What to do if you want to quit your old job. How to quit your job and start your own business

Now we will tell you how to part with a hateful job as painlessly and as a gentleman as possible.

Vlad Smirnov

Do not chat!

Once the decision to free you from office slavery is finally made, try not to discuss this topic during lunches with colleagues and corporate feasts, our expert advises. Especially if you are not going to go to the pampas for the rest of your life, but plan to continue your career in some more decent place. The fact is that rumors about your defection can provoke the authorities to call you to a decisive conversation even before you have an alternate airfield and an independent expression.


However, if you are still going to the pampas and intend to finally spoil your native company, regardless of your professional reputation, spread about your upcoming departure as often and widely as possible. With a grin, hint that the smartest rats are the first to flee the ship.

Find but don't give up

In order to objectively confirm the fact that your boss is a greedy toad, Oleg Borisov advises doing the following:

find resumes of specialists of your profile and see how much money they ask for;

evaluate the demand for their profession.


With increased caution, you should treat the appearance of your resume on the websites of recruitment agencies until the moment of dismissal. At the very least, make sure these agencies are not affiliated with your employer. Some recruiters enter into an agreement with a client company under which they are required to report if they receive a resume from its employee.

Peace, only peace!

Before making a decisive trip to the boss's office, once again analyze the reasons that make you do it. According to psychologists, the most disrespectful of them is a psychological conflict (if it is not caused by an objective underestimation of you or a refusal to promote you). An employee who launched his favorite desktop punching bag at his boss, slammed the door and wrote a letter of resignation after that, may forget about “loyalty” and “stress resistance” in subsequent resumes. The one hit with a pear will try to make everyone who calls his previous place of work know about the exploits of the offender. However, to cool down after the hysteria and withdraw the application is also not an option: all the same, from now on you will be considered as a consumable. In general, keep in mind: a real careerist takes out psychological stress on women, children, cats and office pencils.


American psychologists have developed a special scale on which the most important events of human life are arranged according to the strength of the injury they cause. The highest score was given to the death of a spouse. Then comes imprisonment, death of a child, serious illness or injury. In fifth place - dismissal.

He promised to return

Are you sure you're going to leave this job forever, or do you still plan to renew the relationship if it doesn't work out in a new place? Our expert advises to suppress all sentimental impulses about a familiar office with a native ficus in the corner and seriously ask yourself three more questions on the general topic “Would you like to come back here?”.

To this boss? Then you need to build a strategy for your dismissal on personal contact with him.

To this team? Then maybe you should consider poaching your old crew for a new job. In the end, in our clan country, hiring a responsible worker "with a house and a squad" is a common practice.

To this company? Then try to talk to top management - suddenly you will find a place in another department under the supervision of a human, and not a baboon-shaped chef.


Well, the last. Analyze all the good things the company has done for you. No, not for comfort. Simply, if some internship or professional courses are on the list of good ones, be prepared for the fact that the company will require you to work for them for another five years or reimburse expenses. However, this item, as a rule, is stipulated in the employment agreement, just read it carefully.


By the way, the Labor Code assures that you can decide for yourself when you leave, even if you managed to enlist:

a medical certificate confirming the need for an urgent move to another place;

a relative - a disabled person of the first group;

a change in management at your enterprise, a change in the profile of its activities;

change in previous working conditions;

previous dismissal and taking on the same position again (that is, the second time you can leave very quickly);

violation of the terms of the employment contract.

We need to talk

You finally chose day X to talk to your boss. Nevertheless, we do not recommend starting it with a theatrical pause and the position of a resignation letter on the table. A small preliminary personal conversation can bring you two bonuses at once. Firstly, most employers guess that you entered into a relationship with them not at all for love, but for money. So the threat of a breakup automatically causes them to reflex to increase your content (if you are really worth something). Hear this offer. Very often, you yourself can’t imagine to what extent changing the numbers in the payroll can dampen career ambitions and resolve conflicts with the team. Secondly, it is much more profitable for you to leave work as friends, having completed all your projects and handed over to a new employee, even if it takes more than the prescribed two weeks. In the near future, this will bring you positive recommendations, in the distant future - a company loyal to you, working in the field of your professional interests.


Is two weeks in this poisonous place the equivalent of being hanged three times and then beheaded seven times? Then immediately go on vacation, write a statement from there - and you won't have to work! It is especially recommended to leave if you feel the impending dismissal for absenteeism, damage to property or disclosure of confidential information. They do not have the right to expel you from vacation for these unpleasant reasons (Article 80 of the Labor Code).

authorized to declare

If you consistently went through all the points of this quest, you should amicably dictate your resignation letter in the personnel department. But if you got here right after the diversion from the first step, then there might really be problems. First, make sure your application is dated and signed by your boss. By the way, keep in mind that according to the law, the date from which the employee wants to quit is not the first free day, but the last day of work. Secondly, carefully check what was written in the work book (is it not a cleaner of sanitary facilities?). Even a slight mistake in the name of the company or position will invalidate the entry.


Even after writing the fateful paper, you can still play everything back. The final end is the termination of the employment contract. If the termination did not occur within two weeks and you do not insist on dismissal, then the contract continues, despite any statements.


Think five times about quitting if you are a tax official or treasurer. According to statistics, these citizens experience serious difficulties when applying for a new job. The employer suspects that all of them have retained connections at their former place of work and may become a source of leakage of important information outside the company.

psycho attack

Everyone knows everything. Now, if you want to save face, prepare to hold the siege. No matter how good or bad your employees and superiors treat you, psychologists are sure that your departure is in any case perceived by them as treason and betrayal. Someone the most chatty probably suspects that you have been bribed by competitors. Finally, everyone is well aware that very soon they will not have to look you in the eye, so all sorts of extracurricular duties and schizophrenic clients can fall on your head. Nevertheless, as a stress-resistant and loyal person, you still need to set the table for the troglodytes on the last day of work and wish them further success in the field of cannibalism.


