Project on the theme of my planet earth. Planned learning outcomes

Project type:

Dominant method: information and creative.

By number of participants: group.

By time: short.

Project participants: r parents, children, teachers.

Project relevance.

Planet Earth is our common home. Man and nature are one, indivisible. Man cannot live without nature, it has everything necessary for life. Therefore, every person who lives on Earth should carefully and carefully treat his home, preserving and protecting its values ​​and wealth. This should be taught to children from early childhood. It is at preschool age that the foundation of specific ideas about nature is laid, the foundations of ecological consciousness are formed.

Target: Deepening environmental knowledge in children, educating them in a humane attitude towards nature, forming a sense of belonging to all life on Earth.


  • To acquaint with the diversity of flora and fauna, with its significance for all life on the planet;
  • Involve in environmental protection activities;
  • To form research skills;
  • Develop the skills and abilities to use waste material.


  • Develop the ability to compare and analyze;
  • To acquaint with medicinal herbs of our region;
  • Develop skills and abilities of environmentally friendly behavior for nature;
  • Develop imagination, thinking;
  • Develop the ability to convey your feelings from communication with nature in drawings, crafts;
  • Develop musical ear.


  • To cultivate independence, diligence, observation and curiosity towards all living things;
  • To cultivate a caring attitude towards the natural world and the world around us as a whole.

Expected result:

  • Children will develop a sense of empathy, good feelings for nature will arise, knowledge will deepen about the need to preserve and increase the wealth of their native planet Earth.

Strategy for the implementation of the project "Earth is our common home"

Stages/terms The content of the work
Preparatory 1. Documentary and organizational work:
  • Choosing a topic and compiling a project passport;
  • Definition of the goals and objectives of the project;
  • Drawing up a perspective-thematic plan of the project;
  • Selection of illustrative material on the topic, works of art for reading, riddles, audio recordings;
  • Notification of parents about the upcoming project;
  • Preparation of memos, recommendations, consultations for parents on the topic of the project, questionnaires;
  • Providing conditions for project implementation;
  • Control over project implementation.
Practical (basic)

Work with children

  • Thematic conversations, classes on the topic of the project using ICT;
  • Acquaintance of children with works of art by children's writers;
  • Song learning;
  • Acquaintance of children with mobile, didactic games;
  • Examination of illustrations, posters, albums on the topic: “The Earth is our common home!”, “Protect nature!”;
  • Creative activity:
- drawing "Planet Earth - through the eyes of children",

Application "Emblem for Earth Day",

Creation of the layout "Animals and plants of different continents",

Collective work "Let there always be sunshine!"

  • Decoration of the exhibition of children's creativity "Planet Earth - through the eyes of children"
  • Action "Decorate the Earth with flowers" (planting seedlings for flower beds)
  • Exhibition of joint creativity "Junk Fantasy"

Working with parents

  • Making a folder-movement "Planet Earth";
  • Memo "Education of ecological culture among preschoolers";
  • Exhibition of joint creativity "Junk fantasy";
  • Questioning.
  • Processing the results of the project implementation, making amendments, additions;
  • Preparation of materials, preparation of reports.

Passport of the project "Earth is our common home!"

Y/N Activity content Integration of educational areas Tasks Activity participants Activity product
04/10/17. Monday 1. Thematic session: “Earth is our common home” (using ICT)

2. Reading x/l

Ya. Dragunsky "Earth"

3. Listening to P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons"

Communication, health, socialization, music, art. To form ideas that the planet Earth is a big common house, the Earth needs to be protected. Develop children's cognitive abilities. Contribute to the development of moral qualities of character. To cultivate a sense of admiration for the native planet, a sense of belonging to the community of earthlings. Develop creative abilities in artistic, musical activities. Children


Creative work of children on the topic: "Planet Earth through the eyes of children"
04/11/17. Tuesday 1. Thematic lesson: "The history of the holiday" Earth Day "

2. Sand games "Panorama of the native village"

3. Folder-slider "Planet earth"

Communication, health, socialization, music, artistic creativity Children


Emblem for Earth Day
04/12/17. Wednesday 1. Conversation "We are all inhabitants of planet Earth"

2. D / and “Where, what grows?”

3. Learning the song "Let there always be sunshine!"

Communication, socialization, music, artistic creativity. To generalize in children the idea that all people are not alike, but everyone is equal. Cultivate a sense of belonging to the community of earthlings. Build teamwork skills. Cause emotional responsiveness when listening to the song "Let there always be sunshine" Children


FIZO instructor

Collective work "Let there always be sunshine!"

Sports entertainment dedicated to Cosmonautics Day

04/13/17. Thursday 1. Examination of the albums "Animals of different countries", "Atlas of the Earth", posters "Protect nature!"

2. D / and “Who lives where?”

3. P / and "Run to the named tree"

Communication, health, socialization, artistic creativity. To consolidate in children ideas about the diversity of the animal and plant world of the Earth. Cultivate respect for nature. Children


Layout "Animals of different continents"
04/14/17. Friday 1. Conversation “In the world of rare plants. Acquaintance with the Red Book»

2. Reading x / l V. Tanasiychuk “Explosion without noise”, “Acid rain”

3. D / and "Summer in music"

Socialization, communication, health, safety. To enrich children with knowledge about nature, its diversity, the integrity of a living organism, its needs, distinctive features, features of adaptation to the environment, lifestyle. Children


Card file of games
04/17/17. Monday 1. Reading x/l

F. Tyutchev. "Spring waters

E. Permyak "What hands are for."

I. Tokmakova "Trees in verse."

V. Stepanov "Birds in verse

F. Tyutchev "Spring Thunderstorm"

2. D / and "Tops, roots"

3. Action "Let's clean the kindergarten from garbage"

Communication, socialization, artistic creativity, theatrical activity. To learn to notice the beauty, the wonders of nature, to admire it on the example of works of art. Children


Creative work of children "Trees, plants and rain"
04/18/17. Tuesday 1. Action "Decorate the Earth with flowers!"

