The last time was a parade of planets. Impact on people

There are a large number of astronomical phenomena that are of great importance. One of these phenomena can be called the parade of planets in 2017.

The word "importance" is used for a reason, because the parade of planets is undoubtedly of great importance for the inhabitants of the earth and scientists exploring outer space with the help of probes. Also, the parade of planets is important for astrologers. The only negative is the inability to see its beauty with the naked eye. However, the most important thing for us is its powerful energy, which will help attract good luck in all areas of life.

Astronomical essence of the parade of planets

This astronomical phenomenon is beautiful, but only if all the planets of the solar system are involved. You look through a powerful telescope and see how all the planets, without exception, are lined up in a row. This is amazing, because each of the planets has its own time of revolution around the Sun. Jupiter needs, for example, 12 Earth years for this. Neptune will need 165 years for the same maneuver.

The parade of planets is an unusually rare occurrence. The last time this happened back in 1982, that is, 35 years ago. And the next full parade will be only in 2161, after 144 years. The frequency of this phenomenon is once every 150-170 years.

In 2017, 6 planets will take part in the parade: Earth, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter. Venus and Mars will not be visible, because they will be "behind" the Earth. Such a parade already happens much more often - about once every 10 or 20 years. Everything will happen in November, but a more precise time will be known towards the end of summer.

For scientists, the parade of planets is an opportunity for spacecraft to significantly reduce the distance required to overcome it. For people's lives, this phenomenon will also be important.

Astrology and planetary parade 2017

From an astrological point of view, the parades of the planets represent a burst of energy. Everything is explained by the fact that the energy of each planet is enhanced due to resonance. For the ancient Maya, the alignment of the planets meant the end of the world, but in fact they were wrong. Parades of planets make our life brighter. Tentatively, the whole of November will be a month of increased luck for all people.

The main contribution to the creation of favorable conditions will be made by Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury.

  • Mercury give impetus to new discoveries. It will give you curiosity and the desire to move forward. Thanks to him, November 2017 can be called a dynamic month when increased attention to detail is required, especially when it comes to the financial sphere of life. Money signs will show you the right path.
  • Jupiter will help your inner spiritual world to flourish during the parade of planets. He will teach you to appreciate every moment, and also show you the right path in love. Jupiter will help you find balance in everything you do. This heavy planet will largely determine your mood.
  • Saturn will increase intuition, sharpen your sixth sense and create a favorable atmosphere for study, introspection, self-discovery. During such periods, luck accompanies people who are engaged in the field of creativity. If you create something unusual, then Saturn will help you with this.

Venus and Mars will be in the shadow of the three previous planets, but they cannot be written off either. Venus is the patroness of pleasure and pleasure. This means that in November 2017, sexual energy will be slightly increased. Mars awakens leadership qualities in people. Beware of rash decisions during the period when the parade of planets will be active, because the energy of Mars will come into dissonance with the energy of other planets.

One way or another, astrologers call this period the gift of the Universe for all of us. This is the year of the Red Rooster, so the alignment of the planets will be special, because it awakens in people the desire to move forward, like the eastern symbol of this year. A positive forecast for this year was given by most astrologers. Numerological analysis also made it possible to hope for the best. Everything points to the fact that in November it will be necessary to press the gas to the very stop in order to leave all competitors and enemies behind.

A separate word deserves the opinion of psychics, who, although they are wary of the parade of planets, are waiting for its onset. This phenomenon will help them temporarily increase their skills, which will enable them to work more efficiently.

The beauty of the sky and space sometimes amazes us. This is the merit of solar and lunar eclipses, meteor showers, comets, and, of course, parades of the planets. In November 2017, 5 planets and our Earth will line up. This will be of great importance for astrological forecasts and scientific research. For some, this time will be a chance to attract good luck, and for someone - to lose it. Be careful and don't forget to press the buttons and

26.01.2017 03:04

Astrologers say that each Zodiac Sign will have especially lucky days in 2019. AT...

An astronomical event that occurs only once every 179 years took place on March 10, 1982, on this day all nine planets - Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto were on the same side of the Sun in the sector with 95 degree angle.

Astronomers do not like the word "parade", preferring to call such phenomena "convergence of the planets." But the name stuck. The people usually expect the parade of the planets as a rare, beautiful and tickling event. After all, each of these parades is a reason to expect the end of the world due to giant tides and catastrophic earthquakes.

This event is really rare. Although the so-called "small parades", in which four planets participate, and "big parades" with the participation of six planets occur quite often, once every few years. But "full parades" of all nine planets since the Nativity of Christ have taken place only ten times, and on June 11, 1128, the parade was exceptional: all nine planets gathered on one side of the Sun in a sector with an angle of 40 degrees.

