The episode narrated by the author leaves none. S.V. Morozova, teacher of Russian language and literature: Preparation for the Unified State Examination

(1) I live in a new building. (2) There is a potato field behind my house. (3) Our house has not been telephoned yet. (4) Therefore, a pay phone booth was installed near him.

(5) One day, my neighbor down the corridor, Polina Ivanovna, from an adjacent apartment, became ill with her heart. (6) A lot of people gathered near the pay phone booth, I explained what was the matter, and they let me out of the queue. (7) However, it turned out that it was not so easy to call an ambulance. (8) Either the subscriber was busy, or for some reason they did not pick up the phone.

(9) And suddenly the cabin door swung open, and a lever was pressed over my shoulder. (10) Before me stood a girl of about twenty. (11) Very beautiful. (12) That rare, conspicuous beauty, about which the poet said: (13) "The blind only will not notice it ...". (14) Such beauty is as rare a gift of nature for a person as talent or even genius. (15) And therefore it strikes.

(16) - I need to call, - said the girl. (17) "I need it!" It already meant everything to her. (18) - They are waiting for me there. (19) I'm in a hurry! (20) Do you understand this?! - she added with that irritation in her voice that, they say, I have no time, and there are some here, - she looked expressively at me ...

(21) -So what? – indignantly was distributed from queue. (22) -Do not interfere with the citizen.

(23) I prepared another coin, but it slipped out of my hands and rolled along the sidewalk.

(24) While they helped me pick her up, the girl fluttered into the booth and dialed the number she needed.

(25) - Why did you miss it? I said reproachfully to the man standing in front of the door first.

(26) -It will be more expensive for yourself! he chuckled. (27) - I have my own. (28) Don't say a word to them, it's better to move away and stand aside.

(29) The girl was talking loudly in the booth, not paying attention to strangers, so everyone could hear.

(30) - Seryozha! she screamed. (31) - As agreed, I'm waiting at the agreed place.

(32) Apparently, the subscriber muttered something displeased, made some remark to her, the girl looked at us: (33) - Yes, there are all sorts ...

(34) She slowly hung up the phone and majestically walked past us, proudly throwing her chin up, and next to me she stopped and whispered so that others could not hear:

(35) - Ugly!..

(36) The second time I called quickly, dictated the address and hurried to the elevator, remembering that Polina Ivanovna was left alone in the apartment.

(37) The door to Polina Ivanovna's apartment turned out to be unlocked.

(38) Polina Ivanovna was lying on the bed, closing her eyes.

(39) - An ambulance will arrive now.

(40) - Thank you.

(41) - How do you feel?

(42) -Better.

(43) Polina Ivanovna was silent. (44) And I was silent, not knowing what to say, what to do.

(45) Suddenly, a girl I knew, whom I saw at the telephone booth, entered the room. (46) The door to the apartment remained unlocked, and therefore the girl entered silently.

(47) - Are you here?! - looking at me, she said with undisguised indignation.

(48) - My granddaughter, - whispered Polina Ivanovna, brightening her face.

(49) - So you didn’t call for yourself, did you try so hard? (50) Did you try for others? - asked the girl, looking at me with curiosity.

(51) - Babusik, I'll go, - she turned to Polina Ivanovna. (52) - One guy took me a movie ticket for "Repentance". (53) What is being done at the cinema! (54) Some kind of psychosis! (55) And you talk to this gentleman. (56) Pleasant company. (57) Well, I rushed off. (58) Kiss!

(59) The ambulance came in a few minutes. (60) Perhaps the girl met with the doctor somewhere near the elevator. (61) Polina Ivanovna was examined and told that it was necessary to urgently send her to the hospital. (62) They put me on a stretcher, covered me with a blanket up to my chin, and took me away.

(63) I looked out the window and wondered why the car had been standing at our front door for so long. (64) Finally she left. (65) And the next day I found out that Polina Ivanovna had died in the elevator.

(According to P.Vasiliev)

Vasiliev Pavel Alexandrovich (1929-1990) - Russian prose writer. The main theme of his works is war. The most famous books are: "The guy in the cap", "In the spring, after the snow", "Choice", "Sudoma-mountain", etc.