2. Listening to the sounds of nature

3. Reading x / l T.A. Sharygin "Spring"

4. Experimenting with water. The game "Sink - will not drown?", "Dissolve - will not dissolve"

To instill practical skills and abilities to care for the plants of your immediate environment. Children



Planting seedlings for flower beds
04/19/17. Wednesday 1. Parent survey

2. Memo for parents "Take care of the Earth!";

3. P / and "Sun and rain"

4. Reading x / l V. Bianchi "Forest Newspaper"




04/20/17. Thursday 1. Discussion of problem situations “We are friends of nature”

2. Environmental signs

Communication, socialization. Teach children to reason, to find a way out of problem situations. To develop a sense of responsibility for the environment. Children


Exhibition of drawings "Environmental signs"
04/21/17. Friday 1. Conversation "It's good where they don't litter"

2. Exhibition of joint creativity "Junk Fantasy"

Contribute to the unity of the team of children and parents. Raise the level of environmental awareness among children and parents. Children



Exhibition design

The lesson is intended for 3rd grade students.

Lesson type: Lesson project.

Conduct form: Presentation of the project.

Purpose of the lesson:

Generalize, deepen, consolidate knowledge on this topic.

Development of skills in project activities, research activities.

Raising a love for nature, developing a sense of participation and protection of its resources and the environment.

Raising activity in saving the planet from pollution.

Equipment: Multimedia projector, presentation, handouts, letters, posters.

Methodical literature:

  1. N.V. Matyash, V.D. Simonenko “Project activity of younger schoolchildren;
  2. ON THE. Ryzhov “Write a letter to an owl” (environmental project);
  3. M.K. Gospodnikov “Project activities of students in elementary school”, magazine “Elementary School” No. 4, 2000.

Project Passport:

  • Title - "Earth is our common home";
  • The event in which the work is carried out is a lesson of consolidation in the section “Earth is our common home”
  • Academic disciplines close to the topic of the project - the world around, literature, fine arts, labor training; Russian language, music.
  • The participants are 3rd grade students.
  • Problem - What are the conditions for life on Earth? How to protect the environment from pollution? What environmental problems exist on our planet and in our Moscow region?

During the classes

I Introduction. Setting goals and objectives of the lesson.

We have finished a big interesting, very informative topic, which is called “The Earth is our common home”.

And today the goal of our lesson is to generalize, consolidate the knowledge and skills that we not only acquired, but obtained through personal research presented in our environmental project “Earth is our common home”.

II Approval of the subject of the project.

Why is this the title of our final lesson? (Think about this question and you will answer me at the end of the lesson).

In your understanding, what is a house? (where it is pleasant, safe, comfortable).

Do you think that animals, birds, insects, inhabitants of water expanses have a home? (Yes)

Where is their home? (in the sky, in the ground, in the water, among forests, fields, ice and snow.)

So their house can be called in one word (nature)

Do you think they enjoy this house? Safely? (not always).

III. Project protection.

Animals, birds, all living things tend to their home, because the house should give joy.

Where does the person live?

What is our relationship to nature?

And is nature our home at all?

Let's trace the connection between nature and human life, and our experts will help us in this, who have very carefully studied each issue.


We will listen to experts who will tell us about air problems.

To understand how important air is to a person, let's compare: without the sun, a person will live, but he will get sick and starve, without water he can only live for 5 days, but without air? (hourglass)

Let's do an experiment: hold your nose, how long can you last? (one or two minutes).

We don't notice it
We don't talk about him
We just breathe it in
After all, we need it.

Curious: “What is the name of the “sixth ocean”

The Earth looks like a blue ball from space. This color is given not only by the water of the five oceans, but also by the clouds of its atmosphere. This is the "sixth" ocean of the Earth. We live, as it were, at the bottom of this giant air “ocean”. This ocean has no shores, it surrounds the entire globe.

W: We call this air shell of the Earth the ATMOSPHERE. From the Greek words "atmos" - steam and "sphere" - a ball. A mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and some other gases, as well as water vapor and dust - all this forms the air, without which life on Earth could not exist.

W: All living organisms breathe air: animals, birds, insects, plants, humans. Air cannot be seen, but it can be felt. The movement of air is called wind.

W: The atmosphere regulates the climate on our planet. Distills cold air to the south, warm air to the north. It collects moisture from the seas and oceans, rivers and lakes and gives it to the land.

U: The atmosphere protects us from the hot rays of the sun, cosmic cold, from invisible rays that destroy all life. It melts and destroys large and small celestial meteors, meteorites and other cosmic bodies approaching the Earth. Any fall to Earth would have catastrophic consequences for all living things.

Curious. It's all very interesting. Wow, the “sixth ocean” is air! But somehow it is not clear. I don't see him.

Experiences. observation.

The students prepared experiments for demonstration. Well, it can be easily fixed. I suggest doing some experiments.

1 experience. Lay a few pieces of paper on the table. Wave a newspaper over them. The paper will fly to another place.

2 experience. Put a piece of crackers, soil, etc. into a glass of water. Air bubbles that were inside the piece rise to the surface of the water.

3 experience. Air is not just there. He puts pressure on us. This is called atmospheric pressure. We cover a glass of water with a sheet of paper, press it with our hand, turn it over. I'll take my hand away. The sheet does not fall. Why? Water presses on a sheet of paper, but the paper does not fall. So, on the other hand, air presses on the sheet. The force of such pressure is 1 kg per 1 sq. cm. If the surface of a person is 1.5 square meters. m, then each of us experiences an air pressure of 15 tons.

