Encyclopedia of mehdi thoughts read online. Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa answers the questions of millions of viewers with this book

Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa

Your friend is Mehdi

Appeal to the Russian reader

I thank everyone who reads this book. It contains my story, the whole truth about me: who I am, where I come from, who my parents are, what I do in life. I hope the book will bring us closer, because in order to make friends, you need to get to know a person better.

I have been living in Russia for fifteen years now, I have become its citizen. Russian is almost my native language now. I sincerely fell in love with Russia and the Russian people, your country has become a second home for me.

To help people - and I consider this the main business of my life - you need trust. After reading this book, you will be able to feel my inner world and, perhaps, you will trust me more.

My special thanks go to Vasily Fartyshev for his support and assistance in writing this book, which I hope will give you a few moments of joy.

Thank you very much for being you!

Your friend Mehdi

In the name of Allah, the Gracious and Merciful!


In the beginning there was a word...

and the word was God.


Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa answers the questions of millions of viewers with this book

Many people with unique abilities, representatives of different schools from Russia and the CIS countries, participated in the “Battle of Psychics” program of the TNT channel. Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa became the winner of the third "Battle of Psychics", which thundered around the world under the British name "Psychic challenge", a program that changed the idea of ​​​​people who have unusual abilities and successfully treat.

The fate of the wizard

Figuratively speaking, today thirty-five precious beads are strung on my "rosary" - thirty-five lived years. Or, in other words, I flew around the Sun thirty-five times in this beautiful spaceship - the planet Earth.

I spent the last fifteen of them in Russia, although I was born and raised in Iran. I am often asked: why in Russia? The choice was rather strange. My father in Tehran was very fond of watching films about Russian partisans. My father loved Russia and showed me films about the Great Patriotic War. Women - participants in hostilities were goddesses for him! He told me about the war. Father dreamed of seeing Red Square. And I promised myself: I have to show him Red Square.

Once, after the army, I had a dream in which I spoke some unfamiliar language. I remember only one letter "d". A day later, the cartoon “Well, you wait!” was shown on TV. And I saw this letter there. After that I bought a Russian dictionary and realized that I speak this language, although my native language is Farsi. Now Russia has become a second home for me, it gave me an education, a wife, a son. I love Russia and all Russians very much.

But I have to start my story from early childhood. That's when it all started...

Chapter first

strange boy

Many people have early childhood memory. Here I am no exception. The very first childhood impressions have been preserved in my memory, probably from the age of two. And at four I felt that I had to help people. From early childhood he predicted what would happen to his neighbors. I saw everything beforehand. As a boy, when I really wanted to buy something, and my father refused for some reason, I went out into the street and, not walking a hundred meters from the house, found on the road exactly the amount I needed. Or the right thing - for example, a ball.

After the third “Battle of Psychics”, I already told something about myself in the framework of the TV project to the viewers of the TNT channel. And yet, much remains behind the scenes. Dozens, hundreds of times I was asked: how do I perceive my gift, my place in life, my destiny?

The gift of clairvoyance was discovered in early childhood. I have always been like that, I just did not immediately understand that not everyone sees and hears the same thing as me. In fact, no one sees it at all!

For example, some creatures lived on an old cherry tree in our garden ... Little ones ... They talked to me, played, explained something to me. I showed them to my mom and dad, tried to introduce them, but my parents didn’t see anything! Everything that happened to me embarrassed my father and mother, and even my neighbors, even frightened me. Just in case, I, a four-year-old, was given a separate room: so to speak, away from sin, they moved me away from my brothers and sisters - I have two brothers and two sisters.

My parents said that I never cried as a child.

I was very lonely at school. My classmates were afraid of me. And I just sincerely wanted to warn everyone about the troubles that threaten him. For example, he informed one that today the teacher would ask him and put a deuce. And he really got it. He said to another: do not play ball today, they will break your nose there. He did not believe - and his nose was broken. He warned the third: do not lose your briefcase today, otherwise your parents will punish you. But he lost, and he was punished.

The children began to think that I was causing their troubles. But they could, having believed me, avoid them - after all, for this I spoke. It's a pity when your good intentions are not understood, interpreted the other way around.

Now let me tell you a little about my parents. His father's name is Ali, he is engaged in business, but he is also a writer, he loves to write poetry and is fond of philosophy. He is a very smart person. On the paternal side, we are all Persians for several generations.

In his family, the father is the first who married a woman of a different nationality. Mom, her name was Sophia, - Turkish. She came from a low-income family, received no education and did not speak Farsi. She and her dad were from completely different social strata of society.

I was born on June 8, 1973 in Tehran. I came into this world quickly - my mother gave birth to me at home, before I could get to the hospital. It can be said that I, my brothers and sisters were born from great love. Violating the age-old customs of his clan, the father proved that he loves Sophia. When he got married, there were big problems in the family. His parents, grandparents did not understand him, did not accept his daughter-in-law, refused to help the young family. All my life my parents achieved everything only on their own. They started from scratch, even though my grandfather's family was rich.

Father and mother proved that there is great Love in the world, they reached the pinnacle of happiness. I am grateful to my father that he made such a choice and did not listen to anyone. In the end, my grandparents adopted my mother as a daughter, and she learned Persian and spoke almost without an accent. Mom proved to all our relatives that she truly loves her father.

