The impact of road transport on the environment. Impact of road transport on environmental safety

The main cause of air pollution is the incomplete and uneven combustion of fuel. Only 15% of it is spent on the movement of the car, and 85% "flies into the wind." In addition, the combustion chambers of an automobile engine are a kind of chemical reactor that synthesizes toxic substances and releases them into the atmosphere.

Moving at a speed of 80-90 km / h, on average, a car converts as much oxygen into carbon dioxide as 300-350 people. But it's not just carbon dioxide. The annual exhaust of one car is 800 kg of carbon monoxide, 40 kg of nitrogen oxides and more than 200 kg of various hydrocarbons. In this set, carbon monoxide is very insidious.

Due to its high toxicity, its permissible concentration in the atmospheric air should not exceed 1 mg/m 3 . There are cases of tragic deaths of people who started car engines with the garage doors closed. In a single-seat garage, a lethal concentration of carbon monoxide occurs within 2-3 minutes after the starter is turned on. In the cold season, stopping for the night on the side of the road, inexperienced drivers sometimes turn on the engine to heat the car. Due to the penetration of carbon monoxide into the cabin, such an overnight stay may be the last.

The level of gas contamination of highways and adjacent territories depends on the intensity of car traffic, the width and topography of the street, wind speed, the share of trucks and buses in the total flow, and other factors. With a traffic intensity of 500 vehicles per hour, the concentration of carbon monoxide in an open area at a distance of 30-40 m from the highway decreases by 3 times and reaches the norm. Difficulty dispersing car emissions in tight streets. As a result, almost all residents of the city experience the harmful effects of polluted air.

The rate of pollution spread and its concentration in certain areas of the city are significantly affected by temperature inversions. Basically, they are typical for the north of the European part of Russia, Siberia, the Far East and usually occur in calm weather (75% of cases) or with weak winds (from 1 to 4 m/s). The inversion layer acts as a screen from which a torch of harmful substances is reflected to the ground, as a result of which their surface concentrations increase several times.

Of the metal compounds that make up the solid emissions of vehicles, the most studied are lead compounds.

This is due to the fact that lead compounds, entering the human body and warm-blooded animals with water, air and food, have the most harmful effect on it. Up to 50% of the daily intake of lead in the body falls on the air, in which a significant proportion is the exhaust gases of cars.

The release of hydrocarbons into the atmospheric air occurs not only during the operation of cars, but also during the spill of gasoline. According to American researchers in Los Angeles, about 350 tons of gasoline evaporate into the air per day. And it is not so much the car that is to blame for this, but the person himself. They spilled a little when pouring gasoline into a tank, forgot to close the lid tightly during transportation, splashed on the ground when refueling at a gas station, and various hydrocarbons were drawn into the air.

In conditions of strong urban noise, there is a constant voltage of the auditory analyzer. This causes an increase in the threshold of hearing (10 dB for most people with normal hearing) by 10-25 dB.

Noise in big cities shortens human life expectancy. According to Austrian researchers, this reduction ranges from 8-12 years. Excessive noise can cause nervous exhaustion, mental depression, autonomic neurosis, peptic ulcer, disorders of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems. Noise interferes with people's work and rest, reduces productivity.

Mass physiological and hygienic examinations of the population exposed to traffic noise in living and working conditions revealed certain changes in the state of people's health.

At the same time, changes in the functional state of the central nervous and cardiovascular systems, auditory sensitivity depended on the level of the acting sound energy, on the sex and age of the examined. The most pronounced changes were found in persons experiencing noise exposure in both working and domestic conditions, compared with persons living and working in the absence of noise.

High levels of noise in the urban environment, which is one of the aggressive stimuli of the central nervous system, can cause its overstrain. City noise has an adverse effect on the cardiovascular system. Ischemic heart disease, hypertension, high blood cholesterol are more common in people living in noisy areas.

Noise greatly disturbs sleep. Intermittent, sudden noises, especially in the evening and at night, have an extremely unfavorable effect on a person who has just fallen asleep. A sudden noise during sleep (for example, the rumble of a truck) often causes a strong fright, especially in sick people and in children. Noise reduces the duration and depth of sleep. Under the influence of noise at a level of 50 dB, the period of falling asleep increases by an hour or more, sleep becomes superficial, after waking up people feel tired, headache, and often palpitations.

The lack of normal rest after a hard day leads to the fact that the fatigue that naturally develops in the process of work does not disappear, but gradually turns into chronic overwork, which contributes to the development of a number of diseases, such as a disorder of the central nervous system, hypertension.

The highest noise levels of 90-95 dB are observed on the main streets of cities with an average traffic intensity of 2-3 thousand or more vehicles per hour.

The level of street noise is determined by the intensity, speed and nature (composition) of the traffic flow. In addition, it depends on planning decisions (longitudinal and transverse profile of streets, building height and density) and such landscaping elements as roadway coverage and the presence of green spaces. Each of these factors can change the level of traffic noise up to 10 dB.

In an industrial city, the percentage of freight transport on highways is usually high. An increase in the general traffic flow of trucks, especially heavy trucks with diesel engines, leads to an increase in noise levels. In general, trucks and cars create a heavy noise regime in the cities.

The noise that occurs on the roadway of the highway extends not only to the territory adjacent to the highway, but also deep into residential buildings. Thus, in the zone of the strongest noise impact there are parts of blocks and microdistricts located along highways of general city significance (equivalent noise levels from 67.4 to 76.8 dB). Noise levels measured in living rooms with open windows oriented to the indicated highways are only 10-15 dB lower.

The acoustic characteristic of the traffic flow is determined by the indicators of the noise level of motor vehicles. The noise produced by individual transport crews depends on many factors: engine power and operation mode, technical condition of the crew, quality of the road surface, speed. In addition, the level of noise, as well as the efficiency of operating a car, depends on the qualifications of the driver.

The noise from the engine increases sharply at the time of its start and warming up (up to 10 dB). The movement of the car at the first speed (up to 40 km / h) causes excessive fuel consumption, while the engine noise is 2 times higher than the noise generated by it at the second speed. Significant noise causes sudden braking of the car when driving at high speed. Noise is noticeably reduced if the driving speed is dampened by engine braking until the foot brake is applied.

Recently, the average level of noise produced by transport has increased by 12-14 dB. That is why the problem of combating noise in the city is becoming increasingly acute.

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Chapter 1. The impact of transport on the environment

1.1 The level of environmental problems associated with passenger transport services

1.2 Sustainable transport

Chapter 2. Analysis of the activities of the urban transport system and its impact on the environment

2.1 Ways and means of solving the problem of environmental damage from transport

2.2 Planning the activities of the urban transport system, taking into account environmental requirements

2.3 Organization of effective environmental performance of the urban transport system

2.4 Monitoring the operation of trams, trolleybuses and metro

2.5 Analysis of the impact of rail transport on ecosystems

Chapter 3

3.1 Impact of urban transport on the environment of Ryazan

3.2 Planning an information and analytical system for managing urban transport

3.3 Analysis of the activities of the urban transport system and its impact on the environment of the city of Ryazan

3.4 Organization of effective environmental performance of the urban transport system of Ryazan




The relevance of the topic "Determining the environmental efficiency of the urban transport system" is due to the fact that now it becomes clear that the first culprit of air pollution - one of the main sources of life on our planet - is transport. Cars, like buses, carrying hundreds and thousands of passengers daily, absorbing oxygen, which is so necessary for the course of life, at the same time intensively pollutes the air environment with toxic components that cause significant harm to all living and non-living things. Contribution to environmental pollution, mainly the atmosphere is - 60 - 90%.

Air pollutant emissions from cars are more than an order of magnitude larger than emissions from rail vehicles. Next come air transport, sea and inland waterways. The non-compliance of vehicles with environmental requirements, the continued increase in traffic flows, the poor condition of roads - all this leads to a constant deterioration of the environmental situation. Thus, the issues of ecology and neutralization of the harmful effects of transport on the environment require increased attention and prompt solutions, therefore, the environmental problems of society related to the transport services for passengers in modern conditions are of current importance. ecological transport ryazan city

The purpose of the study is to identify modern environmental problems associated with transport services, to justify the need to use methods that regulate the impact of various modes of transport on environmental complexes.

The subject of this work is to determine the environmental efficiency of the urban transport system.

The object of the course work is the activity of the urban transport system.

The research objectives will be as follows:

To get acquainted with the basic concepts of ecology and the transport system;

Assess the impact of transport on the environment;

Analyze the activities of the tram, trolleybus and metro;

Consider the impact of rail transport on ecosystems;

Assess the environmental performance of sustainable transport;

Consider ways to eliminate environmental problems arising from the activities of the urban transport system;

Assess the impact of motor transport on the ecology of Ryazan.

Course work consists of 49 pages, contains three chapters. The first chapter introduces the basic concepts of ecology and the transport system, and also considers the consequences of the impact of transport on the environment. The second chapter analyzes the activities of the urban transport system and reveals ways to solve the problem of environmental damage from transport. The third chapter examines the impact of urban transport on the ecology of Ryazan.

Glava 1 . The impact of transport onecology

Ecology is the science of the relationship of living organisms and their communities with each other and with the environment. In recent years, the word "ecology" has gained exceptional popularity.

The scientific achievements of the 20th century created the illusion of almost complete controllability, but the economic activity of human society, the extensive use of natural resources, the huge scale of waste - all this is in conflict with the capabilities of the planet (its resource potential, fresh water reserves, the ability to self-purify the atmosphere, waters, rivers, seas, oceans). Currently, the term "ecology" is inextricably linked with the word problems.

There are two aspects of the environmental problem:

environmental crises arising as a result of natural processes;

· Crises caused by anthropogenic impact and irrational nature management.

The transport complex occupies a special place in the economy of cities and regions. Its products are transport services related to meeting the needs for the spatial movement of goods and people, as well as work carried out in cities and regions on the reconstruction and development of the transport and production base, the repair and maintenance of rolling stock and handling equipment, the construction and repair of communication lines, structures and objects of the transport network. The more complex the economy of cities and regions, the greater the impact of the quality of the transportation process and the productivity of the transport complex on the implementation of socio-economic goals.

