The main professional competencies of a psychologist teacher. Criteria for the professional competence of a teacher-psychologist

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1 Psychological Science and Education, 2010, 1 Criteria for the professional competence of a teacher-psychologist A. A. Margolis*, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Professor, First Vice-Rector of the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University I. V. Konovalova**, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Head of the Center of educational and methodological support for young specialists of the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University The article discusses the problem of assessing the professional competence of a teacher-psychologist. The authors have singled out criterial positions for evaluating the activities of a teacher-psychologist. Particular attention is paid to working with young psychologists; a form of their attestation is proposed using the criteria for analyzing activities according to the degree of readiness of a young specialist teacher-psychologist for independent work. The article may be useful, first of all, to methodologists in psychology, heads of educational institutions, university professors who train psychologists, as well as psychologists themselves who strive for professional self-development. Key words: professional competence, professionalism of a teacher-psychologist, performance efficiency, criterial positions of a teacher-psychologist, professional adaptation, internship, mentoring, portfolio, attestation, activity analysis, competence criteria. The work of a psychologist, referring to the sphere of "human being", is one of the creative professions, so the effectiveness of this activity is difficult to unify and evaluate. The absence of standard criteria for evaluating the activities of a pedagogical psychologist leads to inadequacy of expectations regarding his work in education.

2 A. A. Margolis, I. V. Konovalova educational institution and is a problem that often leads to disappointment in this profession. On the other hand, it is known that the work of a teacher-psychologist includes a number of such components as: diagnostic, developmental, therapeutic, correctional, consultative, as well as what relates to the analytical, control and evaluation components of professional activity. These elements are presented in the psychologist's work in various combinations and variations. It depends both on the request of a particular educational institution with its specific tasks, and on the individual characteristics of the psychologist, his personal qualities. The performance of a specialist ultimately depends on the level of his professionalism. The latter is interpreted in different contexts. When they say “this work requires professionalism”, they mean the normative requirements of the profession to the personality of a person. Professionalism is a high readiness to perform the tasks of this activity, which makes it possible to achieve high-quality results at lower physical and mental costs based on the rational use of skills and abilities. The concept of "competence" is the degree of compliance with the requirements of the profession is defined as a combination of mental qualities that allow you to act independently and responsibly (effective competence), as a person's possession of the ability and ability to perform certain labor functions. The factors of competence and incompetence are: the level of professional training, adaptation in the workplace, personal conditions, including emotional stability or instability, good or bad health, etc. Each employee is competent to the extent that the work performed by him meets the requirements for the final result of this professional activity. Evaluation or measurement of the end result is the only way to determine competence. It is wrong to judge competence by what is invested in achieving the result, for example, by the diligence of a person. A number of authors who study the problems of professionalism use the concept of "professiogram" - an analytical description of a person in a profession, revealing generalized normative and morphological indicators of the professional structure. The construction of a professiogram is easier to carry out where the result and composition of professional actions are rigidly set (for example, in engineering professions), and in creative professions, "with a floating result", which include psychological, it is difficult to compare evaluation criteria and activities. In the developed countries of Europe, striving for the formation of a single educational space, the Russian term "qualification characteristic" is identical to the concept of "International Competence Requirements (ICB International Competence Baseline)". They present the requirements for knowledge (Knowledge), experience (Experience) and personal qualities (Personal Attitude) that underlie certification programs. It adopted a three-phase system of education and the issuance of professional diplomas and supplements to them (bachelor's, master's and postgraduate practical training). The same structure of higher education operates in the United States. The third phase (post-graduate practical training) helps to improve the effectiveness of the professional activity of a young specialist and, in our opinion, is a decisive criterion for the quality of higher education. How can you find out how effectively a teacher-psychologist works, what evaluation criteria to apply? Young specialists, pedagogical psychologists, who start independent activities after graduation, have mostly only theoretical training, so it is often difficult for them to avoid disappointment when they cannot, due to lack of experience, carry out activities that would cause recognition 14

3 Psychological Science and Education, 2010, 1 associates. In this situation, for faster professional development, certification is an important point, that is, official confirmation of not only knowledge, but also practical skills in specific activities. Obtaining a certificate will indicate a sufficiently high special qualification of a specialist and this will be a kind of pass to the world of professionals. For a certain amount of time (2-3 years), a psychologist can accumulate materials that can be used to assess the level of his professional readiness for independent and productive activity, the actual level of professionalism. We believe that it is quite possible to make the collection of these materials systematic and structured, so that their evaluation would be more objective. A new method of conducting attestation on the primary level of readiness of a specialist pedagogical psychologist for independent activity is an individual cumulative assessment of professional achievements. Structuring the collection of the assessed material makes it possible to identify clearer criteria for assessing the professional competencies of a psychologist, which in this case is our goal. An example of foreign experience in using a similar approach to assessing the professionalism of a specialist is the issuance of a portfolio of a professional career passport (Portfolio / Career Passport). It is issued to graduates of universities in the United States and is an individual "portfolio" of official documents that reflect the knowledge, skills and abilities of a graduate that may be in demand in the labor market. The main purpose of the portfolio is to help graduates make the transition from study to work and provide employers with information about the qualifications of young professionals. It should be especially noted that the portfolio also pays attention to the assessment of the so-called “Employability Skills”, which are common to all professions and represent the general labor and socio-psychological characteristics of the graduate. Psychologists, university graduates must demonstrate a high level of knowledge and skills in the following competencies. 1. Diagnostic assessment of the need for psychological activity in the institution. Possession of methods of group and individual diagnostics and the ability to correctly interpret the received diagnostic materials that determine the need for certain psychological measures in an educational institution. Compliance of setting goals and objectives of the specialist's activities with the needs of the institution. The ability to analyze the conditions and factors in the problems being solved, draw appropriate conclusions, determine a plan of action, optimize one's activities, highlighting the main and the secondary. Theoretically scientifically substantiated selection of methods and programs. 2. Interpersonal communication, cooperation, consultation, determination of the boundaries of competence. Ability to establish effective relationships with the teaching staff, parents, children. Demand for psychological services among participants in the educational process. The ability to determine the boundaries of their competence, adequately assess the possibilities and interact with specialists in related professions (defectologist, social pedagogue, doctor, etc.). 3. Psychological and educational principles, organization of the systemic structure of psychological activity in an educational institution. Confident possession of knowledge about the key provisions of the development of the child's body in normal and pathological conditions, social and psychological impacts on children's behavior, understanding of learning theory and the structure of educational activities. Organization of systemic psychological assistance at all levels of the educational process. Proper use of applied methods and technologies in accordance with the goals and objectives. 4. Preventive and corrective influences that contribute to the improvement of the psychological and social competence of children. Ob- 15

4 A. A. Margolis, I. V. Konovalova careful selection and confident application of preventive and corrective programs and technologies in accordance with the age, problem, and individual characteristics of students. Providing timely and high-quality advisory assistance to students experiencing difficulties in learning, behavior, adaptation, etc. 5. Reflection and evaluation of activities. Constructive attitude towards own activities. The ability to evaluate the effectiveness of ongoing psychological activities, possession of statistical methods, introspection, self-correction. The presence of a professional and personal position, the desire to personally and professionally grow and develop. 6. Possession of special terminology, logic, speech, formulation of recommendations. Developed speech, a high level of logical thinking, the ability to analyze and summarize information, draw appropriate conclusions. Adequate use of special terminology, formulation of psychological recommendations in an accessible and understandable language, taking into account the characteristics of the client. 7. Compliance with legal and ethical principles. Knowledge and application of all necessary legal documents regulating the activities of a psychologist. Strict adherence to ethical principles in work and confidentiality in working with information. Building work on respect for the personality of the client, regardless of age, status, social status, nationality, religion and other characteristics of the client. These competencies are a conglomeration of standards, requirements for the level of training of educational psychologists and their practical activities. Although they are listed separately, these competencies are closely intertwined in the course of a psychologist's professional training and in his practical activities. It is assumed that pedagogical psychologists starting to work already have the necessary amount of knowledge in the field of modern technologies necessary for them to fulfill their professional duties, and are able to use modern technologies to ensure their activities and carry them out at the proper level. At the same time, for high marks in these competencies, a teacher-psychologist needs to have a certain practice and it is better if this practice takes place under the guidance of an experienced mentor-supervisor. The system of primary advanced training for a young specialist has been successfully tested at the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University. It includes three years of training in practical skills under the guidance of a mentor and a systematic approach to collecting methodological material for a portfolio of a young specialist. The portfolio includes both formal documents (copies of a professional diploma, work book, certificates of advanced training courses, diplomas of participation in competitions, etc.), and a collection of works by a young specialist demonstrating his efforts, progress or achievements in a particular area, namely a set of cases (descriptions of work situations and their professional solutions). As illustrations for the described working situations, video materials on the implementation of individual working activities (diagnostics, consultations, correctional and developmental classes) can be attached. Video materials are accompanied by comments that show the ability to analyze the work, reflect the facts of the effectiveness of the work being done. To evaluate the submitted material, criteria have been identified, evaluation sheets and evaluation rules have been created. In this regard, we are solving the problem of creating a comprehensive model of primary certification in the form of certain tasks, the solution of which will make it possible to judge the level of professional competence of a specialist. For such an assessment, we propose three levels of specialist activity that determine his professional development: 1) holding a separate psychological event (consulting session);