On the other hand, you have two weeks to carry out the most imaginative nastiness, toilet jokes and stupid set-ups against the ardently hated employees of your department.

golden skydiver

Of course, if you managed to become a top manager of Gazprom or Mosenergo, early dismissal is one of the most profitable things that can happen to you. In recent years, following the example of Western companies, so-called “golden parachutes” have been introduced in our country, that is, huge compensations for the expulsion of highly paid specialists until the end of the contract. However, even the average paid should carefully reread the contract. Perhaps there is also a small but pleasant amount of compensation that you need to remember to get before you leave. True, especially disgusting bosses may try to deprive you of money "for not completing work tasks", having previously provided you with such impossible tasks. Our consultant assures that this is one of the most common tricks by unscrupulous bosses. In this case, the premium, most likely, will have to spit. Let the bastards choke on it.

sloppy manager

After you closed the painfully familiar door of your office for the last time, the layoff is not yet over. Of course, if in a week you are waiting for dragging a box with your favorite trash into the walls of a new office, we are calm for you. But if you are going to "rest a bit, and then we'll see" - be careful! The main thing now is not to lie down on the sofa. Bliss will soon be replaced by thoughts that you will never find a job, you will be covered with mold and die of hunger. At the same time, keep in mind, Oleg Borisov conjures, that a professional downtime that lasts at least three months significantly reduces your value in the market, especially if you are not a rare breed of top managers. Experts assure that the best way to deal with downtime is not to change the regime: get up on an alarm clock, have breakfast and sit down at the computer to search for a brighter working future. However, a couple of days spent in the company of a sofa and our first volume (in which, by the way, you will find an article on how to find a job), have no contraindications.


In fairness, it should be noted that for top managers, a break in work of up to six months is acceptable. It is believed that the boss should not agree too quickly to the first job offer that comes across: he is too exclusive and rare goods.

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From childhood, we were told about how to live right. Many of us did not want to go to kindergarten, I am one of those people. I liked to communicate with my peers, I had many friends, and no one offended me, but being in kindergarten all day and living by the rules that are provided there just pissed me off. Why should I sleep now, when I feel like playing ball, why should I eat porridge at the moment when I want to poke my nose into the pillow?!

Of course, I have asked these questions to parents, caregivers, and many other adults. There was only one answer - so be it. That's right. It should be. At the same time, my parents disappeared at work from early morning until late at night, the teacher during a quiet hour thought about how to make ends meet. All these unhappy people told me about the right way of life, about how it should be.

Years passed, they continued to tell me the rules of a normal, in someone's opinion, life. I have to go to school. But after about the 6th grade, I stopped understanding what was happening. I can read and write. I have no talent in chemistry and physics, what the teachers of algebra and geometry draw on the blackboard, I did not know at all. I would like to do boxing and I went to the section. A week later, my parents found out about this and strictly forbade me to do this, because it is very dangerous, you will be crippled and you will be a fool. Doing sports is wrong. About the same story was with my passion for football.

The good life continued. As planned, I had to finish school, college, university and become a bright medicine. But already in the second year of the medical college, it became clear that the plan was bad. I realized this back in the 6th grade of school, the fact that I was not going my own way was clear to me even then. Every day I lost interest in life, there was no excitement, I just did what they said. After all, that's right.

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After some time, with a diploma in my hands and an empty head, I began to think about how to live on. Confused about the correctness, my parents could no longer advise me anything. It seems that everything went according to plan, but nothing happened, there are no other options. Further myself. All I could think of was to go looking for a job. I continued to do what I don't like. For several years I have seen all sorts of bosses, mostly people who are not their own leaders. Alcohol and soft drugs were their masters. For this reason, they were sometimes fired, sometimes their business collapsed, and more often I just felt so disgusting that I quit myself. People unworthy of simple respect commanded me, and I allegedly could not argue and resist.

I wanted to quit and do what I love. But the thoughts driven into my head about the right way of life did not allow me to do this. I have to live like everyone else, work, get married, have kids, get a mortgage, a car loan, drink with friends on weekends. The fact that I don't drink alcohol horrified those around me. Sick, abnormal, strange. Once I met a girl, and soon found out that her friend tried to dissuade her from a date. He doesn't drink at all, don't you think that's weird? All normal people drink sometimes, how else to relax? He is a sectarian.

Meanwhile, I came across stories of people who think very differently. They quit their jobs, which were sometimes attended by perks and opportunities, started doing what they love and succeeded. Here is the story of Alexander Borisov, who worked as a fire inspector.

The man broke every possible rule. He gave up meat, cigarettes, alcohol, quit a stable job with state guarantees and a social package, and did what he likes. That's not possible, right? But when Alexander publishes income from his projects, I find myself thinking that living right means living freely. What does your plan lead to kindergarten - school - university - army - stable work? Could you boast of an income of 7,000,000 rubles per year from just one of a dozen of your projects? This is what Alexander does.

If you like to watch TV and in particular TNT, then you probably know who Ruslan Bely is. You may also know that he lived correctly until about 30 years of age. Silver medal at school, graduation from a military university, contract service, rank of captain. In general, it becomes clear that a capable person and a brilliant military career was probably ahead of him. But the desire to engage in humor did not leave, and at some point the choice was made in favor of him.

If you think about it, the decision to end the path of the military sounds unreasonable. But Ruslan did it and who will say now that he was wrong? I mean that people are ready to leave the path that has everything and excellent prospects. How many people dream of Ruslan's achievements as a military man, and he considered that all this was not his level. In one of his speeches, he said the following phrase - when I looked at the Renault Logan in Voronezh and thought that it would be great to buy such a car for myself, I realized that it was time to change something in my life. He was not afraid to trade such a job for his dream, while many are afraid to quit working as a loader in a beer store. Where am I then, what will I do, now work is tight. But it's not tight with work, it's tight with your dream, for some reason it doesn't exist.

