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Year of publication of the book: 1942

Alexander Tvardovsky's poem "Vasily Terkin" needs no introduction. The name of the protagonist of the poem has long become a household name, and the work itself has gained popular love. The poem "Vasily Terkin" was staged many times on the stage of a wide variety of theaters and was even filmed twice. It is rightfully considered one of the best works about the war, as well as the most famous work of Alexander Tvardovsky. According to polls in 2015, the poem "Vasily Terkin" took 23rd place among the most popular poetic works.

The plot of the poem "Vasily Terkin" briefly

From the author

Tvardovsky's poem "Vasily Terkin" begins with the author's reasoning about what is most important in war. Of course it's water and it doesn't matter where it comes from, even from a horse track. Good food and a cook are important. But the most important thing is a good joke. That is why our conversation will focus on Vasya Terkin. And since there is no time to start, our conversation will go right from the middle.

On a halt

In the next chapter of Tvardovsky's poem "Vasily Terkin" you can read about our main character. The story begins with the fact that Vasily Ivanovich is an excellent eater. And during the conversation, you will listen to him in general. So he told how he got to the small Sabantuy. Sabantuy he calls the bombing. But he calls the mortar Sabantuy medium. Well, he calls the real Sabantuy when a thousand German tanks rush at you, well, not a thousand, so five hundred, or maybe a hundred. He tells so smoothly that he is asked to tell something before going to bed. By the way, our main character is just as good to sleep. During two wars, I learned to sleep not only for the last lack of sleep, but even for the future. Terkin fought in the first war on the Karelian Peninsula. Three times he was surrounded and three times here he is.

Before the fight

Terkin recalls how, during the retreat, their detachment of ten people made their way from the encirclement to the front. Everyone was discouraged, as they left the cities in captivity of the enemy, and only Terkin was sure that we would return everything. On their way came across the native village of the commander. The soldiers decided to go. They were met by the commander's wife and children. He did not sleep all night - he chopped wood and tried to help his wife with the housework. And in the morning, their detachment, to the roar of children, left, leaving the village in captivity of the enemy. Since then, Terkin dreamed of going to this village when their army was moving back and bowing to this woman.


In the chapter "Crossing" from the poem "Vasily Terkin" you can read about how the crossing over the Dnieper begins at night. The first platoon leaves first on the pontoons, followed by the second and third. All the fighters on the pontoons seemed to have changed and become more friendly. But then a searchlight glided across the surface of the water, and behind it a column of water rose from the water. The pontoons went in a row, and the author of the lines says that he will never forget this sight, how young still warm soldiers went to the bottom. The crossing was broken. No, there is still hope that the first platoon managed to cross, but it is hard to believe in this. And at night, two sentinels see a dot in the river. They are so cold that they think they dreamed it. But no, Vasily Terkin swam across the icy river and now he is standing on the shore, unable to move his teeth or his hands - everything has come together. The main character was immediately wrapped up and taken to the staff hut. Here they rubbed with alcohol, but Vasily asked not to spoil it and give it inside. And after that he reported that the first platoon was entrenched on the left bank and was ready to help the crossing if they were covered by artillery fire. And now the battle for the sake of life on earth begins again.

About war

In the next chapter of "Vasily Terkin" you can read the author's reasoning about the war. She came unexpectedly and now it is the duty of everyone to protect their homeland. After all, the bomb is a fool and you can’t say that my hut is on the edge. And the Germans will keep it like in the book. Therefore, even if an order comes and death meets you, then the deadline has passed, but they will write about us.

Terkin wounded

The next episode of the poem "Vasily Terkin" tells us how the main character in the rifle company pulls the communication wire. A projectile falls next to him, but does not explode. Everyone is hiding, and only Terkin relieves him of a small need. Soon Vasily notices the German "cellar". He decides to take her, but the dugout is empty. Then he arranges an ambush there himself. He waits for a German officer and kills him with a bayonet, but he himself is wounded in the shoulder. Our artillery begins to hit the cellar, and only a day later the wounded protagonist is picked up by tankers and taken to the medical battalion.

About the award

Further, the protagonist of the poem "Vasily Terkin" talks in the medical unit about the need for the order. No, he is not proud and agrees to a medal. The main thing is that when he returns to his native place and goes to a party, he meets the very girl in front of whom it would be great to flash an order, or just a medal. But for this it is necessary that this terrible battle for life itself on earth ends.