5 Psychological science and education, 2010, 1 niya or correctional and developmental classes); 2) description and analysis of the working psychological situation, which is solved by a specialist for some time (the situation is selected on the basis of a real case from the practice of a specialist); 3) analysis of the organization of the system of psychological activity in an educational institution. Let us consider in more detail these three components for evaluating (expertise) the activities of a teacher-psychologist. We propose an algorithmic approach for evaluating the result of solving problems by a specialist, presented in the form of problematic psychological situations, the content of which is a brief description of a case from the practice of a teacher-psychologist. For this, the main stages of the activity of a teacher-psychologist in the process of solving a situation are distinguished: 1) setting up a hypothesis for solving a problem; 2) study of the problem, specification of the hypothesis; 3) choice of a program of psychological assistance; 4) implementation of the program of psychological assistance; 5) reflection of the work of a specialist in the process of providing psychological assistance; 6) formulation of recommendations for further work. The content of the working psychological situation may be different depending on the nature of the problem. The objects here can be a group of children, a family or a class, etc. The description is carried out according to a certain algorithm for the most objective assessment of the stages of a specialist's work. For each stage, the most important competency criteria are highlighted, for example, the correctness of setting goals and objectives, the adequacy of using practical techniques, the ability to interpret the received materials, highlight performance indicators, give recommendations in an accessible way, etc. As general competencies, the level of terminology proficiency, completeness descriptions and its logic, the ability to generalize and draw conclusions, compliance with the limits of competence, etc. Identification and formulation of the problem of a working situation includes a professionally competent "translation" of the primary request into the actual content of the psychological problem and the construction of hypotheses. The study of the problem, i.e., its clarification with the help of additional procedures, includes the selection of tools, to assess the adequacy of which we ask the specialist to justify the choice made, and also describe how these methods were used (conditions, features, etc.). Also at this stage, the specialist must indicate the results of the diagnosis. Here attention is drawn to such a parameter as the collection of information from various sources. Describing this stage, the specialist needs to summarize the data obtained and draw the appropriate conclusions that justify the choice of a correctional development program. As an example of the ability to maintain professional documentation, it is necessary to attach psychological reports for 1 2 children. The program of work with the problem can be short or long, depending on the problem being solved and the goals and objectives set. It can be built both on the basis of ready-made known technologies, and using author's techniques. If the technologies are known, then it is enough to indicate them. If the program is built for an individual case, it is necessary to describe the techniques used and justify their necessity. In any case, it is necessary to submit outline plans for 1 2 typical classes, specify the conditions for their conduct. In the process of conducting correctional and developmental classes, it is important for a teacher-psychologist to monitor the dynamics of the manifestation of the problem. Intermediate diagnostic procedures are possible, which must be described and the result indicated. Based on the diagnosis, it is possible to correct the 17

6 A. A. Margolis, I. V. Konovalova programs. Then these changes should be made to the description and compared with the initial goals and objectives. The evaluation criteria also include what characterizes the final stage of the work of a specialist: performance indicators; his ability to reflect on his own activity, i.e., to analyze not only the changes that have occurred in the process of working with the problem, but also an internal analysis of professional activity, showing the ability to see the reasons for success and difficulties in work; the nature of recommendations for further constructive interaction of the social environment (teachers, parents, peers) with the child, group, class (in particular, clarity in their presentation, accessibility for use by the client, etc.). A psychological event is presented as an illustration of a general description of the activities of a specialist in an institution to determine his professional readiness. It is desirable that the presented public event be part of the work with the problem described in the "work situation". The specialist himself determines the theme and age of the participants of the event. The analysis of the event and its evaluation is carried out by a methodologist or mentor who is directly present at the lesson or by video filming. As an open event, it can be presented: a correctional and developmental lesson with children; session of psychological counseling; lesson with a group of parents, teachers. The outline plan of the event should reflect the following items: 1) the topic of the event and the date of its holding; 2) the contingent of participants in this event; 3) goals and objectives of the event and their justification; 4) action plan; 5) methods and techniques used in the preparation and conduct of the event; 6) description of the results (planned or received). In the process of reflecting on the event, it is necessary to assess the levels of competence of a young specialist in various aspects: communicative, organizational, analytical, and others. Communication skills include active listening, making contact, being interested in receiving feedback, and responding appropriately to it. Organizational: the ability to create motivation, interest, a favorable psychological climate; the ability to navigate in time (planning and observing the length of the main stages), flexible behavior in a non-standard situation. Analytical skills include: the ability to critically comprehend the results of one’s activities (to see the advantages and disadvantages, determine their causes and outline possible ways for further work), the ability to competently, freely and easily formulate one’s thoughts, draw conclusions and generalizations. The use of the proposed criteria for the analysis of activities in the certification of young professionals shows that they experience the greatest difficulties in carrying out analytical and prognostic activities, interpreting the data received, reflecting on their own activities (the ability to identify performance indicators, self-analysis and self-correction). The next most difficult aspect is the conduct of group correctional and developmental work, which, as a rule, is associated with insufficient skill in using practical techniques and inability to master the children's team. Often there are difficulties in consulting with adults: parents and teachers, which is also due to the lack of proper experience. Description of professional cases, plans-summaries of demonstration classes and 18

7 Psychological science and education, 2010, 1 analytical annual reports show the progress of a young specialist in the stages of professional excellence. All methodological materials are put into the "Portfolio" folder, which is given to the young specialist at the end of the internship. The creation of this product requires a specialist to be methodical and time-consuming, but this contributes to a conscious attitude towards their professional development. A young educational psychologist will feel confident much faster, as he will have the facts of his professional competence. These materials confirm the idea of ​​a specialist about himself as a necessary and capable person. They show that some of the set life plans have been successfully implemented, and there is also something worth striving for in the future. Consequently, the very fact of the presence of such a methodological folder is an incentive for the self-development of a specialist, his professional competencies in various fields of activity. As a rule, having sufficient methodological baggage, in this case, a portfolio, a specialist can apply for an increase in the qualification category, counting on higher wages. Literature 1. Borisova E.M., Loginova G.P. Individuality and profession. M., Dubrovina IV Psychological education service. Scientific foundations, goals, means // Psychological science and education Ivanova EM Fundamentals of psychological study of professional activity. M., Karandashev V. N. Introduction to the profession of a teacher-psychologist. M., Klimov E. A. Psychology of a professional. M.-Voronezh, EuroPSY European Diploma in Psychology // 7. Graduate's Guide to the Faculty of Psychology and Counseling, University of Central Arkansas (USA). University of Central Arkansas (USA),