Meanwhile, a dream is the only thing that can pull a person out of poverty. Napoleon Hill in one of his books shared his observation of the richest people on the planet. And found out that each of them was obsessed with his dream. John Rockefeller saved on clothes and food, worked day and night, all he wanted was absolute wealth. He was interested in business, investments, money. Everyone knows who the Rockefellers are now, and John himself became the world's first dollar billionaire.

Nathan Rothschild wrote in a letter to his brother - Dear brother, I can't think about anything but my work, after dinner I don't gamble, I don't go to theaters, all that gives me pleasure is my business. During his stay in England, he managed to increase his capital by 25,000%! Deals in gold brought him the first huge profit, and what served as such a success, we know - a dream and an obsession with it.

The list can be endless, but the essence lies in one thing - a person must have a dream and it is the duty of everyone to follow it. Excuses that I have a loan, a job, a wife, where I am, now is not the best time, not the best year, the weather is not right, these are all excuses of poverty and fear. Find your purpose in life and become what you have always dreamed of, this is your task for this life. As practice shows, this must be done before the age of 35, otherwise the chances of success are minimal.

I would like to end the article with the words of Jack Ma, who is the richest businessman in China and one of the most successful people of our time. If you are still poor at 35, you deserve it!

Exactly one year ago, I held my work book in my hands. Mixed feelings flickered inside: the fear of the unknown, and the joy of one's own determination and courage, and an inspiring feeling of freedom when all roads are open before you. I worked for 7 years as a marketer in the Moscow office of an international trading corporation and now I was out of a job. How I decided to quit my job, I tell in this post.


1. Do you need to leave?

Perhaps the desire to quit everything is tired, stress, burnout, or a sign that it's time to change companies? I went on vacation, slowed down the rhythm, but still every Monday my strength was at zero, and my motivation was at a minus. In the last year before the dismissal, I went to interviews, because. I thought it was all about the company and the salary. As soon as at the next interview I realized that about the same duties awaited me in a new place, the desire to change the awl for soap disappeared. It was out of place.

2. First you need to find your calling.

“Why would they quit? You need to clearly understand what you will do after the dismissal, ”experts, websites and voices in my head repeated. Every day I went to work and tried to mentally decide what my calling was. I solved tests and tasks that the Internet is teeming with. And what do you think I came up with? To nothing. Because, as I understand now, finding a thing that you like by thinking is “how to solve an algebraic equation by chewing chewing gum” (A. Dubas). The only way to find "your" business is to try.

3. Do parallel work and your favorite thing.

This is very sound advice, but it didn't work for me at all. The main work took a lot of strength, both physical and emotional, and a ton of time. I also wanted to live and spend time with the people I love. I tried to write texts, develop Instagram, even started my own blog in 2014. But all this was more like a hobby and pathetic attempts to add something new to my everyday life. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the energy to create and work on a new project.

4. Create a financial cushion for yourself.

At first, your favorite business is unlikely to bring a lot of income, so it is better to think over this issue in advance. I took this advice and while I was working in the office, I began to create my own relief fund.

5. Your hobby should not become your calling.

Experts often write that a hobby, a job that you like is one thing, but a favorite job, a vocation is a completely different thing, and they should not be identified. My experience and the experience of the people around me shows the opposite. I firmly believe that everyone can do what he likes, make money on it and be happy. I believe that a person in his life should show all his talents, knowledge, skills, skills to the fullest, realize himself, be happy and thereby make the world around him better.

6. Create an action plan.

Experts advise you to think over everything and know what exactly you will do after dismissal. This advice always frightened me and slowed me down in making a decision, because I just had no idea what exactly I would do. Yes, there were ideas that I would write, travel, but they were all too wide stitches. My whole plan was adjusted on the go, when, for example, I accidentally found out about the “It's good to be a Blogger” workshop, when I decided to create my own project and when it all came together in a more coherent picture. But today I still do not have a clear plan for the future. I just believe that you need to take the first step, the most difficult and most courageous, and then new horizons and opportunities will certainly open up.

7. Write a business plan.

This advice for me was even worse than the previous one. What else is a business plan, when there is no ordinary one? And yes, that's fine. You just need to give yourself a little time, because trees do not grow in 3 months.

8. Find a support group.

Friends, relatives. Those people who believe in you and are ready to support you in a moment of despair or sadness. This is important, and I am incredibly lucky that I have such a group (albeit in the person of one person - my beloved man). But the most important thing, in my opinion, is to become such a group for yourself, to lead this cheerleading parade. Because no matter how others believed in me, until I believed in myself, no solution was given to me.

9. Wait until your favorite business starts to generate income.

This advice was not about me (see points 2 and 3). And I, frankly, do not believe in the possibility of two parallel classes at the same time. For me, it's like dating two guys at the same time, no matter how you hide it, one of them will notice. Yes, you only love one. I am one of those people who give 100% of themselves to one thing, and there is no more space or resources left for the second. By focusing on one thing, the result can be obtained faster than when trying to sit on two chairs.

I remember the day when I was writing a statement with shaking hands, when I informed my boss that I was everything. I remember how scary it was to give up everything that had been accumulated and acquired over the years. A year has passed, and I'm still scared - to be left without money, without a job, scared that I won't succeed and will have to start all over again from the beginning. But it would be worse for me to wake up in 10 years and realize that nothing has changed, and blame myself and the whole world that I did not even dare to try.

I am at the very beginning of the journey. Stay tuned and to be continued…

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Sometimes, when we learn a lot and get some opportunities in terms of salary and a secure future, we introduce ourselves into corporate life, but over time we begin to feel that this is not our cup of tea.

You start to think that you should be in business rather than a boring corporate job, and that's probably the reason you're reading this article. Quitting your boring corporate job is never easy; whether you are a 21 year old young man, or a 45 year old with two children.

A 21 year old must look for his pocket money, must meet his family needs or ask many questions for his future, while a 45 year old must take care of his family, children and keep plans for the future of his family.

Both are hard to quit, but if you follow the tips below, you'll be in a better position to successfully launch your own business.

"I knew if I failed I wouldn't regret it, but I knew the one thing I could regret was that I didn't try."

