They first appeared in France in 1681, in Russia - during the construction of the Azov Fleet. Bombardier ships were armed with 2-18 large-caliber guns (mortars or unicorns) to fight against coastal fortifications and 8-12 small-caliber guns. They were part of the military fleets of all countries. In the Russian fleet existed until 1828


    Military 2-masted ship with direct sailing, designed for cruising, reconnaissance and messenger services. Displacement 200-400 tons, armament 10-24 guns, crew up to 120 people. Possessed good seaworthiness and maneuverability. In the XVIII - XIX centuries. brigs were part of all the fleets of the world


    2-masted sailing ship of the 17th - 19th centuries with a straight sail on the front mast (fore) and oblique on the back (mainsail). Used in the navies of Europe for reconnaissance and messenger services. On the upper deck, 6- 8 small caliber guns


    A sailing ship of the 15th - 17th centuries, the forerunner of a sailing ship of the line. It had fore and main masts with straight sails and mizzen with slanting ones. Displacement about 1550 tons. Military galleons had up to 100 guns and up to 500 soldiers on board


    A high-sided single-deck 3-, 4-masted ship with high superstructures at the bow and stern, with a displacement of 200-400 tons. It had good seaworthiness and was widely used by Italian, Spanish and Portuguese navigators in the 13th - 17th centuries. Christopher Columbus and Vasco da Gama made their famous voyages on caravels


    Sailing 3-masted ship XIV - XVII centuries. displacement up to 2 thousand tons. Armament 30-40 guns. Could accommodate up to 1200 people. Cannon ports were used for the first time on karakka and guns were placed in closed batteries


    A 3-masted sailing (or sailing-steam with a propeller) ship of the 19th century, used for reconnaissance, patrol and messenger services. Displacement up to 1500 tons, speed up to 15 knots (28 km/h), armament up to 24 guns, crew up to 200 people


    A ship of the sailing fleet of the 18th - mid-19th centuries, intended for reconnaissance, messenger service, and sometimes for cruising. In the first half of the XVIII century. 2-masted, and then 3-masted ship with direct sailing, 400-600 tons displacement, open (20-32 guns) or closed (14-24 guns) batteries


    A large, usually 3-deck (3 artillery decks), 3-masted ship with direct sailing weapons, designed for artillery combat with the same ships in the wake formation (battle line). Displacement up to 5 thousand tons. Armament: 80-130 smoothbore guns along the sides. Battleships were widely used in wars in the second half of the 17th - first half of the 19th century. The introduction of steam engines and propellers, rifled artillery and armor led in the 60s. 19th century to the complete replacement of sailing battleships with battleships


    Sailing 3-masted ship of the Netherlands of the 16th - 18th centuries, used in the navy as a transport. Armed with 4-6 guns. It had sides that were littered inward above the waterline. The rudder was used for the first time on the flute. In Russia, flutes were part of the Baltic Fleet from the 17th century.

    Frigate sailing

    A 3-masted ship, second in terms of armament (up to 60 guns) and displacement after a battleship, but surpassing it in speed. It was intended mainly for operations on sea lanes.


    Three-masted ship of the second half of the 18th - early 19th centuries. with straight sails on the forward masts and a slanting sail on the stern mast. Displacement 300-900 tons, artillery armament 16-32 guns. It was used for reconnaissance, patrol and messenger services, as well as a transport and expeditionary vessel. In Russia, the sloop was often used for circumnavigation (O.E. Kotzebue, F.F. Bellingshausen, M.P. Lazarev, etc.)


    A small sailing ship, common in the XVII - XVIII centuries. in the Scandinavian countries and in Russia. Shnyavs had 2 masts with straight sails and a bowsprit. They were armed with 12-18 small-caliber guns and were used for reconnaissance and messenger service as part of the skerry fleet of Peter I. The length of the shnyava is 25-30 m, the width is 6-8 m, the displacement is about 150 tons, the crew is up to 80 people.


    A sea sailing vessel with a displacement of 100-800 tons, having 2 or more masts, is armed mainly with slanting sails. Schooners were used in sailing fleets as messenger ships. The schooners of the Russian fleet were armed with up to 16 guns.