8 A. A. Margolis, I. V. Konovalova Professional Competence Criteria of Educational Psychologists A. A. Margolis, PhD in Psychology, First Vice-Rector of the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education I. V. Konovalova, PhD in Psychology, Head of the Center of Educational and Methodical Support for Young Specialists, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education The problem of assessment of an educational psychologist's professional competence is discussed in the article. The authors outline criteria-based positions of an educational psychologist's activity assessment. Particular attention is paid to the work with young specialists. The certification form applying criteria for analysis of activity and revealing level of a novice educational psychologist's readiness for self-contained practice was proposed. The article is of practical significance for education content specialists, educational institutions administration, lecturers of educational institutions as well as for practicing psychologists striving for professional development. Keywords: professional competence, an educational psychologist's professionalism, effectiveness of activity, criteria-based positions of an educational psychologist, professional adaptation, traineeship, mentoring, portfolio, certification, analysis of activity, competence criteria. References 1. Borisova E. M., Loginova G. P. Individual "nost" i professiya. M., Dubrovina I. V. Psihologicheskaya sluzhba obrazovaniya. Nauchnye osnovaniya, celi, sredstva // Psihologicheskaya nauka i obrazovanie Ivanova E. M. Osnovy psihologicheskogo izucheniya professional "noi deyatel" nosti. M., Karandashev V. N. Vvedenie v professiyu pedagog-psycholog. M., Klimov E. A. Psychology professionala. M.- Voronezh, EuroPSY Evropeiskii diplom po psihologii 7. Spravochnik vypusknika fakul "teta psihologii i konsul" tirovaniya Universiteta Central "nogo Arkanzasa (SShA). Universitet Central" nogo Arkanzasa (SShA),

Organization of the system of postgraduate education of psychologists in Europe and the United States of America

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Professional competence of a teacher-psychologist

Competence (or competence) in literal translation from Latin means ʼʼ related, correspondingʼʼ.

Usually, this term means the terms of reference of a person or institution (TSB, vol. 22, p. 292). The principle of professional competence is one of the main ethical principles of the work of a teacher-psychologist (section 4.3 of this chapter will be devoted to a detailed analysis of professional psychological ethics). It is understood that the specialist is aware of the degree of his competence and the limited means of studying the student and influencing him. He does not interfere in those areas in which he has insufficient knowledge, leaving it to more qualified specialists. For example, not a single teacher would think of doing an operation if a child has an appendicitis attack, but for some reason some teachers consider themselves entitled to diagnose a student’s abilities, his level of mental development, without taking any measurements. Thus, they act unprofessionally, violate the boundaries of their competence. The result of such unprofessional judgments should be the student's doubt about the professional qualities of the teacher (in the best case) or his disbelief in his own strength, a decrease in self-esteem (in more serious cases).

What is the professional competence of a teacher-psychologist?

1. A teacher-psychologist has the right to use only tests that correspond to the level of his qualification. If the technique requires a higher skill level, then it is extremely important to replace the test with a simpler one in processing or undergo special training. The instructions for some methods (mostly Western) specify the requirements for the user; A - the technique has no restrictions for application, B - the technique can be used only by specialists with higher psychological education, C - the technique should be applied by psychologists subject to additional training.

To carry out, process and interpret the results of some methods (for example, projective ones), even a higher psychological education is not enough. In order to correctly apply most personality tests and intelligence tests, one or two trial tests while studying at a university are not enough. A long (at least several weeks or months) training in their interpretation and careful observance of the conditions are necessary.

In the process of learning under the guidance of a person who has skillfully applied the methodology for several years, one can learn to avoid subjectivity in the assessment, correlate the results obtained with the theoretical concepts that the developer adhered to, and interpret the results as objectively as possible. At the same time, training will provide an opportunity to extract as much information as possible from the results of the methodology.

2. Exactly the same requirement applies to the work of counseling. The educational psychologist does not have the right to use consultative approaches and techniques if they are not sufficiently qualified. There are several theoretical approaches to consultation. Achieving results depends on how professionally the psychologist applies the theory and the techniques developed on its basis in his work.

When studying at a university, students receive knowledge sufficient to independently carry out all types of activities of a teacher-psychologist: diagnostics, training, individual and group counseling, incl. master methods based on various theories, but the knowledge gained is predominantly theoretical.
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It takes time to adapt the existing knowledge to the practice of working in a particular school, with specific groups of students. A novice psychologist usually spends two or three years on such adaptation. Only after that can we talk about primary professional experience. This process can be accelerated, for example, by constantly working with a mentor, observing the work of more experienced colleagues, or doing regular reflection.

3. Competence will also manifest itself if the educational psychologist refuses to conduct research or consulting in that area of ​​psychology that he has not studied enough. Psychology is very extensive, it is impossible to know all branches equally well in it. Just as in education, a rare teacher can teach physics and literature equally well. The same is true in psychology. A person who specializes in career counseling, for example, may have a poor understanding of medical or forensic psychology, a professional in social psychology may have a poor knowledge of pathopsychology, etc. An educational psychologist who is able to admit that he is not an expert in any field , has a genuine pedagogical tact and in no case should be ashamed of his ignorance.

The main areas of work of a teacher-psychologist have been described above. Recall that among them there are correctional, and developing, and socio-pedagogical, and managerial, and a number of others. Sometimes they require completely different personality traits from a person. For example, it has been proven that long-term individual correctional or developmental work is better performed by introverts(people who are characterized by self-centeredness), and for cultural and educational or socio-pedagogical work, the opposite quality is often required - extraversion(outward facing), A competent specialist owns all types of activities, some at a high level, others at a lower level. The professionalism of a teacher-psychologist also lies in the fact that he knows his strengths, but refuses to perform types of work in which he does not feel fully competent (or performs them only after appropriate training).

4. The principle of competence assumes that the educational psychologist will apply psychodiagnostic techniques or consultative techniques only after a preliminary check. Not all methods ʼʼmeasureʼʼ exactly what is indicated in the instructions for them, ᴛ.ᴇ. it is possible that the result will be false. For example, many of the so-called intelligence tests actually measure the child's level of knowledge in school subjects, in connection with this, using this technique, one can only say at what level the child has mastered the school curriculum, and not what his level of intelligence.

Not all methods and tests are psychometrically verified. In order to prove that the technique measures precisely this quality (for example, intelligence quotient, long-term memory, temperament, etc.), a special, lengthy and complex test is carried out. It is commonly called psychometric (the word is derived from two Latin roots: ʼʼpsycheʼʼ - soul and ʼʼmetrosʼʼ - to measure). A psychometric test shows how stable the results of the method are against the action of extraneous factors (for example, how much the result of the test for diagnosing attention depends on the person’s fatigue at the time of testing), how accurate the measurements are, for which groups of people the method is intended, how stable its results are when repeated whether the result obtained during the re-conduct will depend on random factors or will it show a person’s progress in the development of a given quality, and a number of other indicators. Since these measurements are complex and require a large number of subjects and a long time, not all teachers carry them out. If the manual for the method that the educational psychologist is going to use does not indicate the results of a psychometric test, or if there is no such manual, it is advisable to replace the method with another, more reliable one, or conduct the test yourself.

The same applies to counseling techniques and methods that help to solve the problem facing the psychologist in one case, and lead him to failure in another. In order to avoid mistakes and failures associated with the incorrect use of methods and methods of work, it is extremely important to pre-test them (on yourself, friends, children you know, etc.).

5. Another result of observing this principle is that the teacher-psychologist is not afraid to make a mistake and quickly corrects the mistakes made. Mistakes are made by all people, even professionally competent ones. But a good specialist differs from a bad one in that, firstly, he notices his mistakes faster, since he uses reflection more often in his work, and, secondly, he will not persist in his mistake and will find ways to correct it, even if it is threatens at some point with a decrease in his authority.

6. In addition to general competence, socio-psychological competence, or competence in communication, is also important in the work of a teacher-psychologist. It manifests itself in the fact that a specialist psychologist quickly navigates in various communication situations, chooses the right tone and style of conversation with a small child, and with a teacher, and with parents, and with the administration, finds the right words in order to support , to cheer up, and in order to scold or explain something. His orientation is based on knowledge, intuition and experience. The ability to interact equally successfully with others is acquired by a teacher-psychologist due to the fact that he knows his own characteristics, is confident in himself and knows how to quickly understand communication partners - their manner of speaking, especially temperament and character, communication style, which helps him find convincing arguments for them. . At the root of competence in communication lies social sensitivity, the general level of a person’s culture, his knowledge of the ideological and moral rules and patterns of social life.