In the next chapter of the poem "Vasily Terkin" - "Accordion" our main character catches up with his first company of a rifle regiment. It's freezing outside and a three-ton truck picks him up. They meander along the snowy corridors for a long time until a column blocks their way. This means that they now have to skip it. But it's just cold to wait, and Vasily Terkin asks the tankmen for an accordion. Those say that they have an accordion, but it was left from their commander, who died yesterday in battle. The tankers give Terkin an accordion, and he first sang his native Smolensk sad motive. But then, at the request of the assembled soldiers, he struck cheerful music. And now steam is streaming from the mouths of several soldiers who have begun to dance. And the tankers recognize Terkin. It was they who brought him to the medical unit after being wounded and offer him to keep the accordion for himself.

two soldiers

Further, the author of the poem "Vasily Terkin" transfers the main character three kilometers from the front. He warms himself in the house of an old man and an old woman. The old man sits in front of the window, listening to the sounds of the front, and among other things trying to sharpen his saw. Vasily volunteers to help him and make the wiring. As it turns out, the old man is also a soldier in the past, but now his health is not the same. Vasily repairs his watch, which he brought from his campaigns, and the old man demands from his grandmother to fry the fat. Grandmother did not resist for a long time, but then she fried bacon and even broke two eggs. It was an excellent appetizer and anything better than porridge with broken pieces. And after dinner, Terkin answered the old man's question, if we defeat the Germans - beat the father!

About loss

The image of the Russian soldier in the poem "Vasily Terkin" is well revealed in the chapter "On the Loss". While sleeping, the forty-year-old soldier begins to regret that he has lost his pouch. Before that, he lost his home, family, children, wife, and now he also lost his pouch. Vasily Terkin says that this is nonsense. Here he once lost his hat and was given to him by her young nurse, who bandaged his head with an inexperienced hand. Now he would like to return that hat to that nurse. Terkin gives the war his shabby pouch and says that next year he will be presented with five more of these. And they need to grieve not about the loss of pouches, wives and children, but about the loss of their homeland. Future generations will not forgive them for this. After all, Russia has been standing for a thousand years and there is no way to lose it.


Well, best of all, the war in the poem "Vasily Terkin" is revealed in the chapter "Duel". Our protagonist went on reconnaissance and ran head-on with a German. An unequal battle ensued with a well-groomed German soldier. Terkin fought not just for himself, but for his homeland. Therefore, even with a broken mouth, and covered in blood, he will be right. When the German decided to hit him with a helmet, Terkin took a grenade without a check and gave it to the German. He fell unconscious. And then the contented Terkin proudly walked across the Soviet land, leading his tongue with him. And everyone they met, even those who did not know Terkin, rejoiced at his victory.

From the author

The image of a soldier in the poem "Vasily Terkin" is best revealed in the next chapter - "From the Author". In it, Tvardovsky offers to forget about the war for at least a minute. Imagine that the soldier returned home, because that is exactly what the goal is. And all the current hardships and strict obedience to the commanders only bring this moment closer.

Who was shooting?

Well, the character of Vasily Terkin in Tvardovsky's poem is best revealed in the chapter "Who shot?". Yesterday there was a battle, but now the guns have already cooled down, and the thoughts of all the soldiers are about the smell of summer, arable land and the buzzing of the cockchafer. But here comes a new sound. This is the sound of a bomber, from which everyone instantly executes the command: “Lie down!”. And then many people think about death. No, it's not scary to die, but not in the summer. Although if you figure it out, dying is never on time. And when everyone is lying and praying, one soldier jumps up and shoots at the plane from his knee. A three-ruler is, of course, not an anti-aircraft gun, but the plane spun and crashed into the ground. He collapsed as if he wanted to break through it and fly to America. Everyone rushed to congratulate Terkin, they called from the headquarters and demanded the name of the hero who shot down the plane, and the sergeant enviously said that the order to the guy was like from a bush. But Terkin did not lose his head and said that this was not the last plane for the Germans and the sergeant could still receive the order.

