The dog that gave paw to Yesenin. Lyrics by Sergei Yesenin on the example of the poem "Kachalov's Dog

About Kachalov's dog and Sergei Yesenin's poem


Give me a paw, Jim, for good luck,
I have never seen such a paw.
Let's bark with you in the moonlight
For quiet, quiet weather.
Give me a paw, Jim, for luck.

Please, darling, don't lick.
Understand with me at least the simplest.
'Cause you don't know what life is
You don't know what it's worth to live in the world.

Your master is both sweet and famous,
And he has many guests in the house,
And everyone, smiling, strives
To touch you on velvet wool.

You are devilishly beautiful like a dog,
With such a sweet trusting friend.
And without asking anyone,
Like a drunk friend, you climb to kiss.

My dear Jim, among your guests
There were so many different and different ones.
But the one that is all silent and sadder,
Did you come here by any chance?

She will come, I promise you.
And without me, in her staring gaze,
You gently lick her hand for me
For everything in which he was and was not guilty.

This is what Jim looked like and, in fact, Vasily Ivanovich Kachalov - an actor and reciter of poetry (including Yesenin himself)

AlexeiKazakov “Give me, Jim, for luck, a paw to me ...”

“Everything is quiet in Moscow… In one of Chevalier’s windows, a fire is illegally shining from under a shuttered shutter… A carriage, a sleigh and cabbies are standing at the entrance, embarrassed by the backs…” "Cossacks" - said goodbye to friends before a long journey to the Caucasus. Like Olenin, he traveled, wandering and inspired, the whole Caucasus and in the last year of his rebellious life came here, to Kamergersky lane in Moscow, Sergey Yesenin came to get acquainted with Vasily Kachalov, who lived in the alley of Tolstoy's prose opposite the house of Chevalier. By that time, the lane was renamed Proezd Art Theater (in honor of the 25th anniversary of the brainchild of Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko). The former building of the hotel has survived to this day, but Kachalov's house has disappeared. Only a line in the address book “All Moscow” preserved the exact address of the meeting between the poet and the actor: “Kachalov you. Iv., art. Etc. art theater, 3, apt. 9 (MKhAT)". “The old Kachalovsky apartment,” wrote the poet Anatoly Mariengof in his memoirs, “was on the second floor of a wooden outbuilding that stood in the courtyard of the Art Theater.” In the description of Kachalov's house, everything is correct, except that the wing was brick. In different years, this house was a hostel for workers of the Art Theater, but some rooms were rented to private individuals. After October 1917, the entire house was transferred to the Art Theater as a hostel. The Kachalov family settled here in the spring of 1922, immediately after returning from theater trips abroad. “... I found out that we will live ... here, in the courtyard of the theater. It was the premises of the former janitor, an apartment of three tiny rooms and a kitchen, with a large Russian stove in the center of the whole apartment, ”Vadim Vasilyevich Shverubovich, Kachalov’s son, recalled that time. One of the close friends of the Kachalov family said:“ How comfortable it was, this apartment is hospitable, warm, cordial, hospitable! I won’t say what time - Pavlovsky or Aleksandrovsky - Kachalovsky’s furniture was, but it was comfortable to sit in the armchairs, to fall apart on the sofa, and at the round table with five legs it was delicious to eat, drink well and wonderful was talking." It was in such a cozy, hospitable apartment that Sergei Yesenin came in March 1925. Until that time, the poet and the actor were not personally acquainted, although Yesenin's lines had been part of Kachalov's concert repertoire since 1922. It is noteworthy that Vasily Ivanovich read such poet's poems as "Song of the Dog", "Cow", "Goy you, my dear Russia ... "According to a contemporary," he read these poems excitedly and somehow very carefully, almost intimately. And the actor himself said: “... I have loved his poems for a long time. I immediately fell in love with them as soon as I came across them, it seems, in 1917 in some magazine. And then, during my wanderings around Europe and America, I always carried a collection of his poems with me. I had such a feeling as if I were carrying with me, in an American suitcase, a handful of Russian soil. So clearly, sweetly and