I’ll tell you a little more about my mother ... When she was three years old, her mother Zuleikha died, and a year later her father also died. She remained an orphan. I had to part with two sisters: they were small, and they were taken to be raised in other families. Mom often spent the night next to the police building. Then the police took her to their place, began to feed her, and the girl, in response, began to help them, clean, cook ... Can you imagine? Five year old child! She was very fond of sweet tea, drank twenty times a day, and then in her old age she suffered from diabetes ...

Later, my mother got a job at the embassy to a Russian family. I learned a lot of Russian words. She also worked as a nanny. She, of course, had no education, but how she knew how to care, how she loved children! I walked with them, learned songs, perceived them as my own, relatives. She was even awarded the medal "The Best Nanny". And until the last minute of her life, my mother was independent and very strong. She did not want to be a burden, did not allow herself to be looked after. Even after an operation or being sick, she always received guests herself, considering it very important. Many nations have such a saying: “A guest in the house is God in the house,” and my mother followed this unshakable rule all her life. If a person crossed the threshold of our house, this is already the guest, and he must be respected, surrounded by care. It is necessary to prepare the most delicious tea ... Mom was very hospitable. Strong and kind, a real support not only for her father, for us, but for everyone around her - she was known like that. She taught us to be strong and kind. When a person has these traits - it's great! Thank you mommy!!!

After moving to Tehran and getting married, she began looking for her sisters. And found, and always loved them, always cared for them. She had no concept of "good" and "bad" person. She did good to everyone. “I will do good, and God will help me,” my mother used to say. Even today I think of her as if she were alive, I see her, I listen, she helps me in many ways ... Helps me to be strong! Thank you, thank you…

We have five children in our family. I am the middle, third child. There is an older brother, Reza, an older sister, Mahbube, a younger brother, Majid, and a younger sister, Mahnaz.

Every person, of course, should love children and live for them. In Iran, however, some families take care of sons and daughters up to the age of thirty. I think that a person should achieve everything himself. Another very important difference from other countries is that almost all families respect the elderly, take care of them until the last minute of their lives, but they stubbornly strive to do everything themselves - pride does not allow them to accept help. So my father is still working, despite his advanced age, although his older children have long been independent, one might say, they are well off and could easily help the old man. But such is his character, such is his credo: you cannot accept help from children while you can provide for yourself! After all, accepting help from them means depriving your grandchildren of something, which means that the grandchildren will have less vitality, less opportunities ... I think that his considerable wisdom is reflected in this.

Current page: 1 (total book has 14 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 8 pages]

Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa
Your friend is Mehdi

Appeal to the Russian reader

I thank everyone who reads this book. It contains my story, the whole truth about me: who I am, where I come from, who my parents are, what I do in life. I hope the book will bring us closer, because in order to make friends, you need to get to know a person better.

I have been living in Russia for fifteen years now, I have become its citizen. Russian is almost my native language now. I sincerely fell in love with Russia and the Russian people, your country has become a second home for me.

To help people - and I consider this the main business of my life - you need trust. After reading this book, you will be able to feel my inner world and, perhaps, you will trust me more.

My special thanks go to Vasily Fartyshev for his support and assistance in writing this book, which I hope will give you a few moments of joy.

Thank you very much for being you!

Your friend Mehdi

In the name of Allah, the Gracious and Merciful!


In the beginning there was a word...

and the word was God.


Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa answers the questions of millions of viewers with this book

Many people with unique abilities, representatives of different schools from Russia and the CIS countries, participated in the “Battle of Psychics” program of the TNT channel. Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa became the winner of the third "Battle of Psychics", which thundered around the world under the British name "Psychic challenge", a program that changed the idea of ​​​​people who have unusual abilities and successfully treat.

The fate of the wizard

Figuratively speaking, today thirty-five precious beads are strung on my "rosary" - thirty-five lived years. Or, in other words, I flew around the Sun thirty-five times in this beautiful spaceship - the planet Earth.

I spent the last fifteen of them in Russia, although I was born and raised in Iran. I am often asked: why in Russia? The choice was rather strange. My father in Tehran was very fond of watching films about Russian partisans. My father loved Russia and showed me films about the Great Patriotic War. Women - participants in hostilities were goddesses for him! He told me about the war. Father dreamed of seeing Red Square. And I promised myself: I have to show him Red Square.

Once, after the army, I had a dream in which I spoke some unfamiliar language. I remember only one letter "d". A day later, the cartoon “Well, you wait!” was shown on TV. And I saw this letter there. After that I bought a Russian dictionary and realized that I speak this language, although my native language is Farsi. Now Russia has become a second home for me, it gave me an education, a wife, a son. I love Russia and all Russians very much.

But I have to start my story from early childhood. That's when it all started...

Chapter first
strange boy

Many people have early childhood memory. Here I am no exception. The very first childhood impressions have been preserved in my memory, probably from the age of two. And at four I felt that I had to help people. From early childhood he predicted what would happen to his neighbors. I saw everything beforehand. As a boy, when I really wanted to buy something, and my father refused for some reason, I went out into the street and, not walking a hundred meters from the house, found on the road exactly the amount I needed. Or the right thing - for example, a ball.

After the third “Battle of Psychics”, I already told something about myself in the framework of the TV project to the viewers of the TNT channel. And yet, much remains behind the scenes. Dozens, hundreds of times I was asked: how do I perceive my gift, my place in life, my destiny?

The gift of clairvoyance was discovered in early childhood. I have always been like that, I just did not immediately understand that not everyone sees and hears the same thing as me. In fact, no one sees it at all!

