Write where the toys are in English. Summary of the English lesson on the topic "My toys" (Grade 2)

Educational and methodological development of an open lesson in English on the topic "My toys"

Class 2D
Date: 03/11/15
Subject: My toys! (My toys)
Methodological support of the lesson: UMK "Spotlight-2". Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Nadezhda Bykova, Marina Pospelova - M.: Enlightenment, 2015.- 144s: textbook, workbook, CD.
Lesson equipment: computer, projector, screen, toys in a box and other presentation material.
Lesson in textbook structure: 4b
Lesson Objectives:
familiarization with new vocabulary on the topic "Toys";
development of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills;
development of articulation and pronunciation skills;
consolidation of vocabulary on the topic "My animals".
parenting in children:
respect for your comrades;
love for animals;
ability to behave in class.
develop the ability to show understanding and respect for the values ​​of the cultures of other peoples.
Lesson objectives:
introduce children:
with the rules for reading the letters y, u, x and letter combinations oyear on the example of the studied words and the new vocabulary of the lesson;
with the rules of articulation and transcription marks used in the new vocabulary;
teach children:
name toys and talk about where they are, using prepositions;
ask about the location of the item and answer this question;
operate with active vocabulary in the process of communication;
understand by ear the speech of the teacher, classmates and the text in the audio recording;
use the modal verb can;
observe the correct stress in words and phrases, intonation in general.
observe the norms of pronunciation of the sounds of the English language in reading aloud and oral speech and correctly pronounce sentences in terms of their rhythmic and intonational features.
During the classes
1. Organizational moment of the beginning of the lesson. Greetings.
2. Articulation-phonetic gymnastics.
Phonetic exercises are written on the blackboard (see Appendix 1).
The teacher names the sound, focuses on the difficulties of pronouncing it, explains the activation of the sound, the children repeat a separate sound after the teacher, then the words containing this sound, then read these words themselves in turn.
3. Checking homework:
Open your copy books and let me see your home work.
Ex 1 p.78 (in written form);
ex. 3 p.79 (do orally);
ex. 2 p.78 (in written form).
4. Educational dictation using vocabulary on the topic "My animals". Children write words in notebooks under the dictation of the teacher: fish, frog, chimp, horse, bird, cat, dog. The teacher immediately checks the correct spelling of the work and underlines the errors. At the end of the dictation, the teacher invites the children to open their textbooks and correct their mistakes.
5. Speech warm-up. Consolidation of speech units (PE) “Can you swim? – Yes, I can. -No, I can't. ”
in the form of a ball game in mode T - P1 (P2 ...)
then in a chain: P1; P2; P3...
6. Introduction of new vocabulary on the topic “My toys” (ex. 1 p. 80)
using toys and presentation material:

What's it?

It's a teddy bear.

What's it?

It's a toy soldier.

What's it?

It's a doll. It is a ballerina.

What's it?

What's it?

It's a shelf.

What's it?

It's a toy box

Exercise recording starts. Children listen and repeat in chorus and individually.
Then they read the words on their own.
The teacher names the words in random order, the children point to the corresponding pictures in the textbook.
7. Introducing students to the prepositions in, on, under and their use.
The teacher introduces prepositions to the children using the speech construction “Where’s the teddy bear?” and answers the question itself by changing the location of the subject:
“It is in the box. It is on the box. It is under the box.”
Where's the pen?
It is in the book. It is on the book. It is under the book.
The teacher asks the children to name the objects shown in the picture: table, shelf, toy box, bed.
He then reads the sample, pointing to the character. Children repeat in chorus and individually.
The teacher reads the question, and the children answer according to the rest of the pictures.
Students do the exercise in pairs.
8. Actualization of LE in, on, under in dialogic speech.
The teacher invites the children to play a game. One student hides a school item or a toy he brought from home and asks his neighbor: Where’s the toy cat?
The desk mate must answer where he is, using the preposition correctly. It is on the book.
9. Development of listening skills (ex. 3, p. 81). Listen and watch.
Exercise recording starts. Children listen and watch videos illustrating the dialogue. The teacher checks how the students understood the text.
The teacher reads the dialogue and the children repeat after him. The teacher checks the correct pronunciation and understanding of individual sentences by the children, if necessary, translates them.
Then individual students read excerpts from the dialogue to different pictures.
Children learn to use prepositions in, on, under, answering the teacher's questions: Where's the pen?
10. Homework: Make exercise in the workbook. 1.2 on p. 44. (Explain the task) and in the textbook exercise 4 on p. 81.
11. Summing up the lesson.
The teacher asks the children to tell what new they learned in the lesson and what they liked the most and what was difficult.
Message and explanation of grades.