U: A person needs 600 liters of oxygen to breathe just for one day. But in the process of human activity, air pollution occurs. In a year, only 5 billion tons of carbon dioxide are emitted into the atmosphere. As a result, the ozone layer becomes thinner, ozone holes appear: a constant one over the Antarctic, sometimes expanding and sometimes shrinking. Ultraviolet rays fall into these holes, which cause cancer, and the amount of oxygen decreases.

What sources of pollution do you know?

Children's answers:

1) Factories and plants emit poisonous gases, soot, dust into the atmosphere from pipes.

2) Cars emit exhaust fumes.

3) Garbage emits harmful substances.

4) Forests, flowers, herbs are being destroyed.

What will we conclude? (save the air)

U: The fight against air pollution is being carried out everywhere: factories are supplied with treatment facilities, vehicles are provided with special filters. But, unfortunately, as long as each of us does not worry about the protection of the atmosphere, acid rain will fall on the earth.

And how can we, children, help the atmosphere?

Do not smoke.

Do not burn in a fire, in an oven, objects that emit harmful substances. For example, various plastic waste.

What are the main sources of air purification on earth and in our city? (plants)

Our guys wrote letters of gratitude to plants. (Several students read letters)

Before I invite the next group of participants in our project, solve the riddle. What will they talk to you about?

Lives in seas and rivers
And often flies across the sky
And how bored she is to fly
Falls to the ground again (water)

Water experts share their knowledge with us

Water is the most common and at the same time the most amazing substance on Earth. Its chemical formula is simply H2O. It consists of hydrogen, oxygen and mineral salts. But the climate of our planet depends on its reserves. Life is not possible without water.

Water vapor gently enveloping the Earth retains heat like a wadded blanket. Most of us understand the water cycle in nature. Only water easily passes from one state to another and vice versa. (Give examples).

Only water has three states. Which?

What are the different states of water? (from temperature).

They say that water is everywhere. Where? (in the air, in plants, on earth and underground, we are made of water).

Why is water essential for life on Earth?

Why is it so important to us?

Children's answers:

1) Plants receive nutrients dissolved in water.

2) Many animals live in the water - this is their home.

3) Water not only gives water, but also feeds. (fishing industry.)

4) Thanks to water, people receive electricity.

5) Water washes: people, cars, cities, factories……

6) Water is a road (ships, barges.)

7) We need water at home.

8) Water is a doctor (purifies the blood and removes harmful substances).

9) Water - rest (relieves stress, fatigue, tension

Have you heard of water?
They say she's everywhere!
In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean
And at the faucet
It's called a glacier in the mountains
Ribbon silver curls
Boiling on the stove
The steam in the kettle hisses
Dissolves sugar in tea
We don't notice it
We are used to the fact that water
Our companion always.

Scientists have calculated that 97.5% of all water reserves are salt water. 2% are glaciers in Antarctica and only 0.02% is the supply of fresh water that we need so much.

The formula for calculating the amount of water in the human body ______________

What will we conclude? (save water)


According to mysterious laws, still incomprehensible,
The cucumber grows green, next to it is a red tomato.
The eggplant is blue next to the yellow melon.
And the earth - black - black, and the earth is one for all.

“Great pantry”

There is a wonderful pantry in the world. You put a bag of grain in it, and in autumn you look: instead of one in the pantry, there are already 20. A bucket of potatoes in a wonderful pantry turns into 20 buckets. A handful of seeds is made into a large pile of cucumbers, radishes, tomatoes, carrots.

Have you ever seen a seed with two wings? The wind blows - it flew. And such a seed will fall into a wonderful pantry, lie down - you look where the winged seed was, there is a branchy tree, but so big that you can’t grasp it.

This is not a fairy tale. There is actually a wonderful pantry. Have you already guessed what it's called? (M. Ilyin)

Our soil expert has researched this issue and will now share his knowledge.

Presentation (prepared and presented by students)

Soil is a natural resource.

Soil is the top fertile layer of the earth on which plants grow. In soil formation are involved:




Remains of animals.

Experiences (previously trained students demonstrate experiments proving that there is air, mineral salts, humus, water in the soil)

T: Why is the soil a wealth?

Children's answers:

1) The harvest depends on it, which means the nutrition of not only people, but also animals, insects.

2) The fertility of the land allows you to get 20 from one grain.

3) The soil is a habitat (this is a house).

4) Thanks to the soil, green vegetation pleases our eyes, which soothes and relaxes.

5) Walking in the fresh air is health

Why does she need protection? It takes from 100 to 1000 years to form a layer of soil a few cm.

Everything in nature is interconnected. Break the natural chain and everything will cease to exist. You can live without gold, but without soil?

What will we conclude? (take care of the soil).

IV. Independent work in groups

Do you think there is a connection between the polluted environment and the animal world? (Yes)

Let's look at what problems of environmental pollution exist in our Moscow region.

Students talk about the enterprises of the city, the large flow of cars passing along the highway through the city and the environmental problems associated with them.

Conclusion: In order to protect and protect the planet Earth, it is not necessary to be poor or rich, tall or short, a scientist or a simple worker, an adult or a child.

The future well-being and preservation of its resources are in our hands, dear guys!

IX. Summary of the lesson.

What do you remember in the lesson?

Why did we call our final lesson “Earth is our common home?” (nature is the most important condition for human life, we need the warmth and light of the sun, air, water, food.

All this is given to us by nature.

X. Reflection

Who would you like to thank from the guys? What did you like?

What was the most difficult part of this project for you?

What is your opinion on whether the final goal of the project has been achieved?

