Secret mudras fulfilling desires. The mudra of wish fulfillment is very powerful: its concept and basic rules for fulfillment

A wisdom that will help turn all harmful actions directed against you into favorable ones. Who needs mudra? Mudra will be needed if, on the way to achieving your goal, you are faced with obstacles put up by other people. Mudra will turn any action directed against you into useful. The most important condition: before applying this mudra, you must make sure that you really need to achieve the goal you are striving for. Because the opposition of other people sometimes arises for our own good - to stop us if we are moving in the wrong direction. There is a reliable sign by which one can determine whether it is necessary to deviate from the chosen path if opposition has arisen on it, or in spite of everything to go further. It’s very simple: if the path you have chosen is not really yours, if you don’t need the goal you have outlined, and can even be harmful, then opposition on the way to such a goal arises from the very beginning. That is, you do not even have time to take the first step, and there is already some kind of obstacle in front of you, and quite a serious one. And when you try to take the first step, the obstacle gets stronger. Here you need to stop and think carefully about whether you are doing and whether you are going there. If at first everything went smoothly, smoothly and there were no obstacles on the way - on the contrary, the path seemed to creep under your feet - but somewhere in the middle, as they say, out of the blue, opposition from other people suddenly arose, right here, most likely, it is not worth retreating. This is not at all a sign that you are not on your way - it is only evidence that your aspirations are somehow contrary to the will of other people. To these other people, what you are doing seems unprofitable, harmful and dangerous. In this case, once again check your goals for creativity. If you do not have destructive intentions, if you strive to create something good and positive - but your opponents who want to interfere with you have just destructive intentions - then feel free to use this mudra, which will help you stop the opposition and negative intentions of other people, wishing to disturb you. An important warning: in the event of such opposition, do not seek to eliminate the manifested obstacles by force. There is a law in the world: the force of action is equal to the force of reaction. Therefore, the more you use forceful measures, the stronger the resistance will be, the more you will have to expend energy, and with less and less result. It is better, when faced with an obstacle, to take a step back, calm down, assess the situation and begin to perform mudra. After a while, the obstacle will simply crumble into dust by itself, as if without your participation. This mudra is applicable in a variety of situations in life, regardless of the scale of your goals and the obstacles you face. And it will work regardless of the reasons why other people put obstacles in your way. After all, someone can hinder you out of ill will, envy, anger, or for their own selfish reasons - and someone simply because of sloppiness and disorganization. The situation will change in your favor in all cases. In addition, obstacles can be of a different nature - someone hinders us physically, someone puts pressure on us psychologically. We cannot get around some prohibitions due to objective circumstances, others due to moral and ethical considerations, for example, when something is forbidden to us by a significant, respected, authoritative person for us. However, even authority figures are not always right, and often we simply need to ignore their opinions and insist on our own without feeling guilty, which can be difficult. Mudra will help to reach a compromise and overcome this obstacle without unnecessary clashes and disagreements. Here are some of the most typical situations when mudra is simply irreplaceable: - you need to get important information, but other people do everything to hide it from you; - you are engaged in a creative, creative business (build a house, start or develop your own business, create a work of art, etc.), but other people somehow prevent you from doing this (officials do not give the necessary permits, the construction company refuses to send workers , someone constantly distracts you from work, makes you do something else, etc.); - you are not hired or studied where you want - and the decision depends on specific people who refuse to accept it in your favor - for some reason you are denied medical or other assistance you need; - you want to get an education, learn a new business, move to live in another place or go on a trip, but you are not allowed to do this for objective reasons (for example, they do not give a visa, etc.), or the prohibitions of people significant to you (parents, spouses, etc.); - for some reason you are not allowed to go where you came on business or for other good purposes (to an institution, company, club, cafe, or to some territory, such as a park, beach, etc.); - you are denied the meeting you need; - they refuse to sell you the product you need or provide the service you need. How does mudra work? Mudra creates a very strong and powerful energy configuration that simply squanders the forces of the side that hinders you. Please note: if you try to overcome this resistance by force (swearing, demanding, putting pressure on the one who interferes with you), you will only give additional energy to the one who resists you. More precisely, you will give him your energy, which he will direct against you. Mudra works quite differently. It does not require you to give strength, but the energy configuration it creates itself takes strength from the one who hinders you. That is, the more it hinders you, the stronger your energy configuration becomes, depriving the hindering force. Thus, he falls into a kind of vicious circle - the more he resists, the more difficult it is for him to do this, as he becomes weaker and weaker until he completely loses his strength. Sooner or later, the one who obstructs you will have to give up, simply for the reason that he will feel completely exhausted and simply cannot continue to resist. As for you, resistance to your plans in this case will only make you stronger - after all, the force of opposition to you will become your strength, and your affairs will sharply go uphill, the obstacles will scatter on their own, those who prevented you will simply give up and retreat, and there will be no more obstacles on the way to your goal. How to apply? In case of strong resistance on the way to large and significant goals for you, apply three times a day - in the morning, afternoon and evening - for 5-7 minutes, daily, until a positive resolution of the issue, but not longer than a week. If after a week the issue has not been resolved, take a break for 3 days and practice for another week, now 4-5 times a day for 7-9 minutes. If the resistance is not so strong or does not come from the most powerful of this world, or your goal is not vital - twice a day, morning and evening, for 3-5 minutes is enough. If after three days the issue has not been resolved, practice for another four days, now three times a day for 5-7 minutes. In emergency cases (for example, you were in front of a closed door, you were told “no” for some reason), apply immediately, from 3 minutes before receiving a positive answer, but no more than 20 minutes. Description of the mudra: 1. Place your right hand (left handed) in front of your chest with your palm facing you, fingers parallel to the floor, pointing to the side. 2. Bend the index, middle and ring fingers, bending the tips of the fingers inside the hand, as if you were clenching a fist. 3. Press the thumb firmly against the side of the bent index finger. 4. Straighten the remaining free little finger. 5. Place your other hand (left for right-handers, right for left-handers) in front of your chest with your palm facing you, fingers parallel to the floor, facing the opposite hand. 6. Bend the little finger, ring and middle fingers inside the palm. 7. Leave your index finger straight and extended. 8. Straighten your straight thumb and lift it vertically up. 9. Bring in contact and firmly press the bones (between the lower and middle phalanx) of the bent fingers of both hands to each other: the ring finger of the first hand rests on the little finger of the second hand, the middle finger on the ring finger, and the index finger on the middle finger. 10. Close your eyes, focus on the base of the throat, breathe slowly and measuredly and imagine how with each breath in the throat area strength and energy accumulate, your will strengthens, with each breath you exhale weakness and lack of will. 11. Form a firm intention to achieve your goal and overcome all obstacles. 12. Stay in this position for 3 to 20 minutes depending on the situation.

