Predictions of Nostradamus for the year of the quatrain. Predictions of Nostradamus - the most interesting legacy of the astrologer

I managed to read the predictions of the astrologer, alchemist and psychic Michel Nostradamus encrypted in the quatrain for 2016. According to the interpreted predictions, the year will be incredibly difficult for the whole world: natural disasters and armed conflicts are expected.

The main ecological catastrophe that will cover all continents is the mass death of fish in the oceans, which in turn will lead to starvation and the spread of a terrible epidemic.
Another powerful tornado will sweep across the states of America, taking the lives of people with it and destroying large cities. As a result of these sad events, the American economy will be greatly shaken, it will take more than one year and more than one billion dollars to restore everything.

An unprecedented flood threatens European countries. Incessant downpours will cause floods and mudflows. According to the seer, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Italy and the entire territory of Great Britain will suffer the most. Some areas of these countries will completely disappear under water.

Natural disasters will also hit Russia. A wave of fires that will be almost impossible to control will cover many parts of the country. The tragic period for Russia will last more than three months and end only in autumn. During this time, the elements will cause irreparable damage to the country's natural and agricultural resources and a lot of hard-to-repair destruction.

A severe drought in Asian countries will lead to catastrophic crop losses and a lack of drinking water, many residents from the southeastern territory will be forced to look for a new place to live. People will massively move to the north, mainly to Russia.

Opposition between the world's major religions will intensify. A long-term bloody slaughter will be unleashed by two Arab countries, and as a result, all countries of the world will get involved in it. Waves of terrorist and military acts around the world will sweep with renewed vigor. Russia also will not stand aside. The so-called third world, along with natural disasters, will lead to even greater geopolitical changes. The US will collapse like a great power, trying to restore a smooth life on its continent. Half of Europe will disappear from the face of the Earth, people forced to flee will be able to return to their native lands only after decades.

No matter how strange it may sound, such global cataclysms play into the hands of Russia. The northern territory of the country due to such changes in the world will become the "promised land" for many people on the planet. It is here that the revival of a new civilization is expected. China, the new leading power, will become an ally of Russia.
Time will show how correct the interpretation of quatrains is, but judging by history and already deciphered predictions, Nostradamus was not mistaken.

The future has always attracted attention, because the prediction of Nostradamus for 2016 for Russia excites many. We have already written, this time we turn to the quatrains of the ancient seer.

Many experts have worked on the study of the texts of Michel Nostradamus, it is on their opinion that one can rely on the interpretation of predictions.

2016 will not bring absolute peace, but it does not promise fatal accidents either.

Russia should not rely solely on the dollar, because its global position is already unstable and will only weaken every year. Based on green bills, one can only expect destabilization. This is exactly what will happen to Indonesia and Japan, who still look to the United States as their main ally and big brother.

Economic collapse will await some countries, the position of America will be greatly shaken, but not Russia. Mass discontent will force the population of the once developed countries to look towards the Russian country, where anti-Western sentiments are growing more and more.

Some experts see in Nostradamus's quatrains a connection between two countries - Moldova and Ukraine, which may unite in 2016 or at least begin to negotiate on this issue, which will undoubtedly affect relations with Russia.

The Middle East is still on fire, and even though religious strife is flaring up locally, it affects the entire planet. On a global scale, Russia will not be affected by these conflicts, there will be no military intervention, but, like the flapping of a butterfly's wings in the east causing a hurricane on the west coast, the conflicts in the Middle East will weaken the world economy for a while.

According to the translations of researchers of Nostradamus quatrains, in 2016 one of the prominent heads of leading states will die. Considered countries such as Italy, Greece, Macedonia, Bulgaria or Turkey. Protests will fill the streets. This forecast is based on the words from the 21st quatrain of the 5th century. The confrontation between Christians and Muslims will become stronger, because it is better for Russian citizens not to be in Europe, where Muslim emigrants will fight for their views.

