And those who suffer. Those who suffer from panic attacks and want to be free from them

The world moves forward thanks to those who suffer.
Lev Tolstoy

There is no greater pain than remembering happy days in the days of misfortune.
Dante Alighieri

Suffering is the first thing a child must learn, it is what he will most need to know. Whoever breathes and who thinks must weep.
Jean Jacques Rousseau

Leonard Cohen

Whoever does not know how to endure suffering is doomed to many sufferings.
Jean Jacques Rousseau

Each person considers that the suffering that has fallen to his lot is the greatest.
Hermann Hesse

Don't be afraid of suffering. You have a strong soul, and therefore you suffer more than others and try in every possible way to avoid this. But suffering leads to heights and the whole world becomes better because of it.
Ivan Efremov

No one can escape the valley of tears, but the pain will be less if we stop considering ourselves the protagonist of our own drama.
Leonard Cohen

The greatest evil is suffering.
Cicero Mark Tullius

The mockery of other people's suffering should not be forgiven.
Chekhov Anton Pavlovich

Suffering! What a great and underestimated phenomenon! To him we owe everything that is good in us, everything that gives value to life; to him we owe mercy, courage, we owe all the virtues.
Anatole France

All the suffering around us must also suffer. We all do not have one body, but one development, and this takes us through all the pains in one form or another. Just as a child passes in its development through all stages of life, right up to old age and death (and each stage, in essence, from fear or from desire, seems unattainable to the previous one), so do we (connected with humanity no less deeply than with ourselves) we go through in our development through all the sufferings of this world. There is no place for justice in this situation, but there is no place for fear of suffering or the ability to interpret suffering as merit.
Kafka Franz

Suffering is like an iron plow that the sculptors have inserted into the clay mass: it supports, it is strength.
Honore de Balzac

There is only one path to greatness, and that path is through suffering.
Einstein Albert

Suffering is the seed of joy.
Japanese saying

When they don't give me a role, I feel like a pianist whose hands have been cut off.
Ranevskaya Faina Georgievna

If you want to be happy, first learn to suffer.
Ivan Turgenev

It is better to endure some suffering in order to enjoy greater pleasures; it is useful to abstain from certain pleasures, so as not to endure more severe sufferings.

Through suffering and grief, we are destined to obtain grains of wisdom that cannot be acquired in books.
Nikolay Gogol

We strive more to ward off suffering than to enjoy.
Freud Sigmund

Suffering makes the strong stronger.
Lion Feuchtwanger

Conditioned existence is suffering. Suffering has a reason. Suffering has an end, and there are paths that lead to that end.
Buddha Gautama Shakyamuni

Sorrow is the most useful, the most comforting nest of a person in this world, because no one can destroy this nest.
Fazil Iskander

Only here to suffer is to suffer. Not in the sense that those who suffer here will be exalted somewhere else because of this suffering, but in the sense that what is called suffering in this world does not change in the other world, but is only liberated. from its opposite, bliss.
Kafka Franz

Suffering and joy rub against each other. When they rub against each other without a trace, happiness will be born. Such happiness will be indestructible.
Hong Zicheng

You can withdraw from the sufferings of the world, it is allowed for you and corresponds to your nature, but perhaps this very withdrawal is the only suffering that you could avoid.
Kafka Franz

Suffering fills the soul and consciousness of a person entirely, regardless of whether this suffering is great or small.
Viktor Frankl

The human mind can heal delusions, but not suffering.
Musset Louis Charles Alfred de

All the suffering around us must also suffer. We have different bodies, but one development, and this takes us through all the pains in one form or another.
Franz Kafk

Small sufferings drive us out of ourselves, while great ones bring us back to ourselves.
Jean Paul Richter

Suffering can be the path to great love and great mercy.
Mother Teresa

In happiness be moderate, in misfortune be reasonable.