bitterly, they smelled of their native land. Boris Pilnyak introduced Yesenin to Kachalov, adding: “He has known you for a long time in the theater and wants to get to know you.” There was no accident in this meeting itself. Yesenin was always interested in the art of the theater. It is known that even before the revolution, in 1913-1914, an aspiring poet, having arrived from a Ryazan village in Moscow, first of all came to the Tretyakov Gallery and the Art Theater, watched Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard. In this performance, the role of Trofimov, and in subsequent years, the role of Gaev was played by V.I. Kachalov. In the 1920s, Yesenin saw Vasily Ivanovich in the play "Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich". Recalling his first meeting with the poet, Kachalov wrote: “About twelve o'clock at night I played a performance, I come home. A small company of my friends and Yesenin are already sitting with me. I go up the stairs and hear the joyful barking of Jim, the very dog ​​to whom Yesenin later dedicated poetry. Then Jim was only four months old. I went in and saw Yesenin and Jim - they had already met and were sitting on the sofa, huddled close to each other. Yesenin hugged Jim by the neck with one hand, and held his paw in the other and said in a hoarse bass voice: saw this one." Jim squealed with joy, quickly stuck his head out from under Yesenin's armpit and licked his face. Yesenin stood up and tried with difficulty to free himself from Jim, but he continued to jump on him and licked his nose several more times. I want to kiss you more. Why are you, like a drunk, climbing to kiss all the time! Yesenin muttered with a wide, childishly sly smile. That evening, the poet told the owner of the house about his first steps, about meeting Alexander Blok in pre-revolutionary Petrograd. He spoke about an unfulfilled dream trip to Persia, read a poem about the beautiful Shagane. They sat for a long time, almost until morning, and all this time Yesenin's poems sounded in Kachalovsky's apartment, which Jim listened to along with other guests. Vasily Ivanovich wrote about it this way: “Jim already wanted to sleep, he yawned loudly and nervously, but curiosity was present, and when Yesenin read poetry, Jim carefully looked into his mouth. Before leaving, Yesenin again shook his paw for a long time: “Oh, damn it, it’s hard to part with you. I will write poetry for him today. I’ll come home and write.” That same evening, Kachalov told the poet about the forthcoming tour of the Art Theater in the Caucasus. This coincided with the plans of Yesenin himself, and he, delighted, writes to Titian Tabidze: “Dear friend Titian! Here I am in Moscow. I am terribly glad that I see my friends and remember and tell them about Tiflis ... Georgia fascinated me. As soon as the air that has accumulated for me in Moscow and St. Petersburg, I immediately go to you. This spring there will probably be a whole congress of Muscovites in Tiflis. Kachalov, Pilnyak, Tolstaya and Vs. Ivanov are gathering…”. In the same March days of 1925, the poet wrote his famous poem "To the Dog of Kachalov" (it was first published in the newspaper "Baku worker" on April 7, 1925). A poem dedicated to Jim, just composed, Yesenin himself read to Kachalov's dog. He came in a top hat, very solemn, but the owner was not at home. Then the poet sat Jim in front of him and absolutely seriously read him the whole poem from beginning to end. The only witness to this touching and unforgettable scene was an old relative of the Kachalovs. But later Yesenin repeated his reading. Vasily Ivanovich himself recalled this: “I come home somehow, soon after my first meeting with Yesenin. My family says that three people came without me: Yesenin, Pilnyak and someone else, Tikhonov, I think. Yesenin had a top hat on his head, and he explained that he had put on a top hat for the parade, that he had come to visit Jim and with specially written poems for him, but since the act of handing over poems to Jim requires the presence of the owner, he will come another time ... " In May 1925, the Art Theater came on tour to Baku from Tiflis, where performances had already taken place. Yesenin also ended up there, in Baku (he was in the hospital with a cold). On the very first day of the tour, May 15, the poet sent a note to Kachalov: “Kachalov. Dear Vasily Ivanovich! I'm here. Here I printed, in addition to Krasnaya