Natural disasters will not affect Russia. They are more likely to appear in Europe, as Vanga also spoke about.

A good push forward will take place in the field of science, where scientific minds will work to create cities in the bowels of the ocean. I must say that the concepts (about the underwater city) already exist and, perhaps, just in 2016 they will be implemented.

Nostradamus prophesied world domination of Russia in spiritual terms. From next year, this area will begin to intensify. Spirituality and national consciousness will bear fruit and lead the country to economic growth. From here, the formation of a new world center from Russia will begin, attracting many peoples from all over the planet.

Russia will become a stronghold of world spirituality only if it opens its heart to everything new, and humbly accepts the changes that come in its life.

Nostradamus's prediction for 2016 for Russia as a whole is quite optimistic, since all attention is now paid to the European continent, where the old is dying painfully, and the Russian people, for their part, should look towards spiritual development.

500 years ago, Michel Nostradamus left many prophecies, they are being fulfilled in our days. As for the upcoming 2016, there are both positive and negative predictions for Russia.

Key prophecy: 2016-2019 - the growing influence of African states on world politics.

According to the general predictions of Michel Nostradamus for 2016: the Third World War (terrorism and the seizure of countries) will finally end. Further, Nostradamus wrote the following:

The civilization that exists now will perish, disappear from the face of the earth. The human race will be destroyed, but not completely. Those who will revive the human community will remain.
Continents will become empty, cities will become a heap of ruins, where wild animals will settle. It will be ten years before people appear in Europe.

Probably meant the death of the civilization of people with the same values. Today we can observe how the family values ​​of the church, which is an expression of the aspirations of millions of our fellow citizens, are being questioned by the diagnosis of the spiritual and moral state in which the society of many countries has found itself. As for Europe: what is happening there is connected with an attempt to question the fundamental, immutable, God-embedded in human nature, and therefore absolute and universal norms of morality, the revision of which threatens great dangers for human society, because as a result, the boundaries between good and evil are blurred, and the concept of justice, which is universal due to its rootedness in the moral nature of man, is interpreted in accordance with the prevailing philosophical and even political principles.

Unfortunately, the mentioned behavioral legislative ideas are being promoted today and even imposed on Russia. And to a large extent, the ability of our country to resist modern pseudo-values ​​that are detrimental to the individual and human civilization as a whole will depend on the active position of Russian parliamentarians.

And what about in Russia?

And what does the prophet promise to our continent? What are the predictions of Nostradamus about the future of the largest country on this continent in 2016?

The largest state will suffer the least from cataclysms and war. And when, after large-scale hostilities, the entire geopolitical map of the world changes, it will take a leading position.

Our country will have everything for this - people, natural resources, and the right policy of its leadership. In the predictions of Nostradamus about Russia for 2016, it is said that the Russian state will become the cradle where a new humanity will be born.

Nostradamus predicted fires for Russia next year. Moreover, he pointed to their large-scale nature. Apparently we are in for a very hot summer, one of the hottest in the history of our state. However, as he argues, this trouble is fixable. Our fellow citizens will be able to cope with it, as evidenced by the quatrains of the soothsayer - in them he wrote about the dynamics of the development of the state, on the path of which it has already embarked.

In 2016, the trend towards migration to Russia of people from different countries will continue. And strong fires will not become an obstacle to the fact that there are fewer people wishing to move to live in our country. Moreover, most of these migrants will rush to the north, where additional preferential conditions for their residence will be created. And most importantly: some of the people traveling here will probably try to escape from the "raging water" - from the rains that flood vast areas in Europe (primarily in Britain, the Czech Republic, Hungary) - as well as from the "sizzling rays".

What are these "rays"?

Perhaps one of the countries will still decide to use chemical weapons ...