    The 17th century navy The 17th century was a rich period in the history of shipbuilding. Ships have become faster, more maneuverable, more stable. Engineers have learned to design the best examples of sailing ships. The development of artillery made it possible to equip battleships with reliable, accurate guns. The need for military action determined the progress in shipbuilding. The most powerful ship at the beginning of the century At the beginning of the 17th century, the era of battleships dawned. The first three-deck was the British HMS “Prince Royal”, which was released from the Woolwich shipyard in 1610. The British shipbuilders took the prototype from the Danish flagship, and subsequently repeatedly rebuilt and improved it.

    HMS "Prince Royal" 4 masts were hoisted on the ship, two each for straight and latin sails. Three-decker, originally 55-gun, the ship in the final version of 1641 became 70-gun, then changed the name to Resolution, returned the name, and in 1663 already had 93 guns in her equipment. Displacement about 1200 tons; Length (keel) 115 feet; Width (midships) 43 feet; Trench depth 18 feet; 3 full-fledged artillery decks. As a result of battles with the Dutch, the ship was captured by the enemy in 1666, and when they tried to recapture it, it was burned and flooded. The most powerful ship at the end of the century

    Soleil Royal The French "Soleil Royal" was built by shipbuilders of the Brest shipyard 3 times. The first 1669 three-masted with 104 guns, created as an equal opponent to the British Royal Sovereign, died in 1692. And in the same year, a new ship of the line was already built with an armament of 112 guns and had: Guns 28 x36-lb., 30 x18-lb. (on the middeldeck), 28 x12-lb. (on the opera deck); Displacement 2200 tons; 55 meters long (along the keel); Width 15 m (along the midship frame); Draft (intryum) 7 m; A team of 830 people. The third was built after the death of the previous one, as a worthy heir to the glorious traditions associated with this name. New types of ships of the 17th century The evolution of past centuries shifted the focus of shipbuilding from the need to simply safely navigate the seas, from merchant ships of the Venetians, Hanseatic, Flemings and, traditionally, the Portuguese and Spaniards to overcome significant distances, to asserting the importance of dominance at sea and, as a result, defending their interests through military action. Initially, they began to militarize merchant ships to counter pirates, and by the 17th century a class of only warships was finally formed, and there was a separation of the merchant and navy. The shipbuilders of England and, of course, the Dutch provinces of the Netherlands, succeeded in building the navy. From the Portuguese shipbuilders, the gallion originates - the basis of the power of the squadrons of Spain and England.

    Galleon of the 17th century The shipbuilders of Portugal and Spain, who until recently played a significant role, continued to improve traditional ship designs. In Portugal, at the beginning of the century, 2 types of ships appeared with new hull proportions in the ratio of length to width - 4 to 1. This is a 3-masted pinas (looks like flutes) and a military galleon. On galleons, guns began to be installed above and below the main deck, highlighting battery decks in the ship’s structure, cell ports for guns were opened on board only for combat, and were battened down to avoid flooding with waves of water, which, with a solid mass of the ship, would inevitably flood it; warheads were hidden in the holds below the waterline. The displacement of the Spanish largest galleons of the early 17th century was about 1000 tons. The Dutch galleon had three or four masts, up to 120 feet long, up to 30 feet wide, and 12 feet low. draft and up to 30 guns. Ships with such a proportion of long hulls were added speed by the number and area of ​​​​sails, additionally foxes and underliesels. This made it possible to cut the wave steeper towards the wind in comparison to rounded hulls. Linear multi-deck sailing ships formed the backbone of the squadrons of Holland, Britain, and Spain. Three-, four-deck ships were the flagships of the squadrons and determined the military superiority and advantage in battle. And if battleships constituted the main combat power, then frigates began to be built as the fastest ships, equipping one closed firing battery with a small number of guns. To increase speed, the sail area was increased and the curb weight was reduced.

    "Sovereign of the Seas" The English ship "Sovereign of the Seas" was the first classic example of a battleship. Built in 1637, armed with 100 guns. Another classic example was the British frigate - scout and escort of merchant ships. Actually, these 2 types of ships became an innovative line in shipbuilding and gradually replaced the European galleons, galliots, flutes, pinnaces, which were obsolete by the middle of the century, from the shipyards. New technologies of the navy The Dutch for a long time retained the dual purpose of the ship during the construction, shipbuilding for trade was their priority. Therefore, with respect to warships, they were clearly inferior to England. In the middle of the century, the Netherlands built the 53-gun ship "Brederode" like "Sovereign of the Seas", their flagship of the fleet. Design parameters: Displacement 1520 tons; Proportions (132 x 32) ft.; Draft - 13 feet; Two artillery decks.