Modern urban transport according to its purpose is divided into the following categories.

a) passenger - electrified railways, metro, tram, monorail transport, trolley bus, bus, conveyor transport, cars, scooters, motorcycles, bicycles, river tram, helicopters;

b) cargo - trucks, trams, trolleybuses, motor scooters;

c) special - ambulance and fire trucks, cars for cleaning streets and households, etc.

In turn, passenger transport, depending on the type of use of vehicles and their accessories, can be divided into three groups:

1) public mass general use - electrified railways, metro, tram, monorail transport, trolley bus, bus, conveyor transport and helicopters;

2) public individual use - taxi, car rental and departmental;

3)personal individual use - cars, scooters, motorcycles and bicycles .

Public and personal transport for individual use, according to the conditions of traffic organization, can be combined under the general name of passenger road transport.

Mass public transport is distinguished by a significant capacity and large carrying capacity compared to individual transport. A characteristic feature of mass transport is that it operates on established routes.

Classification of mass passenger transport can be made according to various criteria.

Depending on the location of transport lines relative to the streets, mass transport is divided into:

street - tram, trolley bus, bus;

· off-street - underground, deep inputs of electrified railways, high-speed underground tram, monorail transport and helicopters.

According to the nature of the way devices, two types of urban transport are distinguished:

· rail - subway, deep inputs of electrified railways, tram, monorail transport;

· trackless - trolley bus, bus.

Finally, according to the type of motive force used, all urban public transport can be combined into two large groups:

1)with electric motor - subway, deep inputs of electrified railways, tram, trolley bus, monorail transport;

2) with internal combustion engine - a bus with a carburetor and diesel engine, a river tram, a helicopter.

The problem of the negative impact of vehicles on the ecological situation is studied mainly in engineering ecology. Engineering ecology studies and develops engineering standards and means that meet the environmental requirements of production in transport, as well as in construction, mining and processing industries, and energy. This is the control and regulation of material and energy flows of production and man-made emissions (ie emissions, emissions of by-products) from various engineering facilities.

The main sources of environmental pollution and consumers of energy resources include road transport and the infrastructure of the motor transport complex.

Pollutant emissions into the atmosphere from cars are more than an order of magnitude larger than emissions from other modes of transport.

Life in the cities has become unbearable. Tokyo, Paris, London, Mexico City, Athens suffocate with an excess of cars. The terrible level of air pollution, in terms of the amount of harmful gases, MPC, for example, in Moscow is 30 times higher than the maximum allowable rate. Excess air from car exhaust caused a European flood in the summer of 2002: a flood in Germany, Czechoslovakia, France, Italy, the Krasnodar Territory, Adygea. Drought and smog in the central regions of the European part of Russia, in the Moscow region. The flood can be explained by the fact that, in addition to atmospheric currents and fluctuations in air flows, powerful streams of hot air from automobile CO2 exhaust and H2O exhaust gases from Central and Eastern Europe, where the growth in the number of cars exceeded all permissible norms, were added. The number of vehicles on highways and cities has increased 5 times, as a result of which the thermal heating of air and its volume from automobile exhaust vapors have sharply increased. If in the 1970s the heating of the atmosphere by transport was much less than the heating of the Earth’s surface from the sun, then in 2010 the number of moving cars increased so many times that the heating of the atmosphere from cars becomes commensurate with the heating from the sun and sharply disrupts the climate of the atmosphere. Heated CO2 and H2O vapor from automobile exhausts give an excess of air mass in the center of Russia, equivalent to air flows from the Gulf Stream, and all this excess heated air increases atmospheric pressure. When the wind blows towards Europe, two currents from the Atlantic Ocean and from Russia collide here, producing such excess rainfall that leads to the European Flood.

In the Moscow region, exhaust gas (car exhaust gases) CO, CH, CnHm - create smog, and high pressure leads to the fact that the smoke of burning peat bogs spreads along the ground, does not go up, is added to exhaust gas, as a result, MPC is hundreds of times higher than the permissible norm . This leads to the development of a wide range of diseases (bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, heart failure, strokes, stomach ulcers) and an increase in the mortality of people with weakened immune systems. It is especially difficult for children (bronchitis, bronchial asthma, cough, in newborns, a violation of the gene structures of the body and incurable diseases), as a result, an increase in child mortality by 10% per year. In healthy people, the body copes with poisoned air, but it takes so much physiological strength that as a result all these people lose their ability to work, labor productivity drops, and the brain works much worse.

To reduce slip when driving ground vehicles in winter, salt is sprinkled on the streets, creating incredible mud and puddles. This dirt and dampness is transferred to trolleybuses and buses, to the subway and transitions, entrances and apartments, shoes deteriorate from this, salinization of the soil and rivers kills all living things, destroys trees and grasses, fish and all aquatic animals - the ecology is destroyed.

In Russia, 1 km of roads accounts for 2 to 7 hectares. At the same time, not only agricultural, forest and other lands are withdrawn, but the territory is also divided into separate closed areas, which violates the habitats of wild animal populations.

About 2 billion tons of oil is consumed by automobile and diesel transport. Throw 2 billion tons of oil into the wind and use only 39 million tons to transport goods. At the same time, for example, in the United States, oil will run out in 10 years, in 20 years there will be a military reserve, in 30 years black gold will cost more than yellow. If you do not change the consumption of oil, then in 40 years there will not be a drop left. Without oil, civilization will perish before reaching the age of maturity, the ability to revive civilization elsewhere.

1.1 The level of environmental problems associated with passenger transport services

Around the world, the number of cars is increasing exponentially every day. More and more people have their own car. But many do not think at all about where all this will eventually lead.

Environmental laws related to motor vehicles in force in Russia are described in Chapter 26 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Environmental Crimes". These are articles: 247 - “Violation of the rules for handling environmentally hazardous substances and wastes”, 250 - “Water pollution”, 251 - “Atmospheric pollution”, 254 - “Earth damage”.

There are laws, but do car owners and automakers adhere to them? The answer suggests itself, because. Cars operated in the country do not meet modern European emission limits and emit significantly more harmful substances than their foreign counterparts.

There are several most important reasons why Russia lags behind in this area:

Low culture of car operation. The number of faulty vehicles in operation is still very high even in Moscow;

Lack of strict legal requirements for the environmental qualities of vehicles. In the absence of sufficiently stringent emissions requirements, the consumer is not interested in buying cleaner, but more expensive cars, and the manufacturer is not inclined to produce them;

Unpreparedness of the infrastructure for the operation of vehicles equipped in accordance with modern environmental requirements;

Unlike European countries, the introduction of neutralizers is still difficult in Russia.

In recent years, the situation has begun to change for the better. Although the implementation of stringent environmental regulations is 10 years late, it is important that it has begun. So, for example, in Moscow, due to the implementation of relevant measures, there has already been a certain trend in reducing the emission of harmful substances by vehicles.

1.2 sustainable transport

Sustainable transport (or green transport) is any mode or organizational form of movement that reduces the level of environmental impact. These include walking and cycling, green cars, transit-oriented design, vehicle rentals, and urban transport systems that are economical, conserve space and promote healthy lifestyles.

Sustainable transport systems make a positive contribution to the environmental, social and economic sustainability of the societies they serve. Transport systems exist to provide social and economic connections, and people are rapidly acquiring means of increasing mobility. The benefits of increased mobility need to be weighed against the environmental, social and economic costs of transport systems.

The social cost of transport includes traffic accidents, air pollution, reduced physical activity, increased time away from family during commuting, and vulnerability to higher fuel prices. Many of these negative consequences place a disproportionate burden on those social groups that are least likely to own and drive a car. Traffic congestion increases economic costs by wasting people's time and slowing down the supply of goods and services.

Traditional transport planning aims to increase mobility, most often for vehicles, and may not adequately consider longer-term effects. But the real purpose of transport is to provide access: to work, to school, to goods and services, to friends and family, and there are proven methods to improve access while reducing environmental and social impacts, and to prevent congestion. Communities that successfully improve the sustainability of their transportation networks are doing so as part of a broader agenda to create a vibrant, livable, sustainable city.

Transport systems are the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions. Energy is consumed in production, as well as in the use of vehicles, and is embodied in the transport infrastructure, including highways, bridges and railways. The environmental impact of transport can be reduced by improving the system of walking and cycling in cities, as well as by strengthening the role of public transport, especially the electric railway.

Eco-friendly vehicles are designed to have a lower environmental impact than equivalent standard vehicles, although if the environmental impact of vehicles is assessed over their entire life cycle, this may not be the case. Electric vehicles have the potential to lead to a reduction in CO2 emissions from transport, it all depends on the embodied energy of the vehicle and the source of electricity. Hybrid vehicles, which use an internal combustion engine in combination with an electric motor to achieve better fuel efficiency, are already widespread. Natural gas is also used as a motor fuel. Biofuels are used less often and are less promising.

Green vehicles are more fuel efficient, but only when compared to standard vehicles, and they also contribute to congestion and traffic accidents. Controlled public transport networks based on traditional diesel buses use less fuel per passenger than private cars, are generally safer and take up less road space than private vehicles. Green public transport, including electric trains, trams and trolleybuses, combines the benefits of green vehicles with the benefits of sustainable transport choices. Other transport options with very low environmental impact are cycling and other human-powered vehicles and horse-drawn vehicles. Walking is the most common green transport choice with the lowest environmental impact.

Green cars

An electric vehicle is a vehicle powered by one or more electric motors, rather than an internal combustion engine. Subspecies of an electric vehicle are considered to be an electric car (a cargo vehicle for movement in closed areas) and an electric bus (a bus with battery traction)

A hybrid vehicle is a highly economical vehicle driven by an electric motor-internal combustion engine system powered by both fuel and electric battery charge. The main advantage of a hybrid car is reduced fuel consumption and harmful emissions. This is achieved by fully automatic control of the operating mode of the engine system using the on-board computer, starting from the timely shutdown of the engine during a stop in traffic, with the ability to continue driving without starting it, exclusively on battery power, and ending with a more complex recovery mechanism - using an electric motor as an electric current generator to recharge the batteries.