Nov, a verse for Jim. On Sunday I will leave the hospital (sick with lungs). I would very much like to see you for the 57-year-old Armenian. BUT? I shake your hands. S. Yesenin. On the same day, the poet sent a familiar girl to Vasily Ivanovich, as Kachalov recalled: “... I am sitting in Baku on the tower of the New Europe restaurant. Good. The dust is like dust, the wind is like the wind ... A young, pretty, dark-skinned girl comes and asks: - Are you Kachalov? - Kachalov, - I answer. - Did one come? - No, with the theater. - Didn't they bring anyone else? I'm perplexed. - Wife, - I say, with me, comrades. - Isn't Jim with you? almost screamed. - No, - I say. - Jim stayed in Moscow. - Ah, how Yesenin will be killed, he has been here in the hospital for two weeks, he is raving about Jim and says to the doctors: “You don’t know what kind of dog this is. If Katchalov brings Jim here, I'll be healthy instantly. I will shake his paw and be healthy, I will swim with him in the sea. The girl walked away from me upset. “Well, I’ll somehow prepare Yesenin so that he doesn’t count on Jim.” Five days later, Yesenin came to Vasily Ivanovich for the play "Tsar Fedor Ioannovich". Then Kachalov introduced the poet to Stanislavsky. And a month later, in June, Vasily Ivanovich wrote from Kharkov to his friend A.V. Anapitova: “In Baku, I fiddled with Yesenin, tamed him. He was just released from the hospital by the day of our arrival, very thin, without a voice. In general, he is a very sweet fellow, with a very gentle soul ... His hooliganism is feigned - from youth, from talent, from any "game". Late Moscow autumn 1925. Kachalov is back in Moscow. On one of those autumn days, he was visited by Mariengof, who later wrote about this meeting: “Upon arrival, we visited the Kachalovs. In their small apartment in Kamergersky they drank the owner's friendly wine. Vasily Ivanovich read poems by Blok, Yesenin. From the corner gleamed the short black hair and big intelligent eyes of the Kachalovsky Doberman Pinscher. Vassily Ivanovich put his hand on his thoroughbred, chiseled muzzle. - Jim... Jim... Good? - Good! - Yesenin is glorified! And Katchalov read a poem dedicated to Jim. Yesenin's friend, the poet Wolf Erlich, in his book The Right to Song (1930) described one of the meetings in Moscow between Yesenin and Kachalov? “We are standing on Tverskaya. Before us rises majestic, all in an hour Kachalov. Yesenin behaves modestly, almost timidly. When we part, he says: “You know, I feel like a schoolboy in the front! By God! And why, I can not understand! It's not about age!" The poet and the actor had several more meetings, short, fleeting ... But the year 1925 was inexorably coming to an end. As if anticipating his near end, Yesenin somehow defended himself, watching from the balcony of Tolstoy’s apartment on Ostozhenka the incredibly crimson Moscow sunset: “Vidal Luzhas? .. This is my sunset ...” Recalling one of the last December evenings of that fateful year for the poet, Kachalov wrote: “ And here is the end of December in Moscow. Yesenin in Leningrad. We sit in the circle. At about two o'clock in the morning, for some reason, I suddenly turn to Mariengof: - Tell me what and how Sergei. - Well, well done, recovered, now he left for Leningrad, he wants to live and work there, full of all sorts of plans, decisions, hopes. I visited him a week ago, visited him in a sanatorium, asked him to bow to you. And Jim, of course. - Well, - I say, - let's drink to his health. Clink glasses. - We drink, - I say, - for Yesenin. Everyone raised their glasses. There were ten of us at the table. It was two or two and a half hours in the morning from December 27 to 28. I don’t know, yes, it seems that it has not been established whether our Sergei was still living or breathing at the moment when we drank to his health. Yesenin bows to you, - I said to Jim in the morning, walking around the yard with him. He even repeated: Hear, you are a stunner, you feel, Yesenin bows to you. But Jim had something in his teeth that he was completely absorbed in - an absorption or an ice floe - and he did not even look sideways in my direction. I was engrossed in nothing cheerful on that half-dark, frosty winter morning, but neither did I have any foreboding or feeling of what happened that night in the Leningrad Angleterre. So, apparently, Jim did not feel the coming of that very guest, “that is all silent and sadder,” which