Gogol the night before Christmas a scene about husbands. Scenario for the play "The Night Before Christmas" (based on the work of the same name by N


dramatization of the story by M.V. Gogol

"Christmas Eve"

Stage decoration : The stage is decorated with the necessary props for scenes: tables, chairs, a Ukrainian stove, glechki, towels are hung, a sheaf of bread, a painted canvas with roosters, viburnum.

1 scene - Andrey and Oksana - 2 hemp.

P scene - Exit girls in Ukrainian costumes

SH scene - Exit Chub with godfather

Scene 1V - Oksana at the mirror. Need a table. Vakula enters. Parish of Odarki

Scene V - Andrey and Natalka are reading a story

Scene V1 - Solokha, Dyak, Devil, Chub, Vakula - a festive table, several chairs.

VP scene - Andrei and Natalka are reading a story.

VSH scene - Vakula with Patsyuk - table, chair, dumplings in a plate.

1X scene - Vakula with the Devil

X scene - Andrei and Natalka are reading a story.

X1 scene - Paraska with Palashka.

HP scene - Oksana with Vakula - gives shoes.

XIII scene - Final words and round dance.

Props :

    The story of M.V. Gogol (to Andrey and Natalka)

    Solohe - 3 large bags.

    Patsyuku - dumplings

    Vakule - shoes for Oksana.

Musical arrangement:

Selection of Ukrainian songs, round dance, cheerful melody.

Actors and performers:

In the role of the hosts of the dramatization: Andrey and Natalya, who read Gogol's story and appear several times.

The course of the dramatization

A Ukrainian lyrical song sounds in the phonogram. Natalka sits on a stump and reads a story. Andrew approaches her. A dialogue begins between them.

Andrey: Good evening, Natalka. What are you reading?

Natalka (keeps reading ): Do not disturb me! Gogol.

Andrew: Interesting?

Natalka: Very! I tell you don't bother me

Andrew: What's the name?

Natalka: "The night before Christmas"

Andrew: Fairy tale?

Natalka: Of course, a fairy tale. Get off me.

Andrei: And what is said in this tale?

Natalka (angry ): Here I am! About the blacksmith Vakula. How he flew on the Devil from Ukraine to St. Petersburg.

Andrew: Natalka! And Natalka! Let's read together, please!

Natalka: Well, what to do with you? Sit on a stump next to me. Let's read together

Andrei: (looking closely at the page ) The last day before Christmas has come. A clear winter night has come. The stars sparkled, the month majestically rose to the sky to shine for good people and the whole world. It was freezing colder than in the morning, but it was so quiet that the crunch of frost underfoot could be heard around the corner. More than one crowd of lads did not show up under the windows of the huts, only one month only peered into them secretly, as if calling the girls to run out as soon as possible to the creaky snow.

On the right side, to the melody of the Ukrainian song “Good evening to you, sir, gospodar”, the girls come out and sing)

Good evening to you, my lord,

Cover the tables, that's all with kilims,

Rejoice, oh rejoice, earth, the son of God was born.

That bear kalachі z yaroї wheat,

Rejoice, oh rejoice, earth, the son of God was born.

The girls go in the opposite direction. The characters Chub and Kum come out towards one another.

Chub: So you, godfather, have not yet been to the clerk in the new hut? There will now be a good party! That's just to us with you not to be late. What is the devil? Look, look, Panas!

Kum: What?

Chub: Like what? There is no month!

Kum: That's the trouble! And, truth, there is no month.

Chub: Well, what am I saying. Not! You probably don't have much to do with this.

Kum: What should I do?

Chub: And it was necessary for some devil that he didn’t have to drink a glass of vodka in the morning. It was still visible as daylight. I didn’t have time to go out into the yard - and here, on you, at least gouge out your eyes! No, godfather, a month?

Kum: No.

Chub: Wonderful, really! Let me take a sniff of tobacco. You, godfather, have good tobacco. And where do you take it?

Kum: What the hell, good! The old chicken won't sneeze!

Chub: So, godfather, what should we do? It's dark outside.

Kum: We'll probably stay at home.

Chub: No, godfather, let's go! Have to go!

Background music sounds, snow creaks. Kum and Chub leave. And Oksana enters the stage. She sits down on a chair in front of a mirror.

Oksana: And what are people making up that I'm beautiful. They lie, I'm not beautiful at all! Are my black eyebrows so beautiful? (examines eyes and eyebrows in the mirror ) Do they really have no equal in the world? And what's so beautiful about this nose? In cheeks? And in the lips? Like my beautiful black braids? Yes, they can be scared at night. They are like long snakes, entangled and coiled around my head. I see that I am not beautiful at all. Not! Beautiful me! Ah, how beautiful! Miracle. (Vakula enters.)

Vakula: You are amazing. You sit for an hour, look in the mirror and look, and even praise yourself at the top of your voice.

Oksana: Why did you come here. Do you really want to be kicked out the door with a shovel?

Vakula: Don't be mad at me! Let me at least talk to you, at least look at you!

Oksana: And who doesn't allow you? Speak and see.

Vakula: Can I sit next to you?

Oksana: Get out! You smell like smoke. I think you'll cover me all over with soot. Is it true that your mother is a witch?

Vakula: And what is my mother! And you, and mom, and father, and everything that is dear in the world!

Oksana: See what you are! Some girls don't come. What would it be? I'm getting bored.

Vakula: So you have fun with them?

Oksana: Yes, more fun than with you. But someone knocked. Probably girls.

Vakula (sighing with regret ): What can I expect more? She ismocks me. I am as dear to her as a rusty horseshoe.Odarka runs in .

Odarka: Look, Oksana, I have new shoes. And how beautiful! And with gold!

Oksana (with chagrin ): It’s good for you, Odarka, you have such a guy, he buys everything for you, but I have no one to get such beautiful shoes.

Vakula: Don't be upset, my beloved Oksana! I will get you such shoes that rarely any lady wears such.

Oksana (surprised ): You? I'll see where you can get shoes that I could put on my foot! Maybe those that the queen herself wears?

Odarka: See what you want!

Oksana: So you will be a witness: the blacksmith Vakula will get me thosethe very shoes that the queen wears, then I give my word that I will marry him!

Vakula (with chagrin ): Goodbye Oksana, fool anyone you want, but you won’t see me anymore in this world!

Odarka: Where are you, Vakula?

Vakula: Farewell! God willing, see you in the next world, but in this we can’t walk together! Do not remember dashingly!

All characters leave. Now all attention is turned to Natalka and Andrei, who are reading Gogol's book.

Natalka: Then, through the chimney of the Vakulova hut, smoke poured in clubs and went in a cloud across the sky, next to the smoke, the witch rose up on a broomstick. It was Solokha, Vakula's mother. She rose so high that a black spotseen from above. And another spot appeared from the side, not a spot, but simply - damn.

Andrei: The frost was getting stronger and stronger. And it became so cold that the devil began to jump from one hoof to another in order to somehow warm his frozen hands. The witch also felt the cold very much, despite the fact that she was dressed warmly. She put her hands up, put her foot up and, crouching, as if she wants to ride on a sled, knocking down snowdrifts, she sank like the wind right into the chimney.

The creak of snow sounds, the sound of the wind in the soundtrack. Lyrical Ukrainian sounds in the background. song. All attention is transferred to the laid festive table, Solokha and the Devil appear. Solokha shakes off as if snow, The devil rubs his hands from the cold, warming himself.

Solokha: Vakula brought the bags, let him carry them out himself!

Devil: Give me, please, your pen, incomparable Solokha.

Solokha: Take it!

Devil: Oh, incomparable Solokha, my heart belongs only to you!

Solokha: What are you talking about!

Devil: Incomparable Solokha, if you do not believe me, then I am ready for .., ready for ...

Solokha: Ready for what?

Yaert: I'll throw myself into the water, and send my soul straight to hell.

Solokha: Wow!

There is a knock on the door, repeated several times. Solokha and the Devil are at a loss.

Damn: Someone's knocking! It's a blacksmith! Do you hear, Solokha? Wherever you want, but hide me!

Solokha: Get into the bag!

Cheerful music sounds in the background. A commotion begins around the bag that Solokha is trying to put on the Devil. Here the Devil is already in the bag and the clerk appears.

Diak: You did not come to visit me, and I am very glad about this, because I myself came to you, magnificent Solokha.

Solokha (bewildered ): Come in, come in, Osip Nikiforovich!

Diak: And what do you have, magnificent Solokha? (points to his hand and jumps back)

Solokha: Like what? Hand, Osip Nikiforovich!