Gas-fuel system - the fuel system of an internal combustion engine, modified to use it as a fuel of compressed or liquefied gases.

A car with a flexible choice of fuel - can run both on gasoline and on a mixture of gasoline and ethanol, and in flexible proportions (from 5% to 95%). The car has one fuel tank, adaptation to different fuel composition is achieved due to the original engine design or due to a constructive modification of a conventional gasoline internal combustion engine.

Hydrogen transport is a variety of vehicles that use hydrogen as fuel. These can be vehicles with both internal combustion engines and hydrogen fuel cells.

An air car is a vehicle that uses compressed air to move. Pneumatic vehicles use a modified version of a conventional four-stroke engine. Pneumatic motors also allow you to take advantage of electric motors - regenerative braking systems: in pneumatic hybrids, when braking by using the engine as an air compressor, the air is compressed and the tank is filled with it.

Chapter 2. Analysis of the activities of the urban transport system and its impact on the environment

Road transport is the main source of air pollution in cities with harmful substances, noise, infrasound. It is also a source of vibration in the urban environment. The deterioration of the quality of the air environment of the city, due to the presence of various pollutants in it, negatively affects the health of the population, leads to the death of green spaces, pollution of soils, water bodies, damage to cultural monuments, structures of buildings and structures. Excessive noise and infrasound also have a harmful effect on urban residents. Residents of large cities are much more likely than rural residents to suffer from cancer, neuropsychiatric disorders, suffer from respiratory diseases, etc. The health of citizens is one of the most important indicators of the quality of the urban environment. Vibration fluctuations from highways through the ground, communications, pipelines spread throughout the territory of residential development, are transmitted to the structures of the building and have a negative impact on its inhabitants. Sometimes vibration fluctuations can destroy structures and structures. The poor quality of the environment poses a threat to the health of humans, animals, plants and adversely affects all objects of the urban ecosystem.

The main act of the current environmental legislation is the federal law "On Environmental Protection". The regulation of the quality of the environment and the impact on it of motor transport and other activities is carried out with the help of rationing. Environmental quality standards include standards for maximum permissible concentrations (MACs) of chemicals and standards for indicators of levels of permissible effects of physical factors, including indicators of levels, sound and sound pressure, and corrected vibration levels. The list of MPCs of harmful substances and indicators of the levels of permissible physical effects are given in the state sanitary and epidemiological rules (sanitary rules and norms of SanPiN, sanitary norms of SN, hygienic standards of GN).

When solving specific transport and urban planning problems, the choice of the type of transport is carried out primarily according to the carrying capacity and the size of the passenger traffic, the total time spent on movement and some local conditions - technical, economic and technical and operational indicators. Environmental factors and criteria are brought to the fore only in special cases (resort cities, cities with unfavorable location of "harmful industries", etc.). Protection of the environment from technogenic factors, protection of a person from the negative influences of this environment can be both passive and active. In the first case, these are measures taken to protect objects of influence from inevitably arising factors of influence, in the second - measures that allow reducing the quantitative characteristic of the impact or eliminating it altogether due to significant changes related directly to the source. With regard to urban passenger transport, these can be, for example, noise barriers, protective tree plantings, etc. (passive measures); changes in the design of road and track devices, installation of cleaning filters on cars, etc. (active measures). However, the most effective solution seems to be the most radical solution - replacement of the source of impacts, implementation of the principle of priority development of transport modes with a higher environmental rating. Otherwise: when choosing a mode of transport in the framework of transport and urban planning and assessing the quality of functioning of urban transport systems, one should certainly take into account environmental characteristics, including comparative indicators of traffic safety and, as a result, recommend the priority development of electric transport at least in all cases of equality of other evaluation criteria especially in big cities.

Despite the indisputable importance of environmental assessments, the decision to choose one or another type of transport that receives the right to advanced development in the city is made on the basis of a comprehensive consideration of a number of leading factors. Technical and technological, architectural and planning, economic - they determine the competitiveness of the tram, trolley bus and bus. In certain local conditions, sometimes even purely opportunistic considerations decide the choice not in favor of a strategically preferable solution. Sometimes the complexity and high cost of building and operating a path or power supply devices, financing problems, the area of ​​​​territories occupied by rolling stock or structures on the street and the losses associated with their use, and so on, turn out to be more important. Urban passenger transport, its sufficient development and the appropriate level of functioning are indispensable conditions for the life of a modern city and its population. However, it is equally obvious that it is the activity of urban transport, including passenger transport, that can be recognized as one of the main factors of a negative impact on the state of the environment in cities, especially large and largest ones.

A comprehensive assessment of the functioning of urban transport systems, their environmental friendliness, ergonomic interaction with other elements of the urban infrastructure, including traffic safety indicators and some other “non-traditional” manifestations, is required. Indeed, the excessive filling of passenger compartments of trolleybuses and trams, which is usual for our cities, is a very serious environmental factor that determines stressful conditions, increased traffic fatigue, the spread of diseases during epidemics, etc.

The priority development of electric transport should be recommended, at least in all cases of equality of other evaluation criteria, especially in large cities and in the presence of additional conditions that determine an increased level of air pollution.

It is expedient, and in some cases necessary, to develop and implement programs to increase the competitiveness of urban electric transport in terms of the main design, operational and economic characteristics.

It is these decisions that seem to take into account the interests of both industries and territories, and, of course, first of all, urban residents - urban transport passengers.

2.1 Ways and means of solving the problemenvironmental damage from transport

The main ways to reduce environmental damage from transport are as follows:

1) optimization of urban transport;

2) development of alternative energy sources;

3) afterburning and purification of organic fuel;

4) creation (modification) of engines using alternative fuels;

5) noise protection;

6) economic initiatives for the management of the car park and traffic.

Measures are being taken to improve the quality of domestic motor fuel: the production of high-octane gasoline by Russian refineries is growing, and the production of environmentally cleaner gasoline has been organized. However, imports of leaded gasolines remain. As a result, less lead is released into the atmosphere from vehicles.

The existing legislation does not allow limiting the import into the country of old cars with low performance characteristics, and the number of foreign cars with a long service life that do not meet state standards. At the suggestion of the departments of the Russian Transport Inspectorate, toxicity coupons for cars have been introduced in most territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In recent years, despite the growth in the number of cars, there has been a tendency in Moscow to stabilize the volume of emissions of harmful substances. The main factors supporting this situation are the introduction of catholic exhaust gas converters; introduction of mandatory environmental certification of vehicles owned by legal entities; a significant improvement in fuel at gas stations.

In order to reduce environmental pollution, the transition of road facilities from liquid fuel to gas continues. Measures are being taken to improve the environmental situation in the areas where asphalt concrete plants and asphalt mixing plants are located, cleaning equipment is being modernized, and oil burners are being improved.

Artificial green spaces (parks, gardens, squares), as well as preserved natural complexes (urban forests and meadows) are an important component of the urban area. Large green areas have a certain impact on the climate of cities: they regulate the amount of precipitation, serve as reservoirs of clean air, enriching the atmosphere with oxygen through photosynthesis, protect the soil from water and wind erosion, prevent gully formation, protect water sources from drying out and pollution. They have a positive effect on thermal and radiation regimes. One hectare of urban green spaces emits up to 200 kg of oxygen per day. Poplar has the highest oxygen productivity. Elm, mulberry, mountain ash, lilac, elderberry have a significant catching ability to aerosols and dust. Spruce crowns per hectare hold up to 32 tons of dust per year, pine - up to 36 tons, oak - up to 56 tons, beech - up to 63 tons. During the growing season, trees reduce air dust by 42%, during the leafless period - by 37% . Elm and lilac have the best dustproof properties. Within a radius of up to 500 m from the source of pollution, gas-resistant species are recommended for planting, namely balsam poplar, small-leaved linden, ash-leaved maple, white willow, common juniper, red elderberry, honeysuckle.

2.2 Planning the activities of the urban transport system, taking into account environmental requirements

The management of the transport process can be decomposed into the classic four components: planning, organization, accounting and control.

The need to streamline, establish, and direct the development of urban public transport required the city authorities to develop specific planning and control methods, targeted financial investments, search for alternative modes of transport, and take into account the public transport factor when making any management decision. The process continues to this day.

About 73% of the population of the Russian Federation lives in cities - and only a small number of people own their own cars. Thus, this predetermines the significant impact of urban public passenger transport both on the efficiency of the economy as a whole and on the implementation of social functions. A reliable system of public passenger transport has always been and still remains a major factor in socio-political stability.

Road travel is affected by the externalities of congestion. The externalities of the trip are the costs of time for other drivers: each additional driver slows down, forcing others to spend more time on the road.

Drivers are guided by their own, not social costs, so their equilibrium volume exceeds the optimal one.

The congestion charge takes into account the external effects of congestion, contributing to the formation of an optimal traffic intensity. The congestion tax should be higher during peak hours and on the most congested routes.

The congestion tax improves the efficiency of the city's transport system by reducing travel distances. There are several alternative congestion tax options:

1. Gasoline tax is not applicable as it will be the same on all routes and at all times.

2. Experience with parking fees has shown that they reduce traffic by encouraging drivers to pool or use public transport. However, the problem is that this fee does not depend on the distance travelled.

3. Increasing road capacity reduces congestion, resulting in increased consumer benefits.

4. Public transport subsidies encourage some drivers to use public transport, reducing congestion.

Cars and trucks generate several types of air pollution.

One way to combat pollution is to levy pollution taxes on the purchase of new cars.

The second way is to introduce a tax on gasoline commensurate with average external costs.

The third way is to subsidize public transport. This mechanism reduces the degree of pollution.

