Is it easy for a person to live outside of society. Can a person exist outside of society? Theories of the development of society

Out of society? This is a rather important topic, which will allow a broader look at the problems of the individual and society.


Let's start the consideration of this topic with the fact that each individual person is in any case It doesn't matter whether he admits it or not, whether he wants to or not. The difference between people lies in how actively they participate in public life. Someone is actively involved in this area and feels like an important participant in the process. Someone, on the contrary, eschews everything, wanting to remain in the shadows and not leave their cocoon. This question is quite relevant in the modern world, and it is definitely acute.

It should be noted that people in society today are divided into two groups standing at different poles:

  • The first group are those who always crave attention and recognition.
  • The second group are those who wish to remain in the shadows as often as possible. They love a quiet and closed life. Most often it is However, sometimes it can be active, cheerful and joyful people. But such they are only in their chosen circle of trusted people. In a new team or just in the company of 2-3 new people, such individuals are silent and withdraw into themselves.

It cannot be said which of the above is bad and which is good. The only thing we know for sure is that extremes are always bad. Do not be completely closed person or too open. A person should always have some kind of personal space that no one has access to.


It must be understood that a person is unthinkable outside of society. Despite this, purely physically, he can survive alone. However, in this case, he will lose his humanity and a certain level of development. Such cases in the history of mankind are repeated. We will talk about them in more detail below.

All people are part of society, so they must be able to find a common language among themselves and negotiate. However, too much exposure to the influence of this system eventually leads to the loss of traits of one's individuality. Very often a person is unthinkable outside of society, since he sets certain limits for himself. In this case, he either drops out of the system or becomes dependent on it.

Can a person exist outside of society? Yes, but with difficulty. Falling out of the system of social relations, a person simply loses his bearings in life. He considers himself a scum and often seeks death. It is a completely different matter when the established system of relations is unpleasant for a person, and she wants to break out of it. In this case, a person feels liberation after breaking all ties. Over time, he forms around a certain circle that shares his interests.

Through the ages

At the same time, one must understand that in history, excommunication of a person from society has always been a severe punishment. We also understand that if a person can do without other people, then society cannot do without individuals. People often say that they like to be alone with themselves. They are better off with books, technology, nature. But such people do not always understand the full importance and depth of their words.

The fact is that without society in general, a person feels normal only if he leaves it consciously and feels the strength in himself to create a new environment. If the excommunication occurs by force or as a result of some kind of guilt, then it is very difficult to survive such a situation. Not everyone is able to withstand it, so depression or an obsessive desire for suicide begins.


A conflict between society and a person arises when a person does not want to obey or accept certain norms. Man is a social being, therefore, under equal conditions, he needs other people. Communicating, we gain new experience, solve our internal problems by projecting them onto others. And the main importance of all the people around us is that they solve our problems, and we solve theirs. Only in the process of interaction can all this be understood and felt. Analysis and psychoanalysis is possible only on the basis of some experience. On its own, it carries nothing.

Conflict in society occurs very often. However, it is of a certain nature, which does not allow going beyond the established framework. A person can solve this problem in different ways. In fact, no one can forbid us to leave for another country, change our minds, transform the society around us.

In literature

We can observe the development of a person outside of society in many examples in the literature. It is there that one can trace the internal changes in the personality, its difficulties and successes. An example of a person outside of society can be taken in the work of M. Yu. Lermontov "The Hero of Our Time".

Note that Grigory Pechorin comes into conflict. He feels that society consciously lives according to simulated and false rules. At first, he does not want to get close to someone at all, does not believe in friendship and love, considering it all a farce and satisfaction of his own whims. But at the same time, Pechorin, without noticing it, begins to get closer to Dr. Werner and even falls in love with Mary.

He specifically repels those who reach out to him, and to whom he reciprocates. His justification is the desire for freedom. This pitiful man does not even understand that he needs people much more than he needs them. As a result, he dies, never understanding the meaning of his existence. Pechorin's trouble is that he was too carried away by the rules of society and closed his heart. And you should have listened to him. It would find the right path.

People who grew up outside of society

Most often these are children who grew up in the wild. From an early age, they were isolated and did not receive human warmth and care. They can be raised by animals or simply exist in isolation. Such people are very valuable for researchers. It has been proven that if children had some social experience before their feral life, then their rehabilitation will be much easier. But those who lived in animal society for 3 to 6 years will practically not be able to learn the human language, walk straight and communicate.