Which of the statements does not match the content of the text? Specify the answer numbers.

1. The house was old and intended for demolition, so it was not equipped with telephones.

2. Polina Ivanovna had an attack of appendicitis.

3. Calling an ambulance turned out to be a difficult task.

4. The granddaughter of Polina Ivanovna was of rare beauty.

5. Polina Ivanovna died the next morning.

Which of the following statements are false? Specify the answer numbers.

1. Sentences 1-5 provide a description.

2. Sentences 37-44 include an element of reasoning.

3. Sentence 8 explains the content of sentence 7.

4. Sentences 32-35 present the narrative.

5. Sentence 7 contains a confirmation of the judgment made in sentence 6.

From sentences 29-33 write out the word of colloquial coloring.

Among sentences 59-65, find one that connects with the previous one using a personal pronoun. Write the number of this offer

24. “The episode narrated by the author leaves no doubt as to who the word taken as the title refers to. The whole text is built on the contrast of external beauty - a rare gift of nature - and internal beauty - one that is not striking and is sometimes noticeable only in relation to relatives. The writer uses such syntactic means of expression as (A) ____ (sentences 25-27, 39-42, 47-50), (B) ____ (sentences 20, 33), (C) ____ (sentences 3-4, 10 -11,14-15), which give dynamics to the plot. Enlivens the narrative and (D) _____ (“ambulance”, “fluttered”, “babusik”, “rushed off”)”.

List of terms: 1) question-answer unity 2) comparative turnover 3) parceling

4) incomplete sentences 5) professional vocabulary 6) personification 7) colloquial vocabulary

8) phraseological units 9) epithets

Determine the topic, problems of the text, select arguments.

Part 1.

Read the text and do tasks 1-3.

(1) “You sow an act, you reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; you sow a character, you reap a destiny.” (2) Thus spoke the ancients, and this phrase has a deep meaning. (3)……. the state of the body, human health, its performance, and ultimately fate depend on the many little things that surround us at home and at work, in the family and in the production team.

1. Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the MAIN information contained in the text?

1. A person, forming certain habits, creates his own character and builds his own destiny.

2. The ancients said that the basis of character is habit, and character is the basis of fate.

3. The fate of a person depends on his habits and character, and the person himself determines what it will be like.

4. The phrases of the ancients always have a deep meaning, and this proverb is no exception. The state of the body, human health, its performance depends on the little things.

2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

Indeed, Probably, Fortunately, For now Although

3. Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meaning of the word FATE. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

1. A combination of circumstances that do not depend on the will of a person, the course of life events.S. pushed old friends. The chosen one with. (lucky; book.). Blows, vicissitudes of fate.

2. Share, fate. happy s. Learn about s. relatives.

3. The history of the existence of someone-something.This manuscript has an interesting p.

4. Future, what will happen will happen (book).fate of mankind.

4. In one of the words below, a mistake was made in setting the stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel is highlighted INCORRECTLY. Write out this word.

CHAIN ​​KITCHEN OIL PIPELINE orphans let's call

5. In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONGLY used. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

This is what a SUCCESSFUL phrase said at the right time in the right place means.

Venerable scientists offered a lot of completely LOGICAL explanations for the results of the experiments.

On the street, a whole day is drizzling cold autumn rain.

The moon had not risen yet, and only two stars, like two SAVING beacons, sparkled on the dark blue vault.

All night long VOICE nightingales sing in our forests.

6. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.


five HA some TOMATOES

7. Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

8. Determine the word in which the unstressed alternating vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

v..negret xv..stylish patriotic..tic

9 . Determine the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write these words out with the missing letter.

and..soaksy, in..give

n..easier, n..reproaches

pr .. fight, pr .. priority

ra .. write, be .. home

p..slanation, s..sang

10. Write down the word in which the letter E is written in place of the gap.

endure..very hard..heavy weight..quickly fastidious..soothing..l

11. Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.

pull out .. you flow .. we seal .. those cut .. you foam .. those

12. Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

1. (NOT) A student who showed up for the exam was sick.