For example, some creatures lived on an old cherry tree in our garden ... Little ones ... They talked to me, played, explained something to me. I showed them to my mom and dad, tried to introduce them, but my parents didn’t see anything! Everything that happened to me embarrassed my father and mother, and even my neighbors, even frightened me. Just in case, I, a four-year-old, was given a separate room: so to speak, away from sin, they moved me away from my brothers and sisters - I have two brothers and two sisters.

My parents said that I never cried as a child.

I was very lonely at school. My classmates were afraid of me. And I just sincerely wanted to warn everyone about the troubles that threaten him. For example, he informed one that today the teacher would ask him and put a deuce. And he really got it. He said to another: do not play ball today, they will break your nose there. He did not believe - and his nose was broken. He warned the third: do not lose your briefcase today, otherwise your parents will punish you. But he lost, and he was punished.

The children began to think that I was causing their troubles. But they could, having believed me, avoid them - after all, for this I spoke. It's a pity when your good intentions are not understood, interpreted the other way around.

Now let me tell you a little about my parents. His father's name is Ali, he is engaged in business, but he is also a writer, he loves to write poetry and is fond of philosophy. He is a very smart person. On the paternal side, we are all Persians for several generations.

In his family, the father is the first who married a woman of a different nationality. Mom, her name was Sophia, - Turkish. She came from a low-income family, received no education and did not speak Farsi. She and her dad were from completely different social strata of society.

I was born on June 8, 1973 in Tehran. I came into this world quickly - my mother gave birth to me at home, before I could get to the hospital. It can be said that I, my brothers and sisters were born from great love. Violating the age-old customs of his clan, the father proved that he loves Sophia. When he got married, there were big problems in the family. His parents, grandparents did not understand him, did not accept his daughter-in-law, refused to help the young family. All my life my parents achieved everything only on their own. They started from scratch, even though my grandfather's family was rich.

Father and mother proved that there is great Love in the world, they reached the pinnacle of happiness. I am grateful to my father that he made such a choice and did not listen to anyone. In the end, my grandparents adopted my mother as a daughter, and she learned Persian and spoke almost without an accent. Mom proved to all our relatives that she truly loves her father.

I’ll tell you a little more about my mother ... When she was three years old, her mother Zuleikha died, and a year later her father also died. She remained an orphan. I had to part with two sisters: they were small, and they were taken to be raised in other families. Mom often spent the night next to the police building. Then the police took her to their place, began to feed her, and the girl, in response, began to help them, clean, cook ... Can you imagine? Five year old child! She was very fond of sweet tea, drank twenty times a day, and then in her old age she suffered from diabetes ...

Later, my mother got a job at the embassy to a Russian family. I learned a lot of Russian words. She also worked as a nanny. She, of course, had no education, but how she knew how to care, how she loved children! I walked with them, learned songs, perceived them as my own, relatives. She was even awarded the medal "The Best Nanny". And until the last minute of her life, my mother was independent and very strong. She did not want to be a burden, did not allow herself to be looked after. Even after an operation or being sick, she always received guests herself, considering it very important. Many nations have such a saying: “A guest in the house is God in the house,” and my mother followed this unshakable rule all her life. If a person crossed the threshold of our house, this is already the guest, and he must be respected, surrounded by care. It is necessary to prepare the most delicious tea ... Mom was very hospitable. Strong and kind, a real support not only for her father, for us, but for everyone around her - she was known like that. She taught us to be strong and kind. When a person has these traits - it's great! Thank you mommy!!!

After moving to Tehran and getting married, she began looking for her sisters. And found, and always loved them, always cared for them. She had no concept of "good" and "bad" person. She did good to everyone. “I will do good, and God will help me,” my mother used to say. Even today I think of her as if she were alive, I see her, I listen, she helps me in many ways ... Helps me to be strong! Thank you, thank you…

We have five children in our family. I am the middle, third child. There is an older brother, Reza, an older sister, Mahbube, a younger brother, Majid, and a younger sister, Mahnaz.

Every person, of course, should love children and live for them. In Iran, however, some families take care of sons and daughters up to the age of thirty. I think that a person should achieve everything himself. Another very important difference from other countries is that almost all families respect the elderly, take care of them until the last minute of their lives, but they stubbornly strive to do everything themselves - pride does not allow them to accept help. So my father is still working, despite his advanced age, although his older children have long been independent, one might say, they are well off and could easily help the old man. But such is his character, such is his credo: you cannot accept help from children while you can provide for yourself! After all, accepting help from them means depriving your grandchildren of something, which means that the grandchildren will have less vitality, less opportunities ... I think that his considerable wisdom is reflected in this.

I decided to tell the whole truth about myself.

There is a cherry tree in the yard of our house. As a child, I climbed on it and played there. They even gave me the nickname Tarzan. I played not alone, but I saw them only me. I showed them everyone: parents, brothers, sisters. They were angels. When necessary, I see them and still, they are the same as then. But now they appear in the form of pictures. We talked and played. What happens to me throughout my life is from them, their energy. I have always seen them since I was three or four years old. This is a strong childhood memory.

The older sister said that I was sick, that I was not all right with my head. Seeing that it was impossible to tear me away from the tree, my relatives began to seriously think about my health, and sometimes even mocked me. It was sad.

I did not part with these angels until the age of five, experiencing both fear and joy from this.

