Full-time correspondence education at school. Part-time form of education at school (gymnasium, lyceum)

Not all schools can offer a student all of them at once, it depends on the permits received and the occupancy of the educational institution.

Full-time education

This is the usual form of schooling, recommended for all students. It is used by most school children. It is based on attending classes every day, doing homework, writing test papers, and the teacher's direct control over the progress of each student. With this format of education, the student spends a significant amount of time at school, and his success directly depends not only on himself, but also on the work of the teacher.

Evening form of education

In this case, all the characteristic features of daytime education are also valid for evening education: it also consists of direct communication between the student and the teacher, only it takes place in the evening. Usually, either adult students study in the evening, who once had to leave school, but they want to finish secondary education, or several classes are rearranged from daytime to when there are too many children at school, so there are not enough classrooms for everyone.

external student

This is a rather unusual form of education, it is not allowed in all schools. For such training, the student does not have to come to school every day, classes are organized for him every few weeks or every week at a certain time, where the teacher goes through new topics with such students, works out the most difficult issues. It is especially convenient to study for those children who are actively involved in sports sections or choreographic circles, often leave for competitions, or for those children who want to devote maximum time to certain subjects, preparing for exams and not wasting time on everyday trips to school. They can study in a regular or enhanced program, completing several classes in one year.

Home schooling

This form of education can be prescribed by a doctor if the child falls ill with a serious illness, or a parent can choose if they want to teach the child on their own at home. The school has no right to prohibit such a form of education or not provide a place for such a child. Then the student does not need to attend classes during the year, he can come to school only at the end of the academic semester to pass the necessary tests or exams to confirm the level of knowledge and transfer to the next one. However, if such a child needs advice or help from teachers, it should be provided to him. Family schooling is becoming more and more popular among some parents who believe that schooling kills creativity in their children, teaches them to obey the system, and breaks the child's psyche. However, it is rather problematic to educate your children for 11 years, usually such families use the help of educational websites, the services of tutors, or invite school teachers to their homes.

Almost none of the parents know that the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, adopted three years ago, provides not only full-time, but also part-time, as well as part-time forms of secondary education. At the same time, the right of choice belongs to the parents of the student, taking into account his wishes, and the school administration has no right to refuse this.

Almost none of the parents know that the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, adopted three years ago, provides not only full-time, but also part-time, as well as part-time forms of secondary education. At the same time, the right of choice belongs to the parents of the student, taking into account his wishes, and the school administration has no right to refuse this.

However, in reality, not all educational organizations are ready to implement both forms of education. The reason lies in the constituent documentation, which in most schools does not yet comply with the new law and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Why is this process moving so slowly? Everything is very simple: in view of the lack of applications from those wishing to choose a correspondence or part-time form of education, since most parents do not have information about such an opportunity. In addition, correspondence education in the minds of Russians tends to be associated with universities rather than schools. Schools are also in no hurry to announce such rights in order to avoid unnecessary headaches.

Previously, students who did not want or could not study full-time were sent to night schools that had licenses for correspondence education. However, now the annex to the license indicates only the level of education, and not its form. Basically, evening, or shift, schools today have become a part (structural division) of secondary general educational organizations, becoming centers of education, which were the first to amend their constituent documents and began to offer training in three forms.

But such a change in the status of evening schools did not lead to success everywhere. Especially if we take into account the reduction of curricula and funding by a factor of 0.65 from the norm of day schools.

In addition to education centers, they changed intra-school documentation, in accordance with the new legislation and the Federal State Educational Standard, and in some schools in rural areas, where the correspondence form is more important, since children often have to be transported over long distances, which takes a lot of time and exhausts students.

For the part-time form, a group must be opened at the school if at least nine people are recruited. If there are 16 people in the group, then 72 hours are allocated for individual consultations, which include laboratory and practical exercises, as well as intermediate certification. When organizing the learning process for the entire academic year, the hours are distributed evenly - 2-3 training days weekly, in accordance with the current SanPiN.

