Pink color in psychology. What does pink color mean? How to understand the Pink color in psychology

Painting - paint, color, it is embedded inside our body. Her outbursts are great and demanding.
Kazimir Severinovich Malevich

rainbow psychology

All of us in childhood rejoiced at the appearance of a rainbow in the sky after the last rain. Everyone tried to memorize the number and sequence of the colors of the rainbow. Who among us does not remember such funny phrases as:
  • To every O hotnik AND does W nat, G de FROM goes F azan
  • To ak O once AND ak- W vonar G tin FROM broke F onar.
  • And other options.
Where the first letters of the words mean the corresponding color name:
  • To each - red;
  • O hotnik - orange;
  • AND elaet - yellow;
  • W nat - green;
  • G de - blue;
  • FROM goes - blue;
  • F azan - purple.

But we did not think at that time that each color affects us, our character and our life to one degree or another.
And, now, having already become adults, we can trace the psychological connection of a certain color we prefer with one or another trait of our character.

People who are annoyed by this color have an inferiority complex, fear of quarrels, a tendency to solitude, stability in relationships. Red color symbolizes excitement, energy. This color is also a symbol of eroticism.

Disgust, ignoring red reflects organic weakness, physical or mental exhaustion.

Prisoners of war, forced to live in life-threatening conditions for years, rejected him especially often.

Red color is most preferred by teenagers.

YellowIt symbolizes calmness, ease in relations with people, intelligence.

When he is loved, it means sociability, curiosity, courage, easy adaptability and enjoyment of the opportunity to please and attract people to him.

When he is unpleasant, then we are talking about a person who is concentrated, pessimistic, with whom it is difficult to make acquaintance. Yellow is obtained by mixing green and red and is the color of energy.

The greatest preference for yellow is given by pregnant women who are expecting a successful outcome of childbirth, as well as people prone to changing places.

Yellow is also interpreted as the color of illumination (halo/aura of Christ or Buddha).

GreenThe color of nature, nature, life itself, spring.

The one who prefers it is afraid of someone else's influence, looking for a way of self-assertion, since this is vitally important for him. Anyone who does not love him is afraid of everyday problems, the vicissitudes of fate, in general, all difficulties.

The green color contains hidden potential energy, reflects the degree of volitional tension, so people who prefer green color strive for self-confidence and confidence in general.

Eccentric people, who achieve their goals not with purposeful volitional activity, but through emotions, reject the green color as unsympathetic.

Along with them, the green color is rejected by people who are on the verge of mental and physical exhaustion.

BlueThe color of the sky, peace, relaxation.

If you like him, then this speaks of modesty and melancholy; such a person often needs to rest, he quickly gets tired, it is extremely important for him to have a sense of confidence, the benevolence of others.

In the rejection of this color, a person is revealed who wants to give the impression that he can do everything in the world. But, in essence, he is a model of uncertainty and isolation. Indifference to this color speaks of a well-known frivolity in the field of feelings, although hidden under the mask of courtesy.

In short, the choice of blue as the most preferred color reflects the physiological and psychological need of a person for peace, and the rejection of it means that a person avoids relaxation.

With illness or overwork, the need for blue increases.

BlackThe color of uncertainty, symbolizing a gloomy perception of life.

The one who prefers to dress in black often perceives life in dark colors, is insecure, unhappy, prone to depression, because he has no doubt that his ideals in life are unattainable.

The frequent change of a black suit or dress to another, brighter, catchy one, indicates that pessimistic moods are often dispelled. The constant choice of black indicates the presence of a certain crisis state and characterizes an aggressive rejection of the world or oneself (recall the black banners of anarchists).

Children who are acutely experiencing the lack of care and love often use black shading in the drawing. Normally, black is generally rejected.

Grey The favorite color of reasonable and distrustful natures who think for a long time before making any decision.

It is also a neutral color that is preferred by those who are afraid to make themselves known too loudly. If you don’t like this color, then this is an indicator of an impulsive, frivolous character.

Often the gray color is also preferred in case of severe overwork as a barrier that separates from the stimuli of the outside world. In situations of psychological testing, this color is used as a means of protection against the penetration of another into the inner world of the test subject.

A study of about 2,000 young men in a situation of competitive examinations for vacancies showed that 27% of the subjects put gray in the first place instead of the usual 5% in a normal situation.

Video: Color Festival in India


Which of the flowers do you like the most? What color is your favorite?