The parades of the planets are spectacular only in the movies about the parades of the planets or in the color picture in the textbook. In real life, you will have to observe the planets with the help of at least an amateur telescope or good binoculars, and even the planets must be found in a fairly wide sector of the starry sky. Even a very bright small parade of planets in May 2011 in a sector with an angle of less than 10 degrees could hardly be observed by an inexperienced person in astronomy with binoculars.

But most of all, professional astronomers and astrophysicists are angry about the joyful anticipation of the apocalypse, covering the population of the Earth on the eve of the next parade of planets. In 1974, the book "The Jupiter Effect" was published, which was written by two young English astrophysicists John Gribbin and Stephen Plagemann. It described terrible cataclysms, including the catastrophic earthquake in California on March 10, 1982, when a complete alignment of the planets was expected.

The book instantly became a bestseller, it began to be translated in other countries. Scientists did not expect such frivolity from their colleagues and tried to expose them in the eyes of the public, but to no avail. Young people made good money and became famous all over the world, much more famous than, for example, the supervisor of Plagemann’s thesis work, the English astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle, who was the first to introduce the concept of the Big Bang into cosmology, and in his spare time wrote science fiction novels, quite popular in his time.

In February 1982, on the eve of the alignment of the planets, the second book by Gribbin and Pleygemann, The Jupiter Effect: Revisited, appeared on the shelves and again became a bestseller, although a month later, absolutely nothing of what they promised happened. And in the new book, they were no longer so categorical about the detrimental effect of the alignment of planets on humanity.

Few people today remember the two young, enterprising British scientists. But before each small and large parades of the planets, on-duty apocalyptic predictions appear. By the way, the next full alignment of the planets will take place in 2161.

For many centuries, people, observing the parade of planets, reverently and with awe treated this phenomenon. The Maya believed that this event would lead to the end of the world. Their prediction did not come true, but why were such conclusions made and is the proximity of the planets to each other really dangerous?

What is a parade of planets?

The parade of the planets of the solar system can be:

  • small - only four celestial bodies take part in it - these are Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Venus;
  • a big parade takes place once every twenty years: six planets are unlikely to line up - Jupiter and Uranus are added to the previous participants;
  • a full parade takes place once every one hundred and seventy years.

Just a complete parade of planets became the reason for compiling all kinds of terrible tales about the end of the world. The phenomenon has not yet been fully studied, there are no facts and data on how this phenomenon affects people and other surrounding bodies in the Universe, so the phenomenon will still cause resonance in society, and humanity has no choice but to believe in "fables" or completely miss this moment.

How often does a parade of planets happen?

In general, the parade of planets is a relatively frequent phenomenon. Several times a year, three planets line up. Astrologers associate planets with people. Each person is born under a certain sign of the zodiac and is patronized by a certain planet. Each of the heavenly spheres has its own specific influence on events in life and. Psychics also associate many phenomena with the phenomenon. Both those and others consider it an energy surge. By mastering such a force and directing it in the right direction, you can succeed in many things.

When was the last planetary alignment?

The great building is a very beautiful act. When was the last planetary alignment? Occurs almost once every two centuries, the last such event was observed by people in 1982. The next time all the planets line up in the distant year 2161. We have a chance to see the no less beautiful construction of the six planets, which occurs once every twenty years. This is an important event in the world of science. You can reduce the time it takes to fly to other planets, and it will be possible to explore more territories.

When is the next planetary alignment?

In what year will the alignment of the planets take place? Very soon, already in this year 2017, the construction of six planets awaits us. Astrologers and psychics are looking forward to this event. Lined up around the sun:

  • Earth;
  • Mercury;
  • Mars;
  • Jupiter;
  • Saturn;
  • Venus.

Venus and Mars will not be visible, as they will stand behind the Earth. Already in August it will be possible to say the exact time when the parade will take place exactly. It is known that this action will take place in November. But Jupiter and Saturn can be observed not only in the predawn time, but throughout the night. But Mercury can only be observed at sunset or dawn along with Venus. But, Venus this time will not be able to see at all.

Parade of planets - influence on a person

From a scientific point of view, a large parade of planets in no way can affect humanity. Those who study energy centers and their impact on life, think the opposite - they are sure that such an “event” can, if not fundamentally, then significantly affect. During the parade in 2017, astrologers expect an increase in the influence of the planets on aspects of people's lives.

  1. Mercury. Helps you get started. November will be the busiest month of the year. For many, the financial situation will change for the better.
  2. Jupiter- the celestial sphere, which will be able to establish inner peace.
  3. Saturn will increase the possibilities of intuition and sharpen the feelings of people with psychic abilities, which is why they are so looking forward to this parade.
  4. Venus and Mars located behind the Earth, but their influence will also manifest itself. Therefore, November promises to be permeated with sexual energy. Mars is the patron of leadership qualities, aggression.

