Composition of the brigade. I have relatives in the Russian Federation, but I didn’t invite Russians here: how the youngest brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is fighting in Donbas

The professionalism of the brigade's special forces and their success in combat training have been proven in many major military exercises. All exercises were conducted in an environment as close as possible to combat.
The "opponent" of the special forces were missilemen, border guards of the air defense troops. Command posts of armies, corps, airfields were subjected to "attacks" by special forces; naval bases, large communication centers. It was allowed to use any methods and methods. Spetsnaz groups worked at all major exercises of the Soviet Army and the Warsaw Pact troops. 2-3 well-trained special forces groups were enough to sow panic and confusion, completely paralyze the actions of the division.

From 1967 to 1987, the brigade was annually awarded the challenge pennant of the Military Council of the Belarusian Red Banner Military District "The Best Intelligence Unit", the Commemorative Jubilee Red Banner of the Military Council of the Belarusian Red Banner Military District and the challenge Red Banner of the Military Council of the Belarusian Red Banner Military District.
Teachings is a school of training in martial arts. The exercises are a "field" academy, where skills, techniques and methods of special operations are honed.

In 1967, the brigade took part in the Dnepr-67 exercises.
1969 - joint exercises of Special Forces groups with the Border Troops, the KGB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
1972 - scientist "Efir-72", district complex TSU.
1975 - exercises "Spring-75".
1976 - special exercises "Vanguard-76".
1981 - exercises "West-81".
1986 - operational-strategic exercises "Dozor-86".
1987 - front-line KShU.
1988 - operational-strategic exercises "Autumn-88".
1991 - TSUg front-line KShU.
1999 - TSU with other branches of the military.
2002 - CAT "Berezina-2002".
2003 - KOU "Clear Sky-2003".
2004 - KOTU "Shield of the Fatherland-2004".
2005 - bilateral KShU.
2006 - TSU within the framework of the command post of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus "Shield of the Union-2006", a bilateral tactical exercise from the 38th
2007 - KSHU of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus.

A Brief History of the 5th Separate Special Purpose Brigade

The first paratroopers appeared here, in the Belarusian hinterland, back in 1940. It was the 214th airborne relocated from Western Belarus. In March 1941, the brigade was reorganized, and the 4th Airborne Forces was formed on its basis with a location in Maryina Gorka. Then there was a war, all over Belarus partisans fought against the invaders. And again the sky was painted with white domes only in 1963.
On the basis of the directive of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR No. 140547 dated July 19, 1962, the 5th separate special-purpose brigade began to form in the city of Maryina Gorka. Her birthday was January 1, 1963.

The backbone was made up of officers who arrived from the one-year courses of the Military Diplomatic Academy and intelligence units of the district. Soldiers and sergeants who had served at least two years in the special forces arrived here. A total of 137 people, including participants in the Great Patriotic War and local conflicts.

The new connection also faced new unusual tasks. The weapons of a potential enemy appeared means of nuclear attack. The USSR Ministry of Defense and the General Staff of the Soviet Army developed and implemented the idea of ​​creating a mobile and effective sabotage and reconnaissance force. All created brigades were directly subordinate to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff. In the event of a military conflict, the formations had to strike at enemy strategic targets, conduct reconnaissance, deploy a partisan movement on enemy territory, and disorganize command and control of troops and the work of its rear.

The solution of such large-scale tasks required intense combat training. Already in May, the personnel began to master parachute jumps with fall stabilization up to five seconds and jumps from An-2, An-12, Li-2 aircraft. For several months, the unit was prepared for combat operations in any conditions. The servicemen showed high proficiency at the first test.

On November 19, 1964, the chief of staff of the BVO, Lieutenant-General N. Ogarkov, later Marshal of the Soviet Union, presented the brigade commander, Colonel I. Kovalevsky, with the Battle Banner.
By 1965, the 5th Special Purpose Brigade had become a strong combat-ready body. In subsequent years, it increased its power, improved the organizational and staff structure. In May 1968, a special mining company was introduced into its staff. The brigade for eight years (1975-1982) had an "excellent" rating on all checks and exercises.
The year 1978 became especially memorable for the special forces soldiers. 22 departments, 14 groups, 3 companies, 2 detachments were rated "excellent" at the end of the year. And in the same 1978, the connection received a new name - the 5th separate special-purpose brigade. The title "separate" was a recognition of the high skill of the soldiers and officers of the unit.
The history of the brigade is, first of all, people, their characters, their destinies. Everyone has their own baggage of soul, knowledge and intellect. The names of all are kept by our grateful memory. The museum of the unit contains materials that tell about amazing creators devoted to the interests of the service. Bit by bit collected and created! the material base for the training of reconnaissance soldiers, new facilities were built, the combat capability of the unit was strengthened. The main thing that rallied people from the first days of the founding of our team is diligence, humanity, decency, justice, concern for the common cause, the desire to perform the tasks in the best possible way.

Each person left his mark in strengthening the combat capability of the brigade, improving the soldier's life. Each was an example of devotion to the Motherland and the army. People served with full dedication of strength, knowledge for the sake of raising a worthy replacement for veterans. The brigade has always been one big family - both on holidays and on weekdays, both in joy and in sorrow. The feeling of an elbow, military partnership never left the scouts of the 5th ObrSpN. Surprisingly united in combat skills, mutual assistance was a multinational team. For special forces are a way of life.
With such commanders, officers and ensigns, our successes in. combat training were significant. In recent years, the brigade has successfully solved the assigned tasks. Eleven times she was awarded the challenge Red Banner of the Military Council of the Belarusian Red Banner Military District and the pennant of the "Best Intelligence Unit of the District". The pennant was left in the unit forever. Our scouts took part in many exercises - and everywhere they showed themselves to be real fighters, professionals, coped with any task, did not drop the honor of the army special forces.
In the 1970-1980s. The Maryinogorsk brigade was a testing ground for Soviet troops. All the latest types of special forces weapons and equipment were tested by the GRU of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR in the quiet Maryina Gorka.
Much has been done in the brigade for the development of intelligence. As part of the 5th arr. of the Special Forces, a unique and most elite special forces unit appeared - a special special-purpose company. It consisted only of officers and ensigns, well-trained professionals. The company was intended to perform particularly important tasks in the interests of the GRU. The best of the best were selected. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​was required. The soldiers took a light diving training course under the naval special forces training program, mountain training, a motorized hang glider pilot course, and much more.
In 1989, recognizing the peculiarities and professionalism of the unit, the Minister of Defense of the USSR allowed the company to have its own personal sleeve insignia - a black fox and a badge. For the Soviet Army, this was an extraordinary event. "Afghans" served in the detachment, there were athletes - dischargers and masters of sports in military applied sports.
Until 1991, the special company reached the highest level of training for officers and ensigns. It corresponded to the level of training of the Vympel special forces detachment of the KGB of the USSR.
But unfortunately, not only in the exercises, the special forces from Maryina Gorka had to apply their knowledge. Afghanistan became a separate unforgettable page in the history of the brigade. Hundreds of reports from officers, ensigns and soldiers with a request to rule them "across the river" lay on the command table with the start of the Afghan war. And many of them continued to serve in the Jalalabad and Lashkargah special forces brigades operating in Afghanistan.