And there was also a woman who stroked me before going to bed - it was scary, I screamed, sometimes I could not even speak - because I was small.

Parents, despite all their love for us children, did not always understand me. Well, it happens in any family, I'm not offended.

When I was six years old, we went to the village. I liked one goat very much, and I took it with me to the city, I called it Shah. But there was nowhere to keep him, in the capital it is not customary to keep animals in the house. Together with my father, we built a house for him in the yard. That was the first time I learned that animals can love. The kid not only loved me, but protected me just like a dog. If I was offended, the goat stood up for my defense, beat with his horns, as it seemed to him, the offender.

When I returned from school, Shah was always waiting for me. He wanted to be by my side always! Yes, he became my very first friend, because friendship with peers did not work. I felt good with Shah - we played, no one asked me questions, and I could not and did not want to talk with my peers.

Then a tragedy happened: a black cat frightened the goat so much that he fell into the pool in the yard and drowned. His parents gave his body to the scavengers. Waking up in the morning, I began to ask about the Shah, but they didn’t tell me anything, and I decided to look for him on my own. It was then, for the first time in my life, that I mentally began to search. Closing my eyes, I saw a car with garbage and Shah being thrown into a landfill. And although I was small, I went in search of this landfill - it was far from home. There I found Shah, brought him to the house and spent the whole night with him in the yard, I did not enter the house. At six in the morning I buried him under a cherry tree. At first, my parents objected, but, seeing my grief, they reconciled. I still remember my goat today. Then, at the age of six, I made the first act, showing loyalty to friendship.

I also loved pigeons. Kept them at home. These birds always come back home. They are loyal, never sit on someone else's roof. They are where they are fed. Pigeons loved me very much, and not only because I fed them. This is a pleasant memory. But one day my father did a terrible thing - since I sat on the roof for a long time, did not do my homework, did not read, he took them to another city and gave them to someone. But I was sure that the pigeons would return! After all, I was waiting for them, and they always flew back. Pigeons live up to ten years ...

And they arrived a month later! My father realized that there was some special connection between me and the birds. I promised that I would do my homework and he left them to me. Thanks to him. Before my arrival in Moscow, pigeons were always with me.

I love horses very much. This graceful, very intelligent and patient animal, in my opinion, is endowed with a soul. I made friends with animals, birds. He ran fast and therefore received a second nickname - the Cheetah. He loved sports - football, mini-football, swimming, tennis, shooting. Once there was a competition at school, and not long before that I broke my leg. Our team reached the final, and I begged the director to let me play. He agreed. I took off my cast myself, put on my sneakers and went to play. At the end of the game I felt terrible pain, but I scored a goal and we won.

At the age of ten, my friends and I were throwing out all sorts of jokes, practical jokes. Boys are boys, they cannot do without tricks. One holiday I bought a bouquet of roses, stood in front of the girls' school and gave each of them a rose. The girls rejoiced and wondered: why is Mehdi making presents for everyone today?! And after five or ten minutes they all suddenly began to sneeze - we added pepper to the roses. At first it was very funny, but then we realized: a bad joke.

In the company of friends, I was the ringleader. Once we caught frogs and painted them gold. Very beautifully packaged and presented to the girls. They opened the boxes at the lesson to see what the gifts were, and frogs began to jump out of there! There was such a scream and squeal that it was audible even on the street! Of course, we didn’t joke like that anymore, but it seems to me that everyone remembers this story with pleasure. Is it funny? Funny!

And I also had a rooster Sultan. Wonderful. He was small, multi-colored feathers, so beautiful. Exactly at 6.30 he sang his song on the roof: ku-ka-re-ku! And, of course, I tortured all the neighbors with this, and they asked me to do something with this rooster, so everyone was tired of it. But what could I do with it?! Glue his beak?

The rooster was very small, but so brave! I have never seen such things in my life! When he was around other big roosters, he always jumped into the fight and fought like a real fighter! I wanted to show you how cool you really are. Well done!

Then I realized that size does not matter. This rooster taught me a lot. I remember how he was beaten, but he got up again and continued to fight! So a person must be brave, have inner strength and, no matter what happens to him, must get up, continue to live and fight for happiness. Little cockerel Sultan taught me this. Sometimes he won even big roosters. Everyone who saw it laughed! The little rooster runs after the big one to prove that he is strong, he does not give up.

I also never give up, I try to go to the end. There is a saying "Russians don't give up!" We have the same one: “Peaches (Persians) do not give up!”

Psychic abilities began to manifest in me from a very early age. There was a conviction that I could or rather should help people, but I did not know how to do it. From the age of six, he began to anticipate events that would happen in the future, warned people about dangers, misfortunes, and, of course, reported positive changes.

At the age of nine, I began to predict death. I had nightmares at night: illnesses of loved ones, accidents, and all this, to my great regret, came true. That's why my relatives sent me to live separately, on the third floor, sort of under house arrest. They, like classmates, were afraid of my prophecies, because everything that I foresaw, both good and bad, certainly came true.

When I began to live separately from my family, spirits began to appear to me, I communicated with them. But he did not want to scare his relatives, so he agreed to live alone. It was hard to live alone, as an outcast, oh, hard!

Later, new abilities were discovered. Many said that not only words, but also my hands have a special effect - they give calmness, confidence, save people from illness and suffering. The person holding my hand was cheered up, self-confidence appeared. And I even seriously thought: maybe I am an alien?