The whole process of organizing part-time and distance learning is approved by the order of the head of the educational institution on the basis of the curriculum and taking into account the abilities and needs of students applying for a similar form of education.

The final state certification passes, like all graduates of educational institutions of the Russian Federation, on the basis of the current Regulations on it. But the forms of organization of training (distance, group or individual) may vary depending on the mutual consent of the participants in the education process.

In general, the school administration does not seek to offer the mentioned forms of education, with the exception of isolated cases, since an attempt to implement the correspondence form on a mass scale can lead to serious difficulties in the education system.

Photo taken from http://lh4.googleusercontent.com.

External study at school

I have such a question, they left for permanent residence in Europe in April 2015,

the child at that time completed the 1st grade and 3 quarters of the 2nd grade.

In what cases is it possible to study in correspondence and part-time forms?

Article 17 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" establishes that in the Russian Federation education can be obtained:

1) in organizations carrying out educational activities;

2) outside organizations engaged in educational activities (in the form of family education and self-education)

How does the correspondence form of education differ from the family form and external studies

How does the correspondence form of education differ from the family form and external study according to the new law on education in the Russian Federation?

The legal regulation of the forms of education and forms of education in the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”) has not actually changed.

What is an external

With the introduction of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, has such a form of education as an external study been preserved?

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The “School and Law” project is being implemented by the NGO “Civic Participation” using a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society, provided by the Presidential Grants Fund in the period from June 2018 to June 2019.

MOU secondary school №11


about the forms of education

1. General Provisions

  1. The regulation was developed in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the Charter of the School;
  2. This Regulation governs the activities of the Municipal Educational Institution of Secondary School No. 11 in Tver, which implements general educational programs (hereinafter referred to as the School) to organize the educational process in various forms.
  1. Forms of education and forms of training

1. Education can be obtained:

  •  in an educational institution: full-time, part-time, part-time;
  •  outside the educational institution: in the form of family education and self-education.

2. The possibility of mastering educational programs in various forms: full-time, part-time, part-time, family education and self-education are provided at all levels of general education in order to create a variable educational environment that provides favorable conditions for learning and developing students in accordance with their interests and abilities , and in agreement with their parents (legal representatives).

3. A combination of various forms of education is allowed, as well as the organization of the educational process according to an individual curriculum with the right to subsequently pass an intermediate and state final certification.

4. For all forms of education within the framework of a specific basic general education program, a single federal state educational standard is in force.

5. The school is responsible to students, their parents (legal representatives), educational authorities for the implementation of the constitutional rights of the individual to education, the compliance of the selected forms of education with the age-related psychophysical characteristics of children and medical recommendations, the quality of education that meets the federal state educational standard.

1. Education in various forms of education is organized in accordance with the main educational program of the school, the Charter of the school, the curriculum that reflects the educational strategy of the school. The curriculum and the main educational program of the school contain a mandatory minimum of the content of the main educational programs, which every student must master.

2. When mastering general education programs in the forms provided for by this Regulation, an adult citizen or parents (legal representatives) of a minor student must be familiar with this Regulation, curriculum of subjects, criteria for the standard level of their development, an approximate list of basic topics, standards for assessing knowledge, skills and skills of the student in each subject, other documents regulating the organization of the educational process in the chosen form.

3. Students who master general education programs in full-time, part-time, part-time forms, in the form of family education or self-education, according to an individual curriculum, are enrolled in the contingent of school students.

The order of the school and the personal file of the student reflects the form of mastering general education programs in accordance with the application of an adult citizen or parents (legal representatives) of a minor student. All data about the student is entered in the journal of the class in which he will be enrolled, or a journal of individual studies is drawn up.

4. The state final certification of students in various forms of education is carried out in full accordance with the Regulations on the state final certification of graduates of the 9th and 11th grades of general educational institutions of the Russian Federation, approved by the federal executive body that performs the functions of developing state policy and regulatory legal regulation in the field of education.