    Flutes "Schwarzer Rabe" As early as the end of the 16th century, the Netherlands began to build flutes. Due to the new design, the Dutch flute had excellent seaworthiness and had: Small draft; High-speed sailing equipment that allowed a steep fence to the wind; high speed; Large capacity; New design with a length-to-width ratio ranging from four-to-one; Was cost effective; And a crew of about 60 people. That is, in fact, a military transport ship to transport goods, and on the high seas to repel an enemy attack, and quickly go into the lead. Flutes were built at the beginning of the 17th century: About 40 meters long; About 6 or 7 m wide; Draft 3÷4 m; Load capacity 350÷400 tons; And gun equipment of 10 ÷ 20 guns. For a century, flutes dominated all seas, played a prominent role in wars. For the first time they began to use the steering wheel. From the sailing running equipment, topmasts appeared on them, the yards were made shortened, the length of the mast became longer than the vessel, and the sails became narrower, more convenient to manage, small in size. Sails mainsail, foresail, topsails, bramsails on mainsail, foremasts. On the bowsprit - a rectangular blind sail, bom blind. On the mizzen mast - a slanting sail and a straight cruysel. To manage the sailing equipment, a smaller number of the upper crew was required. Designs of warships of the 17th century The gradual modernization of artillery pieces began to allow their successful use on board the ship. Important characteristics in the new battle tactics are: Convenient, fast reloading during the battle; Conducting continuous fire with intervals for reloading; Conducting aimed fire at long distances; An increase in the number of crew, which allowed firing under boarding conditions. Since the 16th century, the tactics of dividing the combat mission as part of a squadron continued to develop: some of the ships retreated to the flanks to conduct long-range artillery fire on the accumulation of large enemy ships, and the light avant-garde rushed to board the affected ships. British naval forces used this tactic during the Anglo-Spanish War.

    Wake column during review 1849 Ships are classified according to the purpose of their use. Rowing galleys are being replaced by sailing cannon ships, and the focus is shifting from boarding to devastating cannon fire. The use of heavy large-caliber guns was difficult. The increased number of artillery crew, the significant weight of the gun and charges, the recoil force that was destructive for the ship, which made it impossible to launch volleys at the same time. The emphasis was on 32-42-pound guns with a barrel diameter of no more than 17 cm. For this reason, several medium-sized guns were preferable to a pair of large ones. The most difficult thing is the accuracy of the shot in conditions of pitching and inertia of recoil from neighboring guns. Therefore, the artillery crew needed a clear sequence of volleys with minimal intervals, the training of the entire crew of the team. Strength and maneuverability have become very important: it is necessary to keep the enemy strictly on board, not allow entry to the rear, and be able to quickly turn the ship to the other side in case of serious damage. The length of the ship's keel was no more than 80 meters, and in order to accommodate more guns, they began to build upper decks, a battery of guns was placed along the board on each deck.

