The little prince tests and assignments. "The Little Prince" questions for the fairy tale

Questions for the fairy tale "The Little Prince" will help to conduct a quiz on a famous work.

"The Little Prince" questions and answers

2. Name the planet where the Little Prince lived. (Asteroid B-612)

4. What flower did the Little Prince grow? (rose)

5. Who lived on the sixth planet? (geographer)

6. What did the Fox ask the Little Prince? (tame him)

7. What secret did the Fox reveal to the Little Prince? (Vigilantly only one heart).

8. What kind of minister did the King propose to appoint the Little Prince on his planet? (Minister of Justice).

9. What did the business man who lived on the fourth planet think? (stars).

10. Who helped the Little Prince to return home? (snake).

11. Why does the little prince leave his planet? (He really misses a friend; "We must find something to do and learn something"; Difficult relationship with Rosa)

13. Where was the plane forced to land? (In the Sahara.)

14. What drawing did the Little Prince ask you to draw? (Lamb.)

15. How many sunsets in one day did the Little Prince once see? (43.)

16. What does the Little Prince think about adults? (That they are very strange people.)

17. Who owned the 4th planet? (To a business person.)

18. Why did the Little Prince regret the fifth planet the most? (In 24 hours, you can watch the sunset 1440 times on it.)

19. What planet did the geographer advise the prince to visit? (Planet Earth.)

20. What did the prince see when he climbed the high mountain? (Rocks sharp and thin as needles.)


based on the fairy tale "The Little Prince"

1- test

A) bad drawing

B) lost faith in himself

B) doing something else

A) Asteroid B - 612

B) Asteroid B - 3251

C) Venus - B - 561

A) lamb

B) a pilot

A) he went to the desert

b) he was all alone

C) he saw hundreds of thousands of roses.

6) What wisdom does the Fox give?

A) you need to have more friends

b) never betray a friend

C) you are responsible for the one you tamed

7) What did the Little Prince ask to draw for the lamb?

A) muzzle

B) a rope

A) 5 months

B) two years

B) one year

A) he got bored on Earth

B) realized that he was responsible for the flower

A) pilot

B) magic wand

2- questions

1. Who is the story-tale dedicated to?

2. For whom is this fairy tale written?

3. What is the Little Prince thinking about?

4. What terrible evil seeds are there on the planet of the Little Prince?

5. Is there a planet whose inhabitant the Little Prince likes?

3- The most attentive reader.

Arrange the characters in the order they were met by the Little Prince.

1- (1 point each)

1. Why did the narrator in the tale give up "a brilliant career as an artist"?

A) bad drawing

B) lost faith in myself

B) doing something else

2. What was the name of the little planet of the prince?

BUT) Asteroid B - 612

B) Asteroid B - 3251

C) Venus - B - 561

3) How many planets did the prince visit in total?

AT) 7

4) Who was the first person on Earth to meet the Little Prince?

A) lamb

B) snake

B) a pilot

5) What disappointment befell the prince on Earth?

A) he went to the desert

B) he was all alone

C) he saw hundreds of thousands of roses.

6) What wisdom does the Fox give?

A) you need to have more friends

b) never betray a friend

AT) you are responsible for the one you tamed

7) What did the pilot draw for the lamb?

A) muzzle

B) a rope

AT) box

8) How long has the Little Prince been on Earth?

A) 5 months

B) two years

AT) one year

9) Why did the prince return to his planet?

A) he got bored on Earth

B) realized that he was responsible for the flower

C) he learned a lot and was in a hurry to tell others

ten). Who helped the Little Prince return to his planet?

A) pilot

B) snake

B) magic wand

2- (2 points each)

1. To whom is the story dedicated?(To Leon Werth, my friend when he was little) .

2. Who is this story written for?(And for children and adults so that adults and children can better understand each other).

3. What is the little prince thinking about?(About the meaning of life, about a person's place on earth, about the traces that remain after death, about relationships with each other.)

4. What terrible evil seeds are there on the Little Prince's planet?(Baobab seeds).

5. Is there a planet whose inhabitant the Little Prince likes?(Fifth, lamplighter).

3- (0.5 for each item = 4)

1. Old King
2. Ambitious
3. Drunkard
4. Business man
5. Lamplighter
6. Geographer
7. Flower
8. Fox

Total 24 points

Choose one answer.