Yesenin was so stubbornly and painfully waiting for. “She will come,” he wrote to Jim, “I give you a guarantee ...” Kachalov's memoirs about Sergei Yesenin were first published in the Krasnaya Niva magazine in 1928. The same year was the last year of Jim's life - he suddenly fell ill with inflammation of the brain and died. However, in the previous two years, Jim fully experienced the reflection of the light of poetic glory coming from the poet who sang him. Exclamations were heard everywhere: “Look-Kachalov! And ... is it really next to him that his very dog, sung by Yesenin? .. ”Of course, Vasily Ivanovich was known and loved by all of Moscow, but Jim could argue with his master in fame - he was simply famous! Of all Kachalov's friends, Jim was especially fond of Vikenty Vikentyevich Veresaev. When the writer appeared, he immediately ran out to meet him and threw himself on his chest. And Jim immediately gave Veresaev his paws and barked affably several times. Once, in the presence of Jim, Vasily Ivanovich read to the guests a scene from Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov - a dialogue between Ivan and the Devil. The effect was amazing. Something strange happened to Jim - the calm dog could not be recognized. He tossed about, barking angrily and ferociously, foam appeared on his muzzle. When someone tried to calm him down, he almost bit the guest. Jim's fur rose up, sparks of electricity flying from it. Everyone was very frightened, and the dog was taken to the kitchen, where Jim gradually calmed down. Apparently, he was frightened by the second voice of Kachalov, the voice of the devil, ominous, unusual ... "Kachalovsky devil moved into Jim," Veresaev stated as a doctor. And he added: “It is apparently a heavy duty to be an artist’s dog. Moreover, our excitement was transferred to him. Poor Jim! Either Yesenin sang it, or the Kachalovsky devil excited him. He probably envies simple dogs, those that live with lonely old women. A photograph of Jim taken in 1926 survives. And in the spring of that year, a wonderful portrait drawing of Jim was made. The author of this drawing is the famous artist Olga Ludvigovna Dela-Vos-Kardovskaya, a friend of Akhmatova, Gumilyov, Voloshin and Somov, Lancerey Kustodieva ... This drawing, depicting Jim, the lyrical hero of one of Yesenin's best poems, is made on a small cardboard in pastel colors. Carefully selected colors accurately convey the suit The Jim Doberman Pinscher is almost black in color with brown markings on the chest and belly ... The drawing is well preserved and takes pride of place among other family heirlooms in the house of Kachalov's granddaughter, Marina Vadimovna Shverubovich. Involuntarily, the words of Yuri Olesha that he said about Sergei Yesenin are recalled: “... Considering yourself happy because you didn’t hit animals on the head is extraordinary, only a poet can discover this in us. And only a poet can call animals our younger brothers. Each poem by Yesenin is, as it were, a separate page of his rebellious fate. And the best pages of that fate are heartfelt, lyrical confessions about the most devoted friends: a degenerated bitch, a shot fox ... "Song of the Dog", "Son of a Bitch", "Kachalov's Dog" - each of them is comprehended by the poet through the world of people. The epigraph to Yesenin's entire poetic legacy could be the lines: "Each verse heals the soul of the beast." The gospel expression "Blessed is he who has mercy on cattle" most of all reflects the essence of Yesenin's kind-hearted poetry. Excited, Gorky, having heard the Song of the Dog in the author’s performance, told Yesenin that, in his opinion, he was the first in Russian literature to write so skillfully and with such sincere love about animals. And in response, Yesenin thoughtfully said: “Yes, I really love everything beasts ... "Even during the life of the poet, criticism noted:" He touches and subjugates his love for everything earthly, and especially excitedly it writes to animals and feels them very well. No wonder he once called his poems "the song of animal rights." (A. Voronsky). ... The life of the poet was suddenly cut short, having sent the past "having resounded in the twilight of the year", but the most cherished strings of our hearts are still responsive to Yesenin's paternal word. And the poetic dedication to "Kachalov's Dog" brings a warm note of genuine human feelings into the confusion of these days.