XI. Assessment of children.

Form ideas in children
about the Earth and the life of people on Earth.
Cultivate interest and respect for people
different countries and nationalities, to their
activities and culture.
To instill a sense of patriotism, love for
your country, your hometown.
Learn about the history of others
countries, with their sights,
To lead to an understanding of the uniqueness of our
planets, because only on Earth there is life.
Raise the desire to protect our Earth.

Stages of project implementation:

Stage 1 - preparatory.
collection and analysis of methodological literature
processing of periodicals
writing a forward plan.
printouts from the Internet on the topic
design of albums and layouts: "Layout of the Earth", "National
costumes”, Creation of a corner of the native city in the group, mini-museum: “Countries of the World”, “Golden Ring of Russia”
Stage 2 - main
Stage 3 - final
providing project development
final lesson
exhibition of products of children's activities
Interaction with family:
-Participation in the survey on patriotic education;
- Participation in the regional exhibition-competition "The world in which I
I live"

System web
development: didactic
games, entertainment,
Speech development: reading
communication games
development: role-playing games, work
Artistic and aesthetic
development: manufacturing
layouts, drawing,
application, listening
musical works,
Physical development:
outdoor games,

Planet Earth
Purpose: to expand the idea of ​​what represents
is the planet earth
Conversations: "Earth and Sun", "About the continents", "Oceans, seas and
land”, “Earth model – globe”.
Examination of illustrations of albums, acquaintance with the globe and
world map
Reading fiction: Ya. Dragunsky "Earth"
Didactic games: "Continents", "Water - land"
Drawing "My planet is Earth"
Intellectual game "What, where, when? " (together with
Mobile game "Sun and rain"
Enrichment of the subject-developing environment - joint
making a model of the earth

House under blue roof
Purpose: to expand the idea that the Earth is a common home
all people and all living beings living next to a person.
Conversations: "Earth is our common home", "Countries of the world"
Examination of illustrations of albums: “My blue planet Earth”, “People of the planet Earth”
Reading fiction: L. Kvitko "On the sand", T. A.
Shorygin "The Magician from the Planet Omega", "Our Nurse Earth", V. Orlova "The House under the Blue Roof"

Musical and didactic game "Summer in music"
Learning the song: "The sun has friends"
Drawing "People on planet Earth"
Volumetric application "Earth is our home"
Mobile game: "Coast, sea, sails"
Communication game "Earth is the planet on which we live"
Problem situation “What will happen to our planet if…”

My country is Russia
Purpose: to expand children's knowledge about their country (Russia),
educate patriotic feelings, pride in their homeland
Conversations: “Where do we live”, “My Motherland is Russia”, “Holidays in
Russia" (National Unity Day, Mother's Day)
Working with the map
Examination of illustrations of albums: "Cities of Russia", "Moscow -
capital of Russia”, “Moscow Kremlin”
Children's stories from personal experience "In which of the cities of Russia I was"
Reading Russian folk tales
Entertainment "Russian heroes"
Educational quiz "About Russia" (together with parents)
Drawing "Flag of Russia"
Listening to the Russian anthem
Russian folk outdoor games: "Geese-geese", "At the bear in the forest"
and etc.
Enrichment of the subject-developing environment - mini-museum "Golden
ring of Russia"


Countries and peoples of the world
Purpose: to expand children's ideas about countries and peoples
peace, cultivate tolerance, respect for
other peoples, races and their traditions
Selection and design of the album of people of different races.
Looking at the flags of different countries
Examination of the globe, map of the world
Tales and myths of different countries and peoples.
Lesson "Who are we" (What kind of people live on earth).
Conversations: “How Man Appeared on Earth”, “The Kingdom of Ice and Snow
(Arctic, Antarctica), "Countries and peoples of the world".
Stories about the country in which they were (stories from personal experience)
Role-playing game "Journey"
Making a traveler's corner in a group.
Selection of illustrations of houses from different countries.
Exhibition of drawings on the theme "People who live on planet Earth".
Enrichment of the subject-developing environment - mini-museum "Countries


My hometown is Nizhny Novgorod
Purpose: to expand children's knowledge about their hometown -
Nizhny Novgorod, to cultivate patriotic feelings,
pride in your city
Conversations: "History of the emergence of the city of Nizhny Novgorod",
"Famous people of our city"
Examination of illustrations of albums: "My city",
"Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin"
Reading P. Voronko “There is no better native land”
Drawing "Emblem of Nizhny Novgorod"
Cognitive quiz "Connoisseurs of the native land" (together with
Enrichment of the subject-developing environment - creating a corner
hometown in the group
Photo exhibition "Native land - favorite places"
Listening and singing songs about Nizhny Novgorod


Russia is a multinational country. Our heroes
Purpose: to expand the idea that Russia is
multinational country, cultivate tolerance,
respect for different peoples
Conversations: “Immense Russia (about the peoples of Russia), “Traditions
different peoples of Russia”, “On holidays” (February 23)

costumes of the peoples of Russia”, “Russia is a multinational country”
Drawing "National costume"
Viewing cartoons based on fairy tales of different peoples.
Literary entertainment "Journey through fairy tales"
Folk outdoor game "Chernet and chickens".
Khakassian folk outdoor game "Kids and the wolf"
Listening to musical works of the peoples of Tatarstan,
Chuvashia, Mordovia, Khakassia, etc.
Exhibition of children's drawings "Defenders of the Fatherland"
Listening to music


International Women's Day - March 8
Purpose: to expand children's ideas about international
women's day
Conversations: “About the holiday of March 8”, “About mothers and grandmothers of children
of the whole planet Earth"
Examination of illustrations of albums: "National
women's costumes", "On the celebration of Women's Day in different
countries of the world"
Drawing "My mother"
Listening to music from different nations
Reading poems about the mother of poets from different countries