From March 1985 to May 1988, the 334th separate special forces detachment formed on the basis of the brigade also fought there. On his account, 250 military exits, in which about 3,000 Mujahideen were destroyed, thousands of weapons were captured.

Victories were won not only by skill, but also by blood. The memory of one hundred and five was immortalized by a stele erected in the unit in 1986. 124 scouts were seriously wounded, the war marked 339 fighters with light wounds.
Cavalier of three orders, Captain Pavel Bekoev, a participant in over a hundred military operations, died, raising soldiers to attack. As always, he was ahead... Senior Lieutenant Igor Tupik, twice wounded, surrounded by enemies, called fire on himself. Lieutenant Nikolai Kuznetsov, seriously wounded, covered the retreat of his subordinates with fire. With the last grenade, he blew himself up and the dushmans surrounding him.
In 1985, he was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, his name is permanently included in the lists of the unit.
It was the 334th detachment in 1988 that was given the honor of being the first to leave Afghanistan. In the future, a training detachment was created on its basis.

Our soldiers, ensigns and officers were faithful to the comradeship and oath to the end. Motherland. The memory of them must be passed on from generation to generation, and only then can we look into the future with sovereignty and educate worthy sons of our Motherland. The memory of the war must negate the war, arouse disgust for it.
Remembering is terrible and painful, but it is impossible to forget. You must remember forever!

On August 2, 1999, in memory of those who went through the hell of Afghanistan, in memory of the fallen soldiers of the 334th detachment of the Special Forces, a renovated memorial complex was opened.
In 1990, from January 24 to March 3, by order of the General Staff of the Soviet Army, the 5th ObrSpN, almost in full force (805 special forces), carried out a government task to stabilize the situation in the Armenian SSR. The brigade was commanded by Colonel V. Borodach.
The beginning of the nineties became difficult for the sons of the brigade. Here is the collapse of the USSR, the transfer of many to serve in Russia and Ukraine. They were in demand and went to other power structures. Fate has thrown some of them to Transnistria and Tajikistan, Yugoslavia, Angola and Libya. But wherever the fate of the sons of the 5th arr. Special Forces threw them, they never dropped the honor of the special forces, at any place in any position they showed themselves with dignity, fulfilled their official duty to the end, because a special forces soldier is a strong character, concentrated will and ability to go to risk, carry out their task to the bitter end. Special forces are born to win.
Despite everything, the brigade has not broken up, it lives and improves. On December 31, 1992, former Soviet special forces swore allegiance to White Russia. The 5th ObrSpN has become the most elite part of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus.
Of particular note is the amazing tradition of our brigade. We can safely say that such a continuity of generations and such a number of dynasties, as in our brigade, is nowhere else. The brigade became a small motherland and home for hundreds of people for many years to come. Their fathers gave them devotion and loyalty to their Fatherland and special forces.
Getting into the brigade today is not so easy. The recruits here are subject to a rigorous selection process. Only physically strong, hardy people can serve in special forces, capable of covering tens of kilometers off-road with full combat gear, spending many hours without sleep and rest, when the main thing is to complete the task. Therefore, in high esteem in the brigade of sports. There are many dischargers and craftsmen among the servicemen. But the main thing that distinguishes a special forces soldier is the moral core, fortitude. And this helps patriotic and spiritual and moral education, the cultivation of the rich traditions of the brigade.
In 1997, by order of the President of the Republic of Belarus, a non-standard center for patriotic education of youth in the Minsk region was created on the basis of the brigade. In cooperation with local authorities, the regional council of veterans, work is systematically carried out on the patriotic education of the personnel of the unit. Students of Maryinogorsk secondary schools and educational institutions of the Minsk region.
The way of military service, training in the brigade have a number of features: to shoot, blow up, drive, fly, jump - fighters learn all this. The main direction is reconnaissance and sabotage work. In the brigade they teach diving, carry out gatherings for hang gliders. Studying goes on from morning to evening in classrooms, at shooting ranges, and training grounds. Fighters are trained to perform extremely important tasks in a combat situation, when subunits and individual groups must operate deep in the rear, separated from the main forces, independently make the most unexpected and bold decisions. Therefore, every warrior must become a professional, have an impeccable command of weapons, know subversive skills, be excellent at hand-to-hand combat, be resolute, self-possessed, and quick-witted. A spetsnaz reconnaissance officer must know and love a parachute, be able to jump from an airplane, helicopter at any time of the day, in any weather and on any terrain.
This is the peculiarity of the training of Belarusian special forces. In addition, scouts learn to overcome any obstacles (impassable swamps, water barriers, forests), quietly and imperceptibly cover a route of 50-70 kilometers, suddenly and skillfully capture the specified object, and destroy it.

During the exercise, groups of scouts leave for 10 days across rough, unknown terrain. Fighters are very fond of field exits, where they have the opportunity to show resourcefulness, endurance, to prove to themselves and commanders in practice what they are capable of and what they have learned. This increases self-esteem and makes one strive to improve combat skills.
Young officers and soldiers are trained by real masters of military affairs. The brigade has all the conditions for training in the art of war. Young people are given the opportunity for the harmonious development of their personality, the acquisition of a civilian specialty. The compound has language classes for learning foreign languages, a stadium, a club, fitness equipment, computers... The barracks are cozy and have a decent life. We respect sports. Soldiers and officers are engaged in taekwondo, Russian wrestling. There are sportsmen for taekwondo and rock climbing. Serious educational work is being carried out in the state-legal, patriotic, spiritual and moral areas. Everything is done to ensure that the military personnel are physically and morally strong, understand their place and role in ensuring the security of the Republic of Belarus. In July 2001, special tactical training competitions were held for the championship of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, where the "partisans" of Maryina Gorka earned high marks. “I would go on reconnaissance with these guys,” said Lieutenant General Nikolai Kostenko about a group of special forces of the Hero of Russia brigade. In the fifth brigade, they retained all the best, and are building up their professionalism.

