Summary: Rivers of Russia. Introduction of a new concept

Abstract of a lesson in geography

Grade: 6

Topic: Rivers of the world

Teacher: Kheichieva L.V.

Practical work "Designation on the contour map of the rivers of the world"

Geography. Elementary geography course 6th grade. Edited by T.P. Gerasimova, N.P. Neklyukov.

Lesson Objectives:

To form an idea about the river, its parts, parts of the river system and the valley, basins and watershed, about the nutrition of the river and its flood regime.

Lesson objectives:

Educational tasks:

To teach to determine the left and right banks, the tributaries of the left and right, to determine the territory of river basins, to find the watersheds of rivers.

Development tasks:

Develop the ability to work with a geographical map and contour maps.

Educational tasks:

Cultivate respect for nature.


Visual aids, atlases, textbooks, "Physical map of the world" and "Physical map of Russia",

During the classes:

    Organizing time.

    Checking homework. Knowledge update.

You already know that in nature there is a constant cycle of water. Water is constantly moving from one natural component to another. Let's remember what types of water cycle in nature we distinguish?

Small circle, big circle.

Frontal survey "on the topic of groundwater".

    The study of new material in the form of a lecture with elements of a conversation.

Without water, nothing living on Earth can exist. A person needs clean fresh water, which makes up about 2% of the hydrosphere.

Starting with this lesson, we will get acquainted with the waters of land.

Let's think about what types of land waters do we know?

Rivers, lakes, swamps, glaciers, groundwater, permafrost, reservoirs, ponds, canals.

Rivers contain only a small part of the hydrosphere. But it is easier for a person to use water from rivers for his needs. Therefore, the importance of rivers is immeasurably greater.

You know that people have always preferred to settle along the banks of rivers, which also served as sources of water supply and food, transport arteries and defensive lines.

What is a river and river system? (Children express their ideas)

River - this is a natural constant flow of water flowing in a recess designed by him - a channel.

river valley a relatively narrow, elongated, winding depression formed by water flowing along the channel.

Channel - the lowest part of a river valley through which water flows. The deep places of the channel are called stretches, and the shallow ones are called rifts.

source - the beginning of a river, the place from which a constant flow of water appears in the channel.

Mouth - the place where a river flows into another river, sea, ocean, lake, reservoir.

The water flow carries a lot of erosion products all the time. River sediments are called alluvial deposits. They mainly accumulate in river valleys in the lower reaches.

There are different types of mouths.

Estuaries- funnel-shaped mouth of the river, expanding towards the sea. Occurs when sediment carried by a river is carried away by tidal currents and the adjacent sea is deep enough that sediment does not accumulate.

Delta the shape of the mouth of the river with channels into which the main channel is divided, having the shape of the Greek letter Δ in plan. Deltas are of different types in shape, more often they have a triangular or fan-shaped shape. Deltas are formed in shallow areas of the sea, lakes at the confluence of the river, which carries a large amount of sediment.

4. Consolidation of new material. Work in a notebook.

Open atlases and give examples of rivers that have a mouth in the form of a delta or estuary. Write in a notebook in the form of a diagram.


5. Continued study of new material.

We have almost answered the question of what a river system is. Let's learn how to determine which bank of the river is right and which is left, and find out what tributaries are and what they are.

Let's make a trip along the river from the source to the mouth, the right bank of the river will be located to the right of us, and the left bank to the left. The river on the right and on the left receives tributaries. Right tributaries flow into our movement, and left tributaries flow to the left.

What do you think the river system is called?

(Children make different guesses)

A river with all its tributaries is called river system.

The area from which the river system collects water is called river basin.

6. Fixing the material. Practical work.

Let's find on the physical map of the rivers of the world and Russia the Volga, Ob, Lena and Yenisei, Amazon, Nile, Indus, etc.

Let us single out the basins of the Volga, Ob, Yenisei and Lena rivers.

What is the basin of the river. Ob?

West Siberian Plain.

What separates the Yenisei and Lena rivers?

Central Siberian plateau.

What separates the Ob and Volga rivers?

Ural mountains.

Introduction of a new concept.

The boundary between river basins is called watershed.

Let's think about a river valley corresponding to a decrease or increase in relief?

Decline in relief.

Does a river basin correspond to a decrease or increase in relief?

Decline in relief.

Does a river watershed correspond to a decrease or increase in relief?

Elevation in relief.

Where does the water come from, do you think?