Knowledge of the world cultural heritage (literature, painting, music) helps to form stable moral norms of behavior and attitude towards the world and people, i.e. true competence in communication. At the same time, this knowledge helps to quickly understand the individual characteristics of students, and therefore, to find a common language with them, observing the norms of behavior. The teacher-psychologist should be aware of modern ideological trends and the moral code of the society in which he lives, and of world ideologies. In this case, he will be able not only to reasonably decide for himself which ideological and moral principles to adhere to, but also to advise students in solving worldview issues and thereby gain strong authority and respect. With their sides. Public life includes not only the structure of national and local (regional, city) authorities, although the knowledge of their foundations by the educational psychologist is also important, but also the peculiarities of relationships in various social strata and groups (in production teams, families, between relatives, friends, in service, leisure, etc.). A specialist who understands the structure of formal and the intricacies of informal relationships can also be of great help.

Both general and communicative competence can increase with the accumulation of experience and can decrease if a person has stopped in his development and uses only previously accumulated knowledge and ideas.

Professional competence of a teacher-psychologist - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Professional competence of a teacher-psychologist" 2017, 2018.

  • Section I. Educational and professional training of educational psychologists
  • Topic 1. Higher education and educational activities of university students
  • Topic 2. Professional training of educational psychologists at the university
  • Section II. Psychology as a professional field
  • Topic 3. The main areas of activity of a professional psychologist
  • Topic 4. Psychological service in various areas of social practice
  • Topic 5. Professional duties of a teacher-psychologist
  • Section III. Professional competence of a psychologist and ethics of the psychological profession
  • Topic 6. Stages of professional adaptation of a teacher-psychologist and the achievement of professional competence
  • Topic 7. Psychologists as a professional community
  • Topic 8. Professional position and code of ethics for a psychologist
  • 5.3 Topics of seminars
  • 5.4. Independent study of sections of the discipline
  • 5.5. Seminar Plans
  • 6. Requirements for the level of mastering the program and forms of control
  • 6.1. Organization of current control
  • 6.2. Educational and methodological support for independent work of students
  • 7. Educational technologies
  • 7.1. Interactive educational technologies used in the classroom
  • 8. Evaluation tools for current monitoring of progress, intermediate certification based on the results of mastering the discipline and educational and methodological support for independent work of students
  • 8.1. Supervised learning outcome and assessment tools
  • 8.1. Approximate essay topics
  • 8.3 Indicative list of questions to prepare for the test
  • 8.4. Tasks for written work
  • 8.5. Sample Test Items
  • 8.6. Creative tasks for independent work
  • 9. Educational and methodological support of discipline
  • 9.1. Recommended reading
  • 9.2. Means of ensuring the development of discipline
  • 9.2.1 Guidelines and materials by type of occupation
  • 9.2.2. Criteria for evaluating the final form of control
  • 10. Logistics of discipline
  • Module 2: Study guide
  • 2. General characteristics of the university and faculty in the system of higher education
  • 3. Features of the educational activity of students of higher education
  • 1. Psychological education in Russia
  • 2. Training of psychologists abroad
  • 3. The main difficulties in the assimilation of psychological knowledge
  • Section II. Psychology as a professional field Lecture 3. The main areas of activity of a professional psychologist
  • 1. Areas of activity of a professional psychologist and their relationship
  • 2. Professional specialization in the psychological profession
  • Lecture 4. Psychological service in various areas of social practice
  • 1. Psychological service in the public education system
  • 2. Psychological service in health care
  • 3. Psychological service in the system of the national economy and government institutions
  • Lecture 5. Professional duties of a teacher-psychologist
  • 1. The main professional duties of a teacher-psychologist
  • Types of activities of a school psychologist (according to foreign studies)
  • The content of the activities of the school psychologist
  • 2. Standards for the professional workload of a school psychologist and forms of documentation in his work
  • Indicative norms of various types of counseling activities of a psychologist
  • Working time standards for a school psychologist
  • Section III. Professional competence of a teacher-psychologist and ethics of the psychological profession Lecture 6. Stages of professional adaptation of a teacher-psychologist
  • 1. Qualification requirements and criteria for evaluating the activities of a teacher-psychologist
  • 2. Stages of professional adaptation of a teacher-psychologist
  • Lecture 7. Psychologists as a professional community
  • 1. Psychological centers in Russia
  • 2. Professional associations of psychologists
  • 3. Professional periodicals and modern information technologies in the work of a psychologist
  • Lecture 8
  • 1. Professional position and professional consciousness of a psychologist
  • Factors influencing professional combustion (according to V.E. Orel)
  • 2. General characteristics of the ethical code of the activity of a psychologist
  • 2.2. Glossary
  • 2.3. Reader
  • Section I. Educational and professional training of psychologists
  • Topic 1. Education of students in higher educational institutions
  • Topic 2. Features of the training of psychologists at the university
  • Section II. Psychology as a professional field.
  • Topic 3. The main areas of activity of a professional psychologist.
  • Topic 4. Psychological service in various areas of social practice.
  • Topic 5. Professional duties of a psychologist
  • 2. Recommendations for independent work of students of correspondence courses.
  • Module 4: Development and implementation of new didactic tools and active learning methods, modern forms of residual knowledge control
  • 1. Attestation pedagogical measuring materials (apim).
  • Test tasks:
  • I. Higher education and educational activities of students
  • II. Professional training of educational psychologists at the university
  • III. The main areas of activity of a professional psychologist
  • IV. Psychological service in various areas of social practice
  • V. Professional duties of a teacher-psychologist
  • VI. Stages of professional adaptation of a teacher-psychologist and the achievement of professional competence
  • VII. Psychologists as a professional community
  • VIII. Professional position and code of ethics for a psychologist
  • Keys to test tasks
  • 2. Summaries of classes conducted in an interactive form (in accordance with the work program).
  • Section III. Professional competence of a teacher-psychologist and ethics of the psychological profession Lecture 6. Stages of professional adaptation of a teacher-psychologist


    1. Qualification requirements and criteria for evaluating the activities of a teacher-psychologist

    2. Stages of professional adaptation of a teacher-psychologist

    1. Qualification requirements and criteria for evaluating the activities of a teacher-psychologist

    Having started to perform professional duties after graduation, the teacher-psychologist begins the ascent to professional excellence. Even with deep and serious university training, a young specialist may encounter unexpected difficulties and problems on his professional path.

    The fulfillment of professional duties by a teacher-psychologist requires an adequate level of professional competence, which is based on the formation of professionally necessary knowledge and skills, based on the experience of successfully applying this knowledge and skills in various problem situations of professional psychological work.

    The knowledge and skills professionally necessary for a teacher-psychologist include not only a wide range of theoretical concepts and approaches, professional diagnostic tools, psychological techniques and methods of working with people, but also the orientation of a psychologist in the norms and regulations of his professional activity, functional duties and rights in the workplace. . Qualification requirements for the activities of a teacher-psychologist are based on ideas about the main elements of professional competence for a particular psychological specialty.

    Qualification requirements in the field of psychological professions are developed on the basis of a scientific study of professions, systemic ideas about the professional activity of a person as a whole. Requirements for the personality of a psychologist are reflected in the professiogram of this profession. A.K. Markova defines a professiogram as scientifically based norms and requirements of the profession for various types of professional activities and personality traits of a specialist, which allow him to meet the requirements of the profession, obtain the results necessary for society and, at the same time, create conditions for the development of the personality of the employee himself. A professiogram can be called a generalized reference model of a successful specialist. In the works of E.M. Ivanova introduced and substantiated an integral system of organizing and conducting a comprehensive psychological study of the profession, including the study of external and internal structures of professional activity. One of the key concepts of this approach is an analytical professiogram - a method of system analysis of a professional's activity, which ensures the construction of its psychological structure. Among the many factors that determine the success of an activity, one of the main places is occupied by the subjective image of the various stages and elements of professional work, which must have the properties of adequacy, completeness, and a certain degree of formation. An analytical professiogram allows not only to highlight the professionally important qualities of a specialist in a particular field, but also acts as a model of the psychological structure of a professional's activity, which provides a study of the level of formation of a professional, his readiness for a particular activity.