In October 2001, an international seminar-competition on sniper training was held in the 5th Special Forces Special Forces. It was attended by representatives of special units of Russia, Ukraine, Poland, the Czech Republic and Belarus.
2001 In the 5th ObrSpN, state tests of sights for small arms were carried out.
The major exercises of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus "Berezina-2002" proved that the professionalism of spetsnaz intelligence officers is growing and is acquired by intense military labor. The overall assessment of the brigade is “good”.

September 12, 2002 - a historic date in the life of the brigade. A long-awaited, joyful, unforgettable day. On this day, the brigade received the President of the country and its Commander-in-Chief A. G. Lukashenko. I
The head of state solemnly presented the brigade commander with the Battle Banner with Belarusian symbols.
But before this solemn moment came, the head of state visited a military shooting range, where he got acquainted with the peculiarities of the combat training of scouts, their professional skills during special events, and modern weapons.
The President of the Republic of Belarus laid flowers at the monument to the soldiers-internationalists, met with veterans of the unit.
Alexander Grigoryevich Lukashenko thanked the personnel and veterans of the brigade for their military work: “Your professional experience is worth a lot, today's generation of Belarusian special forces soldiers needs it. It is in the continuity of generations and traditions that the strength of the special forces lies.
In July 2003, competitions of the Reconnaissance groups of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus were held on the basis of the 5th arr.
All prize-winning places were taken by groups of Special Forces of the brigade. In the summer of 2003, the reconnaissance brigade took part in the competitions of reconnaissance groups of the Special Forces on the basis of the 2nd brigade of the Special Forces of the Leningrad Military District. Careful development of the operation, excellent physical and psychological preparation of the scouts allowed them to become the fourth.

For high professional skills, courage and perseverance in achieving the targeted goals of the Clear Sky-2003 complex operational exercise, the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Belarus, Colonel-General Maltsev L.S., encouraged the brigade with a pennant and a diploma.

The personnel of the 5th ObrSpN participated in the exercises: "Shield of the Fatherland-2004", in September 2005 a bilateral command and control command, "Shield of the Union-2006", 2007 - command and control command of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus.
In the Republic of Belarus, the creation of the Special Operations Forces has become a major political event. The basis of the MTR is the 5th separate special forces brigade. Today, the brigade, while performing its tasks and engaging in combat training, also bears the burden of testing all new weapons, equipment and special equipment for special forces units. The 5th Separate Special Purpose Brigade is the vanguard of the special operations forces and the main base for the training and education of professionals from other units and structures of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus.

On August 1, 2007, the 5th Special Operations Forces was reassigned to the command of the Special Operations Forces.
And today, celebrating its forty-fifth anniversary, the brigade remains true to the traditions of courage, heroism, honor and conscience, male friendship, sanctified by heaven and strengthened by battles on earth!

From the history of the 5th arr.


The professionalism of the brigade's special forces and their success in combat training have been proven in many major military exercises. All exercises were carried out in an environment as close as possible to combat * The "opponent" of the special forces were missilemen, border guards of the air defense troops. Command posts of armies, corps, airfields were subjected to "attacks" by special forces; naval bases, large communication centers. It was allowed to use any methods and methods. Spetsnaz groups worked at all major exercises of the Soviet Army and the Warsaw Pact troops. 2-3 well-trained special forces groups were enough to sow panic and confusion, completely paralyze the actions of the division.
From 1967 to 1987, the brigade was annually awarded the challenge pennant of the Military Council of the Belarusian Red Banner Military District "The Best Intelligence Unit", the Commemorative Jubilee Red Banner of the Military Council of the Belarusian Red Banner Military District and the challenge Red Banner of the Military Council of the Belarusian Red Banner Military District .
Teachings are a school of training in martial arts. The exercises are a "field" academy, where skills, techniques and methods of special operations are honed.
In 1967, the brigade took part in the Dnepr-67 exercises.
1969 - joint exercises of Special Forces groups with the Border Troops, the KGB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
1972 - scientist "Efir-72", district complex TSU.
1975 - exercises "Spring-75".
1976 - special exercises "Vanguard-76".
1981 - exercises "West-81".
1986 - operational-strategic exercises "Dozor-86".
1987 - front-line KShU.
1988 - operational-strategic exercises "Autumn-88".
1991 - TSUg front-line KShU.
1999 - TSU with other branches of the military.
2002 - CAT "Berezina-2002".
2003 - KOU "Clear Sky-2003".
2004 - KOTU "Shield of the Fatherland-2004".
2005 - bilateral KShU.
2006 - TSU within the framework of the command post of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus "Shield of the Union-2006", a bilateral tactical exercise from the 38th
2007 - KSHU of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus.