4 . Organization of part-time, part-time general education.

1. Part-time, part-time education is organized in accordance with Art. 17, clause 2 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation"), taking into account the needs and abilities of students, at the request of an adult citizen and agreement with the parents (legal representatives) of minor students, subject to the necessary conditions in school.

2. Education in full-time, part-time, part-time form is carried out with the obligatory implementation of state educational standards in all subjects of the curriculum of a particular school class.

3. When mastering general education programs in full-time, part-time, part-time form, the School provides the student with:

  • address data of the school (telephones, Internet site, e-mail address);
  • academic plan;
  • study plan for the semester or academic year;
  • textbooks;
  • a list of practical and laboratory work with recommendations for their preparation;
  • control work with samples of their design;
  • a list of methodological kits for completing assignments.

4. The educational process for part-time, part-time groups can be organized:

  • throughout the academic year;
  • in the form of examination sessions.

5. The educational process for part-time, part-time groups is organized at the rate of 504 hours per academic year.

6. When organizing the educational process for the correspondence group throughout the academic year, the specified training hours are evenly distributed over 2-3 school days per week, taking into account the sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations approved by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2010. No. 189 SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of education in a general education institution."

7. In the session mode of organizing training for a correspondence group, the volume of study hours provided for the academic year does not change. The number of examination sessions, their duration, timing are determined by the School.

8. The procedure, forms and terms for conducting intermediate certification of students in part-time, part-time, part-time forms are determined by the School independently.

9. Annual grades for a student of this group are given taking into account the results of exams and work performed in the subject. The results of the certification are recorded in the class journal of studies, the student's diary in accordance with the schedule for the intermediate certification.

10. Students who have successfully completed the prescribed practical, laboratory, test and control work are allowed to take exams.

11. Teacher consultations may be arranged between examination sessions. The schedule of consultations is approved by the school principal and posted on the information stand (school website). The number of consultations is determined by the possibilities of the School.

12. Training is organized for students at the rate of one academic hour per week for each student.

13. The total number of training hours is evenly distributed to conduct intermediate certification, practical, laboratory, consultative classes. The right to allocate hours is given to the School.

14. For the organization of part-time, part-time education, it is necessary to maintain the following documentation:

  • magazines of educational, advisory and extracurricular activities;
  • educational plans;
  • calendar study schedule;
  • Timetable of classes;
  • schedule and protocols of examinations.

15. Documentation of part-time, part-time education is kept at the School for 3 years.

5. Organization of training in the form of family education, self-education.

1. The right to educate a child in the form of family education, in the form of self-education, is granted to all parents. When parents (legal representatives) of children choose the form of education in the form of family education, parents (legal representatives) inform the local self-government body of the municipal district in whose territory they live about this choice.

2. Students at any level of general education can switch to the family form of education: primary general, basic general and secondary general education. Secondary general education can be obtained in the form of self-education.

Students receiving education in the family have the right at any stage of education, by decision of their parents (legal representatives), to continue their education at the School.

3. The development of general education programs in the form of family education involves independent or with the help of teachers, or with the help of parents (legal representatives) of a minor student, the development of general education programs, followed by passing the intermediate and state final certification at the School.

4. Relations between the School and the parents (legal representatives) of a minor student are regulated by an agreement. The contract specifies the educational program according to which the student will receive general education in the family, the forms and terms for conducting intermediate certification in the subjects of the curriculum, the terms for performing practical and laboratory work.

5. The school, in accordance with the contract, provides the student with textbooks and other literature available in the school library for free during the period of study; provides the student with the methodological and consulting assistance necessary for the development of general educational programs.

6. In order to perform laboratory and practical work, receive advisory and methodological assistance, pass intermediate certification, the student is invited to study, practical and other classes corresponding to the deadlines for performing laboratory and practical work, conducting interim full-time certification according to the School schedule.