2. The actor spoke (NOT) LOUD, but expressively.

3. The fence at our dacha is still (NOT) PAINTED.

4. The student recited the text by heart, (NOT) LOOKING into the book.

5. There was (NOT) MORE than a week before the holidays.

13. Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

1. (B) FOR many hours the hunter sat at the hole and did not hear WHAT (WOULD) the fox grumble or bark.

2. Anna Mikhailovna wrote to the front (FOR) THE PREVIOUS address and (FOR) THE STILL waited for a letter.

3. (B) SOON the sun completely disappeared behind a sharp ridge, and immediately (FROM) THERE a fan of bright red rays flew into the sky.

4. My companion (WITHOUT) TIRED followed each bird with his eyes and (IN) SECRETly pondered the plan of our future hunt.

5. These places, familiar to the hunter only (ON) BY HEARING, (BY) RIGHT, can count on wide popularity.

14. Indicate all the numbers in the place of which HH is written.

Before us was a wide field, rolling (1) once with dashing triples, and now utterly level (2) with rain and overgrown with some (3) tall (4) grass.

15. Set up punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1. The feeling of a lonely garden and cold forests helped me write and think.

2. In the fall, an exhibition of young Moscow artists will open and a heated discussion of them by the audience will begin.

3. Drops of either dew or yesterday's rain sparkled on the birch leaves.

4. Vaska put the pencil case and compasses in his briefcase and sat down to fill in the diary.

5. The distant hills merge with the sunset stripes and the evening haze slowly covers them.


The dew (1) that falls in the evening (2) is so abundant that it even shines at night (3) reflecting the light of the stars (4) and thus predicting a hot day for tomorrow.

17. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which commas should be in the sentences.

Now (1) my distant (2) dear friend is yearning for me.

You are my letter (4) dear (5) do not crumple, read it to the end (6) friend (7).

18. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which commas should be in the sentence.

Pay attention to those trees in the forest (1) young buds (2) of which (3) are already swollen.

19. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which commas should be in the sentence.

If the sun is shining (1) and there are no clouds in the sky (2), then the singing of birds and the smell of hay is felt stronger (3) and this memory awakens a thought (4) and takes it far, far away.

Read the text and complete tasks 20-25.


(1) I live in a new building. (2) There is a potato field behind my house.

(3) Our house has not been telephoned yet. (4) Therefore, a pay phone booth was installed near him.

(5) One day, my neighbor down the corridor, Polina Ivanovna, from an adjacent apartment, became ill with her heart. (6) A lot of people gathered near the pay phone booth, I explained what was the matter, and they let me out of the queue. (7) However, it turned out that it was not so easy to call an ambulance. (8) Either the subscriber was busy, or for some reason they did not pick up the phone.

(9) And suddenly the cabin door swung open, and a lever was pressed over my shoulder.

(10) Before me stood a girl of about twenty. (11) Very beautiful. (12) That rare, conspicuous beauty, about which the poet said: (13) "The blind only will not notice it ...". (14) Such beauty is as rare a gift of nature for a person as talent or even genius. (15) And therefore it strikes.

(16) - I need to call, - said the girl. (17) "I need it!" It already meant everything to her. (18) - They are waiting for me there. (19) I'm in a hurry! (20) Do you understand this?! - she added with that irritation in her voice that, they say, I have no time, and there are some here, - she looked expressively at me ...

(21) -So what? – indignantly was distributed from queue. (22) -Do not interfere with the citizen.

(23) I prepared another coin, but it slipped out of my hands and rolled along the sidewalk.

(24) While they helped me pick her up, the girl fluttered into the booth and dialed the number she needed.

(25) - Why did you miss it? I said reproachfully to the man standing in front of the door first.

(26) -It will be more expensive for yourself! he chuckled. (27) - I have my own. (28) Don't say a word to them, it's better to move away and stand aside.

(29) The girl was talking loudly in the booth, not paying attention to strangers, and everyone could hear.

(30) - Seryozha! she screamed. (31) - As agreed, I'm waiting at the agreed place.

(32) Apparently, the subscriber muttered something displeased, made some remark to her, the girl looked at us: (33) - Yes, there are all sorts ...