Duke: Hmm! Hand! Heh! Heh! Heh! (walks around her and examines, afraid to touch her hand)

And what is it with you, precious Solokha? (points to the neck and bounces back from it)

Solokha: As if you don't see, Osip Nikiforovich? Neck, and beads on the neck.

Duke: Hmm! Beads on the neck! Heh! Heh! Heh!

He walked again, looking at her from both sides, wanting to touch her neck and jumped back, frightened.

And what else do you have, incomparable Solokha.

There is a strong knock on the door. Repeated several times.

Oh my god! Outside face! What now if they see a person of my rank? Yes, for God's sake, good Solokha, as they say in the writings of Luke chapter three ... Knock! By God they knock! Oh, hide me somewhere!

The phonogram of cheerful music is repeated. Solokha hides the clerk in a bag, which is next to the bag, in which there is already a hidden devil. Solokha goes to open the door. Chub enters.

Chub: Hello, Solokha! You probably didn't expect me, did you? Really didn't expect it? Maybe I interfered? Maybe you've already been nice to someone here? Maybe you have already hidden someone here? (laughs, sits down at the table)

Solokha: Well, what are you talking about.

Chub: Well, Solokha, let's drink vodka now. I think that I havethroat frozen from the damned frost. God sent such a night before Christmas.

Solokha is busy. Pours a glass, treats Chub. They were just about to clink glasses, when suddenly there was another knock on the door. Repeated several times in a row. Both were flustered. Chub gets up from the table and rushes around the hut, tries to hide under the table, but Solokha grabs him and leads him to the bags.

Vakula: Open up! (knocking )

Chub: Someone is knocking!

Vakula: Open up! (knocking )

Forelock(to Solokha ): It's a blacksmith! Do you hear, Solokha, take me wherever you want, I don’t want to show myself to him for anything in the world!

Solokha covers Chub with a sack, next to the others. Vakula enters.

Vakula: Why are these bags here? Tomorrow is a holiday, and there is all sorts of rubbish in the hut. We need to take them to the forge. (Vakula takes a small bag .) I'll try another way: I'll go to the pot-bellied Cossack Patsyuk. He, they say, knows all the devils and will do what he wants.

Vakula leaves. And again, all attention is on Natalka and Andrei, who are reading Gogol's book.

Natalya: The devil jumped in the bag for joy, but the blacksmith hit the bag with his fist and went to the pot-bellied Patsyuk. Patsyuk was once really a Cossack, but they drove him away because he ran away from Zaporozhye, but no one knew this.

Cheerful background music sounds. Patsyuk sits at the table and eats dumplings.

The blacksmith Vakula comes to him.

Vakula: I came to your mercy, Patsyuk! (bows ) You, they say, will not be said in anger, you are a little related to the devil. (Patsyuk raises his head ). Came to you, Patsyuk. You have to ask the devil himself for help. (Patsyuk raised his head again ) Well, Patsyuk, how can I be?

Patsyuk (keep eating dumplings ): If you need the devil, then go to hell.

Vakula: I came to you for this, except for you, no one knows the way to him. Tell me at least the way to it!

Patsyuk: Tom does not need to go far, who has the devil behind him. (laughs )

Vakula: What! What are you saying?

Patsyuk leaves. Attention again to Vakula.

Heck (hiding behind Vakula ): I am your friend, I will do everything for a comrade and friend! I'll give you as much money as you wantwhispers in one ear ) Oksana will be ours today(whispers in the other ear )

Vakula: For that price, I'm willing to be yours.

Heck (laughs ): Well, Vakula, you know that nothing is done without a contract.

Vakula: I'm ready! You, I heard, are paying with blood, right now, I will get a nail from my pocket. (grabs the devil by the tail )

Devil: Well, that's enough, Vakula, laughed and that's enough.

Vakula: Stop, my dear! You will know me.

Sits on the back of the devil.

Devil: Have mercy, Vakula, I will do everything you need.

Vakula: Take me now on yourself! Do you hear! Fly like a bird!

Black: Where?

Vakula: To Petersburg, to the queen!

Background music plays. Chert and Vakula leave. Attention to Natalka and Andrei, they continue to read Gogol.

Andrei: And the blacksmith felt fear, rising up to the sky, sitting on the devil. First, they rose from the ground to such a height that nothing could be seen below, and flew like a fly under the very moon so that if they hadn’t leaned over, they would have hooked it with their hat.

Natalya: And then he cheered up and began to make fun of the devil. Everything was bright above. The wind in the light fog was ghostly. And suddenly, in front of Vakula, Petersburg shone all in lights.

Background music plays. Two grandmothers appear on the stage - Paraska and Palashka.

Paraska: Drowned! Oh my God, drowned! So that I don’t leave this place if I don’t drown myself!

Palashka: What do you think, what kind of bullshit am I? Did I steal someone's cow? Have I deceived anyone that I no longer have faith? So that I would never want to drink water, if the old Pereperchiha did not see with her own eyes how the blacksmith hanged himself!

Paraska: Tell me better, so that you do not want to drink vodka, old drunkard! You have to be as divine as you are to hang yourself. He drowned himself, drowned himself in a well! I know this for sure, like the fact that you were now at the tavern.

Stick: Shame! Look what has become to reproach. Shut up, you bastard! Don't I know that the clerk comes to you every evening!

Paraska (with malice in anger steps on her ): What is the clerk? To whom is the clerk? To me? What are you? What are you talking about? Get off me, Satan.

Fun music sounds. They both begin to pick on each other. They made a fight. They run offstage noisily. Oksana appears from the opposite side of the stage. She is very sad and crying.

Oksana: What if he really left and never returns to the village? What if he really decided to do something terrible? He loved me so.

Vakula enters in a cheerful mood, cheerful.

Vakula: Here, Oksana! Look what shoes I brought you!

Oksana (happily clapping hands ) Hey!

Vakula: The ones the queen wears!

Oksana: No! Not! I don't need shoes! I love you even without shoes!

A background Ukrainian song sounds, under which all the participants of the dramatization go to the final stage.

Oksana (happily ): And also wait for three holidays to visit

Rejoice earth, rejoice

All: The Son of God is born!

Vakula (hugging Oksana ) And what is the first holiday - Vasily,

Rejoice earth, rejoice.

All: The Son of God is born.

Solokha: And what about the second holiday - Holy Baptism, rejoice, earth, rejoice.

All: The Son of God is born!

Chub: And what about the third holiday - Holy Waterfall, rejoice, earth, rejoice!

All: The Son of God is born!

Ukrainian sounds in the phonogram. choral melody. All characters perform a round dance and then leave the stage.

Scenario "The Night Before Christmas"

Her son Vakula

Screen adaptation of the story by N.V. Gogol "The Night Before Christmas".

Action I

Dance of the Witch (Solokha) with the Devil. Abduction of the month.

Chub and Panas appear.
CHUB: So you, godfather, why don’t you go to the deacon’s house in a new hut? There will be a good party there! Sho tse take? Breathe, Panas, miss nema!

PANAS: How so nema?

CHUB: So nema! Missed a month.

PANAS: Well, good, they screwed up! Better wake up. They beat you to hell!

Oksana's room. The girl is sitting in front of a mirror.

OKSANA: Shaw, tell me, am I a garna maiden or what? Oh, garna, hefty garna!

Are my black eyebrows and my eyes so good that they have no equal in the world? What's so good about that upturned nose? and cheeks? and in the lips? Like my black braids look good? Wow! one can be frightened of them in the evening: they, like long snakes, intertwined and coiled around my head. I see now that I'm not good at all! - and, pushing the mirror a little further away from her, she cried out: - No, I'm good! Ah, how good! Miracle! What joy I will bring to the one whom I will be the wife! How my husband will admire me! He won't remember himself. He will kiss me to death. And what tapes on the head! You never see a richer galloon! My father bought all this for me so that the best fellow in the world would marry me!

VAKULA (appears on the threshold): Oksana, my heart, marvel, I've got presents for you!

OKSANA: Well, sho tse take? Tse OK irons!

VAKULA: We know it, irons! I'm a blacksmith, not a jeweler!

OKSANA (pouting her lip): It would be better if he gave me some kind of pebble ... Why am I, a horse, walking in iron?

VAKULA: Well, then tell me what you're saying...

OKSANA: Why do the zhinki bazhayut?

VACULA: Do not grieve, my beloved Oksana! I'll get you such slippers as a rare lady wears. (Hurry up)

OKSANA: Where did you go? Meni treba special little slippers on their feet to carry.The ones the queen wears.