Not a single era, not a single civilization has created people in whose souls there would be so much bitterness. In this sense, we live in a unique time. If it were necessary to express the spiritual state of modern man in a single word, I would undoubtedly choose the word "bitterness."
Michel Houellebecq

He who has not been brought up by suffering remains forever a child. One who has not suffered is incapable of compassion.
Niccolo Tommaseo

The unfortunate fate of many people is a consequence of the choice they did not make. They are neither alive nor dead. Life turns out to be a burden, an aimless occupation, and deeds are only a means of protection from the torments of being in the realm of shadows.
Erich Fromm

You can stay away from the suffering of the world... But perhaps this avoidance is the only suffering you could avoid.
Franz Kafka

All suffering is evil. It may be necessary, but its fundamental essence does not change from this.
John Fowles

After a few years of practice, you begin to realize that very often suffering is part of a deep natural process of purification.
Sogyal Rinpoche

Only after living below, you will learn how dangerous it is to climb up. Only after being in the dark, you will know how bright the sunlight is. Only by keeping calm, you will find out how much energy those who are in motion spend. Only by nurturing silence do you realize how vain verbosity is.
Hong Zicheng

For the most part, people are more inclined to suffer than to fight to remove the cause of suffering.
Thomas Jefferson

All conditioned existence is suffering. Every suffering has a reason. The cause of suffering can be removed. There is a path that leads to complete freedom from suffering.

The writing:
How to help the indifferent and those who suffer from their indifference?

Composition: How to help the indifferent and those who suffer from their indifference?

(1) Compassion is an active helper.
(2) But what about those who do not see, do not hear, do not feel when it hurts and feels bad for another?
(3) An outsider, as they consider everyone except themselves, yes, perhaps, their family, to which, however, they are also often indifferent.
(4) How to help both those who suffer from indifference and the indifferent themselves?
(5) From childhood to educate - first of all oneself - so as to respond to someone else's misfortune and rush to help those who are in trouble.
(6) And neither in life, nor in pedagogy, nor in art should we consider sympathy as a demagnetizing sensitivity, sentimentality alien to us.
(7) Sympathy is a great human ability and need, a blessing and a duty.
(8) People who are endowed with this ability or who anxiously feel a lack of it in themselves, people who have cultivated the talent of kindness in themselves, those who know how to turn sympathy into assistance, live more difficult than insensitive.
(9) And more restless.
(10) But their conscience is clear.
(11) They tend to raise good children.
(12) They are generally respected by those around them.
(13) But even if this rule is violated and those around them do not understand, and the children deceive their hopes, they will not deviate from their moral position.
(14) It seems to the insensitive that they feel good.
(15) They are said to be endowed with armor that protects them from unnecessary worries and unnecessary worries.
(16) But it only seems to them, they are not endowed, but deprived.
(17) Sooner or later - as it comes around, it will respond!
(18) I recently had the good fortune to meet a wise old doctor.
(19) He often appears in his department on weekends and holidays, not out of emergency, but out of spiritual need.
(20) He talks with patients not only about their illness, but also on difficult life topics.
(21) He knows how to give them hope and courage.
(22) Long-term observations showed him that a person who never sympathized with anyone, did not empathize with anyone's suffering, finding himself in front of his own misfortune, turns out to be unprepared for it.
(23) Pitiful and helpless he meets such a test.
(24) Selfishness, callousness, indifference, heartlessness cruelly avenge themselves.
(25) Blind fear.
(26) Loneliness.
(27) Belated remorse.
(28) One of the most important human feelings is empathy.
(29) And let it not remain just sympathy, but become action.
(30) Assistance.
(31) To those who need it, who are ill, although he is silent, one must come to the rescue, without waiting for a call.
(32) There is no radio receiver stronger and more sensitive than the human soul.
(33) If it is tuned to a wave of high humanity.
(According to S. Lvov).

How to learn one of the most humane qualities - compassion?
Can it be taught? What is true empathy?
These problems are raised in his article by the well-known publicist S. Lvov.

I will focus on the problem of active, active compassion.

The relevance of this problem today is undeniable. Addressing a wide audience

S. Lvov with restrained pathos, but, at the same time, uncompromisingly condemns a person's indifference to other people's troubles and sufferings. The author gives a vivid example of selfless service to people - a story about an old doctor. S. Lvov contrasts this type of personality with selfish, callous, heartless people. Sooner or later, the author of the article believes, a person’s insensitivity will return like a boomerang (“as it comes around, it will respond!”).

The well-known prose writer, using parceling (24-27 sentences), evaluative vocabulary (pathetic, helpless), original metaphor (radio receiver - human soul), draws the attention of us, readers, to the problem of immorality of human indifference. The article urges everyone not to stay away from human grief.

And I can't help but agree with him. In fact, compassion, empathy, co-experience are words of the same order. So - means together, at the same time, together to overcome life's hardships with those who are in dire need of it. You are stronger and you can turn your shoulder to the weaker - isn't that the meaning of human co-existence? Otherwise, life will turn into existence (you just eat, sleep, everything else does not concern you).