(34) She slowly hung up the phone and majestically walked past us, proudly throwing her chin up, and next to me she stopped and whispered so that others could not hear:

(35) - Ugly!..

(36) The second time I called quickly, dictated the address and hurried to the elevator, remembering that Polina Ivanovna was left alone in the apartment.

(37) The door to Polina Ivanovna's apartment turned out to be unlocked. (38) Polina Ivanovna was lying on the bed, closing her eyes.

(39) - An ambulance will arrive now.

(40) - Thank you.

(41) - How do you feel?

(42) -Better.

(43) Polina Ivanovna was silent. (44) I was also silent, not knowing what to say, what to do.

(45) Suddenly, a girl I knew, whom I saw at the telephone booth, entered the room. (46) The door to the apartment remained unlocked, and therefore the girl entered silently.

(47) - Are you here?! - looking at me, she said with undisguised indignation.

(48) - My granddaughter, - whispered Polina Ivanovna, brightening her face.

(49) - So you didn’t call for yourself, did you try so hard? (50) Did you try for others? - the girl asked, looking at me with curiosity.

(51) - Babusik, I'll go, - she turned to Polina Ivanovna. (52) - One guy took me a movie ticket for "Repentance". (53) What is being done at the cinema! (54) Some kind of psychosis! (55) And you talk to this gentleman. (56) Pleasant company. (57) Well, I rushed off. (58) Kiss!

(59) The ambulance came in a few minutes. (60) Perhaps the girl met with the doctor somewhere near the elevator. (61) Polina Ivanovna was examined and told that it was necessary to urgently send her to the hospital. (62) They put me on a stretcher, covered me with a blanket up to my chin, and took me away.

(63) I looked out the window and wondered why the car had been standing at our front door for so long. (64) Finally she left. (65) And the next day I found out that Polina Ivanovna had died in the elevator. (According to P. Vasiliev)

Vasiliev Pavel Alexandrovich (1929-1990) - Russian prose writer. The main theme of his works is war. The most famous books are: "The guy in the cap", "In the spring, after the snow", "Choice", "Sudoma-mountain", etc.

20. Which of the statements does not match the content of the text? Specify the answer numbers.

1. The house was old and intended for demolition, so it was not equipped with telephones.

2. Polina Ivanovna had an attack of appendicitis.

3. Calling an ambulance turned out to be a difficult task.

4. The granddaughter of Polina Ivanovna was of rare beauty.

5. Polina Ivanovna died the next morning.

21. Which of the following statements are false? Specify the answer numbers.

1. Sentences 1-5 provide a description.

2. Sentences 37-44 include an element of reasoning.

3. Sentence 8 explains the content of sentence 7.

4. Sentences 32-35 present the narrative.

5. Sentence 7 contains a confirmation of the judgment made in sentence 6.

22. From sentences 10-15 write out the word with the meaning “smth. very valuable, important, what a person is endowed with by nature.

23. Among sentences 37-47, find one (s) that is (s) connected with the previous one using lexical repetition. Write the number(s) of this offer(s).

24. “The episode narrated by the author leaves no doubt as to who the word taken as the title refers to. The whole text is built on the contrast of external beauty - a rare gift of nature - and internal beauty - one that is not striking and is sometimes noticeable only in relation to relatives. The writer resorts to such syntactic expressive means as (A) ...... (sentences 25-27, 39-42, 47-50), (B) ...... (sentences 20, 33), (C) ....... (sentences 3 -4, 10-11,14-15), which give dynamics to the plot. Revives the narrative and (G) ...... .. (“ambulance”, “fluttered”, “babusik”, “rushed off”)”.

List of terms:

1) question-answer unity

2) comparative turnover

3) parceling

4) incomplete sentences

5) professional vocabulary

6) impersonation

7) colloquial vocabulary

8) phraseological units

9) epithets

Part 2.

Write an essay based on the text you read.