    The criteria for evaluating a professional based on the concept of E.M. Ivanova can be such indicators as success in work, development of professional self-awareness, satisfaction with work and relationships in the team, psychophysiological price of labor. Currently, there are criteria for evaluating the professional activity of a psychologist, affecting to varying degrees all these indicators, but having an unequal measure of objectivity and regulatory significance. In this regard, the criteria for assessing the activities of a psychologist can be grouped on the basis of the selection of the subject of the assessment activity, that is, on the basis of who makes this assessment.

    Regulatory criteria for evaluating the activities of a psychologist are developed by various official bodies in charge of psychological service institutions, jobs for psychologists. The characteristics of the qualification requirements for a psychologist include requirements for the level of education of a psychologist, including postgraduate education and advanced training, work experience in the profession, a description of the knowledge and skills necessary to perform professional duties. The necessity of knowledge of regulatory documents (basic laws, regulations, instructions, methodological recommendations, etc.), possession of new information technologies in the field of one's professional activity is indicated.

    An official assessment of the degree of qualification of a psychologist and his professional activity can only be given by a specialist psychologist (psychologist-methodologist of the department of public education, specialists from faculties, departments and research institutes in the field of psychology, methodological associations of educational psychologists, expert councils of psychological societies and associations). Evaluation of the professional qualifications of a practical psychologist includes, as a rule, an analysis of his methodological and theoretical training, an assessment of the mastery of practical professional methods of work. The qualification commission may make recommendations to the administration of the institution on establishing the qualification category of a psychologist, depending on the level of his education, work experience, possession of psychological knowledge and practical methods.

    In addition to normative official criteria, there are other, informal approaches to assessing the work of a psychologist in an institution. The psychologist is assessed by the administration and his fellow psychologists rather not on the basis of job requirements and instructions, but on individual empirical indicators of his activity that are significant for work in this area.

    The administration of the institution relies in assessing the activities of a teacher-psychologist on normative acts and indicators, and in the absence of them in the industry to which the organization belongs, it can develop job descriptions and requirements for the work of a psychologist based on general provisions and existing similar documents. However, in addition to the normative criteria, as a rule, additional requirements for the teacher-psychologist arise from the side of the organization's management. Additional subjective criteria for evaluating the activities of a teacher-psychologist by the administration are, first of all, various quantitative indicators of his work, which are reflected in official reports, documented, and have some material expression. In this regard, the administration of the institution pays attention to the following aspects of the work of a teacher-psychologist:

      Compliance of the content of the work of a teacher-psychologist with the plan and promising areas of work of the organization, institution in which he works;

      The number of psychodiagnostic methods carried out and examined clients, employees;

      Various kinds of speeches of the teacher-psychologist before the employees of the organization;

      Psychological activities (trainings, training sessions) conducted by the educational psychologist, and the number of employees covered by them;

      Prepared reports, reports, messages, recommendations, summaries, prospectuses, presentations on important and relevant issues for this institution, dates, personalities;

      Stands designed by a teacher-psychologist, "wall newspapers", newsletters and other visual materials.

    These criteria characterize the amount of work performed by the teacher-psychologist, to some extent reflect the labor contribution and the intensity, intensity of the work of the psychologist.

    On the part of fellow psychologists, both working in this institution and interacting with a teacher-psychologist within the professional community, the assessment is carried out, first of all, according to qualitative features and results of activity, such as:

      possession of professional skills of practical work with people: valid psychodiagnostic methods, various corrective and advisory techniques and techniques, methods of modern training work in various fields;

      level of professional theoretical training: availability of basic psychological education; the type of educational institution that the psychologist graduated from and the form of his training (full-time, part-time, part-time education); special certificates and diplomas of postgraduate retraining and advanced training;

      participation in research work: the ability to organize and conduct a psychological experiment; possession of modern methods of processing the results of psychological research, including statistical ones; the number of publications, participation in scientific seminars, conferences, in the work of scientific psychological societies;

      personal professional reputation and fame: feedback from colleagues, clients, administration of the institution where the psychologist works.

    Psychologists-professionals are wary of those colleagues who believe that they are specialists in any kind of psychological work, possess all the necessary psychological techniques, and take on the solution of any psychological problems.

    There are also subjective criteria for assessing one's own professional activity and competence, which are based on the established professional self-awareness and self-concept of a teacher-psychologist, the subjective image of professional work (E.M. Ivanova). First of all, this is the assessment by the psychologist himself of the effectiveness of his own professional solution of psychological problems and the achievement of qualitative changes in corrective and advisory work with people. The criteria for such an assessment are very subjective and changeable, it is difficult to meet them, since the results of psychological work may not be directly visible, they are often remote in time. At the same time, psychologists are often unreasonably critical of themselves and their work. Therefore, an educational psychologist, as a rule, evaluates himself professionally lower than his employees and colleagues. For an adequate orientation in his professional abilities and achievements, a teacher-psychologist must constantly maintain contact with the administration and the staff of the institution in which he works, enter the psychological community through participation in various psychological associations, conferences and other events. This allows the psychologist to receive positive feedback regarding their professional activities and achievements.

    In the study of M.I. Lukyanova, aimed at identifying criteria for the effectiveness of the school psychologist, it was revealed that among the significant criteria for all participants in the educational process (practical school psychologists, educational psychologists of district departments of education, heads of departments of education and educational institutions) includes indicators of a favorable psychological climate in the school (the nature of the relationship between teachers and students, teachers and parents, the emotional well-being of teachers and students, the success of schoolchildren's adaptation to the conditions of the educational process, a decrease in the number of conflict situations, satisfaction with the course of school life), satisfaction of teachers and students with the results of the psychologist's activities.

    In addition, the assessment of the activity of a teacher-psychologist depends on what desired model of this activity in relation to the organization is meant by those who make the assessment. On the one hand, a psychologist can be expected to act in accordance with the “administrative assistant psychologist” model based on the provisions of cognitive and behavioral psychology; on the other hand, the activity of a psychologist may correspond to the “psychologist-psychotherapist” model, which is based on the postulates of humanistic and existential psychology. For each of these models, the success of a psychologist is determined by different criteria. In the first case, the psychologist, as it were, is on the side of the administration, carries out its decisions, and pursues a line of leadership in working with people. In the second case, the psychologist is obviously on the side of the clients-employees. Thus, if the ideas about the goals of the psychologist's activity on the part of the administration and himself do not coincide, the psychologist can be assessed, albeit quite objectively within the framework of any model, but one-sidedly. As a result, mutual dissatisfaction, misunderstanding, and contradictions may arise. It should be noted that any organization is interested in psychological work corresponding to the first of the mentioned models, and the psychologist himself in most cases would like to work in line with the second model of psychological assistance. E.I. Vakhromov believes that the described models are not competitive, but mutually complementary. The model "psychologist-administration assistant" can be considered as basic, and the model "psychologist-psychotherapist" should be built on top of the basic model as the psychologist gains work experience and professional growth.

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    Course work

    Competences formed by psychologists in the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education


    Main part

    1. Characteristics of competencies




    The relevance of the study is due to several factors.

    Firstly, despite the fact that the Russian theory and practice of higher education has a huge potential for methods, forms and means of teaching, the main type of teaching is still the verbal type: the use of oral and printed words, when the teacher speaks mainly as an informant and supervisor of students. Obviously, in the light of modern requirements for a graduate, which are formed under the influence of the situation on the labor market and such processes as the acceleration of the pace of development of society and the widespread informatization of the environment, the authoritarian-reproductive education system is outdated. An education focused only on the acquisition of knowledge means at the present time an orientation towards the past.

    Secondly, in a changing world, the education system should form such new qualities of a graduate as initiative, innovation, mobility, flexibility, dynamism and constructiveness. A future professional should have a desire for self-education throughout his life, master new technologies and understand the possibilities of their use, be able to make independent decisions, adapt in the social and future professional sphere, solve problems and work in a team, be prepared for overload, stressful situations and be able to get out of them quickly.