7. Intermediate attestation of a student in general education programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education when studying in the form of family education is carried out in accordance with federal state educational standards and the schedule for its implementation.

The results of the assessment are recorded in the class and electronic journals and the student's diary.

At the same time, children studying in the form of self-education or family education can externally pass an intermediate and state final certification.

External students, in turn, are persons enrolled in an educational organization for passing intermediate and state final certification.

8. The transfer of a student to the next class is made by decision of the school's pedagogical council based on the results of the intermediate certification.

9. Parents (legal representatives) of a minor student may be present at consultations and intermediate certification and must be informed in writing about the level of mastery of general education programs by the student.

10. The school has the right to terminate the contract if the parents (legal representatives) of a minor student have not provided:

  • the development by the student of the general educational programs specified by the agreement in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standard in a timely manner;
  • the student's appearance at the School within the terms specified by the contract to perform laboratory and practical work, pass the intermediate and state final certification.

11. Parents (legal representatives) involved in the upbringing and education of a minor child in the family are paid money in the amount of the cost of education of each child at the corresponding stage of education at the School, determined by federal standards. Payments are made from the budget of the founder of the School in the manner established by the founder in accordance with the law.

12. Additional expenses incurred by the family in excess of the money paid are covered by the parents (persons replacing them) independently.

6. Organization of the educational process based on individual curricula (IEP).

1. IEP training is introduced in order to create conditions for increasing the opportunities for students to choose models of their further education, ensuring the individualization of education and better satisfying the cognitive needs and interests of students, as a rule, of secondary general education. Taking into account the characteristics and educational needs of a particular student, an individual curriculum is drawn up.

2. For the organization of education according to individual curricula at school, the following conditions must be present: personnel, content, material, psychological (readiness of high school students to study according to IEP).

3. Training on IEP can be organized for students:

  • with a high degree of success in the development of programs (for example, when organizing specialized training);
  • with stable maladjustment to school and inability to master the condition of educational programs in a large group of children;
  • receiving education in the form of family education, self-education, correspondence form;
  • for health;
  • on other grounds.

4. At the preparatory stage, in the content aspect of the educational process, levels of differentiation are distinguished, which are the basis for the development of an individual curriculum.

5. The preparatory stage ends with determining the number of study groups (depending on the choice of students), the necessary staffing needs, and their placement.

6. At the organizational stage, an individual schedule is drawn up, for which in the study groups, regardless of the days of the week, a combination of lessons is built, in which the largest number of students are involved.

Lessons attended by all students are divided into 3rd, 4th, 5th lessons; where not all students are present - for the 1st, 2nd, 6th lessons.

7. At the stage of implementation of the individual curriculum of the school, in order to monitor and correct the implementation of the individual curriculum of the student, the content of each subject is divided into training modules, and their study ends with a test or control work.

The results of tests and examinations are recorded in statements and protocols.

8. At the analytical stage, the results of the work on the implementation of individual curricula are discussed at meetings of the pedagogical council, scientific and methodological associations, parent meetings, student meetings. Taking into account the conclusions of the problem analysis and the results of the discussions, the process of organizing work according to individual curricula and planning work for the next academic year are being adjusted.


How is the curriculum of part-time education at school compiled? According to what normative documents is the curriculum for distance learning students drawn up? What documents do parents need to submit for distance learning?

In the absence of the norms contained in the Federal State Educational Standard of primary general, basic general and secondary general education to regulate the learning process, depending on the appropriate form, an educational organization has the right to use the powers established for it in articles 28 and 30 of the law on education in terms of developing and approving the BEP, establishing the mode of classes, means and methods of training, forms, order and frequency of current control and intermediate certification.

Consequently, the curriculum of distance learning at school implies the preparation of an individual curriculum in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. According to Art. 34 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation":

  • an individual curriculum ensures the development of an educational program based on the individualization of its content, taking into account the characteristics and educational needs of a particular student;
  • students are given the right to study according to an individual curriculum, including accelerated learning, within the educational program being mastered in the manner prescribed by local regulations;
  • students are obliged to fulfill an individual curriculum, including attending classes, carrying out independent preparation for classes, and fulfilling the tasks of the teacher.