In the survey below, choose 2-3 options for the colors you like most in life, and then, carefully read in the article what the colors you choose mean in personality psychology.

If your life has lost color, color it yourself! She's worth it.
author unknown

Life in pink ... What associations does this phrase evoke in you? Most likely, images of expensive boutiques, luxury cars, foreign resorts flash before your eyes, and, of course, a wave of serenity and tranquility rolls over. With slight variations, similar pictures visit each of us. Have you ever wondered why we perceive pink the way we do? In psychology, by the way, the choice of a favorite color is of great importance. Thanks to the preferences of the patient, a competent specialist can tell a lot about the character of a person and his psychological state at the moment. We, of course, are far from being professionals in the field of studying human souls, but still we will try to find out what color associations are in psychology.

The psychology of color

We live surrounded by color and often do not even think about how seriously it affects our condition and well-being. In addition, when we go shopping to update our wardrobe, we often choose a new thing in the same color as most of the things in our closet. Why do we act this way and sometimes experience absolutely opposite emotions in different interiors? Psychology will help us answer this question, because it works very closely on the topic of the influence of human life.

Psychology has been studying color preferences for a long time, back in the eighteenth century, when this science was practically in its infancy, doctors noticed that in some rooms the recovery of patients was much faster than in others. Initially, such facts were perceived as coincidences, but later the influence of color on human psychology began to be studied quite seriously, and by the twentieth century various personality typologies appeared, where the meaning of the favorite color in psychology served as the basis.

Color therapy and the application of color psychology in everyday life

In psychology, over time, even such a direction as color therapy appeared. With the help of several colors, specialists could significantly improve a person’s condition and help him get out of depression. In the modern world, the developments of psychologists are quite successfully used by marketers, designers and representatives of many other professions. For example, all advertisers know that pink-colored product packaging significantly increases consumer demand. A signboard in golden-purple color will surely encourage the consumer to look into the store, as it is subconsciously associated with luxury and reliability.

In ordinary life, we do not even notice how often we use the rules of color therapy. Think it's not? Judge for yourself: going to an important interview, you will wear something black in eighty percent out of a hundred. By doing this, you are trying to give yourself confidence and not miss someone else's negativity. What about a date? How often do lovely ladies, in an effort to slay their cavalier, prefer a red dress! All this is a game of our subconscious, which unmistakably determines the influence of a particular color on a person.

Psychology color tests: description

In the forties of the last century, Max Luscher developed a whole series of color tests that allowed him to determine the temperament of a person and her condition with the help of preferences. It is quite difficult for an unprepared person to use these tests, especially since they have several varieties. The simplest option concerns psychotypes.

Luscher took four psychotypes as a basis:

  • choleric;
  • sanguine;
  • melancholic;
  • phlegmatic person.

Each of the above personality types corresponds to one pure color:

  • choleric chooses shades of red and pink;
  • sanguine people are all shades of yellow;
  • the melancholic yearns for blue;
  • phlegmatic prefers green color.

Thus, Luscher's color personality types were born:

  • "red" people are ambitious individuals striving for new experiences and success;
  • "blue" strive for harmony and enjoyment of life;
  • "greens" have a need to confirm their significance, for which they turn into real workaholics;
  • "yellows" try not to drive themselves into frames, they are ready for everything new and unusual.

However, do not think that there are "one-color people", each of us has many shades. Max Luscher argued that the most harmonious are the personalities in which absolutely all colors are present. And he considered buying clothes of the right color the best way to make up for the missing range. With the help of a wardrobe, you can significantly harmonize your internal state.

TV color test

If it is rather difficult for you to understand the Luscher tests, then psychologists advise you to turn to the settings of your TV. Pay attention to the color scale, depending on which color prevails, you can draw a conclusion about your condition at the moment:

  • the predominance of red indicates that you are very trusting, but quick-tempered and aggressive;
  • yellow color tells that you look extremely friendly and have others around you, but in fact you experience stress and constant tension;
  • the clear predominance of green and blue shades reveals your timidity and weakness, but in case of danger you become extremely active and even dangerous.

Interest in Luscher's tests is due to the fact that they allow you to accurately identify the state of a person at a given moment, but for deep psychoanalysis, it is necessary to more seriously study the meanings of colors.

Passion Energy: Red

For any person, red is associated with emotions, passion, courage and activity. Red is chosen by natures who are ready for extraordinary deeds, shocking and altruism. This color is rejected by people who are afraid of conflicts and prefer solitude. If a person is exhausted physically and emotionally, then he categorically rejects the color red.