About the hero

In the next chapter, the main character will tell us what prompted him to fight for the order. This was when he was in the medical unit. Next to him lay still quite a boy with an order. Terkin asked him if he was from Smolensk, but the boy proudly replied that he was from Tambov. And in that answer Ivan seemed to be proud of his land and the impossibility of the heroes leaving the Smolensk land. No, Ivan does not boast of his land and the whole of Russia is dear to him, but in their land there are heroes who are capable of a feat. And now he has proven it.


But the real war in Tvardovsky's poem "Vasily Terkin" is revealed to us in the chapter "General". The war has been going on for the second summer and Vasily had a moment to wash himself and just lie down on the grass near a small stream. But his sleep is interrupted by a messenger who brings the news that a general is waiting for Terkin. The protagonist puts on wet clothes and goes to the only general for many miles around. Of course, he is a little shy, although he knows that he will not be scolded. The general gives the main character an order and gives him a week off to go home. But Vasily says that a week is not enough for him. After all, he is not a river to get past enemy posts. And his village is now on the other side of the front. The general hugs Terkin and says that he means to them on the way, and that he will have a week of vacation when they liberate his native village.

About myself

In the next chapter, "About Me," the author of the poem "Vasily Terkin" takes the floor. He tells how he is sad about his home, fields and forests, how he is sad about his childhood and wants to hug his mother again. The author tells how he is filled with anger towards the enemy, and that in his poems, on behalf of Terkin, who is his countryman, he often expresses his own thoughts.

Fight in the swamp

To the question of which Vasily Terkin in Tvardovsky's poem, the chapter "Fight in the Swamp" gives a good answer. It is about an unknown battle near the village of Borki. Only three pipes and a black spot remained from this settlement. Our soldiers are knee-deep in water and chest-deep in mud. The infantry scolds the tankers, the tankers the infantry and all together the aviation that these Borks still cannot take. A working enemy mortar does not allow you to raise your head out of the mud. And only Terkin says that now they are almost at the resort. After all, they are in the ranks, and behind them are guns and, in general, all of Russia. But two years ago, when they retreated, it was not clear where they were and where they were strangers, and then it was hard. Yes, some of them will die in this unknown battle, but the memory of them will always live in the hearts of people.

About love

Well, the folk character in the poem "Vasily Terkin" is well manifested in the chapter "On Love". In it, the writer says that each of the fighters was accompanied on the way by at least one woman. It could be a mother, whose name is the most precious thing a soldier has, or it could be a wife, whose love and letters warm both ordinary soldiers and generals. The author of the poem asks women to write more often, although he understands perfectly well that it is hard for them at this time. And he also asks to pay attention to Vasily Terkin, who, although not a pilot, and not a tanker or horseman, but just infantry. But it is the infantry that is the main driving force of any war.

Terkin's rest

Well, the life of soldiers in the poem "Vasily Terkin" is best revealed in the chapter "Terkin's Rest". In it, the main character goes straight to heaven. Here you can sleep up to 600 minutes, eat four times a day and not from your knee, but from the table. Here you don’t have to hide the spoon in the top, but you can’t wipe yourself with your sleeve either. Here, before going to bed, you should undress, and as many as two sheets are injected into a stupor. But Vasily Terkin cannot fall asleep in this paradise for a long time. Until he is told to wear a hat. And then the main character really quickly falls asleep. But the war is not over yet. Therefore, in the morning Vasily catches a ride and goes to the front. That's when we get to that border along the Varshavskoe highway, that's when we'll have a rest.

On the offensive

Well, the tragedy of the poem "Vasily Terkin" can be felt in the chapter "On the offensive". It starts with the fact that we were on the defensive for too long. Some even stocked up with brooms for the bath next year. But here comes the order. The soldiers have to take the village. Everything happens clearly on the orders of the general, who sits in a dry dugout and only looks at the hour. "Platoon! For the Motherland! Forward! ”, The young lieutenant gives the command clearly by the clock and he himself is the first to rush around the village. But already near the first houses, he fell, as if diving into the snow. The soldiers rushed to him, but he gave the command "Forward!". After all, he was not wounded, he was killed. And now it fell to Terkin to lead forty people into battle. He gave the command and himself was the first to burst into the village.

death and warrior

Well, the heroism and humor in the poem "Vasily Terkin" can be seen in the chapter "Death and the Warrior". For the distant hillocks, the battle was leaving, and the main character was bleeding in the snow. Death leaned over him and offered to go with her. But Vasily confidently said that he was still alive. Then death offered him not to suffer, he would still freeze and die, and she would not freeze here. But Terkin says he hasn't lived yet. Death is not far behind. Terkin offers to surrender, but only if Death lets him go for a walk on Victory Day. But Death disagrees. And then two members of the funeral team appear. They wanted to sit on Terkin and smoke, but the fighter gives a weak voice. The funeral team immediately decides to carry him to the medical unit, and Death decides to walk nearby. But when the fighters take off their gloves and give them to the barely alive Terkin, Death retreats and marvels at this friendship of the living.