— Jeff Bezos

If you are in your 20s, you don't have to worry about money. Your main focus is relationships. Yes! Building relationships. Each person has a few friends in their life, but they keep meeting new people, perhaps someone who is older or wiser.

Connect with different people, meet someone who is most successful, watch him, learn from him.

Thought? Well! Does the current reality match your dreams? Have you become who you wanted to be? If not, then this article is definitely for you. She will tell you why you should quit your job and start making money on your hobby.

Why do so many people fail to fulfill their dreams and choose a career they don't like?

I doubt that every manager, logistics specialist or accountant has always dreamed of becoming a manager, logistics specialist or accountant respectively. However, it is believed that such professions are in demand and guarantee a stable income, unlike your hobbies and hobbies, which supposedly do not earn much.

Perhaps this was the case 20 years ago, but in recent decades, something in the world has changed dramatically, and now everyone has the opportunity to do their favorite thing, travel, not depend on bosses and have an income that will not be inferior to that (and often even much more) than managers and accountants earn.

What is so significant happened in the world over the past 20 years? What made it possible for a radical change in the organization of personal labor and creative self-realization? No, this is not some kind of secret secret, everyone knows about it, but just few people use these opportunities. Everyone continues to live by inertia, as if nothing has changed. Haven't figured out what I mean yet? Then be patient, the answer will be a little further.

Why do we betray our dreams?

Probably the first place that left the imprint of a heavy boot on my youthful dreams and plans was the university. He prepared me and my fellow students for careers in management and logistics, seeking to give a well-defined form to the turbulent, but not yet fully consolidated youthful aspirations.

I can't blame the institute for trying to fit everyone into the same pattern against everyone's will. I myself at that time was a representative of the inert mass. I did not think about my future, I passively went with the flow, being in a vague confidence that the world would notice my immeasurably deep and refined inner world and reward it in accordance with its depth. I'm so special, my future will find me, I thought.

“In films, I saw graduates full of joy about graduating from university and entering a new life. But I sometimes saw it as some kind of farce. "Hey, what are you up to, boy? Is it really that until retirement he will have to go to a boring job every day, putting on a tight collar? - sometimes I wanted to exclaim.

But with the swiftness of the train, the sessions rushed by. And somewhere in the taiga, animals and birds in a panic left their homes in order for their forest to turn into piles of papers with mediocre plagiarism, stored somewhere in the archives of the institute in a stack of “term papers”.

If in the first years we could still entertain ourselves at our leisure with naive dreams about how a graduate, after the final defense, flutters out like a butterfly into a world full of the most diverse possibilities, then at the end of our studies, the future narrowed to a point, acquired the disappointing and fatal certainty of a stone wall, which on rushes towards the car at high speed. And I'm driving!

In films, I saw graduates full of joy about graduating from university and entering a new life. But I sometimes saw it as some kind of farce.
"Hey, what are you up to, boy? Is it really that until retirement he will have to go to a boring job every day, putting on a tight collar? sometimes I wanted to exclaim.

And if the university thoroughly walked through my dreams and ambitions, then entering the labor market completely trampled them into the mud. My "rich inner world", of course, no one needed.

Like most of my classmates, I saw no other option than to go to the office, commute every day to a job I don't like, and build a career. At some stage, I even began to enjoy it and resigned myself to the idea that I would have to live like this for many more years. But this clouding of the mind, fortunately, ended after I brought my head into relative order with the help of meditation.

And then something changed. By that time, I had accumulated some experience related both to meditation and to solving the problems of my own depression and anxiety. I began to notice that I confidently give out advice to my friends and acquaintances, that a lot of information has accumulated in my head, which tends to pour out.

You probably already guess what exactly has changed in the world since then, what has transformed the principles of human labor, allowing me, as well as many people, to do what they love? I will not delay with the answer, this is the Internet!

The Internet as a storehouse of opportunities to convert your hobby into a source of income

There are many ways to make money from your hobbies, not only online. But I believe that the Internet provides the best opportunities for this. Moreover, my personal experience is connected specifically with making money on the Internet, and I have a lot to tell you. Therefore, this article will be limited to questions of earnings in the network.

The World Wide Web has not only expanded the possibilities of human communication, but also provided him with new ways of working. The most interesting thing is that these methods are not necessarily tied to the economic conditions of the area where the person is physically located. There is no work in your city, and the one that is offered is badly paid? You have the opportunity to find a job on the Internet, where you can earn no less than a metropolitan freelancer with skills and experience. And if you don’t have the skills, you can always learn them on the same Internet!

And besides the fact that the global network, as it were, globalizes labor, erasing the boundaries between cities and even states, it also provides much more opportunities for labor self-realization.

The Internet allows you to use any of your talents and declare them to the world without tangible financial and territorial barriers. If you understand something and can tell people about it, then this makes your hobby in demand. I don't think you need to look far for examples of people who make a lot of money because they have a good sense of humor. They just post their videos on youtube, attract a huge subscriber base and make a lot of commissions from ads in their videos. Yes, on what they just do not earn!

I didn't suck it out of my finger. One of the richest youtube bloggers, Felix Kjellberg, makes money by posting videos of him playing horror games on a computer and screaming very emotionally in scary moments. And do you know how much he earns? Attention! 7 400 000$ per year!(Pruflink Wikipedia)

That is, a guy has more than half a million dollars a month for what other people do in their spare time for fun, paying money for it! I myself like to watch horror films simply because of the pleasure and thrill. But I don't get several three-room apartments in the center of Moscow a month for this!

I think that after such figures, the salary of a “successful” top manager working in a prestigious company and having no personal life does not seem so big anymore.
In addition to youtube, there are other ways to make money online in general and blogging in particular. But for now, I started talking about youtube, because this is the most striking example of how, at first glance, “stupid” and “not serious” hobbies and fads can become sources of millions of dollars.

I heard that there is even a channel on youtube of a guy who eats soap and has a large subscriber base. Wow! On what they just do not earn now.