VAKULA: Oh, dear mother! Where can I get this queen?

OKSANA: Don't sway me!

OKSANA'S SONG: « Oh, is it my fault?


Upper room in Solokha's hut. Solokha accepts the Devil.

DAMN (dancing around Solokha):

You said on Wednesday

Let's go to the neighbor.

I came - you are dumb ...


Crazy crazy!

Knock on the door. The devil gets into the bag, Solokha opens the door.

Head enters.


You said on Saturday

Let's go to work together!

I came - you are dumb ...


You are mene, you are mene pidmanula,

You are mene, you are mene pidvela,

You are mene, you are mene, young,

Crazy crazy!

Knock on the door. Solokha hides the Head in a bag, opens the door.

Diak enters.

DYAK: You said on Monday...

DIRECTOR: Stop stop!! No it's not that! Out of date, irrelevant! Who cares about the life of the Ukrainian village now? What about Ukrainian folklore? No, let's move the scene to Paris! All actors will be French; love a la france! – ah! So, get out of the bags, the same scene again.

Action II. French variant.


The boudoir of the famous actress Solange. The DEVIL enters.



You entered my sick soul.


I will break your peace today.


The unbridled beast lives in me again.

Solange, old woman, I'm tired of wanting you.

Even without a cross, but I'm a guy anywhere -

Hellfire is like cool water to me,


I am a former angel, even with a curse on my forehead,

I have the right to be happy on Earth!

In your arms I will find peace

And I'll give my soul to myself - it's not the first time for me!

DAMN: Solange, ma belle fille, tu m'ais compri, you know...

Knock on the door.

Mayor enters.

MAYOR: Oh, Solange! Ma contesse, ma petit Blanchenaige! Cette chansone est pour toi!

MAYOR'S SONG ("Belle"):


Here in Paris, everyone is afraid of me,


I have an hour to enjoy life!

May -

Let flowers bloom in a rough heart!

You will be rewarded for everything!

On rainbow wings I will return to the mayor's office,

I will plunge into the affairs of life with a sigh.

It's a pity,

That all week it’s advice, and then a banquet,

I've been sick of the smell of cutlets for a long time.

But once a week I find peace

When I meet you backstage.

MAYOR: Solange, quel bon surprise!

Knock on the door.

SOLANGE: Silense! Tu vas dans ce sac, vite!

The PRIEST enters.

SOLANGE: Bonjour, padre!

PADRE: Vonjour, ma fille! Comment ca va?

Bags toss and turn, Solange tries to cover them. Drowning out the sounds coming from inside, sneezes loudly, blows his nose, etc.

PADRE: Comment? Tu est malade?

SOLANGE: Yes…. oui… produlo…

PADRE SONG ("Belle"):


You are like a magical and sinful dream,


My church incense will scatter -

Ringing -

Buzzing in the ears and again the heart beats the alarm:

The poor old abbot fell in love with a witch!

Holy maiden, you can't help me

Forbidden love I can not overcome.


Don't leave me, lovely Solange,

Let me once, well, at least once, take revenge!

And even in the church I can not find peace,

Probably, I was born like this in my dad ...

Knock on the door.

PADRE: Oh, mon dieux!

SOLANGE: Silense! Tu vas dans ce sac, vite!

Taxi driver Vaculio enters.

SOLANGE (singing in French – In Grid “Tu es Foutu”): Tu m’ais promis…. etc.

VACULIO: Bonjour, maman! How are you?

SOLANGE: Ah, Vaculito baby! Sa wa bien, everything is like in a super show!

VACULIO: Rehearsing?

SOLANGE: Of course, tomorrow is the premiere. Well, hold on, snotty Kidman, I'll show you the real Moulin Rouge! .. What about you, have lunch?

VACULIO: No, I was just passing by... There are few customers today, everyone has already bought presents and is getting ready for Christmas. (saw the bags) Are these also gifts?

SOLANGE: No, it's rien - nothing, garbage ... I did the cleaning ... Throw them away.

All three bags begin to sing in French in a discordant chorus.

J'ai pose mes yeux sous sa robe de gitane

A quoi me sert encore de priee Notre-Dame.


Est celui qui jettera la premiere pierre

Celui-la ne merite pas d'etre sur terre.

O Lucifer!

Oh! Laisse-moi periodiquement avec courage

Glisser mes doigts dans les cheveux de belle Solange…

VACULIO: Kes kese?

SOLANGE: I threw away the tape recorders... the old cassettes.

Vaculio drags the bags out the door one by one.

SOLANGE: Well, now it's really time to rehearse! Girls, encore une fois!

Dance number (Solange and variety show).

Vakula, puffing, drags one of the bags.

VAKULA: Oh, maman! What did she throw out? Furniture, right? Now I’ll bring this one to the car, and then the rest ...

DAMN: (from bag): Hey, listen!

VAKULA: Who is this?

DAMN: Think of it as your inner voice.

VAKULA: Why outside?

DAMN: Surround effect: surround sound. Heard?

VAKULA: Ah… Well, what do you want, inner voice?

Devil: Do you want me to voice your innermost desire?

VAKULA: What, do you want to give vodka?

DAMN: Fi, what a prose... I want to remind you about the beautiful Oksana...

DAMN: Hehe! Untie the bag!

VAKULA (unzips the package): Damn it!

HECK: You know they don't do anything without a contract.

VAKULA: I'm ready! - said the blacksmith. - You, I heard, sign with blood; wait, I'll get a nail in my pocket!(Here he put his hand back - and grab the devil by the tail.)

HECK: Well, Vakula! Wow, what a joker!(shouted, laughing, damn .) Well, that's enough, enough of being naughty!

VAKULA: Wait, my dear! ( shouted the blacksmith) But how does it look to you? ( At this word, he made a cross, and the devil became as quiet as a lamb.) Wait, you will know from me to teach good people and honest Christians about the sins!

(Here the blacksmith, not letting go of his tail, jumped on him and raised his hand for the sign of the cross.)

DAMN: Have mercy, Vakula! (the devil groaned piteously), All that is necessary for you, I will do everything, let go only your soul to repentance: do not put a terrible cross on me!

DAMN: Where? (said a sad devil).

VAKULA: To Petemburg, straight to the queen!

Action III. Latin American version.


Noisy and colorful carnival. General songs and dances (“The Ketchup Song”, “Bomba Latino”, “Baila Casanova”, etc.)

DIABOLO and VACULDO land in the middle of the crowd.

DIABOLO: That's life! Girls, music, ocean! Vakuldo, why do you need your Oksanella, or whatever it is ... Let's stay here! Kon mucho thick! Ablo me del mar, marinero! Oh…

WACULDO: No, I came here for imported shoes.

DIABOLO: How boring you are, amigo! Just el papagayo calvo! Well, let's sing for a while!

SONG DIABOLO AND VACULDO ("Ivanushki" "Chukchi in Brazil"):

J. Lopez appears surrounded by fans.

DIABOLO: Here, amigo, your movie star in high heels.

WACULDO: Oh madonna mia! Bella signorita, would you give the poor macho your amazing shoes? For a long memoir...

LOPEZ: No! These are my shoes! maybe change?

WACULDO (bewildered): Chench? (takes out painted soft boots from a backpack).

LOPEZ: Oh-ow!! Chobots? Very good! (takes off his hairpins, joyfully pulls on his boots).

FANS: Believe good! Trebel! Belissimo!

Diabolo whispers something in Lopez's ear, takes her arm...


WACULDO: Hey, evil spirit, where are you going? Return me to Ridna Ukraine!

DIABOLO: No problem!

Action IV. Again the Ukrainian version.


Oksana's room. Oksana sits sadly in front of the mirror.

OKSANA: Why hurt me? Comb your hair? Walk to the next house? Pisnyu fall asleep? .. I don’t like anything, I don’t like anything ... Where is that Vakula? Why the hell did I send him for little laces?

OKSANA'S SONG VIA Gra "Oh, Pure Water Spoke"

Vakula appears.

VAKULA: Here, my darling, I brought you little slippers from Jennifer Lopez herself!

OKSANA: Yaks are tall! Yes, one hassle in them!

VAKULA (excitedly): Well, babe, don't you like me?

OKSANA: I don’t like overseas slippers, but I like you a lot! You are a chikavy, motor-driven lad - in one year you drove to such a distance!

VAKULA: Tse need to wash, go for a walk and fall asleep !!

final song

You are tired of worries - everything will pass!

Scenario "The Night Before Christmas"

Her son Vakula

Screen adaptation of N.V. Gogol's story "The Night Before Christmas".

Action I.