    Galley 17th century The coherence and skill of the ship's crew were determined by the speed of maneuvers. The speed with which the ship, having fired a volley from one side, managed to turn its narrow bow under the oncoming volley of the enemy, and then turning the opposite side to fire a new volley, was considered the highest manifestation of skill. Such maneuvers made it possible to receive less damage and inflict significant and quick damage to the enemy. It is worth mentioning the galleys - numerous military rowing vessels used throughout the 17th century. The proportions were approximately 40 by 5 meters. Displacement about 200 tons, draft 1.5 meters. A mast and a Latin sail were installed on the galleys. For a typical galley with a crew of 200, 140 rowers were placed in threes on 25 banks on each side, each at his own oar. The oar bulwarks were protected from bullets and crossbows. Guns were installed at the stern and bow. The goal of the galley attack is a boarding battle. Cannons and throwing guns launched an attack, boarding began when they approached. It is clear that such attacks were designed for heavily loaded merchant ships. The strongest army at sea in the 17th century If at the beginning of the century the fleet of the winner of the Great Spanish Armada was considered the strongest, then in the future the combat effectiveness of the British fleet fell catastrophically. And failures in battles with the Spaniards and the French, the shameful capture of 27 English ships by Moroccan pirates finally dropped the prestige of British power. At this time, the Dutch fleet takes the lead. That is why the rapidly growing rich neighbor feat Britain to build up its fleet in a new way. By the middle of the century, the flotilla consisted of up to 40 warships, of which six were 100-gun ships. And after the Revolution, the combat power at sea increased until the Restoration. After a period of calm, towards the end of the century, Britain again positioned its power at sea. From the beginning of the 17th century, the flotillas of European countries began to be equipped with battleships, the number of which determined the combat strength. The 55-gun ship HMS "Prince Royal" of 1610 is considered to be the first linear 3-deck ship. The next 3-deck HMS "Sovereign of the Seas" acquired the parameters of a serial prototype: Proportions 127x46 feet; Draft - 20 feet; Displacement 1520 tons; The total number of guns is 126 on 3 artillery decks. Placement of guns: 30 on the lower deck, 30 on the middle, 26 with a smaller caliber on the upper, 14 under the forecastle, 12 under the poop. In addition, there are many loopholes in the add-ons for the guns of the crew remaining on board. After three wars between England and Holland, they united in an alliance against France. The Anglo-Dutch alliance was able to destroy by 1697 1300 French ship units. And at the beginning of the next century, led by Britain, the union achieved an advantage. And the blackmail of the naval power of England, which became Great Britain, began to determine the outcome of the battles. Naval Warfare Tactics Previous naval warfare was characterized by disorderly tactics, skirmishes between ship captains, and no pattern or unified command. Since 1618, the British Admiralty introduced the ranking of its warships Ships Royal, 40 ... 55 guns. Great Royals, about 40 guns. Middle Ships. 30…40 guns. Small Ships, including frigates, less than 30 guns. Next, the ranks were numbered. And later, the 1st rank consisted of up to 100 guns, a team of up to 600 sailors; 6th rank - a dozen guns and less than 50 sailors.

    The British developed the tactics of line combat. According to its rules, one-rank formation in the wake columns was observed; Building an equivalent and equal-velocity column without breaks; Unified command. What should ensure success in battle. The tactics of an equal-rank formation excluded the presence of weak links in the column, the flagships led the vanguard, center, command and closed the rear guard. The unified command was subordinate to the admiral, a clear system for transmitting commands and signals between ships appeared. Naval battles and wars Battle of Dover 1659 The first battle of the fleets a month before the start of the 1st Anglo-Dutch War, which formally gave it a start. Tromp, with a squadron of 40 ships, went to escort and protect Dutch transport ships from English corsairs. Being in English waters close to the squadron of 12 ships under the command. Admiral Burn, the Dutch flagships did not want to salute the English flag. When Blake approached with a squadron of 15 ships, the British attacked the Dutch. Tromp covered the caravan of merchant ships, did not dare to get involved in a long battle, and lost the battlefield. The battle of Plymouth in 1652 took place in the First Anglo-Dutch War. de Ruyter took command of a squadron from Zeeland of 31 military units. ship and 6 firewalls in the protection of the trade caravan convoy. He was opposed by 38 soldiers. ships and 5 fireships of the British forces. The Dutch at the meeting divided the squadron, part of the English ships began to pursue them, breaking the formation and losing the advantage of firepower. The Dutch, with their favorite tactic of shooting at masts and rigging, disabled part of the enemy ships. As a result, the British had to retreat and go to the ports for repairs, and the caravan safely left for Calais. Newport battles of 1652 and 1653 If in the battle of 1652, Ruyter and de Witt, having united 2 squadrons of 64 ships into a single squadron - the vanguard of Ruyter and the center of de Witt - a squadron, gave an equal battle to 68 Black ships. Then in 1653 Tromp's squadron, which had 98 ships and 6 fireships against 100 ships and 5 fireships of the English admirals Monk and Dean, was pretty destroyed when trying to attack the main British forces. Ruyter, the vanguard rushing down the wind, fell upon the English. the vanguard of Admiral Lawson, he was energetically supported by Tromp; but Admiral Dean managed to come to the rescue. And then the wind subsided, an artillery skirmish began until dark, when the Dutch, having discovered a lack of shells, were forced to leave for their ports as soon as possible. The battle showed the advantage of equipment and weapons of the English ships. Battle of Portland 1653 Battle of the First Anglo-Dutch War. Convoy under commands. Admiral M. Tromp of 80 ships was accompanied in the English Channel by a returning caravan loaded with colonial goods of 250 merchant ships. Meeting with a fleet of 70 British ships under command. Admiral R. Blake, Tromp was forced into battle. For two days of fighting, a change in the wind did not allow groups of ships to line up; the Dutch, shackled by the defense of transport ships, suffered losses. And yet, at night, the Dutch were able to break through and leave, eventually losing 9 military and 40 merchant ships, and the British 4 ships. Battle of Texel 1673 De Ruyter's victory with Admirals Bankert and Tromp over the Anglo-French fleet at Texel in the Third Anglo-Dutch War. This period is marked by the occupation of the Netherlands by French troops. The goal was to recapture the trade caravan. 92 Allied ships and 30 fireships were opposed by a Dutch fleet of 75 ships and 30 fireships. Ruyter's vanguard managed to separate the French vanguard from the British squadron. The maneuver was a success and, due to the disunity of the allies, the French preferred to keep the flotilla, and the Dutch managed to crush the center of the British in many hours of fierce battle. And in the end, having ousted the French, Bankert came to reinforce the center of the Dutch. The British were never able to land troops and suffered heavy losses in manpower. These wars of the advanced maritime powers determined the importance of tactics, formations and firepower in the development of the navy and the art of battle. Based on the experience of these wars, classes of division into ship ranks were developed, the optimal equipment for a sailing ship of the line and the number of weapons were tested. The tactics of single combat of enemy ships was transformed into a combat formation of a wake column with well-coordinated artillery fire, with quick rebuilding and a unified command. Boarding action was a thing of the past, and strength at sea influenced success on land. The Spanish Navy of the 17th century Spain continued to form its armadas with large galleons, the unsinkability and strength of which were proved by the results of the battles of the Invincible Armada with the British. The British artillery was unable to inflict damage on the Spaniards. Therefore, Spanish shipbuilders continued to build galleons with an average displacement of 500 ÷ 1000 tons and a draft of 9 feet, creating precisely an ocean-going ship - stable and reliable. Three or four masts and about 30 guns were put on such ships.