In many Russian cities, municipal authorities have realized that regardless of their desire, a market for passenger transportation has formed. To avoid spontaneity, this market, like any other, needs to be organized and controlled on the basis of legally approved rules.

2.3 Organization of effective environmental performance of the urban transport system

The need for urban passenger transport arises when, as a result of the growth of cities, their territorial dimensions exceed the pedestrian accessibility zone of the city center, which is estimated by the time spent on a pedestrian approach from the periphery to the city center. Usually, the zone of maximum accessibility of the city center is taken in monocentric cities for 30 minutes. At the same time, the maximum radius of pedestrian accessibility was 2 km, and the maximum territorial size of a “pedestrian” city was 12.56 km 2 .

The exit of the territorial sizes of cities beyond the zone of pedestrian accessibility necessitates the development of urban passenger transport. The formation of a street and road network, the creation of an appropriate city plan, as a rule, takes into account the requirement to reduce transport needs and minimize passenger traffic. Each stage of the technical development of transport expands the possibilities of society, increases its productive forces. The use of individual cars by the population significantly expands the transport accessibility zones.

Further development of the economy is unthinkable without well-established transport support. The labor rhythm of enterprises, the mood of people, their working capacity largely depend on its clarity and reliability.

Accounting and analysis of transport activities are based on a system of indicators that measure the volume and quality of its work. Along with specific indicators, indicators common to modes of transport are used.

Freight turnover - the volume of work of transport for the transportation of passengers. The unit of measurement is ton-kilometer. It is calculated by summing the products of the mass of goods transported in tons by the distance of transportation in kilometers.

Passenger turnover - the volume of work of transport for the transportation of passengers. The unit of measurement is passenger-kilometre. It is determined by summing the products of the number of passengers for each position of transportation by the distance of transportation.

Transportation by urban passenger transport has a number of features:

* economic - the proceeds from the sale of a ticket cover only part of the costs associated with the implementation of transportation;

* operational -- compact served area with private stops on the routes; comparatively intensive and stable hourly passenger flows; small length of routes and average travel distance; a significant number of intersections of routes with other traffic flows; low rolling stock speeds;

* organizational - a much higher need for dispatching; the need to serve the population in the context of a decline in traffic during inter-peak periods;

* social - high social significance of the quality of urban passenger transport.

The transport complex requires a fairly large area for the placement of transport infrastructure, on average from 10 to 15% of urban land. In addition, the work of urban transport is fraught with negative consequences for natural and ecological systems.

As the negative impact on the environment increases, the types of urban transport can be arranged as follows: metro --> trolleybuses --> trams --> buses --> passenger taxis.

The quality of passenger transport service is determined by a number of indicators:

* accessibility (saturation of the urban area (route network), information content, availability of tariffs);

* effectiveness (saving time and effort of passengers);

* reliability (regularity of communication, guaranteed level of service, travel safety);

* Convenience (filling the cabin, comfort of use).

The basis of public transport in the Russian Federation is formed by transport enterprises that are in municipal and state ownership.

Direct participation in the organization and regulation of urban passenger transport is also taken by the city traffic police, a branch of the Russian transport inspection, the department of transport and road facilities of the regional administration. Transportation is carried out according to the municipal order, commercial route, in the mode of a fixed-route taxi, taxi transportation.

The number of pick-up and drop-off points, as well as the number of seats on the inter-trip parking area for buses are determined in accordance with the total estimated daily number of passengers, while the number of points for each type of message is determined in accordance with the percentage of this type of message in the total daily number of passengers.

The problem of ensuring environmental protection from the harmful effects of vehicles, including public transport, is becoming increasingly urgent.

Reducing the harmful effects of all types of public transport on human health and the environment is achieved through the transition to the use of vehicles running on environmentally friendly fuels and alternative energy sources, as well as reducing the energy intensity of vehicles.

Why is it necessary:

Develop and introduce a mechanism to stimulate transport organizations using such vehicles and sources of fuel and energy resources;

Strengthen control over the technical condition of operated vehicles in terms of environmental indicators, limit emissions and waste disposal of transport enterprises;

The use of technical means for the collection, complex processing and disposal of various types of waste generated during operation or entering the aquatic environment as a result of accidents of water transport facilities.

The implementation of these activities will provide:

Growth of competitiveness of public transport enterprises;

Improving the efficiency of public transport management;

Increase in the number of passengers carried;

Improving the quality and safety of transport services for the population of the Ryazan region;

Reduction of transport costs of transport enterprises;

Reducing the negative impact of public transport on the environment.

2 .4 Operation controltram, trolleybus and metro

Trams, trolleybuses and metros, which use electricity as a “fuel”, fully comply with environmental requirements. Cruising around the city, they do not pollute the air basin.

The oldest type of urban passenger transport is the tram. The “grandfather” of transport services remains popular today. The metropolitan tram is able to carry heavy loads. It accounts for 13% of passenger traffic in Moscow. Cars on rails carry passengers not only in old, established areas, but also in residential areas - new buildings. In total, more than 1,300 cars are operated on tram lines.

Like every mode of transport, the tram has its pros and cons. Unfortunately, it is distinguished by low maneuverability, rather significant capital expenditures are required for the construction of new routes, and the tram cannot be called the most “quiet” means of transportation. The noise of a tram is created by a traction engine, a gear transmission, a motor - by a compressor, a brake system, vibration of the body, swinging of wheels on rails. The intensity of this noise also depends on the state of the tram track (wave-like wear of rails, wear of joints, rigid connection of rails with a concrete base, the presence of curved sections, etc.) and the contact network. It is possible to reduce noise by using air suspension of the body, depreciation of the floor. The tram has also become much quieter thanks to the elastic elements in the wheels, the balancing of the engine rotors and other changes in its design and manufacturing technology. The use of noise-shielding bulwarks with sound absorbers covering the wheels can help reduce the level of tram noise. To reduce noise on some tram tracks, rubber pads are used. The tram makes the most noise when cornering. To reduce this noise, special lubrication equipment is installed on the car, which supplies a graphite solution to the wheels when cornering. This innovation not only helped to reduce noise from the wheels, but also to increase their service life.

Given the various factors of urban development, experts consider the tram to be very promising. It is impossible to disregard its large carrying capacity, certain ease of use, and relatively high speed. In addition, the tram does not pollute the environment.

Trolleybus is the most economical and cheap, non-polluting mode of transport. It is more economical than a bus, consumes less energy, is more reliable and easier to operate, does not absorb oxygen and does not poison the air with exhaust gases. The use of trolleybuses in the conditions of a big city, the elongation of route lines leads to direct fuel savings.

Today, trolleybuses are used mainly for passenger transportation in large cities and only in some cases for the delivery of goods. They are simpler in design than buses, their maintenance is less laborious, and starting in the cold season does not create a problem.

The noise of trolleybuses is close in level to the noise of cars. It has a low frequency spectrum. Such noise is more easily tolerated by a person than the noise from trams, which is much higher and similar in level to the noise of freight transport. First of all, the noise of trolleybuses is caused by the operation of the engine (traction transmission), the rolling of wheels on the road surface and the operation of auxiliary electric machines. When moving and from the operation of the engine and the rolling of the wheels, vibration of the enclosing structures occurs; noise is also produced by loosely fitted windows and doors. In this regard, reducing the noise of a trolleybus can be achieved by balancing the mechanism of the engine and transmission (cardan shaft, anchor, gearbox), the use of elastic shock absorbers.

One of the acute problems of modern large cities is transport. Its solution is largely facilitated by the development of the metro network, which has a positive effect on the state of the urban environment, allowing to reduce the pace of development of other, less environmentally friendly types of urban transport. In the metro, fluorescent lamps are used, the service life of which is quite long. They are economical, but the main advantage of these lamps is that the light emitted by them has a beneficial effect on human vision. However, much depends on the location of the fixtures. It is known that where there is no natural insolation, the viability of microorganisms increases. Specific measures have been developed for the subway to combat microbiological air pollution. The metro maintains an optimal microclimate. It is warm in winter, cool in summer. For an hour, three air exchanges are provided here. The subway is equipped with powerful supply and exhaust ventilation. Ventilation units are mounted not only at stations, but also in tunnels. Maintaining the required temperature regime, in winter the station fans work for exhaust, and distillation fans for inflow. In summer it's the other way around.

The space in which it is especially important to create the most comfortable conditions is not forgotten. These are the express lounges where the passenger spends the longest time. The new cars have a more advanced air ventilation system. Its operation can be adjusted depending on the degree of filling of the train, on the ambient temperature. In the upper part of the body of these cars there are no holes through which fresh air is sucked into the passenger compartment during movement, creating noise and reducing audibility. Instead, air conditioners of a new design are installed under the seats. Through special grilles in the window openings, they capture air and supply it to the passenger compartment, which significantly reduces noise. New subway cars have a hexagonal shape, their interior is more spacious, better lit. Improved lighting. Much is being done to reduce noise and vibration in the metro. Metro trains, when moving in open areas, create noise that enhances the overall noise background of the city. The noise level from metro trains at a distance of 7 m from the track axis is significant and amounts to 80 - 85 dBa at a speed of 40 km/h. Vibrations penetrating into living quarters, as a result of long-term exposure around the clock, can adversely affect human health. This indicates the need for hygienic regulation of vibrations in a dwelling.

2. 5 Impact Analysisrail transport on ecosystems

The activity of railway transport has an impact on the environment of all climatic zones and geographical zones of our country, but compared to road transport, the adverse impact of railway transport on the environment is much less. This is primarily due to the fact that railways are the most economical mode of transport in terms of energy consumption per unit of work. However, rail transport faces serious challenges in reducing and preventing pollution.

The environmental benefits of rail transport are mainly in the significantly lower amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere per unit of work performed. The main source of air pollution is the exhaust gases of diesel locomotives. They contain carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide and dioxide, various hydrocarbons, sulfur dioxide, and soot. The content of sulfur dioxide depends on the amount of sulfur in diesel fuel, and the content of other impurities depends on the method of its combustion, as well as the method of supercharging and engine load.