Appendix 1 to lesson 4b
Phonetic exercises

English - Grade 2

Date: 02.03.2016

Teacher: Sergeeva E.V.


Subject:My toys!Mytoys!

Subtopic:My toys! Prepositions of place

Target: repeat the vocabulary and structures of the topic “My animals!”, the names of colors; reinforce the use of the verb can ; teach children to name toys and talk about where they are; develop pronunciation skills, as well as listening, speaking, reading and writing skills; instill love and interest in a foreign language; develop the ability to work in pairs and independently.

Equipment: thematic pictures and illustrations, audio recordings, audio player, electronic presentation "My toys", laptop, screen.

Lesson type: learning new material.

Methods and techniques: conversation, play.

Forms of work: collective, pair, individual.



1. Organizing moment of the lesson:

a) greetings :

T: Good morning, my dear children!

P s : Good morning (3 t.) to you, good morning (2 t.) I’m / we are glad to see you!

T: I'm glad to see you too! Sit down, please! Let's start our today's lesson.

b) talk about mood :

T: How are you?

P 1, 2, 3 … : I'm fine / OK / bad, thank you! → T: I'm OK, thank you very much!

2. Announcement of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

T: Kids! Guys, today in the lesson we will repeat the previously learned words on the topic “My animals!”. Now look at the slide. What are we going to speak about? How to call in one word what is shown on the slide? (Toys). - toys. (Slide № 7.) Yes, we are going to learn new words, to play games and to read and to write. We will learn new words on the topic "My toys!" (“My toys!”). We will talk about where they are, read, listen, write and play. So, we'll talk about our toys. In English, "My toys" is Mytoys”. Look at the blackboard. Look at the desk. Repeat after me. Repeat after me . (The teacher draws the attention of the children to the board where the topic of the lesson is written and illustrations are attached, asks to repeat the name of the topic of the lesson. Children repeat the name of the topic “My toys!” behind the teacher in chorus / individually in turn.)

3. Introduction to a foreign language atmosphere:

a) phonetic warm-up :

T: My dear friends! Let's repeat the new English sounds. My friends, now we will repeat the English sounds!

    practicing consonants / t/ , / d/ , / r/ , /ᵑ/ ;

(The teacher shows sound cards, calls them and asks the children to repeat. Then he calls words with these sounds and shows these words on the board. Children repeat sounds and words after the teacher. You can ask several students to name the sound on the card or read the words on the board after the teacher. )

Toothbrush (tongue like a toothbrush);

Lollipop (tongue "pricks" the cheek from the inside).

T: Let's revise English sounds!

/t/ /t/ /t/, /d/ /d/ /d/ - t oy, t e dd y bear, un d er, d ol, d arc;

/r/ /r/ /r/ - r un, r ain, t r ain, b r own;

/ᵑ/ /ᵑ/ /ᵑ/ -si ng, so ng, ri ng, swi ng.

b) speech warm-up :

T: Guys! Kids! look! Look! What do you see? What is it ? (The teacher shows pictures from previously learned words on the topic “My animals!”, the children answer.)


1. Updating knowledge on the topic "My animals!":

a) task "Finished offer" :

(On the screen - slides No. 1-6 with pictures of animals. Students should continue the sentence.)

T: boys and girls! Let's do the task. A fish can … (swim). And t. d.

Used vocabulary: fish, bird, chimp, horse, frog, rabbit, swim, fly, climb, run, jump.

b) game "Guess what I can do?" :

T: Kids! Let's play the game "Guess what can I do?".

(One of the students goes to the blackboard and imitates some action(swim, fly, climb, run, jump, dance) and the rest of the students have to guess what the action is. The one who guessed correctly becomes the leader.)

2. Introduction of new vocabulary.

(Cslides number 8-12. The teacher calls the toys, the children look at the pictures of the toys on the slides and repeat the new words after the teacher in chorus.)

T: look! It is a teddy bear. It is a ballerina. It is a toy soldier.

Where do we put toys after games? (On a shelf, in a drawer.)

It is a shelf. It is a toy box.

(Students write new words in dictionaries.)

3. Fixing nouns in speech - the names of toys.

T: Name all items in English. (On slide No. 13 there are images of a ballerina, a soldier, a bear, a toy box and a shelf.)

