Information about the text for a concise presentation.


(1) As a seven-eight-year-old boy, I was fond of Dumas' Three Musketeers. (2) A chubby volume with an exciting emblem in the form of a musketeer's cloak, crossed swords and a wide-brimmed hat is the first book that I myself read. (3) I already knew many writers: Dickens, Scott, Cooper. (4) My mother read them to me. (5) I loved these readings aloud, but the deep charm of books, when what is read is so intertwined with life itself that you no longer know where life is and where fiction is, was revealed to me for the first time when I myself read The Three Musketeers.

(6) I had three bosom friends. (7) Mom gave me the idea to turn my friends into musketeers and relive the story of my favorite heroes with them. (8) I was struck by this thought, which children usually reach with their minds. (9) I made four swords, then I began to think about how to distribute the roles.

(10) After much deliberation, I chose d'Artagnan for myself, and not because he is the main character: Athos impressed me more. (11) But I did not feel in myself that nobility, which is the main feature of Athos, which my friend Pavlik fully possessed. (12) I did not have either Portos' good nature, or the grace and secrecy of Aramis.

(13) My flatmate, the son of the carriage driver Labutin Boris, became Porthos. (14) In him, however, there was neither Portos's passion for panache, nor the scope of his vanity, nor greed, but he was the largest of all of us and the most good-natured.

(15) Pavlik, about whom I have already spoken, in his nobility was not inferior to the genuine Athos. (16) The youngest of us, Kolka, was a handsome boy, but his resemblance to Aramis was almost limited to this.

(17) My comrades did not immediately enter into their roles. (18) At first, the game was like an opera with one soloist: I played and fantasized for everyone, they were the voiceless performers of my inventions; later everything changed: everyone knew their place, the game took shape.

(19) Mom, who perceived all my hobbies with unusual sensitivity, always knew how to bring into them that naturalness and authenticity for which I did not have enough practical imagination. (20) And then one morning I was shocked to find on the back of the bed, instead of the usual pants with straps and a flimsy jacket, shiny gilded and azure musketeer clothes: a cloak, pants with bows, a hat with a feather and a sling with a leather scabbard. (21) With trepidation, I pulled all these beautiful things on myself. (22) At this moment, Porthos entered. (23) His mouth opened like a perch.

(24) ... Over time, our game took on a clear form, although we never played scenes from Dumas' novels. (25) Our game was devoid of any theatricality. (26) Perhaps this is due to the fact that we were fascinated in this game not by the plot, but by that atmosphere of close friendship, which every minute could be confirmed by a blow of a sword, friendship full of self-sacrifice and disinterestedness, friendship in which four people felt like one, and four hearts as one heart.

(27) At the time of our pre-war childhood, the surroundings of Chistye Prudy were inhabited by a violent and ferocious tribe. (28) Those who remember the gang of ataman Kvakin from A. Gaidar's wonderful story "Timur and his team" can easily imagine the character of Chistoprudnaya freemen. (29) Kvakin and his associates were a thunderstorm for country clearings and orchards; Chistoprudny guys ruled over a large reservoir, swaying their muddy waves at the end of the boulevard, at the Pokrovsky Gate. (З0) Rare daredevils who risked partaking of forbidden goods were punished mercilessly.

(31) Once, the four of us were returning from a school evening. (32) We laughed, talked loudly: I wanted to show off and surprise each other with something. (ZZ) We didn’t even notice how we got to the boulevard. (34) A little to the side, the waters of the pond gloomily blackened, the trees rustled their branches dryly, the boulevard from grate to grate was as wide as the world. (35) We suppressed a sigh and, at once more modestly, moved across the boulevard. (Zb) Now each of us strove for only one thing: in the event of an unpleasant meeting, to make the most harmless impression.

(37) Suddenly I stumble on the back of Porthos, and my heart goes far, far away, leaving behind a nagging trickle of cold.

(38) Two green small eyes look directly at me, as if set in an orange orange. (39) But this is not an orange, but a demoniac, impudently evil muzzle of Lyalik. (40) The black dwarf next to him is Gulka, behind him grins with all his pancake Funtik.

(41) I didn’t have time to see two more - they went to our rear.

(42) We are surrounded.

(43) And then each of us unconsciously entered his role.

(44) Aramis began to mock, Athos silently stood in front of everyone, directly against the instigator, Porthos drew himself up, and I, succumbing to the wonderful impulse generated by friendship, turned around and slammed my fist into the snub-nosed nose of Lyalik himself with a bang. (45) I felt Lyalik's nose pressed in, like an electric bell button.

(46) I don’t know, maybe already in the morning the waters of Chistye Prudy began to mysteriously and menacingly rage under the ice, or the linden covered with hoarfrost turned green, or what other unusual omens were broadcast to Chistoprudny about impending serious troubles, perhaps everything had already been noted in advance in book of fate, - but I was so amazed when I saw the red streams flowing from the Viking's nose that I did not even immediately realize that it was blood.

(47) Meanwhile, a fight broke out around. (48) Athos took on the favorite of the Chistoprudnys - Gulka, Porthos - Funtika, Aramis turned out to be against two. (49) My opponent, the terrible, invincible Lyalik, stood in front of me and threw red drops of blood onto the snow with two fingers. (50) At this moment, I was freed from fear. (51) Now I knew that the same blood flows in his veins as in mine, and that his strength does not in the least exceed the strength of an ordinary person; he paralyzed his victims with fear.

(52) Yes, the musketeers not only fought, they watched each other to come to the rescue at the right time. (53) The Chistoprudny guys were strong in their organization, but now they are faced with a stronger organization. (54) We surpassed them in friendship. (55) We did not have any envy or rivalry, we were like one body. (56) And in this Chistoprudny were inferior to us. (57) After all, no one came to the aid of Lyalik when I broke his nose with the first blow. (58) Probably, Gulka, in the depths of his soul, experienced joy from the humiliation of his patron. (59)3beginning, we can beat them one by one. (60) When I turned to Lyalik, he could read his death sentence in my eyes.

(61) Soon, all the guys in the yard and the surrounding area felt our new strength. (62) Some with enthusiasm, others with distrust, which we did not miss the opportunity to dispel, followed the growth of our power; hitherto we have had a reputation for modest boys who are easy to offend.

(63) This was the heyday of our musketeers. (64) But it was from that moment that the fading of the game began. (65) There were several reasons for this: our growing up, school, new books and paintings telling about our peers, Soviet children, whose affairs were closer and more interesting to us than the adventures of Dumas' distant heroes.

(According to Yu. Nagibin*)

* Yuri Markovich Nagibin (1920-1994) - Russian prose writer, journalist and screenwriter. He studied at the screenwriting department of VGIK. Printed since 1940. Member of the Great Patriotic War. Nagibin's books contain pictures of war and labor, childhood memories and foreign meetings, the fate of contemporaries, people of Russian art. His works are marked by the dramatic nature of conflicts, lyrical worldview, and the accuracy of details. Yuri Nagibin's works have been translated into many foreign languages.

In the twenty-second task, it is necessary to solve the problem by making an equation with unknowns. Below we present algorithms for solving typical variants.

Analysis of typical options for tasks No. 22 OGE in mathematics

The first version of the assignment

The first cyclist left the village on the highway at a speed of 21 km/h. An hour later, at a speed of 15 km/h, a second cyclist left the same village in the same direction, and an hour later, a third. Find the speed of the third cyclist if he first caught up with the second, and after 9 hours after that he caught up with the first.

Solution algorithm:
  1. We introduce an unknown quantity: the speed of the third.
  2. We find out what type of movement this task is for.
  3. Using the condition, formulas of time or speed, we express all the rest in terms of an unknown value.
  4. Based on the condition, we compose an equality and transform it.
  5. We solve the equation.
  6. We write down the answer.

1. Denote by x km/h the speed of the third cyclist.

2. Let's make a table of their brief conditions:

3. The task of moving in the water direction, which means that in order to determine the joint speed (approach), it is necessary to subtract the smaller one from the greater speed. The third cyclist had the highest speed because he was catching up with the other two.

4. Before the third cyclist left, the first one had already been moving for 2 hours. During this time, he traveled 42 km, and the second traveled 15 km, since he was on the road for 1 hour. The joint speed of the third and second cyclists is (x-15) km/h. because they are moving in the same direction. The third cyclist caught up with the second one hour after his departure.

The joint speed of the third and first cyclists is (x-21) km/h. The third cyclist caught up with the first 1 hour after leaving the village.

According to the condition, the third cyclist caught up with the first one 9 hours after he caught up with the second one.

5. Based on this, we make the equality:


Let's transform the resulting equation:

6. Got a quadratic equation. Let's solve it:

By condition, the speed of the third cyclist was the greatest, which means that the second root does not satisfy the condition. We receive. That the solution is x = 25 km/h.