Chapter Two
My city

So, we lived in the center of the capital of Iran, in a three-story stone house. But unlike most capitals in the world, my hometown lives by a different tradition: rich people buy or build houses outside the center, where housing is not the most expensive. Here is such a paradox. In Moscow, the center is considered the most prestigious area, in Tehran - the north of the city.

Our capital is a very beautiful and rich city. The population is about 18 million people. In the center is an old oriental bazaar. You can appreciate Tehran only by seeing it with your own eyes. Many Russian movie lovers represent the city based on the famous film "Tehran-43". Stone houses are crowded on the streets. There is little greenery, a complex system of underground tunnels, watercourses ... This idea is both true and false. The filmmakers tried to shoot the oldest quarters of the city in order to convey the spirit of that era. In fact, the capital of Iran today looks different. There are a lot of modern buildings, greenery, flowers, but a lot of oriental exoticism and Persian flavor remain. The city is surrounded on all sides by mountains with snow-white peaks, and the snow on them remains long after summer has long come to the city itself ...

I consider Iran a self-sufficient, developed country. We have everything of our own - medicines, food, cars, etc. Iran does without the help of other countries. At present, the pressure of the West on the development of the East is felt - it dictates its will to other peoples, limits foreign economic relations, tries to isolate it from the rest of the world. Just recently, sanctions were imposed against the Russian company Rosoboronexport and its subsidiaries, and American companies were banned from any cooperation with them, because Russia is helping Iran develop its own nuclear energy. The pretext was far-fetched: allegedly Russia is supplying Iran with ballistic missiles and dual-use technologies, military and civilian. In addition, the United States has been striving for years to control Iranian natural resources and energy.

I spent my childhood enjoying the harmony of this wonderful and beautiful city. Since ancient times, the capital has followed its traditions and customs. The city is civilized, with all communications and amenities. Many Tehranians have their own houses, from one to four floors. There are also multi-apartment buildings, the same as in Moscow. All buildings are built of brick, and for beauty, they are lined with marble on top.

The business part of the city is located in the center. There is also, as I said, a very large market, you can walk around it all day, and still you will not see it in its entirety. To buy a certain thing, you need to know which part of the market to go to, because all goods are divided into sectors.

If you are in Tehran, be sure to visit the market where they sell gold and antiques. You will have unforgettable impressions! The gold market is literally the richest! Persian carpets are a miracle of miracles! The more you walk on them, the more beautiful they become! In Iran, all carpets are laid only on the floor and in no case are they hung on the walls, as is customary in Russia. There is no need to insulate the walls: it is not so cold. And what to say about silk carpets - it's just lovely! Handmade products that you definitely need to see at least once in your life! This is also a miracle!

The capital has many beautiful museums, mansions, natural parks, trading houses, restaurants for every taste.

National cuisine dishes are very tasty. The main dishes are meat, chicken, fish, the main side dish is rice. There were no sausages before, but now they have. Raw-smoked sausage does not exist, and, I think, my countrymen will never like it. I once brought raw smoked sausage with me - no one began to eat. What to do, “The East is a delicate matter!”, As the famous movie character Fyodor Sukhov said.

Very tasty "golden" and black caviar. I think it ranks first in the world in terms of taste.

The national cuisine is very peculiar. For example, cheese is only Iranian-made, and foreign cheeses are practically not produced. In restaurants, in terms of Russian currency, for three hundred rubles you can dine both plentifully and very tasty. Iran is a Muslim country, so alcohol is prohibited. But you can try the drink "duk", it is similar to "tan" - a sour-milk product. Cola, fanta - all Iranian production. Tea - mostly black, tasty and fragrant. But there are lovers of green tea.

Tehran is a very fashionable city, and clothes are for every taste. Since this is a Muslim country, all women must wear a headscarf on the street.

In Iranian nature, there are still the same four seasons, but they are not as pronounced as in Russia. There are places in Iran where you can swim, sunbathe, and ski at the same time.

My city is most beautiful in memory, in memories and dreams, in anticipation of meeting with it. You won’t see it right away, to visitors it may seem somehow differently built up, in a hurry to get rid of its original features as soon as possible, striving for European urbanization or dull, dusty, boring, but everything will be wrong! Because this city is not just one, it is very different. It has an amazing property, like yours, reader, small homeland, be it a city or a village: wherever you are, no matter how good you feel in other places, you are drawn here, and you return - in your youth, in maturity and in old age - to the City of Eternal Return. Time here flows more slowly than anywhere else on the planet, and where it is slower, a person stays young longer. Young men, not realizing this amazing feature, become impatient, it seems to them that life here is monotonous, they leave home, search, compare, remember - and then all the colors of this city, its smells and sounds bloom in memory, and the first return occurs. to him.

Previously, my city was closer to people - there were fewer fences, and fruit trees, walnut, pear, quince, fig, mulberry and cherry, vines grew in freedom, right on the street. Today there are fewer such places.

Autumn is a fertile time in my city; Watermelons, melons, persimmons, roots, spices, bunches of onions, garlic, red and green peppers, hills of scarlet tomatoes, trellises of flowers - roses, chrysanthemums, asters, oaks ... Lamb carcasses hang, turkeys, geese, chickens are covered with gold - everything is in abundance . Kvokhchet, mooing, squealing various living creatures, which were brought by the peasants - fellahs. Here, artisans also put up their products for sale: thin-necked kumgans, chasing, souvenir daggers, jewelry, and ceramics. There are also carpets, the famous Persian carpets of various patterns... You can't count them all. The crowd is buzzing and it all looks like a carnival! And there is a teahouse where, cross-legged, gray-bearded sages sit on carpets, drink tea from blue porcelain bowls, play backgammon, and talk sedately and leisurely. Somewhere a zurna and a harmonica sound with special melody.

