Problems of development and existence of personality. We are looking for the same properties of objects "

Item property is the hallmark of an object. It is necessary to teach the child to highlight as many properties as possible from one object. For example: the ball is red, has the shape of a ball, rubber, toy, etc .; apple - green, sweet, fruit, etc .; cube - gray, wooden, has the shape of a cube, a toy, etc.

Comparison makes it possible to detect common properties of objects, highlight similarities and differences.

The ability to highlight the properties of objects forms students' ability to capture patterns.

For the development of the creative abilities of children, it is useful that they independently come up with riddles about the properties of objects, make sequences and patterns, and guess the rules for the arrangement of objects and figures invented by other children. For example, you can offer them some sequence, intentionally breaking the rule. The task of children is to determine the rule and find where it is violated.

1. What do all items of the 1st row (2nd, 3rd row) have in common?

2. What item is located in the 2nd column and in the 3rd row? What colour is he?

3. Name each yellow object.

4. Circle all the yellow objects with a line.

5. How do the items in the 1st line differ from each other? (The shape, the material from which they are made, etc.)

6. What do all items in the 1st column have in common?

7. Guess the item. This is a green toy. What's this?

8. Guess the object. It is located in the 3rd column, but neither red nor green. What is this subject?

9. How many blue circles are drawn below the table? How many big ones, how many small ones? How many red and green? Blue and yellow? How many non-red circles? How many are not blue and not green?

In science, such concepts as "property" and "attribute" are often used. What do they stand for?

What is a property?

From a scientific point of view, a property should be understood as some attribute of an object that regularly manifests itself. For example, if it is a steel spring, then this may mean that it has such a property as "springiness". Which, in turn, can consist of a large number of other, "local" properties - for example, elasticity, sharpness, durability, etc.

The concept under consideration can either predetermine completely unique characteristics of an object, or form certain criteria for combining the corresponding object into one group with some others - perhaps not similar in essence. Especially if their functionality is close.

For example, from the point of view of applicability in mechanical engineering, elastic springs can be considered as parts belonging to the same category with equally elastic tires. Structurally, they are completely different products. But in terms of elasticity and, as a result, functionality, they are very close.

The properties of certain objects largely depend on how they are used or studied. For example, elasticity is, first of all, a physical property of a spring. In turn, if it is made of stainless steel, then it will acquire a chemical property - resistance to oxidation. From the point of view of mechanical physics, a metal spring has, as we noted above, "springiness". But from the point of view of electrodynamics, it will have the property of conductivity - since it will be able to conduct electric current.

Properties in many cases are amenable to adjustment, that is, they are fundamentally changeable. For example, if a spring is placed in a vessel at a very low temperature, its elasticity may be significantly reduced and it will become brittle. From this point of view, the property of springiness can be considered in this case as a temporary attribute that is stable only under certain conditions.

What is a sign?

From the point of view of science, a sign should be understood as a certain condition (a set of conditions) for identifying an object or assigning it to a particular category. For example, a spring has such features as: helicity, the presence of a metal base, the presence of annular coils at both ends (which gives the spring stability).

An object can have many attributes, as well as properties. Among them, the main ones (for example, the spirality of the spring) and “local” (for example, the same diameter of the coils of the spring spiral) can be distinguished.

sign is a constant attribute of an object. Basically, it cannot be corrected. If it is significantly changed, then the object will become different, and it will legitimately be attributed to a different category. For example, if a spring is stretched under conditions of exposure to a very high temperature - as a result of which it ceases to be helical, then it will turn into a wire.


The main difference between a property and a sign is that the first is an attribute that can be changed, and this or that object will not fundamentally change its purpose, and, most likely, its structure will not undergo significant adjustments. In turn, a sign is a key condition for identifying an object or its assignment to a certain category. If it changes, the object will become different.

Obviously, the properties of objects are complemented by various features, and vice versa. At the same time, the presence of certain properties in any object is largely determined by its features. And if the latter change, the former will also be corrected.

Having determined the difference between a property and a sign, we will reflect the conclusions in the table.


math lesson in 1st grade.