    The upbringing of such a socially and professionally active person requires teachers of modern higher education to use completely new methods, techniques and forms of work. In order to form a competent graduate in all potentially significant areas of vocational education and life itself, it is necessary to apply active teaching methods, technologies that develop, first of all, the cognitive, communicative and personal activity of students.

    One of the promising directions in terms of solving this problem is the implementation of a competency-based approach.

    The competence-based approach in vocational education is not a tribute to the fashion to invent new words and concepts, but an objective phenomenon in education, brought to life by socio-economic, political, educational and pedagogical prerequisites. First of all, it is the reaction of vocational education to the changed socio-economic conditions, to the processes that appeared along with the market economy. The market imposes on a modern specialist a whole layer of new requirements that are not sufficiently taken into account or not taken into account at all in the training programs for specialists. These new requirements, as it turns out, are not rigidly connected with one or another discipline, they are of a supra-subject nature, they are distinguished by universality. Their formation requires not so much new content (subject content) as other pedagogical technologies. Some authors call such requirements basic skills (V.I. Baidenko), others call them superprofessional, basic qualifications (A.M. Novikov), others call them key competencies (A.V. Khutorskoy, E.F. Zeer, etc.). That is why today a number of scientists (V.A. Bolotov, V.V. Serikov, G.K. Selevko, A.V. Khutorskoy) single out a competency-based approach to education, the main criteria of which are considered to be the acquisition by students of the experience of independent activity and personal responsibility.

    The concepts of “competence-based approach” and “key competencies” have gained popularity relatively recently in connection with discussions about the problems and ways of modernizing Russian education. Appeal to these concepts is associated with the desire to determine the necessary changes in education, including professional education, due to changes taking place in society.

    Now large scientific-theoretical and scientific-methodical works have already appeared, in which the essence of the competency-based approach and the problems of the formation of key competencies at different levels of the education system are analyzed, for example, the works of A.V. Khutorsky, V.I. Baidenko, V.A. Bolotova, S.A. Druzhilova, E.F. Zeera, I.A. Zimnyaya, V. Landsheer, O.E. Lebedev, I. Osmolovskaya, A. Petrov, S.B. Serebryakova, M.A. Choshanova and others.

    In 2009, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation issued an order, signed by the Minister of Education A. Fursenko, "On the approval and implementation of the federal state educational standard of higher professional education in the direction of training 050400 Psychological and pedagogical education (qualification (degree)" bachelor " )". According to this order, from January 1, 2010, the federal state educational standard was put into effect.

    The object of the course work is the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in the direction of training 050400 "Psychological and Pedagogical Education" qualification "Bachelor".

    The subject is the specific analyzed competencies of the standard: OK-9, GPC-6, SCP-4, PCSP-2, PCSP-4, PCD-6.

    The purpose of this course work is to analyze the competencies of the educational standard in the direction of "Psychological and pedagogical education" qualification "bachelor".

    1. Give a description of each analyzed competence.

    2. Describe the significance of each competence in obtaining education in the profile "Educational Psychologist".

    3. According to the plan for the preparation of bachelors, consider in which academic disciplines each competence can be formed, how many hours are devoted to the study of this discipline.

    4. To reveal the structure of each considered competence.

    5. Present the planned ones - at the threshold level and at the advanced level.

    The course work consists of an introduction, six chapters, each of which is devoted to a certain competence, a conclusion and a list of references.

    student psychologist general cultural competence

    Main part

    1. Characteristics of competencies

    The federal state educational standard of higher professional education in the direction of training 050400 "Psychological and pedagogical education" qualification "bachelor" provides that the graduate must have certain general cultural competencies (OK).

    The general cultural competence of OK-9 provides that the graduate "is able to understand the principles of organizing scientific research, ways to achieve and build scientific knowledge."

    This competence is understood as the ability of students to apply the methods of theoretical and experimental research to achieve and build scientific knowledge.

    This competence is mandatory according to the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education "Psychological and Pedagogical Education". Its significance is determined by the following circumstances:

    The need to form a holistic worldview and scientific outlook of students;

    The requirement to develop the ability of university graduates to work with large flows of information, to apply the methods of mathematical processing of information when conducting experimental research;

    The need for students to master the general scientific methods and techniques of research, both empirical and theoretical levels.

    This competence is formed in the process of studying the disciplines of cycles B1, B2 and B3:


    Foreign language;


    Modern information technologies;

    Anatomy and age physiology;

    Fundamentals of Pediatrics and Hygiene;

    Workshop on modern information technologies;

    Coursework on PC;

    multicultural education;

    social pedagogy;

    Pedagogical psychology;

    Introduction to psychological and pedagogical activity;


    Organization of children's recreation;

    Psychological and pedagogical support of developing educational programs.

    That is, the competence of OK-9 is formed by students in the study of 18 disciplines.

    Competence structure of OK-9:

    The bachelor knows

    Basic methods of mathematical information processing;

    Methods of empirical and theoretical research;

    Able to interpret information presented in the form of diagrams, diagrams, graphs, graphs, formulas, tables;

    Use empirical and theoretical research methods; methods of processing experimental data;

    Methods of mathematical processing of information;

    The skills of using the methods of empirical and theoretical research in research and professional activities.

    Planned levels of formation of OK-9 competence among university graduates.

    Competence levels

    The main features of the level

    threshold level

    Knows methods of mathematical processing of information;

    Able to reveal the essence of the methods of mathematical processing of information;

    Able to interpret information presented in the form of diagrams, diagrams, graphs, graphs, tables

    Knows the methods of theoretical and experimental research;

    Has experience in using scientific research methods in teaching and research activities;

    Owns methods of processing experimental data

    Enhanced Level

    Can justify the use of this method of mathematical processing of information in a particular situation;

    Knows how to determine the type of mathematical model for solving practical problems, including those from the field of professional problems;

    Owns the method of mathematical modeling

    Knows the main stages of theoretical and experimental research methods;

    Can justify the use of this method of scientific research in a particular situation, including in professional activities;

    Has experience in using scientific research methods in professional activities

    The Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in the direction of training 050400 "Psychological and Pedagogical Education" qualification "bachelor" provides that the graduate must have certain professional competencies common to all types of professional activity (OPK).

    The general professional competence of GPC-6 provides that the graduate is able to organize joint activities and interpersonal interaction of the subjects of the educational environment.

    This competence is understood as: adequate self-esteem, building interpersonal relationships, correlating personal and group values ​​/ interests, teamwork, performing certain roles and responsibility for the overall result.

    This competence is mandatory according to the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education "Psychological and Pedagogical Education". Its significance is determined by the need to train graduates who have the skills to work in a team (help, support, approval of each other's efforts); having the necessary social skills (leadership, communication, conflict management); capable of taking individual responsibility for working in a team.

    Social Psychology;

    Educational programs for preschool children;

    Methodology and methods of psychological and pedagogical activity;

    Qualitative and quantitative methods of psychological and pedagogical research;

    Psychological and pedagogical interaction of participants in the educational process;

    Psychological and pedagogical correction;

    Workshop on General and Experimental Psychology;

    Psychological and pedagogical workshop;

    Educational and production practices;

    Final state certification.

    That is, the competence of GPC-6 is formed by studying 11 disciplines.

    The structure of competence "is able to organize joint activities and interpersonal interaction of subjects of the educational environment":

    The bachelor knows

    Fundamentals of organizing work in a team (teamwork);

    Establish and maintain constructive relationships with colleagues, correlate personal and group interests, show tolerance for other views and points of view;

    Experience in working in a team (in a team), controlling skills (evaluating teamwork, clarifying further actions, etc.).

    Planned levels of competence formation among university graduate students

    Competence levels

    The main features of the level

    threshold level

    Knows the basics of organizing work in a team (teamwork);

    Knows the basics of conflict theory;

    Has experience of working in a team (team);

    Understands the need for joint activities in interaction with others;

    Demonstrates care and respect for other people

    Enhanced Level

    Able to organize the work of the team (team);

    Able to identify the causes and take measures to resolve conflicts;

    May be responsible for the results of joint work;

    Able to make a tangible contribution to the work of the team, even if his personal interests are not taken into account

    The federal educational standard provides that a graduate must have professional competencies in the activities of psychological and pedagogical support of preschool, general, additional and vocational education (PKPP).