Eagles of the Lord from Maryina Gorka

A Brief History of the 5th Separate Special Purpose Brigade
The first paratroopers appeared here, in the Belarusian hinterland, back in 1940. It was the 214th airborne relocated from Western Belarus. In March 1941, the brigade was reorganized, on its basis the 4th Airborne Forces was formed with a deployment site in Maryina Gorka. Then there was a war, all over Belarus partisans fought against the invaders. And again the sky was painted with white domes only in 1963.
On the basis of the directive of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR No. 140547 dated July 19, 1962, the 5th separate special-purpose brigade began to form in the city of Maryina Gorka. Her birthday was January 1, 1963.
The backbone was made up of officers who arrived from the one-year courses of the Military Diplomatic Academy and intelligence units of the district. Soldiers and sergeants who had served at least two years in the special forces arrived here. A total of 137 people, including participants in the Great Patriotic War and local conflicts.
The new connection also faced new unusual tasks. The weapons of a potential enemy appeared means of nuclear attack. The USSR Ministry of Defense and the General Staff of the Soviet Army developed and implemented the idea of ​​creating a mobile and effective sabotage and reconnaissance force. All created brigades were directly subordinate to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff. In the event of a military conflict, the formations had to strike at enemy strategic targets, conduct reconnaissance, deploy a partisan movement on enemy territory, disorganize command and control and
the work of his rear.
The solution of such large-scale tasks required intense combat training. Already in May, the personnel began to master parachute jumps with fall stabilization up to five seconds and jumps from An-2, An-12, Li-2 aircraft. For several months, the unit was prepared for combat operations in any conditions. The servicemen showed high proficiency at the first test.
On November 19, 1964, the chief of staff of the BVO, Lieutenant-General N. Ogarkov, later Marshal of the Soviet Union, handed the Battle Banner to the brigade commander, Colonel I. Kovalevsky.
By 1965, the 5th Special Purpose Brigade had become a strong combat-ready body. In subsequent years, it increased its power, improved the organizational and staff structure. In May 1968, a special mining company was introduced into its staff. The brigade for eight years (1975-1982) had an "excellent" mark on all checks and exercises.
The year 1978 became especially memorable for the special forces soldiers. 22 divisions, 14 groups, 3 companies, 2 detachments were rated "excellent" at the end of the year. And in the same 1978, the connection received a new name - the 5th separate special-purpose brigade. The title "separate" was a recognition of the high skill of the soldiers and officers of the unit.
- The history of the brigade is first of all people, their characters, their destinies. Everyone has their own baggage of soul, knowledge and intellect. The names of all are kept by our grateful memory. The museum of the unit contains materials that tell about amazing people-creators devoted to the interests of the service. Bit by bit collected and created! the material base for the training of reconnaissance soldiers, new facilities were built, the combat capability of the unit was strengthened. The main thing that rallied people from the first days of the founding of our team is diligence, humanity, decency, justice, concern for the common cause, the desire to perform the tasks in the best possible way.
Each person left his mark in strengthening the combat capability of the brigade, improving the soldier's life. Each was an example of devotion to the Motherland and the army. People served with full dedication of strength, knowledge for the sake of raising a worthy replacement for veterans. The brigade has always been one big family - both on holidays and on weekdays, both in joy and in sorrow. The feeling of an elbow, military partnership never left the scouts of the 5th arr. Surprisingly united in combat skills, mutual assistance was a multinational team. For special forces are a way of life. >.***
With such commanders, officers and ensigns, our successes in. combat training were significant. In recent years, the brigade successfully solved the assigned tasks. Eleven times she was awarded the challenge Red Banner of the Military Council of the Belarusian Red Banner Military District and the pennant of the "Best Intelligence Unit of the District." The pennant was left in the unit forever. Our scouts participated in many exercises - and everywhere they showed themselves to be real fighters, professionals, coped with any assigned task, did not drop the honor of the army special forces.
In the 1970-1980s. The Maryinogorsk brigade was a testing ground for Soviet troops. All the latest types of spetsnaz weapons and equipment were tested by the GRU of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR in the quiet Maryina Gorka.
Much has been done in the brigade for the development of intelligence. As part of the 5th arr. Special Forces, a unique and most elite special forces unit appeared - a special special-purpose company. It consisted only of officers and ensigns, well-trained professionals. The company was intended to perform especially important tasks in the interests of the GRU. The best of the best were selected. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​was required. The soldiers took a course in light diving training under the naval special forces training program, mountain training, a course for motorized hang glider pilots, and much more.
In 1989, recognizing the peculiarities and professionalism of the unit, the Minister of Defense of the USSR allowed the company to have its own personal sleeve insignia - a black fox and a badge. For the Soviet Army, this was an extraordinary event, an unheard-of benefit in the USSR! “Afghans” served in the detachment, there were athletes - dischargers and masters of sports in military applied sports. "^.
Until 1991, the special company reached the highest level of training for officers and ensigns. It corresponded to the level of training of the Vympel special forces detachment of the KGB of the USSR.
But unfortunately, not only in the exercises, the special forces from Maryina Gorka had to apply their knowledge. Separate unforgettable
Afghanistan became a page in the history of the brigade. I Hundreds of reports from officers, ensigns and soldiers with a request to rule them "across the river" lay on the command table with the start of the Afghan war. And many of them continued to serve in the Jalalabad and Lashkargah special forces brigades operating in Afghanistan. From March 1985 to May 1988, the 334th separate special forces detachment formed on the basis of the brigade also fought there. On his account, 250 military exits, in which about 3,000 Mujahideen were destroyed, thousands of weapons were captured.
Victories were won not only by skill, but also by blood. The memory of one hundred and five was immortalized by a stele erected in the unit in 1986. 124 scouts were seriously wounded, the war marked 339 fighters with light wounds.
Cavalier of three orders, Captain Pavel Bekoev, a participant in over a hundred military operations, died, raising soldiers to attack. As always, he was in front... Senior Lieutenant Igor Tupik, twice wounded, surrounded by enemies, called fire on himself. Lieutenant Nikolai Kuznetsov, seriously wounded, covered the retreat of his subordinates with fire. With the last grenade, he blew himself up and the dushmans surrounding him.
In 1985, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously, his name is forever included in the lists of the unit.
It was the 334th detachment in 1988 that was given the honor of being the first to leave Afghanistan. In the future, a training detachment was created on its basis.
Our soldiers, ensigns and officers were faithful to the end to the camaraderie and oath. Motherland. The memory of them must be passed on from generation to generation, and only then can we look into the future with sovereignty and educate worthy sons of our Motherland. The memory of the war must negate the war, evoke disgust for it.
Remembering is terrible and painful, but it is impossible to forget. You must remember forever!
On August 2, 1999, in memory of those who went through the hell of Afghanistan, in memory of the fallen soldiers of the 334th detachment of the Special Forces, a renovated memorial complex was opened.
In 1990, in the period from January 24 to March 3, by order of the General Staff of the Soviet Army, the 5th arr. The brigade was commanded by Colonel V. Borodach.