Dance of the Witch (Solokha) with the Devil. Abduction of the month. (Meanwhile, the devil crept slowly towards the moon and was already stretching out his hand to grab it, but suddenly pulled it back, as if burned, sucked his fingers, dangled his foot and ran in from the other side, and again jumped back and pulled his hand away. However, despite all the failures, the cunning devil did not leave his pranks. Running up, he suddenly grabbed the moon with both hands, grimacing and blowing, tossing it from one hand to the other, like a peasant who takes out a fire for his cradle with his bare hands; Finally, he hurriedly put it in his pocket and, as if he had never happened, ran on.)

Chub and Panas appear.

CHUB: So you, godfather, why don’t you go to the deacon’s house in a new hut? There will be a good party there! Sho tse take? Breathe, Panas, miss nema!

PANAS: How so nema?

CHUB: So nema! Missed a month.

PANAS: Well, good, they screwed up! Better wake up. They beat you to hell!

Oksana's room. The girl is sitting in front of a mirror.

OKSANA: Shaw, tell me, am I a garna maiden or what? Oh, garna, hefty garna!

Are my black eyebrows and my eyes so good that they have no equal in the world? What's so good about that upturned nose? and cheeks? and in the lips? Like my black braids look good? Wow! one can be frightened of them in the evening: they, like long snakes, intertwined and coiled around my head. I see now that I'm not good at all! - and, pushing the mirror a little further away from her, she cried out: - No, I'm good! Ah, how good! Miracle! What joy I will bring to the one whom I will be the wife! How my husband will admire me! He won't remember himself. He will kiss me to death. And what tapes on the head! You never see a richer galloon! My father bought all this for me so that the best fellow in the world would marry me!

VAKULA (appears on the threshold): Oksana, my heart, marvel, I've got presents for you!

OKSANA: Well, sho tse take? Tse OK irons!

VAKULA: We know it, irons! I'm a blacksmith, not a jeweler!

OKSANA (pouting her lip): It would be better if he gave me some kind of pebble ... Why am I, a horse, walking in iron?

VAKULA: Well, then tell me what you're saying...

OKSANA: Why do the zhinki bazhayut?

VAKULA: Don't worry, my beloved Oksana! I'll get you such slippers as a rare lady wears. (Hurry up)

OKSANA: Where did you go? Meni treba special little slippers on their feet to carry. The ones the queen wears.

VAKULA: Oh, dear mother! Where can I get this queen?

OKSANA: Don't sway me!

VAKULA'S SONG: ("Chervona Ruta")
There is one girl
Shaw charmed me.
All hearty out
Tore me to pieces.

You are one with me, tilki you believe!

Let's chat with you until dawn!
I will get you
Golden laces
And I'll get it from nebes
The best bird!
Ridna Oksana, so I kohai!
You are one with me, only you believe!
Garna Oksana, come out to the barn,
Let's chat with you until dawn!

Upper room in Solokha's hut. Solokha accepts the Devil.

HECK (dancing around Solokhameanwhile, he became seriously softened: he kissed her hand with such antics, like an assessor at a priest’s, took hold of her heart):
You said on Wednesday
Let's go to the neighbor.
I came - you are dumb ...

You are mene, you are mene pidvela,

Crazy crazy!

Knock on the door.

The devil gets into the bag, Solokha opens the door.
Head enters.

You said on Saturday
Let's go to work together!
I came - you are dumb ...
You are mene, you are mene pidmanula,
You are mene, you are mene pidvela,
You are mene, you are mene, young,
Crazy crazy!

Knock on the door.

Hide me somewhere. I don't want to meet the deacon now.

Solokha hides the Head in a bag, opens the door.
Diak enters.

DYAK: You said on Monday...

Knock on the door.

Oh, my God, a third-party face! What now, if they catch a person of my rank? .. It will reach Father Kondrat! ..

(But the clerk's fears were of a different kind: he was more afraid that his half would not recognize him, who, with her terrible hand, made the narrowest of his thick braids.)

For God's sake, virtuous Solokha, he said, trembling all over. - Your kindness, as the scripture of Luke says, the head of the trine ... trine ... They knock, by God, they knock! Oh, hide me somewhere!

CHUB: (singing)

Knock on the door.

Someone is knocking - said stopped Chub.

Open up! - screamed louder than before.

It's a blacksmith! Do you hear, Solokha, where you want to take me; I don't want for anything in the world to show myself to this damned degenerate, so that he runs into it, the devil's son, under both eyes there is a bubble the size of a mop!

Solokha, frightened herself, tossed about like mad, and, forgetting herself, gave a sign to Chub to climb into the very sack in which the deacon was already sitting. The poor clerk did not even dare to cough and groan in pain when a heavy peasant sat almost on his head and placed his boots, frozen in the frost, on both sides of his temples.

Action II.


The blacksmith entered without a word, without taking off his cap, and almost collapsed on the bench. It was obvious that he was in a very bad mood.

The blacksmith absentmindedly looked around the corners of his hut, listening from time to time to the far-reaching songs of carolers; finally fixed his eyes on the bags

VAKULA: Why are these sacks here? It's time to get them out of here. Through this foolish love, I have gone completely silly. Tomorrow is a holiday, and there is still all sorts of rubbish in the hut. Take them to the forge!

Vakula pulls the bags out the door one by one.

Vakula, puffing, drags one of the bags.

VAKULA: Oh, maman! What did she throw out? Furniture, right? Now I’ll bring this one to the car, and then the rest ...

DAMN: (from bag): Hey, listen!

VAKULA: Who is this?

VAKULA: Why outside?

DAMN: Surround effect: surround sound. Heard?

VAKULA: Ah… Well, what do you want, inner voice?

Devil: Do you want me to voice your innermost desire?

VAKULA: What, do you want to give vodka?

DAMN: Fi, what a prose... I want to remind you about the beautiful Oksana...

DAMN: Hehe! Untie the bag!

VAKULA (unzips the package): Damn it!

DAMN: You know they don't do anything without a contract.

VAKULA: I'm ready! - said the blacksmith. - You, I heard, sign with blood; wait, I'll get a nail in my pocket! (Here he put his hand back - and grab the devil by the tail.)

DAMN: Well, Vakula! Wow, what a joker! (shouted, laughing, damn.) Well, that's enough, enough of being naughty!

VAKULA: Wait, my dear! ( shouted the blacksmith) But how does it look to you? ( At this word, he made a cross, and the devil became as quiet as a lamb.) Wait, you will know from me to teach good people and honest Christians about the sins!

(Here the blacksmith, not letting go of his tail, jumped on him and raised his hand for the sign of the cross.)

DAMN: Have mercy, Vakula! (the devil groaned piteously), All that is necessary for you, I will do everything, let go only your soul to repentance: do not put a terrible cross on me!

DAMN: Where? (said a sad devil).

VAKULA: To Petemburg, straight to the queen!

And the blacksmith was stupefied with fear, feeling himself rising into the air.

At first, it seemed terrifying to Vakula when he rose from the ground to such a height that he could no longer see anything below, and flew like a fly under the very moon so that if he had not leaned a little, he would have hooked him with his hat. However, after a little while he cheered up and began to make fun of the devil. He was amused to the extreme, how the devil sneezed and coughed when he removed the cypress cross from his neck and brought it to him. He deliberately raised his hand to scratch his head, and the devil, thinking that they were going to baptize him, flew even faster.

Action III.

Hear the music of a noisy city (the sound of the horse's hooves, the sound of the wheel echoed with thunder and reverberated from four sides)

The queen appears.

DAMN: Here's your movie star in stilettos. Ask! (pushing him to the side)

VAKULA: Your Royal Majesty, do not order to be executed, order to be pardoned! From what, not in anger be it said to your royal grace, are the little laces made that are on your feet? I think that not a single Swedish citizen in any state in the world will be able to do this. My God, what if my wife put on such slippers!

QUEEN: The Empress laughed.

Get up! (said the empress affectionately) If you so desire to have such shoes, then it is not difficult to do so. He takes off his shoes.

VAKULA (bewildered): My God, what an ornament! he cried joyfully, seizing his shoes. - Your Royal Majesty! Well, when the shoes are on the feet, what should the very feet be like? I think at least pure sugar.

DEVIL: Whispers something in the queen's ear, takes her by the arm...

VAKULA: Hey, evil spirit, where are you going? Return me to Ridna Ukraine!

DAMN: No problem!

Action IV.

Oksana's room. Oksana sits sadly in front of the mirror.