Option 10 - Dunno (according to Demo 2017)

1 13

2 indeed

3 2

4 chain

5 whole

6 lie down

7 31947

8 burn out

9 surfpriority

10 to endure

11 seal

12 quietly

13 soon from there

14 124

15 35

16 123

17 4567

18 1

19 23

20 125

21 125

22 gift

23 3844

24 1437

4. The problem of selfishness. (What is the spiritual ugliness of a person manifested in? Can an outwardly beautiful person be ugly?)

4. People who care only about themselves often remain indifferent even to their closest ones.


The following problems should be distinguished:
1. National self-determination;
2. National characteristics of the people;
3. The identity of each people;
4. National spirit.


Remember that these problems are close, but each of them has its own specific distinguishing features.

I offer you a sample essay on the 4th problem.

The problem raised in Pokrovsky's text is the question of what the national spirit is. Yes, indeed, often this "force" is tried to be defined. Everyone gives her his own characteristics: some consider her mysterious and mystical, others - incomprehensible. unknown. But none of these definitions is accurate.

Pokrovsky believes that if a nation is in danger, then "it is not the one who has more people and weapons who wins, but the one who has more stamina and courage." I agree (agree) with the opinion of the author. So, for example, during the Great Patriotic War, our people showed the best national qualities - heroism, courage and unbending fortitude.

A striking example is the epic novel by Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace". One of the main characters of the work, Andrei Bolkonsky, is talking with his friend, Pierre Bezukhov, on the eve of the Battle of Borodino. They condemn Napoleon, talk about the upcoming battle. Bolkonsky says that his compatriots "want to pile on with the whole world." he emphasizes. that at a decisive moment for the country, the whole people - from the peasant to the generals - united in the face of danger. Tolstoy shows the heroic battle on the Bagrationovsky flashes, the Raevsky redoubts of officers and soldiers, their courage and courage. Of course, the battle was not won, but, as Kutuzov said, it "was not lost": the national spirit was not broken.

Another example is my favorite work by B.Vasiliev "I was not on the lists." Young Lieutenant Pluzhnikov is on his way to his destination, the Brest Fortress. He arrived on June 21st. They did not have time to enroll him in the garrison, because the next day the war began. The fortress was defended for several months in complete encirclement. Pluzhnikov remained her last defender. On April 12, 1942, having learned from Savitsky that the Germans were defeated near Moscow, he decided to go to the surface. Pluzhnikov asks Savitsky, whom the Germans sent to him with an offer to surrender, to tell his people that "the fortress did not die, it just bled to death, I am its last drop." When the hero left the casemate. the German general ordered to give his name. Pluzhnikov replied: "I am a Russian soldier." In front of the general and the German soldiers stood an emaciated, gray-haired man. and he was only 20 years old. Struck by the courage and unbending fortitude of the brave defender of the fortress, the Nazis salute that force called the "national spirit".

So, the problem raised by the author. relevant to modern society. My generation mostly knows about war from books and media. Our society must remember and preserve the great heritage of our ancestors. Today, the Borodino field and the Brest Fortress are monuments to the strength of the Russian national spirit. The task of the younger generation is to be worthy successors of previous generations.

Unified state exam in RUSSIAN LANGUAGE

Work instructions

To complete the examination work in the Russian language is given
3.5 hours (210 minutes). The work consists of 3 parts.

Part 1 includes 30 tasks (A1-A24). Each of them is given
four answer options.

Part 2 includes 1 task (C1) and is a small
written work on the text (essay-reasoning).

The points you get for completed tasks are summed up.
Try to complete as many tasks as possible and score as many
more points.

All USE forms are filled in with bright black ink. Allowed
use of gel, capillary or fountain pens.

When completing assignments, you can use a draft.
Please note that entries in the draft will not be
taken into account when evaluating work.
We wish you success!

5 directions of essays on literature.

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation has announced directions for the final essay in the 11th grade for the academic year 2014/2015.

Five directions.

The Council on the issues of conducting the final essay in the graduating classes selected the following areas: “It is not without reason that all of Russia remembers ...” (Lermontov’s 200th anniversary), “Questions asked of mankind by the war”, “Man and nature in domestic and world literature”, "Dispute of generations: together and apart" and "How do people live?"