Loneliness. Emptiness envelops the tormented soul of the poet Yesenin. The heart languishing from melancholy does not allow to fall asleep. And I can’t believe that someday it will be different, and I don’t believe that it will ever be at all. But morning comes, and life changes: loud fame, casual acquaintances, grandiose drinking parties and eternal scandals. How long?

One day, Yesenin met the artist V.I. Kachalov, in whose house a four-month-old Doberman named Jim lived. “I went in,” Kachalov recalled, “I saw Yesenin and Jim — they had already met and were sitting on the sofa, huddled close to each other. Yesenin hugged Jim by the neck with one hand, and with the other held his paw and said in a hoarse bass voice: “What a paw, I have never seen such a paw.”

Jim rejoiced, licked Yesenin's nose and cheeks, and the poet, barely avoiding the manifestation of a dog's feelings, said:

“Wait, maybe I don’t want to kiss you anymore. Why are you, like a drunk, climbing to kiss all the time!

Then they drank tea for a long time, Yesenin read his favorite poems, and Jim did not take his devoted eyes off him. Saying goodbye, the poet cheerfully shook the paw of his new acquaintance and promised to dedicate poetic lines to him. So the poem "Kachalov's Dog" appeared. It combined loneliness, and remorse, and regret that he would never return. It was in the dog that the author found a kindred spirit, able to understand what cannot be trusted to a person.

And yet, "Kachalov's Dog" is a poem about love. In it, the poet is sad about breaking up with a woman whom he could not love, and says goodbye to her, as if anticipating his imminent end. This makes the poem infinitely lyrical.

My dear Jim, among your guests
There were so many different and different ones.
But the one that is all silent and sadder,
Did you come here by any chance?
She will come, I promise you.
And without me, in her staring gaze,
You gently lick her hand for me
For everything in which he was and was not guilty.

Without a doubt, love is the main theme of the life of Sergei Yesenin. And although the poet himself could not find happiness in the family, could not warm his relatives and friends with his warmth, love inspires the poet and is a source of creativity.

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Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin is a great Russian poet who has the gift to feel and express true beauty. He is a master of his craft. His lyrics are priceless and able to touch the hearts of millions of people.

We are presented with the opportunity to get acquainted with his poem "Kachalov's Dog". The poem is written in the form of an address to the dog Jim. And if you analyze this text in more detail, you can see that the author confesses to the dog about what happened.

She will come, I promise you.
And without me, in her staring gaze,
You gently lick her hand for me
For everything in which he was and was not guilty.

From these lines it follows that the main idea of ​​the poem is suffering for the beloved woman.

The poem "Kachalov's Dog" is one of Yesenin's best poems. The author skillfully included elements of both description and reasoning in the poem. The reasoning here is more interesting, as the author thinks about the question that troubles his heart. This unique poem leaves a deep impression. The intonation of the poem leaves a deep impression. The intonation of the poem is colloquial, sad, with elements of reflection:

Please, darling, don't lick.
Understand with me at least the simplest.
'Cause you don't know what life is
You don't know what it's worth to live in the world.

In the poem, we see the image of a lyrical hero, whose feelings are visible in the text. Our lyrical hero refers to the dog, Jim, his image is outlined with bright expressive strokes (“velvet fur”, “dog-like devilishly handsome”, “like a drunken friend, you climb to kiss”).

The atmosphere of this poem is quite calm, balanced, it contributes to the fact that this poem is reasoning, reflection.