    In the first third of the century, 18 galleons with up to 66 cannons were launched into the water. The number of large ships exceeded 60 against 20 large royal ships of England and 52 of France. The features of durable, heavy ships are high resistance to staying in the ocean and fighting against water elements. The installation of direct sails in two tiers did not provide maneuverability and ease of control. At the same time, low maneuverability was compensated by excellent good survivability during storms in terms of strength parameters, and the versatility of galleons. They were used simultaneously for both trade and military operations, which was often combined with an unexpected meeting with the enemy in the vast waters of the ocean. Extraordinary capacity made it possible to equip ships with a decent number of weapons and take on board a large team trained for battles. That made it possible to successfully carry out boarding - the main naval tactics of battles and the capture of ships in the arsenal of the Spaniards. French fleet of the 17th century In France, the first battleship "Crown" was launched in 1636. Then began the rivalry with England and Holland at sea. Ship characteristics of the three-masted two-deck "La Couronne" 1st rank: Displacement more than 2100 tons; Length along the upper deck 54 meters, along the waterline 50 m, along the keel 39 m; Width 14 m; 3 masts; Main mast 60 meters high; Boards up to 10 m high; The sail area is about 1000 m²; 600 sailors; 3 decks; 72 different-caliber guns (14x 36-pounders); Oak body.