The beginning of the nineties became difficult for the sons of the brigade. Here is the collapse of the USSR, the transfer of many to serve in Russia and Ukraine. They were in demand and went to other power structures. SOME fate has thrown in Transnistria and Tajikistan, Yugoslavia, Angola and Libya. But no matter where the fate of the sons of the 5th arr. Special Forces throws them, “they nowhere r Goonili the honor of the special forces, at any place in any position they showed themselves with dignity, performed their duty to the end, because a special forces soldier is a strong character, concentrated will and ability to go at risk, carry out their task to the bitter end. Special forces are born to win.
Despite everything, the brigade has not broken up, it lives and improves. On December 31, 1992, former Soviet special forces swore allegiance to White Russia. The 5th arr. Special Forces became the most elite part of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus.
Of particular note is the amazing tradition of our brigade. We can safely say that such a continuity of generations and such a number of dynasties, as in our brigade, is nowhere else. The brigade became a small motherland and home for hundreds of people for many years to come. Their fathers gave them devotion and loyalty to their Fatherland and special forces.
Getting into the brigade today is not so easy. Conscripts here are subjected to strict selection. Only physically strong, hardy people can serve in spetsnaz, capable of covering tens of kilometers off-road with full combat gear, spending many hours without sleep and rest, when the main thing is to complete the assigned task. Therefore, in high esteem in the brigade of sports. There are many dischargers and masters among the military personnel. But the main thing that distinguishes a special forces soldier is the moral core, fortitude. And this helps patriotic and spiritual and moral education, the cultivation of the rich traditions of the brigade.
In 1997, by order of the President of the Republic of Belarus, a non-standard center for patriotic education of youth in the Minsk region was created on the basis of the brigade. In cooperation with local authorities, the regional council of veterans, work is systematically carried out on the patriotic education of the personnel of the unit. Students of Maryinogorsk secondary schools and educational institutions of the Minsk region.
The way of military service, training in the brigade have a number of features: to shoot, blow up, drive, fly, jump - fighters learn all this. The main direction is reconnaissance and sabotage work. In the brigade they teach diving, carry out gatherings for hang gliders. Studying goes on from morning to evening in classrooms, at shooting ranges, and training grounds. Fighters are trained to perform extremely important tasks in a combat situation, when subunits and individual groups must operate deep in the rear, separated from the main forces, independently make the most unexpected and bold decisions. Therefore, every warrior must become a professional, possess impeccable weapons, know the subversive business, master the techniques of hand-to-hand combat, be decisive, self-possessed, quick-witted. A spetsnaz reconnaissance officer must know and love a parachute, be able to jump from an airplane, a helicopter at any time of the day, in any weather and on any terrain.
This is the peculiarity of the training of Belarusian special forces. In addition, scouts learn to overcome any obstacles (impassable swamps, water barriers, forests), quietly and unnoticed pass a route of 50-70 kilometers, suddenly and skillfully capture the specified object, destroy it.
A commando is a military professional who has several specialties and is able to withstand enormous physical and psychological stress. Therefore, combat training in the brigade is always in the first place. Knowledge and skills are brought to automatism. Sometimes everything is decided by a fraction of a second: if you hesitate, blink, you are the loser. In spetsnaz, they learn to win, not to lose.
During the exercises, groups of scouts leave for 10 days across a crossed unknown area. Fighters are very fond of field trips, where they have the opportunity to show resourcefulness, endurance, to prove to themselves and the commanders in practice what they are capable of and what they have learned. This increases self-esteem and makes one strive to improve combat skills.
Young officers and soldiers are trained by true masters of military affairs. The brigade has all the conditions for training in the art of war. Young people are given the opportunity for the harmonious development of their personality, the acquisition of a civilian specialty. The compound has language classes for learning foreign languages, a stadium, a club, fitness equipment, computers... The barracks are cozy and have a decent life. We respect sports. Soldiers and officers are engaged in taekwondo, Russian wrestling. There are sportsmen for taekwondo and rock climbing. Serious educational work is being carried out in the state-legal, patriotic, spiritual and moral areas. Everything is done to ensure that the military personnel are physically and morally strong, understand their place and role in ensuring the security of the Republic of Belarus. In July 2001, special tactical training competitions were held for the championship of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, where the "partisans" of Maryina Gorka earned high marks. “I would go into reconnaissance with these guys,” Lieutenant-General Nikolai Kostenko, Hero of Russia, said about the group of special forces of the brigade, “in the Fifth Brigade they retained all the best, and they are increasing their professionalism.”
In October 2001, an international seminar-i competition in sniper training was held in the 5th arr. It was attended by representatives of special units of Russia, Ukraine, Poland, the Czech Republic and Belarus.
2001 In the 5th arr. of the Special Forces, state tests of sights for small arms were carried out.
The major exercises of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus "Berezina-2002" proved that the professionalism of spetsnaz intelligence officers is growing and is acquired by intense military labor. Overall assessment of the brigade ■--"good". I
September 12, 2002 - a historic date in the life of the brigade. A long-awaited, joyful, unforgettable day. On this day, the brigade received the President of the country and its Commander-in-Chief A. G. Lukashenko. I
The head of state solemnly presented the brigade commander with the Battle Banner with Belarusian symbols.
But before this solemn moment came, the head of state visited a military shooting range, where he got acquainted with the features of the combat training of scouts, their professional skills during special events, and modern weapons.
The President of the Republic of Belarus laid flowers at the monument to the soldiers-internationalists, met with the veterans of the unit.
Alexander Grigoryevich Lukashenko thanked the personnel and veterans of the brigade for their military work: “Your professional experience is worth a lot, today's generation of Belarusian special forces soldiers needs it. It is in the continuity of generations and traditions that the strength of the special forces lies.
In July 2003, competitions of the Reconnaissance groups of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus were held on the basis of the 5th arr.
All prize-winning places were taken by groups of Special Forces of the brigade. In the summer of 2003, the reconnaissance units of the brigade took part in the competitions of reconnaissance groups of the Special Forces on the basis of the 2nd brigade of the Special Forces of the Leningrad Military District. Careful development of the operation, excellent physical and psychological preparation of the scouts allowed them to become fourth.
For high professional skills, courage and perseverance in achieving the goals of the complex operational exercise "Clear Sky-2003", the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Belarus, Colonel-General L. S. Maltsev, encouraged the brigade with a pennant and a diploma.
The personnel of the 5th arr. Special Forces took part in the exercises: “Shield of the Fatherland-2004”, in September 2005 ^ bilateral command and control staff, “Shield of the Union-2006”, 2007 - command and control staff of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus.
In the Republic of Belarus, the creation of the Special Operations Forces has become a major political event. The basis of the MTR is the 5th Separate Special Purpose Brigade. Today, the brigade, fulfilling its tasks and engaging in combat training, also bears the burden of testing all new weapons, equipment and special equipment for special forces units. The 5th Separate Special Purpose Brigade is the vanguard of the Special Operations Forces and the main base for the training and education of professionals from other units and structures of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus. ":: |
On August 1, 2007, the 5th arr. of the Special Operations Forces was reassigned to the command of the Special Operations Forces.
And today, celebrating its forty-fifth anniversary, the brigade remains true to the traditions of courage, heroism, honor and conscience, male friendship, sanctified by heaven and strengthened by battles on earth!