The second version of the task

The first cyclist left the village on the highway at a speed of 15 km/h. An hour later, a second cyclist left the same village in the same direction at a speed of 10 km/h, and an hour later, a third. Find the speed of the third cyclist if he first caught up with the second, and after 5 hours after that he caught up with the first.

Solution algorithm:
  1. Let's make a short record in the form of a table, where we place the data in columns: speed, time, distance.
  2. We determine the quantities that still need to be found.
  3. We write down the answer.

1. Let x t

x t km.

The speed of the second cyclist 10 km/h On the way he was t+1 hours by the time of the meeting with the third cyclist. Then, at the time of the meeting, the cyclists were at a distance 10 (t + 1) km from the village. These distances are the same, so x t = 10 (t + 1) .

The third cyclist will overtake the first cyclist through t+5 h - the time for which he caught up with the first cyclist after the second, then the third rode to the meeting point with the first cyclist x (t + 5) km.

The first cyclist rode at a speed 15 km/h and was on the way to meet the third t+7 hours, because he left 2 hours earlier. The distance traveled by the first cyclist is 15 (t + 7) km.

We get another equality: x (t + 5) = 15 (t + 7)

4. We compose a system of equations:

5. We solve the resulting system by transforming each of the equations:

Subtracting the first equation from the second equation, we get

We substitute instead x into the first equation of the system, the right side of the equality and solve the resulting equation.

(t + 19) t = 10t + 10

t2 + 19t = 10t + 10

t2 + 9t - 10 = 0

According to the discriminant and roots formula:

D \u003d 9 2 - 4 1 (-10) \u003d 81 + 40 \u003d 121

The first answer cannot satisfy the condition of the problem, since time cannot have negative values. Consequently,


The speed of the third cyclist 20 km/h

The third version of the task

The first cyclist left the village on the highway at a speed of 24 km/h. An hour later, at a speed of 21 km / h, a second cyclist left the same village in the same direction, and an hour later, a third. Find the speed of the third cyclist if he first caught up with the second, and after 9 hours after that he caught up with the first.

Solution algorithm:
  1. We introduce unknown quantities: the speed of the third and the time of its movement.
  2. Let's make a short record in the form of a table, where we place the data in columns: speed, time, distance.
  3. Using the condition, formulas of time or speed, we express all the rest in terms of unknown quantities.
  4. Based on the condition, we make equalities.
  5. We compose and solve a system of equations.
  6. We determine the quantities that still need to be found.
  7. We write down the answer.

1. Let x km/h is the speed of the third cyclist, and t h is the time in which he caught up with the second cyclist.

2. Let's make a table of these conditions:

3. The third cyclist drove to the meeting point with the second cyclist x t km.

The second cyclist, until the moment when the third cyclist catches up with him, moved t+1 hours. He drove to the meeting point 21 (t + 1) km.

The distances covered by the cyclists are the same. We get the first equality x t = 21 (t + 1) .

The third cyclist before the meeting with the first cyclist after the meeting about the second, rode t+9 h then he traveled the distance to the meeting point with the first cyclist x (t + 9) km.

The first cyclist rode before meeting the third t+11 hours, because before the departure of the third, it has already passed 2 hours. He drove to the meeting point 24 (t + 11) km.

The distances are the same. Then we get another equality: x (t + 9) = 24 (t + 11)

Let's compose a system of equations for solving the problem:

We solve it by opening the brackets and transforming each equation:

Substituting the expression for x into the first equation:

Got a quadratic equation.

t2 + 81t = 63t + 63

Let's solve it:

t2 + 18t - 63 = 0

D \u003d 18 2 - 4 1 (-63) \u003d 324 + 252 \u003d 576

The first value is not suitable, because the time condition cannot have negative values. Means,

Thus, the speed of the third cyclist 28 km/h

Demo version of the OGE 2019

The fisherman at 5 o'clock in the morning on a motorboat set off from the pier against the current of the river, after a while he dropped anchor, fished for 2 hours and returned back at 10 o'clock in the morning of the same day. How far from the pier did he sail if the speed of the river is 2 km/h and the own speed of the boat is 6 km/h?


Let the desired distance be x km. The speed of the boat when moving upstream is 4 km/h, when moving downstream it is 8 km/h. The time it takes the boat to travel from the point of departure to the point of destination and back is


From the condition of the problem it follows that this time is equal to 3 hours. Let's make an equation:

Solving the equation, we get x = 8.

The fourth option

Fresh fruits contain 88% water, while dried fruits contain 30%. How many dry fruits will be obtained from 35 kg of fresh fruits?

Solution algorithm:
  1. Find the percentage (or proportion) of solids in fresh fruit. We find this value in kg.
  2. Calculate the percentage of solids in dried fruit.
  3. We make a proportion and determine the total mass of dried fruits.

If the water in fresh fruits is 88%, then the solid matter (pulp) in them is 100% - 88% \u003d 12% \u003d 0.12.

In kg, this mass is 35 0.12 = 4.2 (kg).

In dried fruits, the mass of solid matter, compared with fresh, does not change (but only the volume of water decreases). Therefore, in the desired mass of dry fruits, the pulp will also be 4.2 kg. But in percentage terms, this mass will be 100% - 30% \u003d 70% (30% by condition falls on water). The desired (total) mass of dry fruits in this case is 100%.

Then we denote the desired mass by X and make up the proportion:

4.2 kg - 70%

Let's solve this proportion:

Х=4.2 100%/70%=6 (kg)

Fifth option

The first pipe passes 5 liters of water per minute less than the second pipe. How many liters of water per minute does the first pipe pass if it fills a 200-liter tank 2 minutes longer than the second pipe?

Solution algorithm:
  1. We introduce designation variables for the filling rate of the tank (l/min) and for the filling time (min). We express through the corresponding variable filling parameters for the 1st and 2nd pipes.
  2. We compose a system of equations (the 1st equation for the first pipe, the 2nd for the second).
  3. We solve the system.

Denote by X the filling rate of the 1st pipe (this is our desired value). Then the filling rate of the 2nd tube is ( X+5). Denote by t filling time of the 2nd pipe. Then the filling time of the 1st pipe will be ( t+2).

200 liters of water must pass through each of the pipes.

For the 1st pipe we get:


Similarly for the 2nd pipe:

(x+5) t=200

From the equation for the 2nd pipe, we express t through X:


We substitute the expression obtained for t into the equation for the 1st pipe:

We solve this equation and find the desired value:


210X+2X 2 =200X+1000

2X 2 +210X–200X–1000=0

2X 2 +10X–1000=0

X 2 +5X–500=0

Via Vieta X 1 =20, X 2 =–25

Root X 2 cannot be accepted as an answer because it does not satisfy the condition (tank filling rate cannot be negative).

Hence, the required filling rate is 20 l/min.


1 OPTION 22 PART 1 Answers to tasks 1 19 are a sequence of numbers or a word (phrase). First, indicate the answers in the text of the work, and then transfer them to the ANSWER FORM 1 to the right of the number of the corresponding task, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional characters. Write each number or letter in a separate box in accordance with the samples given in the form. The names of Russian sovereigns should be written only in letters (for example: Nicholas II). 1 Arrange historical events in chronological order. Write down the numbers that indicate historical events in the correct sequence in the table. 1) the overthrow of Napoleon Bonaparte 2) the election of Mikhail Romanov to the kingdom 3) Anna Ioannovna's refusal to fulfill the Conditions 2 Match events and years: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column. EVENTS A) the adoption of the first all-Russian Sudebnik B) the offensive of the Armed Forces of the South of Russia under the command of A.I. Denikin to Moscow C) Salt riot in Moscow D) publication of the Charter to the nobility YEARS 1) 1497 2) 1550 3) 1648 4) 1682 5) 1785 6) 1919 A ​​B C D 3 Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, belong to the history of Russia in the 9th-14th centuries. 1) Basques; 2) rank and file; 3) otkhodniks; 4) boyars; 5) magi; 6) archers. Find and write down the serial numbers of terms related to another historical period. 4 Write down the missing word. the way of farming was one of the reasons for the rapid expansion of Russia's possessions in Siberia.