Terkin writes

Well, the characterization of Terkin from the poem "Vasily Terkin" is well revealed in the next chapter "Terkin writes." In it, the main character writes that his leg wound has already been completely cured. And as the doctors say, the leg will be better than before. Therefore, Vasily really hopes that he will soon catch up with his brothers. After all, he wants to liberate his native Smolensk region with his part, and if necessary, he will go further. To do this, he is ready to write a letter even to the general, because he will certainly respect the fighter to whom he personally presented the order.


And in the next chapter "Terkin - Terkin" the main character has already returned to his native part. But there is almost no one left from the former colleagues. Terkin and other soldiers are resting in someone's house, the barn of which has been cut down for firewood. And then another soldier comes in and declares that he is Terkin. Our protagonist is puzzled. He begins to test the impostor. But he already has two orders, and he plays the accordion no worse than Terkin himself. That's just a red-haired impostor and his name is Ivan. The general laughter and uproar about this is interrupted by the cry of the foreman, who decides to give one Terkin to each company.

From the author

The next chapter is again "From the Author". In it, Tvardovsky reflects on the rumors that are circulating along the front. They say that Vasily Terkin allegedly died, allegedly a shell covered him, while others say that he is still alive as before. But such a hero, who has already walked half the country, cannot die, and he will surely outlive the author of these lines. After all, in two years the country managed to lose with blood and return the lands from the Moscow region to the Zadneprovye with blood. And now victory is close and Vasily Terkin will surely see it.

grandfather and grandmother

Well, the steps of the Great Patriotic War in the poem "Vasily Terkin" can be traced in the chapter "Grandfather and Woman". It was the third year of the war. The grandfather and the old woman, whom Terkin in the chapter “Two Soldiers” repaired watches for many years now, have been living in occupation. The Germans took the watch, and people are already accustomed to making their way along the fences on their own land. Grandfather, for the umpteenth time, draws encirclements, offensives and breakthroughs with a stick on the wall, but everyone cannot guess when their native army will free them. And at night the front comes to them. With a chicken and a sack of potatoes, the grandfather and the old woman are sitting in a pit. And only in the morning they hear steps in their direction. Grandfather grabs an ax and decides to give his last fight. But it turns out they are our scouts. And the first in these ranks is the same Terkin. Both are happy to meet, and the grandmother even burns with the desire to fry the fat again. But now officer Terkin must hurry to release him. Nevertheless, he manages to have a bite to eat and pour tobacco to his grandfather and with the words that the connection is behind him. Soon he stink went into the house of his grandfather and grandmother. I immediately asked for the watch, and when I found out their fate, I promised to bring two from Berlin.

On the Dnieper

At the beginning of the chapter "On the Dnieper", the author of the poem "Vasily Terkin" recalls the words of the general from the chapter of the same chapter. In it, the general said that they were on the way. But this turned out not to be the case, and another general liberated Terkin's native village. Vasily himself is very sad for his land and asks for her forgiveness, but despite the destruction that the invader left behind, he wants to move further along this vast Russian land. And now Terkin, as the main character, crosses the Dnieper with his platoon. They hide from the shots under the cliff of the right bank. Crossings and bridges will be tomorrow, and today they have already occupied the coast, to which the belated German units are still retreating. And the soldiers cheerfully declare that they should surrender on the left bank.