5th Separate Special Purpose Brigade Formed in 1962 as an airborne reconnaissance unit, it has a high level of combat training and vast combat experience. Stationed in Maryina Gorka, Pukhovichi district, Minsk region. Participated in hostilities as part of a limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan, conducted special events in the Transcaucasus during the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.
The appearance of such military units and formations in the Soviet army is caused by the presence of, as it was customary to call it, our potential enemy in Europe, tactical nuclear weapons. The tasks of the airborne brigades included the destruction of command posts and missile launchers, fuel and ammunition supply bases, the collection of intelligence, sabotage on communications, and in the future - and the organization of a partisan movement on enemy territory. Spetsnaz was designed to carry out operations in the rear in small groups. All brigades were directly subordinate to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff. Soon a unique unit appeared - a company, consisting only of officers and ensigns, well-trained professionals. The best of the best were selected, who flawlessly mastered various styles of martial arts, shooting from all types of small arms, including Western models. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​was a prerequisite. The servicemen also took a course in light diving training under the program of naval special forces, mountaineering and piloting a trike. The company was intended to carry out especially important tasks in the interests of the GRU of the General Staff.

The main direction of training is reconnaissance and sabotage activities. Scouts are taught to overcome swamps, water barriers. "Field is a soldier's academy" - fighters spend about seven months a year at the training ground.
In order to complete the task without losses away from the main forces, the commando must be a universal soldier. In his arsenal - tactics of covert movement, knowledge of engineering, possession of hand-to-hand combat techniques and first aid skills. Distinctive features - skillful management of all types of army vehicles and the ability to shoot accurately from various types of small arms, including captured ones.
There are no mountains in Belarus, but there are many high-rise buildings. Therefore, the basis of training is urban mountaineering. Classes are held not only on the territory of the brigade, they are also organized jointly with colleagues from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the KGB. Diving training is also provided.
Special forces are landing from the sky, and in a variety of ways. Landing with high precision day and night, in all weather conditions. To do this, new parachutes were put into service here, which allow scouts to jump from any height and at any speed of the aircraft. In addition to parachutes, there are in the arsenal of special forces and motorized hang gliders.

The 57th Motorized Infantry Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine during the punitive operation in the Donbass

The formation of the 57th motorized infantry brigade began in the fall of 2014. The city of Kirovograd became the point of permanent deployment of the brigade. It is noteworthy that the brigade was formed exclusively on the basis of territorial defense battalions formed on the territory of the Kirovograd region. The brigade included the 17th Armored Troop "Kirovograd", the 34th Armored Troop "Batkivshchyna", as well as the 42nd Armored Troop "Rukh Opory". It is worth noting that in the summer of 2014 the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine threw the consolidated company of the 42nd battalion to the deblockade of the Ilovaisky pocket, where it was successfully defeated. More than half of the soldiers of the consolidated company were captured. The brigade actually did not have its own armored vehicles, the number -1 did not exceed 10 (!) Vehicles. In addition, the 42nd battalion, hereinafter referred to as motorized infantry, had 13 -70. They tried to compensate for the lack of BMPs by transferring the BRDM-2 from storage bases, as well as MTLB tractors, which were absolutely not intended for use on the battlefield. In addition, the brigade was reinforced with an engineer company. Already in 2015, a tank company and a division of towed howitzers were introduced into the 57th motorized infantry brigade. The first commander of the brigade was Colonel Krasilnikov.

In November 2014, units of the brigade were deployed on the contact line in the area of ​​Gorlovka (34th motorized infantry battalion) and Debaltseve (42nd motorized infantry battalion). At the end of November, the 42nd battalion lost the first BTR-70, shot down in the Debaltseve area. By the end of 2014, the loss of the brigade in manpower amounted to 8 people killed. By the beginning of 2015, units of the 57th Motorized Rifle Brigade were scattered across checkpoints in a wide area from Konstantinovka in the south to Debaltseve in the north. Thus, the 42nd battalion, reinforced by an engineer company, operated with the main forces in the area of ​​the so-called "Debaltsevo ledge", and one of its companies was in Konstantinovka. The main forces of the 17th battalion "Kirovograd" operated on the same sector. The 34th battalion "Batkivshchyna" was stationed in the Gorlovka region.

During the battles for the Donetsk airport, the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, experiencing an acute shortage of armored vehicles, tried to use the MTLB of the 57th Motorized Rifle Brigade to attempt to break through to the "cyborgs" blocked in the New Terminal. One tractor, not intended for use on the battlefield, was damaged and was captured by the militia as a trophy. One soldier of the 17th battalion was killed, another was captured. On January 21, in Konstantinovka, a drunken soldier of the 42nd battalion "Rukh Opory" shot three colleagues. During the winter battles near Debaltseve, an armored personnel carrier-70 from the brigade was shot down, in total, at least 9 of its servicemen were killed during the fighting in this direction.

During this period, the main forces of the 34th battalion fought fierce positional battles near Gorlovka. After the conclusion of "Minsk-2", units of the 42nd battalion, withdrawn from the Debaltsevo direction, were transferred near Gorlovka. The units of the 57th motorized infantry brigade, not provided with armored vehicles and artillery, were actually only suitable for holding positions at checkpoints. However, until May 2016, units of the 57th Motorized Rifle Brigade were engaged in positional battles in one of the hottest points of the front line near the village of Zaitsevo, losing a total of 40 people killed. It is the fighters of the 57th Motorized Rifle Brigade who bear a significant share of the responsibility for numerous cases of ceasefire violations in this direction. The DPR fighters were especially annoyed by snipers from the brigade. In the first days of December 2015, the command of the People's Militia of the DPR transferred the most trained snipers to Gorlovka, who within a few days destroyed at least 4 snipers of the 57th Motorized Rifle Brigade during sniper duels.

In May 2016, the brigade was withdrawn from the so-called ATO zone and transferred to the border with Crimea.