From springs, precipitation, glaciers.

7. Continued study of new material.

The flow of water into a river is called feeding the river.

Most of the rivers have a mixed supply.

The water level in most rivers varies with the seasons.

The change in the state of the river during the year is called river regime.

High water - the annual continuous rise in the water level in the river (in the same season).

high water- a short-term rise in the water level in the river, (in any season).

Threshold - shallow rocky section of the river, (hindering navigation and rafting).

8. Educational practical work "Designation on the contour map of the rivers of the world: Nile, Amazon, Mississippi with Missouri, Congo, Yenisei, Volga, Lena, Amur, Ob, etc. »

9. Summing up the lesson.

Let's sum up our work in today's lesson and repeat the learned concepts.

1. Let's remember the parts of the river.

2. What is: source, mouth, river, channel?

Grading a lesson.

10. Homework:

1. Paragraph 30, answer questions.

2. Be able to show rivers on the map.

What is the source and mouth of the river, the river valley?

Source of the river - the place where the river originates

The mouth of the river is the place where the river ends, flowing into another, larger body of water: a river, a lake, a sea, an ocean.

River valley - lowering of the relief from the source to the mouth. A river system is a river with all its tributaries.

How are river valleys formed?

River valleys are formed as a result of the erosive and accumulative activity of the flowing waters of the river. The river deepens, and river sediments are deposited along the banks.

What major rivers do you know?

Amazon, Nile, Mississippi, Yellow River, Yangtze, Indus and Ganges, Amur, Ob, Yenisei, Amur, Volga.

Find and show on the map in the atlas the sources of the Kuban, Volga, Neva, Amur. Find other examples of different types of river sources.

Volga - Valdai Upland, Kuban - the confluence of the rivers: Ullukam and Uchkulan (Elbrus), Neva - Lake Ladoga, Amur - the confluence of the rivers: Argun and Shilka.

Find and show on the physical map of Russia the largest right and largest left tributaries of the Volga. What are their names?

The largest left tributary is the Kama, the right one is the Oka.

Using a physical map of the world, compare the river systems of the Amazon and the Nile. Which of these rivers has a more extensive and long river network? Why do you think?

The longest and most extensive river network is near the Amazon River. This is due to the fact that the river flows in equatorial latitudes with a large amount of precipitation.

Questions and tasks

1. What is a river? Is an irrigation canal a river?

A river is a constant stream of water flowing in a deepening - a channel - developed by it. An irrigation canal is not a river. A channel is an artificial depression.

2. Show on the map the source and mouth of the rivers: Angara, Yenisei, Ob, Don, Amazon.

Angara: source - lake. Baikal, mouth - Yenisei.

Yenisei: the source is the confluence of the Big and Small Yenisei, the mouth is the Kara Sea.

Ob: the source is the confluence of the Biya and Katun rivers, the mouth is the Gulf of Ob.

Don: source - Central Russian Upland, mouth - Taganrog Bay.

Amazon: the source is the confluence of the Maranion and Ucayali rivers, the mouth is the Atlantic Ocean.

3. Does the water of the Volga River enter the World Ocean?

Volka's water enters the Internal Drainage Basin, not the ocean.

4. What is a river system and a river drainage basin?

A river system is a river with its tributaries flowing into it.

The drainage basin of a river is the area of ​​land from which water flows to the main river and its tributaries.

5. According to Figure 160, determine what elevations the watershed between the Don and Volga basins passes through?

The watershed between the Don and Volga basins runs along the Volga and Central Russian Uplands.

6. Using the physical map of Russia, determine which watersheds of the river basins run along the ridges of the Ural Mountains, which - along the Valdai Upland.

The watershed between the Volga, the Pechera, the northern Dvina and the Ob passes through the Ural Mountains.

The watershed between the Volga and the Dnieper runs along the Valdai Upland.