Teacher: Lebedeva I.S.

Topic: Item properties. Comparison of items.

Goals: to acquaint with the textbook, with the properties of objects;

develop speech, memory, logical thinking;

develop an interest in mathematics.

Planned results: students will learn to give examples of objects of a certain color, size, shape;

develop logical thinking;

determine whether an object belongs to a group;

listen to the teacher.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment

The long-awaited call is given -

The lesson starts.

What should you do when you hear the call?stand near your seat)

I'm glad to meet you. Thank you for coming.

Who remembered my name yesterday?

Well done, you have an excellent memory. And to be honest, I don't remember all of you. I don't think you remember all of them. Let's all say the name of the person to whom I will throw the ball. And whoever catches the ball listens to see if his name was correctly called.

(along the chain, the ball is passed to each student, everyone says the name loudly)

Who remembers how many kids are in our class?

And how many girls? /boys?/

(Praise should be given to those who raised their hand)

How can you raise your hand? What's the best way to raise your hand? What is the raised hand rule for?

(the teacher fixes the sign of the understood hand on the board)

2.Updating knowledge

Guys, today is an unusual day for you - you came to the first math lesson in your life. I congratulate you on this event and want to wish that the study of mathematics is interesting for you. Let's read the name of the subject in syllables.


Who already knows what we will do in math lessons?

(children's answers)

Mathematics is one of the oldest sciences. People need it to transform the world around them. At the lessons of mathematics, you will learn how to count, take measurements, solve examples and problems.

Our assistants in the classroom will be a textbook - a workbook that Lyudmila Georgievna Peterson wrote for you.

(Students look at the cover of the textbook. The teacher asks the children to wrap the textbook and sign, shows how to use the bookmark)

Consider the textbook, look through it. notice how colorful it is. Each picture hides a task. You see that you can write and color in the textbook, so it is called "Textbook-notebook". But an agreement: do not write or draw on the pages yourself, without my permission. If you really want to study, contact me, I have tasks for you.

(The teacher shows additional tasks on the sheets)

For a math lesson, you need to put a textbook on the desk - a notebook, a pen and colored pencils. In the pencil case, have a ruler and a simple pencil.

(Students check readiness for the lesson)

3.Self-determination to activity.

Four ripe pears

They swayed on the branches.

Pavlusha took off two pears,

How many pears are left? (2)

How many apples do the guys have

The sun is burning in the hands!

Natasha and Toma, Serezha and Roma,

There's another one on the table

Drunk with sunshine.

Well, how many apples, brothers?

Who can guess? (5)

On a bush in front of a fence

Six bright red tomatoes.

Then four came off

And how much is left on the bush? (2)

Pear, apple, tomato are objects. How are the objects-answers of riddles similar? (children's answers)

Are you sure you named all item properties?

What are we going to talk about in class today?

4. Work on the topic of the lesson

Textbook work

Who meets us on page 3? (Squirrel)

(The teacher exposes a toy squirrel or fixes a drawing with its image on the board)

What do you know about protein? (children's answers)

Did you know that there are not only red squirrels, but also black ones? And there are also flying squirrels that easily overcome long distances between branches on a tree. But all squirrels can jump on trees, gnaw nuts - these are their distinctive properties. All objects have such distinctive properties. Let's make sure of this. Let our bedlock introduce you to the table of items.

1 (p.3)

How many objects are shown in the picture? (12)

How are the items arranged?(Row, column)

(show a row with a hand, a line, a column)

What do the items in the first row have in common?(Color)

What unites the items in the columns?(The first column is dishes, the second is vegetables, the third is clothes, the fourth is toys)

You have already named two properties of objects: color and belonging to any group.

What item is in the second row and in the fourth column?(Matryoshka.)

And what object is hidden in the third row and in the third column?(Hat)

Now guess one item from the table (just don't say it out loud) and tell your neighbor where it is, on which row and in which column. Let your neighbor try to guess what the subject is. And then you switch roles.