The curriculum of the main educational program of the school, which the student is mastering, is taken as a basis. Regardless of the form of study, the main educational program must be fully mastered.(Part 7, Article 28 of Law No. 273-FZ). Therefore it is necessary:

  1. Determine the percentage of classes with a teacher and the student's independent work, depending on the form of education, subject to the full implementation of the number of study hours established by the curriculum in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard or the federal component.
  2. Provide independent work of the student with methodological materials and (or) electronic educational resources (EER) and (or) other teaching aids, educational technologies.
  3. The development of an individual curriculum is carried out depending on the individual capabilities and needs of the individual. Accordingly, the development of an individual curriculum for accelerated learning for a gifted child will differ from an individual curriculum for a child with disabilities (taking into account the recommendations of the PMPK). Therefore, when developing an individual curriculum, it is necessary:
  1. determine the form of education (if there is a statement from the parents about the choice of the form of education or about the combination of forms of education and (or) education).
  2. determine the period for mastering the main educational program (accelerated learning or, conversely, an increase in the period of study provided for by the GEF LLC, GEF SOO, GEF for children with intellectual disabilities). For example, the period for obtaining secondary general education is two years, and for persons with disabilities and people with disabilities when studying in adapted basic educational programs of secondary general education, and for students mastering the main educational program in part-time or part-time forms, regardless of the applied educational technologies, increases by no more than one year (clause 2 of the Federal State Educational Standard of the SOO, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated May 17, 2012 No. 413).
  3. determine the frequency and forms of intermediate certification, taking into account the planned date of the final certification.
  4. determine the methods and forms of control, both methodological and administrative, over the development of the main educational program according to the individual curriculum.

To change the form of education from parents, it is enough to provide a written application. When choosing by parents (legal representatives) of a minor student the form of general education and the form of education, the opinion of the child is taken into account (clause 7, part 1, article 3, clause 1, part 3, article 44, part 4, article 65 of Law No. 273- FZ). There are no requirements for the provision of a specific list of documents for choosing a correspondence form of education by the legislation on education.

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How are the curricula for part-time and extramural forms of education drawn up?

Question-answer on the topic

According to Art. 17 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", training in organizations engaged in educational activities, taking into account the needs, capabilities of the individual and depending on the volume of compulsory classes of a teacher with students, is carried out in full-time, part-time or part-time form. What regulatory documents should be followed when developing curricula for part-time or part-time forms?

At the legislative level, there are no legal acts regulating the procedure for developing curricula for part-time and part-time education.

Part 2 Art. 17 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ establishes the following forms of education: full-time, part-time or part-time forms. At the same time, according to part 4 of Art. 17 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ, a combination of various forms of education and forms of education is allowed.

Forms of education in OO differ from each other in the number of hours of study, which provide for direct interaction between students and teachers in the process of mastering the main educational program.

In accordance with Part 5 of Art. 17 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", the forms of education and forms of education for the main educational program for each level of education, profession, specialty and area of ​​training are determined by the relevant federal state educational standards, educational standards.

In the absence of the norms contained in the Federal State Educational Standard of primary general, basic general and secondary general education to regulate the learning process, depending on the appropriate form, an educational organization has the right to use the powers established for it in articles 28 and 30 of the law on education in terms of developing and approving the BEP, establishing the mode of classes, means and methods of training, forms, order and frequency of current control and intermediate certification. Accordingly, this issue is recommended to be determined in the local act.

An example template is presented in the Education System (for review, follow the link):

A selection of the best materials for leaders of educational institutions.