Every year, up to 200 m of wastewater containing pathogenic microorganisms is poured out of passenger cars for each kilometer of the track, and up to 12 tons of dry garbage is thrown out. This leads to pollution of the railway track and the natural environment. In addition, cleaning paths from debris is associated with significant material costs. The problem can be solved by using storage tanks in passenger cars to collect waste and waste or by installing special treatment facilities in them.

When washing a rolling stock, synthetic surfactants, petroleum products, phenols, hexavalent chromium, acids, alkalis, organic and inorganic suspended substances pass into the soil and water bodies along with wastewater. The content of oil products in wastewater when washing locomotives, oil tanks exceeds the maximum allowable concentration. MPCs for hexavalent chromium are repeatedly exceeded when replacing the coolant of locomotive diesels. The soil is polluted many times stronger than sewage in the territory and near the points where washing and washing of the rolling stock is carried out.

Rail transport is a major consumer of water. Despite the almost complete elimination of steam traction, water consumption on the railways is increasing from year to year. This is due to an increase in the length of the railway network and the volume of traffic, as well as an increase in the scale of housing and cultural and household construction. Water is involved in almost all production processes: when washing and washing rolling stock, its components and parts, cooling compressors and other equipment, generating steam, is used when refueling cars, rheostatic tests of diesel locomotives, etc. wagons, getting steam, making ice). The volume of water recycling and reuse at railway transport enterprises is only about 30%. Most of the water used is discharged into surface water bodies - seas, rivers, lakes and streams.

Noise from trains causes negative consequences, expressed primarily in sleep disturbance, a feeling of illness, changes in behavior, increased use of drugs, etc. With an equal acoustic index, noise from trains causes 3 times less sleep disturbances than noise from cars. The perception of train noise depends on the general background noise. So, on the factory outskirts of cities, it is perceived less painfully than in residential areas. Noise from train stations and especially rail yards causes more negative effects than noise from normal train traffic. The noise of the railway drowns out the human voice, it interferes with watching and listening to television and radio programs.

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There are horse-drawn, automobile, agricultural (tractors and combines), railway, water, air and pipeline transport. The length of the world's main roads with hard surface exceeds 12 million km, air lines - 5.6 million km, railways - 1.5 million km, main pipelines - about 1.1 million km, inland waterways - more than 600 thousand km. Sea lines are many millions of kilometers.

All vehicles with autonomous prime movers pollute the atmosphere to some extent with chemical compounds contained in exhaust gases. On average, the contribution of certain types of vehicles to air pollution is as follows:

automobile - 85%;

sea ​​and river - 5.3%;

air - 3.7%;

railway - 3.5%;

agricultural - 2.5%.

In many large cities, such as Berlin, Mexico City, Tokyo, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev, air pollution from automobile exhausts, according to various estimates, is from 80 to 95% of all pollution.

As for air pollution by other modes of transport, the problem is less acute here, since vehicles of these types are not concentrated directly in cities. So, in the largest railway junctions, all traffic has been switched to electric traction, and diesel locomotives are used only for shunting work. River and sea ports, as a rule, are located outside the residential areas of cities, and the movement of ships in the port areas is almost negligible. Airports, as a rule, are 20-40 km away from cities. In addition, large open spaces over airfields, as well as over river and sea ports, do not pose a danger of high concentrations of toxic impurities emitted by engines. Along with environmental pollution by harmful emissions, one should note the physical impact on the atmosphere in the form of the formation of anthropogenic physical fields (increased noise, infrasound, electromagnetic radiation). Of these factors, increased noise has the most massive impact. Transport is the main source of acoustic pollution of the environment. In large cities, the noise level reaches 70-75 dBA, which is several times higher than the permissible norms.

10.2. Automobile transport

The total world fleet of vehicles has more than 800 million units, of which 83-85% are cars, and 15-17% are trucks and buses. If the growth trends in the production of motor vehicles remain unchanged, then by 2015 the number of vehicles may increase to 1.5 billion units. Automobile transport, on the one hand, consumes oxygen from the atmosphere, and on the other hand, it emits exhaust gases, crankcase gases and hydrocarbons into it due to their evaporation from fuel tanks and leakage of fuel supply systems. The car negatively affects almost all components of the biosphere: the atmosphere, water resources, land resources, the lithosphere and humans. An assessment of the environmental hazard through the resource and energy variables of the entire life cycle of a car from the moment of extraction of the mineral resources needed for its production to the recycling of waste after the end of its service showed that the environmental "cost" of a 1-ton car, in which approximately 2/3 of the mass is metal, equal to 15 to 18 tons of solid and 7 to 8 tons of liquid waste placed in the environment.

Emissions from motor vehicles are distributed directly to the streets of the city along the roads, having a direct harmful effect on pedestrians, residents of nearby houses and vegetation. It was revealed that zones with exceeding the MPC for nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide cover up to 90% of the urban area.

The car is the most active consumer of air oxygen. If a person consumes air up to 20 kg (15.5 m 3) per day and up to 7.5 tons per year, then a modern car consumes about 12 m 3 of air or about 250 liters of oxygen in oxygen equivalent to burn 1 kg of gasoline. Thus, all road transport in the United States consumes 2 times more oxygen than nature regenerates it throughout their territory.

In this way, in large metropolitan areas, road transport absorbs ten times more oxygen than their entire population. Studies conducted on the highways of Moscow have shown that in calm calm weather and low atmospheric pressure on busy highways, the combustion of oxygen in the air often rises to 15% of its total volume.

It is known that at an oxygen concentration in the air below 17%, people develop symptoms of malaise, at 12% or less there is a danger to life, at a concentration below 11%, loss of consciousness occurs, and at 6%, breathing stops. On the other hand, there is not only little oxygen on these highways, but the air is still saturated with harmful substances from automobile exhaust. A feature of automobile emissions is also that they pollute the air at the height of human growth, and people breathe these emissions.

Composed of vehicle emissions includes about 200 chemical compounds, which, depending on the characteristics of the impact on the human body, are divided into 7 groups.

AT 1st group includes chemical compounds contained in the natural composition of atmospheric air: water (in the form of steam), hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide. Motor transport emits such a huge amount of steam into the atmosphere that in Europe and the European part of Russia it exceeds the evaporation mass of all reservoirs and rivers. Because of this, cloudiness is growing, and the number of sunny days is noticeably reduced. Gray, without sun, days, unheated soil, constantly high humidity - all this contributes to the growth of viral diseases, a decrease in crop yields.

In 2nd group included carbon monoxide (maximum concentration limit 20 mg/m3; class 4). It is a colorless gas, odorless and tasteless, very slightly soluble in water. Inhaled by a person, it combines with blood hemoglobin and inhibits its ability to supply oxygen to body tissues. As a result, oxygen starvation of the body occurs and disturbances occur in the activity of the central nervous system. The effects of exposure depend on the concentration of carbon monoxide in the air; so, at a concentration of 0.05%, after 1 hour, signs of mild poisoning appear, and at 1%, loss of consciousness occurs after several breaths.

AT 3rd group includes nitric oxide (MPC 5 mg / m 3, 3 cells) - a colorless gas and nitrogen dioxide (MPC 2 mg / m 3, 3 cells) - a reddish-brown gas with a characteristic odor. These gases are impurities that contribute to the formation of smog. Getting into the human body, they, interacting with moisture, form nitrous and nitric acids (MPC 2 mg / m 3, 3 cells). The consequences of exposure depend on their concentration in the air, so, at a concentration of 0.0013%, there is a slight irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose, at 0.002%, the formation of metahemoglobin, at 0.008%, pulmonary edema.

AT 4th group includes hydrocarbons. The most dangerous of them is 3,4-benz (a) pyrene (MPC 0.00015 mg / m 3, 1 class) - a powerful carcinogen. Under normal conditions, this compound is a needle-shaped yellow crystals, poorly soluble in water and well - in organic solvents. In human serum, the solubility of benzo(a)pyrene reaches 50 mg/ml.

AT 5th group includes aldehydes. The most dangerous for humans are acrolein and formaldehyde. Acrolein is an aldehyde of acrylic acid (MPC 0.2 mg / m 3, 2 cells), colorless, with the smell of burnt fat and a very volatile liquid that dissolves well in water. A concentration of 0.00016% is the threshold of odor perception, at 0.002% the smell is difficult to tolerate, at 0.005% it is unbearable, and at 0.014 death occurs after 10 minutes. Formaldehyde (MPC 0.5 mg / m 3, 2 cells) is a colorless gas with a pungent odor, easily soluble in water.

At a concentration of 0.007%, it causes slight irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose, as well as the upper respiratory organs, at a concentration of 0.018%, the breathing process is complicated.

AT 6th group includes soot (MPC 4 mg / m 3, 3 cells), which has an irritating effect on the respiratory system. Studies conducted in the United States have revealed that 50-60 thousand people die every year from soot pollution in the air. It was found that soot particles actively adsorb benzo(a)pyrene on its surface, as a result of which the health of children suffering from respiratory diseases, people with asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, as well as the elderly deteriorates sharply.

AT 7th group includes lead and its compounds. Tetraethyl lead (MAC 0.005 mg/m 3 , 1 cell) is introduced into gasoline as an anti-knock additive. Therefore, about 80% of lead and its compounds that pollute the air enter it when using leaded gasoline. Lead and its compounds reduce the activity of enzymes and disrupt the metabolism in the human body, and also have a cumulative effect, i.e. ability to accumulate in the body. Lead compounds are especially harmful to the intellectual abilities of children. Up to 40% of the compounds that have got into it remain in the child's body. In the United States, the use of leaded gasoline is prohibited everywhere, and in Russia - in Moscow, St. Petersburg and a number of other large cities.

Kuzmina Anna

Problems of environmental safety of road transport are an integral part of environmental safety. Environmental problems associated with the use of traditional motor fuel in vehicle engines are relevant not only for Russia, but for all countries of the world. Road transport, which generates noise and pollutes the air, is one of the main sources of environmental pollution in large cities and towns, as well as posing a threat to human life. Therefore, I became interested in the impact of road transport on the environment and human health.