T: Find the odd word. Find the extra word. (Slide number 14)

4. Introduction of the adjectivepink . Introduction of prepositions of place.

T: Look at ballerina. Is it red? Yellow? etc. What color is it? It is pink . (Slide № 15)

T: look! This rabbit is on the table and this rabbit is under the table. (Slide № 16)

T: The teddy bear is in the toy box. (Slide number 17)

5. Development of new vocabulary and the ability to use prepositions of place:

a) ex. 1, page 80 :

(Teacher shows pictures.)

T: look! A teddy bear, a toy soldier, a ballerina, a shelf, a toy box.

(The teacher points to the bear in the box and the rabbits.)

T: The teddy bear is in the toy box. This rabbit is on the table and this rabbit is under the table.

(The audio recording of the exercise turns on. Children listen and repeat the words in chorus and individually. After that, they read the words on their own. Then the teacher calls the words in random order, the children point to the corresponding objects.)

b) ex. 2, p. 80 :

(To work out prepositions of place, the teacher uses a book and a pencil. He lays down pencil in book:

T: Where's the pencil?

P s : In the book.

The same work is done with prepositions on and under .)

(The teacher asks the children to name the objects shown in the pictures:table, shelf, toy box, bed. He then reads the sample, pointing to the characters. Children repeat in chorus and individually. The teacher reads the question, and the children answer according to the rest of the pictures. Students do the exercise in pairs, then individual students act out the dialogue in front of the class.)

T: And now look at the screen, please! Now look at the screen, please!

Answer my questions. Answer my questions.

Where is my pen? (In the book, under the book, on the book -slide № 18)

Where is the toy soldier? Teddy bear? (on the shelf -slide № 19)

Where is the toy box? (under the shelf -slide № 20)

6. imitativephysical minute.

T: Run like horses. Jump like frogs. etc.

(The teacher suggests performing actions that different animals can do by showing and saying phrases. Then the children perform the movements on their own. You can choose a “trainer”.)

7. Development of listening skills and reading dialogue:

a) ex. 3, p. 81 :

(The teacher asks the children questions about what they see in the pictures,For example :

Picture 1: (points to Chuckles the monkey):

T: Is Chuckles happy or sad? Etc.

Exercise recording starts. Children listen and look at the pictures illustrating the dialogue. The teacher checks how the students understood the text. If necessary, he translates the lines of the dialogue. The teacher starts the recording again. Children listen and repeat in pauses. The teacher monitors the correct pronunciation and intonation. Then individual students read excerpts from the dialogue to different pictures. The teacher chooses a short an excerpt from the dialogue and the children act it out in front of the class.)

b) re-reading the dialogue in parts, translation. (Slides № 21-24)

8. Fingercharger.

T: My dear children! Before we start writing, I suggest you do a warm-up for our fingers. Repeat after me, please! Repeat after me please! (Performing exercises for the fingers with a count of one - ten.)

9. Consolidation of the ability to use prepositions of place. Development of writing skills:

a) ex. 4, p. 81 :

(The teacher tells the children that they must read the dialogue again and determine who owns the toys. Children read and complete the task on their own in workbooks. Answers are checked.

Keys : 1. c 2. a 3.b)

10. Exercise for the eyes.

(Children do eye exercises with the teacher.)

T: Kids! Listen to me and do exercises. Guys, listen to me and do the exercises!

close your eyes! Open your eyes! Look up! Look down! look right! look left! (The teacher shows how to do the exercises: close, open, raise up, lower your eyes down, look to the right / left without moving your head! Do the exercises 2-3 times.)


1. Consolidation of the studied material:

a) exercise "Finish the sentence" :

T: boys and girls! Guys! Let's play the game “Finish the sentence”, OK? Let's play the game "Finish the sentence", shall we?

(The teacher reads the beginning of sentences from the plot dialogue, inviting students to complete them.for example :

T: He can't find his ...

P s : ... teddy bear. And t. d.

The game is repeated as many times as the teacher deems necessary.)

2. Homework:

(Before assigning homework exercises, the teacher explains how to do them.)

    learn new words and expressions;

    issue ex. 1, p. 80 (rewrite the sentences in a notebook, inserting the correct prepositions of place).

3. Summing up the lesson:

a) a brief analysis of the work in the lesson, marking :



b ) completion lesson :

T: My dear friends! My friends! Our lesson today is over. Our lesson for today is over. You are very good students! You are very good students! Thank you very much for the lesson. Stand up, please! Goodbye, my gear children!

Lesson topic

Maintaining vocabulary on the topic "My toys" (Module 10 A)

Lesson type

Discovery of new knowledge


Game technology, health-saving technology, modular technology, cooperation pedagogy, traditional technology (class-lesson system)

Lesson content

Introduction of vocabulary on the topic "My toys": teddy bear, toy soldier, ballerina, shelf, toy box, pink.