In order to make the text more figurative and expressive, the author uses numerous epithets: “quiet, noiseless weather”; "the owner is nice and famous"; "trusting friend"; "silent and sad." Vivid metaphors give a peculiar movement to the text, help us figuratively create the volume of the poem: “she will come, I give you a guarantee”; “Lick her hand gently”; “Give Jim, luckily paw me” - this expression is repeated several times, because this stylistic figure is something important for our author.

My dear Jim, among your guests
There were so many different and different ones.
But the one that is all silent and sadder,
Did you come here by any chance?

In this column of the poem there is expressive lyrics that enhance the expressiveness of speech, vocabulary that expresses emotions and feelings. The author asks a question, expects to hear an answer, but this is just a rhetorical question.

The poem is imbued with a peculiar mood. The atmosphere is part of the integral part of the environment, as an accompaniment to the hero's own experiences and feelings. A kind of symbolism was included in part of his experiences, philosophical reflection.

The author is experiencing, while he himself urges the reader to reflect on this eternal question. The poem is imbued with a feeling of love and tenderness, in the text one feels some kind of indefinite lightness, inspiration.

We go to such verses all our life and never exhaust their content: "the abyss of space" remains an abyss.

As any lover of the work of Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin knows, he was a favorite among women. And this circumstance greatly influenced his life. Many modern critics have a question: "What was it that attracted the opposite sex in Yesenin?" And there are certain answers to this too ...

First of all, I would like to note his refined and irresistible appearance, which attracted and attracted women. An equally important reason is the ability to carry on a conversation. As Yesenin's contemporaries wrote earlier in their essays, the poet's voice was able to bewitch and attract girls to him.

Sergey could create an attractive conversation not only with the opposite sex. Growing up in the village, the poet easily found a common language with pets. The most striking example of such communication is a poem that he dedicated to Kachalov's dog. This work was created in 1925, when the writer was in the prime of his life and already had life experience.

Give me a paw, Jim, for good luck,

I have never seen such a paw.

Let's bark with you in the moonlight

For quiet, quiet weather.

Give me a paw, Jim, for luck.

Please, darling, don't lick.

Understand with me at least the simplest.

'Cause you don't know what life is

You don't know what it's worth to live in the world.

Your master is both sweet and famous,

And he has many guests in the house,

And everyone, smiling, strives

To touch you on velvet wool.

You are devilishly beautiful like a dog,

With such a sweet trusting friend.

And without asking anyone,

Like a drunk friend, you climb to kiss.

My dear Jim, among your guests

There were so many different and different ones.

But the one that is all silent and sadder,

Did you come here by any chance?

She will come, I promise you.

And without me, in her staring gaze,

You gently lick her hand for me

For everything in which he was and was not guilty.

What is interesting about the history of the creation of the creation "Kachalov's Dog"?

The work is true. Yes, in fact there was such a dog at that time, and his name was Jim. She lived in the house of the then-famous actor Vasily Ivanovich Kachalov, who was known almost all over the world for his theatrical skills.

Sergei Yesenin was on friendly terms with the actor and often visited his house. It should be noted that pets always feel the goodwill coming from good people. That is why the dog very quickly fell in love with the incoming guest and became very attached to him.

The pet was looking forward to the next meeting with Yesenin, and the poet, in turn, always brought various delicacies to the dog. This is how friendly relations appeared not only with the owner of the house, but also with his dog.

It should also be noted that the work created by Sergei Yesenin and dedicated to the dog is not as gentle as it seems at first glance. The poem has a sad undertone.

Features of the first part of the poem "Kachalov's Dog"

As it became known many years later, the poet Sergei Yesenin was being monitored by government services at that time. He understood and felt this, the poet knew that such an attitude of the authorities towards him would not end in anything good. It evoked sadness and a certain absurdity.

The state of mind during the years of the creation of the work was also inspired by sad notes due to a break with Isadora Duncan, who was an important person in his life.

Perhaps it was these events that influenced the fact that the beginning of the work about the dog begins very strictly. In the plot, the author invites the dog to howl at the moon with him.

At first glance, it should have seemed to the reader that Yesenin was obliged to be cheerful and cheerful, because he found himself in a warm atmosphere at his friend's house. Instead, we are talking about everyday difficulties, and the author begins to pour out his soul to the dog. He explains to the dog that he does not know real life at all.