1) Where did the meeting of Peter and Petrusha take place?

a. in the house
b. in the forest
c. in the regiment

2) Where did the travelers stay for the night?

a. in the house
b. in a hut
c. in the gatehouse

3) How did the soldier behave with the old woman?

a. insistently
b. politely
c. rough

4) What proverb refers to the fairy tale?

a. Die yourself, but save a comrade.
b. Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.
c. Talking with a smart man is like getting drunk on honey.

5) Who was Petrusha?

a. soldier
b. master
c. king

Test based on the fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen "The Little Mermaid"

Choose one answer.

1) What did the little mermaid see when she first surfaced on the surface of the sea?

a. shore, home, prince
b. ship, people, prince
c. sea, coast, people

2) When were mermaids allowed to float to the surface of the sea?

a. 15 years
b. 16
c. 18 years

3) What did the witch take for helping the little mermaid?

4) Why did the little mermaid turn into sea foam?

a. didn't want to kill the prince
b. loved the prince
c. feel sorry for the prince

5) How many princess daughters did the sea king have?

a. 6
b. 5
c. 7

6) How many years do mermaids live?

a. 300
b. 500
c. 400

7) Why did the little mermaid sisters lose their luxurious hair?

a. gave them to the witch
b. wanted to save my sister from death
c. traded them for a sharp knife

8) Who saved the prince during a storm at sea?

a. young woman
b. Mermaid
c. beautiful princess

1) b
2) a
3) b
4) b
5) a
6) a
7) b
8) b

Y. Ermolaev "Thread with a needle"

Choose one answer.

1) This piece...

a. story
b. fable
c. story

2) From what person is the story being told?

3) Why did Natasha go to the theater with Edik Kravtsov?

a. relatives refused to go to the theater and Vera was not at home
b. Natasha wanted to offend Vera

4) What does the expression rush to a stop mean?

a. ran to the stop
b. quickly ran to the stop
c. came to a stop

5) Acts of Faith you ...

a. cause sympathy
b. surprise
c. outrage

1) c
2) a
3) b
4) b
5) c

Test according to the story of N. Nosov "Gardeners"

Choose one answer.

1) On whose behalf is the story being told?

2) What was the reward for the best gardener?

a. certificate of honor
b. Red flag
c. gift

3) Why did the guys put a scarecrow in the boys' area?

a. wanted to laugh
b. as a laggard
c. wanted to help

4) Why did the boys fall behind?

a. their legs and arms hurt
b. lazy
c. dug up someone else's land at night

5) Why couldn't the boys get rid of the scarecrow?

a. the scarecrow interfered
b. Mishka messed everything up
c. little work

6) Why did the guys get the red banner?

a. for the harvest of radishes
b. for the harvest of tomatoes and zucchini
c. for the harvest of beets and carrots

1) a
2) b
3) b
4) c
5) b
6) b

Test based on the work of S. Marshak "Wishes to friends."

Choose one answer.

1) Which line contains the main idea?

a. "I wish you to bloom, grow, save, strengthen, health"
b. "And everything good, friends, is not cheap for us"

2) Choose techniques for expressive reading of the poem.

a. loudly, clearly, optimistically.
b. quiet, slow, pessimistic.

3) What role did S. Marshak play in the creation of this work?

a. poet
b. writer
c. playwright

4) Which line contains the wish for successful study?

a. “Let every day and every hour you get something new”
b. “It is the most important condition for a long journey”

5) To whom is this work dedicated?

a. adult readers
b. young readers

6) Choose a work that does not belong to the pen of S. Marshak.

a. Cat house.
b. Green verses.
c. Baggage.

7) In what section of the textbook is this work?

a. The world is a theater, people are actors.
b. World of magical sounds.
c. Golden chariot.

a. "large amount of money"
b. "hardly"

9) Choose the topic of this work.

a. wishes for young readers
b. health of young readers

10) Choose an example of an epithet.

a. improve health
b. long way

1) b
2) a
3) a
4) a
5) b
6) b
7) b
8) b
9) a
10) b

Test on the work "The Little Prince"

a. Antoine de Saint-Exupery
b. Jules Verne

2. Name the planet where the Little Prince lived.

a. asteroid B-612
b. asteroid B-613

a. volcanoes
b. baobabs

4. What flower did the Little Prince grow?

a. rose
b. rose hip

5. Who lived on the sixth planet?

a. lamplighter
b. geographer

6. What did the Fox ask the Little Prince?

a. tame him
b. pet him

7. What secret did the Fox reveal to the Little Prince?

a. Vigilantly only one heart.
b. We are responsible for those we have tamed.