OKSANA: Why hurt me? Comb your hair? Walk to the next house? Pisnyu fall asleep? .. I don’t like anything, I don’t like anything ... Where is that Vakula? Why the hell did I send him for little laces?

Vakula appears.

VAKULA: Here, my drolya, I brought you little slippers from the queen herself!

OKSANA: Yaks are tall! Yes, one hassle in them!

VAKULA (excitedly): Well, babe, don't you like me?

OKSANA: I don’t like overseas slippers, but I like you a lot! You are a chikavy, motor-driven lad - in one year you drove to such a distance! Merry Christmas", about which the critic V. G. Belinsky wrote: " Night before Merry Christmas"there's a complete picture...

  • C 1 The night before Christmas (opera) 650 rubles 08. 01. 11: 30 С1


    07.01. 11:30 C1 Night before Merry Christmas(opera) - 650 rubles 08 ... rubles 13.01. 11:30 Night before Merry Christmas(opera) - 850 rubles 14 ... С2 Evening of chamber music "On the eve Christmas» -300 rubles 06.01. ... (room 159-a) (door on the right before entrance to the dining room) until 10 ...

  • A. S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky", "The Shot", "The Young Lady-Peasant Woman" N. V. Gogol "The Night Before Christmas"


    By heart) N.V. Gogol, "The Enchanted Place", "Mayskaya night”, “The Missing Letter” A.P. Chekhov, “Horse Surname ... “Dubrovsky”, “Shot”, “The Young Lady-Peasant Woman” N.V. Gogol “ Night before Merry Christmas» A. N. Ostrovsky "The Snow Maiden" I. S. Turgenev "Bezhin Meadow...

  • N. S. Leskov "Lefty", N. V. Gogol "The Night Before Christmas", A. S. Pushkin "Poltava"


    ... : N.S. Leskov "Lefty", N.V. Gogol " Night before christmas”, A.S. Pushkin "Poltava" III. Knowledge ... the leaves are spreading, - The son is spreading before father, He asks for himself ... texts of works of art Task 1. Before you messages and excerpts from...

  • (Based on the story by N.V. Gogol "The Night Before Christmas".)

    Girls, boys, evil spirits

    SCENE 1.
    Abduction of the month. Dance of the Devil and evil spirits. Chub and Panas appear.

    CHUB - Godfather, and godfather! What do you think - will the deacon have a good party?
    KUM - How not kind! Last time there was such an "Adrenaline Rush"! The deacon was skating.
    CHUB - So what?
    KUM - So on the ceiling! And the deacon was catching up with him on a skateboard.
    CHUB - Who judged?
    KUM - So the Head is! He was also juggling dumplings on the chandelier!
    CHUB - If only to be in time this time! Neighing hunting ... Godfather, and godfather! What a misfortune - I do not distinguish you! The moon is shining!
    KUM - A month bye-bye!
    CHUB - You're lying!
    KUM - Look for yourself!
    CHUB - Here are the filthy corrupt officials! They stole the month!
    KUM - Dogs! Do they now have two months?
    CHUB - And two months! And two suns! And only ... also two!

    SCENE 2.
    Oksana's room. The girl near the mirror.

    OKSANA - What did people think of talking about me, as if I were a miracle how good? I'm not good at all! I'm not good - I'm BEAUTIFUL!!! I’m so beautiful that I don’t even know what I’ll do with myself now ... Woo! .. Let me kiss myself ... (Kisses.) And let me hug myself ... (Hugs.) And who is get the treasure?

    Vakula enters. Oksana does not notice him. Sings.

    OKSANA - Let me call a guy... Petrukha, this is Oksana. What, what… Chubovaya… You, Petruha, do you know what my father bought me yesterday? New tires for tires ... Is it true, Petruha, that you and Vasko are talking about me
    they were talking ... were they? ... Well, they bazaared for me? ... And what? More am I Svetka? And Lucy? And Paris Hilton is better? .. How do you not know? What are you, finally - stupid? .. And who do you know? Dyaka?.. Phew... And I'm better than him? Don't worry? And what is it? .. Well, that's it, Petruha, goodbye love - the tomatoes withered. Tomatoes, I say, wilted ...

    Sees Vakula.

    OKSANA - Ah! blacksmith... Dumb and dumber. Why did you come?
    VAKULA - Oksana, my love! I can not live without you! Day and night all my thoughts are about you! ..
    OKSANA - Did you weld my bumper?
    VAKULA - Oksanochka, darling, I'm not only giving you a bumper, I've also attached a hitch for you.
    OKSANA - Hmm! Why else is this?
    VAKULA - Well, dear ... When you last fell into the compost pit, they couldn’t pull you out for half a day. So I welded a hitch for you. To make it easier to pull. Like this... Like this...
    OKSANA - Hands! I said - take your hands off! Quick what!
    VAKULA - Yes! I'm quick! Because it dried up all over you, and you are reinforced concrete ...
    OKSANA - Is it true that your mother is a witch?
    VAKULA - And if not a witch, if every day a new man bewitches ...
    OKSANA - Here is my father-in-law there too ... Charmed, damn it!
    VAKULA - Oksanushka, why are we all talking about them ... you are my mother, you are my father ... Yes, I am for you ...
    OKSANA - What?
    VAKULA - Yes, I am for you ...
    VAKULA - Well, do you want me to change the valves?
    OKSANA - Your gesture. What about fig?
    VAKULA - So, it's... Big... it's... your gas mileage. You give off a lot of gases. Exhaust. You go - you knock, you strum. You lose the cardan shaft all the time ...
    OKSANA - Oh, I'm tired of it. Boring with you. It's time to carol...

    Girls enter with bags. Laughter, screams.

    OKSANA - I've been waiting for you! Oh, Grippina, what noble slippers you have ...
    GRIPPINA - Yes! These are the most glamorous slippers on our farm!
    OKSANA - It's good for you, Grippina, yours loves you so much. So what if he never marries you. But he does not feel sorry for the money for you ... And I ... And I ... (sobs).
    VAKULA - Don't worry, my beloved Oksana! I will forge and forge for you such slippers, which they will not forge and forge in any village!
    OKSANA - Get it! Forge! And I will throw them out! .. In general, so! Listen everyone! If Vakula gets me some new slippers...
    Grippina - Oh, mom! He'll get the whole farm then!
    OKSANA - Shut up, ulcer! So. Be all of you witnesses: Vakula will bring me slippers, in which ... the empress herself walks - I will marry a blacksmith!

    Everyone leaves. Only Vakula remains.

    VAKULA - What, did I offer her to marry? I don't remember... And where can I find the Empress for her? Now there are no kings! Or is there? I don’t remember ... Maybe some other girl to pick up? This one is so proud! I'm not a bad guy myself! The mind didn’t drink all of it ... Or all of it? I don't remember... Although... The girl is a hefty good one! Yes, and a bumper, and the rear axle came out. Just need to adjust the alignment...

    SCENE 3.
    The street.

    CHUB - Stop, godfather! We don't seem to be going there. I don't see any houses.
    KUM - What huts! In the eyes of one snow!
    CHUB - Turn you, godfather, a little to the side. Don't forget to scream when you find your way.
    KUM - I can blow. Duda, here she is, here. (He blows. The forelock plugs his ears.)

    Kum leaves. Appears from the doors of Vakula.

    VAKULA - Who is this and why are you hanging around under the doors?
    CHUB (does not hear.) - ...
    VAKULA - Are you going to play silent? (Chuba pushes.)
    CHUB - It's me, a kind person! I came to you for fun to carol a little under the windows!
    VAKULA - Get the hell out with your carols! Well!
    CHUB - Why are you shouting like that, really? I came to carol, and it's full!
    VAKULA - Ege ... you, I see, you can’t stop talking! (He hits Chub on the shoulder.) Let's go, let's go! (Chub hits again.)
    CHUB - What are you? Are you not joking?
    VAKULA - Go, go!

    Vakula slams the door.

    CHUB - Well, enemy son, you will cry with me. Do you think I didn't recognize you, you damned blacksmith?! Bought a car repair shop - so everything is possible? And it hit like a pain... Oops! This is my house! Here's the damned shibenik - he kicked him out of his house! Therefore, he himself is not at home and ... Solokha sits alone. Um... And we can do that with her... That same... Oh! Injured vital organs...

    SCENE 4.
    Upper room in Solokha's house. She and hell.