Earth Day. Space
Purpose: to expand children's knowledge about space, to educate
children desire to protect our Earth.
Conversations: "We and space", "The first cosmonaut", "April 22 - the day
Consideration in encyclopedias of the Earth's surface "Earth
space wonder"
Problem situation "What would happen if there was no Earth ..."
Synthesis of arts "The image of the Earth in the works of artists"
"Let's save our planet" (issue of leaflets and posters -
with parents)
Entertainment "Earth Day" (with the participation of parents)
Drawing: "Earth Day", "Space"
Outdoor games: "Earth, water, fire, air", "Cosmonauts"


Project presentation
"Earth is our common home"
Providing project development.
Open lesson "Our home is the planet"
Evaluation of the stages of project implementation.
Evaluation of the subject-developing environment.
Summing up the project.
Exhibition of products of children's activities.
Participation in the regional exhibition-competition
"The World I Live In"


Mastering available knowledge about countries and peoples inhabiting the planet
Earth, about their traditions, holidays,
about the native country (cities,
national costumes, etc.) and hometown.


Formation of elementary ideas about the map of the world, about the globe
(model of the Earth).
Acquisition of social communication skills with adults and
Ability to express own opinion, analyze, respond to
what is happening, to provide all possible assistance.


Ability to show a sense of tolerance towards others
peoples, the realization that our planet (Earth) is for all living
beings, that it must be treated with care, taken care of as
native home.


Active participation of children in exhibitions, competitions, entertainment and other
types of activities.
April 22 is a reminder day that
The earth is our common home, but always in the house
should be clean, bright and comfortable for everyone!

Abdrakhmanova Gulnara Sulaimanovna
Ecological project "Earth is our common home"

Project: « Earth is our common home»

Age: senior, preparatory group.

caregiver: Abdrakhmanova Gulnara Sulaymanovna.

View project: practical - research.

Duration:1 month.


Planet Earth is our common home. Man and nature are one, indivisible. Despite all the achievements of modern civilization, a person cannot live without nature, it has everything necessary for life. Therefore, every person who lives on Earth, must carefully and carefully treat his home, preserving and protecting its values ​​​​and wealth. This should be taught to children from an early age. It is at preschool age that the foundation of specific ideas about nature is laid, the foundations of ecological consciousness.

ecological the upbringing and education of children is an extremely urgent problem of the present time: only ecological outlook, ecological the culture of the people who live today earth people can lead the planet and humanity out of the catastrophic state in which they are now. ecological education has a huge impact on the formation of personality - properly organized, systematically carried out in preschool educational institutions under the guidance of teachers (people who have a high ecological culture) has on her mental, moral, physical qualities, contributes to the development of logical thinking and speech.

The world of nature is very diverse and fraught with great opportunities for the comprehensive development of children. Therefore, it is very important to think over the organization of training, walks, special observations. The educational value of nature on the development of preschoolers is very great: communicating with nature, children learn to love nature, observe, empathize, understand that both plants and animals are living beings. They breathe, drink water, grow, and most importantly. They feel pain like a human. Thinking about nature under the influence of an adult, preschoolers enrich their knowledge, feelings, they form the right attitude towards living things, the desire to create, not destroy.

I believe that it is from preschool age that conditions must be created for the full and timely development of the child, focusing on a variety of forms and methods and necessarily involving parents.

Target project:

Implementation of socially significant activities aimed at using the basic knowledge of preschoolers in ecological education in practical environmental activities, contributing to the development of interest in the conservation and enhancement of natural resources, the spiritual and moral development of the individual, the formation of a sense of belonging to all living things.

Tasks project:

1. Educational:

To acquaint with the diversity of flora and fauna, with its significance for all life on the planet

Engage in conservation activities

Build research skills

Develop skills and abilities to work with natural materials

2. Educational:

Develop the ability to compare and analyze

Learn about our medicinal herbs

Develop basic knowledge and skills environmentally competent and safe behavior for nature and for the child himself.

Develop imagination, thinking in the process of observation, study of natural objects

Develop the ability to convey your feelings from communication with nature in drawings and crafts.

3. Educational:

To cultivate communication skills, independence, diligence, observation and curiosity towards all living things.

To educate a humane, emotionally positive, careful, caring attitude towards the natural world and the surrounding world as a whole, the natural heritage of our region.

Members project: pupils of the senior, preparatory group, parents of pupils, teachers of MBDOU No. 63, musical worker.

Place of implementation project: Republic of Tatarstan, city of Naberezhnye Chelny, municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities in the cognitive and speech direction of children's development No. 63 "Pearl"

Creation of pedagogical conditions:

1. Creation of a developing environment.

2. Carrying out a systematic acquaintance with objects and inhabitants of nature, art. works,...

3. Attraction to parents' project: information stands, joint work competitions (drawings, crafts, consultations, participation in entertainment.

Implementation principles:

1. Relevance.

2. Consistency.

3. Availability.

4. Visibility.

Implementation stages project:

1. preparatory work.

1. Choice and approval of the topic.

2. Definition of goals and objectives project.

3. Selection of information material, children's and scientific literature, illustrations, audio, video recordings, photographs.

4. Creation of a file cabinet of games

5. Drawing up a perspective - thematic plan.

6. Conducting a survey with parents

7. Providing conditions for holding project.

8. Implementation control project.

2. main stage.

1. Conducting conversations.

2. Familiarization of children with children's folklore, works of art by children's writers.

3. Acquaintance of children with folk, outdoor, didactic games.

4. Familiarization of children with samples of arts and crafts.

5. Organization of exhibitions.

6. View slides.

7 Learning songs, round dances.

8. Excursion.

3. Final stage.

1. presentation project at a meeting of the Pedagogical Council of MBDOU No. 63 "Pearl"

2. Handling the results of the implementation project.

3. Making additions, amendments.

4. Final entertainment with parents.

Forms of work on implementation project:

observation and ecological excursions on the ecological path;

Creation of videos, presentations, slide shows;

Informative reading;

Competitions together with parents, KVN;

Laboratory (experiments and experiments);

Release environmental newspaper;

Environmental, mobile, didactic, simulation games, travel games.

ecological- educational holidays and entertainment.