In July 2017, the 57th Motorized Rifle Brigade was transferred to the Peskov area near Donetsk, where it is still fighting. It is curious that when the 92nd mechanized brigade was brought to rotation from the front line in October 2017, several of its former fighters, who previously served in the Azov regiment, transferred to the 42nd battalion of the Support Movement. One of them, the Georgian nationalist Suralidze, was killed on October 31 during a clash near the Donetsk airport. In the new 2018 year, the brigade was marked by the loss of the BRDM-2 in Pesky, which was blown up by an anti-tank mine. At the same time, 2 soldiers of the 34th Batkivshchyna Battalion were killed. The loss of the brigade since July 2017 is at least 10 people killed. At the moment, the 57th Motorized Rifle Brigade continues to hold positions in the Peskov area on the line of contact.

The 57th Motorized Rifle Brigade, like all 4 motorized infantry brigades, is a typical ersatz unit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine created during the war in Donbass. Lacking sufficient artillery and armored vehicles, it is intended only to hold positions at checkpoints and has no actual combat value. The total losses of the brigade in the Donbass amounted to 77 people killed, in addition, 3 BTR-70s, MTLBs and BRDM-2s of the 57th Motorized Rifle Brigade were destroyed. Two more MTLB tractors became trophies for the defenders of Donbass. The 57th brigade suffered, perhaps, the most serious losses among the motorized infantry brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, due to its presence on one of the "hottest" sections of the front line near Gorlovka in 2015 - early 2016. At the moment, along with three motorized infantry battalions, the brigade includes reconnaissance, engineer-sapper, medical, tank companies, and a platoon of snipers. The artillery component is represented by an artillery division, as well as a division of anti-tank guns MT-12 "Rapier". The brigade was given an anti-aircraft artillery battalion. The 57th Motorized Rifle Brigade does not have a sufficient number of infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers, and in fact the personnel move by trucks. BRDM-2 and MTLB tractors are used in large quantities, some of which are armed with ZU-23-2 twin anti-aircraft guns.


Review material on the participation of the 25th Airborne Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the hostilities in the Donbass.

Combat operations of the 25th Airborne Brigade during the war in Donbass.

Out of habit, many people call the 25th brigade airmobile, but the correct name of the military unit is "25th separate airborne brigade." This is one of the first formations that took part in the so-called ATO. Using her example, one can trace the changes that have taken place in the Armed Forces of Ukraine over the past three years of Ukrainian events. It can be said that the events that took place in the 25th OVDBR became a litmus test that showed changes in the minds of the Ukrainian army soldiers in 2014.

At the beginning of 2014, the brigade had the following structure:

  • Brigade headquarters and administration
  • 1st Airborne Battalion
  • 2nd Airborne Battalion
  • 3rd Airborne Battalion
  • Company of snipers
  • Brigade Artillery Group
  • Anti-aircraft missile and artillery battalion
  • Field communications center
  • Reconnaissance Airborne Company
  • Engineer-sapper company
  • Chemical protection company
  • Repair company
  • Airborne Support Company
  • Logistics company
  • medical company

Prior to the events of 2014, the brigade was fully equipped with airborne weapons and equipment: BMD-1, BMD-2, BTR-D, 2S9 Nona. The brigade was fully staffed by military personnel under the contract. The brigade was commanded by Colonel Yuri Ivanovich Sodol. The presence of a reconnaissance and airborne company equipped with BMD-2 made the brigade unique for the airmobile troops of Ukraine. In other brigades there were companies not equipped with BMD, therefore they were simply called reconnaissance. The BMD fleet was pretty worn out, which immediately played a cruel joke on the 25th brigade in the ATO zone.

At the end of January 2014, Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov set the task of the then Minister of Defense Pavel Lebedev to transfer the brigade to the subordination of the internal troops. On February 19, at the height of the events on the Euromaidan, the Minister of Defense ordered the transfer of the brigade to Kyiv by rail. However, the paratroopers were not destined to complete the task, so the protesting activists blocked the railway. The command tried to transfer personnel to the capital by trucks, but during the movement of the column an ​​accident occurred, three paratroopers were killed, 8 more were seriously injured, after which the column was returned to the PPD. It is worth noting that at that time, the command was loyal to the current government, and when asked by journalists whether they would use weapons against the protesters, the servicemen answered that they would if they received an order.

In early April 2014, units of the brigade were deployed to the Donbass. Problems began immediately, in the first days there were massive breakdowns of worn-out equipment. On the outskirts of Kramatorsk, a crowd of unarmed people prevented the fulfillment of the command plan. Near the village of Pchelkino, residents blocked 16 armored vehicles and about 500 servicemen. Another four units of armored vehicles with 20 servicemen were blocked behind the railway crossing. And in the area of ​​​​the village of Vasilyevka, four units of armored vehicles and about 30 military personnel were also blocked. The personnel with armored vehicles, which they managed to collect from the entire brigade, could not complete the combat mission. Several airborne combat vehicles, 120-mm self-propelled combined artillery guns 2S9 "Nona-S" and more than a company of personnel, as well as the head of the airborne troops of Ukraine, Colonel Alexander Shvets, who, back in February, stated at a briefing in the Rada: "I notify everyone that not a single paratrooper will go and did not go against his people, ”were captured by local residents.

On April 16, the brigade's servicemen handed over 6 units of armored vehicles to the local militias in Kramatorsk, being blocked by a crowd of civilians, which caused a violent reaction in Kyiv. The above events show the attitude of Ukrainian servicemen from the beginning of the so-called ATO to waging war against their own people.

On April 17, Acting President of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov signed an order to disband the brigade, citing the cowardice of the personnel and the surrender of weapons. However, at that time there were practically no combat-ready units in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which led to the decision to cancel this order. There was practically no one to fight. The command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine carried out a serious rotation of the personnel of the brigade, diluting the regular military with contract soldiers from among volunteers, many of whom adhered to nationalist views. In addition, the ideological indoctrination of the servicemen sharply intensified, which led to a change in their moods.

Already in May, units of the brigade were involved in the protection of the Luhansk airport, and also stood at checkpoints around Slavyansk, which at that time was the epicenter of events.

On May 15, the brigade suffered its first loss, as a result of an accident, a serviceman died. And in June, combat losses began near Slavyansk.

On June 5, an Il-76 with onboard N76432 and N76777 landed at the Lugansk airport, delivering 60-80 personnel and military radio equipment to ensure their own flights - the first flight was successful. But on June 14, a glaring incident occurred, even for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Despite the fact that the leadership of the anti-terrorist operation had information about the availability of air defense systems in the militia, it was decided to send reinforcements to the Lugansk airport by air. Three military transport planes were dispatched, the first of which managed to land safely. But the second Il-76 was not lucky at all - during landing it was shot down from MANPADS, and 40 paratroopers, 9 crew members were killed and at least 3 BMD-2s were destroyed. The third plane managed to deploy in time in the air. The incident seriously undermined the authority of the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and the massive losses shocked the Ukrainian society.