Recently I happened to read the memoirs of contemporaries about Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. The noblest person… He never stayed away from human grief. Selfless work during the cholera epidemic, building hospitals for ordinary peasants, schools for peasant children, constant care for numerous relatives, for everyone who turned to the famous writer - is this not an example of effective compassion ?!

Chekhov's hero, doctor Dymov from the story "The Jumper", saves a child with diphtheria at the cost of his own life.

Are there many such people in our life? From my own, albeit small, experience, I know that now the majority are characterized by selfishness, spiritual callousness, indifference. It is no coincidence that today the slang word "apathy" reflects the life position of modern youth, not the best part of it. People sometimes live according to the principle "My hut is on the edge - I don't know anything." Otherwise, how to explain the fact known to me from the TV show: the daughter kicks her own mother out of the house, dooms her to vagrancy and calmly talks about it with journalists. The woman who gave life to this creature is slowly dying from the onset of gangrene ... The daughter feels neither compassion nor remorse. Who will teach such a person mercy? And how can such a person be considered a Human?

I think there is no answer to this question. Everything starts from childhood.

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Is there at least one among you or among your friends and acquaintances who would not respond to the call, if we are talking about someone in need of compassion and sympathy at the moment when waves of sadness crush the last stronghold of the material; or at the hour when the most hidden depths of suffering resound and the soul is left alone with God; or when no human help is possible anymore; or when everything that lies between life and death, no matter how much patience it requires, has already been experienced by this soul?

If memory can recall such moments vividly enough, will it not remind you of those desperate promises you made to your better self, your God, to make amends for the wrong you have done, or to do a virtuous deed that could change the course of your life if in this way you can get relief?

And it may happen that even death will be welcomed at such an hour, if there is no other way to end the suffering of the soul or body.

At such a moment in your depths, without knowing it, you have come into contact with the Divine Essence much more closely and intimately than ever before and than you can ever do it again, unless similar conditions arise. And in that touch you were given something that you never had before; something that separated you forever from the material self that you had served until that time. Whatever name you call this gift, whether it was an expression of divine Love, Sympathy or mutual understanding, it does not matter: truly, in all cases you have been gifted with a part of the Divine essence.

If you have allowed this gift to lie dormant, or have used it only when one of your personal friends needed it, or if some national disaster has knocked on the door of your heart with such force that you had to open this door in self-defense then you are missing the greatest opportunity given to man, for which a very strict account will be required.

It should not matter to you who or what suffers or suffered, what caused this suffering, and how far the sympathy awakened in you will eventually lead you. One thing is important for you - at that moment or hour, as soon as you were graciously allowed to become a conduit for the transfer of this gift of the Holy Spirit to another human soul, you were able to radiate the same Divine substance, thanks to which you became like God for a while.

Your own liberation from the infinitely greater suffering you have ever endured was hanging in the balance the moment you heard the silent call to share this Divine gift with another. And you should not be at all concerned about the results of the use of this gift, whether it concerns spiritual or material things. The responsibility for these consequences rests with God, who prompted you to take such action in that never-forgotten hour when you plunged into the abyss of your own suffering.

Although you did not really care about this gift and at times were forgetful and ungrateful, you still believed and continue to believe that someday the time will come when you will NOT forget and when Appreciation and Gratitude will become your inalienable qualities.

Believing this, try also to realize that repeated efforts can lead others to the fact that they will no longer forget what you did for them when they were also in the "abyss of suffering."

Therefore, you have no reason to worry about what the performance of any good deed will turn out to be, whatever its temporal aspect.

Tall or short, white or black, educated or ignorant, human beings become equal when it comes to the pressing issues of their complex lives, and there are several notes in the grand scale that every soul must answer.

Didn't I hear you ask, “But what about the vice of ingratitude? Does not such indifference on the part of one force the same indifference on the other? Ah, My children, again I say to you: do not worry about the consequences of any righteous deed. You can safely leave these consequences to the Giver who rewarded you in the hours of your delight and exaltation, for He has other gifts in His power, and the sympathy you express can prepare the ground in the soul for the acceptance of the gift of Gratitude - that key that can open the tightly locked the door of a heart dried up by the cruelty, coldness and indifference of this world. You may rejoice in the gratitude of others, but you have no right to demand this gift from them.

Very few, even among the most orthodox Christians, have grasped the real meaning of one of the most intimate, occult sayings of the Master Jesus: "If anyone offers a cup of cold water in My Name, that is already My disciple."