Find out the role of internal combustion engines in human life, reveal the essence of the environmental problems associated with them and try to outline a way out of the difficult environmental situation that has developed in the world associated with their use.



(2012 - 2013)

Abstract research work

"The impact of road transport on the environment and human life."

Direction: infrastructure and cities

The work was done by Kuzmina Anna

Student of class 10A, MBOU "Gymnasium No. 1"

G. Kurchatov, Kursk region

Head: Ilchuk Irina Anatolyevna,

Physics teacher MBOU "Gymnasium No. 1"

Kurchatov, 2012

1. Rationale for the choice. 3

2. The purpose of the work. 3

3. Tasks of the project. 3

4. Hypothesis. 3

5. Problematic issue. 4

6. Relevance of the problem. 4

7. Introduction. four
8. Problems of the ecology of road transport. 5

9. Ways to reduce the harmful effects on the environment.

The problem of toxicity of exhaust gases of cars. 6

Environmentally friendly car - reality or fantasy? eight

10. Making observations. 11

12. Conclusion. 16

13. Literature. 17

Applications. eighteen

1. Rationale for the choice

Problems of environmental safety of road transport are an integral part of environmental safety. Environmental problems associated with the use of traditional motor fuel in vehicle engines are relevant not only for Russia, but for all countries of the world. Road transport, which generates noise and pollutes the air, is one of the main sources of environmental pollution in large cities and towns, as well as posing a threat to human life. Therefore, I became interested in the impact of road transport on the environment and human health.

2. The purpose of the work

Find out the role of internal combustion engines in human life, reveal the essence of the environmental problems associated with them and try to outline a way out of the difficult environmental situation that has developed in the world associated with their use.

3. Tasks of the project.

  1. Familiarize yourself with the operation of car engines.
  2. Find out how air pollution depends on the traffic intensity?
  3. Conduct a study confirming the impact of transport on the environment.
  4. Find out how to minimize this impact.
  5. Evaluate ways to solve environmental problems.

4. Hypothesis.

During the operation of numerous heat engines, heat losses occur, which ultimately lead to an increase in the internal energy of the atmosphere, i.e., to an increase in its temperature. This can lead to the melting of glaciers and a catastrophic rise in the level of the World Ocean, and at the same time to a global change in natural conditions. During the operation of thermal installations and engines, oxides of nitrogen, carbon and sulfur, harmful to humans, animals and plants, are emitted into the atmosphere.

5. Problematic issue.

  1. If emissions of toxic substances are inevitable in the operation of vehicles, how can they be reduced?
  2. Is it possible to create an environmentally friendly car?

6. Relevance of the problem.

The relevance of this topic is due to the increasing number of road transport and the solution of the problem of its impact on the quality of the urban environment and the health of the population.


Modern human life is impossible without the use of a wide variety of machines that make life easier. With the help of machines, a person cultivates the land, extracts oil, ore, and other minerals, moves, etc. The main property of machines is their ability to do work.

The main contribution to atmospheric pollution is made by gasoline-powered vehicles, followed by airplanes, diesel-powered vehicles, tractors and other agricultural vehicles, rail and water transport. The main atmospheric pollutants emitted by mobile sources (the total number of such substances exceeds 40) include carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and oxides of nitrogen. Carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen oxides enter the atmosphere only with exhaust gases, while incompletely burned hydrocarbons enter both with exhaust gases (which is approximately 60% of the total mass of hydrocarbons emitted) and from the crankcase (about 20%) , fuel tank (about 10%) and carburetor (about 10%); solid impurities come mainly with exhaust gases (90%) and from the crankcase (10%).

Main part.

Problems of the ecology of road transport.

The problems of environmental safety of road transport are an integral part of the country's environmental safety. The importance and severity of this problem is growing every year. It is alarming that the emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere from motor vehicles are increasing by an average of 3.1% per year. As a result, the value of the annual environmental damage from the functioning of the Russian transport complex is more than 75 billion rubles and continues to grow.

One car annually absorbs more than 4 tons of oxygen from the atmosphere, while emitting about 800 kg of carbon monoxide, 40 kg of nitrogen oxides and almost 200 kg of various carbons with exhaust gases. As a result, in Russia, a huge amount of only carcinogenic substances enters the atmosphere from motor vehicles per year: 27 thousand tons of benzene, 17.5 thousand tons of formaldehyde, 1.5 tons of benzo(a)pylene and 5 thousand tons of lead. In general, the total amount of harmful substances emitted by cars annually exceeds 20 million tons.

In terms of environmental damage, motor transport leads in all types of negative impact: air pollution - 95%, noise - 49.5%, climate impact - 68%.

Cars today in Russia are the main cause of air pollution in cities. Now there are more than half a billion of them in the world. In Russia, every tenth inhabitant has a car, and in big cities - every fifth. Emissions from cars in cities are especially dangerous because they pollute the air mainly at a level of 60-90 cm from the earth's surface, and especially on sections of highways where there are traffic lights. Cars emit into the atmosphere carbon dioxide and monoxide, nitrogen oxides, formaldehyde, benzene, benzopyrene, soot (about 300 different toxic substances in total). When tires are rubbed on asphalt, the atmosphere is polluted with rubber dust, which is harmful to human health. The car consumes a huge amount of oxygen. In a week, on average, a passenger car burns out as much oxygen as its four passengers spend on breathing during the year. With an increase in the number of cars, the area occupied by vegetation, which provides oxygen and cleans the atmosphere of dust and gas, decreases, more and more space is occupied by parking lots, garages and roads. Waste tires and rusty hulls accumulate in landfills. However, old car bodies can be seen in yards and wastelands. Cars pollute the soil. One ton of gasoline, burning, releases 500-800 kg. harmful substances. If the car engine runs on gasoline, with the addition of lead, then they pollute the soil with this heavy metal along the road in a strip 50-100 m wide, and if the road goes up and the engine is running under load, and the polluted strip has a width of up to 400 m! Lead, which pollutes the soil, accumulates in plants that animals feed on. With milk and meat, the metal enters the human body and can cause serious illnesses.

Ways to reduce the harmful effects on the environment.

The problem of toxicity of exhaust gases of cars.

To use internal energy means to do useful work at the expense of it, that is, to convert internal energy into mechanical energy. In the simplest experiment, which consists in pouring a little water into a test tube and bringing it to a boil (moreover, the test tube is initially closed with a cork), the cork rises under the pressure of the resulting vapor and pops out. In other words, the energy of the fuel is converted into the internal energy of the steam, and the steam, expanding, does work, knocking out the plug. So the internal energy of the steam is converted into the kinetic energy of the plug.

If we replace the test tube with a strong metal cylinder, and the cork with a piston that fits snugly against the walls of the cylinder and is able to move freely along them, then we get the simplest heat engine.

Man has been using the internal combustion engine for a long time, not knowing about its negative impact on humans, animals and plants. Only recently this negative impact was noticed and started to be dealt with. The main air pollutants are cars, especially trucks. The amount and concentration of harmful substances in exhaust gases depend on the type and quality of fuel. These are mainly substances such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hexene, pentene, cadmium, sulfur dioxide, sulfur dioxide, lead, chlorine and some of its compounds. These substances adversely affect humans, animals, plants and cause global changes in the biosphere.

Now let's take a closer look at their impact. Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides are "greenhouse" gases, that is, they cause a greenhouse effect, which is expressed in an increase in temperature at the Earth's surface. Its mechanism consists in the formation of a special layer in the atmosphere, which reflects the heat rays coming from the Earth, preventing them from escaping into outer space. This can lead to the melting of ice in the polar regions and, as a result, to an increase in the level of the World Ocean. But it must be said that the thermal effect is almost compensated by the glacial effect. The latter is caused by a layer of dust particles that reflect heat rays from the Sun back into space.

2.5-10 tons of CO, 7 million tons of CO are formed per year 2 . Carbon monoxide is toxic, forms a strong compound with blood hemoglobin - carboxyhemoglobin, which prevents the intake of a sufficient amount of O 2 in the brain and, as a result, increases the number of mental illnesses. SO 2 , NO are mutagens, teratogens, form smog and acid rain with fog or rain. Sulfur oxides form sulfuric acid with water, and nitric oxide forms nitric and nitrous acids. In humans, they cause skin lesions, obstructive rickets, and pulmonary edema. Animals are also observed violations of life, and even death. In plants, the leaves are first affected, and then the whole plant dies. So, in Scandinavia there is a mass death of forests for this reason. Also, these rains cause corrosion of metals and destruction of buildings. In addition, nitrogen oxides contribute to the destruction of the ozone layer.

Cadmium negatively affects the bone and reproductive systems, adrenal cortex, teeth, disrupts carbon metabolism. At high concentrations, it causes the itai-itai disease.

Lead is a teratogen that causes damage to the central nervous system, skeletal system, hearing, vision in infants - and later death. In adults, it causes a violation of the circulatory system, impotence.

ICE also absorb oxygen, reducing its concentration in the atmosphere. Consider a special case - a car. Yes, a person now cannot imagine his existence without vehicles, but if you look at this convenience from a different point of view, then the amount of combustion products emitted by a car makes you horrified.

One passenger car annually absorbs more than 4 tons of O2 from the atmosphere. 2 , emits about 800 kg of CO, 40 kg of nitrogen oxides, 200 kg of various hydrocarbons with exhaust gases.