2 218 HISTORY: 30 TRAINING VARIANTS OF EXAM WORKS 5 Establish a correspondence between processes (phenomena, events) and facts related to these processes (phenomena, events): for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column. PROCESSES (PHENOMENONS, EVENTS) A) expansion of the territory of the Russian state in the 17th century. B) repressions of the 1930s. C) pursuing a policy of "enlightened absolutism" D) expanding the international relations of the Moscow state in the 15th century. FACTS 1) the marriage of Ivan III to Sophia Paleolog 2) the trial of M.N. Tukhachevsky and other military leaders 3) convocation of the first Zemsky Sobor 4) execution of A.I. Zhelyabova, S.L. Perovskaya and their comrades 5) Yerofey Khabarov's campaign 6) convening the Legislative Commission A B C D 6 Match the fragments of historical sources with their brief characteristics: for each fragment indicated by a letter, select two corresponding characteristics indicated by numbers. FRAGMENTS OF SOURCES A) “According to the latest official news, the amount of donations flowing from all over Russia to the monument in Boza to the reposed Emperor has reached a ruble / 2 kopecks. This colossal figure, not yet being final, clearly shows what boundless love the deceased Sovereign enjoyed among his people, whose untimely death caused from everywhere, from all strata of our diverse population, and this is an unprecedented number of unanimous offerings to His hotly mourned grave, and these to its size, the unprecedented history of our state monuments is a sacrifice for the worthy perpetuation of His glorious name in the memory of contemporaries and distant posterity. The acceptance of these offerings has not yet been completed, but both Russia and Moscow have long been occupied with the question of where, in what place in Moscow, a national monument to Emperor Alexander Alexandrovich should be erected. By the Highest Will, the happiness of being adorned with this monument fell to the share of the most ancient capital. B) “Called to be at trial the accuser of the greatest atrocity that has ever been committed on Russian soil, I feel completely overwhelmed by the mournful grandeur of the task that lies before me. To be a lawyer, a servant of an impersonal and impassive law at such a fateful historical moment, when everything in oneself and around everything trembles with horror and indignation, when, at the mere recollection of the event of March 1, irrepressible tears rise to the eyes and tremble in the voice when everything that is in the country, honest and true to its duty, loudly cries out for revenge, it is difficult. But, for us, the people of the court, it is obligatory and necessary, first of all, because the very law, given by the same wise legislator of renewed Russia, whose still so Recently, we see with sorrow a bright and merciful image in front of us now clothed in mourning for his untimely death.

3 OPTION CHARACTERISTICS 1) The document refers to Emperor Alexander III. 2) In memory of the emperor mentioned in the passage, the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood was built. 3) The emperor mentioned in the passage reigned in the first half of the 19th century. 4) The passage mentions the judicial reform carried out during the reign of this emperor. 5) The circle of the closest associates of the emperor mentioned in the passage included A.A. Arakcheev and M.M. Speransky. 6) At the beginning of his reign, the emperor mentioned in the passage issued a Manifesto on the inviolability of autocracy. Fragment A Fragment B 7 Which of the following applies to Russia's foreign policy measures in the first half of the 19th century? Choose three answers and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table. 1) the conclusion of the "Eternal Peace" by Russia with Poland 2) the annexation of the territory of Bessarabia to Russia 3) the suppression of revolutionary uprisings in Hungary by Russian troops 4) the entry of Eastern Siberia into Russia 5) the transfer of the southern part of Sakhalin to Japan 6) Russia's participation in the continental blockade of England 8 Fill in the gaps in these sentences using the list of missing elements below: for each sentence marked with a letter and containing a gap, choose the number of the element you want. A) He led a group of fighters who defended a house in the center of Stalingrad for almost two months. B) became famous as a Soviet intelligence officer, a partisan who carried out a series of acts of retaliation against the highest representatives of the German occupation authorities in Ukraine and obtained intelligence information that was extremely important for the Soviet command. C) After a 250-day defense, Soviet troops were forced to leave the city of Sevastopol. Missing elements: 1) A.M. Matrosov 2) N.I. Kuznetsov 3) July 1942 4) N.F. Gastello 5) February 1943 6) Ya.F. Pavlov, A B V

4 220 HISTORY: 30 TRAINING VARIANTS OF EXAM WORKS 9 Establish a correspondence between events and participants in these events: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column. EVENTS PARTICIPANTS A) the storming of Plevna B) the establishment of the patriarchate in Russia C) the I Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR D) the battle on the Kalka 1) B.N. Yeltsin 2) I.V. Stalin 3) Vladimir Monomakh 4) Mstislav Udaly 5) M.D. Skobelev 6) B.F. Godunov A B C D Read an excerpt from the report of a statesman of the USSR and write his last name. “From the decision of the Central Committee it is clear that the most gross mistake of the Zvezda magazine is to provide its pages for the literary work of Zoshchenko and Akhmatova. I think that there is no need for me to quote Zoshchenko's book The Adventures of a Monkey here. Apparently, you all read it and know it better than I do. The meaning of this work by Zoshchenko lies in the fact that he portrays the Soviet people as loafers and freaks, stupid and primitive people. Zoshchenko is not at all interested in the work of the Soviet people, their efforts and heroism, their high social and moral qualities. This topic is always missing. Zoshchenko, as a tradesman and vulgar, chose as his constant theme digging into the most base and petty aspects of life. Ego digging into the little things of life is not accidental. It is characteristic of all vulgar petty-bourgeois writers, to which Zoshchenko belongs.” Fill in the empty cells of the table using the list of missing elements below: for each gap marked with a letter, select the number of the required element. Century An event in the history of Russia An event in the history of foreign countries of the 20th century. (A) The victory of the revolution in Cuba (B) The Livonian War St. Bartholomew's Night in France (C) The signing of the Treaty of Bucharest with the Ottoman Empire (D) XI century. (E) (F) Missing elements: 1) XVI century. 2) XV century. 3) the annexation of Novgorod land to Moscow 4) the beginning of the reign of Yaroslav the Wise in Kyiv 5) the appointment of Bismarck as Chancellor of the German Empire 6) XIX century. 7) Norman conquest of England 8) "Leningrad affair" 9) War of the Scarlet and White Roses in England

5 OPTION A B C D E F 12 Read an extract from a historian's work. “Fortune could smile at the princes of Tver only in the event of a decisive refusal of the khans to cooperate with the Moscow princes and the defeat of the Moscow principality itself by some thousands of Tatar “army”. But the khans did not want to break with Moscow, which managed to restore at least relative order in the disunited and agitated Russian world. And most importantly, Moscow knew how to pay tribute on time. For this alone, to the great annoyance of the Tver Mikhailovichs, all other sins were forgiven. The rulers of the Horde, crushed and entered ... into a fierce struggle with each other, were in dire need of Russian silver. And even cruelly punishing the Moscow princes for their insolence with their devastating raids, they did not dare to completely abandon their services. New hopes were given to Tver by the Moscow dynastic turmoil. Of course, the Tverites were well aware that all applicants for the throne of Moscow adhere to the same hereditary paradigm of “gathering the Russian land” around Moscow.<...>However, the struggle between the grandchildren of Dmitry Donskoy gave the Tver prince Boris Alexandrovich some room for maneuver. He acted correctly in his own way, maintaining a formal neutrality, but covertly (and sometimes openly) supporting one of the rivals who at the moment turned out to be weaker. Such a game allowed Tver to win time, to drag out the Moscow unrest. Acting as a "third force", the smart and powerful prince of Tver managed to squeeze the maximum out of the situation. While playing a complex game with Moscow, he mercilessly strangled his specific relatives and built a pyramid of despotic power on their bones. Fellow citizens admired him, court scribes called him "autocratic sovereign", compared him with Constantine the Great and considered the rule of Boris the "golden age" of Tver. Using the passage and knowledge of history, select three correct judgments from the list provided. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table. 1) The events described in the passage took place in the 16th century. 2) The participants in the Moscow dynastic turmoil mentioned in the text were Vasily Kosoy and Dmitry Shemyaka. 3) The author points out that all applicants for the Moscow throne set as the goal of their policy the collection of lands around Moscow. 4) During the period described in the passage, the Horde was at the height of its power. 5) The reason for the favorable attitude of the khans towards Moscow, the author calls the timely payment of tribute. 6) The policy of the Moscow princes in the period described in the passage was fundamentally different from the policy of Ivan Kalita.

6 222 HISTORY: 30 TRAINING VARIANTS OF EXAM WORKS Consider the diagram and complete the tasks Indicate the name of the center of the principality, indicated on the diagram by the number “4”. number "2".. 15 Indicate the name of the trade route that passed through the cities indicated on the diagram by the numbers "1", "3" and "4"..