Parade of planets - interesting facts

The great parade of planets constantly caused a storm of emotions in society. This is due to the fact that in ancient times people considered all unknown and unexplored phenomena to be magical and mysterious. Such phenomena were rarely observed, because there was no appropriate equipment. The most interesting thing is that the parades are not always visible. You can make the appropriate calculations and know when this will happen. From this it follows that visible constructions occur about once every twenty-five years.

Conclusions: does the parade of planets really exist or is it just a fictional myth? Officially, scientists do not use such a term. They are used by astrologers. With some periodicity, when the time of passage around the Sun coincides, people can see how something unusual happens. A parade of planets is when several spheres are simultaneously at a close distance from each other on the same line.

Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Mars and Jupiter will line up for the first time since 2005. The parade of planets will last until February 20.

The five bright planets of the solar system will converge in one line so that they and the star Antares can be seen with the naked eye.
The parade of planets will repeat on August 13-19, 2016.

The moon and five planets of the solar system can be observed during the week from January 31. This was reported in the Moscow Planetarium, specifying that an interesting astronomical phenomenon will appear on the horizon before sunrise at 7.30 Moscow time. “From January 31 to February 7, before dawn in the southern part of the sky, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and the Moon can be observed high above the horizon, and Venus and Mercury low above the horizon. You can observe the phenomenon with the naked eye, you don’t need a telescope for this,” said Yaroslav Turilov, head of the astronomical complex of the Moscow Planetarium. According to him, the Moon will be waning during this period, so its bright light will not interfere with observations. “In the city, we are unlikely to see all the planets, since Venus and Mercury will be low above the horizon, and they will not be visible behind the houses. Observations are best done in open areas and away from city lights. Sunrise in early February falls at approximately 8.20 Moscow time, that is, at 7.30 Moscow time the sky is quite dark, ”Turilov said. Astronomers clarify that the scientific term "parade of planets" does not exist, but among astronomy lovers it is quite actively used to describe an astronomical phenomenon when several planets gather in one small area of ​​​​the sky. According to scientists, there is no pattern between the parade of planets and natural disasters, so you should not be afraid of the unusual location of the planets of the solar system on Earth. A large "parade" with the participation of all eight planets of the solar system will take place only on May 19, 2161.

What is a parade of planets?

Parade of planets - an astronomical phenomenon in which several large cosmic bodies are on the same side of the Sun in a small sector. In the sky you can observe a small and large parade of planets.

Since ancient times, formidable prophets and soothsayers have frightened people with a parade of celestial bodies. It is various kinds of predictors, and not scientists, who make the weather and unhealthy hype in the media of a free and democratic media.

To figure out whether the parade of planets threatens our earth or not is within the power of even a schoolboy studying astronomy. A parade of planets in scientific astronomy is considered to be such a position in the solar system, when several planets, continuously spinning and circling in their orbits, for some short time seem to line up approximately near one line. This is a short and rather rare phenomenon, the coincidence of the passage of movement through one line - and there is that parade of planets, with which they began to seriously intimidate us this year. Scientific astronomy observes, fixes and divides parades of planets into large and small, visible and invisible.

For example, with a small parade, there will be 4 planets on one approximately straight line at the same time. These are mainly: Venus, Mars, Saturn and Mercury. A small parade of planets is often observed: about 1 time per year, and a mini-parade (when there are only 3 planets on one line) can be observed 2 times a year. The arrangement of celestial bodies during the "parade" is similar to the arrangement of the Sun, Moon and Earth during solar and lunar eclipses.

A large parade of planets happens less frequently, about once every 20 years. To do this, 6 celestial bodies: Earth, Venus, Saturn, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus should line up in one approximately straight line and be in the sky sector (about 10-40 degrees) for some time. The big parade of planets is rarely repeated, after about 20 years.

The fact that space, and especially celestial bodies close to our Earth, have a huge impact on our lives is unequivocal, but our body has adapted to this so much that many do not know it. The influence of the parade of planets is not so great as to arrange Armageddon or a catastrophe on a planetary scale. Believe the scientists and their calculations: even the largest parade of planets, to our happiness, is not the Apocalypse at all, and not the distortion of our energy shells to the general universal death. The moon has the greatest influence on the Earth during the full moon. We are used to it and do not pay attention to this influence. Jupiter is the largest celestial body in the solar system. When Jupiter is in opposition to the Earth, its gravitational effect on us is greatest. But even then, it is 1640.6 times farther from the earth than the Moon. Given the masses of the planets, this influence will be 100 times less than the influence of the Moon on our Earth. The gravitational effect of other celestial bodies of the solar system on the Earth is even less significant, even if during the parade of the planets they all line up in one very even line. parade of planets