Above the world, the blue is unusual, pure, framed by gold. The trees have begun to shed their leaves, and there is no such shade that would not now settle in their crowns. Ivy and grapes rise to the third floor of buildings, sometimes bunches lie directly on flat roofs. Heat, heels get stuck in the heated asphalt. Somewhere the leaves are already burning, and the city is exhausted from the incense that torments the soul.

But now the muezzins have already risen to the upper platforms of the minarets, and their voices with iridescent modulations, from bass to tenor and back, remind us all of God.

Evening comes swiftly and immediately, and the city, blazing with colorful foliage, is illuminated by a yellowish, brightening moon every minute. It is larger here than in the north, and its brightness against the background of a thick black southern night is so great that even every trunk, bush, blade of grass casts a bright black shadow. An amazing sight on such a full moon is a night garden! Tropical lush vegetation mirrors and clearly, like an engraving, is reflected on the earth, a strange network of curved and intertwined lines and signs is woven by the moon, and you can look at this brilliant picture for hours, forgetting yourself, and the moon pours and pours its pure secondary light - the roofs are silvering, flashing dew, and you can write a letter to your beloved without lighting a lamp. Ah, the moonlit nights of my city! - how many there were, and how many youthful dreams and tears this unearthly light knows!

The city easily releases its inhabitants from itself - the more expensive it will be then a new meeting with it. It is as if it was created in order to put an end to the previous life, find the true self, renew itself, gain strength and start all over again - the City of the Eternal Return of wanderers.

In the popular television project "The Battle of Psychics" in 2007, Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa won. Since then, millions of fans of his gift have been asking Mehdi thousands of questions of a very different nature.

Unable to answer everyone personally, Mehdi has written an autobiographical book that answers most of the most frequently asked questions.

Appeal to the Russian reader

I thank everyone who reads this book. It contains my story, the whole truth about me: who I am, where I come from, who my parents are, what I do in life. I hope the book will bring us closer, because in order to make friends, you need to get to know a person better.

I have been living in Russia for fifteen years now, I have become its citizen. Russian is almost my native language now. I sincerely fell in love with Russia and the Russian people, your country has become a second home for me.

To help people - and I consider this the main business of my life - you need trust. After reading this book, you will be able to feel my inner world and, perhaps, you will trust me more.

My special thanks go to Vasily Fartyshev for his support and assistance in writing this book, which I hope will give you a few moments of joy.

Thank you very much for being you!

Your friend Mehdi

In the name of Allah, the Gracious and Merciful!


In the beginning there was a word...

and the word was God.


Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa answers the questions of millions of viewers with this book

Many people with unique abilities, representatives of different schools from Russia and the CIS countries, participated in the “Battle of Psychics” program of the TNT channel. Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa became the winner of the third "Battle of Psychics", which thundered around the world under the British name "Psychic challenge", a program that changed the idea of ​​​​people who have unusual abilities and successfully treat.

The fate of the wizard

Figuratively speaking, today thirty-five precious beads are strung on my "rosary" - thirty-five lived years. Or, in other words, I flew around the Sun thirty-five times in this beautiful spaceship - the planet Earth.

I spent the last fifteen of them in Russia, although I was born and raised in Iran. I am often asked: why in Russia? The choice was rather strange. My father in Tehran was very fond of watching films about Russian partisans. My father loved Russia and showed me films about the Great Patriotic War. Women - participants in hostilities were goddesses for him! He told me about the war. Father dreamed of seeing Red Square. And I promised myself: I have to show him Red Square.

Once, after the army, I had a dream in which I spoke some unfamiliar language. I remember only one letter "d". A day later, the cartoon “Well, you wait!” was shown on TV. And I saw this letter there. After that I bought a Russian dictionary and realized that I speak this language, although my native language is Farsi. Now Russia has become a second home for me, it gave me an education, a wife, a son. I love Russia and all Russians very much.

But I have to start my story from early childhood. That's when it all started...

In the popular television project "Battle of Psychics" in 2007, Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa won. Since then, millions of fans of his gift have been asking Mehdi thousands of questions of a very different nature.

Unable to answer everyone personally, Mehdi has written an autobiographical book that answers most of the most frequently asked questions.

Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa
Your friend is Mehdi

Appeal to the Russian reader

I thank everyone who reads this book. It contains my story, the whole truth about me: who I am, where I come from, who my parents are, what I do in life. I hope the book will bring us closer, because in order to make friends, you need to get to know a person better.

I have been living in Russia for fifteen years now, I have become its citizen. Russian is almost my native language now. I sincerely fell in love with Russia and the Russian people, your country has become a second home for me.

To help people - and I consider this the main business of my life - you need trust. After reading this book, you will be able to feel my inner world and, perhaps, you will trust me more.

My special thanks go to Vasily Fartyshev for his support and assistance in writing this book, which I hope will give you a few moments of joy.

Thank you very much for being you!

Your friend Mehdi

In the name of Allah, the Gracious and Merciful!


In the beginning there was a word...

and the word was God.


Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa answers the questions of millions of viewers with this book

Many people with unique abilities, representatives of different schools from Russia and the CIS countries, participated in the "Battle of Psychics" program of the TNT channel. Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa became the winner of the third "Battle of psychics", which thundered around the world under the British name "Psychic challenge", a program that changed the idea of ​​​​people who have unusual abilities and successfully treat.

The fate of the wizard

Figuratively speaking, today thirty-five precious beads are strung on my "rosary" - thirty-five lived years. Or, in other words, I flew around the Sun thirty-five times in this beautiful spaceship - the planet Earth.

I spent the last fifteen of them in Russia, although I was born and raised in Iran. I am often asked: why in Russia? The choice was rather strange. My father in Tehran was very fond of watching films about Russian partisans. My father loved Russia and showed me films about the Great Patriotic War. Women - participants in hostilities were goddesses for him! He told me about the war. Father dreamed of seeing Red Square. And I promised myself: I have to show him Red Square.

Once, after the army, I had a dream in which I spoke some unfamiliar language. I remember only one letter "d". A day later, the cartoon "Well, you wait!" was shown on TV. And I saw this letter there. After that I bought a Russian dictionary and realized that I speak this language, although my native language is Farsi. Now Russia has become a second home for me, it gave me an education, a wife, a son. I love Russia and all Russians very much.

But I have to start my story from early childhood. That's when it all started...

Chapter first
strange boy

Many people have early childhood memory. Here I am no exception. The very first childhood impressions have been preserved in my memory, probably from the age of two. And at four I felt that I had to help people. From early childhood he predicted what would happen to his neighbors. I saw everything beforehand. As a boy, when I really wanted to buy something, and my father refused for some reason, I went out into the street and, not walking a hundred meters from the house, found on the road exactly the amount I needed. Or the right thing - for example, a ball.

After the third "Battle of Psychics" I already told something about myself in the framework of the TV project to the viewers of the TNT channel. And yet, much remains behind the scenes. Dozens, hundreds of times I was asked: how do I perceive my gift, my place in life, my destiny?

The gift of clairvoyance was discovered in early childhood. I have always been like that, I just did not immediately understand that not everyone sees and hears the same thing as me. In fact, no one sees it at all!

For example, some creatures lived on an old cherry tree in our garden ... Little ones ... They talked to me, played, explained something to me. I showed them to my mom and dad, tried to introduce them, but my parents didn’t see anything! Everything that happened to me embarrassed my father and mother, and even my neighbors, even frightened me. Just in case, I, a four-year-old, was given a separate room: so to speak, away from sin, they moved me away from my brothers and sisters - I have two brothers and two sisters.

My parents said that I never cried as a child.

I was very lonely at school. My classmates were afraid of me. And I just sincerely wanted to warn everyone about the troubles that threaten him. For example, he informed one that today the teacher would ask him and put a deuce. And he really got it. He said to another: do not play ball today, they will break your nose there. He did not believe - and his nose was broken. He warned the third: do not lose your briefcase today, otherwise your parents will punish you. But he lost, and he was punished.

The children began to think that I was causing their troubles. But they could, having believed me, avoid them - after all, for this I spoke. It's a pity when your good intentions are not understood, interpreted the other way around.

Now let me tell you a little about my parents. His father's name is Ali, he is engaged in business, but he is also a writer, he loves to write poetry and is fond of philosophy. He is a very smart person. On the paternal side, we are all Persians for several generations.

In his family, the father is the first who married a woman of a different nationality. Mom, her name was Sophia, - Turkish. She came from a low-income family, received no education and did not speak Farsi. She and her dad were from completely different social strata of society.

I was born on June 8, 1973 in Tehran. I came into this world quickly - my mother gave birth to me at home, before I could get to the hospital. It can be said that I, my brothers and sisters were born from great love. Violating the age-old customs of his clan, the father proved that he loves Sophia. When he got married, there were big problems in the family. His parents, grandparents did not understand him, did not accept his daughter-in-law, refused to help the young family. All my life my parents achieved everything only on their own. They started from scratch, even though my grandfather's family was rich.

Father and mother proved that there is great Love in the world, they reached the pinnacle of happiness. I am grateful to my father that he made such a choice and did not listen to anyone. In the end, my grandparents adopted my mother as a daughter, and she learned Persian and spoke almost without an accent. Mom proved to all our relatives that she truly loves her father.

I thank everyone who reads this book. It contains my story, the whole truth about me: who I am, where I come from, who my parents are, what I do in life. I hope the book will bring us closer, because in order to make friends, you need to get to know a person better.

I have been living in Russia for fifteen years now, I have become its citizen. Russian is almost my native language now. I sincerely fell in love with Russia and the Russian people, your country has become a second home for me.

To help people - and I consider this the main business of my life - you need trust. After reading this book, you will be able to feel my inner world and, perhaps, you will trust me more.

My special thanks go to Vasily Fartyshev for his support and assistance in writing this book, which I hope will give you a few moments of joy.

Thank you very much for being you!

Your friend Mehdi

In the name of Allah, the Gracious and Merciful!


In the beginning there was a word...

and the word was God.


Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa answers the questions of millions of viewers with this book

Many people with unique abilities, representatives of different schools from Russia and the CIS countries, participated in the “Battle of Psychics” program of the TNT channel. Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa became the winner of the third "Battle of Psychics", which thundered around the world under the British name "Psychic challenge", a program that changed the idea of ​​​​people who have unusual abilities and successfully treat.