Yellow color: the desire to be energized

People who prefer yellow to everything else are usually calm, balanced and have many friends. They enjoy communication and love to attract attention. Yellow color is a kind of exercise for the psyche, it gives the energy necessary for life. Pessimists categorically do not accept yellow shades, limiting themselves in contacts with the outside world.

Relaxing blue

All are chosen by people who need physical and mental peace, they quickly get tired and are susceptible to a benevolent attitude. They reject the blue color of nature, which avoid relaxation and prefer shocking others.

Confident green

Green lovers are very energetic individuals who know how to achieve their own goals and greatly influence those around them. Such people are very afraid of someone else's will and constantly assert themselves. Psychologists say that the green color is a kind of hidden power and energy, ready to manifest at any moment.

Selfishness in orange colors

People who love are usually egoists who cannot imagine themselves without "spectators" and are ready to communicate around the clock in order to receive attention and recognition. But these individuals are very envious of other people's glory and are capable of anything for its sake.

Nevertheless, the orange color carries energy and nourishes the body.

Black and brown: depression

If you are a fan of black, then you should have a self-examination session. Usually people who dress in black are depressed, in crisis, not very confident in themselves and lack self-love. Brown color reveals a person who has already achieved everything in life and stands confidently on his feet, but indicates deep exhaustion. It will lead to depression later on. Psychologists say that the concept of the norm excludes the choice of black and brown.

Pink color in psychology: meaning

And what about pink, because it was with him that we started the article? What does pink mean in psychology? This shade is not as simple as it seems. The thing is that it is a derivative of red and white, therefore it simultaneously symbolizes passion, sexuality, tenderness, purity and gullibility.

The positive qualities of pink are tenderness, innocence, renewal, femininity. It calms and reduces aggression, and also expresses love. Moreover, the softer the shade of pink, the more it is associated with various manifestations of love between partners. Pink color in psychology is considered feminine and fully corresponds to the energy of the beautiful half of humanity.

The negative properties of pink are frivolity, the desire to live in order to show oneself, inconstancy. Psychologists say that people who give color can easily betray and at the same time make another person guilty. These are sensitive and dreamy natures, who are far from real life and are ready to adapt to others. But at the same time, such personalities are "on their minds", it is difficult to understand what is hidden behind the facade of their smile.

Fashion for pink

Pink began to conquer the catwalks in the thirties of the last century. Then the designer took it as the basis of her new collection. Since that time, pink has triumphantly marched around the world, gradually moving even into the men's wardrobe.

Although life in pink is more suitable for women, and the strong half of humanity subconsciously feels this, therefore they reject this color in their clothes and associate it with female frivolity.

Children and pink

Pink color in the psychology of children plays a very important role. If you have a daughter, then you probably noticed that from early childhood she is drawn to pink toys and clothes. Why do you think?

In fact, everything is simple - girls subconsciously associate pink with tenderness and defenselessness. It is in the environment of such toys and things that they feel calm and peaceful. Psychologists have proven that pink has a very favorable effect on children - it relieves tension, reduces aggression, improves mood and increases attention. Therefore, if you have such an opportunity, be sure to decorate the nursery in pink. To do this, it is not necessary to completely paint the walls and select furniture of the right shade, just add some accents in the form of sofa cushions, accessories and curtains. In such an interior, you will definitely grow up a real princess.

The healing effect of rose

Pink color in psychology is considered to reduce pressure and pulse rate. It helps increase appetite, improves sleep and even restores digestion. Many people know the ability of pink to cheer up. For example, in one of the most criminal cities in India, the authorities repainted the facades of houses in a pleasant pink color. And literally six months later they were amazed at the effect produced - the crime rate decreased by forty percent, and the population responded very positively during social polls about life in their beloved city.

It is known that sports locker rooms are often painted pink in order to reduce the aggression of athletes after the competition. Beauty salons and spas also often use pink to relax clients while waiting for treatments.

Design in shades of tenderness

Psychologists say that everything is shown to people born under the sign of Pisces. In addition, the flamingo-colored walls expand the room and seem to fill it with air. In such an interior you feel cozy and comfortable, you want to relax and not leave the room anywhere.

If your work is associated with stress and frequent moves, then decorate one room in pink. In such a room, you will quickly get rid of all the daily hustle and bustle and restore peace of mind.

Many women really like pink, but they find that they cannot afford to relax enough to choose clothes or accessories in this shade. However, psychologists advise to be sincere with yourself, so if you like life in pink, then do not be shy - take a step towards femininity and tenderness.