    DEVIL - Unforgettable Solokha, let me press your lovely hand to my chest. Kiss, smack ... Oh, what a pen! What kind of fingers. White, chubby... Like lambs... So they would have eaten each one separately, and sucked the bones... And the leg... What a leg... A rare handle will crawl to the middle...
    SOLOHA - Oh, just don't tickle, you hairy beast! So it climbs, it climbs ... into the soul. What do you need, say...
    DAMN - Mur-mur, boring alone, incomparable Solokha! The heart demands pleasure, the heart demands love...
    SOLOHA - Look what you want. Give him love... Don't tickle!
    DAMN (offended) - No, I don't understand... radiant Solokha! Am I not worthy of the crumbs of attention of such a regal person?
    SOLOHA - Do not tickle, I say!
    DAMN - Don't tickle me! It's nervous for you! .. In general, I demand satisfaction.
    SOLOHA - What is this disgusting thing?
    DEVIL - Dear Solokha, I demand the immediate satisfaction of my ... physical needs! Otherwise, I'll pawn my soul. Second time, mind you!
    SOLOHA - Yes, you go to hell! .. Oh, you're the devil! Get off, Satan! (Starts to run away from him squealing. The devil jumps noisily on Solokha, throws her onto the sofa, Solokha fights back.)

    Knock. The devil quickly climbs into the lying bag.
    Head enters. Shakes himself off. Solokha brings him a glass of vodka. The head is more explained by gestures and mooing.

    SOLOHA - Oh, Pan Head! What is it with you?
    HEAD - Mmmm... Mm-blizzard. S-s-light at y-t-you! R-r-decided to s-s-s-to come in. Hr-hr-hr...
    SOLOHA - Oh, Mr. Head! How impatient you are... How passionate! Oh! Oh! Wow!

    HEAD - H-h-hide m-m-me. It's a devil! Spread all over the world!

    Solokha promptly hides the Head in a bag. Dance in bags.

    DYAK - And what is it with you, magnificent Solokha? Hee hee s! (Steps back a few steps.)
    SOLOHA - Like what? Hand, Osip Nikiforovich! (Aside.) This hand was given to them!
    DYAK - Hm! Hand! Heh! Heh! Heh! (Bounces back a few steps again, Solokha has to spin clockwise to see Diak.)
    DYAK - And what do you have, dearest Solokha? (He grabs her lightly by the neck with his hand and jumps back again.)
    SOLOHA - As if you don't see, Osip Nikiforovich! Neck! And on it monisto! (Solokha jumps up to ring monosto.)
    DYAK (gets up behind Solokha) - Jump some more, incomparable Solokha. I ... from you ... trudge ...
    SOLOHA - Hey, stunner! (Continues to jump.) Don't you know what any woman has behind?! (Jumps.)
    DYAK - Don't tell me, incomparable Solokha! In my godfather, everything that is behind and in front has reunited among themselves!
    SOLOHA - And where did your thick ... scythe go, Osip Nikiforovich? Isn't it your convex-concave wife's business?

    Knock on the door.

    DYAK - Oh, my God! Third Party Person. For God's sake, virtuous Solokha... Your kindness, as Luke's scripture says, the head of the trine... trine... Knocking, by God, knocking! Oh, hide me somewhere.

    Solokha hides it in a bag at the very bottom. Chub enters.

    CHUB - Hello, Solokha! Maybe you weren't expecting me, were you? Really, you didn't expect it? Maybe I interfered?.. Huh? Maybe you were having fun with someone here? So-and-so... Maybe you've already hidden someone, huh? Ha ha ha...
    A strong push on the door and a voice from the street: “Open!”

    CHUB - Someone is knocking!
    VOICE - Open it!!!
    CHUB - This is a blacksmith! Do you hear, Solokha, take me wherever you want: I don’t want to show myself to this devilish son for anything in the world, so that under both eyes he will run into a bubble the size of a mop!

    Solokha rushes about like crazy and gives a sign to Chub to climb into the very bag in which the deacon is already sitting. Vakula enters. Songs are heard in the street.

    VAKULA (looks at the bags) - People have a holiday - and all sorts of rubbish lies in the hut! It is high time to take them to the smithy and… burn them! I don’t want to think about her, and all my thoughts, as if on purpose, are about her alone! Why is this so? Eh! (Picks up the bags.) Coy
    damn, the bags seem to be heavier! That's right, they're stuffed with something else besides coal. (He hits them with all his strength.) I'm a fool! I forgot that now everything seems harder to me! Soon I will fall from the wind! Not! What kind of a woman am I! Don't let anyone laugh at you! At least ten such bags - I will lift everything!

    He puts the bags on his shoulders and goes out of the hut.

    SCENE 5.
    The street. Crowd of people. Among them is Oksana. She stands with the lad and laughs. The blacksmith runs in and stops with his bags.

    OKSANA - Ah, Vakula! You obviously nailed it! Apparently, he did not miss a single hut! Now you won’t starve in a crisis!.. Have you got the slippers that the Empress herself wears?.. Get the slippers, I’ll marry you! (Laughs along with the crowd.)
    VAKULA (after a pause) - Farewell, Oksana! Look for yourself what kind of groom you want, fool whom you want, but you won’t see me anymore in this world. (He waves his hand, throws the bags on the ground, leaves. One bag moves imperceptibly behind him.)
    GUYS - Where, Vakula?
    VAKULA - Farewell, brothers! God willing, I'll see you in the next world, but in this we can no longer walk together. (On the way he bumps into an old woman.)
    OLD WOMAN (crossing herself) - Lost soul! Go and tell how the blacksmith hit the anvil with his head!

    SCENE 6.
    Vakula one. The bag is creeping up.

    VAKULA - Nothing helps in the world! I, a sinner, have to disappear! .. Well! I'll ask the devil for help!

    The devil jumps out of the bag and sits astride the blacksmith's neck.
    DAMN - It's me - your friend! I’ll do everything for my comrade and brother! .. (Tends his dog’s snout to the blacksmith’s right ear.) I’ll give you all the money you want! .. (Squeaks in your left ear.) ... There will be no end to customers! again on the right ear.) ... OKSANA WILL BE OURS TODAY!
    VAKULA - Ours?
    DAMN - Damn, well YOURS, YOURS!
    VAKULA - Ah ... Well then, if you please! For the price I agree!

    The devil begins to gallop with joy on the blacksmith's neck.

    DAMN - Well, Vakula, you know, we don't do anything without a contract!
    VAKULA - I'm ready! You, I heard, sign with blood. Wait, I'll get it out of my pocket ... out of my pocket ... (Puts his hand back.)
    DAMN (tenderly) - Pedicure scissors?
    VAKULA - Nail! (And grab the devil by the tail, the devil squeals, breaks out.) Wait, my dear! (Vakula makes a cross, and the devil becomes quiet as a lamb. The blacksmith drags him by the tail to the ground.) You will know from me how to teach good lads for pedicures!

    Without letting go of his tail, Vakula jumps on top of the devil and raises his hand for the sign of the cross.

    DAMN - Have mercy, Vakula! Everything that is necessary for you, I will do everything, just let your soul go to repentance: do not put a terrible cross on me!
    VAKULA - That's the same, goat's face! Take me this very hour on yourself, do you hear? Carry like a bird!
    DAMN - Where to?
    VAKULA - To the Empress herself!
    DAMN - Where can I get it?
    VAKULA - Well! (Raises hand for sign of the cross, click.)
    DAMN - Got it, not stupid. Now I'll figure it out. Wait a second! Tek-s… Oh, kay! Forward! In Saint-Petersburg!

    SCENE 7.
    The street. Guys and girls. There are bags.

    OKSANA - Wait, the blacksmith forgot his bags! Let's drag them to my house and let's hang out! Let's run after the snowmobiles!

    They run away. A drunken friend appears.

    KUM - Look, what a snack is lying on the road! There must be pork in here! (Sniffs the air.) Alive! .. Drag quickly, before someone sees. (Tries to put the bags on his back, but throws them on the ground.) No, you can't carry them away alone ... Stop, car! Reverse! (Pushing the sacks with his back.) If only the godfather didn’t show up at home! The old witch! .. (Pushing the sacks backstage.)

    SCENE 8.
    Kuma's hut. Kum pulls in a bag. Kuma's cry: "Who is there?"

    KUM - Drawn, God forgive me! (Tries to cover the bags with his body.)
    KUMA - Well, immediately show me what you have there?
    KUM - The bald devil will show you, not me!
    KUMA - No, you will show me, you worthless drunkard! (Punches Kum in the chin with his fist, while simultaneously holding a right hook. Kum goes into a deep knockout. Kuma unties the bag.)
    KUMA - Oh, yes, there is a whole boar! (He sniffs the air.) And he's been lying there for a long time!
    Kum (coming to his senses) - Went away, this is my boar!