    It took about 2,000 dried trunks to build. The shape of the barrel was matched to the shape of the part of the ship in accordance with the bends of the fibers and the part, which gave special strength. The ship is known for eclipsing the Lord of the Seas, the British masterpiece Sovereign of the Seas (1634), and is now considered the most luxurious and beautiful ship of the sailing era. The fleet of the United Provinces of the Netherlands in the 17th century The Netherlands in the 17th century waged endless wars with neighboring countries for independence. The naval confrontation between the Netherlands and Britain had the character of internecine rivalry between neighbors. On the one hand, they hurried to control the seas and oceans with the help of the fleet, on the other hand, to squeeze Spain and Portugal, while successfully carrying out robbery attacks on their ships, but on the third, they wanted to dominate as the two most militant rivals. At the same time, dependence on corporations - the owners of ships that financed shipbuilding, overshadowed the importance of victories in naval battles, which stopped the growth of navigation in the Netherlands. The liberation struggle with Spain, the weakening of its strength, the numerous victories of the Dutch ships over the Spaniards during the Thirty Years' War to its end in 1648 contributed to the formation of the power of the Dutch fleet. Actually this century was the Golden Age of the Netherlands. The struggle of the Netherlands for independence from the Spanish Empire led to the Eighty Years' War (1568-1648). After the completion of the war of liberation of the Seventeen Provinces from the Spanish monarchy, there were three Anglo-Dull wars, a successful invasion of England, and wars with France. 3 Anglo-Dutch wars at sea tried to determine the dominant position at sea. By the beginning of the first, the Dutch fleet had 75 warships along with frigates. The available warships of the United Provinces were scattered around the world. In case of war, warships could be chartered, or simply hired from other European states. The designs of the "Pinas" and "Flemish Carracks" in case of war were easily upgraded from a merchant into a military vessel. However, apart from Brederode and Grote Vergulde Fortuijn, the Dutch could not boast of their own warships. They won battles through courage and skill. By the Second Anglo-Dutch War in 1665 van Wassenaar's squadron was able to collect 107 ships, 9 frigates and 27 lower ships. Of these, 92 are armed with more than 30 guns. The number of crews is 21 thousand sailors, 4800 guns. England could oppose 88 ships, 12 frigates and 24 lower ships. A total of 4500 guns, 22 thousand sailors. In the most disastrous Battle of Lowestoft in the history of Holland, the Flemish flagship, the 76-gun Eendragt, was blown up along with van Wassenaar. The fleet of Britain in the 17th century In the middle of the century, there were no more than 5 thousand merchant ships in Britain. But the navy was significant. By 1651, the royal Royal Navy squadron already had 21 battleships and 29 frigates, 2 battleships and 50 frigates were being completed on the way. If we add the number of free-hired and chartered ships, the fleet could be up to 200 ships. The total number of guns and caliber were out of competition. The construction was carried out at the royal shipyards of Britain - Woolwich, Davenport, Chatham, Portsmouth, Deptford. A significant part of the ships came from private shipyards in Bristol, Liverpool, etc. Over the course of a century, growth steadily increased with the predominance of the regular fleet over the chartered one. In England, the most powerful ships of the line were called Manowar, as the largest, with more than a hundred guns. To increase the multi-purpose composition of the British fleet in the middle of the century, more smaller types of warships were created: corvettes, sloops, bombards. During the construction of frigates, the number of guns on two decks increased to 60. In the first battle of Dover with the Netherlands, the British fleet had: 60 guns. James, 56- push. Andrew, 62- push. Triumph, 56- push. Andrew, 62- push. Triumph, 52- push. Victory, 52- push. Speaker, five 36s including President, three 44s including Garland, 52s. Fairfax and others. To which the Dutch fleet could counter: 54-push. Brederode, 35 push. Grote Vergulde Fortuijn, nine 34 guns, the rest in lower ranks. Therefore, the reluctance of the Netherlands to engage in open water combat according to the rules of linear tactics becomes obvious. The Russian fleet of the 17th century As such, the Russian fleet did not exist before Peter I, due to the lack of access to the seas. The very first Russian warship was the two-deck, three-masted Eagle, built by 1669 on the Oka. But the first flotilla was built at the Voronezh shipyards in 1695 - 1696 from 23 rowing galleys, 2 sailing-rowing frigates and more than 1000 shnyavs, baroques, plows.


    Coursework on the discipline “Marine Encyclopedia”

    on this topic :

    Sailing ships

    Teacher : Lyakhovitsky A.G.

    Completed: student gr.91ks1

    Mikheev Petr Vadzhikhovich

    2003 /2004 uch. year

    1. Introduction…………………………………3

    2. Types of sailing ships…………………..3

    3. Spar of a sailing ship…………….6

    4. Standing rigging of a sailing ship….9

    5. Running rigging……………………….12

    6. Sailing armament…………………15


    Over the centuries, attempts have been repeatedly made to more or less rationally distinguish between types of ships. Due to the rapid development of the world fleet and shipping, the need to classify ships according to their purpose, construction methods and technical condition has increased even more. There are special institutions in which employees experienced in shipbuilding - surveyors - have to supervise the construction of ships and their technical condition during operation and classify ships in accordance with international standards.

    The oldest and most famous of these institutions is the English classification society Lloyd's Register, formed in the 18th century. The society got its name from the name of the owner of the tavern, Edward Lloyd, where, since 1687, shipowners, captains and agents made deals, insured cargo and set the price of freight. In 1764, it was decided to draw up lists of ships - registers - with the available information for each of them, so that it would be easier to assess the quality of the ship and, therefore, determine the amount of insurance.