Even living in the following years among people, Mowgli cannot get used to the whole world around them. Moreover, there are frequent cases when such people run away to their original living conditions. Scientists say that this only once again confirms the fact that the first years of his life are incredibly important for a person.

So, can a person exist outside of society? A difficult question, the answer to which is different in each case. We will note that everything depends on the specific conditions and circumstances, as well as on how a person feels about his isolation. So can a person exist outside of society? ..

The existence of a person outside of society is possible, such a person is called a hermit and he degrades. Our modern society is so interesting and developed intellectually and progressively that it is possible to learn something new every day, acquire new skills and share them with other individuals. Literature is full of such examples, as is history.

Books were written about the connection of a person with society or existence outside of it, films were made - they tried in every possible way to capture the development of a person. The first hermit known to mankind was Peter of Thebes. He was left an orphan and was forced to deal with the division of the inheritance with a greedy relative. At the same time there were persecutions, Peter decided to leave the city and settle in the desert. He went as far as possible and lived in a cave for the rest of his life. Peter ate the food that the raven brought him, he dressed himself from improvised materials.

At the age of 91, Elder Anthony came to him, who was more perfect than him. Peter taught him humility and spent the last years of his life with him. When he died, his soul was surrounded by angels who carried it to God. There were many followers of the way of life of Peter, they created their own monasteries in this desert. Peter of Thebes became the father of Orthodox monasticism.

This example shows how one can live without society. But that was before, centuries ago. The modern generation is not adapted to get their own food and clothes, since all this is within walking distance.

The protagonist of the work "The Wild Landowner" by Saltykov-Shchedrin, once turned to God and said that "too many peasants divorced." God knew that the landowner was stupid, but decided to show him how it is to live without people. A whirlwind swept over his house and all the serfs seemed to have disappeared. At first, the landowner liked this life, but when guests came to him, he could not feed them with anything. He was used to the fact that he had food, because they brought it, fed the animal, and he himself did not know how to do anything. He ate some raw materials and printed gingerbread. The windows were dirty, and he didn't wash himself. The garden, which used to be full of fruit, dried up more and more every day. After a while, he became completely wild, but he stood his ground. He stopped shaving and moved around on all fours, forgot how to talk, only mumbled. Then peasants from neighboring villages came and worried about the landowner and brought him back into human form.

This example shows that a person degrades without society, rolls down the evolutionary ladder. And only society could return it to its former state.

Thus, people are dependent on society. The society helps to develop, improve, develop communication skills.

Man is a biosocial being, possessing thinking, articulate speech, the ability to create tools and use them in the process of social labor, embodying high moral and intellectual properties. The definition itself tells us that a person is firmly connected with a society that promotes and helps him become a person and defend his individuality.

Society is a part of the material world isolated from nature, but closely connected with it, consisting of individuals (people) with will and consciousness, and including ways of interacting people and forms of their association. Here socialization is carried out, i.e. the process of assimilation by a person of a certain system of knowledge, norms and values, allowing him to function as a full member of society. From the moment of birth, a child enters not only the natural, but also the social environment, which prepares him for further independent life, starting with the formation of the most elementary functions: nutrition, movement, etc.

Society contains meaning, reason and will. It is legitimate, it concentrates the essence of human existence: everything that distinguishes a person from a purely natural being and reveals his rational and spiritual nature. It forms a human personality: a stable system of socially significant characteristics of a person as a member of society.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is an outstanding personality. He is distinguished by a high mind, competence, good breeding. It was society that socialized him, allowed him to reveal his spiritual and moral potential. It provided him with its "intellectual and moral" gifts - all the best values ​​that it had accumulated. He received an excellent education (MGIMO), began to take part in the political life of Russia. I believe that such people should be in such high government positions.

There is no meaning outside of society, and each member of society gets the opportunity to interact with meanings only in the social space. A purely individual meaning, divorced from social attitudes, cannot exist, and will be complete nonsense. Even the highest truths of religion are closely connected with society. In the "Gospel" Christ says: "... Where two or three are gathered in My name, there I am in the midst of them."

It is laid down by nature so that a person interacts with his own kind. A person from the moment of his appearance cannot exist outside of social ties and relations. The main significance of society lies in the fact that within its framework the survival of the human race, the vital activity of people are provided more reliably and more efficiently than in the isolated existence of each person. Higher security of life support forced our ancestors to live together. In the era of traditional society, people worked together in agriculture, gathering, and cattle breeding. Then handicrafts were added to this activity, a person began to engage in creativity, and thus society is improving up to the present ...