8. What kind of minister did the King propose to appoint the Little Prince on his planet?

a. Minister of Health
b. Minister of Justice.

9. What did the business man who lived on the fourth planet think?

a. planets
b. stars

10) Who helped the Little Prince to return home?

a. snake
b. fox

11) What literary genre does The Little Prince belong to?

a. story
b. story

1) a
2) a
3) b
4) a
5) b
6) a
7) a
8) b
9) b
10) a
11) b

Literature test The Little Prince (A. de Saint-Exupery) with answers for grade 6 students. The test consists of two options, in each option there are 5 tasks with a short answer and 1 general task with a detailed answer.

So the seventh planet he visited was Earth.
Earth is not a simple planet! There are one hundred and eleven kings (including, of course, Negro kings), seven thousand geographers, nine hundred thousand businessmen, seven and a half million drunkards, three hundred and eleven million ambitious people, in total about two billion adults.
To give you an idea of ​​how big the Earth is, I will only say that before the invention of electricity, on all six continents it was necessary to keep a whole army of lamplighters - four hundred and sixty-two thousand five hundred and eleven people.
From the outside, it was a magnificent sight. The movements of this army obeyed the most precise rhythm, just like in ballet.
The lamplighters of New Zealand and Australia were the first to perform. Lighting their lights, they went to bed. Behind them came the turn of the Chinese lamplighters. Having performed their dance, they also hid behind the scenes. Then came the turn of lamplighters in Russia and India. Then - in Africa and Europe. Then in South America. Then in North America. And they never made a mistake, no one went on stage at the wrong time. Yes, it was brilliant.
Only the lamplighter who was supposed to light the only lantern at the north pole, and his brother at the south pole - only these two lived easily and carelessly: they had to go about their business twice a year.
When you really want to be funny, sometimes you involuntarily lie. Talking about the lamplighters, I have somewhat sinned against the truth. I am afraid that those who do not know our planet will have the wrong idea about it. Humans don't take up much space on Earth. If its two billion inhabitants were to converge and become a solid crowd, as at a meeting, they would all easily fit into a space twenty miles long and twenty wide. All mankind could be made shoulder to shoulder on the smallest island in the Pacific Ocean.
Adults, of course, will not believe you. They imagine they take up a lot of space. They seem majestic to themselves, like baobabs. And you advise them to make an accurate calculation. They'll love it, they love numbers. Don't waste your time on this arithmetic. It's useless. You already believe me.

1 option

Short answer questions

1. So the seventh planet he visited...
Name a hero.

2. What was the name of the planet he lived on?


From the outside looking in, it was magnificent spectacle.


The movements of this army obeyed the most precise rhythm just like in ballet.


All mankind could be made shoulder to shoulder on the smallest island in the Pacific Ocean.

Task with a detailed answer


Option 2

Short answer questions

1. Name the profession of a storyteller.

2. Which of the inhabitants of the planet Earth owns the words:

“... only the heart is vigilant. You can’t see the most important thing with your eyes”?

3. What is an artistic exaggeration called?

... had to keep a whole army of lamplighters - four hundred and sixty-two thousand five hundred and eleven people.

4. Name the visual medium:

... to the lamplighter who was supposed to light the only one lantern at the North Pole...

5. What is the art form called?

They seem majestic to themselves like baobabs.

Task with a detailed answer

6. What is the allegorical meaning of the image of the lamplighter?

Answers to the Literature Test The Little Prince (A. de Saint-Exupery)
1 option
1. The Little Prince
2. asteroid B-612
3. epithet
4. comparison
5. hyperbole
Option 2
1. pilot
2. Fox
3. hyperbole
4. epithet
5. comparison


Task: restore the offer

1) If you go straight and straight all the time,… .

a) you won't get far

b) return to the same place;

c) soon it will get bored;

d) get tired quickly.

6) From everyone you need to ask what… .

a) What does he like to do?

b) What is he afraid of?

c) what do you want

d) what he can give.

2) Get up in the morning, wash yourself, put yourself in order - and immediately put your… .

a) a room

b) a bed;

c) a planet

d) work.