OPTION 7 Which judgments related to the events indicated in the diagram are correct? Choose three sentences from the six offered. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table. 1) The nomads whose raids are indicated in this diagram were the Pechenegs. 2) The cities whose names are underlined in the diagram became the centers of the emerging specific principalities. 3) On the lands belonging to the city, designated by the number "1", in the period to which this scheme refers, a republican form of government has developed. 4) The leader of the campaign of Russian squads, indicated by arrows on the diagram, was called Igor. 5) On the territory of the state, indicated on the diagram by the number "6", in the IX X centuries. was the Russian principality of Tmutarakan. 6) The adoption of Christianity by the ancient Russian lands is associated with the state, indicated on the diagram by the number "5". 17 Establish a correspondence between cultural figures and their brief characteristics: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column. CULTURAL PERSONS A) Aristotle Fioravanti B) Feofan Prokopovich C) Demyan Bedny D) Ivan Fedorov CHARACTERISTICS 1) He was a contemporary of Peter I. 2) The poet, the author of satirical poems, was an active supporter of the Soviet regime. 3) Supervised the construction of the Assumption Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin. 4) Was one of the authors of the collection "Milestones". 5) Was a contemporary of Ivan IV. 6) The author of the words of the State Anthem of the USSR. A B C D

8 224 HISTORY: 30 EXAM TRAINING OPTIONS Look at the picture and complete tasks 18, Which judgments about this medal are correct? Choose two sentences from the five offered. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table. 1) The cathedral depicted on this medal was built according to the design of the architect K.A. tone. 2) The construction of the cathedral depicted on this medal was carried out under the reign of one emperor. 3) The emperor, depicted on this medal, went down in history under the nickname "Liberator". 4) The cathedral depicted on this medal is located in St. Petersburg. 5) On this medal there is a portrait of the emperor, at which the laying of the cathedral depicted on the medal took place. Which of the architectural monuments presented below are located in the same city as the cathedral depicted on the medal? In your answer, write down two numbers under which these architectural monuments are indicated. 12)

OPTION 9) 4) Do not forget to transfer all the answers to the answer sheet 1 in accordance with the instructions for doing the work. PART 2 Use the ANSWER FORM 2 to write down the answers to the tasks of this part (20-25). First write down the task number (20, 21, etc.), and then the detailed answer to it. Write your answers clearly and legibly. Read an extract from a historical source and briefly answer the questions. Answers assume the use of information from the source, as well as the application of historical knowledge in the course of the history of the corresponding period. From the historian's work "Patriarch<...>was an exceptional figure among other church hierarchs. The king's father, he naturally assumed the burden of "co-ruling" him. In particular, his power extended far while the king's son was young. All appeals and petitions submitted to the tsar were written simultaneously in his name. In them, he was called the "Great Sovereign, His Holiness Patriarch." Departing from Moscow, the tsar entrusted his father with all state affairs, up to the reception of foreign ambassadors. The orders of the supreme power came out on behalf of both great sovereigns; reports were made to both, foreign ambassadors were presented to both. The Great Sovereign Patriarch was a constant accomplice and leader of the great Sovereign Tsar in all state affairs. At the same time, sharing state power with his son, the Patriarch<...>did not weaken the authority of the tsar in the face of the boyars, but, on the contrary, contributed to its strengthening. In the actual church affairs, he was not as knowledgeable as in state affairs, which is understandable, because tonsure<...>and his elevation to the Patriarchate is largely accidental. By birth, he was not prepared for such a ministry. A younger contemporary of the Patriarch, Archbishop of Astrakhan Pakhomiy, recalled him as follows:<...>He was of middle age and rank, partly understood the Divine Scriptures, was passionate and suspicious in temper, and was so possessive, as if the king himself were afraid of him. The boyars and every rank of the tsar's synclite are very often subject to irreversible imprisonments and those punishments. Before the spiritual rank, he was merciful and not greedy<...>».

10 226 HISTORY: 30 TRAINING VARIANTS OF EXAMINATION WORKS Patriarch Nikon was also granted the title of Great Patriarch by Alexei Mikhailovich and, apparently, imagined himself under him as a kind of “new<...> ". However, if the power of the latter over the king was based on his paternal right, then Nikon enjoyed influence on the king and state affairs only as long as he maintained his friendly disposition. ”Indicate the century in which the events mentioned in the text took place. Name the name of the patriarch missing in the text. Indicate the king whose co-ruler was this patriarch. What reasons led to the fact that the patriarch, whose name is omitted in the text, played such a significant role in the life of the Russian state in the period described? List any three reasons given in the text. How did the relationship between Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and Patriarch Nikon mentioned in the text develop? Involving historical knowledge, indicate at least two reasons that led to this result. Despite the fact that Napoleon Bonaparte's plans for attacking Russia were known and Russia was preparing to repel this invasion, the invading army was twice as large as the Russian forces concentrated on the western borders. Explain the reasons for this superiority (give three explanations). In historical science, there are debatable problems on which different, often contradictory, points of view are expressed. Below is one of the controversial points of view that exist in historical science. “The rise of agriculture in Russia, which was outlined in the years, had no direct relation to the agrarian reform of P. A. Stolypin.” Arguments in support: Arguments in refutation: 1)... 1)... 2)... 2)... You need to write a historical essay about ONE of the periods in the history of Russia: 1) years.; 2) January 1725 June 1762; 3) October 1917 October 1922 The essay must: indicate at least two significant events (phenomena, processes) relating to a given period of history; name two historical personalities whose activities are associated with the indicated events (phenomena, processes), and, using knowledge of historical facts, characterize the roles of the personalities you named in these events (phenomena, processes); Attention! When characterizing the role of each person named by you, it is necessary to indicate the specific actions of this person that largely influenced the course and (or) result of the indicated events (processes, phenomena). indicate at least two cause-and-effect relationships characterizing the causes of events (phenomena, processes) occurring in a given period; using knowledge of historical facts and (or) opinions of historians, to assess the impact of events (phenomena, processes) of a given period on the subsequent history of Russia. In the course of the presentation, it is necessary to correctly use historical terms, concepts related to this period.

Demonstration version of the regional diagnostic work on history grade 11 (grade 12 evening OO) February 13, 2018 Part 1 The answers to tasks 1-7 are a sequence of numbers. Please provide answers first

State budgetary general educational institution of secondary general education

USE 2017 Subject: History (general characteristics) Teacher of history and social studies Zholtikova N.V., GBOU 580 Primorsky district of St. Petersburg USE in history 2017 Document prepared for approval

Demonstration version of the regional diagnostic work on history Grade 10 (Grade 11 evening OO) February 13, 2018 Part 1 The answers to tasks 1-3 are a sequence of numbers. Please provide answers first

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Demo version of the regional diagnostic work Grade 11 History (March 3, 2016) Part 1 When completing tasks 1 5 in the form, write down one in the answer field Answers to tasks 1 5 are a sequence

Test on the history of Russia Option 1 1. The Moscow principality was allocated to Daniil Alexandrovich 1) 1247 2) 1276 3) 1325 4) 1327 2. The transformation of Moscow into the center of the unification of Russian lands is connected

Methodological materials for the transfer certification of 10th grade students in history (profile level) In the 2015-2016 academic year. Teacher Rozhkova Elena Yurievna Explanatory note. Transferable

Russian history. Part 1. L.V. Selezneva Testing time 25 min Number of questions 30 Number of questions for 5 26 Number of questions for 4 21 Number of questions for 3 15

ALL-RUSSIAN VERIFICATION WORK HISTORY 11 CLASS Option 16 Instructions for performing work The verification work includes 12 tasks. 1 hour 30 minutes (90

Demonstration version of diagnostic work on the study of the level of individual educational achievements (starting diagnostics) of 8th grade students in the subject "History" Instructions for implementation

BASIC KNOWLEDGE FOR LESSON 2 1. The main dates and events of 1359-1389 - the reign of Dmitry Ivanovich (Donskoy) in Moscow. 1380 - Battle of Kulikovo. 1462-1505 - reign of Grand Duke Ivan III. 1480 - end of dependence

Tasks 3. Testing knowledge of historical terminology 1. Which of these events (processes) is associated with the word "Varangians"? Write down the letter that denotes this event. Explain the meaning of the word "Varangians." BUT)

Tasks A4 in history 1. What was one of the results of the reign of Ivan the Terrible? 1) the formation of the all-Russian market 2) the abolition of school years 3) the maintenance of St. George's Day for the peasants 4) the weakening of the country due to

Thematic planning on the history of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 18th century (Grade 10) Kol Topic a Type a clock (form) 1 1 Slavs: origins Studying the new 2 1 Old Russian state under

Tasks 3. Testing knowledge of historical terminology 1. Which of these events (processes) is associated with the word "Varangians"? Write down the letter with which Explain the meaning of the word "Varangians". A) Hundred Years War B) Education

ANALYSIS OF THE RESULTS OF PERFORMING INDIVIDUAL TASKS AND GROUPS OF TASKS Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6 Task 7 (history of Russia, history of foreign countries) () () XX century. () Systematization

Demo Version History Grade 7 2014/2015 academic year Part A Assignments 1 10. Choose the only correct answer. 1.1. Tithe Church was founded in Kyiv 1) Svyatoslav 2) Vladimir Monomakh