What do the richest youtube bloggers do:

1. Felix Chelberg - $7,400,000 a year
His job:
Yell, yell and cry while playing computer games.
2. Lewis and Simon from Bristol - $6,700,000 a year
Play computer games and comment on them
3. Anthony Padilla and Ann Hickox - $5,700,000 a year
Joking on camera and posting it online
4. Anonymous author (DC Toys Collector) - $ 5,000,000 per year
Talk about your collection of Disney toys and put it online
5. Anonymous author (BluCollection ToyCollector) - $4,800,000 per year
Talk about your toy collection and put it online

As they say, God created people different, but Colt equalized. And in the modern information environment, the Internet has equalized the market value of our hobbies. Now an inconspicuous guy in a stretched Superman T-shirt at the next table in a cafe in the middle of a weekday can be much more successful than an older guy in an expensive jacket returning from work at 11 pm in his Bentley. His passion for comic book superheroes may now have more market value than his extensive, multi-year investment experience in a multinational company.

To achieve success and get a "prestigious" job, it is not necessary to graduate from leading universities. The list of talents, the implementation of which can bring you material well-being, has expanded significantly thanks to the Internet.

The world is changing along with its possibilities. And if we continue to think in outdated patterns about “prestigious” work and success, then we are ready to spend our whole life on an unloved thing and never achieve what we want. You need to follow these changes and be on the wave with them.

How I made my dream come true

It's been almost two years since I . My blog is a significant source of finance for my family. I work less and earn more than in the office. Add to this such “goodies” as the ability to travel, work from anywhere in the world where there is Internet, the absence of bosses, flexible hours, no need to stand in traffic jams, etc. etc.

I realized that this is it, what I have been striving for for a long time. I do what I write. My blog became popular because people liked what I post online. I began to earn thanks to my hobby, and the Internet gave me such an opportunity. Great? Yes, I also think it's great! And in this article I will tell you the main pros and cons of this way of making a living.

A blog that generates income is an online business!

It would seem that this is a banality, but still not everyone is aware of this. A profitable blog is a business with all the ensuing pluses, minuses and requirements for the person who runs this business.

What can you earn from? Only due to the fact that you will provide quality content that your visitors will want to read. That's what I do, I write articles and people like them. That is, I create value for them, and in return I receive income.

Once you have traffic, you can monetize it in many ways: through advertising, through the sale of your products or services, through affiliate programs, etc. etc. Here I will not dwell on this in detail. But I promise that I will soon write a large article on how to make money on your blog. Keep for updates.

Reasons to start making money from your blog

Reason 1 - Relatively low financial investment

Creating a blog does not require capital. When I started blogging, I didn't invest a dime at first, except for a minor cost of hosting and a domain. And the money that I invested later, I received directly from the profit. But even this money is completely incomparable with what is invested in some offline business.

Of course, the catch is that, while not requiring investment, blogging takes time and energy. And it will not bring you significant income at first. How can you start developing your blog and still be able to feed yourself without getting into any kind of loans?

There are different options, I will not dwell on them in detail, I will only briefly touch on them. One option is to save up, quit your job and live on savings while the blog grows. Quite risky in my opinion. Personally, I did it differently. At my main job in the office, I devoted all my free time to blogging. I reflected this principle in my article.

As a rule, experienced bloggers are advised to quit their main job when earnings from their own business become comparable to an office salary. But it was more difficult for me. My company collapsed before that happened. I had some income from the blog, but it was impossible to live on it in Moscow. And my wife and I made an unexpected decision, which, however, was given to us with great difficulty. Instead of looking for a new job in the office, we decided that it's cheaper to live there. And all my free time there, I could devote to the development of the blog.

The situation was something like “make or break”, because if the plan had failed and I could not bring my online earnings to a normal level, then I would have had to look for a new job in the office upon my return to Moscow. And it’s not a fact that at a new job I would have so much free time. But, since you see this article, it means that everything is fine with me. If the plan had failed, I would now languish in some dungeons of the business center and say to my boss: “My lord, your humble servant Perov is ready to carry out all your instructions!”

Reason 2 - Globality

There is no connection to the territory. Your audience can come from anywhere: from Moscow, St. Petersburg or Novosibirsk. If you speak a foreign language, then you can generally attract people from the USA, Canada and other countries to your content. And in fairness, you can see that these will be people with a different level of income and managing a different currency.

The same applies to you. You can work anywhere in the world. A blog does not require you to be in one place. I myself, as you remember, lived in India for a year, leading my project from this country.

Reason 3 - Flexibility and Perspective

In my article “why I quit my office job,” I wrote that, in fact, an office employee of any rank, from a junior employee to a director, has no real prospects. The prospects that he has can be compared with the prospects of a prisoner in a prison cell. For good behavior, he may receive two bowls of gruel instead of one after a few years. This does not change anything essential: as a person was in prison, so he remained in it, despite the fact that he received some benefits. So what if he moved from a common room to a private office and his salary increased? After all, he still has to stand in traffic jams, like everyone else, coordinate his vacations, like everyone else, sit at work from morning to evening, like everyone else.

Although this photo is staged, I would not be able to work like that, but it conveys the essence =)

But a blog means constant new opportunities, perspectives, projects and acquaintances. All this implies a rich choice of ways to earn money and opportunities to always find new sources for it. And I'm talking not only about the prospects for more earnings, which the office also has, but about the prospects for organizing labor in general.

A successful blogger can work and travel at the same time. He plans his own time and rest. He can organize his business in such a way that he works only a couple of hours a day, while having a solid income. There are examples of online businessmen who generally work several days a month, and rest the rest of the time, since what they earn in a couple of days is more than enough for them. Each job is not just a “work”, but a whole way of life.

The office lifestyle is a constant hustle and bustle, short holidays, Mondays and Fridays, shopping malls on the weekends, and the weekend itself, during which you do not have time to relax. The lifestyle of a successful offline businessman who competently organized his work will be much freer and more measured: leaving much more room for rest, self-development, travel and hobbies. And these are the most important prospects.