    In 1834 the society was reorganized as Lloyd's Register.

    No less famous is the French classification society Bureau Veritas, founded in 1828 in Antwerp and from 1832 to the present, located in Paris.

    Types of sailing ships

    Sailing ships include ships and boats (boats) driven by the force of the wind acting on the sails. In this case, the ship can carry sails on one, two, three or more vertical masts.

    Depending on the type of sailing equipment, the following sailing vessels are distinguished:

    five-masted ship (five masts with straight sails);

    five-masted barque (four masts with straight sails, one aft with slanting);

    four-masted ship (four masts with straight sails);

    four-masted barque (three masts with straight sails, one with slanting);

    ship (three masts with straight sails);

    barque (two masts with straight sails, one with slanting);

    barquentine (schooner-bark; one mast with straight and two with oblique sails);

    jackass - schooner, more precisely, a three-masted topsail schooner (all masts with slanting sails and several upper straight sails on the foremast);

    brig (two masts with straight sails);

    brigantine (schooner-brig: one mast with straight sails, one with slanting);

    bombard (one mast almost in the middle of the vessel with direct sails and one, shifted to the stern, with slanting);

    a schooner, more precisely, a gaff schooner (two masts with slanting sails);

    schooner, more precisely, a two-masted topsail schooner (masts with oblique sails and several upper straight sails on the foremast);

    caravel (three masts: foremast with straight sails, the rest with latin ones);

    “trabaccolo” (two masts with lug, i.e. rake, sails);

    xebec (three masts: fore and main masts with latin sails, mizzen mast with slanting);

    felucca (two masts inclined towards the bow, with latin sails);

    tartan (one mast with a large latin sail);

    tender (one mast with slanting sails);

    “bovo” (two masts: front with latin sail, rear with gaff or latin sail);

    "navisello" (two masts: the first - in the bow, strongly inclined forward, carries a trapezoidal sail attached to the main mast; main mast - with a latin or other oblique sail);

    “balancella” (one mast with a latin sail);

    sloop (one mast with slanting sails);

    iol (two masts with slanting sails, the smaller one - mizzen mast - stands behind the helm);

    ketch (two masts with slanting sails, and the mizzen mast is in front of the helm);

    dinghy (one mast with a gaff sail is moved to the bow);

    luger (three masts with raked sails, used in France in coastal navigation).

    In addition to the listed sailboats, there were also large seven-, five- and four-masted schooners, mostly of American origin, carrying only slanting sails.

    Longitudinal section of a two-deck sailing ship of the line of the late 18th century.:

    1 - keel; 2 - stem; 3 - knyavdiged; 4 - starpost sternpost; 5 - aft deadwood; 6 - bow deadwood; 7 - admiral's cabin; 8 - wardroom; 9 - steering wheel; 10 - steering; 11 - aft hook chamber; 12 - aft bomb cellar; 13 - rope box; 14 - nasal hook-camera; 15 - bow bomb cellar.

    Bow and stern parts of a set of a sailing ship:

    1 - false keel; 2 keel; 3 - fortimbers; 4 - bow deadwood; 5 - kilson; 6 - falstem-knit; 7 - false; 8 - stem; 9 - grep; 10 - knyavdiged; 11 - fox-indiged (support of the nasal figure); 12 - beams; 13 - pillers; 14 - aft deadwood; 15 - keel heel; 16 - sternpost; 17 - old book.

    The middle part of the body in cross section has almost round contours. The bulwark is somewhat littered inward, i.e. the width of the waterline is somewhat greater than in the area of ​​the upper deck. This was done so that the guns mounted on the upper deck did not go beyond the width of the waterline.

    1 - keel; 2 - false orta shkil; 3 - kilson; 4 - first velvet; 5 - second velvet; 6 - third velvet; 7 - outer cladding

    ota; 8 - inner lining; 9 - beams; 10 - lac-ports.

    Bulwark of a sailing ship of the 18th century:

    1 - waterway; 2 - beams; 3 - bulwark velvet; 4 - bulwark racks; 5 - bed net; 6 - hanging beds.

    The main part of the hull set of a sailing ship is the keel - a longitudinal beam of rectangular section, running from bow to stern. Along the sides of the keel there are long grooves (tongues), into which the first row of outer skin boards, which are called the sheet pile belt, enters.