Class Last name, first name (in full) Date 2014 Part 1 For each of the tasks 1-10, 4 answers are given, of which only one is correct. Circle the number of this answer. Work instructions

ALL-RUSSIAN VERIFICATION WORK HISTORY 11 CLASS Option 12 Instructions for performing the work The verification work includes 12 tasks. 1 hour 30 minutes (90

Tasks 4. Checking the knowledge of historical personalities You should not indicate the historical figures mentioned in the passage from the historical source in the task A) The Hundred Years War B) The formation of Old Russian

ALL-RUSSIAN VERIFICATION WORK HISTORY 11 CLASS Option 15 Instructions for performing the work The verification work includes 12 tasks. 1 hour 30 minutes (90

HISTORY, grade 10 Option 1, May 2013 Regional diagnostic work on HISTORY OPTION 1 When completing tasks A1 A4 in the answer form 1, under the number of the task being performed, put the sign "x" in the box,

ALL-RUSSIAN VERIFICATION WORK HISTORY 11 CLASS Option 13 Instructions for performing the work The verification work includes 12 tasks. 1 hour 30 minutes (90

ALL-RUSSIAN VERIFICATION WORK HISTORY 11 CLASS Option 14 Instructions for performing the work The verification work includes 12 tasks. 1 hour 30 minutes (90

Test work on HISTORY Completed by: Gizzatullina Ilzira Ilgizovna Grade 6 Part 1 In this part of the work, assignments are given on the history of Russia and the history of foreign countries (the history of the Middle Ages). Read

ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD OF SCHOOLCHILDREN IN HISTORY. SCHOOL STAGE. 5 CLASS. 2018-2019 year. ANSWERS The maximum possible number of points - 100 Task 1. Arrange the dates in chronological order.


Story. 8th grade. Option Demonstration option 2 District City (settlement) School Class Surname First name Patronymic Starting diagnostic work on HISTORY 2013 Grade 8 Demonstration option

1. The purpose of studying the discipline is: Formation of students' historical thinking, a holistic view of the patterns of the world historical process. 2. Tasks solved during the development of the program

Periods for historical writing 1. 862 988 the first pagan princes 2. 972 980 reign of Yaropolk Svyatoslavich; internecine struggle between the sons of Svyatoslav Igorevich for the throne 3. 1015 1019 civil strife

Demonstration version of the final work on HISTORY Grade 6 Instructions for completing the work 45 minutes are given to complete the final work on history. The work consists of two parts and includes 20

Municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad 2018-2019 academic year History. Grade 9 Keys. Task 1. Choose 1 correct answer in each task. Write your answers in the table below (2 points per

VPR All-Russian Test Work - History Grade 11 Option 1 Explanations to the sample of the All-Russian Test Work When familiarizing yourself with the sample test work, it should be borne in mind that the tasks included

Test on the history of Russia Strengthening the Moscow Principality Grade 6 Option 1 1. Which prince was considered the main among the Russian princes of North-Eastern Russia in the XIV-XV centuries? 1) Moscow 2) Vladimir 3) Smolensk

ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD FOR SCHOOLCHILDREN IN HISTORY 2018/2019. SCHOOL STAGE. TASKS. 7TH GRADE. Time to complete tasks 60 minutes. Total points 100 Task 1. (2 points for each correct answer. Maximum

Contents Chapter 1. The primitive communal system on the territory of our country. Eastern Slavs in antiquity The population of our country in antiquity ... 3 The oldest information about the Slavs ... 6 Eastern Slavs and their

History tasks B3 1. Match the terms with the time of their appearance. For each position in the first column, select the corresponding position in the second. Write your answer as a sequence

Test on the history of Russia Unification of Russian lands around Moscow Grade 6 1 option 1. Indicate the dates of the reign of Moscow Prince Dmitry Ivanovich (Donskoy). 1) 1325-1340 2) 1340-1353 3) 1353-1359

1 Systematization of historical information: correspondence The answers to the tasks are a word, a phrase, a number or a sequence of words, numbers. Write your answer without spaces, commas or other extra

1. The purpose of studying the discipline is to form students' historical thinking, a holistic view of the patterns of the world historical process. 2. Tasks solved during the development of the program

Tasks 3. Testing knowledge of historical terminology 1. Which of these events (processes) is associated with the word "Varangians"? Write down. Explain the meaning of the word "varyagi". B) The formation of Old Russian A) Centennial

Modern Times 1. Place in chronological order the following events in Russia's foreign policy in the 18th century. Write the numbers that indicate the events in the correct sequence in the table

ALL-RUSSIAN VERIFICATION WORK HISTORY 11 CLASS Option 11 Instructions for performing the work The verification work includes 12 tasks. 1 hour 30 minutes (90

Interregional Olympiad for schoolchildren "Highest standard" 2015-2016 academic year

PROJECT ALL-RUSSIAN VERIFICATION HISTORY, GRADE 11 Explanations to the sample of the All-Russian verification work

History test Grade 7 Municipal formation Locality Educational organization Class Profile Last name, first name (in full) Date 2014 Instructions for the test To perform a test on

ALL-RUSSIAN VERIFICATION WORK HISTORY 11 CLASS Option 4 Instructions for performing the work The verification work includes 12 tasks. 1 hour 30 minutes (90 minutes) is allotted to complete the history work.

ALL-RUSSIAN VERIFICATION WORK HISTORY 11 CLASS Option 10 Instructions for performing the work The verification work includes 12 tasks. 1 hour 30 minutes (90

Part 1 history Grade 7 demo social and humanitarian profile 1. Fill in the blank cells of the table using the data presented in the list below. For each cell labeled with letters,

ALL-RUSSIAN VERIFICATION WORK HISTORY 11 CLASS Option 1 Instructions for performing the work The verification work includes 12 tasks. 1 hour 30 minutes (90 minutes) is allotted to complete the history work.

PROJECT All-Russian HISTORY TESTING DESCRIPTION OF THE ALL-RUSSIAN HISTORY TESTING WORK Grade 11 was prepared by the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "FEDERAL INSTITUTE

All-Russian test work on HISTORY DESCRIPTION OF THE ALL-RUSSIAN TEST WORK ON HISTORY Grade 11 was prepared by the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF PEDAGOGICAL

Explanatory note to the diagnostic and training work in the GIA (USE) format: This work was compiled in the GIA (USE) format in accordance with the demo version published on the FIPI website

1 Systematization of historical information: correspondence The answers to tasks are a word, a phrase, a number or a sequence of words, numbers. Write your answer without spaces, commas or other extra

Verification work on the history of Russia 1 option 1. The capital of the Golden Horde was the city 1) Kazan 2) Sarai 3) Karakorum 4) Bukhara 2. The census of the Russian population by Mongolian officials was completed in 1) 1243

Tasks B8-B11. Analysis of historical maps, diagrams 1 Consider the diagram and complete the tasks 1. Write the name of the commander who carried out the campaign, indicated by arrows on the diagram. 2. Write the name of the city indicated

ALL-RUSSIAN VERIFICATION WORK HISTORY 11 CLASS Option 2 Instructions for performing the work The verification work includes 12 tasks. 1 hour 30 minutes (90 minutes) is allotted to complete the history work.

Diagnostic work on history Option 702 Instructions for performing work Diagnostic work on history consists of three parts, including 2 tasks. All work is assigned to

Entrance diagnostic work on history Grade 7 Option 1 A1. Which of the following events took place in the 11th century? 1. The calling of the Varangian princes to Novgorod 2. The unification of Kyiv and Novgorod under the rule

Abstract topic Ivan 3 and his activities Read an essay online on the topic The reign of Ivan Danilovich Kalita. Kalita activities. 3. Ivan Danilovich and the Golden Horde. 4. Battle of 1327. 5. Kalita - they called him

ALL-RUSSIAN VERIFICATION WORK HISTORY 11 CLASS Option 5 Instructions for performing the work The verification work includes 12 tasks. 1 hour 30 minutes (90 minutes) is allotted to complete the history work.

1 Option 1 A1. Which of the following events took place in the 11th century? 1. The calling of the Varangian princes to Novgorod 2. The unification of Kyiv and Novgorod under the rule of one prince 3. The Lyubech Congress of Princes 4. The battle

ALL-RUSSIAN VERIFICATION WORK HISTORY 11 CLASS Option 9 Instructions for performing work The verification work includes 12 tasks. 1 hour 30 minutes (90 minutes) is allotted to complete the history work.

OPTION 22 USE-2015

Part 1

The answers to tasks 1-24 are a number, a word, a phrase or sequence of words, numbers . Write your answer in the answer field in the text of the work, and then transfer

in the ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the task number, starting from the first cell, Write each letter and number in a separate box in accordance with the samples given in the form.