On June 19, units of the 25th brigade, in cooperation with the 95th airmobile brigade from Zhytomyr, conducted a joint operation near Yampol. In addition, the paratroopers were supported by units of the 24th mechanized brigade from the Lviv region. As a result of a heavy battle, a militia battalion was dispersed, the settlements of Yampol and Krasny Liman were captured. According to official data, the 25th brigade lost 4 people killed in this battle, the BMD-1 and the mobile reconnaissance and artillery fire control station 1V119 were also lost. However, the figures for the loss of personnel look extremely underestimated, volunteers reported the death of at least 12 killed soldiers of the 25th OVDbr.

The military personnel of the brigade actively took part in the blockade of Slavyansk, holding checkpoints located along its perimeter. On the night of July 5, it was at the checkpoint of the 25th brigade that an armored group of the militia breaking through from the city came out. During the battle, two infantry fighting vehicles, a BMD and a rebel tank were destroyed. The fighters of the brigade were among the first to enter Slavyansk. It is worth noting that by this time the personnel rotation rotations carried out in the brigade led to a change in the attitude of military personnel to the war. There has been an increase in nationalist sentiment among the soldiers. So Igor Strelkov said that during the exchange of prisoners, facts of bullying in relation to the captured militia by the soldiers of the 25th brigade were revealed.

“They exchanged two of our prisoners for two paratroopers,” said the commander of the DPR army. “The airmobiles went to their own on their own feet. ".. Creatures! What kind of creatures! After all, this is not the National Guard, this is the Dnepropetrovsk landing. Let's take it into account. I ordered not to take a single officer of the 25th prisoner. Never.", Strelkov told the press.

Later, in October 2014, a briefing by the international human rights organization Amnesty International was published on extrajudicial violence during the conflict in eastern Ukraine. According to human rights activists, servicemen of the 25th airborne brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, together with the Aidar battalion, may be involved in the alleged extrajudicial executions of four local residents near the villages of Kommunar and Nizhnyaya Krynka.

The next "Black Day" for the brigade was July 31, 2014, when paratrooper units tried to take Shakhtersk on the move, but were defeated. During the battles for Shakhtersk, the brigade was defeated by the militia and lost a lot of materiel. First of all, the brigade lost the 2S9 battery smashed by artillery fire, was left without fire support and was unable to complete the combat mission, including due to the fact that the mechanized units did not come up to storm the city. The brigade was unable to independently storm the city and gain a foothold in it and was withdrawn from Shakhtyorsk, but during the exit, two infantry fighting vehicles with troops were shot at point-blank range from a tank.
According to official, clearly underestimated data, the brigade lost 22 people killed, in addition, three contract servicemen were captured, including the well-known serviceman Panasyuk, who, after the publication of a video about his being in captivity, instantly became an Internet star. During the battles for Shakhtersk, the brigade lost at least 3 BMD-2s, 2 BTR-Ds, and 4 self-propelled guns 2S9 "Nona" during the day.

In early August 2014, units of the brigade took part in the assault on Saur-Mogila, and managed to knock out the militia from the heights, though not for long. Having recaptured Saur-Mohyla from the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the militia continued the offensive.

In general, the defeat in Stepanovka-Marinovka was epic - the combined group of paratroopers and the 30th brigade suffered simply catastrophic losses, but in terms of technology the 25th suffered the least of all the other participants - the 30th lost the materiel of the 2nd battalions and all self-propelled artillery attached to tactical group.

On August 10, the brigade received an order to take it together with other parts of the city of Uglegorsk. After the capture of Uglegorsk, the brigade returned to the base in Debaltseve. In the battles for Uglegorsk on August 12, the brigade lost 10 people killed. The capture of the city was actually the last success of the brigade during the war in the Donbass.

Already on August 17, the militia launched a powerful fire strike on the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine between the settlement. Nizhnyaya Krynka and Zhdanovka. In fact, the 1st company of the 2nd battalion of the 25th airmobile brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was destroyed. According to Ukrainian sources from the scene, there were 12 dead and about 50 wounded in the company.

As of August 26, according to official figures, 107 servicemen were killed in the brigade, and another 530 were injured. These figures raise serious doubts, since, according to the confessions of the fighters of the brigade, the unit lost only up to 40 percent of its personnel killed. The lost BMDs were replaced with BTR-70s that came from storage bases. The 2S9 Nona self-propelled guns are practically gone, they were replaced by D-30 towed guns.

In early October 2014, the brigade was withdrawn from the ATO zone, but in fact it was not even a rotation, but a re-equipment. An anti-tank company equipped with anti-tank systems, as well as a fire support company with "Cliffs" and DShK, were introduced into the structure of the brigade.

Already in January 2015, units of the brigade were thrown into the ATO zone as a "fire brigade" to try to return the Donetsk airport. The 25th brigade was the first to receive Saxon armored vehicles supplied by the UK, as well as Ukrainian miracle vehicles KrAZ Spartan.
The operation was not successful, and the paratroopers again suffered heavy losses.

On January 22, in one day, according to official figures, 12 fighters were killed in Avdiivka. In total, 15 brigade fighters were killed in the battles in January 2015 near the airport, although these figures are also questionable, since during this period the unit lost at least 5 BMDs destroyed by the rebels, as well as one of the last Non. Another BMD went to the militia as a trophy.

The experience of using the consolidated units of the brigade was again recalled during the Debaltsevo operation, where the fighters of the formation were also transferred. The paratroopers again suffered losses near Uglegorsk, several armored vehicles of the brigade joined the ranks of the NAF.

After the conclusion of Minsk-2, the brigade continued to serve in the so-called ATO zone, in particular, its units participated in the battles for Maryinka in June 2015. At the moment, according to official data, the brigade’s irretrievable losses are 133 people killed. In addition, during the conflict, the unit lost at least 44 armored vehicles destroyed by the NAF.

The absence of airborne armored vehicles in fact turned the brigade from an airborne brigade into an ordinary mechanized one. In general, the formation repeated the path of all Ukrainian airmobile troops, which, due to the lack of the necessary equipment, turned into mechanized units with a higher level of combat readiness compared to the ground forces. In fact, the paratroopers were turned into well-trained infantry.