Nostradamus, of course, could not know about this, but he saw flashes. And in the conditions of modern realities for this vision, in the first place, it is precisely this explanation that suggests itself. In addition, the third world war, which, according to the prophecies of Nostradamus, is actually already underway at the moment, should end exactly in 2016. This prediction, which, it would seem, has no direct relation to Russia, nevertheless, can be considered almost a guarantee that for our country the political upheavals currently taking place in the world will end without tangible physical losses. What can not be said about our economy.

“I will now speak of my own observations. Here at one time they went to Iraq, destroyed the country - good, bad - it doesn’t matter. There was a vacuum. Then there were elements related to the oil trade. And this situation has evolved over the years. After all, a business has been created there, smuggling on a huge, industrial scale. Then, in order to protect this smuggling and illegal export, military force is needed. It is very good to use the Islamic factor, to attract “cannon fodder” under Islamic slogans, which in fact are simply playing a game related to economic interests,” the President of the Russian Federation noted.

In his quatrain for 2016, Michel Nostradamus says that at the beginning of 2016 a baby will be born, whom the whole world will call a freak. He will embody all the abomination and ugliness of the world. If you decipher these words of the quatrain, it turns out that the "freak" is about to appear - these are military problems and cataclysms.

What is not said about the new Russia. But it was in the new Russia that we began to focus on human rights, on the rights of people, on human dignity, on freedoms. Is it possible to ignore it and say that everything is bad? And we designated this era with the word dignity.

The seer claims that all the most terrible wars of 2016 will take place in the Middle East - this is where everything is going, really. Moreover, Nostradamus spoke clearly about the use of chemical weapons during the war in the Middle East. And how could he know 500 years ago about the very existence of this type of weapon?

The Year of the Fire Monkey is a leap year, and as you know, such years are often difficult for humanity. Nostradamus's predictions for 2016 do not promise the world a heavenly life, but one should not expect special fatal consequences either.

Studying the quatrains of the famous astrologer and soothsayer Michel Nostradamus, one can understand that the coming year will be a turning point for many moments, but one should not expect that some problems will be resolved dramatically and quickly. And now in more detail - the predictions of Nostradamus for 2016.

Ecology and nature

In Europe, over the past few years, the birth rate has declined significantly, and in 2016 this will be especially noticeable. The reason for this is an environmental factor, namely high air pollution, which can no longer be ignored. In large cities, radioactive backgrounds of the atmosphere, a large amount of gas and smoke are increased. Such a course of events will make you think that the future is very sad and the children who are born will find it difficult to survive the modern technogenic world.

If you believe the words of Nostradamus, then in Europe in 2016 radiation will increase sharply, as a strong emission will be made into the atmosphere, and this will most likely happen in Britain.
Humanity expects a lot of troubles from showers and rains. In some regions, entire cities, towns and private sectors will be flooded. Some rains will go on for weeks and eventually become a real flood, in which many people will die. The flood will cause some sections of European states to go under water. Hungary, the Czech Republic, Britain and Italy will suffer the most from the water element.
People from Europe will begin to migrate en masse, as the floods and diseases that began due to the use of chemical weapons will create an uninhabitable life on the continent. Chemical weapons will be used by one of the countries from the Middle East. Migration of the population will be towards the north.

America will be partially destroyed by a powerful tornado, as a result of which many settlements and industrial cities will suffer. America will lose one of its cities forever, for what reason is unknown.

Humanity has been abusing chemicals lately, and it won't go unnoticed by nature. It is in 2016 that a person will be born whose deformities will be so great that many will consider this a sign from above. The birth of such a person is God's finger, promising the earth troubles and wars.

Military conflicts

Nostradamus' predictions for 2016 promise mankind many wars and bloody conflicts. Confrontations will take place in particular on religious grounds and the most violent wave will come from the Middle East. Having carefully studied the 64th quatrain of the 3rd century, you can find out that Iran will land its troops on the island of the Aegean Sea, in Greece. Repel the attack without loss and quickly fail. The letters say that this will happen in the second half of the year.