About the orphan soldier

The truth about the war in the poem "Vasily Terkin" is revealed in the chapter "About the Orphan Soldier". Vasily Terkin met him near Bortki, who was taken for six months. He was cheerful and was in no way inferior to Terkin. And even when he had to retreat, he cheerfully declared that he was going to the West, although he was going to the East. But the retreat is over, and now our army sometimes takes a city in a day, and a regional center in a week. And when they advanced near Smolensk, this fighter asked for a visit home. After all, he is local here and he is not far away. He quickly found his village Red Bridge, but did not recognize it. There was neither his house, nor his wife, nor his son, the fighter lost everything in this war. He stood and cried and returned to the unit. Now he must collect a debt from the enemy. And the author asks all Soviet soldiers to help him and remember this duty of everyone.

On the way to Berlin

In the next chapter, our protagonist is already moving on the road to Berlin. Everything here is not native - red houses, tiled roofs, signs, badges, arrows. They were already three foreign languages ​​away from home and everywhere they were met in a brotherly way by Poles, French and other peoples. The whole road to the West is covered with down. Down from feather beds and pillows. After all, all of Europe is moving home to the East. And here among this crowd a familiar voice is heard. This is an ordinary Russian woman going home. It is these Russian mothers who are waiting for their sons from the war, and maybe already grandchildren. She should go far, as far as the Dnieper. Therefore, Terkin quickly organizes for the old woman a horse with a harness, a rug to cover her legs, a cow and a sheep, and here is another mug and a bucket with supplies, and of course a duvet cover and a pillow. The mother objects that she will not be allowed through the checkpoints. But Terkin does not yield and says that at these points she should say that Vasily Terkin gave her everything. And he promises if he is alive to look at the pies.

In the bath

But even in war there is a place to rest. And somewhere in the depths of Germany, as in, our soldiers organized a bathhouse for themselves. In a row are the count's chairs, on which the soldier throws his underpants. The soldier is not tall, but his chest is forward, his body is covered with scars and marks of memorable places. And now he undressed, saying: “Wow!” sneaks into the steam room. Here he demands more and more to add a couple. And although the water is not from the Moscow River, it is still good. Having steamed the bones well, he gives thanks to the pompohose who, even if from Lithuania, carried a real Russian broom to such a distance. Well, after resting after the steam room, washed and dressed. There is no place for medals on his chest, and someone notices if he bought them in the military department. To which the soldier, like a real Vasily Terkin, replies: “That's not all! The rest are yet to come!”

From the author

Well, that's the end of the war. The author of the poem about Terkin says that if he lied in his work, it was only for the sake of laughter, and if he made a mistake somewhere, it was only because the lines of these poems were written in cars, in the rain, in a tent and wherever there was at least one Free minute. From the first days, the author hoped that Vasily Terkin would become that accordion that would bring joy to a soldier for at least a few minutes. And the best reward for him will be if the reader of these lines says that everything is clear in Russian, and the memory of the fighter will live on in the future.

The poem "Vasily Terkin" on the Top Books website

The poem by Alexander Tvradovsky "Vasily Terkin" is so popular to read on the eve of Victory Day that the work fell into ours. Well, among it is one of the highest places. And given the dynamics and the presence of the poem in the school curriculum, we will see it more than once in the ratings of our site.

You can read the poem "Vasily Terkin" online on the Top Books website.

Vasily Terkin:

Vasily Terkin - folk hero

In order to understand and appreciate the true extent of the artist's talent, his contribution to literature, one must proceed from what he said about life and man, how his vision of the world correlates with the moral and aesthetic ideals, ideas and tastes of the people. Tvardovsky never aspired to be original. Every pose, every artificiality is alien to him:

Here are the verses, and everything is clear.
Everything is in Russian.

Brilliant craftsmanship, folk creativity of Alexander Trifonovich are visible both in the principles of artistic comprehension of our life, and in the creation of national characters of the era, the renewal of poetic genres. V. Soloukhin said very rightly: “Tvardovsky is the most important Russian Soviet poet of the thirties, forties and fifties because the most important, most decisive events in the life of the country and people were best reflected in his poetry.”
Throughout the war, while at the front, Tvardovsky worked on the poem "Vasily Terkin" - a work that was both a true chronicle of the war, an inspiring propaganda word, and a deep understanding of the heroic deed of the people. The poem reflects the main stages of the Great Patriotic War, from its first days to the complete victory over the enemy. This is how the poem develops, this is how it is built:

These lines and pages
Days and miles a special account,
Like from the western border
To my native capital,
And from that native capital
Back to the western border
And from the western border
Down to the enemy capital
We made our trip.