On topics developed in accordance with these areas, graduates will have to reason based on the works of domestic and world literature. On the basis of these directions, Rosobrnadzor will develop the topics of the final essays by December. They will be different for different time zones, and students will only recognize them on the exam.

The essay is included in the list of final exams for schoolchildren starting from the 2014/2015 academic year. Graduates will have to write an essay in December, and it will be possible to retake it in February and late April - early May.

First direction appears in the release as "It's not for nothing that all of Russia remembers ...". It is noted that this topic is dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail Lermontov.

Second direction titled "The Questions Asked of Mankind by the War". The press service notes that this direction "orients students to reflect on the causes of war, the impact of war on the fate of a person and the country, about the moral choice of a person in war," based on literature.

Third and fourth lines proposed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation - "Man and Nature in Russian and World Literature" and "Dispute of Generations: Together and Apart". In the second of these two topics, graduates are encouraged to reflect on "family values" and "different facets of the problem of relationships between generations."

Fifth direction for the essay - "How are people alive?" – will be closely associated with Leo Tolstoy. The themes of this direction "suppose a discussion about the value orientations of man and mankind, about the ethical, moral, philosophical, social aspects of being" through the prism of domestic and foreign literature.

According to the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Dmitry Livanov, the final essays in the 11th grade were introduced by order of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin in order to increase the level of reading and expressing their own thoughts among schoolchildren.

"We proceeded from the fact that the objectives of introducing this half-forgotten form of testing are to motivate schoolchildren to study literature at school and, in general, to awaken their interest in reading, the ability to express their thoughts, argue, defend their position," Livanov said. emphasized that it was not the officials who were engaged in the choice of the final topics, but the widow of the writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Natalya Solzhenitsyna.

Many people around the world, including Buddhists and other religions, believe in reincarnation (or rebirth). They are convinced that every person has a soul that is constantly reborn and reappears in new life forms. She travels her karmic path and her goal is to reach the state of "perfect enlightenment".

If the soul comes to this, then it will no longer be reborn, because it has already completed its mission and reached perfection.

Have you ever felt like you have an "old" soul? Maybe you are the person who has been reborn many times? These 6 convincing signs indicate that your soul has repeatedly appeared in this world in different life forms.

recurring dreams

Do you tend to have the same dreams often, especially about people and places that you have never met or visited in real life, but somehow they seem extremely familiar? This may be due to the fact that the subconscious reminds you of the experience of previous lives.

You have a very developed intuition

It is believed that intuition comes from the ability to use wisdom and knowledge that is not always available to all of us. If your intuition is very strong, this may be a clue, a sign that the soul is enjoying a rich experience that you can take advantage of.

Do you often experience deja vu

Memories of past lives don't just come to people in their dreams. If you often experience deja vu with sensations, sounds, tastes, or smells that seem incredibly familiar for reasons you are not aware of, they may be memories from a former life.

You are a very sensitive person

Buddhists, in particular, believe that if a person has a high ability to experience, empathy, then there is a high probability that he has a more “adult” soul. Such individuals tend to be more sensitive to their own and others' emotions, as they have had much more time to experience them.

You are tied to certain events, time periods, cultures

If you have a strong attachment to any event or holiday, or certain periods of time, cultural features are close and pleasant to you, what does this mean? This may be due to memories from a past life and probably very happy.

Do you have unexplained fears?

Do you have a strong fear of something for no reason? Perhaps you are mortally afraid of water, for example, but you have never had an event in your life that would lead to this fear. This may mean that you drowned in a previous life or had certain negative experiences.

The answers to tasks 1-24 are a word, a phrase, a number or a sequence of words, numbers. Write your answer to the right of the task number without spaces, commas or other additional characters.

Read the text and do tasks 1-3.

(1) Based on the analysis of empirical and experimental data, scientists have made convincing conclusions that the perception of a person whose main source of information is the Internet changes significantly. (2) Researchers have found obvious changes in the ability to concentrate and remember information: this ability tends to decrease. (3) The “nature” of reading _______ has changed: the attention of the reading person has become superficial, “fluttering”.


Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the MAIN information contained in the text?

1. Scientists have found that a person who receives information mainly from the Internet has a change in perception: the ability to concentrate attention and memorize information decreases, the “nature” of reading changes.