Reason 4 - Money for work, not for time

If you think carefully about your business, you won't have to work 8 hours, 5 days a week. That will allow you to relax more and devote time to your other hobbies. In the office, a person actually receives money for the time spent within its walls.

Although, sometimes this fact in some companies is trying to gracefully disguise. This can be called in a tricky way "flexible schedule", for example. But a flexible schedule is more about your freedom to work more than less.

Once I went to an interview in a large Russian office. The future boss said to me with enthusiasm: “We do not work here “from call to call”, but strive for the result. If the result is not achieved, then the work is not done.(Obviously implying that I would have to stay if the job wasn't done.)

Then I asked the question: “Do I understand correctly that if there is a result and I have done my job, then I can immediately go home?” The leader began to answer evasively, but his answer could be regarded as "no."

It is clear that they did not take me to work there.

And when you have your own business, you get paid for your work. You can do some work for 9 hours and not earn a penny. But other work brings substantial income in a couple of hours.

You can go on vacation for a few months because you have earned enough during your work. You can work during this time if necessary, but only for an hour a day. In the middle of your working day, you can go to bed, and in between work, take up hobbies, such as playing the guitar. Personally, I do this: when I get tired, I play the guitar, and during the day I often go to bed hugging the cat. Because the work is done and I can rest.

Everything is only limited by your ability to prioritize and organize your business, and not by labor laws and office routine.

Reason 5 – Valuable Communications

You will not have much to communicate with those people with whom you do not want to communicate. You no longer have to put up with a hysterical purchasing officer or your department head who doesn't greet you. Now your like-minded people, interesting people who share your hobbies, will become your partners. The first meeting with my friend and partner Igor Budnikov took place in a cozy and quiet tea room, not in a noisy and stuffy pub. In general, you have the opportunity to choose where, how and with whom to conduct business.

Reason - 6 - Stability


You cannot be fired. You can't be forced to drive to the other side of town just because your company is moving.

If you write, for example, on the topic of self-development, then such topics do not become outdated, people will always be interested in this.

Of course, there are many external factors, as elsewhere, that can shake your position and affect your success. However, I personally feel that owning an online business eliminates the feeling of being a pawn in the corporate game that accompanied me during my office career.

Reason 7 - Working for the future

What does an office worker do every day? He works hard to get his paycheck. Of course, the thought of a future increase sits in his head, but everything moves so slowly towards this and exists in such a distant future. Therefore, we can say that it works mainly on what to cover current needs at a fixed income level. If he earns, say, one hundred thousand, then all his time in the current month is reduced to earning this hundred thousand. This is clear. But online business, due to its flexibility, implies a different model.

For example, I do dedicate part of my time to maintaining the current level of blog popularity and my income: writing articles, answering questions on my online course, etc. This can be attributed to "tactical" tasks. But apart from that, almost every day I devote no less time to working on new projects that can significantly increase my income. And I will say that it is quite pleasant to do not only what allows you to feed yourself today, but also what can bring new opportunities tomorrow.

The next three reasons that I will describe, although they are pluses, are not so unconditional. They will be advantages only if there is a good organization of work, good discipline, a competent choice of a niche, etc. In the event of an unfavorable combination of these factors, a blog, like any kind of business, threatens to turn into a penniless (if not unprofitable) bondage.

Reason - 8 Your income

Your income can be both very large and very small: it all depends on you. Moreover, incomes are limited mainly by your skills and your imagination, and not by the requirements of the market and the “average” salary. A blogger always has room to grow financially. If now his income does not differ significantly from the office salary, then he has the opportunity to increase it by 10, 100, 1000 times! Moreover, this can happen very quickly. And I'm not exaggerating. There is no special ceiling.

But hired work always has a ceiling. This is a certain level of salary above which even top managers do not receive. Moreover, you need to strive for this ceiling for many years with your blood and sweat. The main cream of the profits is collected by owners and investors, while employees have a tiny part of it.

True, unlike in a paid job, in the case of an online business, you do not enter into any contract in which some party would guarantee you payment only for the fact that you "work". Either you are read or not read, you are either popular or not.

You can spend a lot of time and effort and get absolutely nothing for it. But if you are disciplined, have successfully found your niche, write interestingly, open up new opportunities for earning, you can earn. Moreover, there is a great chance that you will have to work less, and earn much more than in hired work. But again, it's all up to you.

Reason 9 - Self-reliance

This aspect also has two sides. Of course, the fact that you do not depend on the bosses, you yourself have the right to plan your schedule and decide when to rest is a plus. Now I can’t even imagine that someone could tell me: “Kolya, sit down and do it, it should be ready by Thursday” or "Why are you late?" But not everyone is ready for independence.

Having no obligation to external authorities, you begin to have obligations to yourself. And many are not ready for this.

A lot of people cannot work in conditions where there is no boss over them along with a work plan. This discourages them, and they score on everything.

There is another side. When a person has his own business, this can cause a feeling of hyper-responsibility, high sensitivity to profits and losses. Such a person will sit behind his project for 12 hours a day, seven days a week. Needless to say, how his work efficiency will decrease as a result of stress and fatigue, and what kind of torment his life will turn into. Discipline is needed not only in work, but also in leisure. For example, some time ago, I taught myself to score on all the letters on weekends and try not to even open the mail.

Developing autonomy in planning can be no more difficult than accustoming yourself to autonomy in the context of organizing work. As a rule, office workers who are accustomed to the fact that they are given tasks, such independence atrophies.

When faced with the need to independently make decisions, find resources and plan, they begin to get lost.

In general, in my opinion, the office often resembles a kind of “adult kindergarten”, where instead of matinees there are corporate parties, instead of educators there are bosses, and instead of rules of conduct there is a corporate culture. Everyone sits in their own sandbox and tries to play with their toys, not to touch other people's, until the teacher allows. There is no need to think too much (and if it is necessary, then only within certain limits, inside the sandbox - beauty!) If you exist for a long time in such conditions, then any ability to show initiative and independence will disappear.