The depiction of the war presented considerable difficulties for writers. Here one could stray into embellished reports in the spirit of superficial cheer-optimism, or fall into despair and present the war as a continuous hopeless horror. In the introduction to "Vasily Terkin" Tvardovsky defined his approach to the theme of war as a desire to show the "existing truth", "no matter how bitter". War is drawn by the poet without any embellishment. The anguish of retreat, agonizing anxiety for the fate of the Motherland, the pain of separation from loved ones, heavy military labors and sacrifices, the ruin of the country, severe cold - all this is shown in "Terkin" as the truth requires, no matter how it hits the soul. But the poem does not leave a depressing impression at all, does not plunge into despondency. The poem is dominated by faith in the victory of good over evil, light over darkness. And in the war, as Tvardovsky shows it, in the respite between battles, people rejoice and laugh, sing and dream, take a steam bath with pleasure and dance in the cold. To overcome the difficult trials of the war, the author of the poem and its hero are helped by their boundless love for the Motherland and understanding of the just nature of the struggle against fascism. The refrain runs throughout the poem:

The fight is holy and right
Mortal combat is not for glory,
For life on earth.

“Vasily Terkin” is a “book about a fighter”. Terkin appears on the first pages of the work as an unpretentious joker soldier who knows how to amuse and amuse the fighters on a campaign and at a halt, ingenuously chuckling at the missteps of his comrades. But his joke always contains a deep and serious thought: the hero reflects on cowardice and courage, loyalty and generosity, great love and hatred. However, the poet saw his task not only in truthfully drawing the image of one of the millions of people who took on their shoulders the brunt of the fight against the enemy. Gradually, the image of Terkin more and more acquires generalized, almost symbolic features. The hero personifies the people:

Into battle, forward, into pitch fire
He goes, saint and sinner,
Russian miracle man.

The high skill of the poet was manifested in the fact that he managed, without embellishing, but not “grounding” the hero, to embody in him the fundamental moral qualities of the Russian people: patriotism, consciousness of responsibility for the fate of the Motherland, readiness for selfless deed, love for work. The image of the folk hero Vasily Terkin, created by Tvardovsky, personifies the unbending character of a soldier, his courage and steadfastness, humor and resourcefulness.
Tvardovsky's poem is an outstanding, truly innovative work. Both the content and its form are truly folk. Therefore, it became the most significant poetic work about the Great Patriotic War, fell in love with millions of readers and, in turn, gave rise to hundreds of imitations and “continuations” among the people.

Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky was born in 1910 in the Smolensk region, into a family of peasants. His father was very fond of reading, he brought up this love in his children. The works of Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol were often heard in the house.

Date of writing the poem "Vasily Terkin"

In 1939, Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky was drafted into the Red Army, went on a campaign for the liberation of Belarus. Worked as a war correspondent. At this time, Tvardovsky wrote notes, essays, reviews.

The main work of the war years of Tvardovsky was the poem "Vasily Terkin" about the combat everyday life of a Russian soldier. Many people found in the hero traits loved by everyone - fearlessness, the ability to make fun of themselves and friends, ingenuity. The poem was created throughout the war.

Heroes of the poem "Vasily Terkin"

Large-scale images, collective and capacious, are created in the poem. Events are developing for a very long time. The protagonist of the poem is very close to folklore characters, as Tvardovsky conceived ("Vasily Terkin", a summary of the poem). The symbolism of the unpretentious surname "Terkin" can be interpreted in two ways: it is simple, common and at the same time tough, unbending.

The protagonist of the poem combines all parts of the poem into one whole. Vasily Terkin - an ordinary infantryman from the peasants. It embodies the best soldier and folk features.

This soldier is simple and accessible, knows how to joke, does not lose heart and is so similar to other soldiers. He is brave, humble and will always help in difficult times. Tvardovsky emphasizes that there is such a person in every company. Tvardovsky invented Terkin, first of all, as a feuilleton image, which should only make the soldiers laugh with jokes at the front in order to raise their morale.

But the poet shows the hero not only as a joker, but also as a resourceful and courageous person. Terkin is a patriot, he defends his homeland without too much pathos.