There are two main mudras that help you achieve your goals. A very powerful mudra for the fulfillment of desires is Subarhi. This is the basic practice for making dreams come true. Kubera comes to help her.


How to perform?

Connect the tips of your index and middle fingers. Then connect the tips of the little fingers and ring fingers.

A correctly performed Surabhi mudra should resemble the udder of a cow.

The correct execution can be seen in this video.


Surabhi exercise helps:

  • improve the functioning of the endocrine glands;
  • energize all three doshas - Vata, Pitta and Kapha;
  • eliminate acidity in the body.

“But where does the fulfillment of desires?” you might ask.

And here's the thing.

These physical effects help a person achieve what he wants. That is, the mudra does not fulfill the desire here and immediately. But it gives you the opportunity to achieve what you want, as it increases creativity and motivation. It improves brain function and helps you make those decisions in life that guarantee the best result.

In order for Surabhi to help fulfill a dream, it must be done for 10 minutes and for 15 days.

Different variants

Surabhi has several options.

That is, the mudra itself is performed as described above. But after the clutch of the main fingers that take part in its formation, we still have big ones. Where to put them?

There are 4 options.

  1. vayu. The tip of the thumb is placed at the base of the index finger. Most effectively helps to enhance creativity. And also eliminate pain throughout the body, as it should be, of a muscular nature.
  2. Shunya. The thumb touches the base of the middle finger. Helps to calm down better. It is believed that if you hold it for a long time and often, you can hear the music of the Cosmos.
  3. Prithivi. The tip of the thumb is in contact with the base of the ring finger. Helps to get rid of drowsiness, improve digestion and eliminate chronic cough.
  4. jal. The affected finger is placed at the base of the little finger. Helps to get rid of excessive heat in the body, cool down.


This mudra is simpler. It helps mainly in cases where the desire concerns material wealth and money.

1. Place your hands in front of you, palms up.

2. Squeeze your right hand into a fist (leaving your thumb out) and rest it on the palm of your left hand so that the lower phalanges of the fingers of your right hand rest on the palm of your left hand.

3. Connect the thumbs of both hands with pads. Bend the little finger and ring finger of the left hand to wrap them around the back of the right hand.

4. Press the index and middle fingers of the left hand firmly against each other and stretch forward. (See photo. Side view).