7) … - this means recognizing that on this planet I am more beautiful than everyone, smarter than everyone, richer than everyone and smarter than everyone.

a) love;

b) respect;

d) admire.

3) Adults are very fond of… .

and money;

b) numbers;

c) jewelry;

d) yourself.

8) - Among people too… , - noticed the snake.

a) scary

b) dangerous;

c) creepy

d) alone.

4) When it becomes very sad, good… .

b) dream

c) play with someone;

d) watch the sun go down.

9) Only the heart is vigilant. the most important… .

a) you can't see with your eyes

b) still can not understand;

c) nobody knows

d) no one will tell you.

5) It was necessary to judge not by words,

and by… . She gave me her fragrance, lit up my life.

a) facts

b) affairs;

c) appearance;

d) feelings.

10) You are forever responsible for everyone,

whom … .

a) sheltered;

b) tamed;

c) offended;

d) cheated.

Answers to the test

"The little Prince"

1) a

6) g

2) in

7) in

3) b

8) g

4) g

9) a

5 B

10) b

Option 1

  1. On the planet of the Little Prince, like on any other planet, useful and harmful herbs grow. This means that there are good seeds of good, useful herbs and harmful seeds of bad, weed grass. But the seeds are invisible. They sleep deep underground until one of them decides to wake up. Then it sprouts; he straightens up and reaches for the sun, at first so sweet and harmless. If this is a future radish or rose bush, let it grow in health.
  1. And if the baobab is not recognized in time, then you will not get rid of it.
  2. let them grow as long as it doesn't bother me. plants are good, and there is nothing difficult to get rid of the weed when it interferes with you ...
  3. I love sunset very much. Let's go watch the sun go down.
  4. love baobabs

2 . On the planet of the Little Prince, simple, modest flowers always grew - they had few petals, they took up very little space and did not bother anyone.

1) not like beautiful roses

2) I love simple wildflowers they have a special charm

3) but I prefer exclusively ... orchids (gerberas, irises ...)

3. You are still just a little boy for me, just like a hundred thousand other boys. And I don't need you. And you don't need me either. I am only a fox for you, exactly the same as a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, we will need each other. You will be the only one in the world for me. And I will be alone for you in the whole world ...

1) - There is no perfection in the world! - Lis sighed. Everything flows, everything changes.

2) My life is boring. I hunt chickens, and people hunt me. All chickens are the same and people are all the same. But your walk will call me like music, and I will come out of my shelter.

3) And it's sad! It's your own fault, you can't let yourself be tamed

4) - I didn’t want you to be hurt, you yourself wished me to tame you ...

5) You can learn only those things that you tame, - said the Fox. “People don’t have enough time to learn anything. They buy things ready-made in stores.

6) - No, - objected the Fox, - I feel good. Remember what I said about the golden ears.

4. “My beauty and joy are short-lived,” the Little Prince said to himself, “and she has nothing to protect herself from the world, she only has four thorns. And I left her, and she was left on my planet all alone!”

1) - Go and look again at the roses. You will understand that your rose is the only one in the world.

Roses - you are beautiful but empty

2) - You can’t see the most important thing with your eyes

3) this is just an illusion, the rose just brazenly deceived the prince!

4) the prince needed the rose no less than she needed it. it is beautiful…

5) bouquets are made from roses

5. So you also know what thirst is?

1) - Water is also needed by the heart ...

2) - Do you know why the desert is good? - he said. - Somewhere in it springs are hidden ...

3) - The stars are very beautiful, because somewhere there is a flower, although it is not visible ...

4) sprite - do not let yourself dry out

6. Our journey is over ... the last question - which of the following can you agree with?

1) - We do not celebrate flowers, - said the geographer. - Why?! It's the most beautiful! - Because flowers are ephemeral.

2) - Only children know what they are looking for, - said the Little Prince. - They give their whole soul to a rag doll, and it becomes very, very dear to them, and if it is taken away from them, the children cry ...

3) - One ... one ... one ... - the echo answered.

5) - On your planet, - said the Little Prince, - people grow five thousand roses in one garden ... and do not find what they are looking for ...

6) His beauty told him that there is no one like her in the whole universe. And here in front of him are five thousand exactly the same flowers in one garden alone!

7) - Here is my secret, it is very simple: only the heart is vigilant. You can't see the most important thing with your eyes.


1 -1

2 – 1

3 – 1 (2)

4 – 4

5 – 1