Don't be offended, I'm only talking about myself. Several years of working in the office also did not teach me how to plan independently.

Therefore, the first time I worked on the blog, I could very easily fall into the temptation to do some work (albeit unnecessary and inefficient) for a long time, without even thinking about how useful this work is (I never thought about it in the office). I could edit some imperceptible bug in the site menu for hours, without being aware of the time. I did this because it was psychologically comfortable for me: just to do it and calm myself with the thought: “well, I’m working!” It cost me a lot of effort and a lot of experience to stop judging my work by the number of hours, accustom myself to planning and pay attention to the result, not the time. Now I try to delegate something, and I generally dismiss some of the tasks as less important. I try to always think about what kind of work would be best to do at the moment. It's not that easy, believe me.

Reason 10 - You need to think. Opportunities for self-development

Of course, your online business means constant new trials, discoveries, new information that keeps your brain from drying out.

But I confess to you that sometimes I miss my monotonous office work, and I would gladly undertake to edit some tables in Excel, but only for a couple of hours. Because you get tired of thinking too. And you have to think constantly, moreover, in several planes. You become both a boss, and a financial manager, and a development analyst, and a programmer, and, in fact, a writer.

Of course, writing is a very energy-intensive activity. It happens that it goes easily, but it happens that the brain begins to boil.

But the most difficult thing for me is to switch between different levels of planning and organization. If I only wrote articles, it would be much easier. But I also have to think about how to present my products better, how to make my blog more popular, how to optimize its user experience, how to run advertising campaigns for products. Moreover, different tasks and goals are at different levels. There are tactical, current tasks, to respond to comments, for example. And there are strategic ones: to find new topics and niches, to come up with ideas for new projects. And the most difficult thing is, on the one hand, not to dig into current affairs (and there is a great temptation, especially since there are an innumerable number of them), and on the other hand, not to hover only in the field of long-term strategy, plans and other abstractions. Proper management of your business implies the ability to maintain this delicate balance.

His business also requires a person to constantly develop and improve their qualities. If a person does not grow and develop along with his business, then the business will stand still. And this constant incentive to self-development is, of course, a big plus. As far as I can tell from my own experience, my business has removed the touch of an office kindergarten from my thinking, it has become more mature. Of course, there were many unpleasant, painful moments for my ego, there were many rakes that I stepped on and filled my bumps. But all this allowed me to gain valuable experience and take a step to a new stage of my own development.

Cold shower for those who are too excited

I don’t want you, after reading this article, to contemptuously throw your work in the surprised face of your boss, buy a ticket to Goa in order to show the whole world how you play Warcraft. Here are a few facts that are designed to cool you down a bit, wash away idealism and turn you face to reality.

Point 1 - It is a mistake to believe that having your own business is exactly what you need to get rid of all mental problems.

Point 2 - A hobby that turns into a job ceases to be a hobby in the full sense of the word.

To explain this, I wrote a little cautionary tale. To read it, click on the blue inscription below.

Read story Petya lived. Petya likes to play guitar in the band after work and he likes it very much. Sometimes, returning tired from the office in the train, he dreams: “Oh, I wish I could take off this jacket and become a great musician, earning money on what I have a soul for.” While he was thinking about it, his mind was read by a magical genie who was sleeping under the train bench and granted his wish. The guy is overjoyed! Hooray! He signs a contract with a famous label and starts recording his first album. Cool, we recorded two songs. But Petya no longer wants to play, he is tired and his inspiration has gone. He wants to go home like he used to do at times like this while it was his hobby. But his bandmates stop him. "Wait, we're not lovers anymore! This is our main job. That's the only way we can make money, because we don't work in the office anymore, remember? And we have to hurry up to record an album, whether you like it or not. My daughter is growing. And Vasya the drummer needs to pay a mortgage.” Yes, you can't argue with that. Therefore, Vasya has to go to the studio every day and hang around there until the evening, perfecting the technique of solos and losses. Playing in a basement club, he could still afford to sound "garage" bad, but now he needs to sell the album and play better. And Vasya suddenly makes a discovery that strikes him to the core! It turns out that if you do something every day on an ongoing basis, regardless of your mood and desire, then it starts to bother you, even if it's your favorite thing! Of course, when you play the guitar on the weekends, it's a joy. But even that can become a chore when it turns into work! The first disappointment is followed by the second. After a titanic work on recording, Petya's group shows the finished product to the label, which should distribute the album. “What are these experiments? This hasn't been played since the 70s. Guys, you need to change the sound to a more modern one in order to sell. What to do? Already on the conflict with the drummer "in the mortgage" will not go. Especially since he's running out of money. I had to, reluctantly, change the sound to a new fashionable one. They released an album. Old fans downloaded it from a pirate site and began to resent (not realizing that by downloading music from pirate sites, they themselves contribute to its commercialization): “What kind of commerce is this! You are pissed off! Now you are only interested in money! (of course, your “grateful” fans are not interested in money at all) ”And these already former fans who are used to your experimental rock will not understand that Vasya has a mortgage, and you cannot feed Zhora’s daughter only with enthusiastic critical opuses on the network about a little-known group . The first to turn away from Vasya's group were those who never contributed to its development and did not support it financially. Those who were not even ready to do this, despite the fact that they received a lot of pleasant emotions from Vasya's music. The album is out. Someone bought it, but the sales weren't too great. We have to give concerts. And Petya has already managed to move out from his parents and he needs to pay for a rented apartment. We went on a tour of the cities of Russia, which was very tiring. The album had one hit. And fans in every new city asked to perform it. And you can't even imagine how Petya got tired of playing the same solo over and over again at every concert. Of course, Petya does not regret his choice, despite all the difficulties. Still, he likes playing the guitar much more than his past job as a lawyer. There are also advantages: new creative acquaintances, interesting trips and a large income. But is it possible to say that everything was as cloudless as Petya imagined when he dreamed of turning a hobby into an income?