2. Researchers have found an obvious increase in the ability to concentrate and remember information in a person for whom the Internet becomes the only source of information.

3. In people whose main source of information is the Internet, scientists have identified obvious changes in the "nature" of reading texts, in the ability to concentrate and remember information, a significant change in perception.

4. Scientists have found that children who receive basic information from the Web change their perception, and teachers were the first to talk about changes in the ability to remember.

5. Based on the analysis of experimental data, scientists concluded that a person whose main source of information is the Internet develops the syndrome of "acquired attention deficit".


Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

1. as soon as

3. because

4. if only


Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meaning of the word NATURE. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

NATURE, -s, f.

1. Everything that exists in the Universe, organic and inorganic world. Dead item (inorganic world: not plants, not animals). Living item (organic world).

2. The whole inorganic and organic world in its opposition to man. Protection of Nature. The relationship between man and nature.

3. Places outside cities (fields, forests, mountains, bodies of water). Enjoy nature. In the bosom of nature. Go out into nature (simple).

4. trans., what. Main property, essence (book). P. social relations. Viral p. disease.


In one of the words below, a mistake was made in setting the stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel is highlighted INCORRECTLY. Write out this word.


get through



In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONGLY used. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

1. The secluded manor house, standing above the river, was protected from the wind by the mountains

2. He understood that in society there is no absolute trust in doctors, or rather in the ETHICAL values ​​of practicing doctors.

3. Dangers in the mountains are common: avalanches, ICE cracks, weather, altitude sickness...

4. The Motherland WILL PAY with immortality to those who give her life on the battlefield.

5. He preferred PRACTICAL, comfortable and inexpensive clothes to refined and elegant suits.


In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.



FOUR sledges


no time


Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application 1) The Vatican is the only state in the world that does not have its own people.
B) incorrect sentence construction with adverbial turnover 2) Children should feel like children, no matter what happens around them.
C) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members 3) A flock of starlings instantly dispersed and settled on the branches of apple trees, only freed from snow.
D) violation of the construction of a sentence with participial turnover 4) The reader is fascinated by the romantic story of the meeting and the first love of the hero.
D) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate 5) Having read a new novel by a famous writer, I wanted to read his stories as well.
6) Before the appearance of the novel "The White Guard" M. Bulgakov was perceived only as a satirist.
7) The music of A. Mozart not only has a beneficial effect on people, but also on plants.
8) Nobody but my parents supported me.
9) Winding through the winding streets for a long time, the old city opened up to us from a new side.

Write your answer in numbers without spaces or other characters.


Determine the word in which the unstressed alternating vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.







Determine the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write these words out with the missing letter.

pr...marine, pr...stop

and ... heal, ra ... dolie

pr... grandma, pr... be silent

be ... bottom, in ... singing



Write down the word in which the letter O is written in place of the gap.


Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.

(turner) toch..t (conditions)

(arm) fold..twist

non-burning .. my


Identify the sentence in which NOT is written with the word APART. Open the brackets and write out this word.

1. She quickly turned to him with an angry movement, still (NOT) SUCCESSFUL to be conveyed to her gaze, but immediately laughed.

2. Somewhere out there, far below, seven versts (NOT) VISIBLE from here is the estate of Shakhmatovo.

3. In this hour of peaceful grace, it is good to walk in front of the wing with your (NOT) COVERED head.

4. The day was (NOT) BRIGHT, but bright and quiet - some kind of sleepy.

5. Nature is arranged in such a way that the most (NOT) SIGNIFICANT booger keeps in itself universal patterns.


Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

1. Mushrooms came across (FROM) RARE, and we would have passed (IN) DURING the day, but we were prevented by rain.

2. (SOME) WHERE small lakes opened, BUD (TO) fallen to the ground and mirrors set in greenery.

3. And immediately (B) NEW fir trees began to grow in the forest, (C) THE BEGINNINGS were small, and then higher and higher.

4. (B) DIFFERENT from the pampered southern relative of cypress, the juniper climbs far to the north, grows (B) NEAR the eternal snows.