Automobile exhaust gases are a mixture of approximately 200 substances. They contain hydrocarbons - unburned or incompletely burned fuel components (only 15% of it is spent on the movement of the car, and 85% "flies into the wind"), among which unsaturated hydrocarbons of the ethylene series, especially hexene and pentene, occupy a large place. Their share increases 10 times when the engine is running at low speeds or at the moment of increasing speed, that is, during traffic jams or at a red traffic light. SO 2 and most other emissions are heavier than air, so they accumulate near the surface of the earth. Carbon monoxide (I) combines with blood hemoglobin and prevents it from carrying oxygen to body tissues. Nitrogen oxides play an important role in the formation of hydrocarbon conversion products in the atmospheric air. Due to incomplete combustion of fuel in a car engine, part of the hydrocarbons turns into soot containing resinous substances. 1 liter of gasoline may contain 1 g of tetraethyl lead, which breaks down and is released into the atmosphere as a lead compound. Lead is one of the main environmental pollutants and is supplied mainly by modern high compression engines produced by the automotive industry.

Environmentally friendly car - reality or fantasy?

The internal combustion engine remains the main driving force of the car. In this regard, the only way to solve the energy problem of road transport is the creation of alternative fuels. The new fuel must satisfy many requirements: to have the necessary raw materials, low cost, not to impair engine performance, to emit harmful substances as little as possible, to be combined, if possible, with the existing fuel supply system, etc.

On a much larger scale, substitutes for petroleum will be used as fuel for cars: methanol and ethanol, synthetic fuels derived from coal. Their use will help to significantly reduce the toxicity and negative impact of the car on the environment.

Among the alternative fuels, first of all, it should be noted alcohols, in particular methanol and ethanol, which can be used not only as an additive to gasoline, but also in pure form. Their main advantages are high detonation resistance and good efficiency of the working process, the disadvantage is a reduced calorific value, which reduces the mileage between refueling and increases fuel consumption by 1.5-2 times compared to gasoline. In addition, due to the poor volatility of methanol and ethanol, it is difficult to start the engine.

The use of alcohols as automotive fuel requires minor modifications to the engine. For example, to run on methanol, it is enough to readjust the carburetor, install a device to stabilize the engine start, and replace some corrosive materials with more resistant ones. Given the toxicity of pure methanol, it is necessary to provide for a thorough sealing of the vehicle's fuel supply system.

Keeping an engine "clean" is easy. It is only necessary to transfer it from gasoline to compressed air. But this idea did not stand up to criticism when it comes to car engines: you won’t go far on such a “fuel”. And American experts proposed replacing compressed air with liquid nitrogen. They even developed a car design in which nitrogen expands as it evaporates and pushes three pistons in an engine. And in order for the evaporation process to go more actively, nitrogen is proposed to be injected into a special heating chamber, where a small amount of diesel fuel is burned. Such a scheme, with sufficient power, will provide a power reserve of up to 500 km. Coal is the most common non-renewable energy source. Back in the 1930s, the production of synthetic automotive fuel from coal was launched in Germany. There was even a period when it met about 50% of the country's needs for gasoline and diesel fuel. Currently, interest in synthetic fuels from coal is manifested in many countries.

The environmental benefits of hydrogen have been proven in various tests.

In what form can hydrogen be used? Gaseous, even highly compressed, hydrogen is unfavorable, since large mass cylinders are needed for its storage.

The EU has decided to convert 10% of vehicles to biofuels by 2020. The European Union has set the goal of converting 10% of its vehicles to biofuels by 2020. This decision was approved at a meeting in Brussels by energy ministers from 27 EU countries. “By 2020, at least 10% of the vehicle fuel consumed in every EU country should be biofuels,” the EU Council on Energy and Transport says in a resolution. We are talking about such types of fuel as alcohols and methane produced from biomass. The resolution stresses the need for pan-European action to improve the efficiency of the technologies for the production of this fuel and improve its commercial opportunities. Currently, biofuels produced in Europe are on average 15-20 more expensive than traditional ones.

Some car models, including the Saab 9-5 and the Ford Focus, are designed to run on a fuel blend that contains 80% biofuel.

Biodiesel is a fuel obtained from vegetable oil through its chemical conversion by the so-called transesterification process. In Europe it is made from sunflower and rapeseed oils, in the United States it is made from soy or a variety of rapeseed oil. There is a chemical reaction of the oil with alcohol, mainly methyl alcohol, to reduce the viscosity and purify the oil. This chemical process results in a uniform, stable and high quality product: EMVH (Vegetable Oil Methyl Ester), properties close to those of diesel oils. Benefits of biodiesel:

Biodiesel is a source of renewable energy, the solution of the future that replaces the use of oil

The use of biodiesel does not require a change in the kinematic chain, only depending on the model, age of the car - a fuel filter is installed. Biodiesel helps to prevent warming on our planet, caused by high levels of carbon dioxide and sulfur in the atmosphere: unlike combustible engines, it does not increase the percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere. Indeed, during the life cycle, the plant must absorb the amount of carbon dioxide equivalent to the amount of emissions during the operation of the engine.

Recently, the idea of ​​using pure hydrogen as an alternative fuel has become widespread. Interest in hydrogen fuel is explained by the fact that, unlike others, it is the most common element in nature.

Hydrogen is one of the main contenders for the title of fuel of the future. Various thermochemical, electrochemical and biochemical methods can be used to produce hydrogen using solar energy, nuclear and hydraulic power plants, etc.

The environmental benefits of hydrogen have been proven in various tests. In what form can hydrogen be used? Gaseous, even highly compressed, hydrogen is unfavorable, since large mass cylinders are needed for its storage.

A more realistic option is to use liquid hydrogen. True, in this case it is necessary to install expensive cryogenic tanks with special thermal insulation.

An exception may be only an electric car engine. Work on its creation is carried out by the largest automotive companies in the world, primarily Japan.

The current source in electric vehicles is lead-acid batteries. Without recharging, such cars provide a range of up to 50-60 km (maximum speed 70 km/h, carrying capacity 500 kg), which allows them to be used as a taxi or for technological transportation of small consignments within the city. Serial production and use of electric vehicles will require the creation of battery charging stations that meet all the necessary technical and economic requirements.

Experts believe that fuel cell batteries are the most energy-efficient and highly efficient source of energy for electric vehicles. Such elements have many advantages, first of all, high efficiency, reaching 60-70% in real installations; they do not need to be charged like batteries, it is enough to replenish the supplies of reagents. The most promising is a hydrogen-air electrochemical generator (ECG), in which the reaction product during the generation of electrical energy is chemically pure water. The main disadvantage of ECG today is its high cost.

Mankind is too slowly, but still coming to understand that it is necessary to put material consumption in its proper place among other sources of personal identity, such non-material values ​​as family, friendship, communication with other people, self-development; that one should finally live in accordance with the possibilities of the Earth. The solution of this particular task primarily determines whether we will preserve the Earth's biosphere.

Conducting observations.

My gymnasium is surrounded by three roads, two of which are local roads with medium traffic intensity, and the third is a regional road with high traffic intensity.

To date, according to the traffic police, 22,125 vehicles have been registered in the city of Kurchatov and the Kurchatov district. In recent years, its number has increased significantly.





"A" (motorcycles)





"B" (cars)





"C" (trucks)

"D" (buses)

"E" (cargo trailers)

Total number of AMTS





The increase in the number of vehicles is associated with an increase in the standard of living of the population, but at the same time more and more harm is being done to the environment.

I conducted a survey of the population of the microdistrict of the gymnasium. All the respondents associated their health problem with the state of the environment and one of the factors of its pollution is the exhaust gases of vehicles.

I checked how the increase in cars affects the pollution of the environment. For comparison, I conducted research on counting the number of cars passing along Svoboda Square, Naberezhnaya Street and past the traffic police post. The counting was carried out for an hour at the same time. As a result, it was found out that Svoboda Square and the traffic police post are the busiest places, and the largest accumulation of vehicles is observed from 17 ° ° -18 ° °.

Street name


Number of AMTS




Freedom Square






st. Embankment





Post traffic police







The length of our city from west to east is 4.5 km, from north to south - 800 meters. Our gymnasium is located near Freedom Square. I calculated the amount of harmful substances contained in the exhaust gases of a car. For ease of calculation, only passenger cars were taken, passing from 13 ° -14 ° °, at the moment when students go home from the gymnasium. Ba gasoline engine per 1000 liters of burned fuel emits 200 kg of carbon monoxide, 20 kg of nitrogen oxide, 25 kg of hydrocarbons, 1 kg of soot, 1 kg of sulfur compounds. A car needs 10 liters of gasoline per 100 km.

I made calculations and found that when traveling 1 km and burning 0.1 liters of gasoline:

Street name

carbon monoxide

Nitrogen oxide





Freedom Square

10.16 kg

1.02 kg

1.52 kg

0.05 kg

0.05 kg

st. Embankment

5.02 kg

0.5 kg

0.75 kg

0.03 kg

0.03 kg

Post traffic police

12.3 kg

1.23 kg

1.85 kg

0.06 kg

0.06 kg

The data in the table is for 1374 cars that drove 1 km along the city within one hour, and if you remember that there are more than a billion cars on Earth, then what an impressive figure it will be.

To determine the lead content, I took snow samples at a distance of 30, 60, 120, 240m. from the road to see how far the pollution spreads.

Another environmental problem is spontaneous car washes. On the territory of our city 6 car washes are officially registered, but they do not satisfy all the needs of the population. The growth of unauthorized car washes continues.

Conclusions: - having studied the statistics of the growth in the number of vehicles in the city of Kurchatov and the Kurchatov district, I came to the conclusion that at such a rate of increase in vehicles in 5 years there will be traffic jams on the streets of our city similar to those in Moscow now, and the courtyard territories will turn into parking lots for cars;

After conducting a survey among residents of the gymnasium microdistrict, I found out that one of the sources of environmental pollution, and therefore a factor that worsens their health, is the exhaust gases of vehicles;

After reviewing the technical literature, I came to the conclusion that it is possible to improve the state of the environment if we use more environmentally friendly modes of transport. For example, a bicycle, as is done in Dubna, Moscow region and Geneva (CERN).

The intensity of traffic everywhere is huge. It gives such air pollution that it cannot even be compared with emissions from industrial facilities. Transport creates 45-50% of all pollution.