The fate of the wizard

Figuratively speaking, today thirty-five precious beads are strung on my "rosary" - thirty-five lived years. Or, in other words, I flew around the Sun thirty-five times in this beautiful spaceship - the planet Earth.

I spent the last fifteen of them in Russia, although I was born and raised in Iran. I am often asked: why in Russia? The choice was rather strange. My father in Tehran was very fond of watching films about Russian partisans. My father loved Russia and showed me films about the Great Patriotic War. Women - participants in hostilities were goddesses for him! He told me about the war. Father dreamed of seeing Red Square. And I promised myself: I have to show him Red Square.

Once, after the army, I had a dream in which I spoke some unfamiliar language. I remember only one letter "d". A day later, the cartoon “Well, you wait!” was shown on TV. And I saw this letter there. After that I bought a Russian dictionary and realized that I speak this language, although my native language is Farsi. Now Russia has become a second home for me, it gave me an education, a wife, a son. I love Russia and all Russians very much.

But I have to start my story from early childhood. That's when it all started...

Chapter first

strange boy

Many people have early childhood memory. Here I am no exception. The very first childhood impressions have been preserved in my memory, probably from the age of two. And at four I felt that I had to help people. From early childhood he predicted what would happen to his neighbors. I saw everything beforehand. As a boy, when I really wanted to buy something, and my father refused for some reason, I went out into the street and, not walking a hundred meters from the house, found on the road exactly the amount I needed. Or the right thing - for example, a ball.

After the third “Battle of Psychics”, I already told something about myself in the framework of the TV project to the viewers of the TNT channel. And yet, much remains behind the scenes. Dozens, hundreds of times I was asked: how do I perceive my gift, my place in life, my destiny?

The gift of clairvoyance was discovered in early childhood. I have always been like that, I just did not immediately understand that not everyone sees and hears the same thing as me. In fact, no one sees it at all!

For example, some creatures lived on an old cherry tree in our garden ... Little ones ... They talked to me, played, explained something to me. I showed them to my mom and dad, tried to introduce them, but my parents didn’t see anything! Everything that happened to me embarrassed my father and mother, and even my neighbors, even frightened me. Just in case, I, a four-year-old, was given a separate room: so to speak, away from sin, they moved me away from my brothers and sisters - I have two brothers and two sisters.

My parents said that I never cried as a child.

I was very lonely at school. My classmates were afraid of me. And I just sincerely wanted to warn everyone about the troubles that threaten him. For example, he informed one that today the teacher would ask him and put a deuce. And he really got it. He said to another: do not play ball today, they will break your nose there. He did not believe - and his nose was broken. He warned the third: do not lose your briefcase today, otherwise your parents will punish you. But he lost, and he was punished.

The children began to think that I was causing their troubles. But they could, having believed me, avoid them - after all, for this I spoke. It's a pity when your good intentions are not understood, interpreted the other way around.

Now let me tell you a little about my parents. His father's name is Ali, he is engaged in business, but he is also a writer, he loves to write poetry and is fond of philosophy. He is a very smart person. On the paternal side, we are all Persians for several generations.

In his family, the father is the first who married a woman of a different nationality. Mom, her name was Sophia, - Turkish. She came from a low-income family, received no education and did not speak Farsi. She and her dad were from completely different social strata of society.

I was born on June 8, 1973 in Tehran. I came into this world quickly - my mother gave birth to me at home, before I could get to the hospital. It can be said that I, my brothers and sisters were born from great love. Violating the age-old customs of his clan, the father proved that he loves Sophia. When he got married, there were big problems in the family. His parents, grandparents did not understand him, did not accept his daughter-in-law, refused to help the young family. All my life my parents achieved everything only on their own. They started from scratch, even though my grandfather's family was rich.

Father and mother proved that there is great Love in the world, they reached the pinnacle of happiness. I am grateful to my father that he made such a choice and did not listen to anyone. In the end, my grandparents adopted my mother as a daughter, and she learned Persian and spoke almost without an accent. Mom proved to all our relatives that she truly loves her father.

I’ll tell you a little more about my mother ... When she was three years old, her mother Zuleikha died, and a year later her father also died. She remained an orphan. I had to part with two sisters: they were small, and they were taken to be raised in other families. Mom often spent the night next to the police building. Then the police took her to their place, began to feed her, and the girl, in response, began to help them, clean, cook ... Can you imagine? Five year old child! She was very fond of sweet tea, drank twenty times a day, and then in her old age she suffered from diabetes ...

Later, my mother got a job at the embassy to a Russian family. I learned a lot of Russian words. She also worked as a nanny. She, of course, had no education, but how she knew how to care, how she loved children! I walked with them, learned songs, perceived them as my own, relatives. She was even awarded the medal "The Best Nanny". And until the last minute of her life, my mother was independent and very strong. She did not want to be a burden, did not allow herself to be looked after. Even after an operation or being sick, she always received guests herself, considering it very important. Many nations have such a saying: “A guest in the house is God in the house,” and my mother followed this unshakable rule all her life. If a person crossed the threshold of our house, this is already the guest, and he must be respected, surrounded by care. It is necessary to prepare the most delicious tea ... Mom was very hospitable. Strong and kind, a real support not only for her father, for us, but for everyone around her - she was known like that. She taught us to be strong and kind. When a person has these traits - it's great! Thank you mommy!!!