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Full-time part-time education at school according to the new law on education

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current number

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“Today we have a lot of talk about the individualization of education, the need to create copyrighted programs, about the fact that every child is a unique individual. And then it turns out that for teachers it's all words, words, words. The overwhelming majority of educators believe that parents do not have educational needs at all. ”- from an exclusive interview with Vladimir Sobkin, Doctor of Psychology, Head of the Center for the Sociology of Education at the Institute of Education Management of the Russian Academy of Education.

On the road or lawn lies a plastic bottle or plastic bag thrown by someone. What should be done? Pick up and throw in the nearest bin. Indeed, the solution to many problems, when viewed from the outside, seems quite obvious. But this is only in general terms. And in particular? The answer is in the material of Vadim Meleshko.

Today, when clubs and libraries are closed in many villages, the only center of culture remains the school. Children come here for knowledge, and adults for communication and good mood. Therefore, according to the director of the Sosnovskaya rural school, Marina Makarova, one should be proud not of how many rural students entered universities, but of how they influenced the development of the village.

Our applications

Do you want to study in absentia? The school has no right to refuse!

“External students” and “part-time students” are full-fledged students of the school with all the ensuing consequences

It's in theory. But in practice, not all schools are ready to organize part-time or part-time forms of education. Why? Because the constituent documents (charter, regulations and other local acts) of most educational organizations are not brought into line with the new law and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Why is the leadership of most schools in no hurry to make changes? Because so far in these schools there are no people willing to transfer children to part-time or part-time forms. No announcements - there will be no changes. The market principle operates in education: demand creates supply. Why there are no applicants is also understandable. The vast majority of parents do not know about new forms of education, do not even know about them. The concept of "correspondence" in the minds of most Russians is associated only with higher education. Secondary educational institutions do not advertise new forms, much less advertise them at parent meetings. It's also clear why. If at least one statement appears, it will be necessary to change the usual system that has been established for years. No one needs an extra headache - the director and his deputies already have a lot of trouble.

Previously, children who did not want or for some reason could not study full-time were simply sent to an evening (shift) school. Night schools had a special license - permission to study in absentia. Now, in the annex to the license, only the level of education is indicated and there is not a word about the form of its receipt. In most regions, evening (shift) schools became part of secondary general education organizations and became their structural subdivisions. It was these unified schools (now called "centers of education") that were the first to make changes to the constituent documents and start working in all three forms.

Has the change in the status of evening (shift) schools led to positive changes? Far from everywhere.

It is known that the curricula of evening schools have always been shortened, especially in correspondence courses (almost all schools in the FSIN system work on it), while the coefficient for funding was 0.65 of the standard for day schools. When, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards, subjects that were not previously taught were included in the curricula: physical education, music, fine arts, life safety, schools had to hire new specialists or increase the workload of existing ones, but the funding standard remained the same.

It is logical to assume that if a shift school is part of a general education school, then its funding increases. But that's in theory. In practice, financing is organized differently depending on the budget of a particular region.

In addition to educational centers, internal school documents brought some rural schools into line with the new law and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Apparently, they, too, were driven to this by a vital necessity. It is no secret that transporting children from remote settlements is often fraught with difficulties of a purely technical nature: from time to time, schools are faced with a lack of fuel, an illness of the driver, or a technical malfunction of the bus. And not only those. I know many cases when a school bus with an accompanying teacher rolls at 6-30 in the morning for a single student to a village located 25-28 kilometers from the school. The driver does not have the right to carry one student unaccompanied. So the teachers have to stand in line at dawn, not get enough sleep, give up morning household chores for the sake of picking up one student. Moreover, this duty, distributed among the members of the teaching staff of a rural school, is most often not paid. The director simply says: “What to do, colleagues? If we do not carry, we will lose one soul and, accordingly, funding. The numbers will drop." Since almost all rural schools face the threat of closure, and teachers face the prospect of losing their jobs, no one objects. Without much joy, educators submit to necessity. For such cases, part-time education is a salvation. A child who lives far away can not be brought up every day, but let's say once a week - for consultations and test work and for school-wide events.