Final event.

Expected results:

Increasing the level of knowledge on ecology in children;

Cultivate a love for nature (through direct communication with her, perception of her beauty and diversity)

Teach children to empathize with her troubles (through the perception of negative human activity)

To teach competently, to protect nature and fight for its preservation.

Improving the level of knowledge, ecological parental competence

Active participation of parents in ecological education of preschoolers.

Perspective - thematic plan.

Organized educational area Joint work of the educator and children Independent activity of children Joint work with parents

Week 1 "House under a blue roof"

1. « Earth is our common home» FCCM Conversation

Goals: expand the idea of ​​what Earth - common the home of all people and all living beings living next to a person;

Reading thin. liters:

I. Dragunsky « Earth»

L. Kvitko "On the sand"

T. A. Shorygina "Wizard from Planet Omega",

"Our nurse- Earth» . Experimenting with sand: the game "Dig up the clue"

Target: develop tactile-kinesthetic sensitivity, fine motor skills of hands, imagination, logical thinking, spatial orientation. Questionnaire on the topic « ecological education of preschoolers"

2. Did. games: "Where, what grows?"

Target: to activate children's knowledge about the place of growth of medicinal plants, fodder, vegetables, cereals.

Summer Safety Rules goal: To form knowledge about safety rules in the summer (in the forest, in the country, on the water).

The game is a journey "by hometown"

Target: to activate knowledge about your hometown (complex, learn to use molds of different sizes, form interest in studying your native places. "Zoological Lotto", "Who lives where?", « Earth and solar system»

Construction of a panorama of the native complex

from sand.

View pictures depicting dangerous situations that arise in the summer.

3. Drawing on asphalt topic: "My planet - Earth» Examining the illustrations albums:

"My native, green city"

"My blue planet- Earth» Planning ecological trail.

4. Music D/game "Summer in Music"

Target: to form the ability by the nature of music to determine the state of the weather corresponding to the season, to develop a sense of beauty, attention, figurative speech

.song learning: "The sun has friends"

5. Labor Care for indoor plants, flowers in the flower bed. Watering and loosening plants. Labor landing "Let's make the kindergarten site beautiful"

7. Outdoor games: "Sun and Rain"

Target: develop orientation in space, attention, speed of reaction.

"Hunters and Beasts"

Examination of drawings according to the rules of life safety Photo exhibition: “There is no end to surprise when it is summer in nature”

8 Mind game "What where When?"

Target: Consolidate children's knowledge of nature; through an emotional attitude to form a steady interest in nature. Round table "Let's Save Our Nature"

2 weeks "Red Book"

9. "In the world of rare plants" FCCM Conversation: "Sea cows and the red book"

Goals: Reading thin. literature:

V. Peskov "Moose"

V. Tanasiychuk "Explosion Without Noise"

Experimenting with water: the game "Vegetables and fruits"

Target: distinguish between vegetables and fruits, develop attention and speed of reaction, dexterity. Reminder for parents environmental education.

10 Did. games: “Guess what plant?”

Target: clarify ideas about plants, learn to recognize them by description

"Tops, roots"

Target: develop the ability to correlate tops and roots of vegetable crops. "Lay out the pattern"

Target: develop the ability to lay out a pattern from natural material, imagination, sense of rhythm, aesthetic taste, learn to combine different materials in a pattern.

N/A Lotto game "Vegetables and fruits"

Target: to consolidate children's knowledge about vegetables and fruits.

11 Drawing Drawing up an album of children's works "Green Pharmacy" "Medicinal Plants" Contest for the best paper hat from the sun

12 Music Learning a song "Don't pick flowers don't pick"

Listening to an audio recording "Sounds of nature"

13 Labor Weeding flower beds for seedlings in the garden.

14 Outdoor games: "Run to the named tree"

Target: consolidate children's knowledge of trees.

"Find yourself a mate"

15 Entertainment KVN "Connoisseurs of Nature" Examining the illustrations "How to behave in nature" ecological trail"Trees in Kindergarten"

3 week “Well, where they don’t litter”

16 "Purity on the planet" FCCM

Conversation on the topic: “About garbage and what can be done to reduce garbage ....”

Goals: Reading thin. literature:

V. Bianchi "Forest Newspaper"

V. Tanasiychuk

"Acid Rain"

T. A. Shorygina "Spring" Experimenting with water: the game "What's at the bottom?"

Target: To develop tactile and motor sensations, the ability to examine an object in water. information stand "Human and nature"

17 Did. games: "Sea battle"

Target: consolidate the knowledge that paper objects do not sink, but get wet and soak.

"What do people do in summer?" Target: to form knowledge that in summer people have a lot work: in the country, in the fields, in the meadows, etc. "Seasons"

Target: to concretize children's knowledge about the seasons. Collection literature: poems, stories, proverbs, sayings about medicinal herbs.

18 Drawing "Rain and Plants in Summer" Drawing environmental signs

19 Music by P. I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons"

Listening to an audio recording

"Sounds of the rain" Stock "Let's clean the kindergarten from garbage"

20 Labor Work in the garden. Watering, loosening, weeding.

21 Outdoor games: "Coast, sea, sails"

Target: develop speed of reaction, attention.

"The Frog and the Heron" Planning ecological trail.

22 Master class on the topic: "Bee" consideration album: "The Second Life of Abandoned Things" Collection of junk material for the competition. Competition "Crafts from waste material".