Read the text and complete tasks 1-3.

(1) Amber originated from the resin of coniferous trees that lived 35-40 million years ago. (2) Trees, when their bark is deeply damaged, profusely produce resinous sap, which includes turpentine, water, and resin acids. (3) In the warm subtropical climate of that time, water and volatile turpentine evaporated, and the resin hardened on the trees in the form of growths.

1. Which of the following sentences is correctHOME information contained in the text?

1. Coniferous trees that lived 35-40 million years ago, with deep damage to the bark, abundantly secreted resinous juice.

2. The composition of the resinous sap of coniferous trees includes water, turpentine and resin acids.

3. Amber - hardened resin - arose as a result of the evaporation of water and turpentine from the resinous juice of coniferous trees that lived 35-40 million years ago.

4. Amber is the juice of coniferous trees, which was abundantly released when the bark was damaged.

5. Amber, resulting from the evaporation of water and turpentine from the resinous sap of ancient coniferous trees, is the hardened resin.

2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place of the gap in the second (2) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

However, despite this, the fact is that despite this, although


3 . Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meaning of the word COMPOSITION. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the second (2) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

COMPOUND , a, m.

1. what. A collection of people or objects that form a whole.Log in with presidium. Personal with. C. performers. Officer s. army.

2. The product of a mixture, a compound of something. Medicinal s. Chemical s.

3. Railway cars coupled to each other, a train.Heavyweight s. Submit with. to the station. S. will go to the depot. * As part of someone-something, a preposition with a genus. P.

Answer: _______________________________________

4. In one of the words below, a mistake was made in setting the stress:WRONG the letter denoting the stressed vowel is highlighted. Write out this word.



5. One of the suggestions belowWRONG highlighted word is used.Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.

It was impossible to EXPECT a warmer reception than the one that was organized for the guests of the festival.

The additional course of lectures offered to students will allow them to FILL in the knowledge gaps.

The area under the place where the eaves are laid must be FENCED for safety reasons.

After discussing the happy news, the whole company was in a Sparkling mood, so it was unanimously decided to postpone the preparation for the exam to the next day.

Commemorative coins represent a fascinating and very interesting page in the history of numismatics.


6. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form.Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.


GO WITHIN Thirty Five Minutes

ladies' SHOES


7. Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) When compiling a proposal, a remark was made to me.

B) One of the independent types of art that has existed since the end of the 15th century is graphics.

C) Everyone who loves Russian culture knows the names of great poets and writers: Pushkin, Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy.

D) About his attitude to classical music V.P. Astafiev wrote in the essay "Postscript".

E) Thanks to his friendship with the Aksakov family, upon arrival from St. Petersburg, Gogol settled in the writer's house.



8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

asc. .st k..institutional distance


9. Determine the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write these words out with the missing letter.

nen .. sightly, with .. sound pr .. sea, pr .. acquired excite, not..compressed heavenly..interesting, super..exquisite



10. E .

to adjust .. to open off .. to be insistent .. vybch .. vy rod .. howl


11. Write down the word in which the letter is written in the place of the gapAnd .



12. Define a sentence thatNOT spelled with the wordONE . Open the brackets and write out this word.

(NOT) LOOKING at the complexity of the topic under study, we will try to understand it as best we can.

Today, his words sounded (NOT) WARM and affectionate, as before, but cold and somehow aloof.

His eyes burned with nothing (UN) TAMED passion.

It was a quiet, completely (NOT) HOT June day.

Peter's visit to the dentist (NOT) WAS postponed.


13. Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are writtenONE . Open the brackets and write out these two words.

1) Just as (SAME) as a person's childhood seems beautiful to him, memories of the harsh dawn of mankind are THAT (SAME) painted for us in a romantic haze.

2) (AT) THE END I managed to catch (THAT) THE HOUR, when the oblique rays of the sun begin to penetrate the forest, like golden knitting needles.

3) Ryzhiki can be collected both in autumn and (B) DURING the whole summer: it all depends (FROM) on what kind of summer it is.

4) He spoke the language AS (SAME) easily as people control their voice, (BY) BECAUSE he learned the language from ordinary people.

5) (FOR) FREQUENT people do not realize (FOR) HOW important it is to take care of their health.


14. Indicate the number (s) in the place of which (s) is writtenNN.

We see that in the bone (1) skates, found (2) by archaeologists in northern Europe, she made (3) holes for leather (4) ribbons.


15. Arrange punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of offers in which you want to putONE comma.

1) There is a lot of fussy and funny, businesslike and cunning in the behavior of the starling.

2) In the count's living room, the mirrors and paintings and vases were real works of art.

3) For many, the books of Dostoevsky or Tolstoy are more interesting than any detective novel.

4) It’s good to get lost in the thick thickets of aspens and birches in a warm autumn and breathe in the rotten smell of grass.

5) Both theater and cinema are forms of mass art.


16. Put punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

Sparrow (1) unexpectedly taking off (2) disappeared into the light greenery of the garden (3) transparently through (4) against the evening sky.


17. Put punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentences.

An amazingly pleasant experience (1) I remember (2) was for me to lie on my back in the forest and look up. Then the sky (3) seemed (4) to be a bottomless sea spreading before the eyes.


18. Use punctuation marks

Stone paths (1) winding lines (2) which (3) symbolize the flow of energy (4) take on a special meaning in the Japanese garden.


19. Use punctuation marks : enter all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

The fog was melting (1) and (2) when the boat went to the shore (3) it was visible (4) how spots of water lilies and lilies swayed on the waves.


Read the text and complete tasks 20-25.

(1) A person loves the place of his birth and upbringing. (2) This attachment is common to all people and peoples, is a matter of nature and should be called physical. (3) The homeland is dear to the heart not by local beauties, not by a clear sky, not by a pleasant climate, but by captivating memories surrounding, so to speak, the morning and the cradle of man. (4) There is nothing sweeter in the world than life; it is the first happiness, and the beginning of all well-being has some special charm for our imagination. (5) So friends consecrate in memory the first day of their friendship. (6) The Laplander, born almost in the coffin of nature, on the edge of the world, in spite of everything, loves the cold darkness of his land. (7) Move him to happy Italy: he will turn his eyes and heart to the north, like a magnet; the bright radiance of the sun will not produce such sweet feelings in his soul, like a gloomy day, like the whistling of a storm, like falling snow: they remind him of the Fatherland!

(8) It is not for nothing that a resident of Switzerland, remote from his snowy mountains, dries up and falls into melancholy, and returning to the wild Unterwalden, to the harsh Glaris, comes to life. (9) Every plant has more strength in its climate: the law of nature does not change for a person either.

(10) I do not say that the natural beauties and benefits of the Fatherland do not have any influence on the general love for it: some lands enriched by nature can be all the nicer for their inhabitants; I only say that these beauties and benefits are not the main basis for the physical attachment of people to the Fatherland, because then it would not be common.

(11) With whom we grew up and live, we get used to those. (12) Their soul conforms to ours, becomes some of its mirror, serves as an object or means of our moral pleasures and turns into an object of inclination for the heart. (13) This love for fellow citizens, or for the people with whom we grew up, were brought up and live, is the second, or moral, love for the Fatherland, just as general as the first, local or physical, but acting stronger in some years, for time establishes habit.

(14) One must see two fellow-zemstvos who find each other in a foreign land: with what pleasure they embrace and hasten to pour out their souls in sincere conversations! (15) They see each other for the first time, but they are already familiar and friendly, asserting their personal connection with some general connections of the Fatherland! (16) It seems to them that, even speaking a foreign language, they understand each other better than others, because there is always some similarity in the character of the fellow earthmen. (17) The inhabitants of one state always form, so to speak, an electrical circuit, transmitting to them one impression through the most distant rings or links.

(According to N.M. Karamzin*)

* Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin (1766-1826) - Russian historian-historiographer, writer, poet; creator of the "History of the Russian State" - one of the first generalizing works on the history of Russia.

20. Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Specify the answer numbers.

1) There are two types of love for the Fatherland - physical and moral.

2) Over the years, moral love for the Fatherland becomes stronger.

3) Physical love for one's homeland is based on the laws of nature.

4) The main basis of attachment to the Fatherland is the beauty of nature.

5) All great people spoke with pride about their “small homeland”.


21. Which of the following statements are true? Specify the answer numbers.

1) Sentences 6-7 confirm the judgments made in sentences 1, 3.

2) Sentence 10 includes narration.

3) In sentences 8-9, reasoning is presented.

4) Sentences 14-16 illustrate the judgments made in sentences 11-13.

5) Sentences 11-12 present the narrative.


22. From sentence 6 write out the phraseological unit.


23. Among sentences 8-13, find one that is related to the previous one with the help of a possessive pronoun. Write the number of this offer.