5. Today SO (SAME), as yesterday, nothing stuck with me, for WHAT (WHAT) I took.


Indicate all the numbers in the place of which HH is written.

Purchased (1) things were carefully packed (2) and neatly folded (3) in cardboard (4) boxes.


Set up punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1. Nature passes through the poet's loving and eternally creative heart and is imprinted in his lyrical lines.

2. Inversion is one of the most important means of intonational-syntactic selection of words or phrases.

3. A light breeze woke up then subsided.

4. In this portrait, there is both lightness of manner and subtlety of the color range and psychologism of the image.

5. The engine did not have time to really cool down and was started within a few minutes.


Flowers (1) merging into a whole forest clearing (2) and forming an open space (3) upon closer examination, struck with the ideal shape of each corolla (4) framed by delicate petals.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which commas should be in the sentences.

From direct answers and my direct questions, she (1) however (2) deftly evaded. Even the pipes (3) seemed to me (4) (5) in her presence to smoke shyly and not at full strength.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which commas should be in the sentence.

I don’t know (1) whether the actors played well (2) I don’t know (3) what the direction was (4) I don’t know (5) whether the staging turned out to be successful (6) I don’t know anything (7) because I haven’t seen such a performance again .


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which commas should be in the sentence.

We decided (1) that we can no longer stay in the city (2) and (3) that (4) when I get some money (5) we will move to another place.


Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by replacing the incorrectly used word. Write down the chosen word, observing the norms of the modern Russian literary language.

51 cows fall per machine milking operator in a modern complex.

Read the text and complete tasks 21-26.

(1) I live in a new building. (2) There is a potato field behind my house. (3) Our house has not been telephoned yet. (4) Therefore, a pay phone booth was installed near him.

(5) One day, my neighbor down the corridor, Polina Ivanovna, from an adjacent apartment, became ill with her heart. (6) A lot of people gathered near the pay phone booth, I explained what was the matter, and they let me out of the queue. (7) However, it turned out that it was not so easy to call an ambulance. (8) Either the subscriber was busy, or for some reason they did not pick up the phone.

(9) And suddenly the cabin door swung open, and a lever was pressed over my shoulder. (10) Before me stood a girl of about twenty. (11) Very beautiful. (12) That rare, conspicuous beauty, about which the poet said: (13) "The blind only will not notice it ...". (14) Such beauty is as rare a gift of nature for a person as talent or even genius. (15) And therefore it strikes.

(16) - I need to call, - said the girl. (17) "I need it!" It already meant everything to her. (18) - They are waiting for me there. (19) I'm in a hurry! (20) Do you understand this?! - she added with that irritation in her voice that, they say, I have no time, and there are some here, - she looked expressively at me ...

(21) -So what? – indignantly was distributed from queue. (22) -Do not interfere with the citizen.

(23) I prepared another coin, but it slipped out of my hands and rolled along the sidewalk.

(24) While they helped me pick her up, the girl fluttered into the booth and dialed the number she needed.

(25) - Why did you miss it? I said reproachfully to the man standing in front of the door first.

(26) -It will be more expensive for yourself! he chuckled. (27) - I have my own. (28) Don't say a word to them, it's better to move away and stand aside.

(29) The girl was talking loudly in the booth, not paying attention to strangers, so everyone could hear.

(30) - Seryozha! she screamed. (31) - As agreed, I'm waiting at the agreed place.

(32) Apparently, the subscriber muttered something displeased, made some remark to her, the girl looked at us: (33) - Yes, there are all sorts ...

(34) She slowly hung up the phone and majestically walked past us, proudly throwing her chin up, and next to me she stopped and whispered so that others could not hear:

(35) - Ugly!..

(36) The second time I called quickly, dictated the address and hurried to the elevator, remembering that Polina Ivanovna was left alone in the apartment.

(37) The door to Polina Ivanovna's apartment turned out to be unlocked.

(38) Polina Ivanovna was lying on the bed, closing her eyes.

(39) - An ambulance will arrive now.

(40) - Thank you.

(41) - How do you feel?

(42) -Better.

(43) Polina Ivanovna was silent. (44) And I was silent, not knowing what to say, what to do.