4 week « Ecological chains»

23 "Live Chains" FCCM

Conversation on the topic: « Ecology in the forest...

Goals: expand children's ideas about trees, plants, animals, insects. reading thin literature:

T. A. Shorygina


V. Peskov "Hospital under the pine tree" Experimenting with sand: "Make a Story"

Target: develop tactile - kinesthetic sensitivity, spatial orientation, imagination, coherent speech. Consultation on topic: "Educating Love for Nature"

24 Did. games: "What if…"

Target: develop thinking, imagination, update the experience of children, their knowledge.

"If I were a tree"

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about the structural features of trees. "Zoological Lotto"

Target: to systematize children's knowledge about animals and their habitat.

"Atelier of summer clothes"

Target: to form the ability to choose summer clothes from the proposed one, describe it, naming the details, the quality of the material, selecting it by color, type, use. Journey through ecological path"Plants in our garden"

25 Drawing “What good have I brought to the planet” Drawing environmental signs exhibition: « environmental signs»

26 Music "It's called nature" Examination of illustrations of nature.

Listening to an audio recording "Sounds of nature"

27 Labor Watering, weeding, loosening flower beds. Group area cleaning. Team work "Vegetables and fruits on our table"

28 Outdoor games: "Trees and Worms"

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about the relationship of plants, soil animals, soil.

"Hunters and Beasts"

29 Ultimate Entertainment "Nature is our home" Involvement in the preparation of the final entertainment.

Nomination "New educational standards in my practice"

Project relevance

Planet Earth is our common home, every person living in it must carefully and carefully treat it, preserving all its values ​​and wealth. In the preschool period, an initial understanding of some aspects of the interaction of man with nature is laid: man as a living being in need of quite certain vital conditions; man as a user of nature, consuming the resources of the Earth in his activities, protecting nature and, to the extent possible, restoring its wealth.

All project activities are interconnected, continue in other types of activities - both independent and GCD, individual and collective, so that children, teachers and parents feel a particle of joy, an emotional charge, and most importantly, a desire to continue working on the implementation of this project .

Members: children (preparatory group), teachers and parents (legal representatives).

Objective of the project: Improving ideas about the planet Earth, about its resources; acquaintance with the countries and continents of the planet Earth.

Project objectives:

  1. To form in children the concept of the Earth as a planet.
  2. Clarify children's knowledge about the natural resources of our planet.
  3. To develop the horizons of children, the skills of productive activity.
  4. To form the ability to convey in the work their attitude to the world around them.

Tasks by educational areas:


  • To teach children to explain environmental dependencies, to establish connections and interactions between man and nature.
  • Activate the cognitive and speech activity of children.
  • Expand children's understanding of various natural objects: soil, water, minerals.


  • To form children's ideas about a healthy lifestyle.
  • Expand children's understanding of the important components of a healthy lifestyle.


  • Introduce children to the implementation of the rules of safe human behavior in the natural environment.
  • To instill in children the desire to participate in joint work activities on an equal basis with everyone else, the desire to be useful to others.


  • Develop the ability to communicate freely with children and adults.

Artistic creativity

  • To form in children an aesthetic attitude to the phenomena of wildlife.
  • To promote the individual self-expression of children in the process of productive creative activity.


  • Develop children's play activities.
  • To attach to the elementary rules of relationships with peers and adults.

Reading fiction

  • Develop interest in fiction and educational literature.

Work on the project implementation is built on the basis of partnerships: teacher - children - parents - social institutions.

Suggested activities:

  • Direct educational activities
  • Joint activities of an adult and a child and independent activities of children:
  • Excursions and observations
  • Reading fiction
  • Visual activity
  • Construction
  • The game
  • Making a model of the earth from papier-mâché.
  • Organization of an excursion to the museum of the Borovichi Refractories Plant
  • Creation of individual routes "How I discover the earth", etc.

Expected results:

Formation in children of knowledge about the planet Earth, the names of the continents, its natural resources. The ability of children to independently organize didactic, role-playing games. Choosing the object of travel, children will be able to freely operate with concepts: continent, country, sea, ocean, water, air space.

Performance indicators:

during the implementation of the project children:

  • learn that the Earth is our home, a living planet, it has water, air, heat - these are the conditions for living beings;
  • demonstrate the prerequisites for search activity, intellectual initiative; ways to solve the problem with the help of an adult, and then on your own;
  • show interest in creative activities with pleasure;
  • the percentage of parents' interest will increase, as a result of which they will become active participants in the project.

During the project, the teacher:

  • carries out innovative activities;
  • raises his professional level.

during the project, the subject-developing environment of the group will be replenished:

  • educational literature, equipment for experimentation, photo collages, didactic games based on an interactive globe, collections of magnets and minerals, card indexes of rebuses and crossword puzzles, homemade magazines and books about traveling around our planet.

Stages of the project "Earth is my home"

Stage 1. Preparatory.

Project activities

Examination of the globe, geographical maps. Reading encyclopedias on the topic "Planet - Earth".

Globe, geographical maps, educational literature.

Conversations: "The structure of the earth",

"What are mountains"


T.A. Sharygin "Conversations about natural phenomena and objects", M, "Sphere" 2010.

“Encyclopedia for clever men and clever women “Planet Earth”, O. Krasnovskaya, “Azbuka-Atticus”, 2013

Reading fiction,

viewing illustrations for works.

A. Beslik "Raise the Sails" (stories in pictures about sailors and travelers), "Kid", 2012

N. Nosov "Journey of Dunno", M., "ROSMEN", 1984

Y. Mogutin "My northern village", "Children's literature", 1992

Experimentation: “Where did the islands come from?”