Read a fragment of a review based on the text that you analyzed while completing tasks 20 23.

This fragment examines the language features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the gaps (A, B, C, D) with the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list. Write in the table under each letter the corresponding number.

Write the sequence of numbers in the ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the task number 24, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional characters.

Write each number in accordance with the samples given in the form.

24. “The solemnity of speech and a special melody are decisive in the text of N.M. Karamzin. In addition, the author uses syntactic means of expression: (A) _____ (sentences 3, 7), (B) _____ (“like a magnet” in sentence 7) and lexical means of expression, for example, (C) _____ (“driescomes to life" in sentence 8). The poetry of speech gives the trope (D) _____ (“cold darkness”, “sweet feelings”, “wild Unterwalden”, “severe Glaris”)”.

List of terms:

1) anaphora

2) comparative turnover

3) epithet

4) impersonation

5) rows of homogeneous members

6) dialectism

7) rhetorical question

8) parceling

9) contextual antonyms



Part 2

25. Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed by the author of the text (avoid over-quoting).

Formulate position of the author (narrator). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the read text. Explain why. Argue your opinion, relying primarily on the reader's experience, as well as on knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

A work written without relying on the text read (not on this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

When writing this work “OGE in Mathematics 2018. Option 3”, the manual “OGE 2018. Mathematics. 14 options. Typical test tasks from the developers of the OGE / I. R. Vysotsky, L. O. Roslova, L. V. Kuznetsova, V. A. Smirnov, A. V. Khachaturyan, S. A. Shestakov, R. K. Gordin, A S. Trepalin, A. V. Semenov, P. I. Zakharov; edited by I. V. Yashchenko. - M .: Publishing house "Exam", MTSNMO, 2018 ″.

Part 1

Module "Algebra"

  1. Find the value of the expression -0.7 ∙ (-10) 4 -8 ∙ (-10) 2 -26

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We perform actions in the following order: we raise to powers, then we perform operations with multiplication and lastly with subtraction:

0,7 ∙ (-10) 4 -8 ∙ (-10) 2 -26 = -0,7 ∙ 10000-8 ∙ 100-26 = -7000-800-26 = -7826


  1. The table shows the standards for running 30 meters for students in grade 9.
boys Girls
mark “5” “4” “3” “5” “4” “3”
Time (in seconds) 4,6 4,9 5,3 5,0 5,5 5,9

What grade will a girl get if she runs 30 meters in 5.35 seconds?

  1. Mark "5"
  2. Mark "4"
  3. Mark "3"
  4. standard not met

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So, let's compare the value of 5.35 seconds with the standards in the table. We get 5.0< 5,35 < 5,5 . Т.е девочка получит отметку “4” поскольку уложилась в положенный норматив 5,5 секунд.


Mark "4" - 2

  1. One of the numbers 58/13, 69/13, 76/13, 83/13 is marked on the straight line with a dot.

What is this number?

  1. 58/13
  2. 69/13
  3. 76/13
  4. 83/13

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First, let's convert the presented fractions to decimal fractions:

Between the numbers 5 and 6 on the line lie two values ​​5.31 and 5.85. The point depicted on the straight line is closer to the value 6, which means the required number is 5.85 - the answer is 3.


  1. Find the value of an expression

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First, open the brackets - before us is the sum of squares: (a + b) 2 = a 2 + 2ab + b 2

The root of the number 40 must be squared, which gives the result: 40


  1. When the flashlight is on, the battery gradually discharges and the voltage in the electrical circuit drops. The graph shows the dependence of the voltage in the circuit on the operating time of the flashlight. The horizontal axis shows the operating time of the flashlight in hours, the vertical axis shows the voltage in volts. Determine from the graph how many volts the voltage will drop during the first 60 hours of flashlight operation.

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Let's find on the graph the line corresponding to 60 hours of flashlight operation. Next, we determine the place of its intersection with the curve of dependence of the voltage in the circuit on the operating time of the flashlight. This intersection is clearly visible on the graph. Let's draw a straight line from the point of intersection down to the voltage scale. The desired value is 0.6 kilometers.

So, at the initial stage, the battery charge was = 1.6 volts (zero value on the graph)

1.6 - 0.6 \u003d 1 (c) - how many volts the battery charge has fallen


  1. Find the root of the equation x+ x/2 = 12

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To solve this equation, we multiply all its parts by 2 to get rid of the fraction

Let's check:


  1. The average weight of boys of the same age as Kolya is 69 kg. Kolya's weight is 150% of the average weight. How many kilograms does Kolya weigh?

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Kolya weight = x = 150%

x \u003d 69 / 100 * 150 \u003d 103.5 (kg) - Kolya's weight


  1. Which of the following pie charts shows the distribution of mushrooms in the forest, if white mushrooms are about 22%, fly agaric about 33%, chanterelles about 9%, russula about 28% and other mushrooms about 8%?

In your answer, write down the number of the chosen answer.

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To begin with, we present mushrooms in the form of a list in descending order of their distribution:

  • fly agaric - about 33%
  • russula - approximately 28%
  • white mushrooms approximately 22%
  • chanterelles - about 9%
  • other mushrooms - about 8%

Other mushrooms have the smallest distribution, so we do not consider pie charts (2) and (1), in which they are represented in white.

Fly agarics are the most widespread, which corresponds to the pie chart (4) - the sector shaded in gray. So the answer is the 4th pie chart.


  1. The taxi company currently has 10 free cars: 1 black, 1 yellow and 8 green. On a call, one of the cars left, which happened to be closest to the customer. Find the probability that a yellow taxi will arrive.

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The solution of this problem is based on the classical formula for determining the probability:

where, m is the number of favorable outcomes of the event, and n is the total number of outcomes

We get


  1. The figures show graphs of functions of the form y = kx + b. Set the correspondence between function graphs and coefficient signs k and b.


  1. k< 0, b > 0
  2. k< 0, b < 0
  3. k > 0, b > 0

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Consider the influence of the coefficient k on the result of the function proposed to us.

  1. The first graph shows the function decreasing (look from left to right), i.e. the function is located in the second and fourth quarters. This behavior of the function is typical for the value k< 0.
  2. The second graph also shows the function decreasing (look from left to right), i.e. the function is located in the second and fourth quarters. This behavior of the function is typical for the value k< 0.
  3. The third graph shows the increase in the function (look from left to right), i.e. function is located in the first and third quarters. This behavior of the function is typical for k > 0.

Now consider the constant b, represented in the function y = kx + b. In essence, this is the “y” coordinate of the intersection point of the presented function and the “y” axis. To determine the value of b, we substitute the value x = 0 into the function, we get:

y = kx + b

y = k * 0 + b

As we can see from the result, point b has a positive value. Let's take a look at each graph:

  1. on the first graph, the point of intersection of the function with the “y” axis has a negative value, which means it corresponds to the condition b< 0
  2. on the second graph, the point of intersection of the function with the “y” axis has a positive value, which means it corresponds to the condition b > 0
  3. on the third graph, the point of intersection of the function with the “y” axis also has a positive value, which means it corresponds to the condition b > 0

Combining the results, we get the following:

  1. the first graph corresponds to the condition (2) k< 0, b < 0
  2. the second graph corresponds to the condition (1) k< 0, b > 0
  3. the third graph corresponds to the condition (3) k > 0, b > 0


  1. The geometric progression (b n) is given by the conditions:

Find b 6 .

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For the solution, we will use the formula:

First, let's find the value of b 2 , this will help us find the value of q

Now we find what is equal to q


  1. Find the value of an expression

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First, we need to simplify the proposed expression. To do this, change the denominator of the first fraction and find the value of the difference in brackets (do not forget to bring fractions to a common denominator).

We recall the rule for dividing fractions - the second fraction is turned over, and the division sign is replaced by multiplication:

The denominator of the first fraction and the numerator of the second fraction are reduced

Substitute the values ​​of a and b


  1. The area of ​​a quadrilateral can be calculated using the formula

where d 1 and d 2 are the lengths of the diagonals of the quadrilateral, a is the angle between the diagonals. Using this formula, find the length of the diagonal d 2 if

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Remember the rule, if we have a three-story fraction, then the lower value is transferred to the top


  1. Specify the solution of the inequality

3-x > 4x + 7

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To solve this inequality, you need to do the following:

a) move the term 4x to the left side of the inequality, and -3 to the right side, remembering to reverse the signs. We get:

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b) Multiply both sides of the inequality by a negative number -1 and change the inequality sign to the opposite.

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c) find the value of x

d) the set of solutions to this inequality will be a numerical interval from -∞ to -2, which corresponds to the answer 2


Module “Geometry”

  1. Two pine trees grow at a distance of 30 m from one another. The height of one pine is 26 m, and the other is 10 m. Find the distance (in meters) between their tops.