    To protect against damage, a strong oak board, a false keel, was attached to the keel from below. The bow of the keel ends with a stem, which is a prism-shaped beam. The lower part of the stem could be curved in an arc or at an angle. Attached to the stem from the inside is the inner part of the stem - deadwood - a complex structure made of thick beams, forming a smooth transition from the keel to the hull. In front of the stem, a water cutter is fortified, the upper part of which is called knyavdiged. In the upper part of the knyavdigeda, a nose decoration - a figure - was installed.

    In the rear part of the keel, a bar called a sternpost is installed vertically to it or with a slight inclination into the stern. The outer part of the sternpost is somewhat expanded to protect the rudder, hung on the sternpost. The stern and stem of a wooden sailing ship consist of several parts.

    Rezenkil was applied over and along the keel. Frames were attached to him and the deadwoods, which were composite on ancient ships. In the middle of the ship's hull, somewhat closer to the bow, they placed the widest frame - the midship frame. For the transverse fastening of the ship's set, beams were used, the deck was laid on them. In the longitudinal direction, the frames were fastened with stringers.

    After completing the assembly of the ship's set, they began to sheath the hull with oak boards. The dimensions of the boards depended on the size of the ship: their length was 6-8 m, width 10-25 cm. The extreme ends of the boards entered the tongues of the fore and stern and were fastened with dowels made of galvanized iron or copper. In the area of ​​​​the waterline and under the cannon ports, the planks of the skin alternated with thickened boards - velvets.

    The deck flooring was made of pine or teak boards, they were attached to the beams with metal dowels or bolts, which were recessed from above and covered with wooden plugs.

    For bulwark sheathing on wooden ships, relatively thin boards mounted on racks were used. The bulwark velvet is the support of the bulwark; it was customary to paint its outer surface. Above the bulwark there was a bed net, in which the sailors folded rolled hanging bunks, which protected them from enemy bullets in battle.

    Sailing ship rig

    Spars are all wooden parts used to carry sails, flags, raise signals, etc. The spars include: masts, topmasts, yards, gaffs, booms, bowsprits, utlegari, fox spirits and shots.

    Rice. Rigging of a three-deck 126-gun ship of the middle of the 19th century.

    1 - bowsprit; 2 - jib; 3 - bom-fitler; 4 - martin boom; 5 - blind hafel; 6 - bowsprit ezelgoft; 7 - guis-rod; 8 - foremast; 9 - top foremast; 10 - for-trisel-mast; 11 - topmasts; 12 - mast ezelgoft; 13 - fore topmast; 14 - top fore-masts; 15 - for-saling; 16 - ezelgoft fore topmast; 17 - fore-bram-topmast, made in one tree with fore-bom-bram-topmast; 18-19 - top for-bom-bram-masts; 20 - klotik; 21 - fore-ray; 22 - for-mars-lisel-alcohols; 23 - for-mars-ray; 24 - for-bram-lisel-alcohols; 25 - fore-bram-ray; 26 - for-bom-bram-ray; 27 - for-trisel-hafel; 28 - mainmast; 29 - top mainmast; 30 - main-trisel-mast; 31 - grotto-mars; 32 - mast ezelgoft; 33 - main topmast; 34 - top mainsail; 35 - grotto saling; 36 - ezelgoft mainmast; 37 - grotto-bram-topmast made in one tree with grotto-bom-bram-mastmast; 38-39 - top grotto-bom-bram-masts; 40 - klotik; 41 - grotto-rai; 42 - grotto-mars-lisel-alcohols; 43 - grotto-mars-ray; 44 - grotto-bram-lisel-alcohols; 45 - grotto-bram-ray; 46 - grotto-bom-bram-ray; 47 - mainsail-trisel-hafel; 48 - mizzen mast; 49 - mizzen-mast top; 50 - mizzen-trisel-mast; 51 - cruise-mars; 52 - mast ezelgoft; 53 - cruise topmast; 54 - top cruiser topmast; 55 - cruise saling; 56 - ezelgoft cruise topmast; 57 - cruise-bram-topmast, made in one tree with the cruise-bom-bram-mastmast; 58-59 - top cruiser-bom-bram-masts; 60 - klotik; 61 - begin-ray; 62 - cruys-mars-rey or cruysel-rey; 63 - cruise-bram-ray; 64 - cruise-bom-bram-ray; 65 - mizzen boom; 66 - mizzen hafel; 67 - aft flagpole;