The same as such a bowl of cold water is for the lips of a weary, exhausted traveler, parched by the heat of the desert, is the dew of sympathy and help to a lonely soul in its grave suffering. And if this sympathy is given in the name of Christ, in other words, strengthened by His Power, then the spiritual power of Patience is transmitted along with it, the power to rise and defeat those limiting elementals that plunged this soul into the abyss of suffering.

You are on the verge of the birth of great opportunities, which can only be compared with the baptism of Fire, which descended on the disciples of Jesus in the “upper chamber” and now descends on all people whose hearts are open to its flame.

The flames and the language in which the extraordinary speeches were uttered during that fiery flood were of the same nature: both were signs of the power of Christ, who came to convey the knowledge of this wonderful new language - the language of human brotherhood.

A man or woman in the midst of suffering is a Christ-given opportunity for all who are able to hear the call of the afflicted. And God have mercy on that human soul that, having heard this call, refuses to answer it, for when the blind rulers of the evolutionary law pronounce judgment, there will be no forgiveness for this soul. And then a protector will not arise in the name of Christ, that is, overshadowed by the power of the Name, the power of these flames - the power of Christ himself, which was bestowed on her when God the Son united God in man with man in God at that moment "in the abyss".

It doesn't matter if you are a member of a church, an organization or just a free person, the main thing is your ability to hear the call of your higher self.

This call may now come from My mouth, or the next moment from the lips of some child, a beggar, a street woman, or a criminal imprisoned; but however and from wherever it sounds, your memory should bring you back to some measure of your own experience and cause you to respond to this call, and then forget what you have done if you are inclined to expect some outward expression of gratitude. .

It will be difficult for you to hear this call if your inner ear is still sealed with a sense of separation - if you believe that the separation between bodies extends to souls.

Only the realization of the essential unity of all people and creatures can open the ears and eyes of the soul and finally put an end to suffering.



Snezhana Ivanova

Suffering is a state of frustration and extreme dissatisfaction. Suffering in a person arises when desires that are significant for him, for some reason, have not been realized.

Suffering is an integral part of the life of any person. We all strive for something, make certain plans for the future, but do not always achieve what we want. At such moments, suffering comes, sometimes forcing you to be disappointed and give up ahead of time. Of course, not all of life is spent in suffering, but everyone experiences certain mistakes and losses.

Essence of suffering

Suffering is a state of frustration and extreme dissatisfaction. Suffering in a person arises when desires that are significant for him, for some reason, have not been realized. The essence of suffering lies in the fact that a person begins to feel inner pain in himself, from which he cannot get rid of for a long time. Usually suffering is caused by some internal unresolved problem that has several contradictions.

The essence of any human experience boils down to a subjective sense of loss and an insurmountable obstacle. Often a person has a feeling that nothing can be corrected and it remains only to come to terms with their difficult share.

The meaning of suffering

If you think about why people suffer, the answer will not be so easy to find. This question often remains unanswered. Many people see the meaning of emotional experiences in helping themselves to change, to rethink important events of the past. However, few people consciously choose suffering for themselves as a path of spiritual transformation. Mostly only deeply religious people choose to suffer in order to purify their thoughts and feelings. They see the meaning of suffering in getting rid of oppressive experiences and additional temptations to commit a bad deed. An ordinary person, on the other hand, rarely even thinks about the meaning of suffering and even more rarely prefers to oppress himself consciously. The very essence of suffering for them has a different meaning: it is associated with injustice and resentment.

Causes of suffering

It is worth noting that suffering does not arise by itself, without apparent reason. What would be the point of a man to torture himself in vain? Suffering comes into our lives when certain circumstances take place, that is, a specific meaning arises.

Unmet expectations

There are often times in life when things go wrong, out of alignment with our inner beliefs and expectations. This happens because other people do not always know and understand what is required of them. In addition, each person puts his own meaning into the events. Meaning is what drives a person, leads him forward, makes him develop. Accordingly, the meaning of life is different for everyone. If we begin to make claims against a loved one who has chosen creativity for himself, and not a family, in this way, a conflict will inevitably arise in the relationship.

Unjustified expectations and give rise to all sorts of suffering. It begins to seem to a person that they forgot about him or deliberately ignored him in order to show how little he means in a particular situation. Sometimes people do not even realize that it is absurd to be offended by a relative or acquaintance, because he has completely different values ​​and priorities.