Tatiana Kulinich

Pink is a color that can be safely called the color of happiness. And the point is not only in the famous saying about “rose-colored glasses”, but in those feelings that this shade can cause. Pink is both the delicate skin of a newborn baby and blooming gardens in spring. Thinking about this color, you involuntarily recall the scent of roses, sweet and inviting. After all, it is in honor of this flower that this shade got its name.

Shades of pink

Perhaps no color can be compared with pink in the originality of the names of its shades. For example, soft pink in France is called “the hips of a frightened nymph”, and its slightly darker appearance is called “a cheerful widow”. The noble shade of powdered pink is called "pink ash". The color of salmon is pink with a coral undertone, which resembles the color of the meat of this marine fish. Some shades of pink are named after flowers. As an example, we can recall the color of the Parnassian rose - pink with a delicate purple tint. The color of an old rose is called pink with a dusty, gray undertone.

The symbolic meaning of pink

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, pink is considered the color of cloudless happiness. Candles of this particular shade are used during certain Catholic holidays, where they signify pure joy. This color is also considered a symbol of carefree childhood and youth. It is not for nothing that a lot of children's goods are painted in pink; little girls most often wear dresses of this particular shade.

Pink is a glimmer of hope after a long period of stagnation. These are the first flowers of spring, new life, new perspectives. In this sense, pink can be called the color of transformation. These are the wings of a young butterfly after its birth from an ugly chrysalis. In ancient Rome, this color was associated with the beautiful Venus, the goddess of love and beauty. Perhaps that is why many cosmetic products for women, personal care items are still painted in this color.

Pink can also be called a symbol of sentimentality and childlike simplicity. For example, in the West, the expressions "pink Christianity", "pink Marxism" denote the extreme naivety of some followers of these ideas. The phrase "pink dreams" refers to those desires that are not destined to come true because of their isolation from earthly realities.

Physiological and health effects of the color pink

Pink color refers to warm shades, which means that it has all their properties. It stimulates blood circulation, the work of internal organs and other important processes in the body. However, unlike more aggressive warm colors, it does it extremely softly. Therefore, pink is suitable for meditation in order to recover from illnesses. It relieves fatigue. Pink color warms, so it is suitable for those people who are able to freeze even from a light breeze.

Pink color invigorates, uplifts, fills with vitality. It is recommended to use it for people belonging to the type of "owls" who find it difficult to wake up in the morning. Pink color will set you in a positive mood and drive away drowsiness. Light shades of pink (for example, the color of a frightened nymph) are also suitable for relaxation. It will relieve excess tension, relax muscles, make breathing more calm.

The psychological impact of pink

This color belongs to the so-called group of colors of antidepressants. Pink cheers up, relieves melancholy and inspires hope for the best. It is especially good to use after various disappointments or stresses. Pink color helps to forget about the unpleasant past and tune in to the future. A short daily meditation on a pink candle or a pink natural stone will be a good help in curing depression, psychologists say.

Pink color promotes the awakening of sensuality, so it can also be used to solve intimate problems. Unlike red, which, in addition to erotic desire, also excites aggressiveness, pink inspires a more tender attitude towards a partner. It frees from psychological complexes. Therefore, it will be useful to those couples who have difficulty trusting each other. However, due to some sweetness of this color, psychologists recommend using it in moderation. It is good for single women to wear jewelry made of pink stones (for example, rose quartz). This color liberates, adds playfulness to the image.

Pink color in clothes, image

Contrary to popular stereotype, pink is not just for little girls and young girls. A woman of any age and type of appearance can find a suitable shade of this color for herself. Blondes and fair-skinned fair-skinned stylists recommend using soft pink and salmon. Women with peach and dark skin tones will suit a rich fuchsia color. In a business style, it is better to use soft, dusty shades of pink. For example, "pink ash" or the color of an aged rose. It goes well with strict black, gray, white. In everyday and festive style, it is permissible to use bright varieties of pink.

Pink is one of the most popular lipstick colors. Here it is also better to choose a shade based on your color type. Translucent pink lipstick can be considered universal: it suits women with any shade of skin and hair. Fuchsia lipstick is a great choice for burning brunettes. Blondes should look at the shade of salmon.