Among the spiritual tests for improvement according to the "Zen" system in Japan, there is the "moritao" procedure - placing a person for a week or more in a cave and a strict ban on talking there even with oneself. According to the testimonies of those who passed this test, the thirst for communication by the end of isolation became simply unbearable, and a further meeting with any person, a conversation on any topic, brought the hermit the sharpest joy. Hence the conclusion that a person's attraction to establishing contact with other people is a social need.

Nowadays, people do not neglect communication. In the era of information and computer technologies, a person is increasingly immersed in the communicative environment, draws from it important and significant information for himself, which makes him smarter, more well-read, helps to realize himself in life, apply the acquired knowledge for the benefit and development of society. Communication is the basis of society when people understand each other, cooperate and implement various projects. Our society is developing. With it, a person must also develop. I fully agree with the statement of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy that "man is unthinkable outside of society."

Examples of essays on social studies USE (USE C9)

“Nature creates a person, but develops and forms his society” (V. G. Belinsky).

Man is a biological and social being. All his life he goes through the process of socialization - familiarization with traditional values, the foundations of the world around him. This process is limited by two poles: birth and death. From early childhood, a person is surrounded by primary agents of socialization: family, kindergarten, school. The formation of character and worldviews are the main tasks of primary agents. Secondary agents of socialization, such as universities, professional institutions, the workplace, form a picture of the vast surrounding world and the place of man in it. Thanks to the agents of socialization, a person becomes a personality, shows his individual characteristics and abilities in interaction with people. A person can determine who he is by comparing himself with other people, listening to the opinions of others. According to Maslow's theory, there is a pyramid of human needs. The foundation of the pyramid is biological needs (thirst, hunger, sleep, procreation); in the middle of the pyramid are social needs (labor, self-realization); and the highest are spiritual needs (knowledge, worldview). All needs are closely related. A person cannot live without food, water, and air, and then he cannot live without communication with other people. History knows the facts that without communication with people a person goes crazy, and without developing his intellectual abilities, he ceases to be a person and lives at the natural level, satisfying biological needs.

Thus, the fundamental basis of a person is his biological essence, and the core basis is his social essence. I fully agree with the opinion of the famous writer V. G. Belinsky that “nature creates a person, but develops and forms his society”.

Essay on the topic “Man is unthinkable outside of society (L.N. Tolstoy)” updated: July 31, 2017 by: Scientific Articles.Ru


D / s Kanke pp. 123- 127 p 6.2., lecture, theories - messages and briefly about theories in a notebook

The problem of the concept of "Society".

Historical review of the philosophical understanding of society.

The basic concepts of the relationship "man-society", "nature-society".

The main spheres of society. The structure of society.

The main elements of the social structure of society (class and stratification approaches). social mobility.

public consciousness.

Theories of the development of society.

  1. The problem of the concept of "Society".

Does society exist without man? Can humanity exist outside of society?

The term "society" has many meanings. It is used in relation to all mankind ("world community", "macro-society"). This is the name given to a stable - sometimes formal - group of people distinguished on some basis ("society for the protection of nature", "philosophical society", "high society"). Sometimes temporary small groups are called this (for example, it is considered useful to spend time in the "society of interesting people"). Finally, society is a special form of being; its component part separated from nature (“social being”, “world”), etc.

Often, society is understood as a relatively independent social entity that has a stable internal structure, specific distinctive features - culture, language, traditions, a set of norms, etc. This entity has sovereignty, territory, international status, an institution of state power, and some other features. That is, we are talking about a society that is the subject of international life, as a rule, both in a legal sense and in fact. This is a sovereign social entity, which is also called a "state", "country", "state".

Society- a system of activity and life of people united by the territory of residence, era, traditions and culture.

Society- an objective reality, a form of existence of being, which has an internal structure, integrity, laws, direction of development.

Societyis a set of people within the framework of their own produced system of social actions and their meanings, values.

Society (society)- a part of the material world isolated from nature, which is a historically developing form of people's life, united by mutual interests, norms of behavior and interaction. This form of life activity is characterized by a special system of relations and institutions, purposeful and reasonably organized joint activities of people.