5. Mentally wish yourself good luck. Express your firm intention to do everything as you planned for this day.

6. Maintain this mudra and its corresponding mood for 3-5 minutes.

Who needs mudra

You will need this mudra when you set a responsible goal for yourself, or just have a difficult day ahead, with a lot of worries, and it is important for you that everything goes smoothly, the way you need it, so that circumstances are on your side. It will help even when clouds have gathered over you, everything is not going quite the way you want.

Performing mudra in the morning, you will attract good luck for the whole day. And by performing mudra at the moment when something suddenly went wrong, you will be able to use energies that can dissolve these troubles, clarify the situation and help you find the right way out of it.

How to apply

It is important to concentrate very well and for 3-5 minutes not think about anything other than doing the mudra and the task that you have to solve. This mudra is short-acting - it charges you with the energy of good luck for one day. But keep in mind that you cannot do it every day. Leave this mudra for really difficult and responsible tasks, for those cases when you badly need luck. If you use the mudra "prophylactically" or to solve small everyday problems, it can lose its power for you.

Sometimes dreams seem impossible. Exist and accelerate the achievement of the desired. One of them is the Indian ritual sign language. Each mudra corresponds to a specific deity. The patron of wealth in Hinduism is Kubera, who received the position as a reward from Brahma for prolonged austerity. The deity combines the harmony of spiritual and material well-being. The mudra of fulfillment of desires dedicated to him is very powerful and can radically change a person’s life. The main condition is the regularity of the practice.

Mudra Kubera to achieve the desired: technique

There is nothing complicated in the ritual Indian sign language. Adhere to the following recommendations for the correct implementation of the mudra practice.

  1. Sit in a comfortable position and fold the fingers of both hands in a certain way. Connect the first three fingers with the tips, and press the ring and little fingers to the palm of your hand. Keep them in this position until the end of the ritual.
  2. Performing the mudra for the fulfillment of a dream can be combined with the recitation of mantras suitable for the occasion or combined with yogic techniques.
  3. Clear your mind of thoughts and open the heart of the energy of the universe. Let it flow freely through the spiritual body, healing and renewing it.
  4. The Wish Fulfillment Mudra is very effective and powerful and can be performed simultaneously with meditation. Visualize the dream and imagine it in detail.
  5. The ritual should be done for 15 minutes 3 times a day.
  6. Before the ceremony, take a shower: the water will wash away the accumulated negativity, and you will be ready for renewal.

How mudra works, fulfilling wishes

Such a ritual contributes not only to the achievement of material well-being and spiritual harmony. Mudra Kubera helps patients recover when combined with other healing techniques.

Folding fingers in a certain way, a person directs the energy circulating in him in the right direction. This changes fate and entails a physical transformation for the better.

The execution of mudras will be more effective if they become part of a complex of various practices. Combine ritual sign language with meditation and yoga, proper nutrition and mantra recitation. After some time, you will feel changes in the body, and a heavy stone will fall from your soul. The mudra of fulfillment of desires is very powerful and switches your energy to the speedy achievement of a dream,

You can fulfill a desire with the help of the inner forces that every person has. And the mudra of the ancient practice of Shambhala will help you enhance the effect. The right attitude and special hand movements will open the way to happiness for you.

Desires are an integral part of our life. To make dreams come true, sometimes it’s enough just to believe in your own strength and take the first step towards making your plans a reality. Among the many effective remedies, Kubera mudra is an excellent way to help you achieve what you want in the shortest possible time. You can use it anytime and anywhere. What matters is the attitude and belief that you will succeed.

Wish Fulfillment Wisdom

State your desire clearly. Imagine in great detail what you want to achieve. Remember that mudras cannot be used for harm and for selfish purposes, so as not to bring trouble on yourself.

Stretch your arms out in front of you. Squeeze your thumb, index and middle fingers into a pinch. Bend the ring finger and little finger towards the palm and keep them straight. Do the same on the second hand. Align your breath and let your thoughts fly. Keep mudras until you have a clear feeling that your wish has already come true. Feel the joy of victory and jubilation. Join hands: three fingers of the left hand, collected with a pinch, should touch the fingers of the right hand. State your desire or dream loudly and clearly, each time pressing your fingers together. Exhale slowly, and then unclench your entwined fingers. Shake your hands, and then press your open palms to your chest. You will feel the flow of warmth, which, like a cocoon, envelops you.

Don't stop thinking about your desire until it becomes your reality. Do not forget that you must maintain inner harmony. Refuse any negativity, do not enter into conflicts and do not think about anything that could upset you greatly. Tune in to positive thinking and follow the call of your heart.

You can protect yourself from ill-wishers in the period until your dream has come true, with the help of the Shambhala Shield mudra. Be confident and repeat Kuber's mudra every three days to consolidate the effect. We wish you the fulfillment of your cherished desires. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

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