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In the figure, we depicted two pine trees. The distance between them is a = 30 m; we denoted the difference in height as b; well, the distance between the tops is c.

As you can see, we have a regular right triangle consisting of a hypotenuse (c) and two legs (a and b). To find the length of the hypotenuse, we use the Pythagorean theorem:

In a right triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs c 2 = a 2 + b 2

b = 26 - 10 = 16 (m)

So, the distance between the tops of the pines is 34 meters


  1. In a triangle ABC it is known that AB= 5, BC = 6, AC = 4. Find cos∠ABC

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To solve this problem, you need to use the cosine theorem. The square of the side of a triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the other 2 sides minus twice the product of these sides by the cosine of the angle between them:

a 2 = b 2 + c 2 – 2 bc cosα

AC² \u003d AB² + BC² - 2 AB BC cos∠ABC
4² = 5² + 6² - 2 5 6 cos∠ABC
16 = 25 + 36 – 60 cos∠ABC

60 cos∠ABC = 25 + 36 – 16
60 cos∠ABC = 45
cos∠ABC = 45 / 60 = 3/4 = 0.75


cos∠ABC = 0.75

  1. On a circle centered at a point O points are marked A and B so that ∠AOB = 18 o. Lesser arc length AB is 5. Find the length of the larger arc AB.

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We know that a circle is 360 o. Based on this, 18 about is:

360 o / 18 o \u003d 20 - the number of segments in a circle of 18 o

So, 18 o make up 1/20 of the entire circle, which means the rest of the circle:

those. remaining 342 o (360 o - 18 o \u003d 342 o) make up the 19th part of the entire circle

If the length of the smaller arc AB equal to 5, then the length of the larger arc AB will be:


  1. in a trapeze ABCD it is known that AB = CD, ∠BDA= 18 o and ∠ bdc\u003d 97 about. Find an angle ABD. Give your answer in degrees.

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According to the condition of the problem, we have an isosceles trapezoid. The angles at the base of an isosceles trapezoid (upper and lower) are equal.

∠ADC = 18 + 97 = 115°
∠DAB = ∠ADC = 115°

Now consider triangle ABD as a whole. We know that the sum of the angles of a triangle is 180°. From here:

∠ABD = 180 - ∠ADB - ∠DAB = 180 - 18 - 115 = 47°.


  1. A triangle is depicted on checkered paper with a cell size of 1x1. Find its area.

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The area of ​​a triangle is equal to the product of half the base of the triangle (a) and its height (h):

a - the length of the base of the triangle

h is the height of the triangle.

From the figure, we see that the base of the triangle is 6 (cells), and the height is 5 (cells). Based on what we get:


  1. Which of the following statements is correct?
  1. If two angles of one triangle are equal to two angles of another triangle, then such triangles are similar.
  2. Two circles intersect if the radius of one circle is greater than the radius of the other circle.
  3. The median of a trapezoid is equal to the sum of its bases.

In response, write down the number of the selected statement.

Part 2

Module "Algebra"

  1. Solve the Equation

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Let's move the expression √5-x from the right side to the left

We reduce both expressions √5-x

Move 18 to the left side of the equation

Before us is the usual quadratic equation.

The range of acceptable values ​​in this case is: 5 – x ≥ 0 ⇒ x ≤ 5

To solve the equation, you need to find the discriminant:

D \u003d 9 + 72 \u003d 81 \u003d 9 2

x 1 \u003d (3 + 9) / 2 \u003d 12/2 \u003d 6 - is not a solution

x 2 \u003d (3 - 9) / 2 \u003d -6 / 2 \u003d -3


  1. The motor ship passes along the river to the destination for 80 km and after parking returns to the point of departure. Find the speed of the ship in still water, if the speed of the current is 5 km/h, the stay lasts 23 hours, and the ship returns to the point of departure 35 hours after leaving it.

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x is the own speed of the ship, then

x + 5 - speed of the ship downstream

x - 5 - the speed of the ship against the current

35 - 23 \u003d 12 (h) - the time of the ship's movement from the point of departure to the point of destination and back, excluding parking

80 * 2 \u003d 160 (km) - the total distance traveled by the ship

Based on the above, we get the equation:

reduce to a common denominator and solve:

To further solve the equation, you need to find the discriminant:

The figure above shows two graphs corresponding to the presented functions:

y = x 2 + 2x + 1 (red line)

y = -36/x (graph depicted by the blue line)

Consider both functions:

  1. y=x 2 +2x+1 on the interval [–4;+∞) is a quadratic function, the graph is a parabola, a=1 > 0 – the branches are directed upwards. If we reduce it according to the formula of the square of the sum of two numbers, we get: y=(x+1) 2 - shift of the graph to the left by 1 unit, which is seen from the graph.
  2. y \u003d -36 / x is inverse proportionality, the graph is a hyperbola, the branches are located in the 2nd and 4th quarters.

The graph clearly shows that the line y=m has one common point with the graph at m=0 and m > 9 and two common points at m=9, i.e. answer: m=0 and m≥9, check:
One common point at the top of the parabola y = x 2 + 2x + 1

x 0 \u003d -b / 2a \u003d -2/2 \u003d -1

y 0 \u003d -1 2 + 2 (-1) + 1 \u003d 1 - 2 + 1 \u003d 0 ⇒ c \u003d 0

Two common points at x \u003d - 4; y = 9 ⇒ c = 9


  1. Segments AB and CD are chords of the circle. Find the length of the chord CD, if AB = 18, and the distance from the center of the circle to the chords AB and CD are 12 and 9, respectively.

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Triangles ∆AOB and ∆COD are isosceles.


The segments OK and OM are heights and medians.

By the Pythagorean theorem: the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs, we have

OB 2 = OK 2 + BK 2

OB 2 = 12 2 + 9 2 = 144 + 81 = 225

Given that OB is the radius, we have:


From the triangle ∆COM, according to the Pythagorean theorem, we obtain:

CM 2 = OC 2 - OM 2

CM 2 = 15 2 - 9 2 = 225 - 81 = 144


The chord length CD is 24.


  1. in a trapeze ABCD with grounds AD and BC the diagonals intersect at point O (or any other letter). Prove that the areas of triangles ∆ AOB and ∆ COD equal

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Let AD be the bottom base of the trapezoid and BC the top, then AD>BC.

Find the areas of triangles ∆ABD and ∆DCA:

S ∆ABD = 1/2 AD ∙ h1

S ∆DCA = 1/2 AD ∙ h2

Considering that the size of the AD base and the height of both triangles are the same, we conclude that the areas of these triangles are equal:


Each of the triangles ∆ABD and ∆DCA consists of two other triangles:

S ∆ABO + S ∆AOD = S ∆ABD

S ∆DCO + S ∆AOD = S ∆DCA

If the areas of triangles S ∆ABD and S ∆DCA are equal, then the sum of the areas of their interior triangles is also equal. From here we get:

S ∆ABO + S ∆AOD = S ∆DCO + S ∆AOD

in this equality, the same triangle appears on both sides - S ∆AOD, which allows us to reduce it. We get the following equality:





  1. on the side BC acute triangle ABC how a semicircle is constructed on the diameter that intersects the height AD at the point M, AD = 80, MD=64, H- the point of intersection of the heights of the triangle ABC. Find AH.

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To begin with, let's draw a triangle and a semicircle, as stated in the condition of the problem (Fig. 1).

We mark the point of intersection of the circle with the AC side with the letter F (Fig. 2)

BF is the height of the triangle ∆ABC, since for a circle ∠BFC is the inscribed angle that is supported by the 180° arc (BC is the diameter), therefore:


According to the “two secant” theorem, we have: AF * AC = AM * AK

Now consider the chord MK.

Segment BC is the perpendicular to segment MK passing through the center of the circle, so BC is the perpendicular bisector.

This means that BC bisects the chord MK, i.e. MD = KD = 64 (see problem statement)

Consider the triangles ∆AHF and ∆ACD.

The angle ∠DAC is common for both triangles.

And the angles ∠AFH and ∠ADC are equal, moreover, they are right angles.

Therefore, according to the first criterion for the similarity of triangles, these triangles are similar.

From here, by definition of similarity, we can write: AC / AH = AD / AF => AC * AF = AD * AH

Earlier, we considered the equality (by the two-secant theorem) AF * AC = AM * AK, from which we obtain

AM * AK = AD * AH

AH = (AM * AK) / AD

From the figure we find:

AM = AD - MD = 80 - 64 = 16

AK = AD + KD = 80 + 64 = 144

AH \u003d 16 * 144 / 80 \u003d 2304 / 80 \u003d 28.8

Answer: AH = 28.8