Betrayal and resentment

They are formed under the influence of unjustified expectations. Suppose a person wanted to get some specific result from interacting with someone, but did not get it. As a result, there is a negative mood, a feeling of resentment. It seems that the opponent betrayed us and destroyed the existing plans, although in reality he may not even be aware that you expected something completely different from him. The feeling of resentment in itself is quite destructive: it does not give a person the opportunity to look for meaning in what happened, but immediately sets him up against his opponent. This is how suffering arises, which is characterized by a lack of mood, frequent tears, and a general disorder of the emotional background.

Focus on the ideal

The fastest way to experience suffering is to create some ideal image of yourself and try to fit reality into it. Disappointment in this case comes very quickly, bringing with it a lack of desire to act in the future. Heartache often blocks any attempt to make meaningful sense of what is happening. Focusing on the ideal prevents the individual from making plans, enjoying life, and invariably leads to suffering.

Forms of suffering

The form of suffering is the way it is expressed. People can express their feelings in different ways. Moreover, some unconsciously choose for themselves an active form of manifestations, while others choose a passive one. The forms of suffering are divided into two large groups.

open form

This form allows the individual to reduce his suffering to some extent and focus on his own feelings. This happens due to the fact that she does not ignore her emotions, does not suppress them, but actively expresses them. The open form is much healthier. A person in this case will make efforts in order to achieve justice, to defend their own interests. He will not give in to his opponent, he will not engage in self-deception. An open form allows you to quickly cope with the situation, work out existing fears and other feelings.

hidden form

Some people have great difficulty expressing their feelings. In this case, we can talk about a hidden form of suffering. The hidden form is expressed in the fact that a person cannot act openly when it comes to feelings, and therefore suffers even more. The hidden form implies that the person keeps everything in himself, does not share his experiences with others. This form cannot positively affect health: nerve cells are destroyed, tension and dissatisfaction with relationships accumulate. A hidden form of suffering is always dangerous for the development of a person, because it does not allow a person to be himself.

Thus, every suffering has its causes, meaning and mode of manifestation. In some ways, sometimes it is even useful to rethink the events that happened in the past, to reassess values. This is necessary in order to let go of resentment, fear, sorrow and live on.

Hyperpigmentation is a problem for many men and women, especially in the spring and summer. What causes this, and how to prevent the appearance of age spots?

1. Causes of hyperpigmentation
2. How to prevent the appearance of age spots?
3. How to get rid of age spots?

Causes of hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation¹ occurs when the body produces too much melanin, resulting in darker areas of the skin.

This can be caused by a variety of reasons:

  • exposure to sunlight;
  • damage to the skin;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • folic acid deficiency;
  • exposure to active oxygen.

Let's take a closer look…

Exposure to sunlight

Usually, excessive production of melanin provokes sunlight. Age spots, freckles, age spots, and sunburn are all examples of hyperpigmentation that is caused by harmful UV rays.

Damage to the skin

Darkening of the skin can occur after various skin injuries, such as trauma, inflammatory rashes, infections, burns, allergic reactions or acne².

Hormonal imbalance

Hormonal imbalances can also cause hyperpigmentation. Often, hormonal contraceptives cause a change in estrogen or progesterone levels. By stopping the use of birth control pills and removing the intrauterine device, many women were able to quickly return the skin to a natural look.

Often, increased pigmentation can be associated with low levels of thyroid hormone. To accurately determine the cause and choose the appropriate treatment, it is recommended to consult your doctor.

folic acid deficiency

Numerous studies have confirmed that skin hyperpigmentation is often associated with folic acid deficiency, so people suffering from age spots are advised to consume foods and supplements high in folic acid, such as green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, beans, and whole grains.

Active oxygen exposure

Under the action of active oxygen, skin cells are oxidized, which also leads to increased pigmentation. In this aspect, vitamin C has proven itself well. A daily intake of 500 mg of vitamin C saturates the body with antioxidants and makes the skin color even and beautiful.

How to prevent the appearance of age spots?

Those who suffer from hyperpigmentation, and for whom the beauty of the body is important, should first of all think about protecting the skin from exposure to sunlight.

Sunscreen should be included in your daily skincare routine. Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher) and apply it daily half an hour before going outside.

If your skin is naturally prone to overpigmentation, then sunscreen is a must, otherwise all skin whitening procedures will be a waste of time, as sunlight again activates melanin production.


Sunscreen must be applied to a previously cleansed face and body treated with serum or lotion.

You also need to remember that sunscreen must be used daily, even if age spots have already disappeared. This is the only way to keep a beautiful skin tone.

When choosing sunscreens, you should pay attention to their properties - what type of skin they are like, and whether they can be applied under makeup.