21 quatrain 5 centuria says that in 2016 the death of one of the heads of state will occur. These are Bulgaria, Italy, Greece, Macedonia or Turkey. The death of the ruler will cause mass strife and protests, which will be suppressed, and activists will be publicly punished.

In 2016, the confrontation between the two faiths - Christian and Muslim - will intensify. The greatest confrontation will take place in Europe, and it will be very violent. China will be able to reconcile the warring countries.

Nostradamus Predictions for 2016 Year of the Monkey: Science

In 2016, humanity should expect not only bad, but also good. According to the prophecies of Nostradamus, people will show considerable interest in the depths of the ocean and the ways of its development. Topics on the construction of new underwater territories for human habitation will even be discussed.

World medicine will rise a step higher and will enable hopelessly ill people to live a long and happy life. This concerns the cultivation of internal organs for transplantation. Thanks to this step, the topic of organ donation will finally be closed.


The seemingly immortal dollar today will be significantly shaken and countries that do not want to change this state of affairs will experience a strong economic and political downturn. First of all, the collapse of the economy will occur in Europe, then in Japan and Indonesia. America will also feel big problems, where the population of the country will hold mass protests.

In 2016, African states will have a great influence on world politics. There will be no special sensational events, but you can count on climbing several degrees on the ladder of world authority.

As for Russia, Nostradamus predicted high economic, military and social growth. Spirituality and national consciousness will also grow, thanks to which Russia will become a bastion of stability, prosperity and purity.

Nostradamus' predictions for 2016 indicate to us that the year will not be easy, and perhaps this is what will make people change their minds, get rid of illusions and passively look at disasters. After all, if we regenerate our human qualities and understand that all the troubles in the world concern everyone personally, then it will be easier for us to come to peace, prosperity and peace.

Michel de Nostrdam, better known as Nostradamus, was a 16th century French philosopher. It was he who predicted many tragic events in history, including the assassination of the Kennedy brothers, the rise to power of Hitler, the defeat of Napoleon and major terrorist attacks. At present, there are almost no seers who can really predict the future. Nostradamus studied astrology and various "secret" sciences that help to see the future. For 2016, the philosopher identified several key points.

America's last president

The predictions of Nostradamus mentioned that in 2013 Barack Obama would win the election. Nevertheless, the philosopher predicted that he would be America's last president. Such a prophecy raises many questions and possible scenarios. However, we will get an answer later.

Natural disasters

In his writings, Nostradamus mentioned unusual weather conditions and possible natural disasters that would be tougher than before. He wrote that the water would take over the earth.

Unusual astronomical phenomena

According to the prophet, we are waiting for unusual phenomena related to space. It is these astronomical movements that will greatly influence the planet Earth.

Fire in the Middle East

Nostradamus wrote about the countries of the Persian Gulf. The main prophecy was that the Middle East would burn because of the large amount of oil.

Explosions in the Middle East

Nostradamus predicted radical changes in the Eastern world, including civil unrest in the last 4 years. He wrote that in 2016 there will be many explosions and planes falling from the sky in the Middle East.

End of the world

Nostradamus made an ambiguous statement that led us to believe that the war in Iraq is the first serious sign that the world is changing and will never be the same.

White House Games

His prophecies included statements that for the White House, war is just a game that could lead to the destruction of the world. The first move in this game was the Middle East.

Melting ice

Nostradamus predicted global warming that would lead to floods. So far, scientists have not observed sharp temperature changes in the South Pole, but the North Pole has changed its behavior over the past few years and makes us think about the possible consequences.

The fate of Israel

This point is still unclear. In his messages, Nostradamus claims that Jerusalem may be attacked from all sides, but Western naval forces will help Israel in the fight against opponents.

Russia will return the world

If the Russians are not allied with Europe and the West at the time of the start of the war, then, according to Nostradamus, the “northern king from Aquilon” (alluding to Russia) will ultimately help establish peace.