Practical work Description of the river according to the plan Grade 6 Goals and objectives: continue work on the formation of skills: determine geographical coordinates; determine directions on the map; determine the nature of the flow of rivers depending on the relief. work according to the proposed plan. compare the results obtained with the expected ones. Beznogova O.N. geography teacher, MOU "Privalenskaya secondary school" of the Omsk region

Exit sample Plan for description of the river: 1. Name of the river; 2.Position of the river on the mainland; 3. Location and geographic coordinates of the source; 4. General direction of flow; 5. Largest left and right tributaries; 6. The nature of the river flow; 7.Where does the river flow, geographic coordinates of the mouth; 8. The use of the river by man. prompt

Outline 1. Name of the river Ob 2. Position of the river on the mainland In the north of Eurasia 3. Location and geographical coordinates of the source From the confluence of the two rivers Biya and Katun, which originate from the Altai Mountains (52 ° N 85 ° E) 4. The general direction of the current is from southeast to northwest, and then north. 5. The largest left and right tributaries The largest left tributary is the Irtysh. 6. The nature of the river flow In the upper reaches, it is stormy and fast, as it flows in the mountains. In the middle and lower reaches - quiet and calm, as it flows through the plain. 7. Where the river flows, geographic coordinates of the mouth. Into the Gulf of the Kara Sea (66.5°N and 70E). 8. Human use of the riverWater supply, upstream irrigation, navigation, fishing, recreation and tourism, HPPs on the Irtysh in Kazakhstan. Description of the river exit back

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The purpose of the lesson: to form knowledge about the rivers of the globe. Show their differences and common features.

Lesson objectives:

  • To begin the formation of students' understanding of the rivers.
  • To introduce students to the basic concepts, terms, definitions.
  • Continue to develop the ability to work with a geographical map.
  • Continue the formation of the ability to write a description of a geographical object - a river.
  • Formation of the ability to identify, analyze, compare phenomena and facts, work with text.

Basic Tutorial: V.P. Dronov, L.E. Savelyeva. Geography. Geography. 6th grade. – M.: Bustard, 2012.

Equipment: map of the hemispheres, physical map of Russia, physical map of the Krasnodar Territory, atlases, contour maps, computer, multimedia installation, presentation on the topic: “Rivers”.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Repetition of the studied material.

Task: From the list of geographical objects, select only those that relate to inland waters.

Answer: inland waters do not include the sea, ocean, gulf.


Flowing, flowing - will not flow out;
Runs, runs - does not run out.
Not a horse, but running
Not a forest, but noisy (River).

Determining with students the topic, objectives and goals of the lesson.

III. Learning new material.

What river flows through our region? Describe the Kuban River.

- What is a river? (This is a natural water stream flowing in a depression he has developed - a channel). This definition marks the most important features of the river. It is natural, and not created by human hands (canal, reservoir), flowing in a direction given by nature, which does not change dramatically.

What are the parts of a river?

  • channel- the main part of the river, which is located at the bottom of the river valley.
  • floodplain- part of the river valley, flooded with water during river floods.
  • river valley- a wider depression in the relief.

- Where do rivers begin? What are the sources of rivers? The concept is being formed source- the beginning of the river. Examples of rivers are given that originate in the mountains or the source is swamps, lakes.

Where do rivers end? (Textbook analysis p. 149, fig. 132)

  • mouth- the place where a river flows into another river, lake, reservoir, sea, ocean.

What are the types of river mouths?

  • Delta- the mouth of the river with channels;
  • Estuary- funnel-shaped mouth of the river.

Slide 9

Rivers that flow into other rivers are called tributaries. They can be left and right.

- How to determine where the river has left or right tributaries? (Give an example on the map). Name the left and right tributaries of the Kuban River.

  • river system- this is the main river with all tributaries;
  • Watershed– boundary separating neighboring river basins;
  • river basin- the area of ​​the earth's surface from which all the water flows into the river.

slide 10-12

The longest river in the world is the Nile (6671 km), the deepest river in the world is the Amazon. Among the greatest rivers of Russia are the Ob, Lena, Yenisei, Amur, Volga. The Kuban River is the main river of our region.

Find and correctly show them on the map of the hemispheres (rivers are shown from source to mouth).

In contour maps, label the rivers indicated on the map:

  1. Nile, Congo (Africa);
  2. Ob, Yenisei, Lena, Volga, Amur, Kuban, Yangtze, Indus (Eurasia);
  3. Amazon (South America);
  4. Mississippi (North America).

How are rivers affected by terrain? Compare the nature of the flow of mountain and lowland rivers. Students look at the slide and work through the textbook pp. 151-152.

mountain rivers have:

  • stormy and swift current,
  • relatively straight channels
  • river valleys are narrow and deep, their destructive work is directed inland,
  • the bottom is almost all occupied by the channel,
  • unfavorable conditions for navigation.

lowland rivers have:

  • smooth and calm flow
  • the channel is winding, the river valleys are wide with a flat bottom, the width of the valleys is greater than their depth,
  • destructive work is directed in breadth - to erosion of the coast,
  • the channel occupies only part of the flat and wide bottom of the valley,
  • developed shipping.