If you are too lazy to read this story, then I will just make a brief conclusion from it. A favorite business ceases to be so beloved if it becomes a regular activity that gives rise to obligations, requires discipline and financial return. When a hobby becomes a job, it is no longer just a hobby that you do for your own pleasure. And that brings us to the next point.

Point 3: Choose a lifestyle, not just a job

Of course, the very content of your work, what you do, is of great importance. But people often tend to overestimate this meaning: they desperately seek their “calling”, confident that when they find it, they will find happiness. But as we have seen from the previous paragraphs, the transformation of your favorite business into a source of income can bring new difficulties. Even such a thing can get boring if you do it every day from morning to evening, thinking about how to make money.

It seems to me that the problem of “search for a calling” is created by social stereotypes that we must “become someone”, somehow professionally realize ourselves in order to find happiness and spiritual comfort. People change one job for another in search of their "calling", and it continues to seem to them that they simply have not found their profession yet. But, most likely, they simply cannot accept the truth of life that no profession can be a source of permanent satisfaction. Everything is boring, especially if you do it all the time. And most of these people never admit to themselves that they just don't like working! Whoever it was!

And now attention ....
This is fine!!!

I'm not a workaholic and I'm not ashamed of it. Yes, I am disciplined enough and can work to achieve my goals. But I do not need to constantly do something to feel satisfied and. I am comfortable alone with myself, I do not need to run away from myself into the abyss of work. When I rest, I feel good, I don't feel the constant urge to "do something".

“Stop thinking about “what to become”, think about how you want to live!”

I love cycling, yoga, playing the guitar, skiing, reading books, watching movies, listening to music, visiting exhibitions, going for a run, meditating.

We are accustomed to setting ourselves as an example people who are able to fully and unconditionally devote themselves to one single cause, forgetting about everything in the world. But who knows, perhaps such people are deeply unhappy and simply find solace in constant work, as another person finds in alcohol.

And when at the very beginning of the article I asked you "what do you want to do?", for sure everyone thought about work. But I didn't just mean it. Stop thinking about "who to become", think about how you want to live! You can organize your work in such a way that it takes only a few hours a day. Of course, others will say that you are lazy. But let them talk.

I chose not only a job, a profession, but also a way of life. Yes, I chose to write and help people because I love it. But besides that, I chose not to stand in traffic jams every morning and not ride the subway. Do not sit from morning to evening in the same room with strangers. Travel and not be tied to one place. Dedicate more time to your development and just rest. Get enough sleep, be rested and alert. Experience less stress. Be more content with life.

Item 4 - It's work

Of course, everyone can be inspired by stories about a YouTube billionaire and an online businessman who works several days a month.

But “easy money on the Internet without effort” is a scam for fools.

I am sure that these people had to work hard to afford to rest now. Moreover, their success was based not only on discipline and hard work, but also on a fresh idea, experience, willingness to learn new things, learn from their mistakes. This is what allowed them to become who they are. Not every gamer will become a successful gaming blogger. Not every homegrown writer will become the author of a popular blog. Not everyone is able to work, step over themselves, let go of doubts and not give up in the face of difficulties. This is the truth of life.

If you want to create your own website, but you are too lazy to make an effort to understand what SEO is and how hosting differs from a domain, then it will be very difficult for you. Don't worry, you are not unique here. Most people are too lazy to do this. That is why most people do not achieve what successful businessmen achieve.

The paradox is that this very majority can go to work they hate every day, endure the humiliating attitude of their superiors for many years. But at the thought that they will have to spend only a few months collecting information and starting their own business, they panic. If you want to create your own online business, tune in to work. Get ready to change existing habits. Get ready to step out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself. And in the beginning it won't be easy for you.

Findings. Is it worth it to start?

Online business has both unconditional pluses and pluses that can become minuses. As well as undeniable disadvantages. However, there are many more advantages compared to hired work in the office. I can say with confidence that there is more than one reason to quit your job and start making money on your hobby. It's definitely worth getting started.

But it should be understood that running your own business requires much more moral, strong-willed and intellectual qualities than everyday hired work. If you don’t know how to control your emotions, listen to people’s opinions when you need and when you don’t need to, forget about these opinions, then business can only turn into a source of stress and frustration for you. Especially when it comes to a public blog. Your income may change: after a sudden rise and success, a fall may follow. And you have to be able to deal with it. You will be in constant motion, in the process of finding new opportunities, facing new information and new challenges. And you have to be able to deal with it. All responsibility will lie with you. And you have to be able to deal with it. Your laziness, doubts will not go away, they will manifest themselves with renewed vigor. And you have to be able to deal with it. Even if you work well, you will receive offensive comments, unfair accusations. And you have to be able to deal with it. There will be moments when you will start to work with pleasure, but there will be moments when you will start to feel sick from work. And you have to deal with it.

No, I do not want to say that without such qualities as the ability to plan, discipline, initiative, it is not even worth starting. It's just worth getting in. You will need these qualities in life, not just in business. And business will develop them, bring them to a new level. Business is not only the result of a combination of these qualities, but also their cause!

Try it, challenge yourself. But do not jump right off the bat and take your time. Start small. From this day on, stop spending all your free time at work and at home on online games and entertainment sites. Start reading business literature, forums and blogs of successful people. Listen to their advice. And don't expect an idea to pop up right away. Somewhere I read a phrase similar in meaning. "Form determines ideas." This means that the idea does not come from scratch. But when you start to absorb new information, “boil” in a new environment for you, ideas will begin to form in your head as if by themselves. And with slow but sure steps you will begin to approach your dream.

What I also like about my work is that the vast majority of my readers are not my clients, I have no financial relationship with them, and that's great! With some of them, I began to communicate live or correspond. A blog provides a wonderful opportunity to share your knowledge with people absolutely free of charge, but at the same time have an income. And if you liked this article, if you benefited from some of my other articles, you will do me a great favor if you share this article on your social network by clicking on one (or more) of the buttons below. This will be a great, intangible contribution to a project that creates value for you.