These features indicate that the eminent handsome man of that time at the time of writing the work was very sad in his soul. Already from the first lines, a sad negative is traced, and there is no hint of positive emotions.

Features of the second part of the poem "Kachalov's Dog"

The poem is almost completely riddled with sadness and regret. Confirmation that it is the woman who is the culprit of his sad state is in the last lines of the work. The stanzas in a peculiar way convince the reader that the cause of the depressed state of mind is in his relationship with some girl.

It should be noted that on the eve of writing the poem, in the 25th year of the last century, the author met an Armenian teacher. It happened in the city of Batumi and her name was Shagane Talyan. The fact that the girl sunk into the soul of the poet is confirmed by the lines dedicated specifically to her. Earlier, Yesenin wrote a work - "You are my Shagane, Shagane." But the possibility that the poet was sad about her was tried to dispel by Shagane herself when she stated that she and Sergei had never had an affair.

At the time of writing the work "Kachalov's Dog" Sergei Yesenin had already broken up with the girl. The woman, all over Russia, denied his words that they allegedly had an affair. She said they were only friends. It should be noted that Yesenin's nature was very amorous, so many biographers believe that the version of friendship can be discarded.

What is interesting about the final lines of the work?

Be that as it may, in fact, the last lines of the work “Kachalov's Dog” most fully and colorfully tell that it was sad love that was the reason for the creation of the poem. The relationship, perhaps unrequited, was the reason for the creation of a masterpiece.

In the plot, or rather, in its conclusion, Yesenin praises the dog, saying that he is handsome, and pays special attention to his coat, which is velvety and very pleasant to stroke. The author also notes that the beauty of the dog attracts everyone who comes to visit Kachalov, everyone wants to pet their pet.

The work contains a description of many of the virtues of the animal, which are beautifully painted by Yesenin. Here the author also describes himself, says that he is allegedly trusting and has an open soul. These peculiar qualities are combined with the qualities inherent in a dog, so it seems that the author wanted to show a certain similarity between an animal and a person.

In the last lines of the work, the poet begins to ask questions to his pet. He asks him if the woman who is usually sad and silent visited their house. According to the author, although dog Jim had seen many guests in his lifetime, he could not help remembering this woman.

When the question is formed, a kind of hope is traced. The reader immediately feels that parting with a young girl led the poet to a mental breakdown.

Some critics cite other developments as an example. Perhaps Sergei Yesenin at that time suffered greatly from unrequited love. This version is considered implausible, because he was considered very popular among the opposite sex and could easily fall in love with anyone.

It should be noted that even his literary secretary, whose name was Galina Benislavskaya, showed sympathy for Yesenin. This woman loved the poet for many years, and was ready to share him with other women, as long as he was always near her. She was afraid to lose Yesenin.

Even after the poet died, she could not survive the loss. The woman went to the cemetery where the young poet was buried, left a note saying that Galina asked to be buried near him. Then she shot herself.

Based on the foregoing, it can be logically concluded that the critics' version of unrequited love is complete nonsense.

Who was the poet's muse anyway?

It should also be noted that at the time when the poem was written, Sergei Yesenin was not officially free. He was linked by marriage with Sophia Tolstaya. This connection weighed heavily on the poet, since in relation to her he did not experience any special feelings.

So what prompted the fact that the theme of the poem developed in such a spiritual direction? As can be seen from the above, there could be several reasons for this. At the time of the creation of the work, he broke up with his wife, Isadora Duncan. Sergei Yesenin loved his homeland very much, and could not adapt to the life of a dancer. He decided to leave Duncan and go to Russia.

It should be noted that the dog Jim himself listened carefully to the poem "Kachalov's Dog". Before him, the author repented of his committed deeds. He told the dog how he offended some women who showed feelings for him.

Probably, Sergey Alexandrovich made a collective image of his beloved woman, but it was this verse that became very famous thanks to the sincerity and touchingness that the poet put into lyrical lines.