One and the same river may have a different flow pattern along its course.

Slide 15-16

Under what conditions are rapids and waterfalls formed on rivers? What are their differences?

Concepts are being formed threshold- stone unevenness that arose when the river crossed solid rocky rocks in the channel and waterfalls- Steep sheer ledges of hard rocks. When rapids are formed, the river boils and foams, whirlpools appear. Angel Falls is the highest in the world, 1054 m high (South America). The waterfall was discovered in 1935 from an airplane by pilot Angel. Niagara Falls is not the highest (51 meters), but it is the most powerful. It destroys the ledge, from which the flow of water falls at a rate of 1 meter per year. If the destruction is not stopped, then in 20-30 thousand years it can reach Lake Erie, and it will be lowered.

How are rivers affected by climate? The climate determines the density of the river network, the full flow of the rivers and their behavior during the year. In those areas of the globe where there is a lot of precipitation and there are many rivers, they are full-flowing (Amazon). There are few rivers in the deserts, some of them dry up.

  • Food It is the way moisture enters the river. Rain, melted snow and glaciers, as well as groundwater, take part in the nutrition of the rivers. Rivers that would have one source of food do not exist in nature.
  • River mode- the behavior of the river during the year.
  • high water- a rise in the water level of a river that repeats annually at the same time. When is the flood on the Kuban River?

What is the importance of rivers? (they fish, shipping is developed, the energy of falling water is used to build a hydroelectric power station, a recreation area for people, people have always settled along the banks of rivers, etc.)

IV. Fixing the material.

  • Indicate the direction of the river flow - from northwest to southeast;
  • name the numbers of all sources - 1, 2, 3.4;
  • name the numbers of all mouths - 11, 5, 6, 7, 8;
  • name the numbers of all right tributaries - 9;
  • name the numbers of all left tributaries - 10, 12.

V. Summing up.

Practical work: "Description of the river according to the plan."

Option 1 - Volga, Option 2 - Amur.

  1. Name of the river: 1st option - Volga, 2nd option - Amur;
  2. What continent is it on?
  3. Source (beginning of the river);
  4. Mouth (place of confluence);
  5. direction of flow;
  6. Tributaries (left and right);
  7. Feeding the river;
  8. Economic use.

VI. Homework.

§ 38-39, indicated on the contour map of the river, to know and be able to show on the physical map of the hemispheres.


  1. Dronov V.P., Savelyeva L.E. Geography. Geography. 6th grade. – M.: Bustard, 2012.
  2. Nikitina N.A. Pourochnye developments in geography. 6th grade. - M .: "Wako", 2005.
  3. Geography lessons using information technology. 6-9 grades. Methodological manual with an electronic application (S.V. Dolgorukova, L.I. Eliseeva and others) - M .: Globus, 2008.
  4. Geography. 6-10 grades. Library of electronic visual aids. Multimedia publication on geography for general educational institutions.

Grade: 6
Lesson topic: Rivers
Type of lesson: lesson learning new material, workshop
To form an idea about the river and its parts, about the largest rivers of Russia using
new information and communication technologies;
Expand and deepen knowledge about land waters - rivers;
Teach students to find and show rivers on the map;
Develop cognitive activity, the ability to observe, tell, draw conclusions.

form an idea of ​​the rivers (parts, composition, types);
to form skills to work with a map;
to form the ability to write a description of a geographical object;
to form skills in searching for information, processing it, comparing and describing it on the topic "Rivers".

develop skills in working with information material.
develop analytical thinking, the ability to identify causal relationships;
develop cognitive interest and geographical thinking of students;

to cultivate geographical culture and aesthetic perception of geographical objects;
educate respect for nature, the Motherland.
Planned results:
Subject UUD
Learn to name
show on the map
major rivers of the world and Russia.
Will get the opportunity
learn to identify the mouth,
source, tributaries and
river systems;
Describe the GP of the river according to the plan
Metasubject UUD
Cognitive: highlight the main,
essential features of concepts; compare
objects, facts, phenomena, events
criteria, quality and
describe the object quantitatively.
Communicative: participate in
collective discussion of problems;
exchange opinions.
Regulatory: predict results
the level of assimilation of the studied material and
save the learning task
Personal UUD
Keep motivated to
educational activities;
showing interest in new
material; express
positive attitude towards
process of cognition, adequately
accept reasons
learning activities
Methods and forms of education:
Visual, partial search, practical, control
Individual, frontal, work in pairs, groups
Educational Resources:
Textbook "Geography" initial course: grade 6 / I.I. Barinova, A.A. Pleshakov.
Atlas and contour maps grade 6, handout
hemisphere map
Necessary equipment:
Computer, multimedia projector.