He is an experienced warrior. In the chapter "Crossing" Vasily breaks through to the shore with his platoon, and from there alone to the opposite shore. The conditions were unbearable: November, cold water. Terkin's body is rubbed with alcohol, he is very cold, but even at this moment his sense of humor does not leave him: the soldier with a sly look asks the doctor about taking alcohol inside, so as not to spend everything on the skin. Unites all parts of the poem Vasily Terkin. The heroes who are also mentioned in the work deal with a simple-minded soldier.

The poem describes not only front-line soldiers, but also those who worked in the rear for the sake of victory: the elderly and women. The characters of the work are not only at war. They rejoice, love, talk to each other, dream of peace. War, like life in general, combines tragedy and humor, fear and courage, earthly existence and death.

The main parts of the poem

Conventionally, the poem can be divided into three parts, which describe the beginning, middle and end of the war. From a chronicle, the poem develops into a lyrical chronicle of events. Tvardovsky ("Vasily Terkin") often writes in this style. The summary of the poem can be described as follows: in the first part, a feeling of sorrow and bitterness prevails. The second is filled with faith in victory. In the third part, the soldiers rejoice at the Victory and the liberation of the Motherland.

All this affects the composition of the poem. Stanzas, periods and individual chapters are all finished. Vasily Terkin appears almost everywhere. The chapters of the poem were written gradually, therefore they are complete (and perfect in style) works.

Poem chapters

The poem consists of thirty chapters. At twenty-five, the image of the protagonist is revealed, who finds himself in different combat situations. In the last parts of Terkin there is no (“About an orphan soldier”, “On the way to Berlin”). The poet did not want to repeat himself.

It is no coincidence that the work begins and ends with lyrical digressions by Tvardovsky (“Vasily Terkin”). The brief content makes readers feel their involvement in what is happening. Tvardovsky argued that there is no single plot in the war. And it is really unusual: it is a reliable "book about a fighter."

Alexander Tvardovsky, "Vasily Terkin": a summary

The poem is built like a chain of episodes from the life of a soldier, which are sometimes not connected with each other. Terkin tells the soldiers about the war and his adventures. He doesn’t go into his pocket for a word, “a guy anywhere.”

There was a river crossing. The main character sailed from the right bank. He said that the first platoon could secure the crossing if they were supported by weapons.

Vasily made contact. He sets up an ambush and waits for the enemy. He kills a German, but he also wounds him. Tankers are taking Terkin to the medical facility...

The soldier jokes about the medal and the party in the village council after the war.

After the hospital, Terkin returns to the company. He plays the soldiers on the accordion, first a sad, and then a cheerful melody, everyone starts to dance.

Terkin fights with a German, wins. He later shoots down an enemy plane. He is given an order.

Vasily thinks about how in the hospital he ran into a boy who has already become a hero. He said that he was from near Tambov. And the native Smolensk region should have its own soldiers. Because of this, he became a hero.

The soldier goes home for a week. But his village is held by the Germans. In the swamp, they fight over the small village of Borki, which is completely destroyed. Terkin cheers up his comrades.
He commands a platoon after the death of the commander, he is the first to arrive in the village, but is again seriously wounded. Lies in a field and talks with Death, who persuades him not to cling to life. Soldiers find him and carry him to the medical unit.

After being wounded, the soldier goes to his company. But a new Terkin, Ivan, has already appeared there. Guys give in to each other. The foreman says that each company will have its own Terkin.

The village in which the hero somehow helped his grandfather and grandmother with the housework, under German rule. They themselves moved into the cellar. Terkin with scouts comes to them and promises to bring watches from Germany.

With the advancing troops, the warrior passes near his native Smolensk region. The soldiers are crossing the river. Terkin mentally says goodbye to his native land, which is already in the rear.

The hero tells a story about a soldier whose whole family died. He discovers this with grief while on vacation. But he needs to keep fighting. And we - to remember his grief. Do not forget about it in the days of victory.

The soldiers go to Berlin. Grandmother escapes from captivity. The soldiers supply her with a wagon, a horse and things. Vasily Terkin also helps her.

Soldiers rest in a bathhouse in Germany. Among them, one is covered in scars from wounds. He steams well, talks a lot, he has many orders and medals on his tunic. The soldiers say that this soldier is the same as Terkin.

victory over the fascists

The protagonist is outraged by the arrogance of the Nazis, who violate all human laws and take civilians prisoner. He remembers that the Germans brought a lot of grief to the peasants, taking everything from them. Terkin feels a strong hatred for the enemies, for those uninvited guests who trample the Russian land and kill the Slavs. This hatred helps him, having gathered his will into a fist, to defeat the enemy.