Physical map of the world, oilcloth aprons, sponges for cleaning water pallets with water. Sketches of the course of the experiment with the stories of children.

Creation of a book of experiments.

Acquaintance with songs about the earth: A. Vedischev “Song about bears”, V. Migul “Earth in the window

CDs, cassettes with songs, music about the earth

Memorizing poems about the earth: "The House of the Earth" Y. Demyanskaya.

"Common House" by V. Orlov.

Drawing illustrations for poems, album design.

View educational cartoons about the planet Earth.

Multimedia equipment and disks, an album with children's stories and sketches based on the content of animated films.

Learning a new physical education minute "We fly under the clouds."


Stage 2. Basic.

Project activities

Designing the Subject Environment

Making a papier-mâché globe with the participation of parents, coloring, laminating the layout.

Waste material, paste, gouache, brushes, globe layout, geographical maps, adhesive tape.

Educational evenings on the topics:

"How people discovered the earth"

"Happy Earthlings"

"Let's look for the sea"

solving puzzles, crossword puzzles, riddles

Cognitive literature: E. Emelyanova "Visual and didactic manual" How our ancestors discovered the world ", M.," Mosaic - synthesis ", 2012.

S. Belokurova "Geography for kids"

Card index of rebuses and crossword puzzles.

Individual albums, solved puzzles and riddles.

Meeting with interesting people: Loseva E.E. "These Amazing Fossils"

Collection of fossils found on the banks of the Msta River


Excursion to the museum of the refractory plant.

A collection of minerals that are mined at the refractory plant.

Selection of images of wildlife (flora and fauna) for an interactive globe

Magazines, coloring books, scissors, pencils, markers, drawing charts, stickers.

Reading cognitive literature about travel and travelers, conversations, stories about what they read.

Exhibition of art and educational literature: A. Beslik "Raise the sails" (stories in pictures about sailors and travelers), "Kid", 1984.

"My first atlas", "OLMA-PRESS", 2005

O. Kvitko "Animals", "Children about animals: "In Africa", "In Australia", "In the North", ed. "Ranok" 2007

Encyclopedia "Countries and continents", M., "Astrel", 2001,

Encyclopedia "Pirates", ed. Family Leisure Club, 2011

Production of images of animals, peoples of different countries, various vehicles, for use in didactic and role-playing games.

Samples - illustrations, rulers, pencils, felt-tip pens, wax crayons, stickers depicting animals, people, vehicles. Scissors, tape, coloring books.

Didactic games "Who lives where?", "What grows where?" “How to get there”, “What has changed”


Modeling the development environment.

On an interactive globe, the educator, or some child, comes up with a riddle in advance - confusion:

1. Animals from different continents are mixed up on the globe.

2. Marine animals are placed on land, and those living on land are placed in water.

3. All animals, people, are placed on one island.

4. Confused water, air and land transport, etc.

Production of attributes for the role-playing game "Journey"

Organization of role-playing games "Traveling around the globe"

Travel itineraries created by children. Creation of a group collection of magnets about cities, countries of the planet Earth.

Examination and replenishment of the collection of precious stones and minerals.

A collection of stones and minerals, an informational album about minerals, with images and educational information.

Memorizing proverbs about the earth, guessing and making riddles about the earth and continents.

V.G. Lysakov "1000 riddles", M., "AST", 2006

The book is a homemade riddle about the earth.

Children's stories from personal experience

(who traveled where, what he saw and remembered, sights, souvenirs)

Homemade books made by parents with children, collections of magnets, souvenirs, photographs of the places I have visited.

Experimentation "Why ships do not sink": the goal is to reveal the dependence of the buoyancy of objects on the balance of forces.

Items made of wood, metal, plastic, rubber, matchboxes, foil, glass beads. Completion of the book of experiments.

Stage 3. Final and presentation

Project activities

Designing the Subject Environment

Game library with globe.

The game "Settled the planet", "Confusion", etc. for children of other groups

An interactive globe, a playing field, a cube to continue the development of the game, figures of people, animals, various types of transport on a sticky basis

Independent games of children (plot-role-playing and didactic)

Attributes for role-playing games, travel route maps, toy vehicles, Lego constructor for buildings, road layout, maps, etc.

Quiz "Our home is Earth"

Cognitive literature, globe, physical map of the world

Travel presentations

for pupils of other groups

Books - homemade travel.

Travel photo albums and collages.


  1. Veraksa N.E., Veraksa A.N. "Project activity of preschoolers", a manual for teachers of preschool institutions, M., "Mosaic-synthesis", 2011.
  2. Veraksa N.E., Galimov O.R. "Cognitive and research activities of preschoolers", M., "Mosaic-synthesis", 2012.
  3. Vinogradova N.A., Pankova E.P. "Educational projects in kindergarten", a guide for educators, M., "Iris-press", 2011.
  4. Grizik T.I. "Cognitive development of children 2-7 years old", M., "Prosveshchenie" 2011.
  5. Doronova T.N., “Rainbow. Planning work in a kindergarten with children aged 6-7, M., Prosveshchenie, 2013
  6. Doronova T.N., Grizik T.I., Klimanova L.F., Solovyova E.V., Timoshchuk L.E., Yakobson S.G. "On the threshold of the school", M., "Prosveshchenie", 2002
  7. Journal "Methodist of preschool educational institutions" No. 11 (2013), research project "How bottles grow."
  8. Journal "Pedagogy in preschool educational institutions" No. 2 (2009)
  9. Journal "Handbook of the senior educator of the preschool educational institution" No. 9, 10, (2013) article "Partnership of teachers in the framework of project activities", educational project "Getting acquainted with the Red Book".
  10. Kiseleva L.S. "Project method in the activities of a preschool institution", M., "ARKTI", 2010.

The project "Earth is my home" at the preschool educational institution