From all of the above, it is clear that parades of the planets occurred quite often, will be observed with the same frequency, and in the future they will not have any significant impact on a person in the physical sense, they will not affect any of his shells more than before. And in general ... there will be no big parade of planets on December 21, 2012: predictors and prophets are not astronomers, and cannot compete with scientists processing data from spacecraft and the latest computer telescopes. The prophets mostly predict events that are beneficial to someone, absolutely not based on scientific data, and the democratic media present this to us colorfully and emotionally. In general, this is a profitable business: to instill fear in people ... you look - and useless candles are sold out at inflated prices, fuel and food are stocked up, for tickets, some go to hell, some put money to heaven. Even the new word appeared "bunkeromania". People are afraid for their lives, and they began to build and pack huge bunkers in the ground - "from the parade of planets." If things go on like this, overcoming the economic crisis is not far off. Yes, and the people before the new year will cheer up: what a joy! the end of the world has been canceled, you can continue to live in peace, live and make good, until the prophets come up with something new, and they certainly won’t eat bread for nothing, and after the holidays they will take up their work. God willing, maybe they will take up the mind and we will be happy, heavenly life on Earth will be predicted and prophesied. And the parades of the planets, according to their cosmic and astronomical laws, both passed and will continue to pass, without interfering with us or threatening us.

Parade of five planets January 23rd, 2016

The theme sounds like something out of Lara Croft or The Da Vinci Code, but that's really what's in store for the next month. How it will be: for the first time since 2005, shortly before dawn, five planets of the solar system will line up in the constellations of Scorpio and Virgo.

Let me tell you more about it...

Since ancient times, formidable prophets and soothsayers have frightened people with a parade of celestial bodies. It is various kinds of predictors, and not scientists, who make the weather and the unhealthy hype in the media.

Parade of planets(the exact term is conjunction) is an astronomical phenomenon during which a certain number of planets in the solar system line up close to one line. At the same time, objects are visually close in the sky. If the difference in ecliptic latitudes is also small, then the phenomena of covering a physically more distant object, the passage of a planet across the disk of the Sun (in the case of a conjunction of the inner planet and the Sun) or an eclipse of the Sun (in the case of a conjunction of the Moon and the Sun) are possible.

The inner planets Venus and Mercury conjunct the Sun twice in one synodic period. If at the same time the planet is located between the Earth and the Sun, the lower connection (internal) occurs; if the Sun is located between the planet and the Earth, then this phenomenon is called an upper conjunction (external).

small parade- an astronomical phenomenon during which four planets line up in space and are visible in the sky close to each other. These planets include: Venus, Mars, Saturn, Mercury. A small parade of planets is often observed: about 1 time per year, and a mini-parade (when there are only 3 planets on one line) can be observed 2 times a year. The arrangement of celestial bodies during the "parade" is similar to the arrangement of the Sun, Moon and Earth during solar and lunar eclipses.

Big ("great") parade- an astronomical phenomenon during which six planets line up in one line. To do this, 6 celestial bodies: Earth, Venus, Saturn, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus should line up in one approximately straight line and be in the sky sector (about 10-40 degrees) for some time. The big parade of planets is rarely repeated, after about 20 years.

Visible parade planets is called a planetary configuration, when the five bright planets of the solar system (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) in their movement across the sky come close to each other and become visible at the same time in a small sector (10 - 40 degrees) of the sky . The parade of planets can be observed either in the evening or in the morning.

A mini-parade of planets involving four planets occurs more often, and mini-parades of planets involving three planets can be observed annually (or even twice a year), but their visibility conditions are not the same for different latitudes of the Earth.

Visible parades of planets with the participation of five bright planets occur no more than once every 18-20 years, and the next close parade of 5 planets in the sector of 38 degrees will take place in March 2022, but its visibility conditions will be unfavorable for the inhabitants of Russia. But already in June 2022, the inhabitants of Russia will still be lucky, and they will see all five planets at the same time, but already located in the sector of 115 degrees, and they will be located Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn.

A parade of planets is also called the configuration of the planets of the solar system, when the planets, including those invisible to the naked eye, “line up” on one side of the Sun in a small sector. The nearest such configuration (excluding Pluto) is expected in about 150 years.

The “re-display” of this cosmic performance will take place, according to the current estimates of scientists, at the end of July and at the beginning of August of this year, after which similar “parades of the planets” will take place again in 10-12 years. In summer, unlike the current month, residents of the northern hemisphere will not be able to see all the planets - Mercury and Venus will not be visible to them.

By the way, the parade of the five planets of the solar system, which takes place once every 11 years, is not such a big rarity compared to the Great parade of 8 planets, which astronomers expect only by 2161.