    The competence of SCP-4 is defined as “capable of reflecting on the methods and results of one's professional actions”.

    This competence is understood as: the ability to professional activities, the performance of certain roles and responsibility for the overall result, has the motivation to carry out professional activities.

    This competence is mandatory according to the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education "Psychological and Pedagogical Education". Its significance is determined by: the need to train graduates who are able to bear individual responsibility for working in a team.

    Qualitative and quantitative methods of psychological and pedagogical research;

    Professional ethics in psychological and pedagogical activity;

    Psychology of family and family education;

    Methods of active socio-psychological education of children.

    That is, the competence of SCP-4 is formed by studying four disciplines.

    The structure of competence is “capable of reflecting on the methods and results of their professional actions”:

    Bachelor knows:

    The legal framework of modern education, related to the teacher's responsibility in pedagogical activity;

    Theoretical foundations of pedagogical activity;

    External forms of control that ensure responsibility for the results of its activities (accountability, punishability, etc.), and internal forms of self-regulation of its activities (a sense of responsibility, a sense of duty).

    Apply general professional knowledge to the performance of certain roles;

    – actualize your potential to achieve positive results in professional activities.

    - personal qualities, such as responsibility, tolerance, humanity;

    - methods and techniques of reflection of their pedagogical activity;

    – skills of self-control of the results of professional activity from the standpoint of the implementation of accepted norms and rules.

    Planned levels of formation of the competence of SCP-4 among university graduate students:

    Competence levels

    The main features of the level

    threshold level

    - knows the legal framework of modern education, related to the teacher's responsibility in pedagogical activity;

    – owns the theoretical foundations of pedagogical activity;

    - is able to apply general professional knowledge to the performance of certain roles;

    - owns the methods and techniques of reflection of their pedagogical activity;

    - knows how to build a strategy of pedagogical behavior in accordance with the situation.

    Enhanced Level

    - knows the external forms of control that ensure the imposition of responsibility for the results of its activities (accountability, punishability, etc.);

    - is able to demonstrate the internal forms of self-regulation of his activities (a sense of responsibility, a sense of duty).

    - is able to show personal qualities, such as responsibility, tolerance, humanity;

    – owns modern pedagogical technologies focused on subject-subject interaction;

    - possesses the skills of self-control of the results of professional activity from the standpoint of the implementation of accepted norms and rules;

    – able to actualize their potential to achieve positive results in their professional activities.

    The federal educational standard provides that a graduate must have professional competencies in the field of psychological and pedagogical support for children with disabilities in correctional and inclusive education (PKSPP).

    The competence of PKSPP-2 is defined as "ready to apply the recommended methods and technologies that allow solving diagnostic and correctional and developmental tasks."

    This competence is understood as the possession by a university graduate of technologies and methods for solving diagnostic and correctional and developmental tasks, taking into account the specifics of the field of subject knowledge and the type of educational institution.

    This competence is mandatory according to the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education "Psychological and Pedagogical Education". Its significance is determined by the need to form and develop the student's professional competence in the field of practical psychological and pedagogical activity.

    This competence is formed in the process of studying the disciplines of the B3 cycle:


    Psychology of children with intellectual disabilities;


    Psychological service in education.

    That is, this competence is formed in the study of four disciplines.

    The bachelor knows

    The essence of modern methods and technologies, including information;

    Analyze information from the position of the problem under study;

    Use modern methods and technologies, including information ones, to solve diagnostic and correctional and developmental tasks;

    Technologies for solving diagnostic and correctional and developmental problems.

    Planned levels of formation of the competence of PKSSP-2 among students-graduates of the university

    Competence levels

    The main features of the level

    threshold level

    Knows the essence of modern methods and technologies, including information technologies;

    Has an idea about the choice of forms, methods and techniques and means of diagnostics and development;

    Able to analyze information from the position of the problem under study;

    Can develop an outline of a lesson using a specific technology

    Enhanced Level

    Knows the criteria for assessing the quality of the correctional and developmental process;

    Able to use modern methods and technologies, including information;

    Owns technologies for solving diagnostic and correctional and developmental problems

    The federal educational standard stipulates that a graduate must have professional competencies in the field of social and pedagogical activity (PKSP).

    The competence of the PCSP-4 is defined as "capable of participating in the development and implementation of socially valuable activities of the student, the development of social initiatives, social projects."

    The competence of PKSP-4 is understood as free orientation in the historical and cultural space; definition of goals, objectives, principles of organization of various forms of socially valuable activities of the population; implementation of pedagogical guidance and programming of developing forms of socially valuable activities and social initiatives of various categories of the population, as well as the ability to develop and implement socially significant projects.

    This competence is mandatory according to the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education "Psychological and Pedagogical Education". Its significance is determined

    The need to train graduates who are able to demonstrate an understanding of the essence of socially valuable activity;

    Able to create various socially significant projects;

    Determine the effectiveness of socially valuable activities.

    This competence is formed in the process of studying the disciplines of cycle B.3:

    Theory of training and education;

    History of Pedagogy and Education;

    multicultural education;

    Psychology of development.

    That is, the competence of the PCSP-4 is formed in the study of four disciplines.

    Competence structure "is able to participate in the development and implementation of socially valuable activities of the student, the development of social initiatives, social projects":

    The bachelor knows

    Current state and development trends of social initiatives;

    Develop and implement socially significant projects;

    Experience in the use of modern technologies in practical socially valuable activities.

    Planned levels of formation of the competence of PKSP-4 among students-graduates of the university

    Levels of formation


    The main features of the level

    threshold level

    Has an idea of ​​the essence of socially valuable activity, its place and role in the life of a person and society;

    Understands the basic terms of socially valuable activity;

    Has an idea about the functions and principles of socially valuable activities;

    Has an idea about the content, forms, methods of socially valuable activity;

    Knows the spheres, subjects of socially valuable activity;

    Has an idea about the state social policy;

    Has an idea of ​​the current state and trends in the development of social technologies;

    Critically comprehends social theories, concepts, approaches

    Enhanced Level

    Able to use a variety of methods for assessing the current social situation;

    Use different research methods; methods of processing experimental data;

    Can demonstrate the possibility of different interpretations of the results obtained;

    Able to be responsible for the results of their actions and the quality of the tasks performed;

    Has experience in managing design and research activities, making non-standard solutions to professional problems;

    Can use modern technologies in the implementation of socially significant projects

    The federal educational standard stipulates that a graduate must have professional competencies in educational activities in preschool education (PKD).

    The competence of JPC-6 is defined as "capable of interacting with the family, teachers and psychologists of an educational institution on the issues of education, training and development of preschoolers."

    This competence is understood as the ability to build a system of one's own actions aimed at organizing interaction with the family, teachers and psychologists of an educational institution.

    This competence is mandatory according to the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education "Psychological and Pedagogical Education". Its significance is determined by the need to train graduates with skills:

    Inclusion of the family, teachers and psychologists in the process of setting goals, in planning and implementing plans, in the process of self-control, self-analysis and self-assessment of performance;

    Joint analysis of activities, designing a system of own actions and actions of colleagues.

    This competence is formed in the process of studying the disciplines of cycle B.3:

    Professional ethics in psychological and pedagogical activity;

    Psychology of family and family education.

    That is, this competence is formed in the study of two disciplines.

    The structure of competence "is able to interact with the family, teachers and psychologists of an educational institution on the issues of education, training and development of preschoolers":

    The bachelor knows

    The theory of training and education;

    Check and evaluate the level of education, upbringing and development of preschoolers;

    Statistically process data, analyze it, identify dynamics and trends;

    Predict further developments in the education, development and upbringing of preschool children;

    Skills for checking, assessing the level of education, upbringing and development of preschoolers;

    Data processing skills, their analysis, identification of dynamics and trends;

    The skills of predicting the further development of events in the education, development and upbringing of preschool children.