(Work in pairs. Two or three items should be guessed collectively)

Consider the row below the table. What do these items have in common? (these are circles)

Another property of objects is shape. How are circles different? (color, size)

What property of objects did you name yourself? (the size)

Count how many circles there are? (fifteen)

How many reds? Yellow? Blue?

How many big ones? Little ones?

So, what properties of objects can you name? (COLOR, SIZE, SHAPE, BELONGING TO A GROUP)

5. Physical education minute

Our squirrel is very well-mannered and uses words of politeness. She will play the please attention game with you. If the word “please” is pronounced, then we perform the movement, if not, then the movement does not need to be performed.

6. Continued work on the topic.

1. The game "Guess the object"

2 (str3)

What do the items in the first row have in common? (The form)

List these items.

I conceived an item from the table. It is in the first row and in the fourth column. What subject did I have in mind? (Samovar.)

Think of an item for your neighbor and explain how to find it.

(Work in pairs. Two or three items should be guessed collectively)

So all objects have properties. Name them. (Color, shape, size, belonging to any group)

7. Exercises for developing writing skills.

1. Finger gymnastics.

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother,

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

This finger is me.

That's my whole family!

(Alternately bending fingers)

2. Rules of landing on the letter

(Working with the poster "Sit right")

3. Complete the tasks in the student (from 3 below) + r.tet str. 3 No. 1, 2, 3)

8. Reflection

What properties of objects do you know?

Who is happy with their job?

Was everything clear?

9. Summing up the lesson.

What did you like most about the lesson?

What was difficult?

You have a worksheet on your desks. Lay the sheet in front of you. Cross out as many circles in each line as the number at the beginning of the line shows.

Individual worksheet.

Cross out as many circles as your number shows.

Children work independently on the sheets. The teacher checks the correctness of the assignment.


Absolutely all objects surrounding us have signs and properties. What is an attribute of an object?

An attribute of an object is a distinctive property of an object. For example: a green car: a car is an object, and green is a sign, a property that distinguishes it from other similar objects (for example, from a red car).

Items differ in color, shape, size, purpose, smell, material from which they are made and in other ways. To determine the attribute of an object, you can ask the question: what is it?

Let's try to highlight the essential (that is, the main) features of an ordinary notebook. Tell us what it is, a notebook: what material is it made of, what size, what thickness, what is it intended for? If you were able to talk about a notebook, then you were able to highlight the features by which it differs, for example, from a pencil. So, one of the main features of an object is color. Let's define the color like this:

And the first thing we need to repeat is the colors of the rainbow.

Now name as many things as you can:

a) red

b) green

c) black

d) blue.

Look carefully at the picture and say which vegetables and fruits are colored incorrectly. How would you color them?

Well, here we are convinced that you are well acquainted with such a sign of objects as color.

The next important attribute of an object is its form. We define the form like this:

What shape are the objects? Round, square, what else?

Name as many things as you can:

a) round shape;

b) oval;

c) square;

d) rectangular.

Look closely at the table. Which of the fruits and vegetables lying on it is of such a shape as shown in the diagram: and this color:

The next important attribute of an object is its size. We will denote the size as follows:

Now correctly name the large and small object in pairs. For example, an elephant is a baby elephant.

Highlighting the signs of objects, for example, color - red, yellow; shape - round, square; size - large, small - we compare objects with each other.

Now try with notation
indicate the signs of such objects: a blue cube, a big red ball, a tall yellow house. It can be defined, for example, like this:

- Red Apple.

There are many more signs of objects. We have presented them for you in the table. With the help of this table, you can identify the features of many objects.


Show the objects that have a smell in the picture. Try to label them with a table.

We examined such important features of objects as color, shape, size, familiarized ourselves with the table of designations for attributes of objects, and tried to apply these designations. And now let's try to perform CONTROL WORK. With its help, we will check how you have learned the material.

Task 1. Look carefully at the picture and complete the task. And adults who help you answer test questions will enter your answers on a special answer sheet.

Task 2. Guess the riddles about what Nyusha bought at the market?

1 riddle

2 riddle

3 riddle

4. Make up your own riddle about what grows in the garden

Task 3.