They conduct a dialogue-questioning about toys and their location: Where’s the…? - It's on the table.Is it on the bed? - Yes, it is./No, it isn't. What's this?It’s a…/ This is…

They perceive by ear and understand both basic information and details.

Active vocabulary / structures

toy, teddy bear, toy soldier, ballerina, pink, shelf, on, under, in, toy box.

Repetition of vocabulary/structures

rabbit, fish, frog, chimp, bird, horse

Vocabulary for receptive assimilation

find, What's the matter?I don't know. What about…?


Educational : to systematize lexical skills in listening, speaking, reading.

Educational : develop listening, speaking, memory and thinking skills.

Educational : to cultivate a culture of communication, to form the skills of cooperation.

Planned results of mastering the material


Names toys and talks about where they are; develops listening, speaking and reading skills


P: recognizes, names and defines objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality in accordance with the content of educational subjects

R: performs learning activities in materialized, hypermedia, loud speech and mental forms

K: asks questions necessary to organize their own activities and cooperation with a partner


Has motivation for learning activities (social, educational and cognitive and external)

Lesson equipment

Textbook, cards, ball, TV, dictionary, notebooks.

ESM use

Audio Video


Welcomes students: « hello children »

Checks the readiness of students for the lesson:« Are you ready for the lesson "Are you ready for the lesson?"

"Sit down, please." Let's start our lesson.

Welcome teachers:« hello Victoria Igorevn a »

Check readiness for the lesson, answer:« Yes ».

They sit down.

2 minutes

Setting goals and objectives for the lesson. Motivation of educational activity of students.

Throwsballandsetsquestions: "How are you?", "How old are you?", "What's your name?"

Asks to look at the blackboard and guess the topic of the lesson.

Asks why you need to know the names of toys in English.

Shows pictures with tasks.

Successfully answer the following questions:« I m fine , thanks you », « I m eight », « I m …».

Name the topic of the lesson:"My toys".

Suggest possible targets.

They name tasks.

5 minutes

Phonetic charging

He speaks:“Now let’s say phonetic exercises.

Listen and repeat"

Voiced byquatrain"One one one I can run

Two two two I can jump, too

Three three look at me.

Repeat after the teacher.

3 min

Knowledge update.

Putting pictures on the tableafish, abirds, achimp, ahorse, afrog) pattern down. He asks one student to come up, choose a picture and show, without words and sounds, the animal that is depicted there. The rest try to guess which animal the classmate is showing.

One student comes up, chooses a picture and shows the animal.

The student who guessed which animal the classmate is showing raises his hand and calls. The one who guessed correctly goes out and draws the picture.

5 minutes

Primary assimilation of new knowledge.

Asks the children to open their textbooks on page 80 and look at ex. one: "openyourbooksatpage 80 andlookatexerciseone".

He speaks: "Listenandrepeat».

Includes audio recording (CD1 part2, disk1 part2, recording 63.) or video recording (Mytoys).

Open textbooks and look at the exercise.

Listen and repeat.

3 min

Fiz minute

He speaks: Close your books, please. Stand up, please. Let's do".

They close the textbooks, get up, do exercises together with the teacher.

3 min

Initial check of understanding

Showschildrenball: Look at the ball.Parses the sample task. He hides the ball under the table and asks: "Wherestheball?».

Puts the ball on the table and asks: "Wherestheball?».

Puts the ball on the shelf and asks: "Wherestheball?».

Requestschildrenlookon theex. 2 page. 80: "Open your books at page 80 and look at exercise 2. Letschitchat».

First asks individual students, then asks them to work in pairs in turn.

Answer: "It's under the table.

It's on the table.

It's on the shelf".

Open textbooks, look at the task, answer the teacher's questions, complete the task in pairs.

3 min

5 minutes

Primary fastening

Requestschildrenlookon theex. 3 page. 81: “Open your books at page 81 and look at exercise 3. What can you see in the picture 1?Whatyouseeon thepictureone?".

Includes audio/video recording with first dialogue.

Then the teacher draws attention to picture 2, and so on.

Open textbooks, look at exercise 3.

They say they see it in picture 1.

Read and translate the dialogue 1.

They say that they see 2 in the picture, and so on.

10 minutes

Information about d.z., instructions for implementation

Run ex. 1-2 pages 44 in printed notebook

2 minutes


Hand out cards with new words and say: “showme …».

Asks children to pay attention to tasks. He asks if everything is done.

The student who has this card stands up and shows the card to classmates.

Answer the teacher's question.

3 min


Evaluates student work

1 min