In social realism society is defined- in a broad sense - as a systemic formation separated from nature, which is a historically changing form of people's life, which manifests itself in the functioning and development of social institutions, organizations, communities and groups, individuals; in a narrow sense, O. is often understood as a historically specific type of social system (for example, industrial O.) or a separate social organism (for example, Japanese O.).

Theoretical analysis of O. assumes its consideration as an integral organism, the parts of which not only influence each other, but are also in subordination. All philosophical systems from ancient times have been searching for the foundations of the historical process, producing a certain vision and certain methodological guidelines for particular social sciences. In the history of social philosophy, the following paradigms of O.'s interpretation can be singled out: 1) the views of the thinkers of the organic school in sociology, which arose in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Its representatives (P.F. Lilienfeld, A. Sheffle, R. Worms, A. Espinas) identified O. with an organism and tried to explain social life by biological laws. O.'s comparison with an organism was carried out by many thinkers (Plato, Hobbes, Spencer), however they did not consider them identical. Representatives of the organic school found a direct isomorphism between O. and the body, in which the role of blood circulation is performed by trade, the functions of the brain - by the government, etc. In the 20th century the concept of the organic school has fallen out of favor; 2) the concept of public relations as a product of an arbitrary agreement of individuals (see social contract theory); 3) the anthropological principle of considering O. and man as part of nature (Spinoza, Diderot, Holbach, and others). Worthy of existence was recognized only O., corresponding to the true, high, unchanging nature of man. In modern conditions, the most complete substantiation of philosophical anthropology is given by Scheler, where the category "man" is constituted as the antithesis of "O." and "nature"; 4) the theory of social action that arose in the 1920s (M. Weber, Znanetsky, and others), based on the idea that social relations are based on the establishment of "sense" (understanding) of the intentions and goals of each other's actions. The main thing in the interaction between people is their awareness of common goals and objectives and that the action of the actor is adequately understood by other participants in the social relationship; 5) functionalist approach to O. (Parsons, Merton and others - See Structural-functional analysis). O. is considered in the philosophical tradition in the context of its interaction both with nature (see Philosophy of technology, Noosphere, Ecology), and with the individual as a person (see Socialization, Activity). When characterizing O., it is necessary to take into account not only the processes of functioning, but also the development of social systems, because the evolution of O. can be considered as a negentropic process(movement towards ordering, towards the organization of the system) leading to an increase in the level of organization. The functioning and development of a social system necessarily implies a change of generations of people and, consequently, social inheritance.

The science of society is called sociology(from the Latin word societas - society). We are not specifically interested in sociology, but in its philosophical grounds.

Remember the hero of the popular book Robinson Crusoe. As a result, he was thrown into the uninhabited, for many years he was completely alone. True, without needing anything, because in a tropical climate one could do without warm clothes, and besides, they managed to get a lot of useful, necessary things from the ship. In addition, Robinson obtained food without much difficulty, since goats were found on the island, tropical fruits and grapes grew in abundance. So compared to the drowned comrades, he could feel like a darling of fate. Nevertheless, Robinson experienced a burning, agonizing melancholy. After all, he was alone. All his thoughts, all desires rushed to one thing: to return to the people. What did Robinson miss? No one "stands over the soul", does not indicate that and does not limit your freedom. And he lacked the most important thing - communication. After all, the entire history of human civilization testifies that only together, helping each other, people have achieved success and overcome difficulties. It is no coincidence that the most terrible punishment among people of the Stone Age was considered expulsion from a clan or tribe. Such a person was simply doomed. The division of duties and mutual assistance are the two main foundations on which the well-being of any human society is based: from the family to the state. Not a single person, even with colossal physical strength and the sharpest, deepest mind, can do as much as a group of people. Simply because he has no one to rely on, no one to consult with, outline a work plan, ask for help. There is no one to give instructions and no one to control, finally, if he is a pronounced leader by nature. The feeling of being alone will sooner or later lead to depression, and it can take the most severe forms. The same Robinson, in order not to go crazy with despair and longing, was forced to take a number of measures: he regularly kept a diary, made notches on his primitive “calendar” - a pillar dug into the ground, talked aloud with a dog, cats and a parrot. There are situations when when even the most proud and independent person just needs help. For example, with a serious illness. And if there is no one around, and there is no one to even turn to? This can end very sadly. Finally, no self-respecting person can live without a goal. He needs to set himself some goals and achieve them. But - such is the peculiarity of the human psyche - what is the point in achieving the goal if no one sees and appreciates it? What will be all the effort? So it turns out that a person cannot do without society.