    Kuma grabs the poker, while Chub gets out of the bag and stretches like a man who has just awakened from a long sleep. Silent scene.

    KUM - What a fool! It's not a boar! It's Chub!
    KUMA - Look, what kind of person was caroled instead of sausage!
    CHUB - What, I threw a glorious thing over you? Did you want to eat me? But wait! There was something moving under me all the time. There, probably, a pig or other living creatures.

    A clerk appears from the bag. Silent scene.

    CHUB - This is a clerk! Here are those on! Oh yes Solokha! That's it, I see, she has a hut full of bags ... Now I know everything: she had two people in each bag. And I, fool, thought that she was only for me alone ... So much for Solokha!
    DYAK (putting on a bag like a scarf) - I, as a person of a spiritual rank, declare ...
    CHUB - That I got into the bag with the holy spirit! // That I became a nun in the bag! Heh! The deacon-spider…
    KUMA (unties the second bag) - Oh, someone is sitting here!
    CHUB - Come on, kind person, please don’t be angry that we don’t call you by name and patronymic, get out of the bag!

    Head comes out. Silent scene.

    CHUB (to himself) - And the Head got in there too ...
    HEAD (to Chubu) – D-d-must be, n-n-a street m-m-blizzard?
    CHUB - There is a snowstorm. And let me ask you, how do you buckle up in the car - from left to right or from right to left?
    HEAD - P-p-under the armpits ... Well, p-p-goodbye, Chub. (Exits.)
    CHUB - And why did I foolishly ask him how he buckles up? .. Ah yes Solokha! A kind of person to plant with a bag! (To Kume.) Where's that damn bag? There must be another one!
    KUMA - I threw it into the corner, there's nothing else there! The godfather is sleeping on it.
    CHUB - I know these things! Serve it here, shake it well. (Together with the godfather, they pull the bag out from under the godfather and shake it. A coin rolls out with a clang. The godfather and the godfather fall on her with their stomachs and shout: “Mine! Don’t touch it, damn woman! This is not your good!” - arrange a brawl.) Well, Solokha! Well, damn woman! And she looks like such a holy woman, as if she never took a modest thing in her mouth!

    Continuing to grumble, he leaves. Kum and godmother continue to fight.

    SCENE 9.
    A huge staircase to the chambers of the Empress. The Cossacks are waiting. Vakula and the devil land from above.

    VAKULA - Hello, gentlemen! God help you! (Bows to the ground.)
    BOYS - What kind of person, where from?
    VAKULA - Don't you know? I'm Vakula, a blacksmith. When we drove through Dikanka in winter, they stayed with me for almost two days!
    BOYS - Vakula ... Dikanka ... No, brother, they forgot ...
    VAKULA - Well, they drank two tanks of vodka and bubsley ... they arranged it on the farm.
    BADS - Bubsley? Bubsley... How's that?
    VAKULA - How are you? Farm women were put on the roofs, and well, they were watered with a hose. Whoever knocks the woman into the hole first wins. BAB SLEY is called. Forgotten?
    BOYS - Vakula? Friend! .. Sorry, brother, we'll talk later. Now we are going to the Empress herself!
    VAKULA - To the Empress herself? And be gentle, gentlemen, take me with you!
    BOYS - You? No, you can't. You didn't pass face control!
    VAKULA (hitting the devil with his fist.) Ask!
    BOYS - And in fact - we'll take it with us.
    VOICE - Her Majesty - Empress Catherine II.

    The Empress descends from above. The Cossacks fall on their faces.

    EMPRESS - Arise!
    BOYS - Let's not get up, mom! We die, we don't get up!
    EMPRESS - Arise!
    BOYS - Let's not get up!
    EMPRESS - Arise!

    The Cossacks get up.

    EMPRESS - Lie down!

    The Cossacks are falling. The Empress steps over everyone.

    EMPRESS - How can I see my people who do not get up?
    BOYS - Get up, get up! (Rise.)
    EMPRESS - I heard that the Cossacks are strong ...
    VOICE - Dance, dance!
    BOYS - Well, let's dance for our queen the way our fathers and grandfathers did not dance!

    Dance. Applause. After the dance, the Empress bypasses the formation of the Cossacks.

    EMPRESS - Strong, strong... Well, at least you... (Stops in front of Vakula. Examines from head to toe.) Nicely equipped. Are you ready to serve your country?
    VAKULA - Yes, I ... Yes, we ... Yes, forever ...
    EMPRESS - Look what a mustache you have, I suppose you tickled all the girls on your farm with such mustaches ...
    VAKULA - Tickled, how not to tickle when they need it a lot.
    EMPRESS - Come on, show your empress how you do it?
    VAKULA - Here are those on - and you need a lot, mom?
    EMPRESS - Don't talk - you get down to business!
    VAKULA (begins to tickle the empress, breaks away from her with difficulty) - Forgive me, my mistress ... God knows, I would tickle you to the point of heartache ...
    EMPRESS - What is it? What do you need?
    VAKULA - Mistress! Do not order to execute, order to pardon! From what, not in anger, be it said to your royal grace, the little laces are made that are on your feet! My God, what if my Oksana put on such little boots!
    EMPRESS - Arise! Really, I like this Cossack, who needs a lot! Bring him this very hour the most expensive slippers, with gold.

    They bring cherevichki.

    VAKULA - My God, what an ornament! When there are such little laces on the legs, what kind of legs should be? .. Should they be sugar? (Tries to touch the legs.)
    EMPRESS (raises the edge of her dress, showing her legs) - Go, go to your Oksana!
    VAKULA (to hell) - Get me out of here as soon as possible. Now this will start!

    The Cossacks are also going to leave.

    EMPRESS - And you, gentlemen of the Cossacks, I will ask you to stay. Someone has to serve his mom when she needs it a lot.
    The Cossacks with bowed heads trudge behind the Empress.

    SCENE 10.
    Town Square. Crowd of people. Among them is Oksana.

    BABA WITH A PURPLE NOSE - Drowned! By God, drowned! So that I don’t leave this place if I don’t drown!
    KUMA - Well, am I a liar? Have I stolen a cow from someone? Have I jinxed anyone that they do not have faith in me? Here
    so that I would not want to drink water, if the old Pereperchiha did not see with her own eyes how the blacksmith bang his head on the anvil!
    HEAD Here's to you!
    KUMA - Tell me better, so that you do not want to drink vodka, old drunkard! You have to be crazy like you to drown! He flinched! Fucked up! I know this as true as the fact that you are now drunk!
    BABA WITH A PURPLE NOSE - Did you pour me a drink?
    KUMA - I wish I could pour you a drink, you scoundrel! Don't I know that the clerk comes to you every evening?
    VOICES - What is a clerk? To whom is the clerk? What are you lying? I'll let the devil know! Who says this - the clerk?
    KUMA (pointing to a woman with a purple nose) - But to whom the clerk goes!
    BABA WITH A PURPLE NOSE - Get off me, Satan! He goes to everyone!
    KUMA - No, it's you, the witch, who fills him with fog and gives him an unclean potion so that he goes to you, and not to me!
    KUM - Shh! Or to me!
    HEAD - Hush, nasty women! (Wipes his face with the hollow and raises the whip. This movement makes everyone disperse with curses in different
    sides.) What an abomination! T-t-so the blacksmith drowned! My God, and what an important master was! What strength it was!

    Oksana, covering her face with her hands, runs away. The crowd disperses.

    SCENE 11.
    Oksana's room.

    OKSANA (sobs bitterly, but does not forget to look at herself in the mirror). What have I done? What have I done? Lost this guy! And how he loved me! And how he looked at me! .. Who will weld a new suspension for me now? And if he does, how much will he charge for it? Ah-ah-ah! And what did these little slippers give me? For what? Am I not shod, am I not dressed? Is there a lad in our farm more beautiful than Vakula? Ah-ah-ah!

    Vakula enters.

    VAKULA - Don't cry, my beloved Oksana. Look better, my love, what little slippers I brought you. The very ones in which the queen herself walks.
    OKSANA - No! Not! I don't need cherevichik! I don't have any little slippers... (He's embarrassed.)

    Chub enters, stands, bulging his eyes at Vakula.

    VAKULA - Have mercy, father! Don't get angry! Here's a whip for you: hit as much as your heart desires, I surrender myself, I repent of everything, hit, but don't get angry.

    Chub takes a whip and hits Vakula three times on the back.

    CHUB - Well, it will be with you, get up! Always listen to old people! Let's forget everything that was between us! Well, now tell me, what do you want?
    VAKULA - Give, father, Oksana for me!
    CHUB - Good, good!
    Solokha appears.