Anton Chekhov's short story "Ionych" has been heavily criticized. Immediately after publication in 1898, a large number of reproaches fell towards the work that the plot was a little blurry and boring. The genre of Ionych’s work is “controversial, it seems to be a story, but the whole life of the hero is fully described in it, but this is more in line with a small novel“, which contained all periods of the spiritual transformation of the protagonist. In his work "Ionych" the author deeply reveals all the events taking place with the main character.

Dmitry Ionovich Startsev is the main character of the story. In the future, the author simply displays it as Ionovich. Dmitry Ionovich Startsev stands before us as a young doctor full of enthusiasm. He is quite energetic, absolutely absorbed in his work. He was so passionate about his work that he could not even refuse to receive an appointment on holidays and there was no time left for communication when not at work.

Most of the citizens of the city of S. were semi-literate, and the city itself was not very cultured. The Turkin family was the most educated and cultured inhabitants of this city. The head of the family, Ivan Petrovich, had a daughter, Ekaterina Ivanovna, who, in her opinion, played the piano well. The young doctor had a great, tender feeling for her and decided to confess them to her, but received a rude refusal. As the years passed, Ionovich turned into a fat, stingy, uncultured person. Once different from all residents with its freshness of thought, full dedication to work, it became inconspicuous among the townspeople. For him, wealth and comfort became a priority.

To all its changes, one can experience various feelings from pity to disgust. What caused the collapse of the protagonist cannot be answered unambiguously. There can be many reasons. The fault lies both with the hero himself and with Ekaterina Ivanovna, but his social circle left a big imprint. Due to the lack of education of the townspeople, the city where the hero ended up stopped developing further.

Analysis of the work of Ionych

A.P. Chekhov has many small works, where, on just a few pages, he skillfully indicates the rise and fall of the protagonist, his emotional experiences. The story "Ionych" can be safely attributed to such works.

Zemsky doctor Dmitry Ionych Startsev comes to work in a small town. He is young, striving to achieve something high in life. In the city, he gets acquainted with the Turkin family, who are considered the most educated people. Ivan Petrovich Turkin was a theatergoer, his mother wrote novels, and his daughter Ekaterina was fond of music. All their talents were controversial, but the local audience liked them. Startsev also did not stand out and praised them when everyone admired them.

Startsev fell in love with Katenka. Love for her brightened up his whole uninteresting life. He trembled at the sight of the young girl, experienced her coldness. It seemed to him that for the sake of love he could accomplish any feat. Katya makes an appointment with Startsev at the cemetery. He goes there and waits for Katya there. The day after the failed date, the doctor proposes to Katya. But the girl refused him. Deciding to become a famous pianist, she leaves the city.

The love of Dmitry Ionych passed in three days. He did not remember his lofty dreams. He became a lazy and inactive person. Hiking, which he used to enjoy so much, he abandoned. Startsev becomes as lazy in his thoughts as he is physically. The doctor despises the townsfolk, they also do not like him and call him "puffed up turkey."

Ekaterina Ivanovna Turkina, who returned to her parents, tried to renew relations with Startsev, but he was too lazy to even think about it. Nothing aroused any feelings in him any more. His heart became fat, as did his body.

Startsev earns a lot of money, but he has become greedy even for himself. Dmitry Ionych abandoned theaters and concerts. People began to call him simply Ionych, not showing him any kindness or respect. From an exalted youth, he turned into a noisy, fat old man. Ionych did nothing either for people or for himself. His sole purpose in life was to make money. Patients for him were only a means of earning. He already has two houses, the third is on the way. Who are they for? Startsev is a lonely, useless old man.

Chekhov refers Startsev to the "case" people. Such people have only the appearance of life. In fact, they are dead, there is no spark in them. Neither family, nor home, nor love pleases them.

The relationship between Startsev and the environment in which he lived is interesting. The environment did not change him, did not make him a fighter against the vulgarity and dullness of life. He couldn't fit in with her. Tried to be above the townsfolk. And he became just simply Ionych.

Briefly 10, 11 grade

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