Task 4.

Task 5.

Task 6.

Find the picture you want in each box.

  1. What is an effective manager


    Strong properties human... absolutely the obvious conclusion what all ... sign ... So without getting to the root of the problem. Available such ... so same he singled out approximately those same 4 percent items ... what happens, and then what we want to happen in surrounding us ...

  2. What's stopping you from being rich Alexander Sviyash


    ... absolutely all no matter what the speaker will be. They will accept it so ... what all these super expensive items a normal person does not need all then same ... what you try on yourself all, what found in environmental life. This way you can clearly define what same ... properties ...

  3. People often ask me, “Is it hurting your marriage that Josh travels so much?” Or: “Are your relationships not suffering due to a busy lecture schedule?


    ... what I thought, what it should be perfect. And not only perfect ... subjects, which are not really have ... surrounding. ... what, When we all-still sin, God forgives and accepts us ... what relationship is so same disposable." However, distinctive sign ...

  4. Literature

    2. Subject philosophy. 9 3. Essential signs philosophical... what same such « subject philosophy... items, properties, relationship, embrace all... they absolutely special... all dogmas, teachings, authorities, all values ​​that have

And the Grelling-Nelson paradox.

According to another definition, a property is a side of the manifestation of quality. At the same time, not every property of an object (object) should be considered when determining quality: an object may have a property, but when comparing an object with others, it may not be distinctive or significant.

The properties of an object depend on the type of interaction between the object and the subject, for example: if you look at an apple, it has a color and shape; if you bite it off - it has hardness and taste; if it is weighed, it has weight; if you evaluate its dimensions - it has dimensions, if you touch it - it has roughness. The object is its properties not only to the subject, but also to other objects, that is, properties can also appear during the interaction of objects with each other.

The totality of some particular properties of an object can manifest itself in some generalized property of the object (absorbed by a generalized property). For example, the “redness” of an apple is a generalized property of an apple, and the percentages of the content of individual chemicals in the skin of an apple (characterizing this “redness” of an apple) are particular properties of an apple; The “dynamics” of a car is a generalized property of a car, and engine power, curb weight, final drive ratio, etc. (characterizing this “dynamics” of a car) are particular properties of a car.

A property differs from the logical concept of a class in that it is not related to the concept of extensionality, and from the philosophical concept of a class in that a property is considered as distinct (separated) from the object that possesses it.

In logic

AT logic based on Boolean algebra, the concept of "property" coincides with the concept of "statement".

In mathematics

AT mathematics if any element of the set X is given, then a certain property p is either true or false, that is, the concept of "property" coincides with the concept of "subset". In formal language: property p: X → (true, false) (that is, a mapping, a function from X to a set of two elements). Any property naturally defines a subset (x: x has the property p) and the corresponding indicator function (eng. indicator function). In some branches of mathematics (for example, the theory of artificial intelligence), a more complex definition of a property as an equivalence relation on a set X is used. In this case, p: X → (the set of property value names). The pre-images of all names in this mapping define the partition of the set X into non-overlapping subsets (property values). Such a definition of a property makes it possible to uniformly consider not only qualitative, but also quantitative characteristics of objects.


Properties are used in science to form concepts. The properties of objects and situations are widely used in the theory of problem solving, in the processes of automation of production, management and information retrieval, in the construction of expert systems.

see also


  • R. Benerji “Theory of problem solving. Approach to the creation of artificial intelligence "- M .: Mir, 1972
  • This article was created using material from PlanetMath, which is licensed by the GFDL

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .


See what "Property" is in other dictionaries:

    - (Greek idion; Lat. proprium) that which is inherent in c.l. object and characterizes it in itself, and does not speak of its relationship with some other objects. In the logic of Aristotle, S. is that which is inherent in all members of a certain species and is specific to them; in… … Philosophical Encyclopedia

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    PROPERTY, a, cf. Quality, a sign that makes up a distinctive feature of something. Chemical properties of matter. Have special properties. This is a matter of delicate nature (of a special kind, requires a subtle approach). II. PROPERTY, ah, cf. ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

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