In addition, there are children who do not tolerate the road, especially if it is uneven, with bumps and pits (this, alas, is not uncommon in the provinces). They will bring the child to school half-dead, incapable of learning, by the third lesson he will gradually come to his senses, and after the fourth he will again endure the same road torment. Parents do not have a heart of stone, they leave the child at home under any pretext. For families faced with such a problem, the correspondence form is the most acceptable way out. Distance education would also be a way out, but the speed of the Internet in Russian villages, even large ones, does not allow not only ordinary residents, but even school leaders to use Skype. Undoubtedly, distance education is the future, but for most rural schools it will not come soon.

But back to the stated topic. Unlike “family children”, which we wrote about in detail in the last article, “correspondence students” and “part-time students” are full-fledged students of the school with all the ensuing consequences. The school is responsible for their progress, development, provides all necessary consultations, provides educational material, conducts diagnostics, etc. Each "correspondence student" has a curator and teachers attached to him. Both for "full-time students" and "part-time students" there is a state educational standard, the education of "part-time students", as well as full-time students, is funded by the founder. The only difference is that students in part-time and part-time forms master the general education program according to an individual plan. The organization of education in part-time and part-time forms also has its own characteristics, although it is also regulated by the curriculum, class schedule, educational programs and work programs of teachers.

Here are a few points of the regulation on the organization of training in full-time and part-time form:

» O students, mastering educational programs in full-time correspondence or by correspondence form, can be transferred to full-time education at the request of parents ( h legal representatives). Along with the application, documents confirming the development of educational programs are submitted. M Can be submitted documents for the period preceding the study in the form of family education in educational institutions of foreign countries. In the absence of documents development level general educational programs are carried out school commission on the basis of an administrative document, which determines the procedure, list of subjects, terms and forms of passing diagnostic certification.

When accepting an application for enrollment or transfer of students to part-time or about part-time education an educational institution is obliged to familiarize the parents (legal representatives) of students with the procedure for attestation (interim and state (final)) and educational programs of subjects.

For the development of educational programs, study hours are distributed during school days, taking into account the needs and capabilities of the student on the basis of the curriculum. Examinations and tests are carried out at the expense of the allotted hours of the curriculum. The number of tests is determined by the teacher in agreement with the administration of the educational institution. Forms of conducting tests are determined by the teacher. The schedule of classes, tests and tests is approved by the order of the head of the educational institution.

The school opens classes (groups) with at least 9 people. When enrolling in a class (group) of less than 9 students, the development of general educational programs is carried out according to an individual plan, the number of teaching hours per week is set at the rate of 1 academic hour for each student. P If there are 16 or more people in the group, 72 additional training hours are allocated for individual consultations. The total number of training hours is evenly distributed to conduct intermediate certification, practical, laboratory, consultative classes.

When organizing the educational process throughout the academic year, the specified training hours are evenly distributed over 2-3 academic days per week, taking into account the current SanPiN.

The school is independent in choosing a system for assessing students, the order and frequency of intermediate assessments of students. The quality of mastering the programs of basic general education, submitted for independent study by students, is checked using various types of control. The forms and terms for assessing a student's knowledge are determined by the participants in the educational process and are fixed in the student's curriculum.

G state (final) certification of students in subjects studied in part-time and part-time forms is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the state (final) certification of graduates of educational institutions of the Russian Federation.

Participants in the educational process right e to about correct the forms of organization of student learning and choose the most convenient for the successful development of the educational program by the student (distance, group, individual).

A student receiving part-time education can receive additional educational services at school (including on a contractual basis) outside the main educational program, taking into account the interests and individual characteristics of the student. The order of development of programs of additional education and extracurricular employment is reflected in the individual plan of the student.