    SOLOHA - You can ask your own mother, son. I still have to take a loan for a wedding ... But I am a weak, lonely woman ...
    CHUB - Hm!
    SOLOHA (flashing her eyes at Chub) - Everyone is willing to visit, but what about getting married - so into the bushes.

    The devil appears.

    DAMN - Me! I'm ready to get married ... even in the bushes (pulls out his lips with a pipe and moves his legs, stroking Solokha).
    SOLOHA (resolutely takes the devil by the arm) - Well, make up your mind, Chub. If you don't make up your mind this very hour, I'll marry him. Or for him (pulls the uncomprehending Dyak with his other hand).

    CHUB - Eh! If such a booze has gone - cut the last fat shmat! I'm getting married!
    SOLOHA (jumps for joy, then throws herself on Chub's neck, kisses him passionately. To Vakula and Oksana.) Son, daughter, come here - under mother's and father's blessing!
    CHUB (points to the devil) - And what to do with this?
    VAKULA - Yes, drive him to the very end of the world! (Gives a kick to the devil, he disappears.)

    Vakula and Oksana, holding hands, approach. Chub and Solokha bless them.

    DYAK - I did not understand - so they will marry me or not?

    Behind the scenes there is some noise, screams. Santa Claus appears with a big bag and the Snow Maiden.

    CHUB - Good guests are always welcome! Here's a visit so a visit! Long, you see, was your way?
    Santa Claus - Yes, read it, we are going from the very end of the world!
    DYAK (touches the bag and jumps away). And then what?
    FATHER FROST - Yes, while we were walking, God knows what fell on us from the sky. Climbed into the bag, quieted down, sits and sniffs.

    Untie the bag. That's where the hell comes out.

    VAKULA - You again! (Going to hit the devil.)
    DAMN - Everyone has a holiday like a holiday, weddings, love. Everyone sends me alone (sobbing) ... now to St. Petersburg, then to the ends of the world ... And I, by the way, am also a member of your trade union-farm collective. (Sobs.)
    SOLOHA - Don't cry, goat-faced. I came up with. (Bends her fingers.) You are arrogant, creative, non-drinker, with charisma, eager for girls ... And what verbiage ... You will be a master of ceremonies! At my wedding!
    DAMN - Absolutely. And almost free ... mind you. Just something for kontramarochku. (Disappears, returns a minute later in a suit with a tie and a huge counter-mark with images and names of former and future outrageous guest performers.)
    Santa Claus - Here I look at you and marvel. Everyone is fussing, running, quarreling, reconciling. And they forgot about such a noble holiday. And it happens once a year! So congratulate each other and wish yourself happiness, health, good luck! And I wish you...
    SNOW MAIDEN - Honor! Respect!
    Santa Claus - Peace and prosperity in the family! Here!

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    New Year's Impromptu Musical (Script)

    SOLOHA (actress SOLANGE)

    Ukrainian girls, French and Latin American dancers, evil spirits.

    Set. Director, group of actors. Screen adaptation of N.V. Gogol's story "The Night Before Christmas".

    Action I. Ukrainian option.

    Dance of the witch (Solokha) with the Devil and evil spirits. Abduction of the month. Chub and Panas appear.

    FORELOCK: So you, godfather, why don't you have a clerk in a new hut? There will be a good party there! Sho tse take? Breathe, Panas, miss nema!

    PANAS: How so nema?

    FORELOCK: So nema! Shovil a month, filthy Democrats!

    PANAS: Well, good, sho shovali! Better wake up. They beat you to hell!

    Oksana's room. The girl is sitting in front of a mirror.

    OKSANA: Shaw, show me, am I a garna maiden chi no? Oh, garna, hefty garna!

    VACULA(appears on the threshold): Oksana, my heart, marvel, I have secured gifts for you!

    OKSANA: Well, sho tse take? Tse OK irons!

    VACULA: We know it, irons! I'm a blacksmith, not a jeweler!

    OKSANA(pouting his lip): Maybe he would have some kind of pebble ... Why am I, a horse, walking in iron?

    VACULA: Well then tell me what you're up to...

    OKSANA: What do the women say? .. To the right of Versace, doha polohmache ... or here! Hefty men hunting new cherevichki!

    VACULA: Cherevichki? Sho tse take?

    OKSANA: Model shoes, cormorant! Do you understand Ukrainian?

    VACULA: So then you need to joke in the store! Five hvilin - and I will return!

    OKSANA: Where did you go? Meni treba special cherevichki. Iakie herself Jennifer Lopez on her feet to carry.

    VACULA: Oh dear mother! Where can I get this Jennifer?

    OKSANA: And do not move me!

    VAKULA'S SONG: ("Chervona Ruta") There is one girl
    Shaw charmed me.
    All hearty out
    Tore me to pieces. Ridna Oksana, so I kohai!
    You are one with me, tilki you believe!

    Let's chat with you until dawn! I will get you
    Golden laces
    And I'll get it from nebes
    The best bird! Ridna Oksana, so I kohai!
    You are one with me, only you believe!
    Garna Oksana, come out to the barn,
    Let's chat with you until dawn!

    Upper room in Solokha's hut. Solokha accepts the Devil.

    HECK(dancing around Solokha):
    You said on Wednesday
    Let's go to the neighbor. I came - you are dumb ... Pidmanula-pidvela!
    You are a mene, you are a mene pidmanula, You are a mene, you are a mene pidvela, You are a mene, you are a mene, young, You have driven you crazy!

    Knock on the door. The devil gets into the bag, Solokha opens the door.
    Head enters.

    HEAD: You said on Saturday: Let's go to work together! I came - you are dumb ... Pidmanula-pidvela!
    You are a mene, you are a mene pidmanula, You are a mene, you are a mene pidvela, You are a mene, you are a mene, young, You have driven you crazy!

    Knock on the door. Solokha hides the Head in a bag, opens the door.
    Diak enters.

    DYAK: You said Monday...

    DIRECTOR: Stop stop!! No it's not that! Out of date, irrelevant! Who cares about the life of the Ukrainian village now? What about Ukrainian folklore? No, let's move the scene to Paris! All actors will be French; love a la france! – ah! So, get out of the bags, the same scene again.

    Action II. French variant.


    The boudoir of the famous actress Solange. The DEVIL enters.

    SONG OF THE DEVIL: ("Belle")
    You entered my sick soul.
    I will break your peace today.
    The unbridled beast lives in me again.
    Solange, old woman, I'm tired of wanting you.

    Even without a cross, but I'm a guy anywhere -
    Hellfire is like cool water to me,
    I am a former angel, even with a curse on my forehead,
    I have the right to be happy on Earth!
    In your arms I will find peace
    And I'll give my soul to myself - it's not the first time for me!

    HECK: Solange, ma belle fille, tu m'ais compri, you understand...

    Knock on the door.


    Mayor enters.

    MED: Oh Solange! Ma contesse, ma petit Blanchenaige! Cette chansone est pour toi!

    MAYOR'S SONG ("Belle"):
    Here in Paris, everyone is afraid of me,
    I have an hour to enjoy life!
    May -
    Let flowers bloom in a rough heart!
    You will be rewarded for everything! On rainbow wings I will return to the mayor's office,
    I will plunge into the affairs of life with a sigh.
    It's a pity,
    That all week it’s advice, and then a banquet,
    I've been sick of the smell of cutlets for a long time.
    But once a week I find peace
    When I meet you backstage.
    MED: Solange, quel bon surprise!

    Knock on the door.

    SOLANGE: Silence! Tu vas dans ce sac, vite!

    The PRIEST enters.

    SOLANGE: Onjour, padre!

    PADRE: Bonjour, ma fille! Comment ca va?

    Bags toss and turn, Solange tries to cover them. Drowning out the sounds coming from inside, sneezes loudly, blows his nose, etc.

    PADRE: Comment? Tu est malade?

    SOLANGE: Yes…. oui… produlo…

    PADRE SONG ("Belle"):
    You are like a magical and sinful dream,
    My church incense will scatter -
    Ringing -
    Buzzing in the ears and again the heart beats the alarm:
    The poor old abbot fell in love with a witch! Holy maiden, you can't help me
    Forbidden love I can not overcome.
    Don't leave me, lovely Solange,
    Let me once, well, at least once, take revenge! And even in the church I can not find peace,
    Probably, I was born like this in my dad ...

    Knock on the door.

    Will -
    Will be the best
    The very newest
    New New Year!!

    Scenario "The Night Before Christmas"

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