"Kachalov's Dog" Sergei Yesenin

Give me a paw, Jim, for good luck,
I have never seen such a paw.
Let's bark with you in the moonlight
For quiet, quiet weather.
Give me a paw, Jim, for luck.

Please, darling, don't lick.
Understand with me at least the simplest.
'Cause you don't know what life is
You don't know what it's worth to live in the world.

Your master is both sweet and famous,
And he has many guests in the house,
And everyone, smiling, strives
To touch you on velvet wool.

You are devilishly beautiful like a dog,
With such a sweet trusting friend.
And without asking anyone,
Like a drunk friend, you climb to kiss.

My dear Jim, among your guests
There were so many different and different ones.
But the one that is all silent and sadder,
Did you come here by any chance?

She will come, I promise you.
And without me, in her staring gaze,
You gently lick her hand for me
For everything in which he was and was not guilty.

Analysis of Yesenin's poem "Kachalov's Dog"

The poem "Kachalov's Dog", written by Sergei Yesenin in 1925, is one of the most famous works of the poet. It is based on real events: the dog Jim, to whom the author addressed these surprisingly tender and touching poems, really existed and lived in the house of the artist of the Moscow Art Theater Vasily Kachalov, who often visited Yesenin. According to the recollection of eyewitnesses, very friendly and trusting relations were established between the dog and the poet literally from the first days of their acquaintance. Freedom-loving Jim always rejoiced at the arrival of Yesenin, who spoiled him with various delicacies.

However, the poem dedicated to Jim has a deeper and more tragic undertone. This becomes clear from the very first stanza, when Yesenin offers the dog: “Let’s howl with you in the moonlight for quiet, noiseless weather.” What exactly lies behind such a spontaneous and absurd desire of a person who came to visit a friend, hoping to spend the evening in a pleasant company?

Researchers of the life and work of Sergei Yesenin associate the general mood of the poem "Kachalov's Dog", filled with sadness and regret for what can no longer be returned, with the names of several women. One of them is the Armenian teacher Shagane Talyan, whom the poet met in Batumi on the eve of 1925. Many attributed a passionate romance to them and believed that the depressed state of the poet was due to the fact that he had parted with his “Armenian muse”. However, Shagane Talyan refutes these conjectures, arguing that she had warm friendly relations with the poet.

The second woman who could cause the poet's heartache is his wife, the dancer Isadora Duncan, with whom Yesenin broke up after returning from a trip to the Caucasus. But this version turned out to be far from reality. After the death of the poet, it turned out that during his stay in Batumi, he had an affair with journalist Galina Beneslavskaya, who had been in love with the poet for many years, and he considered her his best and most devoted friend. About why Beneslavskaya and Yesenin met in Batumi, history is silent. However, it is known for certain that soon Isadora Duncan, who was at that time in Yalta on tour, received a telegram from her husband's mistress that he would not return to her again.

Subsequently, this is what happened, however, the poet soon broke up with Galina Beneslavskaya, saying that he really appreciates her as a friend, but does not love her as a woman. And it was from her, who also often visited Kachalov's house, that Yesenin wanted to ask for forgiveness for causing so much mental suffering to his best friend.

It is worth noting that by the time the poem "Kachalov's Dog" was written, the poet was already married to Sofya Tolstaya, and was very burdened by this marriage. Only a few months remained before his fatal death.

Therefore, in the last line of the poem, when the poet asked to lick gently the hand of the one that is silent and sadder of all, "he not only asks Beneslavskaya for forgiveness" for what he was and was not guilty of, "but also says goodbye to her, as if anticipating quick death. And it is this presentiment that colors the work “Kachalov’s Dog” with special tenderness and sadness. In addition, among the lines, the loneliness of a person who is disappointed in love and has lost faith in the closest people is clearly visible. And - an acute sense of guilt for the fact that the author could not make truly happy those who sincerely loved him, despite the inconstancy of character, recklessness and the desire to be free from any obligations.