Pink color creates an image of a romantic and gentle lady. A woman in such an outfit feels more fragile, in need of protection. And the surrounding men react to this subconscious message, surrounding her with their care. However, stylists remind that pink is the most suitable color for a romantic, retro or boho style. Lace airy dresses, skirts, silk blouses in this color will look the most advantageous. Busting pink in a modern style (mini skirts, tops) can look vulgar.

Pink color in the interior

Light shades of this color are suitable for decorating rooms where it is important to create an atmosphere of intimacy. This is a bedroom, dressing room, small kitchen, children's room. When decorating the bedroom, pay attention to coral or salmon shades. These colors, unlike other types of pink, are not perceived as childish, enhance sensuality and liberate. These shades can be combined with red, peach, light yellow. When developing a kitchen design, experts advise paying attention to the color of fuchsia or the color of the Parnassian rose. They look expensive and elegant, in addition, they increase appetite a little.

Pink is deservedly considered a leader in the design of children's rooms for girls. If the children's overall, pink can be combined with blue. However, child psychologists recommend using this color in the rooms of girls up to 10-11 years old. Older girls tend to like brighter colors and can decide for themselves what color scheme they would like to see their rooms in. This color can also be used in the design of workspaces. It is suitable for various beauty salons, women's and children's organizations.

pink in advertising

Due to associations with femininity and beauty, shades of this color are most often used in the production of cosmetics, both caring and decorative. Most often, cosmetic lines for young girls are painted in pink. Also, this color can often be found in advertising for children's products. Here it symbolizes purity and innocence. In some cases, pink is used in advertising for various psychological trainings. A symbol of happiness and renewal, it subconsciously inspires people with hope for a new life.

Color and character: love for pink or its rejection

A person who chooses this color as a favorite can be called an incorrigible romantic. He is accustomed to seeing only the good in the world and in those around him. He tries to be as polite as possible, does not allow himself to be rude. He is a generous and kind person who enjoys helping people. Lovers of pink are completely disinterested. They live with lofty ideals, they can work purely for an idea, without expecting any reward for their labors. They are used to trusting others. Their main weaknesses are naivete, lack of willpower and a tendency to self-sacrifice. They absolutely do not know how to defend their interests, because it seems to them that they can offend someone with their selfishness. Pink lovers hate competition in any form.

A person who does not like the color pink is most often a burnt cynic. He stands firmly on his feet and does not like long conversations about "high matters." It is very likely that such a person is aggressive. He has difficulty trusting the people around him and the world, he suffers from his own suspicion. Emotions are perceived as weakness. Among the positive aspects of such people, one can single out their independence and assertiveness. They are used to achieving their goals.

Although the expression "seeing through rose-colored glasses" has a negative connotation, perhaps each of us periodically needs to wear them in order to feel truly alive. Pink color symbolizes the pure joy that comes to us during love, the birth of a child, creativity. Without these things, our life would be empty and boring. Therefore, in the palette of the character of each person, there must certainly be a place for this shade.

Tatyana Kulinich for https: // site

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Pink is considered one of the most feminine, sensual colors. What does pink really mean?

The meaning of pink

Pink color, which is the most passive of all colors, symbolizes tenderness, affection and love. This color was originally intended for girls and little girls, you can hardly meet a guy dressed in pink clothes. Although recently fashion trends have their own, purely professional opinion on this matter. And this opinion says that there are no flowers that would be the prerogative of only the female or male. And indeed, as they say, there are no comrades for the taste and color.

In addition, the pink color, one of the meanings of which is tenderness, can provoke friendliness in the interlocutor, as well as reduce the level of aggression, both external and internal.

The symbolism of pink

The basis of the psychology of pink will be such feelings as friendliness, some frivolity, inexhaustible femininity, romance and love. And an important aspect - the thinner the shade of pink, the more love is implied. In addition, this color also symbolizes motherhood.

The main symbol of pink in psychology is an unopened bud of pale pink.

Positive characteristics of pink

The advantages of this color include the fact that it gives people, especially women, love, femininity and sparkling youth. However, this color must be used wisely, since pink in psychology, like every color, has a double meaning.

Negative characteristic of pink color in psychology

What is wrong with a peaceful, pink color? Busting in pink clothes means that, for example, a woman wants to appear much younger than her real age. Moreover, this fact can tell about the infantilism of a lady in pink.

Also, the abuse of pink means in psychology an extreme degree of frivolity, which, unfortunately, is not a sign of a great mind. On the other hand, this can be an indicator that a person is trying with all his might to somehow stand out from the crowd.

But the rejection of this color is considered a certain degree of overexcitation, in addition - both mental and moral exhaustion.