On paper, everything looks very good. Everything is “at the request of the parents”, “taking into account the opinion of the child”, in accordance with the law and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Beautiful - no words. But who pays for the "banquet"? Founder. This means that the order to transfer or enroll a child in full-time or part-time form must be agreed with the founder. Well, if the application is written by the parents before the start of the school year, what if they decide to transfer the child in the middle of the term, after the budget of the educational institution is approved? Where will the funding for the extra hours come from? From the school budget, most likely, money will be cut out from the wage fund. Is it good for schools? No, most schools don't. Much more profitable than "correspondence students" are "family students", for which the school is not responsible, according to the law, it is obliged to organize only its certification - intermediate and final. Agree that these are completely different costs.

Svetlana Viktorovna Savitskaya, director of Lyceum No. 40, Petrozavodsk:

- In our institution for the last 10 years, children were trained, whom their parents transferred to the family form of education, and now to correspondence. But these were always special, isolated cases.
I think that this practice will expand, and parents will more boldly choose for their children extramural forms of education. The most frequent arguments against the correspondence form and family education - the lack of opportunities for the socialization of the child, the scarcity of his communications with peers - seem to me untenable. Can't parents who are ready to take full responsibility for the education of their children be able to provide their child with adequate communication with other children? Today there are plenty of opportunities for this. But the fact that the school "does not keep pace" with the modern development of society and technology, does not always really build the educational process, taking into account the individual characteristics of EVERY child, for me there is no doubt. And this is exactly what every parent expects from us. We will answer the request - the children will come to school, we will not answer - the parents will look for alternative options for teaching their children.

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  • Almost none of the parents know that the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, adopted three years ago, provides not only full-time, but also part-time, as well as part-time forms of secondary education. At the same time, the right of choice belongs to the parents of the student, taking into account his wishes, and the school administration has no right to refuse this.

    Almost none of the parents know that the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, adopted three years ago, provides not only full-time, but also part-time, as well as part-time forms of secondary education. At the same time, the right of choice belongs to the parents of the student, taking into account his wishes, and the school administration has no right to refuse this.

    However, in reality, not all educational organizations are ready to implement both forms of education. The reason lies in the constituent documentation, which in most schools does not yet comply with the new law and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

    Why is this process moving so slowly? Everything is very simple: in view of the lack of applications from those wishing to choose a correspondence or part-time form of education, since most parents do not have information about such an opportunity. In addition, correspondence education in the minds of Russians tends to be associated with universities rather than schools. Schools are also in no hurry to announce such rights in order to avoid unnecessary headaches.

    Previously, students who did not want or could not study full-time were sent to night schools that had licenses for correspondence education. However, now the annex to the license indicates only the level of education, and not its form. Basically, evening, or shift, schools today have become a part (structural division) of secondary general educational organizations, becoming centers of education, which were the first to amend their constituent documents and began to offer training in three forms.

    But such a change in the status of evening schools did not lead to success everywhere. Especially if we take into account the reduction of curricula and funding by a factor of 0.65 from the norm of day schools.

    In addition to education centers, they changed intra-school documentation, in accordance with the new legislation and the Federal State Educational Standard, and in some schools in rural areas, where the correspondence form is more important, since children often have to be transported over long distances, which takes a lot of time and exhausts students.

    For the part-time form, a group must be opened at the school if at least nine people are recruited. If there are 16 people in the group, then 72 hours are allocated for individual consultations, which include laboratory and practical exercises, as well as intermediate certification. When organizing the learning process for the entire academic year, the hours are distributed evenly - 2-3 training days weekly, in accordance with the current SanPiN.

    The whole process of organizing part-time and distance learning is approved by the order of the head of the educational institution on the basis of the curriculum and taking into account the abilities and needs of students applying for a similar form of education.

    The final state certification passes, like all graduates of educational institutions of the Russian Federation, on the basis of the current Regulations on it. But the forms of organization of training (distance, group or individual) may vary depending on the mutual consent of the participants in the education process.

    In general, the school administration does not seek to offer the mentioned forms of education, with the exception of isolated cases, since an attempt to implement the correspondence form on a mass scale can lead to serious difficulties in the education system.

    Photo taken from http://lh4.googleusercontent.com.