During the classes.
Organizing time
Checks the readiness of the class for the lesson, greets students:
- Hello!
- Hello, let's say we are our guests!
Today we have many guests, and I hope that we are fruitful
let's work!
Are you ready - all right
And textbooks, notebooks!
You came here to study
Don't be lazy, but work hard.
We work diligently
We listen carefully!
On the table, everyone has leaflets with tasks that you will
perform during our lesson. On the first leaf is your "tree
success", for each completed task, you give yourself one point if
task failed 0 points
Let's remember what we learned in the previous lessons.
What shell of the Earth are we studying? What does it include?
Let's complete task number 1. From the list of geographical objects, select only
those pertaining to land waters
Task number 1.
From the list of geographical objects, select and underline only those
which belong to the waters of the land.
Geographical Features: Swamp, ocean, stream, underground water, river, bay,
spring, reservoir, lake, waterfall, sea.
Let's check the task. Correctly completed the task 1 point.
Today in the lesson we will talk about one of the
objects. About which, the riddle will help you determine:
Flowing, flowing - will not flow out;
Runs, runs - will not run out. (River)
So what is the topic of the lesson? Your opinion
Today we will analyze one of the water bodies of land - these are rivers.
You've all been on the banks of the river, remember what a river is?
What do you know about rivers?
What else would you like to know about rivers? What are our goals
So today we need to know:
what is a river, its parts;
what is a river system;
what are the rivers;
why do people need rivers
Open your notebooks and write down the date and topic of the lesson.

There are almost 20 million rivers on Earth, but 53 of them are more than 1000 km long. BUT
Russia has more than 200 thousand, large and small rivers.

rapidly descend from the high mountains, giving the area a picturesque view.
What is a river? (children's answers are heard and a conclusion is made)
A river is a stream of water flowing in a deepening - a channel
rivers. Write the definition in a notebook.
River map. Every river, wherever it is, has its beginning.
Where does a river originate from? (One river flows out of the lake,
another from the swamp, the third from the spring, the fourth begins in the mountains)
So what is a source?
Source - the place where the river originates. Write the definition in a notebook.
The river flows for tens or even hundreds of kilometers and flows somewhere.
Where can a river flow? (to the sea, lake, or other river)
What is the name of this place? (mouth)
A mouth is a place where a river flows into a sea, lake or other river. Recording
definitions in a notebook.
Task: Find on the map of Russia the source and mouth of the Volga River. Define,
where they are.
The source is located on the Valdai Upland, and the mouth is in the Caspian
Working with the atlas
Work in pairs. Take the leaflets with task number 2. Open the physical
map of the Russian Federation on page 16. Read the task: you need
use the map to find the source and mouth of the rivers that are written in your table.
At the bottom of the table are geographic features that will help you
cope with this task. (Appendix 2).
Task number 2

river mouth
Name of the river Source of the river
Geographic features:
Caspian Sea, Lake Baikal.
Task number 2B
Yenisei River, Valdai Upland,

you need to find atlas using the physical map of the Russian Federation
the source and mouth of the rivers that are written in your table. At the bottom of the table are
geographical objects that will help you cope with the task.
Name of the river Source of the river
Geographical features: the Ob River, the eastern clefts of the Mongolian Ridge
Altai, Anadyr Bay, Anadyr Plateau.
river mouth
Task number 2B
you need to find atlas using the physical map of the Russian Federation
the source and mouth of the rivers that are written in your table. At the bottom of the table are
geographical objects that will help you cope with the task.
Name of the river Source of the river
Geographical features: Sea of ​​Okhotsk, the confluence of the Shilka and Argun rivers,
Lake in the Baikal Range, Laptev Sea.
river mouth
Let's check how your couple coped with the task.
Guys, who have the same task, check whether they completed the task correctly,
rate the work.
We coped with task No. 2 without errors, we put 1 point.
Before doing the next task, we will work orally with the concepts
What is the distance from source to mouth called?
So rivers are long and short.
We work with a physical map of the Russian Federation, page 16.
Give examples of long rivers.
Give examples of short rivers.
Many rivers are tributaries of other rivers. The tributaries are right and
leftists. How to determine where is the right tributary, and where is the left?
Children's answers
Let's look at the map:
define the tributaries (right, left) of the rivers:
Lena (tributaries Aldan, Vilyui)
Ob (tributary of the Irtysh)
Volga (tributary of the Kama).
Next question What is a river system?