So, there are two ways to reduce air pollution from road vehicles. The first is to reduce the amount of harmful substances emitted into the atmosphere by each car. The second is to use as much as possible those vehicles that consume less fuel and, therefore, pollute the atmosphere less.

To stop pollution, stricter comprehensive control of road vehicles is needed. An example is the following initiative: from January 1, 1993, all new cars intended for sale in the countries of the European Community must be equipped with catalytic contactors. This small device eliminates most of the hydrocarbons and oxides of nitrogen and carbon that are harmful to the human body. And as I said, their presence in the atmosphere in large quantities creates a greenhouse effect, which threatens global warming on the planet. Another problem is lead added to gasoline to make the engine run more efficiently. It is very poisonous and dangerous, especially for the body of young children. Therefore, the use of leaded gasoline is currently prohibited in our country. Studies have shown that engine exhaust gases are most toxic in the first five minutes of operation, when it is still cold. An original way to solve this problem was proposed by one woman: this air is collected in a sealed bag located under the back seat of the car, and when the engine warms up, it enters the cylinders and burns out.

Car owners themselves could help a lot in the fight against air pollution if they began to use public transport more often or drive at low speeds, because this will reduce the release of toxic compounds. Also, one of the ways to solve this problem is the use of small cars in cities. No wonder environmentalists are concerned about the increase in the number of powerful jeeps on city streets, the use of which in the city is not justified. A recent survey of car owners showed that their personal transport is the main culprit of air pollution, they do not want to drive slowly or, moreover, give up personal transport. In order for such a desire to appear, it is necessary to thoroughly improve the work of public transport. And since it is still far from perfect, it is not surprising that private cars flood the city streets.

At present, when a car with a gasoline engine has become one of the significant factors leading to environmental pollution, experts are increasingly turning to the idea of ​​creating a "clean" car - an electric car. In some countries, their mass production begins. In order to stimulate the production of electric vehicles, the state obliges each of the automobile plants to produce at least one model of an electric vehicle.

Five brands of electric vehicles are produced in our country. The electric car of the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant (UAZ-451-MI) differs from other models by an alternating current electric propulsion system and a built-in charger. The charger is equipped with a current converter that allows the use of a light and low-speed traction motor. Cars of this brand are already used in Moscow to deliver groceries to shops and schools.

In the interests of protecting the environment, it is considered expedient to gradually transfer vehicles to electric traction, especially in large cities. It is proposed, using existing types of current sources, with a certain improvement, to create and put into operation electric vehicles that can economically and technically compete with conventional cars. The forecast is as follows: if in 2010 there were 5% of electric vehicles from the total number of cars, then in 2025 their number is expected to grow to 15%.

As mentioned above, exhaust gases are the main source of air pollution. But this problem can be solved if the internal combustion engine is replaced by electric motors used in electric vehicles and alternative power sources mentioned above.

But what about public transport? And there is a way out. You just need to replace buses and fixed-route taxis with trolleybuses and trams. And as an individual transport, paradoxically, use a bicycle. Of course, a car is much more comfortable and convenient, but imagine that you have to choose between a bicycle and the harm that exhaust gases cause to our health. I think most will choose a bike.

Every year, more than 250,000 Russians die from environmental immunodeficiency, and hundreds of thousands fall ill. The reason - in the direct impact of toxicants, allergens, mutagens in adverse environmental conditions. In recent years, in the country, the death rate of the population has twice exceeded the birth rate.

What needs to be done to make our hometown clean and beautiful?

1. Greening the city. Plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen.

2. Carry out technical inspection of cars 2 times a year, since the amount of harmful substances emitted by the car into the atmosphere depends on the condition of the engine.

  1. Make car repairs more affordable.
  2. Tighten sanctions against violators.


From my work, I concluded that with the invention of heat engines, man's power over nature has increased. But man is a part of nature, therefore, in order to live on Earth without fear for your future, for your health, to admire the beauties of nature, you need to take care of our home, otherwise you can die.

In our time, people who make responsible technical decisions must master the basics of the natural sciences, be environmentally literate, be aware of their responsibility for their actions and understand what harm they can bring to nature. In my opinion, a car is simply necessary in the life and activities of modern civilization. But any shortcomings of scientific and technological progress must be eliminated in a timely manner in order to keep the environment clean. A person must understand that life on Earth depends on his relationship to nature, on the harmony between them.


Printed editions:

1. Physics: Non-standard classes, extracurricular activities. 7-11 grades. M.A. Petrukhina, Volgograd: Teacher, 2007.

2) V.A. Popova, Physics grades 8-9: a collection of programs for elective courses. - Volgograd: Teacher 2007

3) Polyansky SE. Pourochnye development in physics: Grade 8, Ed 2nd correction, M: VAKO, 2004

Electronic editions:




I conducted a survey among my classmates. Here are the results:

1. Does your family have a car?

Yes - 20 No - 4

2. How often does your family use the car?

Every day - 14 On weekends and less often - 6

4. Where do you leave your car overnight?

Near the entrance-11 In the parking lot, in the garage-9

  1. Where do you wash your car?

Near the reservoir, near the house - 6 On the special. sinks-14

6. Do you believe that road transport can be environmentally friendly in the future?

Yes-11 No-13

This study shows that car use is becoming an integral part of the life of a modern person, but not every car owner is concerned about the environmental problems associated with this.

The harmful substances contained in the emissions of exhaust gases from cars have an extremely negative impact on human health. Oxides of carbon and nitrogen, hydrocarbons, compounds containing sulfur - this is the dangerous "cocktail" that we use daily on the streets of our city.

The impact of road transport on the environmental situation in our country has reached a critical point, indicators of atmospheric air and environmental pollution exceed all permissible indicators of world norms and standards. Therefore, the problem of reducing the negative impact on the environment of road transport at all stages of its life cycle is relevant. An analysis of statistical data and estimates of the negative impact of vehicles on the environment and the population shows that the total amount of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere in the CIS countries annually is almost 21.2 million tons, in particular, 19.2 million tons, (90%) - from road transport, and 2.0 million tons from other emissions.

Motorization brings people a wide variety of benefits, at the same time, its development is accompanied by extremely negative phenomena. Motor roads have become a place of death and injury of millions of people, vehicles are one of the most active pollutants of atmospheric air, water and soil, noise and vibration pollution. The road network passes through valuable agricultural land, flora and fauna suffer from the harmful effects of road transport.

The construction of new and reconstruction of existing highways has a negative impact on the environment, in particular, on the land fund. The destruction of the natural landscape is affected by road dust, heavy components of the exhaust gases of cars, wear products of the vehicles themselves. Therefore, the issue of the occurrence of factors of negative impact on land resources and areas of their distribution during the construction of new and reconstruction of existing roads requires a more detailed study.

The results of the interaction of roads with the environment depend on the intensity of traffic, the characteristics of vehicles, the location and size of the road, its transport and operational qualities and the system of operation. The highway in the ecological aspect is considered not only as an engineering structure, but as an enterprise extended in a line that performs transport work and interacts with the environment.

The impact of roads and vehicles on the environment is a complex system of interaction of various factors that can be divided into two groups: road and transport. Road factors include: allocation of land for the construction of a highway, violation of the unity and integrity of the natural complex, changes in the natural terrain during construction. Transport factors include: noise and gas contamination of the air resulting from the movement of motor vehicles, pollution of the lane adjacent to the road with harmful substances contained in the exhaust gases of vehicles. The road violates the basic balances existing in nature: biological, water, gravitational, radiation.

The daily operation of cars consists in the use of operating materials, petroleum products, natural gas, atmospheric air, and all this is accompanied by negative processes, namely:

  • air pollution;
  • water pollution;
  • land and soil pollution;
  • noise, electromagnetic and vibration effects;
  • release of unpleasant odors into the atmosphere;
  • release of toxic waste;
  • thermal pollution.

The impact of road transport on the environment is manifested:

  • while driving;
  • during maintenance;
  • during the functioning of the infrastructure, which ensures its operation.

To ensure the environmentally sustainable development of the environmental safety of road transport, it is necessary to effectively use existing infrastructures, reduce transportation needs and be ready to switch to the use of environmentally friendly vehicles, and when developing the designs of new automotive technology, it is necessary to consider the environmental priorities of the car, taking into account its full life cycle.

The priority areas for improving the environmental safety of a car at all stages of its life cycle are:

  • various ways to reduce emissions of toxic components into the environment;
  • installation on units and parts that are subject to the most rapid wear of special indicators that provide information on the need to replace them;
  • avoiding uncontrolled disposal of hazardous waste;
  • design and manufacture of new vehicles capable of quick disassembly, further use of used serviceable mechanisms and assemblies and their disposal;
  • constant increase in the amount of environmentally friendly materials in production and control over the use of materials with harmful substances in the construction of vehicles;
  • at all stages of the life cycle of a car, the use of harmful materials and special fluids should be minimal;
  • timely maintenance and fine adjustment of the ignition and power supply systems for internal combustion engines;
  • reducing the harmful effects of toxic substances on the environment during operation through the introduction of the latest systems for neutralizing harmful emissions;
  • widespread use of liquefied natural gas, alternative fuels, new vehicles, such as electric vehicles;
  • the introduction of various additives and neutralizers into the composition of the fuel, which ensure its smokeless combustion;
  • the use of the latest ignition systems that contribute to the complete combustion of fuel;
  • improving the ecology of large cities by complying with the requirements of environmental legislation, banning the construction of parking lots in the city center, controlling the construction of gas stations within the city, building bypass roads, stopping the mass felling of trees and park plantings under the pretext of "sanitary" felling, and stimulating environmentally friendly transport.

To comprehensively take into account the negative impact of roads on the environment, it is necessary to work on creating a system of objective scales with values ​​that include all aspects of the protection of territories.

An analysis of the impact of transport products on the environment showed that chemical pollution has a huge negative impact on human health and climate. Emissions into the air lead to malfunctions of the respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems of a person.

All this indicates the need to take measures to improve the environmental situation in cities, in particular through the application of the policy of sustainable development of transport systems.


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