    Planned levels of formation of competence JPC-6:

    Competence levels

    The main features of the level

    threshold level

    Has an idea about the theory of training and education;

    Knows how to select methods for checking and evaluating the level of education, upbringing and development of preschool children, statistically process and analyze data;

    Able to suggest ways to solve individual life problems of the child.

    Enhanced Level

    Knows the theory of training and education;

    Able to apply appropriate methods for checking and evaluating the level of education, development and upbringing of preschoolers, statistically process and analyze data; identify dynamics and trends, predict further developments in the education and upbringing of children;

    Able to plan and implement effective ways to solve individual life problems of the child.

    2. Characteristics of the work experience of psychologists

    Competence OK-9: "is able to understand the principles of organizing scientific research, ways to achieve and build scientific knowledge."

    In the article "Energy of Association" ("School Psychologist", 2002. No. 10), educational psychologist Mikhail Troshagin tells his experience in organizing scientific research, which he conducted in a group of mutual psychological assistance. Quote from the article: “A Mutual Psychological Assistance Group is being created at High Key High School. The group is led by a teacher-psychologist. Membership in the group is voluntary. The group may include students in grades 8-11 of the school who agree to perform the duties of a member of the group. The group can work with a number of at least 8 people and no more than 16 people. Further, the author describes in stages his scientific research, which ended with the writing of a dissertation and the degree of candidate of psychological sciences.

    Competence GPC-6: "is able to organize joint activities and interpersonal interaction of subjects of the educational environment."

    In the article "Cooperation" ("School Psychologist", 2003. No. 19), a teacher-psychologist of a school in Svobodny talks about the cooperation of a psychologist with school teachers and administration. Quote from the article: “In order to solve serious school problems of students, as a teacher-psychologist, I always need to work together with the class teacher and parents, we are all involved in a common program of action. Psychological work at school needs serious pedagogical support: this includes the development or correction of interpersonal relationships in the classroom, and the individual problems of children, and psychological training. For many years, we have had close cooperation with primary school teachers Natalya Gudkova, Irina Kolesnikova and others, it helps a lot in the work of the deputy. primary school director Natalia Dutnaya. Each time we are convinced that with such cooperation, the methodological baggage of parents, teachers, and psychologists is enriched.

    Competence of SCP-4: "capable of reflecting on the methods and results of their professional actions."

    In the article by N.L. Rosina "Problems and opportunities for the development of reflection in the preparation of a psychologist" the author examines in detail the method of reflection and the features of its application in the training of future psychologists. E-mail address of the article: . Quote from the article: “This article is devoted to highlighting the main problems that impede the full development of reflection in the educational activities of students and to determine the teacher's capabilities in terms of intensifying the development of this process. ... The development of a reflective position on the student bench is realistically feasible, provided that the educational process at the university will be built as a joint productive activity in accordance with the principles of innovative strategy and technology.”

    In the article "Trust or Manage" ("School Psychologist", 2006. No. 18), the author talks about psychological training and the methods and technologies that he uses in his practical work as a psychologist. Quote from the article: “Practical psychology has been penetrating into various spheres of our life in recent years. Of course, one of the most popular and practically applicable areas of it are psychological training. In recent years, such trainings (both socio-psychological and personal) have become quite popular, penetrating into various areas of our lives: business (trainings in sales, effective communication, etc.), education (trainings in various skills, conflict resolution, etc.). ) and many others. Personal growth training has also become an integral part of psychology education. In line with the socio-psychological adaptation of modern youth, psychological training with adolescents is also an important element.

    Competence of PKSP-4: "is able to participate in the development and implementation of socially valuable activities of the student, the development of social initiatives, social projects."

    In the article “Pictures from the Competition” (“School Psychologist”, 2006. No. 1), the author, a teacher-psychologist of one of the schools in the city of Orel, tells in detail about the competition of social initiatives, in which the students of his school won a prize. The author talks about how he, together with teachers, prepared children for this competition.

    Competence of PKD-6: "is able to interact with the family, teachers and psychologists of an educational institution on the issues of education, training and development of preschool children."

    The experience of psychologists in applying the competence of PKD-2 is described in the article “Psychological support of the educational process in preschool educational institutions”, where the teacher-psychologist of the kindergarten tells about how the psychological support of the educational process is carried out in their kindergarten and the professional tasks of the correctional and developmental program are implemented, in which the interaction of all employees of the kindergarten and specialists from outside is carried out, as well as the involvement of parents in joint activities.


    So, the modern Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in the direction of training 050400 "Psychological and Pedagogical Education" qualification "Bachelor" is based on a competency-based approach.

    In the course work, six competencies were considered in detail, which are mandatory for the formation of students according to the third generation of the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Professional Education. Also, those academic disciplines were prescribed in which these competencies can be formed throughout the entire time of study of a bachelor-psychologist of education.

    The new philosophy of higher professional education is distinguished by a focus on ensuring the high quality of specialist training and the formation of his competence. In modern world educational practice, the concept of competence acts as a central, “nodal” one, since competence, firstly, combines the intellectual and skill components of education; secondly, the concept of “competence” contains the ideology of interpreting the content of education, formed “from the result” (“output standard”); thirdly, competence has an integrative nature, incorporating a number of homogeneous skills and knowledge related to broad areas of culture and activity (professional, informational, legal, etc.).

    The content vectors of this approach emphasize the practice-oriented orientation of educational programs of higher education. Competence is operational. In addition to the system of theoretical and applied knowledge, it includes cognitive and operational-technological components. In other words, competence is a set (system) of knowledge in action. The acquisition, transformation and use of knowledge are active processes, therefore, the structure of competence also includes emotional-volitional and motivational components. Therefore, an indispensable and indispensable condition for a student to acquire competence as a result of vocational education requires his active (subjective) position in the educational process.

    According to authoritative experts, the competence-based approach is the methodological foundation of a new, emerging paradigm of higher professional education in Russia. So, V. A. Baidenko notes that in vocational education today there is a shift from a qualification approach to a competency-based one. The qualification approach assumes that the professional educational program is linked to the objects (objects) of labor, correlates with their characteristics and does not indicate what abilities, readiness, knowledge and attitudes are optimally associated with the efficiency of a person's life. Qualification means the predominance of framework activities in stable professional fields and algorithms. Competence, on the other hand, meets the requirements of “floating” professional boundaries, the dynamics of professions, their globalization, and the destruction of professional closures.

    This does not preclude the requirement for a high level of professionalism in specific subject areas. Competences imply contextual expediency of activity, contextual creativity, contextual role-based self-organization, self-management, self-assessment, self-regulation, self-correction, self-positioning.

    To summarize the above, it should be emphasized that the analysis of learning outcomes/competences is the only reliable way to compare learning and study programs offered by higher education institutions. By formulating appropriate learning outcomes, standards can be set covering the level and content of the theoretical knowledge of the discipline, skills, and general academic or transferable competencies. To make the program more transparent and comparable at European level, it is necessary to formulate learning outcomes/competences for each recognized qualification. These learning outcomes must be recognizable and measurable in the program chosen for such a qualification. Learning outcomes should be formulated not only at the level of formal qualifications, but also at the level of modules or courses. Clear learning outcomes facilitate the transfer and accumulation of credits, as well as the precise indication of achievements for which credits are or have been awarded.


    1. Zimnyaya I.A. Key competencies - a new paradigm of educational outcomes // Higher education today. - 2003. - No. 5. - S.34-42.

    2. Ignatieva E.A. General cultural competencies as a result-target basis of the competency-based approach in higher education // Access mode:

    3. Competences in education: design experience: Sat. tr. / ed. A.V. Khutorsky. - M.: Scientific and innovative enterprise "INEK", 2007. - 327 p.

    4. Competence approach in teacher education / Ed. V.A. Kozyreva, N.F. Radionova - St. Petersburg, 2004. - 164 p.

    5. Morozova O.M. Formation of key competencies of students // Access mode:

    6. Raven J. Competence in modern society: identification, development and implementation / Per. from eng. - M.:: Kogito-Center, 2002.

    7. Modern approaches to competence-oriented education: Materials of the seminar / Ed. A.V. Velikanova. - Samara, 2010.

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