We continue to work in the dust. Let's start task number 3
River map. On a piece of paper, a diagram of the river and a task are shown.
Annex 3. Scheme of the river
Task number 3. Get acquainted with the scheme of the river. Sign the parts of the river
Mountains Lake
Dictionary: source, mouth, right tributary, left tributary.
Checking the execution of the task. The diagram is shown on the slide. Checked
each empty field in pairs. If all the tasks were completed correctly, put
1 point. There are more than 200 thousand large and small rivers in Russia.

Some smoothly carry their waters among the lowlands and uplands, while others
rapidly descend from the high mountains, giving the area a picturesque view. Rivers
There are plains and mountains.
Question: How do lowland rivers differ from mountain rivers?
Let's complete the task number 4 on the leaflet Appendix 4
Task number 4
Look at the photos of the rivers. Establish a correspondence between the nature of the river and
the specifications below.

__________________ __________________
__________________ __________________
__________________ __________________
Characteristics: Calm current, wide river valley
large length, meandering channel, convenient for navigation
current, narrow valley, straight channel, short river, inconvenient for
Checking the job. River types
Slide №15
Mountain Slide #16

calm current
wide river valley
long length
winding channel
Convenient for shipping
turbulent current
narrow valley
straight channel
short river
Inconvenient for shipping
Group work
Sometimes you can see rapids on the river.
Thresholds - outcrops of hard rocks in the riverbed. (Students write down
Sometimes in the riverbed, bands of hard and soft rocks alternate.
The river erodes softer rocks, and outcrops of hard-to-erode hard rocks
rocks form rapids. Thresholds are very beautiful, but they interfere a lot
shipping. With horizontal occurrence of hard and soft rocks in the channel
the river erodes soft rocks, resulting in a step of
hard rock. If the step is high, the river rushes down from it in the form
What is a waterfall?
A waterfall is a steep ledge from which the water of a river falls down.
More often waterfalls are found in mountainous areas or on the border of mountainous and
flat terrain.
What is the name of the highest waterfall in the world if its coordinates are 50 N.S. and
630 W.D.? (Angel, shown on the map at the blackboard)
The tallest waterfall in the world is Angel Falls, located in the South
America. It is named after the pilot Angel, who discovered it in 1935 with
aircraft. A stream of water falls noisily from a height of 1054 m to the bottom of a deep
And here is another waterfall, which will tell
Information about Niagara Falls.
The most powerful Niagara Falls, located in North
The highest height of the waterfall is 51 m, width is 1200 m. The waterfall is located on
the Niagara River, which connects Lake Erie and Lake Ontario in North America.
The teacher asks to look at the map north south, west east. "commit"
round the world journey through the oceans from the city of Murmansk, starting
across the Arctic Ocean through the Pacific, Indian and
Atlantic (in this case, the teacher can hold a pointer on the map, and
students follow with their eyes. Close your eyes and count to ten.
Guys, what do you think is the meaning of rivers? In nature? In human life?
Children's answers

We guys continue to work and in order to consolidate the knowledge that we
received in class, let's do practical work.
We work in a group.
Take the leaves Task number 5 Description of the river according to the plan. river name
you choose yourself (appendix 5)
Annex 5
Task number 5
Description of the river according to the plan. The name of the river is up to you.
River description plan ___________________
1. The mainland on which the river is located
2. The source of the river
3. The mouth of the river
4. The direction of the river
5. The nature of the current (flat, mountainous)
6. Tributaries of the river
7. Which ocean basin does the river belong to
Corrects work in groups.
Checking practical work in groups
To summarize the lesson, today we learned:
what is a river, its parts;
what is a river system;
what are the rivers;
why are they to a person;
Have everyone take their "Tree of Success" and evaluate their work in the lesson.
Guys, rate who did a good job today in the lesson. Agree?!
Introduction to homework:
For all Paragraph 23, questions at the end of the paragraph
1Guys, what is the largest river in the Rostov region?
2) Creative task: describe the Don River according to the practical plan